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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
THE NORTH- PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, i OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS FA JIM rukeau news service SUPPLIES ITEMS FOR THE TRIBUNE READERS It was Invposslblc this year to ar rangb tor an exclusive Farm Bureau camping on the state fair grouirds. STow'evef. arrnncpmpfitn hnvn dm mada by tho Nebraska Farm Bweau' Federation to accomodate campers at UpwotCh La'ko park -where a tent can be secured for $7,00 for the entiro period, of the fair. J. N. Nort6n, In charge ol he organ-1 . ization work of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation will so to Platte 'cotinty Oh August 15 to take up tho matter of inaugurating a membership campaign in that comity about tho mmuie ol beptember. When tho mem- bersHp campaign closed laBt spring; it was tho intention to suspend mem - bership solldltatlona unjm early In . October. Platto countv. howover. was anxious during tho spring to conduct a campaign and had arrangements maflt , at that time. Now tho harvest is over thoy are anxious lt get their orgnnlza- tion starred. James R. Howard, President or the American' Farm Bureau Federation, will deliver an "address at the Nebr aska stato fair -on Thursday, Septem ber 8, Ho will speak In the auditorium on the state lair grounds. Arrange ments are also being made to secure a spealter from among the congress men and senators who aro affiliated iwith the "agricultural bloc". Presi dent Howard was obliged to cancel several important dates in order to como to Nebraska on "Septem'ber 8. but consented to come wlion advised that It would give thousands ot "Nebr aska farmers their only possible op portunity of hearing him. President Howard in the last two years lias be come the foremost leader in agricul tural circles and has always sot a message that farmers should hear. D. B. Heaton of tho American 'Farm Bureau and J. N. Norton of tho "Nebr aska Farm "Bureau Federation have been engaged for speeches at auum- AUGrST'27tIi Tho Convention to "be held in LINCOLN COUNTY 0 dCBOOl h Norm ruatte, Nebrasira. Each Sunday School is aSked to have t full delegation in attendance at the Convention. 0" SATURDAY, AUGUST 27tli, COHOrENClXG AT 10: 30 a. an. will be the business day of file Convention-; do not fail to attend it. It will be full of interest to each Sunday School Worlccr in the Count'. OX, SUNDAY, .AUGUST 281 h Each of the Churches in North Platte will hold thefr regular seryices Sunday morn3ng. In the afternoon all of the Sunday Schools are asked .to meet at.fl.he Presbyterian Church -at 1:30 p. m. -when the Convention will re-convene for the afternoon and evening serviues. FOR AFTERNOON, AUGUST 2tli. 1:30 p. in. The convention convenes with Prayer and Song Service led by Rev. Standsberry of Maxwell. 2:00 p. m. An Address by "Red Fox," "Indiuh Chief." 2:30 p. m. W. H. Kimberley Rtfll Call of -Schools asking for reports from each for the year. 2:45 p. m. Reports of the Officers of the County Associa tion. 3:00 p. m. Address by Miss Margaret Ellen 3irown, Gen. Sec. Stxiie Association. 3:30 p. m. Report of Nominating Committee n Officers for County Association for ensuing year. ' . 3:45 p. m. The Collection of Funds from' the Various Schools and the Congregation. 4: 00. p. m. Round Table Talk, led by "Wilson Toot. The Discusssion of the Work for the Coming Year In the County. 4:30 p. m. By Rev. C. Fnmklin Koch "The Duty jf the Church in Assisting in Sunday School Work." 4:45 p. m. Song Service and Closing to 7:30 p. m. EVENING SESSION 7: 30 p. m. Song and Prayer Service led by Rev. Knlgbt of Hershey. 7:45 p. m. Roll Call of Schools by W. II. Kimberley, S : 00 p. m. Address by Margaret Ellen Brown Her Trip Around the World to the Great Tokio Convention. 8:45 p. m. "The Support of the Sunday School Work What Should it Be?" By the Ministers of North Platte. 9:15 p, m. Report of Committee on Place of Holding the Next County Convention. Closing by Singing "America." J. H. EDM1STEN, Pres. her of picnics during tho coming two weeks. Mr. Hcaton will speak at tho following jrfcnfca: Wobffer County August, 15 Hamilton County August 13, Dawson, County on tho 17th; Hall county on tho 19th; Washington Co unty on tho 22nd; Furnas County on tho 23rd; Clay County on tho 24th; Richardson County on tho 25th and DohglaB on tho 26th. Norton will speak ; at Blmllar gatherings In Otoe, County on the 10th j Hamilton countji (Mar quette) on tho 11th and Colrax county on the 18h. All or tho picnics aro un der the auspices of tho Farm Bureau, oxcopt Saonders county rtilch Is an old settlers picnic and Clay county wn,ch ,s a Miners' union picnic Poultry raisers aro o keenly In terested In bettor stock that tho days of thfe scrub flock Bcem numbered. Out 1 ot 75 Webster county Itarmers who In one May enrolled In "the "Better Sires - Better Stock" campaign, G5 roport- c,i Rtandar,i bred fowls. Tho prlncl breeds reports! are. in tho order namo(1 Piymouh Rocks. Leghorns, fjfhodo Island Rolls, Orpingtons, and wyandotes. Barred Plymouth Rocks Vere nu)re numerous than any oUior varieties of tire breed. White Log- omg predominated in that brodd and white Wynndottcs were more popular .t t t fim-nn- mft In tno better "sires campaign many fannorH emphasize tho qually of their ipoultry. Not only do they report tbat they sure using purebred males, but in most insances the fcmnles are 1 also standard bred. Boys may now enter the University School ot itgriculturo nt "Lincoln at tho ago of Trtxteen years. This reuuc ion in tin entrance age limit Vas made on account ot the large number of applications from 1G year old lioyB to cnSer -Biiiool this TaR, It lias been apparent to the faculty -of this "stato school far some timo thait many boys especially tho more ambitious Kind, desire to complete their agricultural education as early as possible. Thoso who enter school al 1G wiTl "be through at 20, an'd thus will bo prepared to give the 'best years of (their early life to getting a good start rtt farming and stock raising. The University 'School of Agriculturo teaches practical'tarm 1ng and stock raising, and every boy who is at all interested In this Tgriat field shoiid invesfrgnte What it 'Iras to offer. The reduction in the entrance age limit will accommoflato a "con sideTablu number of' 'boys. Tho school's enrollment Is usually -About onvemio AND 2Stli, 1921 the Presbyterian Church ;at: i MRS MARY ELDER, Sec. 300. Fanners In forty-flvo counties of Nobraska aro listed In tho Nebraska certified Beod list uBt Issued by tho College of Agriculture. Kanrcd wheat, Nebraska's Improved Turkey Red, wheats known ap Nobraska No. 6 and Nebraska No. 60, White Kherson oats known as Nebraska No. 21, Minnesota No. 184 Barley and Rosen ryo are list ed. All ot these grains havo superior qualities. Kanred wheat Is outylold- ing ordinary Turkey Rod wheat from three to four bushels, as aro Nebraska No. G and. No. GO wheats. Nobraska "No. 21 oats is outyloldlng ordinary Kher son oats sewn to eight bushels on tho avertgo. Rosen ryo Is superior to ordinary ryo and Is becoming popular In the ryo growing sections of tho stato. Farmers In tho South Platte section of tho state who grow Mlnn sota No. 184 barley aro well pleased with It, Certified seed Is seed exam ined In tho Hold by representatives of tho College of Agriculture. Tho hls wji of tho seed Is traced to bo Biiro that tho seed Is truo to name Mix tures of other grains, diseases, noxi ous weeds, etc. are noted. If more than a mere trace of them uro found tho Hold is rejected and not certlilod. If accepted tho trace ot Impurities, If any is listed. A list ot farmers grow Ing certified seed may bo obtained y writlng tho College of Agriculture at Lincoln for Circular No. 108. H. D. Lute, Bocrotary of tho-Nobras ka Farm Bureau Federation will go to Washington on August 10 to assist in preparing tho cauo ot ttoe middle western grain and liay shippers who aro seoklmr a reduction in freight rates at a hearing to be held before tha interstate" commerce commission on Augus 15. The "hearing "was grant ed by tiro interstato commerce conv mission 'upon the request 'of the mill die jvestcrn railway commissions who oxnect to show that tho prosflit freight Tatcs are entirely out o't pro portion with tiro prices being paid for agrlculturn'l products. The sov oral Tallway commissions have called upon tiro Amoftcan Farm BurenuFed eratlon to present the 'economic "side ot the 'question from tho farmers' standno'lnt for which duta is being prepared by the "Farm Bureau Feuara tinn's Chicago statistician. Tliorno Browne, mcmlrer of the Nebraska Tall way commission called upon MT.i.iUto F. M. 'Dbwccsb'oi the "Rebraslca "Farm Bureau Federation legal department and J. W. Shorthlll (St tho Nebraska Co-operative Grain and Livestock As Btoclrttion to gather "oata regarding frolglit n-ates In Nebroslca. Mr. Lute. and Mr. Shorthlll will testify -t tho WashruBton hearing. Tlnrril women's cliibs looking for something of real valivo can well at ford to 'turn thtdr attention to propar ing for tho coming Trchool year, ac cording Ho a now circular of the Stato College of Agriiculturu. There aro many little things Which can be done fnr nvnrairo country schwol at small expense unll'MfhWh will bo o much Taluo and comfort for fh child ren.lan country sellouts are ttoplor- ably lalfing in drinking witter "facilit ies, and a'hysicaiis are --unanimous J tlio opinion that people -do nbtMlrlnl u-iitmv Tin von remember I the old' witor pall Which you were compelled to patronize when -Tho!ii'r woiild ilelecitte two vnntiL'stors to tramn half a mil down the country mad unalug bnCk tliree-gallon pall of warm water, L-miiJnh thlTtttv boys and -cifls -oon drain to tho last drop, antl thonren duvM tho rest of the day with almost parched throats. Many schools still havi ramnhaiklo tolltit facilities Which areta disgrace to any 'community. little timo ana a llttlt monuy would relievo this slnutlon. Tliero uro thlims about 'many schools which would soon bo remedied It tf'Q women offho com munlty would 1and together and iw touso a little latent pride. Tarents interested In their chllrcn 1iavhg bet ter schools should obtain a coiry ot this circular. Ask for wtnneiff. club outline No. 2. :o::- XOOAL AND PERSONA! Wm. Miller transacted business in Maywood Satwrday. C. A. McMullen of Omaha transacted business In tho city Saturday. Mrs. Glenn Connor of Kearney came Saturday to visit Miss Eiwna Everett Austin Miles returned Saturday from Alllanoo where ho spout several weeks. Miss Noll Norton of fit. Joe, Mo. ar rlvod yesterday to visit at the IV. It Malonoy homo. Mrs. A. Johnson returned to her homo In Newman Grovo Friday after visiting relatives. Howard E. Hart of Omaha returned to his home Friday after vi<ing frlendB In tho city. A North Platto Picnic was hold In Los Anglos Saturday nt which many old timers got together. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tramp and daughter and Mr, nnd Mrs. J, H. Krauso left Sunday for the Black Hills whore they will spend two weeks. I WITHOUT LOVE a& By ELSIE CL PARKER. 4& ( 1IJ1, br McClur Nwippr SjrodloaU.) The weatlier jvns bracing as Margo walked home from tho Dnysvlllo post olllee, jet her footsteps lagged. In her hand wero two bulky letters. To the kindly neighbors, who took much Interest In Mnrgo nnd her career, these letters always fat ones wero a joy. Margo was an authoress, you must understand. Oh, yes, she wroto ninny, many stories; but only sho know that they were nil unpublished. Tho vil lage folk thought the reason she re fused to talk about her stories was modest one. They did not under- f-tniul the meaning of the thick envel opes which contalued rejected innnu M:rlpts. Three years ago Marge hhd a lovo nffalr. All Daysvlllc had known It, and had thrilled nt It. Then one day, In the city paper's society page, there liatl been an announcement: "Miss liny Dey Uutnn betrothed to Mr. Rob ert benedict," "Ills" nainel Marge's sweetheart 1 Evcryotto was Indignant; nnd Margo Wrote him a brief note telling him never to try to see her again. Those three long years had gono by slowly. Antl Marge, now an ar dent ninn-lmtcr of twenty-two, was an atuDioress. Vet her works could hurd ly too called stories; they were sat Ipos. AH the scorn who felt for "man" rfiie embodied la her manuscripts. "Love!" sho would say. "Love! JEvoryone writes, of It, sings- of It, dreams of It. Not II Here-Is ono Who would not write of love, but will lnugh nt It. It's nothing but n farce, anyway!" And she really thought she believed It. Consequently, back came nil her stories, accompanied by a polite llttlo rejection slip, i In the city, Bob Heneulct had risen from a newspaper reporter to assist ant iwmugor and editor of n snort story magazine. Ami, rvbllo reading some of tho numerous, manuscripts one day, lie ame upon die written by n Marge Wilcox of Daysvlllc.. It was no other than the -girl Wh had "tlmvsvn Mm ovcr" without an ex pliinatlon!! With increased Interest he rvreiul Hie utmry ahat rldlotlbl lovo ami men. 'JUive, but die's blttor:i Maybe t5tte ow jlltofl bee, ns she "did me. KUe 'deserves W but mo, confounfljtl Slw :imi4 have had .u .good rotson;" he rawed. At 'length !je (persuaded iEm editor to let tihn csporlniont, and -send the ' irouang liltuar : . f J 4'Aunr Maiidiir: "Wo renll your un wsnal -story, Orecn Apples,' "With much totorest. Although ait present we can wot use tho story, we would like to havo, onTostlme'in the near tf uture, nn ppor.f uiilty to 'talk with fou nbouc some -woi'k you 'might do ifor us. "Mery liviHy .yours. ".THE EDITOIt." Wlmn ..Margo .rewlved 'till letter dhu "was verjis'en. 'In Tact, -ho nlmo?t j'hiuwd her opinion of men. She wnrtt ed itH go rt the Alitor the next (Inf. tt, ot cmsrsc, 'thut woillS loolc too viiaux. S(mIio wiilUfd two whole tluy. All ji-troiuhlv, sl renchett the bitlkl Sng wi tore itlie niagf.zlne wa publl?hrl. She Wld ;the ollluo boy tluit the rd itor !hnd inskert 'lior to mil. He was not :tA. all Impressotl, but, Indifferently, SKi'k tier nnnio 'tOMtard 'thumlltorlnl -offices. "Tlut -editor -is lout, miss, 'but the n ttistant -wlllfAoe ynit." he snlfl, wlion-lw jvtiutnod. I" She giispod, when She opened the door -and saw who .was In the rxm. 'MCou3" "Witr, largel" (sculnliimU the a fdsumt editor, trying ,to look very much rfflirjirlHfid, .ant" to control IiIk sliiiklag knees. "Yom wuutttd to se nie-Hl nueiin, the editor wxote tuiu the letter will ex jtlann uhe jiassed tlilm the loJtur. Ah, yws, AIlss WIIchk," he said, very "eJltorlaJby." "Won't .you Hit down? We feel jwm .hit.ue talent, and are wast ing yourseif on tlls jiutlre stutT. What the public wants Is the love Interest ol- human interest Now:, ,a good wholo Koine lovo rtoi;y Ktuids laore " "If you wished to hw me to tell ,me to write lov Kforlos, 1 might .first ins well bo going. J''or 'I ion't Intend ttu wrlti any," she inld, .deflnntly. V"Vou ilon't n'Xd to ivrltojovc stories, liter you do netil to luivu storlus wltti liiMiuin IntereHt" Aro you trying f toll me my Bttrics aro Inliimjiiny' tho ttrl de iinuU'd. N, but I think you n-ere lniiimmu when you wrote me that letter three jeai ago with nary nn explanation." "Wliy. why " stainintnud Marge, eomiilloly overwhelmed br the unx IMvtedness of the remark. "The an nouncouiont In' the ituper," Ji suiij liutii'ly. "What iinouneeinent'" xnajlped the axf-Ntunl editor. "Your gagement." "J never w,is engaged to anyone but you. and nev;r will be. Didn't It ever occur to you that someone eluo might bear the xum name that I do? And remember thl. young woman, you're not n'olng away Horn this city till n certain Judge friend of mine grants me u xpculal Hcciiko and a certain min ister KJiys cortnlu words binding ones, loo. "Ioir( you know, dear, that we cunt llvo Miecosjfully without love, Just as we cant wrlto successfully without It?" And at last Marge did uudeistund. EdfKierig, j) Auctioneer. General Form Sales A Specialty, ali Ileal Estate References and Daiei First National Bank. North Platto, Nebraska. Office 340 HousolW Bit. w. i. Shaffer Osteopath Physician Ovor tho Oasts. North PlatU GO TO II. & V. FEED STOItE For Millet Seed and Food Phono 639W HKRM1NGHAUSEN Ss FKOMAN. OTIS It. PLATT, M. Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Dlagnoslpand Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union Stato Bank. Office Phono 2D6 Houso Phono 123CJ Y. t. ritiTCHAiti) Grnduato Veterinarian Ex-GoVernment Votorlnarlan and ox assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hot pltal Phono G33, Houbo Phono G33. I) IIS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, (!. 7 llulldlng & Loan Iluiltllng. Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 1243 I)R. J. 11. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases ol Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113. Residence C40J WYLIE WALKER Expert Piano Tuner and Ropalrer. Leave orders at 914 W. 4th St. Or Phono 334. GEO. R.DENT Physician antl Surgeon Special Attention Given to Snrgerj nnd Obstetrics Oftlce Building & Loan Building Phono: 'Office 130. Rosldenco 111 i. . HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Oral Prophylaxla Mouth Hygleu Phono 307 Twinom BId8 Office Tihorio 241. Res. phono 217 L. C DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Hank Building Office "Phone S3 - Residence 38 im. HAROLD FENNER Ostcopnth OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020 DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray i Calls Promptly AnsworCd Night or Day Pliones Office C-12, Residence C7C DERRYRERRY & FORBES. Licensed Embalraors Undertakers nnd Funeral Director? liny Phono 41 Nlu'bt Phono Black ASS NOTICE At tho special meeting of tho legal voter or School District No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will bo held at the school houso on Mon day. August 22, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. tho proposition will bo submittal to tho voters of raising tho budget $f. bovon Hundred Dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will require a.lovy not to oxcoed ono hundred mills on tho dollnr of tho as sossed valuation of said district. A. P. McCLELLEN, Director. NOTICE At tho spoclul mooting of tho legal votors of school district number 47 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will bo held at tho school house on August 15, 1921 at two p. m., tho prop osition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of $1100.00 to conduct tho District 47 school for tho coming enr, This will roqulro a lew not to fxceod ono hundred mills on tho dollar of tho nBsessed valuation of said district. C. C. BOWMAN, Director HOW DOES IT SOUND TO YOU? 0 room modern excopt heat on flno corner lot nt 001 west 4th. A good homo In a real location at $5.G00; easy torms to right party. A nlco flvo room cottago, modern excopt heat at 804 cast 3rd street Big lot, nlco trees and garago; prico $4200 THE II. & S. AGENCY has them. NOTICE At a special meeting of tho legal voters of school district number 112 of Lincoln County, NobrnBka, which will bo hold at tho .school houso on August 16th, 1921, at 1:00 P. M., tho proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of Ono Thousand lollars to conduct tho Dis trict 112 school for tho coming year. This will roqulro a levy not to excoed one hundred mills on the dollar of tho assessed valuation ot said district. J. B. CRAIG, Dlrootor. (Hoagland & Carr, Attomoys.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPOHT Estato no. 1734 of E. It Raworth, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nobraska, to all per sons Interested In said estato tako notlco that tho Administrator has fil ed a final account and roport of his ad ministration and n petition for final settlement nnd dlschnrgo ns such which havo been sot for hearing boforo said court on August 23, 1021, at 10 o'clock a. m when you may appear and contest tho snmo. Dnted August 1, 1921. WAT, H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) Countyt Judge (J. C. Hollman. Attorney.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1782 of Nottlo A. Yoho. de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per sons Interested In said estato tako notlco that tho Executors have Hied a final account and report ot their ad ministration and a petition tor final eottlomont and dlschnrgo as such which havo been sot for hearing before said court on August 23, 1921, at 10 o clock a, m when you mny appear and contest tho same. Dated August 1, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judgo, (Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.) NOTICE OP FINAL REPORT. Estato No. 1C10 ot Evangolino Gough, docoasod, in tho County Court of Lincoln Couhty, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per sons intorestod in said estato tnko no- olco that tho Administrator has filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration and a potltlon for final settlement and dlschnrgo as such which have boon sot for hoarlng be fore aald court on August 23, 1921;, nt. 10 o'clock a, in., when you may appear and contost tho same. ' Dated July 29, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. (John Grant, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS -Estato No. 1826 ot Georgo Lannln, do coasod, in tho County Court of .Lin coln County, Nebraska. , Tho State of Nobraska, : Credit ors of said ostato will tako notlco that tho timo limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said oetato is Novombor 30, 1921, and for Bottlomont of said estato is July 29. 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room in said County on August 30, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m, and on Novombor 30. 1921, nt 10 o'clock a. m., to rooolve. oxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust alt claims nnd objections duly flled. Dated July 29, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. (Hoagland & Carr, Atornoys.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1827 of Glonn Scott, do consed, In Uio County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss. Cred itors of said estato will tako notlco that tho timo limited for presentation and illlng of clnlms against said EsJ tato is Novombor 23, 1921. and for settlement of said Estato if July 23. 1922; that I will sit at tho countv court room In said County on Au gust 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock, a. m., and on Novombor 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to rocolvo, oxnmlne, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly illod. Dated July 21, 1921. WM. H. O. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judgo. , NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR DE TERMINATION OP HEIRSHIP. In tho County Court, Lincoln County, Nebraska. In ro John M, Dawson, docoasod. Notlco is horoby glvon to Charity J. Dawson, John V. Dawson, Charles L Dawson, Frank G. Dawson, any T DawBou, Laura J. Mooro and to all othor .persons both creditors and heirs, Interested In tho ostato of John M. Dawson, docoascd, that a petition was filed In tho County Court ot Lin coln County, Nebraska, August 1st, 1921, in which was set out a facts that John M. Dawson died July 31, 1902, that at tho timo of his doath ho was a rosldont of Lincoln County, and was solzod in feo of tho Northeast Quarter of Section 2G, Towushlp 9, Rango 20. West of tho Gth P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho peti tioner Arthur D, McNlcklo is now tho ownor in feo of tho said promisos and prays for n determination of tho time of tho danth of tho decedent, and a de termination or tho heirs of said de ceased, tho dogroo of kinship and tho right of doscent ot tho real property belonging to tho deceased. That the timo for hearing said potltlon bus boon fixed at September 1st, 1921, at 10 o'clock n. m. by tho County Court. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. WELLS C. JONES, 151 Attorney for tho Petitioner.