The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 02, 1921, Image 8

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A. fc ' TMF NftltTW -PfAT-THl SfoMr-WrcEKriV TRIBUtifo . ' - ; M
P I l S-S-SIR- I 0 3 KlKCS? TPH1 I I HM-M - COULD VOU.l ZZ g-n l I DUN NO'. THATS WHAT I ZT grara "
1 H LTP " '- ;iL
WILSON TOUT. miTTinliiTiibllslicr,
Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska
Postofrico as Second Class Mutter.
One Year, In ndrnncu ..$2.00
Wo would like to goo tho band play
tlio Star Spnnglod Bannor at Its noxt
concert and at tlie name time wo would
like to sec a bunch of ox-Borvlco men
scatter Into tho crowd and mako a lot
o men and boys stand nn!l uncovor.
Troajt them rough If nocossary to
toach thorn tho propov respect which
tho Into wnr failed to do. Tho only
poop 1 a who arc excused aro thoso who
do not have enough musical ability
to rocognlzo tho national anthem and
lt'is doubtful if thoy would wasto their
time at a band concert.
There aro a lot of pooplo In North
tPlatto who go to church to show off
tholr good clothes. Putting on our best
clothes for .Sunday used to bo all right
whon peoplo only had two outfits nnd
thoy wero all about the same grado.
But putting on oxtromo stylos In cloth
ing in order that one may bo better
dressed thnn some follows Is a form of
snobboryi that harms tho worship more
than tho Individual. Western Nebraska
is too democratic for many peoplo to
go to church in plain clothes when
tholr equal but more fortunate fellow
Is dressed to kill.
From time to time wo have run.
short nrticlos on different Natural His-:
tory subjects and Just recently- we,
printed ,two about tho naturo lire in
tho City parks. With this Isauo wo
begin a sorlos called "Naturo Study In
Our City Parks." Wo cannot promlso
one in each Issuo but ono will appear'
In practically, ovory number. Wo have
prepared fonie little booklets In which
.In pastn thoso articles and thoso wit)
bo plwn free to anyone Interested.
Thoy aro oapool.ilij good for Scouts
,nml Campflru i,lils. Como and gft
ono. .
A morchant who advortlses price
cannot bo a profltoor. Tho pages' of
tho Trihuno aro full of advortlHomontu
of merchants who quote prices and
these pvlcos aro low. Who ovor hoard
of a merchant quoting high prices In
his newspaper advertising. Ho will
not quote prices unless they nro his
boat. So, at loast the prices quotoJ
are not profiteer prices. Wo do not
Few Really Have
Whon tho trouble Is directly duo to
weaknoss of tho stomach ltsolf. there
is prossuro on spinal uervos at what
Is known as "Btomach placo." Tho
bonos of tho splno at this point have
becomo misplaced, and tho opening
botwoon has bocomo narrowod, thus
canning the pressure and Interference
with tho normal flow of norvo lm
pulses. Whon by chiropractic aplnal
adjustments this pressure is removed
tho normal vigor of tho stomach ro
turns and dlsoaso disappears.
Whon your health boglns dopouds
on whon you tolophono No. 70 for an
Drs. States & States,
The 1 S. C. Chiropractors.
I . . f 1 .1 1 i r II
,i iiuiiuuiK aim uuuu duiiuiiik
North Platte Nebraska.
moan Hint all merchants and buslnetss
men who do not advertize In the
Tribune aro profiteers, not n bit of It.
Hut a inomcntn thought will convince
anyone that the profiteers, if there
are any, are anions those who do not
advertise prices.
We are printing the announcement
of tho first sale of tho fall soason. It
Is at tho A. 13. Elliott farm, sixteen
mllos southeast of North Platte. The
duto Is August 17. All ovor tho statu
tho papers nro beginning to carry an
nouncements of public farm salon.
This ig not unusual but Is a Uttl-j
earlier than unual although som?
think August Is a good time to hold a
salo. Col. Jolmnson Ishe auctioneer
with Rny Langford an clerk. This is
a fair slzo sale Including 50 head of
cattle, 23 horses, 17 hogs, Implomont
and housohold goods In proportion.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott aro undecided
Just what thoy will do but thoy aro
going to quit farming for tho prosent.
An examination for postmaster nt
North Piatto will bo hold August 12
at tho Federal building In this city.
This office was vacant upon tho death
of Postmastor McEvoy on Jan. 8 1020.
L. C. Sturgls was appointed by the
Prosldont for tho unexpired term but
tljo offlco Is now to go Into tho class
ified civil sorvlco and so tho examin
ations have been culled for tho above
date. No applicants have fllod yet
and It Is not known that any will file
ngalnst Postmaster Sturgls. Inquiry
at tho post office fallod to get any ex
planation of tho matter but it Is our
privato opinion that it Is Just a form
ality by which tho office Is to be tran3
forcd from tho clval sorvlco class
through oxecuttvo order to tho clv'.l
Borvjce through congressional action.
North side farmers report that gun
ners have alroady been out after
chickens. It Is not easy for most peo
plo to reallzo the spirit lri which a
gamo hog will go out after these Im
mature birds, go skulking around, hid
ing his victims, lying about tho facts,
and potting tho little carcasses all
In (lollunco of law and public opinion.
Occasionally ono of them takes a man
ly Ft'ind and stops tho unlawful prac
tice. We talked with a hunter last
Saturdny who snld ho used to think It
was cute to be ablo to get u bag ot
chlckons boforo tho season opened nnd
not get caught. Ho said he tried to
mako himself think they tasted good,
but ho knows now that thoy did not.
Ho folt all the time he was ut poacher
and a law breaker. Yoar after year the
game Interests of the state have pre
vailed upon tho stnto legislature to
strengthen tho laws Including tho last
Stomach Trouble
Fow really havo stomach trouble
duo to stomach weakness. The stom
ach Is part of tho digestive tract
which Includes tho Bocretory glands
ana linings of the alimentary canal,
as woll as tho llvor, pancrenB, and
other intoatlnal organs. Tho stom
ach will appoar tho soat of trouble
whon any of thoso related organs aro
s 1 hum
Spina! J
leg' i'; f ire which set a fine of flftv
rl j I . r for killing out of sen son an:!
gives the local agents of the state
game warden 50 per cent of the fines
collected .in tholr territory. Tho, open
season on pralrlo chicken and grousv
Ig tho month of October.
A good slzod crow,i was dlsappolnt
td at Brady last Friday whon It was
learned that the Clinton Hoy Scouts
had been rotftod ovor the south road
from North Platte. Brady pooplo can
not understand those little pleasant
rlos, wllioh occur from time to time.
Who Is responsible for routing tho Boy
Scouts over anJout-o-the-way-roB-l
a.;a what wag the object? When Brad
po pie w.nt to go to' North Platte the)'
use. the L'ncoln Highway. Businoss
men of No. Platte reconty suggested t
tho county publishers that better co
operation should exist between the
villages and the county seat or vice
versathat is what tho villages do
sire and hopo It will come about soon
er or later. -Brady Vindicator.
Tho above clipping takes a shot at
someone anj it looks as though it if
aimed at North Platte. If so It Is a
poor alrn Taking a shot, at North
Piatto is a popular diversion in somo
parts of the county and It Is too often
deserved but nothing can be gained
by taking an undeserved shot and
missing tho mark. The editor person
ally talked with ono of the managers
of the caravan referred to and learn
ed to his surprise that thoy had been
informed at Sidney, that the" Lincoln
Highway east of here was impassible
for their big trucks. We told them we
did not bellovo It and asked that thoy
find out for sure' before making such
a decision. Officers of the local Cham
ber of Commerce, men In whom Brady
as well as North Piatto has tho tho
highest confidence, did not know until
1 . . 1 at. tl. -
yesterday unit tne caravan ieu, .mc
Lincoln Highway. Sometimes a man's
madder whon shot at than If hit. r
You can buv a 500 or 1000 bushel
grain bin, ventilated to save yqur
main and I am sure you enn save the
value of tho bin In six months. Phone
517 or write Win. Waldorf. ,North
Platte. Nebr.. 2nd door north of.Jfre
Post Office.
Horned Toads Ha-rnlfss.
Horned toad- nr.- Imnii'e. They
will not.bltc. even vvln-n taut' 1 ta tne
hand. As n mean f di'f,n-v tliuy
hnve a habit of sniii'tln tit tl- Jft. of
blood altenialely from each when
"Life as I See It."
I suppose we are p'one tit ! n
rhnt 1
the world hadn't given us Jiw: w
some directions I haven't hm'. !t
some others 1 don't want 11.- L
vllle Courier-Journal.
Arabians Are Teetotaler.
NnttNt's tt me .rnninn nt':-.- , u
or drink Intoxicating liqu r,
A Small Purchas:.
Nervous PI1111.1 SnleMiiitn (former
department store rlerk) Shall .we
genu 11 tor you .' l.otoii J m:--rr:pt.
Life as I Sc It
A woman's no rroiri.Mitly timuis yes
This Is the dupe ' '''' mart-lugo.
Lcutovllle Coui lei-Jtnin a..
They buy Insurance like ovorythlns
else. They Investigate nnd compare
tho cost ana the form of tho policies.
Where this Is done, tho business is al
ways placed In the Travelers. There
1b a reason. Investigate foryourself.
C. F. Temple, The Travelers Man,
Phono C3.
Some of our readers may not real
lzo that tho value of the poultry nils
ed In Nebraska In ono year is nenrlv
fifty million dollars. It Is estimated
that there were twolvo million domes
tic fowls In this state at tho closo of
1921. v
For Sale School house, west end
of District No. 5. at publis auction,
Aug. S to be. sold at school house at
3 oclock, terms cash, ten Jays to
remove building. C. A. Orrin, Fred
Slmcmts. Frank Purdy. Phono 798F13.
Ventilation. .
If for any reason sufficient ventila
tion by mean's of windows and doors
Is Impossible, a pitcher or pall of
cold water placed on a table lu the
center of the room will nbsorb many
of the Impurities. This Is sometimes
useful lu the sick room. The water
.should be allowed to stand not more
than 'nu hour.
Wandering Island.
The statement Is made upon the au
thority of some Norwegian scientists
that the island of Greenland Is slowly
moving westward at the rate of ten
yards a year. They say that the is
land was ut one time connected to
.Norway nnd It has moved 875 miles
In the last 100.000 years.
Petroleum' Value to World.
It has been said that every" possible
necessity of a man's life, save the wa
ter he drinks and the nlr he breathes,
may be supplied either directly or in
directly through the use of petroleum
product, and even water may be
pumped by a gasoline engine.
Dreaming of Fishes.
To dream of being In a fish market
shows that you possess great spirit
and Hun you will he rewarded for
your trouble. To dream of the tin
0'' :i ll'Oi denotes poverty and wretch
edness. Practice of Righteousness.
Skill lu advising others Is easily at
tained by men ; but to practice right
eousness themselves Is what only a
few can succeed In doing. Hltopa
desii. Tibstans Don't Use Water.
The Tibetans never touch water, but
clean their faces and hands with but
ter, which they keep In the ground as
Iwf, n Cti yours.
Thv Unhappy Small Fish.
Sardines have disappeared from the
Spnnlsh coast. That's the way of the
small llsli they always have to clear
out ;nr the larger.
Conscience Not Emphatic Enough.
"De voire of conscience ain' loud
enough for, most men," said Uade
1 Kiien. "Di needs an alarm clocV."
J Early President's Long Lite.
.i, Adnius died in ids ninety-first
. yonr the holiest ugj attained by any
Presul. nt.
more liirlf-lirrnHtnr u.nrt.
picking up fallen apples in the or
chard I Science has again come to
the farmer's aid, and wc now have
an ingenious machine which is said
to do the work of six men, and can
pick up eighty pounds of apples in
three minutes,
Want Ads
For Jtcl Threo'rooms. $15 per
month. Phono 1072W.
For Rent Offlco C05 North Locust.
Phono 1209J.
Wanted To buy a good tonnlB
racket. Call 430J.
For Rent Throo furnlshod rooms
with bath. Phone 1013. 'Call 520 So.
For Salo Cucumbors, any size any
quantity. Order now. Doollttlo.
Phono 788F31.
For Sale Flvo room house.- All
modorn. 215 So. Ash. Alsl 3 lots on
West Third. Phono 330W.
For Salo Six room house modorn
except heat. South of track and west
of Dewey. In first class condition and
prlcql for quick salo. Will consider
car on deal. Phone 979W.
WAJn'TKI) A Second hand Ford.
Roadster preferred but would buy
touring car. Wrlto P. O. Box 297.
Sutherland Nebraska,
For Sale By ownor, 20x40 1
story house, living room, dining room,
kitchen, four bedrooms, three closets,
pantry, bath room and 12x14 base
ment. Two 50 foot lots, with oloctrlc
lights, city water and telephone.
Walking distance from High School.
Perfect title and no encumbrance.
Priced for immediate sale at $5000.00.
Call at 505 South Chestnut or phone;
1 (Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.)
: Estnto no. 1734 of E. R. Raworth, do
ceased. In the County Court of Lln-
; coin County, Nebraska.
I The State of Nebraska, to all per-
eons Interested In said estate take
notice that tho Administrator has 111-
' ed a final account and report of his ad
ministration nnd, a petition for final
settlement and discharge as suchl
which have been set for hearing before
said court on August 23, 1921, at 10
o ciock a. m wnon you may appear
and contost tho same.
Dated Aucust 1. 1921.
(SEAL) County Judge.
(J. C. Hollmon. Attorney.)
Estate No. 1782 of Nettie A. Yoho. de
ceased, in the County Court of Lin-
1 coin County, Nebraska.
The State of Nobraska, to all per
sons interested in said estate take
, notice that the Executors have filed
a final account and report of their ad
ministration and 11 petition for final
settlement and discharge as such
I which havo been set for hearing before
said court on August 23, 1921, at 10
i o'clock a. m when you may appear
and contest tho same.
1 Dated August 1, 1921.
(SEAL) County Judge.
j (John Grant, Attorney.)
Lstate No. 1825 of George Lannln, de
ceased, in the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credit
ors of said estate will take notice that
tho time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estato is
November 30, 1921, and for settlement
of said estato is July 29. 1922; that I
will sit at tho county court room In
said County on August 30, 1921, at 10
o'clock a. m. and on November 30.
1921, nt 10 o'clock a. m., to receive,
oxnmlno. hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed.
Dated July 29, 1921.
(SEAL) County Judge.
In tho County Court, Lincoln County,
In ro John M. Dawson, deceased.
Notico Is horoby given to Charity J.
Dawson. John V. Dawson, Charles L
Dawson, Frank O. Dawson, Guy T
Dawson, Laura J. Moore and to all
other porsons. both creditors and
holrs, interested In tho estnto tf .! "n
M. Dawson, deceased, that a potit on
was filed in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, August 1st,
1921, in which was set out as facts
that John M. Dawson died July 31,
1902, that at tho tlmo of his death ho
waB a resident of Lincoln County, and
was selzod in feo of tho Northeast
Quartor of Soctlon 20, Township 9,
Rango 2C. West of tho Cth P. M. in
Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho poti
tlonor Arthur D. McNIcklo Is now tho
ownor In fee of tho said promises and
prays for a dotorminatlon of tho time
of tho death of tho decodont, and a de
termination of tho heirs of said de
ceased, tho degree of kinship nnd tho
right of descent of tho real proporty
bolonging to tho deceased. That tho
tlmo for hoaring said petition has
beon fixed nt Soptcmbor 1st, 1921, nt
10 o'clock n. m. by tho County Court.
(SEAL) Count Judge.
Attorney for tho Petitioner
Scent is Distributed.
It is true that we associate scent
with the Mowers and, occasionally,
with the leaves of plants. But nature,
bo mnrveJousIy loving of diversity,
scatters the sweetness, now here, now
there, sometimes in the flower, some
times in the lenf, in the fruit, tlie
bark, the wood and even In the roots. .
In the ginger nnd the Iris, for In
stance, the perfumed oils are In the
roots, In the s-andal tree the fragrance
Is in the wood, In the cinnamon shrub
It Is the bark that sceuts the air.
Columbus Dispatch.
Odd Marriage Customs. i
In all Slav weddings the bride Is
fetched by tlie bridegroom, emblemat
ic of the time when his forebears car
ried their mates away forcibly. At
Albanian weddings It Is correct for the
bride to weep and show great reluct
ance to leaving liome. The bride
groom must present the brldo with a
handsome dress for tlie marriage, no
matler what his clrcuinstahces are, so
that It is known by all the guests that
the dress the bride Is wearing show3
the taste of the bridegroom.
Books That Have Life.
After nil, Is It not better that a hun
dred unnecessary books should be
published than that one good and use
ful book should be lost,? (Nature's
law of parsimony is arrived at by a
process of expense.) The needless
volumes, like the Infertile seeds, soon
sink out of sight; and tlie books that
have life In them are taken care of by
the readers- Who are waiting some
where to receive nnd cherish them.
Henry Van Dyke.
Ancient Almanacs.
The clog almanac,' once In common
use In parts of England, Is a square
stick, on the four edges of which are
cut notches to represent the days of
the week nnd various symbols to Indi
cate different festivals nnd holidays.
More ancient thnn .clog almanacs are
the Scandinavian runic calendars,
made of wood, or sometimes of horn
or bone, and Inscribed with runic let
ters. "Assurance" and "Insurance."
Assurance und insurance are synon
ymous terms In ordinary usage, but In
Britain fairly strict distinction Ift
maintained, assurance being confined
to life, nnd Insurance to fire, marine,
etc. Assurance was used exclusively
until the end of the Sixteenth century
when "Ensurnnce" made Its appear
ance, the initial "e" now having been
changed to an "I."
Hail Cannot Be Prevented.
The theory that hall could be pre
vented by firing cannon or discharging
explosives never was accepted by
scientists, and careful experiments
have shown thnt It has no foundation.
The theory was advanced that the agi
tation caused by an explosion would
prevent the formation of hailstones.
Didn't Mean to Be Forgotten.
A Snn Francisco woman, who died
several years ago. left S.'t.OOO each to
ten of her nephews, on condition that
her tombstone was to be replaced
every two years with a new one on
which each nephew In turn should
put an Inscription In verso setting
fortli his love nnd affection.
La Salle Given Ontario Land.
The first European landowner in
what Is now the province of Ontnrlo,
was Sleur do La Salle, who, la May,
1C75, received from King Louis XIV a
patent of nobility and a grant of land,
comprising Fort Frontenac nnd tho
islands opposite. That old grant of
land now forms part of the site of the
city of Kingston.
Heartbeats of a Growing Plant.
An Instrument which has been called
"Cresograph," Is tho Invention of Sir
Jngadls Chandra Rose, a distinguished
scientist of Indln, which Is so delicate
that It Is posstble to witness tho
"heartbeats" of a growing plant.
Theso are throbblngs which take placo
aB tho plant expands.
Liberty and Authority.
Whllo believe liberty Is essential,
we must also believe that authority Is
necessary. But there must bo co
ordination between them so that both
may proceed together In a compelling
torce to maintain our social, civic and
political order. Grit.
Have a Definite Purpose.
Tho world will stand aside for the
man who knows where ho Is going bnt
will pay little attention to the man
who Is too plainly wnnderlng. It Is
not tlie fault of the world but of the
man If ho finds his path obstructed.
The Difficulty.
A Kansas City divine says the secret
of success Is to bo born without mon
ey, friends or Influence. This may be
true, but how are we going to fix It
to be horn thnt way and would we If
we could?