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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1921)
NORTH, PIATTJD "SEMI-WEEKLY, TRIBUNE Scmi'eeklti Sribune. WIltSON TOUT. Kdltor nnd Publisher, Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco ns Second Class Matter. SUIlSOltU'TION PBICEt One Ycnr, In ndrnnce $2.00 PMIIAY, AUGUST fifh, 1021. KDITOBIAL. Only a short tlmo ngo a papor dol lar wag almost a curiosity. Now thoy arc common. Somo pcoplo Hko thorn bettor .than sliver and somo not bo well. Wo heard one ' man say ho "would like a llhoral supply! of lench. That sounded good to u. One day not long ago ho said ho liad a dolltir in niokbls anil it folt good to have thoih In his pookots. That would ho nlco! Tho Union Pacific is Interested in the erection of an adequate building hers although Its Intorest has never been expressed In a definite statement as toj it financial support of such a proposition. Tho hospitals wo havo aro nlrrjght as far as thoy go but thoy aro njpV largo enough to meet tho needs of. tuprfylfy and thoy are privately own 00ft tlial somo of tho physicians and sUJgoons io not fool tho Interest In thehn that would bo shown if thoy wore independent of any school of inoiJlcine or tho domination of any doctor or group of doctors. . ::o:: Tho now gamo laws requlro Ilshdrman. to return to tho water- all catfish which aro loss than olovou inches in length oxcopt bullheads. Thoj open season on catfish is during tho whpjo year. Tho ponalty for witching and keeping a catfish undor olevon .Inches in, length is flvo dollars. It is now necessary for each Usherman to carry a measuring stick of some kind, but ho need not carry a calendar. MIhb Ellen Erlckson ontertalned Tuesday ovenlng at a swimming party In honor of MIbs May HopkinB of Om aha who is the houso guest of Mrs. Barnum. Tho young folks gathered at tho Erlckson homo and went to tho Community Bathing Beach whoro thoy enjoyed a swim. Tho remainder of tho evening was spent in playing games at tho homo of Miss Ellon mm dalnfty rofroshmoiUs were served. '..'Jultf 19 Mlnorva Siogelin and hug-! hand to Jas. "Welsh, lot 19, Dauphln'tf subdivision of lot 20 and part of lot 25 of Clarkson's subdivision of NEVi, of Sec. 29, T. 14, It. 33, $2260. Jul 23 W. L. Crlssman and wife to Matilda Kop, lot G, block 10 Taylor addition, $400. , July 28 W. L. Crlssman and wife tc Ella A. Scott, lot G, block 4, South, .Park addition to North Platte, $1700. July 28 II. L. Pennington and wife to Alfa M. Olbbs, lot 29 Banks' BUbdf-i vision of SV4 of Seo. 8, T. 13, 11. 30, S1000. July 28 Jas. E. Pace and wife 16 Fred Marti, lot 12, block 7, Cody's' second addition to North Platte, $1COO. "To Crots the Rubicon." The Itubicoti Is tho uuelont name ol a stream flowing into tne Auriutic, which formed the boundary between Cisalpine flaul nnd Italy proper. The phram1 "to cross the Uublcon" has come to mean to take an Irrevocable step, from the familiar story of Its passage by Caesar, who, by crossing It In 40 II. C. virtually declared war against jtlio republic. The modern Lubo, called by the peasants on Its banks II Uubicone, has, claims to be ing the ancient Uublcon, but argu ments preponderate In favor of the Flumlclno. m Watch For It! Wait For It! The Greatest Sensation of All Time The publicity man for was In our afflco tho other day. told us that SollB-Floto had Increased Thero will bo a big dinner at tho Country Club Sunday whon tho women golfors will entertain tho young men's ' golf team at dinner. Tho story Is that i some time last spring tho younger rao'i the circus 0f the Club won from tho oldor men In Ho , a pfilf tournament, thn loRnrn fr elvn . . r U . 1 .. .. M. . . mo young mon a dinner, men tun mo longtn or its cars to sovonty reel women golfers challenged tho young and that 16 required 58 trains to carry tho show a' lot of other things too. Wo aro go frig to find out how much of tho nhovo lsl'truo 'find then wo will know how much of tho other things ho told ua aro truo. One of tho things ho said was that tho show lost moiioy nil through tho cast but that it was mak ing o.pensos and bettor slnco it stnrt cd west. He said the farther wont It wont tho bettor tho receipts were. Tho show In in Grand Island on Fri day, North Plntto on Saturday and gives a matinee in Storling on Sun day and on to Denver Monday and Tuesday. cars In two men t0 tl gorJes of games and In tho He told us tournnmcnt which followed the womon lost. The dinner Sunday is to pay for this dofcaL It will bo held at tho Country Club and tho latest reports aro that tho oldor mon will Join Uio womon golfers In honoring tho young or mon with tho dlnnor. Candidate for the Greatest Undertaking of AH Time Will be Here Next Wednesday. Aaigtist 10th Wo aoknowlodgo an invitation to tho. Shrlno Club plcnlo and own up tqvo.ur acedptanco. Wo Journeyed to tjicpan yori in tho back seat of tho car with W. d. Sholvor at tho wheol. It was a fine 'trip both ways. Tho onjy bad thing about tho trip was that wo ate too much chicken nnd lco creani. Somo of tho fat mon undortook; to. run a, race and mado an aspect of them selves. Thoy wore too full of tho goo-1 things wo had for suppor. Somo ot tho fellows trlod to sing but mado a horrible out of It and laid it onto oac ing too much. Wator was scarco but thoy had plenty of coffoo and lemonade. Wo 'didn't see anything stronger al though wo did see tho moon shtno on tho hills. Now wo would llko to ho a Shrlncr. Tho transfor of tho General Hospital .recalls to our mind tho statomont if tho different doctors of this city that thoy' would willingly glvo up their prl yato hospital If on adequate building Would ho put up and oporatod bv fjoino church or other organization. This should bo dono next year. North PlnUo is by far tho largost city in Nobruska without a largo contrnl hon- pltal wo aro told -and It should not bo Tho Shrlno Club of North Platto on tortalned tho families ot tho Shrlners at a plcnlo In Moran Canyon south oast of horo last ovonlng. About 250 peoplo woro present. Electric lights Illuminated tho grounds, n group ot Instrumentalists furnished nccora- panlmont for tho songs and a big plc nlo suppor satisfied all. Evoryono en joyed tho moonshine and tho fire works gavo a gala appearanco to the art ii T.nrin nnnoi- hnllnnna wnrn rn. InnRAil frnm tlmn tn fltnn tvhlln crrniinn I far up on tho side of tho canyon add ed palciios of color to the groon hills. was something doing all of tho tlmo and whon tho rovellorB loft at a lato hour thoy acknowledged' ho Shrlno Club a master 'host. ' , Shoes Worn by Chinese Women. Many young Chinese womeu have ndopted western shoes, but those who grew up In the days before foot bind ing was forbidden still wear tho tiny, rcsplcndently embroidered shoes that have no counterpart In all the world. Roughly, those shoes ore of two types: one, which has a fair-sized heel made on the shoe for outdoor wear; and an other, which has no heel, for Indoor use. Tho latter, however, may be fitted with a looso heel held In posi tion by tapes If the lady wishes to walk abroad- Keith Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tues. FAMOUS PLAYERS -IASKSf CORPORATION' frtatnt bielnsideo me Cup A Cosmopolitan Production. a QtoramounlQiduK IIKAIi KS'VATi: TIlAXSFEltS. i July 10 Jas. C. Moone and wlfo toi Geo. M. Ackorman, an undivided ln toroat In tho SEVi of NW andUot 3, 4, 5, 0 nnd 7 Soc. G, T. 13, It, 30 and SEVi of NEVi and lots 1 and 0 Soc 1, nnd part of lots 2 and 6 T. 13, R. 31, $25,000. July'23 Geo. II, Caswoll and wife to Thoron L. Wiggins ot al W Soc. 2C, T. 10, It. 20, $8,000. July 20 W F. P. Lawlor to John S. Davis lot 4, block 2, Patterson's addi tion to Horshoy, $500. July 28 Edw. Bird to W. C. Greou, lot 11, block 8, In Gamblo's addition to Horshoy, $700. July 10 Kolth Novlllo und wife to Geo. E. Mncoy, lot 7, block 3, Flynn'a addition to North Platto, $335. "Meet Him Face to Face" at Ten. VOTER'S ATTENTION! This Is Your Opportunity. Don't Miss It. Watch for the Final Announcement in These Columns. BBS LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IK TUB VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. LUTHERAN 9:40 Church School. 11:00 Sermon by tho Rev. Eb'rlghfc of Omaha. Oak W Also Southeran Exposure 2-reel comedy. EPISCOPAL Guild will hold exchange of food, children's rompers, dresses, aprons and fancy work at Mal6ney's store Sat urday. . , 9 ................. Combination Sale will bo hold at I Besicks. Livery Barn it u on East 5th and Pino St., on a Saturday, Aug. 6th, SATURDAY FECIAL! Sale beginning at 2 p. m. sharp. If you havo anything you wish to sell havo it at tho salo pavll llon by Saturday noon, August 0. 218 E. Front Sa. Phono 231. E. L. CAN A DAY, AUCTIONEER. AT THE Sft Keith Theatre Friday ana Saturday. ervice Station, 30x3 1-2 Firestone 6000 mile tire $12.50 31x4 Firestone 6000 mile tire $15.50 33x3 1-2 Firestone 6000 mile tire $16.50 32x4 Firestone 6000 mile tire $18.50 33x4 Firestone 6000 mile tiro $19.50 Farmers Special 25-LB. PAIL 4 BROTHERS AXLE CREASE $2.45 in Saturday, August 6th. Special One Day Only 2 Tall Cans Salmon 2Sic I Tall Can Fancy Red Salmon . . xv.ri 29c 25 Bars Swift's White Laundry. Soap 99c 1 Dozen Fancy Oranges ; 24c 3 Large Rolls Toilet Paper '. .'. . . .21c 1 35 Cent Can Calumet Baking Powder , 28c 1 5 pound dan Calumet Baking Powder 99c FREE DELIVERY CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS,' Gamble & Springer, FOUR STORES Mrs. J. C. Shields left this morning for Reno, Colo., to visit relatives. A baby girl was born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Wcller at tho Geuorr.l Hospital. All concerned aro doing nicely. :o:: Sufi TheaJre Sunday and (Monday NOTICE Wo call to your memory again that wo aro putting forth all efforts to gather an exhibit for tho State Fair as well as tho Countv Fair. Lincoln' Countv must fin Ua lipsfv nril Minfl'l means that wo aro all to do our ut most to gather up something of all j kinds of agricultural products such as tamo and wild grnsses, grains, etc. It Is now just about a month until wo must load our car which must reach Lincoln not later than September 2. Wo wnnt to put this over In first clasa ; shape. If thoro Is anything you want, to Beo me about in regard to tho ex hibits call atv Union State Bank on Saturday afternoon or call 1130 it G:30 In the morning. E. A. OLSON, In Charge of Agricultural Exhlbita A 1-quarl sealed can of medium Sinclair Motor Oil will be y given lree with every 10 gallon gasoline purchase and SI size ffi can of Cold Patch with every tire purchase TELEPHONE 820 Jest6 L'LUky m pretend el Clayton "2ffie Price n 0f Possession A Hugh rd Produclin CE Cparumounl Qiclure Vlso 2-reel coihedy. Want Ads III i nil I 111 mi Wanted To buy a good tennis racket. Call 430J. Stolen Crown bicycle, 2 brass plugs In front tiro. L. I. Tucker, Phono G98J. For Snln Cucumbors, any bIzo any! quantity. Order now. Doollttlo. Phono 788F31. WANTED A Second hand Ford. Roadster proforred but would buy touring car. "Writo P. O. Box 297. Sutherland Nebraska. For Salo or Trade For form loase and equipment near North Platto, an improved Irrigated 10-acre tract closo to. Fort Morgan all In alfalfa. Five room houso, etc, Flno location, deal with owner. Address Howard RUo, Fort Morgan, Colo. Sane from "PUPPETS OF FATE," Starring VIOLA DANA Also "I Do" Harold Lloyds latest comedy For ItciU Office C05 North Locust. Phono 1209J. ' For Snlo By owner, 26x40 1 story house, living room, dining room", kltchon, four bedrooniB, threo closets, pantry, bath room and 12x14 base ment. Two 50 foot lots, with oloctrlo lights, city wator and telephone, Walking -distance from High School Perfect title and no Jncumbranco Priced for -Immediate sale nt J5000.00 Call at BOS South Chestnut or phone 853W.