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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE MILITARY HONORS AJtE HKST01V. EI) ON IIF.RO OF LATE WORLD WAR. Requiem High Mass was said by Rov. Patrick McDald TueBday morn ing over the body of Charles Mathers, a fallen hero of the late world war. Tho American Legion was In chargo of the services and tho body was laid In Its flnnl resting place in Fort Mo iPhoraon cemetary. Charles W. Mathers was tho son o Mr. and Mrs. A. Mathors and was born at Hcnrtwell, Nebraska Dec. 13 1899. Ho spent most of his boyhood days here and moved with his parents to Lincoln County June, 1910 and settled on n ranch In North Rosodalc precinct' In 1917 ho enlisted in tho service of his country at Fort Logan, Colo, and was sent to Ft. Leavonworth, Kansas and assigned to Company F. Seventh U. S. Englncors. In 1918 ho left wltu his command for Camp Morrlt, N. J. with the Fifth Division and on March C ho sailed for Franco, arriving in England on tho 18th. Aftor a few days spent In Southampton ho sailed for Hnvro, Franco whoro ho entered tho zone of war, Ho was with one of the first battalions to enter Gorman ter ritory. On October 15, Private Mathors was wouncd in tho Meuso Argonno offensive. Hfo died of I1I3 wounds October 21, 1918, a hero of iwnr. He leaves to mourn his death ,a fathor and mother, flvo brothors and flvo sisters. ::o:: Details of tho capturo an,i death of "Old White," tho ferocious loador of n pack of wolves that for years caused groat destruction among live stock on Boar Springs Mosn, Colo., nro contain ed in a report rocoived recently by tho Hurcau of Biological Survey, United States Department of Agriculture Tha capture lacked some of tho moro spec'1 tncuiar eiomcnts marking tho pass-' ing or tno now famous "Custor Wolf,' but In many Ways It is looked upon art among tho most notable kills made thrqugh tho skill and patlonco of Government huntors In tholr work of ridding tho cattlo ranges of tho West of predatory animals. Early Jn tho spring, by tho clover strategy of one r.f the huntors, tho mate of this animal and ono of tho lenders of tho pack wps captured, and it was thought that "01,i White" would then fall a ready vic tim. But ho proved more difficult, for although sovoral good chances to get the old follow occurred, on oach trio to "the Government traps he would "stop lucky," ub tho huntor described It,. Finally (the huntor selected a fnvi.tnble spot and placed four traps In a blind set, and It was lu thoso that tho maraudor wns caught. "Old Whlto" has a black history and caused losses in live stock amounting to'g many thousand dollars. For 12 years ho roamed tho Bear Springs Mesa -country. Ono ranchor alone lost about $6,000 worth of live stock through his I depredations. - 1 ::o:? : ' 1 ' NOTICE Thoro will be an examination at the fodoral building at North Plntto on August 12. for the position of post 'master at North Platte undor tho civil Borvico department of tho irovpru-1 tnont. Candidates will not bo roqulrod 1 to roport for examination but will bo ( rated on the following subjocts-v(u) education and training 20 per cent (b) buslnosB oxporlenco and ntrte 80 por cent, total 100 por csnt. 1 nuao interested should call on tho Clork of , tho local Civil Sorvico Commission, I IPon(t Office Building, North Platte, j for particulars. I ARTISTS RECITAL TWO CHICAGO ARTISTS APPEARING IN JOINT RECITAL SECOND DAY OF CHAUTAUQUA Wo aro to be congratulated in appearlng on our Chautauqua program. Alice Phllllpi has a brilliant dra matic soprano voice. The Musical Nows says "Alice Phillips ia poaaosiod f a fine and powerful -fplce, excellsnt concert style and stage presence." William Phillips U an operatic baritone. The Musical Leader says "Mr. Pkllllps has an evenly developed voios, powerful and resonant; tone rich, : ) Arfttnatlc and vibrant In quality". Their voices blond beautifully together "'n axd they sing with a clarity of diction that gets every word "over" to tha audlsnce. A Joint recital by two artists who will sing aongs you know aad Joy. At North PlatteAug. 21 to 25. TICK CIRCUS WITHOUT A HEAD ACHE" SAYS A GREAT AMERICAN DAILY. The advertising manager tolls ltd that the Boston American on Tuesday, June 1, 1920, in summing up tho feat ures of tho Solls-Floto circus, said: "All told, Sells Floto is the circus without a headache." Ho Bays there's a reason a reason you'll see when "the second largest show ou earth" comes to North Platte on August 13th. That reason is speed. Speed Is the one word motto of Solls-Floto, spood throughout tho big show. The program presented in threo ring's and two stages, an aerial mazo and a track by feature acts, and feature acts only nearly four hundred artists in all. They move. Thoro Is no stalling, oven by tho highest act in the world tho Hanneford troupe of rldors, with "Poodles," tho greatest equestrian clown, recently of tho New York Hip podrome. All of the big acts work fast; thoy hardly havo time to bow, boforo the next display Is on except for the encores for "Poodles," who always lias to ride two or throo times oxtrn. Tho crowds sec to that. And tho clowns I. Thero are no harvest hands, canvas mon and Iron puddlors in white-face with Sells-Floto. Here arc sotno of tho funny men "Poodles" of, courso; Spador Johnson, known for sovoral years as "tho funniest man In the world." Lorotte, tho renowned clown cop; Earl Shipley, Joseph Je rome, Lindsay, Jack Lyons, Koplln, Le Mogo, Shorty Maynard with his giant fighting roosters; Carlos Gayor, Cy Green, Floyd Short, Billy "Ward, Al Sylvester. Billy Scott and over thirty more TheBO aro clowns, who havo llttlo fun productions, with Props anl- mal assistants and real ideas. Thoy, t0o, constitute a reason Solls-Floto'e n circus without a headache. SCHOOL NOTICE. For Sale School house, woat end of District No. 5. at publis auction, Aug. 8 to bo sold at school house at 3 oclock, torms cash, ten (days to remove building. C. A. Orrln, Fred Simnnts. Frank Purdy. Phono 798F13. Vidcanizmg Tiros, Tubes and Ac cessories. FERD STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and Locust g Phono 525W, j3OOOD0KK3aaoOttaOKJCta0acKH3 MR.EPICURE TELLS YOUi having - two of Chicago's leading artists M HOME MILLER Hotel Rome J rl65 Jackson Jfol NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Huntors and trosspassors aro warn ed that they will bo dealt with accord ing to law. C. H. Watt, T. S. McCrone, Pat McGraw, Henry P. Hansen. To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estato No. 1831 of JobIo O'Haro, de ceased, in tho County ourt of Lin coln County, Nobraska, Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested In sald Estato, take notlco that a peptllon has been filed for tho probating of tho last will and testament of Joslo O Haro, docoascu, and tho appointment of Anna O'Haro as Executrix of said Estate under said will, which has been set for hear ing horoln on August 9, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. in. Rated July 15. 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) a County Judge. Hoagland & Carr, Attys. LEGAL NOTICE To all persons interested in tho es tato of Rudolph Thanel, deceased. You aro hereby notified that on the Cth day of July, 1921, Mark L. Smith, Administrator of tho estato of Ru dolph Tunnel, deceased, and ono of tho (defendants in tho action brought by Goorgo 1L Smith to forocloso u mortgage upon the real estato owned by said estato, filed his answer and cross-potltlon In said foroclosuro proceedings, and in his cross-petition prays for a license to soil Lots 1 nnd 2 of Section 7 arid tho W of the SWi of Section G, Township 10, Rango 27 West of tho Gth P. M. for tho payment of dohts allowed against said estate and allowances nnd costs of administration, alleging that thero Is not a sufficient amount of personal property on tho possession of said Mark L. Smith, Administrator, to pay Bald debts, and prays that tho moneys Idorived from tho sale of said proper ty to bo first applied to tho payment of said dobta and allowances, and If In sufficient to pay all of said debts, al lowances and the mortgago which the plaintiff George H. Smith Is fore closing, then thnt tho balance of th'j real estate of tho said estate being Lots G nnd 7 and tho E of the SW14 of sal Section G, bo sold and that tho widow's homestead Interest in said quarter bo decreed qnd set asido to her out of tho proceeds of said sale. WHEREPON It 1b ordered that nil persons Interested In sad estato ap poar beforo mo at Chambers In the city of Sidney in Choyonno County in this Judicial District on tho 3rd day of September, 1921, at tho hour of 10 A. M. to show cause. If any there bo. why a license should not be granted to said Mark L, Smith. Administrator, to soli nnd allow to bo sold so much of tho nbovo described real estato of said Rudolph Thanel, deceasod, as shall bo nocessarf to pap tho nbovo described dents and expenses. J. L. TEWELL. Judge of the District Court RESOLUTION. Resolution Providing for tho Calling and Holding of an Election to Autho rlzo tho Issuing and Salo of Bonds of Lincoln County, Stato of Nobras ka, in the Amount of Ono Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($165,000.00) to Pay for the Repairs, Construction nnd Reconstruction of Certain Bridges. WHEREAS, the following described bridges, to-wit: Tho Blrdwood Pre cinct bridge over tho North Platte River north of Sutherland, botweon Soction lines Four (4) and Flvo (5). and Eight (8) and Nino (9), Township Fourteen (14), Raugo Thirty-three 133 j wost or uie Gth P M. ; tho South Platto bridge over the South Ilatto River, south of Sutherland, located oa the north and south contcr line 111 Bectlcn Thirty-two (::2. Township Fo.ineon (14), Run;?n Thirty threo (.. Wost of tho 0th P. M.; the Her shej brldgo over tho North Plntto Riv er north of Hershey, located on sec tion lines between Sacthou Eight tS) unl Nino (9). Towiihh'n Fourteen (14), Rango Thirty-two (32) West of the Cth P. M.; tho Bostwlck brldgo ovor tho South Tlatto Rivor south of Her- shoy, located between Section Twenty olght (28) aiii Twenty-nlno (29.) nnd Thirty-two (32) nnd Thlrty-threo (33), Township Fourtoon (14), Rango Thlr ty-two (32) West of tho Cth P. M.; tho North River brldgo over tho North Platto River north of North Platte, locate in East Half (EV) of Sec tion Twenty-oight (28), Township Fourteon (14), Rango Thirty (30) West of tho 6th P. M.; the Osgood Brldgo over tho South Plntto River, Bouth of North PlaXW. locatod in West Halt (W) of Sections Four (4) and Nino (9), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty (30) West of tho 6th P. AL; tho Lincoln Highway bridge over tho North Platto Rlvor, oast of North Platte, located on soc tion linos botweon Soction Thirty-five (35) nnd Thirty-six (36), Township Fourteon (14), Rango Thirty (30), and Soction Ono (1) and Two (2), Town ship Thlrteon (13), Rango Thirty (30), all West of tho 6th P M.; tho Max well brldgo across tho Platto Rlvor, located through Soction Twonty-oight . (28), Thirty-two (32), Thlrty-threo (33), Township Thlrteon (13), Rango Twonty-clght (28), nn)l Soction six (6), Township Twolvo (12), Rango Twonty-olght (28). nil wost of tho 1th P. M.; tho Brady brldgo across the Platto Rlvor, locatod through Sections Eloven (11), Fourteen (14), Flfteon (15), Twenty-two (22), Tweuty-threo (23), "Ewonty-slx (26) and Tweaty Bovon (27), Township Twolvo (12), Rango Twonty-eoYon (27), WeBt of tho Gth P. M., hao boon dnmnged duo to tho extreme rlgh water caused by floods in tho North and South Platto Rlvors during tho month of Juno, 1921, to such an oxtent thnt they havo boon conjlomned for passago by tho Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, and: WHEREAS, It is necessary for tho County to ropalr, construct or rccon- struct said bridges and approaches Immediately so as not to seriously Inconvenience- tho public and to pro tect such portion of tho bridges now standing, mako all of tho bridges passable and safo for travel, and; WHEREAS, thoro aro no funjds in tho Troasury of tho County nvailable for said purposo and tho said amount Is far In excess of tho ordinary rovo nuo derived from taxation and tho Coun,ty Board; cannot lovy n tax suf ficient to defray tho said coat, and; WHEREAS, tho Boar)! of County Commissioners deem it expedient, do- slrablo and proper to Issue and sell uogotlablo bonds of tho County, to be Btyled and known as Internal Im provomont bonds of Lincoln County, Nebraska, In denominations of $1000.00 each and numbera;! from 1 to 1G5 Inclusive In the Bum of $165, 000.00 for tho aforesaid purpose, and: WHEREAS, tho Board of County Commissioners is authorized bv tho laws of tho Stato to submit to tho qualified electors of tho County tho quostlon of issuing Bald bonds and of levying tho necessary tax to pay tho mtorest ana principal of such bonds as tho same becomes duo. and. WHEREAS, it is apparent and it la estimated that tho coBt of tho repairs, constructlnn and reconstruction of the above described bridges, Including tho approaches thoreto, It at lease tho sum of $165,000.00. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED by the Board of County Com missioners of tho County of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Nebraska, as follows: Sec. 1. That a special election of tho qualified electors of the said Coun ty of Lincoln, bo and Is horoby called and ordered to bo held on the 16th day of August, 1821, between tho hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock f, ai. ior tue purpose of voting upon tuo question of Issuing and selling the negotiable bonds of tho County, to bo styled and known as Internal Im provomen botnlJa of Lincoln Conntv Nobraska, in denominations of $1000.00 eacn anu numoored from 1 to 1G5 in clusive, in tho sum of $165,000.00 the said bonds to bear an Intnrfist of G per cent per annum, on counons attached, payable coml-annually at mo oince or tno County Treasurer of Liincoin county. Nebraska. nnd $16,500.00 to become duo andjpayablo tun ivf years irom tue uato of Issue; $10,500.00 of said bonlds to become duo eleven (11) years after date of issuo; sig.50Q.00 to become dim nnd payable twelve (12) years after date ui iobuu, iu,ouu.uu to oocome due nn,i payable thirteen (13) years after date of issuo; $16,500.00 to become duo and IHiynU A lOlirrpPll M41 vnnra - - J U UlbUI luaio or issue; ?16.500.00 to become uue ana payable fifteen (15) years af ter Vlato of Issue; $16,500.00 to become uue anu payable sixteen (16) years aftor date of issuo; $16,500.00 to bo como duo and payable seventeen years after date of issue; $16,500.00 to uocomo uue ana payable elehtoen MR years aftor (date of issue; $16,500.00 to iicomo uue una payable nineteen (19) years after date of issuo; nnd tho said bonds to be Issued tor tho pur- iiuse oi payinjr ror tho ronalr. nnn .siruccion or reconstructioon of th.- uuiowing aeaenbed bridges, includ ing tue approaches thorifn nnmniv tho BIrlawood Precinct brldgo over the North Platte Rlvor north of Suther land between Section lines Four (4) and Five (5) nnd Elcht f8 (!. Township Fourteen (14), Range imny-uiree west of tho 6th P. M.; tho South Platto brldgo over tho South Platto River, south of Suth erland, located on north and south center lino of Section Thlrtv-twnfMi. Township 14, Rango 33, west of tho um r. M.;tno Hershey brldgo over the North Platte River nonth of Hor shy, located on section lines between faoction Eight (8). and Nino (9), Town ship 14, Range 32, West of tho 6th P. M.; the Bostwlck bridge over the South Platto River, south of Hershoy, located between Section Twenty oight (28) and Twenty-nine (29), and Thirty-two (32) and Thirty three (33). Township 14, Rango 32 West of the 6th P. M.: the North RIv- or brfldge ovor the North Platte River north of North Platte. located in East Halt (EV$.) of Soction Twenty-eight (28), Township Fourteon (14), Rango Thirty (30) West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Osgood brfdgo over tho South Platto River, south of North Platto, located in West Half (W) of Sec tions Four (4) and Nino (9), Town ship Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty (30), West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway brldgo ovor the North Plntto River, east of North Platte, lo catod on section lines between Soc tiona Thirty-flvo (35) and Thirty-six (36) , Township 14, Range 30 and Sec tions Ouq (1) anU Two (2), Township 13, Rango 30. all West of tho 6th' P. M.; tho Maxwell brldgo across the (Platto River, locate! through Soc tlona Twenty-eight (28), Thirty-two (32), Thlrty-threo (33), Township 13, Range 28, nnd Soction Six (6), Town ship 12, Rango 28, all Wost of tho 6th P. M.; tho Brady brldgo across tho Platto River located through Soctlons .Eleven (li), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (16), Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), Twenty-six (26) and Twenty seven (27), Township 12, Rango 27 Wost of the 6th P. M., nil of said bridges being locatod In said County. Sec. 2. Thnt at said election tho following quostlon shall bo submitted to tho doctors of the County anld printed upon tho ballots to be used thorcat, to-wit: "Shall Lincoln County, NebraBkn, issuo and soli tho negotiable bonds of tho County, to bo stylod and know as Internal Improvement bonds of Lin coln County, Nobraska, In denomina tions of $1000.00 each and numbered from 1 to 165 incluslv.o in tho sum of $165,000.00, to bear interest at six (6) per cent per annum, payable .semi-annually, and $16,500.00 of such bond issuo to become due and payable ton (10) years from the date of thels is sue and $16,500.00 of such issue to bo- como duo and payablo oach year after Bald ten (1) period until all aro paid; tho Bald bonds to bo issued for tho purposo of paying for tho ropalr, construction or reconstruction of tho following describe)! bridges in Bald County, including tho approaches thereto, mimely: tho Blrdwood Pre cinct bridge over tho North Platte Rlvor north of Sutherland, botwoen Sections linos 4 and 5. and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango S3 West of tho 6th P. M ;the South Platto brldgo ovor the South Platto Rlvor, south of Suthor-j land, locatcjd on north and south cen ter lino of Soction 32, Townsnip n, Rango 33 West of the Gth P. M.; tho Hershoy bridge ovor tho North Platto River north of Hershey, located on Soction linos between Soctlons 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango 32 West of the Gth P. M.; tho Bostwlck brldgo ovor tho South Platto Rlvor, south of Her shoy, located botweon Soction 28 and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 West of tho Gth P. M. tho North Rlvor Brldgo ovor the North Platte River north of North Platto, located In East Half . (E&) of Soction 23, Township 14, Rango 30 West of tho Gth P. M.; tho Osgookl bridge over tho South Platto Rlvor south of North Platto, located in West Half (WMi) of Section 4 and 9, Township 13, Rango 30, West of tho Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway brldgo ovor tho North Platto River east of North Platto, located on soction lines between Sections 35 and 3G, Township 14, Range 30, and Soction 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango 30, all West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Max woll brldgo across tho Platto River, located through Soctlons 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Raugo 28, and Section 6 in Township 12, Range 28, all West of tho 6th P. M. ; tho Brady brldgo across tho Platto Rivor, located through Sec tions 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West of the 6th P. M., and shall an annual tax be levied sufficient to pay tho Interest on such bonds as It accrues and to pro vldo a sinking fund for tho redemp tion of such bonds at their maturity." FOR Issuing uogotlablo bonjis of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to bo styled and known aB Internal Improve ment bonds of Lincoln County, No braska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 Inclu sive in Uio sum of $165,000.00, as abovo described. AGAINST issulnK negotiable bonds of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to bo styled and known as Internal Im provement bonds of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclusive in tho sum of $165, 000.00, as abovo described." Sec. 3. That tho County Clerk shall proclaim and glvo notlco of tho places and time of holding Buch election as by law required, and he is hereby ordered and dlrectcli to glvo such no tice of such election by publishing for four (4) wooks prior to tho said date of said electioon In tho North Platte Telegraph and tho North Platto Semi Weekly Tribune, official newspapers of said County, and Hkowlso by pub lishing for four (4) weeks prior to safti date In tho following newspapers, to-wit: The Sutherland Courier, Wal lace Winner, Hershey Times and Brady Vindicator, and nlBo by posting or causing to be posted a copy of the olectlon notice in at least three (3) public places fn oach of the election precincts in tho County not less than twonty (20) days prior to said date of such election, and such notice shall embraco and stato tho question to be submitted as herelnbeforo set out and recited, and the said Clork Is hereby cmpowored and instructed to take nil snch other nnd further steps as may bo necessary to proovlde for the hold ing of said election, printing tho bal lots tnereror, furnishlnir the necessarv tally-sheets or books anft stationery wun wnicn to conauct tho election and ascertain the retnrns. and to fullv nro- vido for and conduct Bald special elec tion as is required by law to conduct general County elections and obtafn returns tnereor. bee. 4. The voting places where tins election shall bo held aro tho reg ular voting nlnccs at which general olectlons are held In the various wards or precincts of the County, and at wnicn said nolllng places the last General election was held. Passed arid approved this 11th dav of July. 1921. E. W. SPRINGER. T. M. CAHAGEN. HENRY COKER, County Commissioners. Attest: A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. (SEAL) SPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION AND NOTICE. To the Voters of Lincoln County, Ne braska: By virtue of a resolution duly en acted by tho Bpard of County Com missioners of said Couny, notlco is hereby given that on the 16th day cf August, 1921, between tho hourB of, 8:00 o'clock A. M. nnd 8:00 o'clock P. it at the polling places designated bo low, a special election will bo held of tho qualified oolctors of anld County on tho proposition to issuo and soil negotiable bonds of said County, in tho sum of Ono Hundred Sixty-five Thousand ($165,000.00) Dollars to bear Interest at tho rate of Bix per cent (6) por annum, pay able semi-annually on counons at tached, and Sixteen Thousand Flvo Hundred ($16,500.00), Dollars of said bond issuo to become duo and nav- ablo ten (10) years aftor tho date of Issue and Sixteen Thousnnid Five Hun dred ($16,500.00) Dollars of said bond Issuo to becomo duo and payable In each year after said ten (10) year per iod until all are paid and tho purpose for which said bonds aro to bo issued is to provldo funds for paying for tho repair, sonstructlon or reconstruc tion work for tho following described bridges In said County, Including ap proaches thereto, namely: The illrd wood Precinct Brldgo ovor tho North Platte Rlvor north of Sutherland, be tween Section linos 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango 33 West of the 6th P. M.; the South Platto Bridge ever tho South Platte Rlvor south of Sutherlaud locateU on north and Bouth center lino in Soction 32, Township 14, Rango 33 West of the 6th P. M.; tho Horshey brldgo over tho North Platte River north of Horshey, located on Soction lines between Sections 8 and 9, Township 14 Range 32, West of tho 6th IJ. M.; tho Bostwlck Brldgo ovor tho South Platto River south of Her shoy located between Soctlons 28 and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 Wost of tho Oth P. M.; tho North Rlvor brldgo over tho North Platto Rlvor north of North Platte, located in East halt (E) ot Section 28. ToVnship 14, Rango 30 Woat ot tho 6th P. N. ; tho Osgood bridge over the South Platto River south ot North Platto locatod in West half (W) ot Soctlons 4 and 9. Township 13, Ranga 30 Wost of the 6th P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway Brldgo ovor tho North Platto River oast of North Platte, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 36, Township 14, Rango 30, nnd Section 1 an)l 2, Township 13, Range 30, all West of tho Oth P. M.; the Maxwell Brldgo across tho Platto Riv er, located through Sections 28, 32, 23, Township 13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Township 12, Rango 28, all Woat ot tho 6th P. M.; the Brady Brldgo across tho Platto Rivor, located through Sections 11, 14. 15, 22. 23. 2G and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, Wo3t of tho 6th P M.; and tho question and proposition embraces, also tho lovy of an annual tax BUfflclont to pay the interest on said bonjds as it accrues and to provldo a sinking fuud for the redemption of said bonds at their ma turity. And the question shall bo submit ted to tho qualified electors at said oloctlon and appear upon tho official ballots thereat in tho following man ner and form: . "Shall Lincoln County issuo nnd sell tho negotiable coupon bonds oC tho County, to bo styled an1 known as Internnl Improvement bondB ot Lin coln County, Nebraska, in denomina tions of $1000.00 each anjd numbered from 1 to 1G5 inclusive, in tho sum ot $165,000.00, to bear interest at six per cent (6) por annum, payablo soml- annually, and $16,500.00 ot such bond issuo to becomo due and pay able ten (10) years from date of their Issue, and $16,500.00 of such Issue to becomo duo and payablo each year after said ten (10) yoar period until all aro paid; tho said bonds to bo is sued for tho purpeso of paying for the repair, construction and reconstruc tion of tho following described bridg es in said County, Including approach es thoreto, namoly: tho Blrdwood Precinct Brldgo ovor the North Platte River north of Sutherland, botweon Soction lines 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango 33 West ot the Gth P. M.;tho South Platto Bridge over the South Platto Rver south of Suth erland, located on north and south center lino in Section 32, Township 14, Range 33 West of the Gth P. M.; tho Hershey bridge over the North Platto River north of Hershey, located on Section lines between Sections 3 and 9, Township 14, Range 32, West of the Oth P. M.; tho Bostwlck brljdge over the South Platto River south ot Hershoy, located betweon Sections 23 and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 West of the 6th P. M.j tho North River bridge over the North Platte River north of North Platte, located in East half (E) of Section 28, Township 14, Range 30, West ot the 6th P M.; the Osgood brldgo over tho South Platte River south of North Platte, located in West halt (W ot Sections 4 and 9. Township 13, Range 30 West of thei6th P. M.: tho Lincoln Highway bridge over tho North Platto River east of North Platte, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 36, Township 14, Range 30, and Seo tlons 1 and 2, Township 13, Range 30, all West of tho 6th P. M.; the Maxwell bridge across tho Platte Rivor, located through Soctlons 28, 32, 33,.Townsh: 13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Town ship 12, Range 28, all TVest ot tho.6t P. M.; the Brady bridge across th Platte River, located through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West of tho 6th P. M.; and shall an annual tax be levied suf ficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it accrues and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds at their maturity." "FOR Issuing negotiable bonds of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to be styled anld known as Internal Improve ment bonds of Lincoln County,, Ne- baska, in denominations ot $1000.00 oach numbered from 1 to 165 inclu sive in tho sum ot $165,000.00, as abovo described." , "AGAINST issuing negotiable bonds of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be styled and known as Internal Im provement bonds ot Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclusive inthe sum of $165,00.00, as abovo described." The polling places tor holding of this election fchall be the regular polling places at which gonoral olec tlons are held In the following pre cincts and wards ot said. County, and at which said polling places the last General Election was held: Antolopo Brady Buchanan Blrdwood Box Elder Cox Cottonwood Deer Creek Dickens ." East Hinman . , Fox Creek Falrview Gasltu Garfield Hall Himan , ' Hooker Horshey '." Harrison Jeffrey Kern Lemon " Maxwoll (. Miller Medicine ; Myrtle Nowell North Rosedalo Osgood , Payne , i f Plant Pockham ' Rosedalo ( Sellers ; Somorsot Sprlngdalo Sunshlno Sutherland Table Vroroan Walker Wallace Well Whlttlor V I i Willow North Platto 1 ' First Ward Second Ward Third "Waijd Fourth Ward y13 ,my hand and offielal seal this 11th day ot July, 1921. (SEAL) A. S. AMiBN, Cowity Clork,