THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB SPECIAL CLUB PRICES TO THE FIRST SIX BUYERS OF Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfits For Farms and Country Homes, Offices, Stores, Schools, Factories, etc. PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY FOR USE For 3 room house; Areola and 2 Radiators For 4 room house; Areola and 3 Radiators For 5 room house; Areola and 4 Radiators For 6 room house; Areola and 5 Radiators REGULAR PRICE $191.50 264.50 v 311.50 368.50 CLUB PRICE $181.50 25000 294.00 350.00 LARGER SIZES FOR LARGER HOMES The Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfit Gives Healthful Heating, Fuel Saving, Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction You make a grave mistake if you do not at once take advantage of this exceptional offer and be PRE PARED FOR WINTER'and guarantee yourself against a fall raise in prices. The Ideal-ARCOLA IS THE LATEST AND GREATEST Heating Invention of the Age. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON HEATING YOUR HOME WITH THE WONDERFUL Ideal-ARCOLA R. P. Zents Plambiog and Heating Co. North Platte Plumbing and Heating Co. E. F. Hultman Plumbiig and Heating R. A. Phillips Plumbing and Heating. OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS FARM BUREAU NEWS irig that the farmer as first in pro ductive enterprises surely has tho right to follow his product ns far as he likes along the route of distribu tion, and that the TJ. S. Grain Growers 1 offer the farmer the only relief from the denial of grain exchanges to allow SERVICE co-operative companies seats upon I their exchanges. Mr. Howard said SUPPLIES ITEMS FOR THE the farmers finance corporation is ah TRIBUNE READERS solutely necessary to insure sufficient ' credit to the fanner who needs a Bureau Federation reveals rains which occurred at harvest time when the wheat was in the shock bleached the bcrryi and this bleached wheat is now being graded as "yellow berry" and Is bought at a discount under the red wheat. It is exactly tho same wheat but changed in color that the SPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION AND NOTICE. To the Voters of Lincoln County, Ne braska: By virtue of n resolution duly on- acted by the Hoard of County Com missioners or said Couny. "notlco Is hereby given that on tho ICth day of August, between the hourB of and gluten content by tho rain, and ' ;u" . ?;,tu: V, tho, change In grade might Just ns loWf a speclal electIon wlII bo hel(1 of well occur in Turkey red wheat as in tho miallfled eolctors of said Kanred, in fact has. Grain Inspectors County on tho eolctors proposition of to said issue was also passed requesting the U. S. should not bo expected from produf- 14 g4 ng compa with 14.15 for the tlon sold at the pre-war leveis. urg- XurkeJ1 Re(l, TlJlt AVeau,er condi- Grain Growers not to buy elevators within one year, believing that the corporation should be well under way before making the larger financial investments. ing development of tho St. Lawrence Grcafc Lakes waterway, President Howard said it would bring ocean traffic 1000 miles closer to Nebraska and mean a saving of five to ten cents per bushel to every grain grower in the middle western states; that tho water-way can bo built for the price of ten battleships, and will pay for itself In forty years from the sale of electric current. s Approximately 1500 people attended the Fillmore county Farm Bureau pic nic and listened to an address deliv ered by President James R. Howard, of the American Farm Bureau Federa tion. Governor McKelvie acted a? cha rman and made a short introduc tory talk, commending the co-opera-1 Kr0m certain sections of Nebraska tivo efforts ol the farmers through tho the statement has been made recent Farm Bureau Federation. , ly that Kanred wheat is being dockrd President Howard reviewed the i,y Kraln buyers'and millers who con work of the committee of seventeen ten,i that it has a lower milling value ani the subsequent organization of than the regular runs of hard wheat, the V. S. Grain Growers int.. declar- s,,cn reports, says the Nebraska Farm . ; Bureau Federation headquarters, is due either to a misunderstanding ot the fast or willful misrepresentation. According to the Farm Bureau Fed eration, professional seed analysists and grain Inspectors admit that tak ing tho ripened berry It is impossible to distinguish Kanred from .other strains of hard winter wheat there fore docking could not be intelligently done unless the buyer actually knows what the farmer planted. However, an investigation made by the Farm For Rent Limited nmount of Cold Storage space for Eggs, Meat. Produce. Etc. ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLT) STORAGE CO. Phone 40. lionu nro responsible for the misap prehension regarding Kanred wheat, and not the wheat itself Is best illus trated by a telegram received today by the Nebraska Farmer from L. W. Fritz, of the Kansas Agricultural College which says: "Result of eight years milling ani baking tests do not warrant discrimination against Kan red as a variety. Like other hard wheat, some Kanred samples grown under adverse conditions have pro duced poor Hour and bread. Yellow berry wheat may, be produced from seed of Kanred r Turkey Red and does not usually mako satisfactory flctir. Climatic and soil conditions and ii"t v.-irloty are to blame." : :o t .Mm. llio Mi 'fbnvy returned Sun day from Hi'Vphey where she visited Miss Marjory Arnold returned yes terday from a month's visit in Iowa. Miss Evangeline Herro( went to Sarhcn Sunday to visit at the homo of 'ior slst' r Mr-. M. McFadden. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, Rentlst, X-Ray Diagnosis. McDonald Bank Building. Phone 97. Mr. and Mrs.Ralph Hansen, returno.l Sunday from Denver whoro they visited MIDSUMMER MADNESS greater credit to handle his own grain at Omaha and Lincoln told the Farm ! nml Bo11 negotiablo bonds of said At a meeting of the mid-west Farm than Is necessary for the nresent svs- t .. rv,., .i .,.. .,. ..J County, in tho sum of Ono Hundred ,, .... . .... " -" ,S Xtv-flve Thousand fSlG5.000.001 bureau presiueuu aim sucreu.r. ( tem oi nuiaie men. wun me vouunu cognizance of whether wheat is Kaa- Dollars to bear interest at tho rate of uc.u ai u tu. -ao!. .v..u Ul im,By , unuiutiu.! uimuai. uu.u rG(1 or not but tnat aU wheat 1b grad- six per cent (6) per annum, pay- tended by H. D. Lute, secretary of the, that of the pre-war period Mr. How-I . pPnr,nni, tn nnnonmnnn onoii nr. ' able semi-annually on coupons at- Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation, It' ard says he cannot predict a pre-war: ow b hard wInt oft wIn.'Sn,in?irSr fff m was the expression of opinion that the pnce level, though he does not antic ter. etc. So fnr as the clutcn content' S1'' 'C !1D Farmers' Finance Corporation, in con- pate that pricbs will again reach the of Kanred Is concerned a test mada able ten (10) years after tho date of nection with the U. S. Oram Growers, high level of war times; also ,,, KnnR;,a ArlonUm-ni Online. 1 iasuo and Sixteen Thousand Five Hun . ... . 1 .in .. . , ... nf nnr, 0 I )wf (ell! Mil Hfll Tlnlln- -..1.1 inc.. snouiu inciuue uie nuimuus tnat tne national war ciem. oi o.uut-.- ,0(l from 1913 to 1919 how .. 7";"' w livoctnnk n wpII n nran. A motion nnn nnn nnntmniPii in hlirh nrlce times , , Jissuo to hocomo duo and payable In ,-- - ,ww,w - -.0- . . Ul0 glulon content 01 ivanreu 10 oc, each year after said ten (10) year ner iod until all are paid and the purpose for which Bald bonds nro to be issued is to provide funds for paying for the ropair, sonstruction or reconstruc tion work for the following described bridges in said County, including ap proaches thereto, namely: Tho Bird wood Precinct Bridgo over tho North Platto River north of Sutherland, be tween Section lines 4 nnd- 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Range 33 West ot the Gth P. M.; tho South Platto J3ridge ever the South Plntto River south of Sutherland locate'! on north and south center lino in Section 32, Town,shlp 14, Range 33 WeBt of tho Cth P. M.; tho Horshoy bridgo over tho North Platto River north ot Horshey, located on Section lines between Sections 8 ami 0. Township 14 Range 32, West ot the Oth P. M.; the Bostwick Bridgo over tho South Platto River south of Hor shey located between Sections 28 and 29. and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 West of tho Cth P. M.: tho Nortu River bridgo over tho North Platto Rlvor north ot North Platto, located in East halt (E'A) of Section 2S, Township 14, Rango 30 West ot tho Oth P. M.; tho Osgood bridge over the South Platto River south of North Platto located in West half (W2) of Sections 4 and 9, Township 13, Range 30 West of tho Gth P. M.; the Lincoln Highway Bridge over tho North Platte Itiver eaBt of North Platte, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 30, Township 14, Rango 30, and Section 1 anl 2, Township 13, Range 30, all West of tho Cth P. M.; tho Maxwoll Bridgo across tho Platto Riv or, located through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Range 28, and Section C. Township 12, Rango 28, all West o tho Cth P. M.; the Brady Bridgo across tho Platto River, located I through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22. 23, 2G I and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West of tho Gth P M.; and tno question and proposition embraces, also the low of an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonrla as It accrues und to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds at their ma turity. And the question shall be submit ted to tho qualified 'electors at said election and nppcar upon tho official ballots thereat In tho following man ner and form: "Shall Lincoln County Issue and sell tho negotiable coupon bonds ot tho County, to bo styled an1 known as Internal Improvement bonds of Lin coin County, Nebraska, in denomlna lions of $1000,00 each nnl numbered from 1 to 1GG Inclusive, in tho sum of $105,000.00, to bear Interest at six per cent (6) per annum, payable semi- annually, and $10,500.00 of such bond Ishuo to becomo duo nnd pny- ablo ton (10) years from dato of their issue, and ?1G, 500.00 ot such issuo to becomo duo and payablo each year after said ten (10) year period until all nro pail; tho said bonds to bo is sued for tho, purpose of paying for tho repair, construction and reconstruc tion of tho following described brldg oh in said County, Including npproach og thereto, namely: tho lilrdwood Procinct Bridgo over tho North Platte Rlvor north of SutherlnnH, botweon Section lines 4 nnd G, nnd 8 and 0, TownBhip 14, Rango 33 West ot tbo Cth P. M.;tho South Platto Bridgo ovor tho South Platte Rvcr south of Suth erland, located on north and south center lino in Section 32, Township 14, Rango 33 West of the GUi P. M.: tho Horshoy bridgo ovor tho North Platto River north of Hershey, located on Section linos between Sections 3 and 9, Township 14, Rango 32, West of tho Cth P. M.; tho Bostwick brillcc over tho South Platto River south ot Horshey, located between Sections 23 nnd 29, nnd 32 nnd 33, Township 14, Range 32 West ot tho Gth P. M.; tho North River bridgo over tho North Plntto River north of North Plntte. located in East half (E1) of Section 28, Township 14, Rango 30, West ot tho Gth P M.; tho Osgood bridgo over tho South Platto Rlvor south of North Plntte, located in West halt (W) ot Sections 4 nnd 9. Township 13, Banco 30 West of tho Cth P. M.: tho LincoliT Highway brUgo over tho North Plntto River cast of North Platte, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 3G, Township 14, Rango 30, and Sec tions 1 and 2, Township 13, Range 30, nil West of tho Gth P. M. tho Maxwell bridgo across the Plntto Itivor, located through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Rango 28, nnd Section G. Town ship 12, Range 28, nil West of tho Cth P. M.; tho Brndy bridgo across ho Platte River, located through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 2G anjl 27, TownBhip 12, Rango 27, West of tho Cth P. M.; and shall nn annual tax bo lovied suf ficient to pay tho tnterost on such bonds ns it accrues nnd to provide ti Hinking fund for the redemption of such bondB nt tholr maturity." "FOR Issuing negotiable bonds of Lin coln County, Nebraska, to bo styled nnld known ns Intornal Improve ment bonds ot Lincoln County,, Ne baska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclu sive in tho sum ot $165,000.00, nB nbovo described." , "AGAINST issuing negotiable bonds ot Lincoln County, Nebraska, to bo styled and known as Internal Im provement bonds ot Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, in denominations ' $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 1GG inclusive intho sum ot $165,00.00, ns above described." Tho polling plnces for holding of this election uhall bo tho rogular polling places at which general elec tions nro hold in tho following pre cincts and wards of salti County, and nt which Bald polling places tho Inst General Election was held: Antelopo Brady Buchanan Blrdwood Box Elder Cox Cottonwood Deer Creek DIckenB EaBt Hinmnn 4 K Fox Crook Falrvicw Gnslin Gnrfield Hnll Hlman Hooker Horshoy Hnrrison Jeffrey Kom Lemon , Mnxwell Miller Medicine Myrtlo Nowell North Rosednlo Osgood Payne ,'' Plant Peckham Roscdnlc Sellers SomorBct Sprlngdalo ' Sunshlno Sutherland Tnblo Vroman 1 Walker -.Wallaco Well Whlttier Willow North Platte First Ward Second Ward Third WanU Fourth Ward Witness my hand and official seal this 11th day ot July, 1921. (SEAL) A. g. ALLBN, County Otorlc - t-4'i 1 SO. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Hunters nnd tresspassers nro warn ed that they will bo dealt with accord ing to law. C. II. Watt, T. S. McCronc, Pat McGraw, Henry P. Hansen. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platte Floral Co. Flowers. W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023. We deliver and ship anywhere. Wall Paper Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J PHIL DEATS A Photograph It is a BUltablo gift for almost any occasion. It speaks a universal language a language undorstooU by every body. Whether it conveys a message ot frlenshlp or love, it tells it moro effectively than n written letter. Of course to do thlB it has to bo a "speaking likeness" The kind they make nt The Rembrandt Studio "MAKERS OF QUAalTY PORTRAITS" 6th nnd Dewey North Platte, Nobr. "BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY." ImaMmmmmmmmmmammmmammmmmmmmammKmmKmmmmi We arc welding castings of all kinds. Get your grain binders and mowers that broken fixed up before you need them. We repair broken pumps, gears, wheels, put cogs in wheels and any shape casting can be repaired. Auto fenders that are commencing to crack can be re paired, and save a new one later on. Windshield frames manifolds and axle housings that are leaking oil can be fixed. Car frames welded and reinforced, made as good as new or wheels that have broken tires and rims that have been bent and broken. Also tire lugs built up at North Side Blacksmith Shop Phone 361W MARTIN WYMAN, Prop