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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1921)
r r, NORTH PLiATTK. SEMI-WEEKLY TRlBUNE Semt-JiBecklu Sribtfne, WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd l'nbHslicr, Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Mutter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: Ono nr, In advance ?2.00 Fit I DA V, JULY 20th, 1921 KDITOIUA1. Weiara getting tired of watering our -.lawn all of tho tltno, day und night. It seems that tho weather is following pretty dlosoly along tho linos laid down for it by Woathormnn Shilling. Why don't ho predict a rain and aae if wo wouldn't got ono. Wo 'really need rain. Anyono Who will impress this on Pa Shilling will con for a favor on the wholo commun ity. " The Tribune heartily connnonds tho suggestion that North Platte day he eolobrnted at tho Platto Hlvor Round Up. Wo should got a largo dole-nation from hero and attond in a body. In ordor that tho pcoplo at tho ltound-Up may know who wo aro and why wo nro there wo would suggest that somo badgo or ornament bo worn which would onablo ovoryono attending from horo to bo known at sight. Tho fact that tho ltound-Up is being hold on tho old John'Brntt ranch links it up with North Platto and hor people Tho fact that It is attracting wldo intorcsl over tho Missouri valley should re commend It to our peoplo. Tho room at C04 Dowey, formerly occupied by tho Walker Music Co. is being put in shape for'a now storo. It 1b to bo a clothing storo, owned and managed byl Edward W. Iloynolds, formorly of tho Edwards-Itoyn6lds Co. Mr. Iloynolds says ho has bought a stock of ready-mado suits and over coals and that ho will ho open for business, about August 10. Ho will not carry any kind of men's furnishings but will conflno his entire attontion to suits and coats. lie oxpects to tnko orders for tho finer grades of tailor mado goods, in addition to tho roady mado lines which ho will carry in stock, This is a now vonturo in a city of this slzo and may bo a big succoss from tho start. All tho big cities havo specialists in clothing for men nnd Mr Reynolds boliovca that North Platto can support such a storo and ho in going to put his bellof into practico. Wo havo no Information recently alKint tho progress on tho Salos Pa vilion. It Booms that somo stockmen subscribed for stock on tho conditio,! that no North Platto business or pro fessional men bo allowed to tnlcn stock. When this was anuouncod It was disappointing to some Nortli Platto, men who had wanted to show their interest in tho enterprise. How- over it was somewhat encouraging as Vt seemed to show tho determination of tho farmers and stockmon to carry the building through to a successful finish. Then enmo tho announcement that tho stand tnkon by thoso farmoru ' was disavowed by such groups as the (Lincoln County Horoford Brooders' Association and that tho subscriptions should ho opon to anyono who wanted to see tho building put up. And thoro It stands as far as wo havo havo any knowledge Wo would llko to hoar tlfcit tho officors aro working away on tho project nnd that It will ho n real ity by tho time it Is needed. Tho maturo women of North Platto Bhould como to tho front and oifor tholr services to tho CampHro Council as guadlaiiB of camp Are groupB Young ladies and oldor girls havo dona flno and aro needed but tho backbone of camp flro is bound to bo with ths mothors. Not nil mothers win hmo good guardians but somo of thorn wilj and it should bo loft to tho judgment of. the Council to docldo. Wo under stand thoro nro now somo campflro groups without guardians and somo that should ho organlzod but cannot be formed until guardians have boon Hocurod. Toachors mako good assist ants but unloss tboy live horo they can only havo varied success as loaders bocauBO of tho broak that comos ovory summor Just when tho largest actlvl ties of tho group will como. For ,tlu largest measure of continued loador eblp In campflro work it takes tho Bor- vlccs of successful mothers as lead ors. Until thoso can bo socurod tho results will not always bo satisfactory If a voto of all paronts could bo tak- on,- most ot thom would say that tho nvorago boy from 12 to 18 Is lazy. Most boys aro accustomed to hoar olthor father or mother or both toll thom they aro lazy. Somo boys got us ed1 to it ami got to thinking thoy ro- nlly uro lazy. But it Is not Btrictly truo. Somo boys may bo lazy but thoy aro fow. What roally is tho matter with boya is that thoy aro Just bolng real boys -thoy don't know what thoy aro do)ng part ot tho timo, thoy don't know Vhy thoy do It nnd thoy don't know what thoy will do noxt. This aimlossnosa Is characteristic of most 53 SATURDAY Your unrestricted choice of any Spring Silk Dress, Fuit, Coat or Wrap in the Store formerly priced up to $79.75 FOR THESE "TWO DAYS ONLY The garments in this sale consists of all the Spring and Summer Models, made of the very best materials obtainable and most of them are good styles for early fall wear. Be on hand early Satur day morning to make your selection as the quantities are limited and they won't last long at this prices. No Exchanges No Refunds Every Sale Final boys. They fool It nnd thoy like it. Now whon somo grown porson stops in and attempts to change thom from almlossnoBs to direction thoy rebel and Bomotlmos Jhil to respond to this diroctlon. Then they nro called lazy. A boy who will play hnrd is not lazy. Ho only needs timo to dovolop and leadership in tho right direction and ho will bo a man to bo proud of. Only occasionally is a boy n lltt'e man, Ho is usually just a boy. With tho last show tomorrow night. N. F. Baldwin turns ovor tho manage ment of the Kolth Thoatro to Win. Hnwloy. The opening undor the now managomont will tako placo Sunday with tho Bhowlng of tho picture, "Bob Hampton of Placer.' This will run Sunday and Monday. Somo who have soon it In Omaha, say it hi a wonder ful picture and that it covers more difforent scones than any plcturo seen horo for somo time. It Is a good pic turo to open with. There will bo no chango In prices. Mr. Baldwin has boon with the Kolth during tho past yonr and has glvon North Platto somo very flno pictures and road show. It hns been an off year for all kinds o travolling shows nnd vaudeville companies ami Mr. Baldwin has dono vory woll in giving his patrons as good a lino of shows as ho did. Ho has hold to a high standard and tho roputatlon of tho Kolth Thoatro has not BUfforod whilo ho had it. Mr. Haw loy takes chargo with tho idea of put ting tho Keith on as high a plana an posslblo and much is expected aa ho has shown his ability in what ho has dono with tho Sun. Tho future of North Platto plcturo houses Is assured whon such men as Win. Hawloy havo chargo. The following clipping from tho Boatrico Sun tolls ot tho rosults in Qngo County from tho publishing of tho porsonal tax schedules: Tho or dor of tho county board of tBUporvls ora ot Gago county, Nobraska, that tho tax assossmont list shall bo published is producing rosults. Tho publicity glvon rousod Indignation among cltl zons who And Uiat wealthy mon In both city and country havo boon giv ing in tho valuo ot tholr possessions at much less than is found in tho homo ot many humble wago oarnoro. NumoroMa casoB havo already boon cited, tho agitation ot which hns com- EXTRA SPECIAL For tomorrow AND MONDAY i , -.. Ladies Outfitting Store polled many would-be slackers 'to mako good. It was shown that two stocks of merchandise, ono listed ntj Or HA1 . I I. . i"l . . Ann tri " . u,vuu uuu uiu uuier at -.s,uuu, wore found to bo of apparently the sume quantity and kind of goods. Another caso showed that ono porson gavo in the figure of $850, and it devolopod that ho had nearly $26,000 ot taxable property. County officials assert that tho publicity plun is bringing such re sults as will mean many more shekols to tho county treasurer than would havo been the caso if the slackers woro not bolng showed up." Don't wait to buy your furnuco un til Fall. It will cost you moro. Tho bof torn has been struck now. Come In and I will convinco you. Win. Wal-j dorf, 2nd. door north of tho Post Of flco. T. C. Patterson is expected Monday from Rochostor, Minn, to spond a few days In tho city. HOW DOES IT SOUND TO YOU? C room niodorn except heat on flno corner lot at 901 west 4th. A good homo In a real location at $5,500; easy tonus to right party. A nlco flvo room cottage, modern oxcopt heat at S01 cast 3rd strcot. Big lot, nico trees and gnrago; prlco $4200 THE H. & S. AGENCY has thom. GOLDWYN PRESENTS Will Rogers IN i ''An Unwilling Hero" i . lapted from O. Henry's famous story ' Wli tat 1 1 nir rllra Ptirlatmna dlroctod by Claronco Badger. HIi I " rst Christmas Prosont Nobody but tchdogs and town constablos had e -r paid any attontion to Whistling D;dc boforo but horo was a pretty girl actually giving him something. A Goldwin ptcurc. Sun Theatre Today Only Also "H1b Dizzy Day" 2 reel comedy. i A number of Lincoln County ser vice men will nttond tho first reunior of tho 34 th Division bettor known t tho Sandstorm Division "'. Omaha in September. Tho headquarters will bo at Fort Omaha whore the boys will bo billeted free. i Mrs. Clarenre R. Trent is reported to bo seriously 111 at her homo. Q " FOR SALE Three young Shorthorn bulls ready for small herds. A fow good Hostein-Frolsian bulls ready for sorvice. These aro priced to sell. Experiment Substation For llcnt Furnlshod room mod ern homo closo in. Phono 1105J For Itcnt-.Furnlshod room, lailv preferred. Phono 1219J. 9.10 N Ash For ltot Three rooms. $15 per month. Phono 1072W. For Kent Offico COS North Locust. Phono 1209J. Wanted To buy a good tennis racket. Call 4 30 J. For Sale Flvo room house. All modom. 215 So. Ash. AIbI 3 lots on West Third. Phono 330W. For Kent Flvo room houso, mod ern oxcopt heat. For particulars boo Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy. Tho dlfferenco in prlco of two rooms furnlshod and unfurnished will flnlBh paying for my new light housekeep ing furniture. Call 287W. For Salo Six room houso modern oxcopt boat South ot track and west of Dowoy. In first class condition nnd prlcojl for quick salo. Will consider car on doal. Phono 979W. tor Kent Storo building at 603 Locust St. fTnls is a stoam-hcated storo building, Long timo lease to ro BponBlblo parties. For Information seo Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy. WAITED Girl or woman' for gon oral hpusowork. Mrs. G. B. Dont, G20 W Fourth. "WAJjTElV A Socond hand Ford. Roadster profarrod but would buy touring car. Writ P. O. Box 297. Sutherland Nobraska Want Ads ONLY! Every Sale Must be Final and for Cash.'Only NOTICE At tho spocial meeting of the legal voters of school district number 47 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school houso on August 15, 1921 at two p. m., tho prop osition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of $1100.00 to conduct tho District 47 school for the coming ear. This will requlro a lew not tci exceed one hundred mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of said district. C. C. BOWMAN, Director SPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION AND NOTICE. To tho Voters of Lincoln County, Ne braska: By virtuo of a resolution duly en acted by tho Board of County Com missioners of said Couny, notlco Is hereby given that on tho 16th day c August, rjzi, between tho Iioutb of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock P. M. at tho polling places designated bo- low, a special election will bo held of tho qualified eolctors of said County on tho proposition to issuo and spll negotiable bonds of said County, in tho sum of Ono Hundred Slxty-flvo Thousand ($165,000.00) Dollars to bear interost at tho rate of six por cent (6) por annum, pay ablo semi-annually on coupons at tached, and Sixteen ThousanU Fivo Hundred ($16,500.00) Dollars of said bond issuo to becomo duo and pny ablo ten (10) years after tho dato ot Issuo and Sixteen Thousand Flvo Hun drod ($16,500.00) Dollars of said bond issuo to becomo duo and payablo In each year after said ten (10) year per iod until all aro paid and tho purpose for which Bald bonds aro to bo issued is to provide funds for paying for tho ropalr, sonstruction or reconstruc tion work for tho following described bridges iu Bald County, Including ap proaches thereto, namely: Tho . d wood Precinct Brldgo over tho North Platto River nortli of Sutherland, be tween Section linos 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rnngo 33 West of the 6th P. M.; tho South Platto Brldgo cvor tho South Platto River south of Sutherland locatell on north and south contor lino In Section 32, Township 14,Kango 33 West ot tho 6th P. M.; tho Horshoy brldgo over tho North Platto River north ot Horshoy, located on Section linos between Sections 8 and 9, Township 14 Range 32, West "of tho Cth P. M.; tho Bostwlck Brldgo ovor tho South Platto Rlvor south ot Hor Bhoy located between Sections 28 nnd 29, an(i 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 33 Wost ot tho 6th P. M.: tho North Rlvor brldgo over tho Nortli Platto Rlvor north of North Platto, located in East half (E) ot Section 28, TownBhlp 14, Range 30 West ot tho 6th P. M.; tho Osgood brldgo over tho South Platto River south of North Platto located In Wost half (W) of Sections 4 and 9, Township 13, Range 30 West of tho 6th P. M.; tut Lincoln Highway Brldgo ovor tho North Platto River oast of North Platto, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 36, Township 14, Rango 30, and Section 1 anl 2, Township 13, Range 30, nil West of tho Cth P. M.; tho Maxwell Brldgo across tho Platto Riv er, located through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Rango 28, nnd Section 6, Township 12, Range 28, all Wost ot tho 6th P. M.; the Brady Brldgo across tho Platto River, located through Sections 11. 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West nt thn r.Mi p m nn.i tho nuostlon and proposition embraces, also tho levy of an annual tax sufficient to pay tho interest on said bonls as it accrues and to provido a sinking fund for the redemption of snld bonds nt their ma turity. And the question shall bo submit ted to tho qualified electors at said election nnd appear upon tho official ballots thereat in the following man ner and form: "Shall Lincoln County Issuo and sell tho negotiable coupon bonds ot tho County, to bo styled and known aa Internal Improvement bonds of Lin coln County, Nebraska, in denomina tions ot $1000.00 each anl numbered from 1 to 165 inclusive, in tho sum ot $165,000.00, to bear intorest at six per cent (6) per annum, payablo Eemi- annually, aud $16,500.00 ot such bond Issuo to becomo 'duo and pay ablo ten (10) years from date o tholr Issue, and $16,500.00 of such issue to becomo duo and payablo each year after said ten (10) year period until all aro pai; tho said bonds to bo Is sued for tho purpose of paying for the repair, construction and reconstruc tion of tho following described bridg es in said County, Including approach es thereto, namely: tho Birdwodd -Precinct Bridge over tho North Platte River north .of Sutherland, between Section linos 4 and 5, and 8 and 9. Township 14, Rango 33 West of the 6th P. M.;tho South Platto Bridge ovor tho South Platto Rver south of Sut'a-i orland, located on north and south center lino In Section 32, Township 14, Range 33 West of the 6th P. M.j tho Hershey bridge over tho North Platto River north of Hershey, located on Section lines between Sections 3 and 9, Township 14, Rangb 32, West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Bostwick brijdgo ovor tho South Platto River south ot Hershey, located between Sections 23 and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Rango 32 West of tho 6th P. M.; the North River bridge over tho North Platto River north of North Platte, located in East half (EV) of Section 28, Township 14, Range 30, West ot tho 6th P M. tho Osgood bridge over tho South Platto River south of iNorth PJatte, located in West halt (W) "of Sections 4 and 9. Township 13, Range 30 West of tho 6th P. M.: tho Lincoln Highway brdge over tho North Platto River east of North Platte, located ori Section lines botween Sections 35 and 36, Township 14, Ran,go 30, and Sec tions 1 and 2, Township 13. Rango 30, all Wrest of tho 6th P. M.; tho Maxwell brldgo across the Platto River, located through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Town ship 12, Range 28, all West of tho 6th P. M.; the Brady bridge across tho Platto River, located through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 arl 27, TownBhip 12, Rango 27, West of tho 6th P. M.; and shall an annual tax be levied suf ficient to pay tho interost on such bonds as it accrues and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds at their maturity." "FOR issuing negotiable bonds of Lin coln County, Nobraska, to bo styled and known as Internal Improve ment bonds of Lincoln County,, Ne baska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclu sive in tho sum of ,$165,000.00, nti abovo described." , "AGAINST issuing negotiable bonda of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be styled and known as Internal Im provement bonds of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, In denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclusive inthe sum of $165,00.00, as above described." The polling places for holding of this election iihall bo the regular pollinp; places at which general elec tions aro hold In tho following pre cincts and wards of said County, and at which said polling places the la3t General Election was held: Antelope Brady ' Buchanan Blrdwood Box Elder Cox it Cottonwood Deer Creek Dickons East Hinman Fox Creok Fairviow Gaslin Garfield Hall Hlman , ,. Hooker Horshoy Harrison -Joffroy Kom , Lemon Maxwell Mlllor Medicine Myrtle Nowoll North Rosedalo Osgood Payno Plant Peckham ' Rosedalo Sollors Somorsot Sprlngdalo Sunshlno Sutherland Tablo Vroman 1 " Wnlkor ..Wallace Woll Whlttior Willow v North Platto First Ward Socond Ward Third War(d Fourth Ward Witness my hand and official oeal this 11th day ot July, 1921. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.