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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1921)
WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH OCR DESK COMB HIGH Tug Wilson, who had been helping Nate Trego during haying, wus ar rested by tha gamo warden In McPher- son county for hunting chickens with out u liaensc. At tho samo tlmo Louis Kammorer was arrested. They wero taken to Tryon, whero County .Tudgo It. J. Stack Imposed a fino of $49.25 on WllBOn and $24.25 on Kammorer. Tug says that chlckons como high at that price, especially when you lose tho chickens and your gun. Sutherland Courier. .RHILI3T? K. It. Rhlloy and Jack Rotitson re turned Iiwiiq Tuesday from South Da kola . King was a little backward toll ing us about tho auto races held at Sturgls the 27th anl 28th, but wo un derstand that ho made his usual show ing and returned homo with more smashed records to his credit. Ho es tablished new records for the half- mile, mile and one other stato records. Nino states woro represented. Mr. Rhl ley is now getting tho boat In shape to ontor tho Plko's Peak race somotlmo this month. Oshkosh News. MELONS NEXT Readers- may got ready to attend our melon party. Tho watormclou vino In our front window Is using up all of our string, and has produced forty six blossoms thus far. Wo havo suc cedcd in making two flowers count for something by playing bee. Wo mixed tfio pollen betweon blossoms with n tiny camol hair brush, and will you bollovo it? Wo havo four tiny molons showing up. Dut you will havo to bring a spy glass to sco thorn. Bet tor wait until you rocolvo an Invita tion to our watormolon party. Goth enburg Independent. NOT GUILTV .The llttlo itom In this paper' laBt week in regards to tho Boy Scouts taking the south sldo road from North Platte, brought a roply In tho form of a letter from Ira L. Baro, Soc'y. of tho Chamber of Commerce of that city. Mr. Bare advises us that tho North Platto business men woro in no way responsible for tho Scouts leaving tho Lincoln Highway, and sayB that tho Scouts woro instructed at olthor Sid ney or Ogallala to leavo tho Lincoln Highway at North Platto. Mr. Baro furthor says, tho night borore tholr departure tho Scouts woro advised by tho business men of North Platto to stick to tho Highway, and ovoryono in North Platto was susprisod to loam tho next morning that thoy had takon tho south voad. Brady Vindicator. CORN They say "Pride goeth boforo a full" and tho editor 1b inclined to bo llovo it is true. Last weok ho folt so Do Your Headaches HoadachoB arc duo to various caus os, and tho chiropractor who knows his business will not promlso immedi ate rollof, though ho si quite otteu able in ono adjustment to stop, tho aclio. Thero aro stomach headaches, bilious headaches etc., an in each case tho causo Is tho samo, namely: weak ened transmission of norvo impulses to the organ at fault. By chiropractic spinal adjusments tho causo is re moved, and tho victim of chronic head aokes once more onjoys health. HEALTH BEGINS When your health boglna dopouds on when you telephone No. 70 for an appointment Drs. States & States, Tho I. S. C. Chiropractors. Building and Louh Dnildtag North Platte ' Nebraika. good about having sweet corn on the Wednesday four miles west of Wallace and covored a spaco of twenty mllcfi. I It Is said thoro was two feet Of hall 1 stones on tho level. I as early as tho first weok In July. Ho also advised us that ho allowed n few oars to maturo and on July 24 he planted some of this years crop and now wo learn ,that this planting Is up and Mr. Richmond Is confident that with a lato frost ho can have another crop of Bweet corn by tho latter part of September. Wo will bo Interested to know how this second planting will do. HOOCH AGAIN A man who was Insane from the effects of too much "hooch," Jumped from passenger train No. 20 last Sat urday evening as tho train was pas sing thru Lexington. No. 20 doesnt stop hero and passes through Lexing ton at Its regular rato of speed ana how this follow escaped being killed Is a miracle. Aftor tho train had passod ho appeared In tha east part of tho city with his face and head all scratched up and considerable blood--upon his person. Tha pollco wero called and he was takon to Dr. Olson, who upon examination found ha was nono tho worso from his ox 'Dorlonco so far aB injury was con corned. Sunday he resumed his Jour ney, his destination bolng Pittsburg Penn. Lexington Pioneer. GOOD WHEAT In our writo-up last week on the yield of wheat on tho Koch place on tho south sldo, wo issuod a llttlo de fy" that tho ylold was tho best wo had heard of up to that tlmo, and that If anyone could boat it, to kindly roport samo. Tho J'uTofy" was answered by Houry Llndekugol, also on tho south Bldo. Ho reports that ho had 52 acres on sod ground that avoraged 29 bush ols por aero, and 20 acres on oats ground that Averaged 22 bushels por aoro. This wheat was of splendid quall.y. Now, tho Times man Is not trying to croato any antagonism be twoen our good farmers, JuBt merely frlondly rivalry. Wo arc moroly en doavorlng to find out what tho best yields are and to lot our deadors know who aro raising good crops. Wo contin uo tho "frlondly defy". Tho 29 bushel uvorago mentioned abovo Is the re cord now, who can boat it? Let us hear from more of you. Horshey Times. :o:- LOCAL AND VFJlSONU Mrs. Reed of Brulo visited friends in tho city Saturday, Mrs. Loafio Dlmmick returned Fri day from a visit In Grand Island. MIbb Fern Stevens roturnod to her homo in Lincoln Saturday aftor vislt- inc at tho M. E. Martin home. Miss MaryvMorrow returnod to her homo In Scotts Bluff Saturday aftor visiting at tho W. R. Maloney homo. Mrs. John Dick and daughters left Friday for Chicago to visit at tho homo of Mrs. Dick's slstor Mrs. Rasmussou To whom aro you going to sell your Hnw nmi nmtn? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. . , Harrison Tout left Saturday for Col umbus. Nobr. to spend a week at Camp Sholdon which Is tho stato Boy Scout Camp. Make You Ashamed Do your hoadachet como at times that causo you ombarrassmont and an noyanco? Tho victim of headaches is nourly always sure to bo "knocked out" just at tho climax of Borne effort us In tho hurry and rush to get ready for 'daughter's woddtng, or a lawn party, or a vacation trip. muuurraimumuwiri CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DI5EASE3 "-THE FOLLOWING i HEAD EVES CAWS NOSE THROAT XT ARMS .0" urftDT LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS DOWELS CHbladder I LOWER Coluw LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AMD HEALTH) TO THEIR ORGANS AND T155UE5 mnnnnnimnmni THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE FARMERS TAKE NOTICE You can buy a 500 or 1000 bushel grain bin, ventilated to save your grain and I am sure you dan save tho value of tho bin in six months. Phone 517 or write Wm. Waldorf, North Platte, Nebr., 2nd door north of tho Post Office. NOTICE .1 I II I ! ! There will bo an examination at the federal building at North Platto on August 12. for the position of post master at North Platto under tho civil service department of the Koyern mont. Candidates will not bo required to roport for examination 'but will bo rated on tho following subjects (a) education and training 20 por cent (b) business experience and fltnoai 80 por cent, total 100 per cent, inoao interested should call on tho Clerk of tho local Civil Service Commission, Pofift Office Building, Nonth Platte, for particulars. Hoaglond & Carr, Attys. LEGAL NOTICE To all persons intorestdd in tho cs tato of Rudolph Thanol, docoased. You aro horoby notified that on tho 6th day of July, 1921, Mark L. Smith, Administrator of tho estato of Ru dolph Thanel, deceased, and ono of tho defendants In tho action brought by Gcorgo II. Smith to forocloso u mortgago upon tho real estato owned by said ostato, filed his anowor and croBS-petltlon hi said forechTsuro proceedings, and In his cross-petition prays for a license to sell Lots 1 and 2 of Section 7 arid tho W of the 9E& of Section 0, Township 16, Rango 27 West of tho Gth P. M. for tho payment of dobts allowed against said ostato and allowances and costs of administration, alleging that thoro Is not a sufficient amount of persona) proporty on tho possession of said Mark L. Smith, Administrator, to pay said dobts, and prays that tho moneys Idorlved from tho salo of Bald propor ty to bo first applied to tho payment of said debts and allowances, and if in sufficient to pay all of said dobts, al lowances and tho mortgago which the plaintiff George H. Smith iB fore closing, thon that the balance of thn real estato of tho said estate, bolng Lots G and 7 and tho E of tho SWyt of sad Section, G, bo sold and that tho widow's homestead interest in said quarter bo decreed and set asido to hor out of tho proceeds of said sala. WHEREPON it fs ordered that all persons intorested In said estate ap pear boforo mo at Chambors in the city of Sidney in Cheyenno County in this Judicial District on the" 3rd day of September, 1921, at tho hour of 10 A. M. to show cause, if any thero bo. why a liconse should not bo granted to said Mark L. Smith. Administrator, to sell and allow to bo sold so much of tho abovo described real ostato of said Rudolph Thanol, deceased, a? shall ho nccessarf to pap tho above described debts and expenses. N J. L. TEWELL. .Tudco of tho District Court RESOLUTION. Resolution Providing for tho Calling and holding of an Election' to Autho rize tho Issuing and Salo of Bonds of Lincoln County, State of Nebras- , ka, In tho Amount of Ono Hundred SIxty-Fivo Thousand Dollars ($1G5,000.00) to Pay for tho Ropairs, Construction and Reconstruction of Certain Bridges. WHEREAS, tho following described brldgos, to-wit: Tho Birdwood Pre cinct bridge over tho North Platte River north of Sutherland, between Section HnoB Four (4) and Five (5), an,i Eight (8) and Nino (9), Township Fourteen (14), Range Thirty-three (33) West of tho Gth P M.: tho South Platto bridge over tho South Hatto River, south of Sutherland, located oo. the north and south center line in Eectlcn Thirty-two ('.V2 Towifehlp Fcwicon (14), Run.-jo Thirty-threo (. West of tho Gth P. M.; the Her shoj hrldgo ovor tho North Platto Riv er north of Horshey, located on see tioa lines between bectluiu Eight (8) anl Nino (9). Towuf.h'.p Fourtcon(14), Range Thirty-two (32) West of tho Gth P. M.; tho Bostwlck bridgo ovor tho South Platto River Bouth of Her- shey, located betweon Section Twenty- eight (28) aid Twenty-nino (29.) and Thirty-two (32) and Thlrty-thrco(33), TowiiBhip Fourteen (14), Range Thirty-two (32) West of tho Gth P. M.; tho North River bridgo ovor tho North Platto River north of North Platte, locatcH in East Half (E) of Sec tion Twonty-oight (28), Township Fourteen (14), Rango Thirty (30) Wost of tho Gth P. M.: tho Osgood Bridgo over tho South Platto Rlvor, Bouth of North Plalttq. located In Wost Half (W) of Soctlons Four (4) and Nino (9), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty (30) West of tho Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway bridgo ovor tho North Platto Rlvor, oast of North Platto, located on sea tlon lines botwoen Section Thlrty-flvo (35) and Thirty-six (36), Township Fourtoon (14), Rango Thirty (30), and Soctlon Ono (1) and Two (2), Town- shlp'Thlrteen (13), Rango Thirty (30), all West of tho Gth P M.: tho Max woll bridgo across tho Platto Rlvor, located through Soctlon Twonty-oight (28), Thirty-two (32), Thlrty-threo (33), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twonty-oight (28), and Section Six '6), Township Twolvo (12), Rango Twonty-oight (28), all wost of tho Uh P. M.; tho Brady bridgo across the "latto River, located through Soctlona Glovon (11), Fourtoen (14), Fiftoon (15), Twonty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), T5wonty-Blx (2G) and Twonty sovon (27). Township Twolvo (12) Rango Twonty-fiovon (27), West of tho Gth P. M., liavo boon damagod duo to tho oxtromo arlgh water caused by Hoods in tho North and South Platto Rlvora during tho month, of Juno, 1921 to such nn extent that they havo boon conjiomned for passago by tho Board of County Commissioners of IJncoln County, and; WHEREAS, It is necessary for tho County to ropalr, construct or rocon struct said bridges and approaches Immediately so aa not to sorlously in convenionco tho public and to pro tect such portion of tho brldgos now standing, mako all of tho bridges passablo and safo for travol, and; WHEREAS, thoro aro no funjdfl in tho Treasury of tho County avallablo for said purpose and tho said amount is far In excess of tho ordinary rovo- nuo derived from taxation and tha County Board, cannot levy a tax aa flclont to defray tho said cost, audi WHEREAS, tho Boand of County Commissioners deem it expedient, de Blrnblc and proper to lssuo and sell negotiable bonds of tho County, to bo styled and known aa Internal Ijn provoment bonds of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In denominations of $1000.00 each and numboml from : to 1G5 inclusive in tho sum of $165,' 000.00 for tho aforesaid purposo, and; WHEREAS, tho Board of County Commissioners is authorized by the laws of tho Stato to submit to tho qualified olectorB of tho County the question of issuing said bonds and of lovying tho necessary tax to pay tho lntorest and principal of such bonds as tho samo becomes duo, and, WHEREAS, it is apparent and It is estimated that tho cost of tho ropairs constructtnn and reconstruction of the abovo described bridges, Including tho approaches thereto, it at lease tho sum of $165,000.00. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED by tho Board of County Com missioners of tho County of Lincoln, in tho Stato of Nebraska, as follows: Sec. 1. That a special election of the qualified electors of the said Coun ty of Lincoln, bo and is horoby called and ordered to be hold on the iGtli day of August, 1821, betweon the hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock P. M., for tho purpose of votlntr unon tho question of issuing and soiling mo ucgouaDio Donas of the County, to uw siyieu anu Known as Internal Im provemen botrJIs of Lincoln Countv Nebraska, in denominations of $1000.00 each and numbered from l tn ir.K in. elusive, in tho sum of $165,000.00 tho saiu bonus to Dear an Interest rate oi o por cent per annum, on counons attached, payable cemi-anntiallv nt uio omce oi tue county Treasurer of Lincoln County. Nebraska. nnd $16,500.00 to become duo and payable ton (10) years from tho date of issuo; $16,500.00 of said bonlds to become due eleven (11) years aftor dato of ibsuo; $10,500.00 to become duo and payablo twelve (12) yearn after rintn OI issue; S1G.500.00 to become duo sin.i payablo thirteen (13) years after dato ot issuo; $10,500.00 to become duo and payaoio fourteen (14) years after date of Issuo: S1G.500.00 aue anu payable fifteen (15) years af ter Jdato of issuo: S1G.GOO.00 to bimm duo and payablo sixteen (10) years auer uate oi issuo; $1G,5C0.00 to bo come duo and payable seventeen (17) years after dato of Issue; $16,500.00 to uocome auo anu payahlo olcrhtccn fl8 years aftor (dato of issuo; $16,500.00 io Dcomo uue and payablo nineteen Ui; years after dato of Issue: and thn safd bonds to bo issued for tbo pur pose of paying for tho ronalr. rrm- strnctlon or reconstructioon of tha following described bridges, includ ing tue- approaches thereto namely: tho Bfrawood1 Precinct bridge ovor tho North Platte River north of Suther land between Section lines Four (4 and Five- (5) and Eight (8) and Nino (!tt, Townsb.ii Fourteen fl4). mmtra Thirty-three (33) West of tho Gth P. m.; tno south Platto bridgo ovor tho South Platto River, south of Suth erland, locatpd on north and south comor llrto of Section Thirty-two (32), Township 14, Ranjro 33. west of thn Gth P. M.;tho Horahoy bridgo over tho worm 1'iatto River nonth ot Her shy, located on section linos between Section Eight (8). and Nino (9). Town- Bhip 14, Rango 32, West of tho Gth P. M.; the Bostwlck bridgo over tho South Platto River, south of Horshey, located botwoen Section Twenty eight (28) and Twenty-nine (29), and Thirty-two (32) and Thirtv- threo (33), Township 14. Range 32 Wost of tho Gth P. M.; tho North Riv-. or brlldgo ovor tho North Platto River north of North Platto. located In East Hair (E) of Section Twenty-eight tzsj, Township Fourteen (14). Ranee Thirty (30) Wost of tho Gth P. M.; tho Osgood bridge ovor tho South Platto River, south of North Platto, locatod In Wost Half (W) of Sec tions Yur (4) and Nino (9). Town ship Thirtoen (13), Range Thirty (30), wost or tho Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway bridgo over the North Platto Rlvor, oast of North Platto, lo catod on soctlon linos botweon Sec tlons Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36), Township 14, Rango 30 and Soc tlona Ona (1) anH' Two (2), Township 13, Rango 30, all Wost of the Gth P. M.; tho Maxwell bridgo across the (Platto Rlvor, locate)! through Sec tions Twonty-oight (28). Thirty-two (33), Thlrty-threo (33), Township 13. Rango 28, and Section Six (6), Town- snip 12, Rango 28, all West of tho 6th P. M,; tho Brady bridge across tho Platto River located through Soctlons Klevon (11), Fourteen (14). Fifteen (15), Twonty-two (22), Twonty-threo (23), Twenty-six (26) and Twenty- seven (27), Township 12. Rango 27 Wost of the Gth P. M., all of said bridges bolng located in said County, Sec. 2. That at said oloctlon tho following question shall bo submitted to tho oloctors of the County anVl printed upon tho ballots to be used thoreat, to-wit: "Shall Lincoln Connlv. Nnhrnnkn flssuo and sell tho nogotiablo bonds ot tho County, to bo Btyled and know as Intornal Improvement bonds ot Lla coin County, Nebraska, in donomlna tlons of $1000.00 each and numbered from 1 to 165 incluslv.o in tho sum of 4165,000.00, to bear iuterest at Bix (6) per cent por annum, payable semi-annually, and $1G,500.00 of such bond Issuo to becomo duo and payablo ton (10) years from tho dato of thols is auo and $16,500.00 ot such lssuo to be como duo and payablo oach yoar after said ton (10) year porlod until all aro paid; tho said bonds to bo issued for tho purposo of paying for tho ropalr, construction or reconstruction ot tho following described bridges in said County, Including tho approaches thereto, namely: tho Birdwood Pre cinct bridge ovor tho North Platto Rivor north of Sutherland, botweon Sections lines 4 and 5, and 8 and Township 14, Range 33 West of tho Gth P. M,;tho South Platto bridge over tl South Platto RlVor. south of Suther land, locato-d on north and south cen- tor lino of Section 3Z, Townsnip n, Rango 33 West ot tho Gth P. M.; tho Horshoy bridgo ovor tho Norut riatto River north ot Horshoy, locatod on Soctlon linos botweon Sections 8 and K Township 14, Rango 32 West of tho &th P. M.: tho Bostwlck bridgo ovor tho South Platto Rlvor, south, ot Hor shoy. located botweon Soctlon 28 and 2D. and 32 and 33. Township 14, Rango 32 Wost of tho Gth P. M.; tho North Rlvor Bridgo ovor tho North Platte Rivor north of North Platto, locatod in East Halt (E&) ot Soctlon 28, Township 14, Rango 30 Wost ot tho 6th P. M.; tho Osgodd. bridgo over tho South Platto Rlvor south ot North Platto. located in West Half (WW.) of Section 4s and 9, Township 13, Rango 30. Wost of tho Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway bridgo ovor tho North Platto River east of North Platto, located on section lines between Sections 35 nnd 36, Township 14, Range 30, and Section 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango 30, nil Wost of tho 6th P. M.; tho Max well bridgo across tho Platto Rlvor, locatod through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Rango 28, and Soctlon 0 in Township 12, Rango 28, all Wost of tho 6th P. M.; tho Brady bridge across tho Platto Rivor, located through Sec tions 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West of the 6th P. M., and shall an annual tax bo levied sufficient to pay the interest on sucu uonus as it accrues and to pro vide a sinking fund for tho redemp tion of such bonds at their maturity." FOR issuing nogotiablo bonjds of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to be styled nnd known as Internal Improve ment bonds of Lincoln County, Ne braska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclu sive In the sum of $165,000.00, as. abovo described. AGAINST issuing negotlabio bonds 3f Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be styled and known as Internal Im provement bonds of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, In denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 JncluslYo in tho sum of $165, 000.00, as abovo described." Sec. 3. That tho County Clerk shall proclaim and givo notlco of the placas and time of holding such election as by law required, and he is hereby ordered and dlrectdi to give such no tice of such election by publishing for four (4) weeks prior to tho said date ot said electioon in tho North Platte Telegraph and tho North Platto Somi Weokly Tribune, official newspapers of said County, and likewise by pub lishing for four (4) weeks priorvjto saii dato in tho following newspapers, to-wit: The Sutherland Courier, Wal lace Winner, Hershey Times and Brady Vindicator, and also by posting or causing to be posted a copy of tho election notice in at least throe -(3) public places in each of tho election precincts in tho County not less than twenty (20) days prior to said date of such election, and such notice shall embrace and stato tho question to be submitted as hereinbefore set out and recited", and the said Clerk Is hereby empowerea anu instructed to take all such other and further steos aa mnv bo necessary to proovldo for tho hold ing or sard election, printing tho bal lots thorofor, furnishing the necessary tally-sheets or books anil atatfonnrv with which to conduct tho election and ascertain the returns, nnd to fully pro- vine ior ana conuuet said sDecial nlec- tlon as is required by law to conduct genoral County elections and obtain returns thereof. Sec. 4. Tho votimr nlaces where this election shall bo held aro the reg ular voting nlaces at which genoral elections are held in tho various wards or precincts of tho County, and at which said polling places tho last Genoral election was held. Passed and aDnroved this 11th dnv of July. 1921. E. W. SPRINGER. T. M. CAHAGEN, HENRY COKER, County Commissioners. Attest: A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. (SEAL) SPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION AND NOTICE. To the Voters of Lincoln County, Ne- urusKu: By virtue of a resolution duly en acted by tho Board ot County Com missioners of said Couny, notlco is hereby given that on tho lGth dnv r.f August, 1921, between tho hours ot 8: oo o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock P. M. at tho polling places designated bo- low, a special election will bo held of tho qualified eolctors of said County on tho proposition to issue and sell nogotiablo bonds of said County, in tho sum of Ono Hundred Sixty-five Thousand ($165,000.00) Dollars to bear Interest at tho rato ot six por cent (6) por annum, pay ablo semi-annually on coupons at tached, and Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred ($16,500.00) Dollars of said bond issuo to become duo and pay ablo ten (10) years aftor tho dato of issuo and Sixteen Thousand Five Hun dred (510,500.00) Dollars of said bond issuo to becomo due and payablo in each yoar aftor said ten (10) year per iod until all aro paid and the purpose for whifch said bonds aro to bo Issued is to provide funds for paying for the ropalr, sonstruction or reconstruc tion work for tho following described bridges in said County, includl ig ap proaches thoreto, namely: The Plrd wood Precinct Bridgo over tho North Platto River north of Sutherland, bo tweon Section linos 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango 33 West of the Gth P. M.; tho South Platto Bridge over tho South Platto Rlvor south ot Sutherland locatdd on north and south center lino in Section 32, Township 14, Range 33 West ot tho Gth P. M.; tho Horshoy bridgo over tho North Platto River north of Horshoy, located on Soctlon lines between Soctlons 8 and 9, Township 14 Bango 32, Wost of tho Gth P. M,; tho Bostwlck Bridgo ovor tho South Platto Rlvor south ot Hor shoy locatod between Sections 28 and 29, nnl 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 Wost of tho Gth P. M.: tho North River bridgo over tho North Piatto Rlvor north ot North Platto, located in East halt (E) ot Section 28, Township 14, Range 60 West ot tho Gth P. M.; tho Osgood bridgo ovor the South Piatto River south of North Platto locatod in West halt (W) ot Sections 4 and 9, Township 13, Range 30 Wost of tho Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway Bridgo over tho North Platto River oast of North Piatto, locawa on Section linos between Soctlons 33 and 3G. Township 14, Rango 30, and Section! nnl 2, Township 13, Range 30, all west oi tno utu r. m.; tao Maxwell Bridgo across tho Platto Riv er, located through Sections 28, 32, 23, Township 13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Township 12, Range 28, all West ot tho Gth P. M.J the urauy uriugo across tho Platto River, locatod through Sections 11. 14; 15, 22, 23, 2G and 27. Township 12, Rango 27, Wost of tho Gth P M.; and tho question nnd proposition embraces, also tho levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay tho interest on said bonus as it accrues and to provldo a sinking fund for tho redemption of said bonds at their ma turity. And the question shall bo submit ted to tho qualified electors at said election and appear upon tho official ballots thoreat in tho following man ner and form: . "Shall Lincoln County lssuo and sell tho negotiable coupon bonds of tho County, to bo styled and known aa Internal Improvement bonds of Lin coln County, Nebraska, in denomina tions of $1000.00 oach anti numbered from 1 to ICR inclusive, in tho sum ot $165,000.00, to bear interest at six nor cortt (6) per annum, payable semi- annually, and $16,500.00 of such" . . , ..... i i bona issuo to uecomo aue mm iia ablo ten (10) years from dato of their issuo, and $16,500.00 ot such issuo to bocomo duo and payablo each year after said ten (10) year period until all aro paid; tho said bonds to bo is sued for tho purposo o paying for tb.e repair, construction and reconstruc tion of tho following described bridg es in said County, including approach es thereto, namely; tho Birdwood Precinct Bridge over tho North Platte River north til Sdtheflanjd, betweoit Section lines 4 &nd B, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rangfl 89 West tit thd 6th P. M.;tho South Platto Bridge Over tho South Platto Rvor south ef Suth erland, located on north and South center lino in Section 32, Township 14, Rango 33 West of the pth P. M.i tho Hershey bridgo over the North Platto River north of Hershey.'localed on Soctlon lines between Soctlons 3 and 9, Township 14, Range 32, West ot tho 6th P. M.; the Bostwlck brljdge over the South Platte River south of Hershey, located botween Sections 23 and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 West of the Gth P. M.; the North River bridge over the North Platto River north of North Platte, located in East half (E) of Section 28, Township 14, Rango 30, West ot tho 6th P M.; the Osgood bridgo over tho South Platte River south of North Platte, located in West half (W) of Sections 4 and 9. Township 13, Range 30 West of tho Gth P. M.: tho Lincoln Highway bridge over tho North Platto River oast of North Platte, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 36, Township 14, Range 30, and Sec tions 1 and 2, Township 13, Range 30, all West of the 6th P. M.; tho Maxwell bridgo across the Platte River, located through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Town ship 12, Range 28, all West of the 6th P. M.; the Brady bridge across the Platto River, located through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27, Township - 12, Range 27, West of the 6th P. M.; and shall an annual tax be levied suf ficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it accrues and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds at their maturity." "FOR issuing negotiable bonds of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to be styled an(d known as Internal Improve ment bonds ot Lincoln County,, No- baska, in denominations of $1000.00 oach numbered from 1 to 165 inclu sive in tho sum of $165,000.00, na above- described." , "AGAINST issuing negotiable bonds ot Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be Btyled and known as Internal Im provement bonds of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclusive inthe sum of $165,00.00, as above described." The polling places for holding of this election phall be tho regular polling places nt which general elec tions are held in the following pre cincts and wards of said County, and at which said polling places the last General Election was held: Antelope Brady Buchanan - Birdwood Box Elder v Cox a Cottonwood Deer Creek Dickens ' East Hinman Fox Creek - ' Falrview Gaslln : . Garfield i Hall Hlmon L ' u . Hooker ' - 3 " Horshey ' Harrison - Jeffroy ' 1 Kom Lemon Maxwell - 1 Miller Medicine Myrtle Nowell North Rosedalo Osgood Payne . ! Plant Peckham Roscdale - Sollors Somorsot Sprlngdalo Sunshine " ' ' Suthorland. Tablo Vroman . Walker Wallace , . Well Whlttlor Willow 1 I 1 North Platto First Ward Second Ward Third WarU Fourth Word , Wltnoss my hand an official Wl this 11th day ot July, 1921, (SEAL) A. 8. ALLBN, County Clerk