The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 29, 1921, Image 7

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Delectable sugar
coating around a
nippy zippy bit of
peppermint chewing
Sweeten the
breath.aid dlges'.on
quiet nervousness,
allay thirst and help
keep teeth white.
The Flavor Lasts
New Paper. I
Hang the new wall paper with
which you are going to patch the old j
In the sun for n while, and it will soon
lie faded to match
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Beware 1 Unless you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural
gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin la the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetleacldester of Sallcylicacld.
First League of Nations.
Dr. B. A. Hates of Cornell university
Is campaigning In the Interest of In
dustrial education for the Indians. Dr.
Bates asserted the Iroquois created
the first league of nntions when they
organized the powerful tribes known
as the "Six Nntions."
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists t
who are constantly in direct touch with '
the public, there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the I
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in I
nn interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why j
so many applicants for insurance are re- 1
jectcd is because kidney trouble is so i
common to the American people, and the 1
large majority of those whose applica-
tions are declined do not even suspect !
that they have the disease.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Itoot is on sale
nt all drug stores in botUcs of two,
medium and large. However, if you wish
first to test this groat preparation send
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham. 1
ton, N. Y for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention this paper.
The Difference,
"llavo a cigar?" "No don't smoke
now." "Sworn off?" "Nopo; stopped
entirely." Tar Baby.
Left Him Thinking.
In a barber's shop in Landport a
man was having his hair cut while a
friend waited.
The Friend You're losing youf
wool, lad.
The Victim Yes, I am getting a bl
thin on top.
The Friend Well, they say wool
won't grow on wood.
The Victim That's so; and they
also say that wheat won't grow In a
busy street.
Whereat the friend was reduced to
silence and was seen to be thinking
linrd. London Tit-Bits.
6 Bellans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of vouth and health mav bo
yours if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
Th world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, tha
nemles of liia and looks. In usa sine
1696. Alt druggists, three sizes.
Leek for the name Gold Medal on evary
and accept no imitation
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young women over nineteen years of age
wuo nave nau at least two years in niga sonool
to take Nurses' Training In general hospital.
Our graduates are la great demand. Address
SupL of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln. Nabmika
Skin Tortured Babies Sleep
Mothers Rest
After Cuticura
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c,Talcnn 25c.
Gtt ear Price. Thiy tit Right
American Tent and Awning Co.
40th and Farnam Sts. Omaha
iihuiibhu c.,ae?Mi(3iA.iiu, chit
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 29-1921.
f Great
( 5t )
V Treat! J
Series of Studies Conducted by De
partment of Agriculture In
Western State,
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Wlin t (Iocs It cost to produce tnllk?
This Is the question that Iiuh
brought Increasing concern to each
dairyman. In answer to It, the Uni
ted States Department of Agriculture,
through the dairy division, conducted
a series of studies to give dairymen
reliable Information on, this subject.
These studies were begun In 1015, but
the most recent upon which any data
have been published was begun In
1017, In Skagit county, Washington,
about 70 miles north of Senttle. The
report of this study Is contained In
Department Bulletin 010, "Unit Re
quirements for Producing Alllk In
Western Washington."
A study of the results given In the
bulletin shows that at the time of the
study fiO.l per cent of the total cost
of producing milk at the dairies in
vestigated was for feed and bedding;
23.5 per cent for lnbor; 17.0 per cent
for other costs, nnd 2.5 per cent for
depreciation. The requirements for
Pasture Plays an Important Part In
Cost of Producing.
producing 100 pounds of milk during
the wln er were: Concentrates. 120.4
pounds; dry roughage, 02.9 pounds;
succulent roughage, 143.3 pounds;
bedding, nine pounds; human labor,
1.9 hours; horse labor, .01 of an hour;
other costs, $0,570. During the sum
mer, milk could tie produced at much
less cost, there being required a com
paratively small amount of concen
trates. During the two years covered by
the study, 44.5 per cent of each year's
incomo from milk wns obtained dur
ing the winter. During the first year
records were obtained on 17 herds
having nn average size of 31.3 cows,
with an average annual production of
7.309 pounds of 3.74 per cent milk
per cow. During the second yenr 18
herds, 15 of which had bcl'ii in the
first year's work, had an average
of 28.0 cows and produced an aver
age of 8,323 pounds of 3.59 per cent
milk per cow. From each 300 cows
In the herds during the two years, 55
freshened during the winter six-
months period, and 42 during the
summer senson, while three cows did
not calve during the year. Nearly
one-half of the cows freshening
dropped their cnlves during the
months from Februnry to May, in
clusive. Most of the milk in this section Is
sold for condensing purposes, and Is
delivered by motor truck to large con
donserlcs. All the herds selected for
study were representative of dairy
conditions found In that section.
In western Washington the pasture
plays a very lmportnnt part In milk
production, according to the bulletin
With cool weather throughout most of
the summer, plenty of moisture, and
a rich soli, there Is abundant pnsttire
until late in the fall. During the pan
ture season almosi 00 per cent of the
milk for the year was produced, and
at one-third of the yearly feed, bed
ding, and pasture cost. The annual
pasture charge per cow amounted to
1.1 acres or $23.04. Such Items as
veterinary fees, medicine, disinfec
tants, and other Items, amounted to
$1.45 per cow per year. It was found
that the number of hours required
to care for a cow did not differ mate
rially between the summer and win
ter seasons. However, due to the In
creased How of milk In summer, the
time required to produce 100 pounds
of milk in that senson was materially
loss In summer than In winter.
South Carolina Breeder Gives Meth
ods of Raising Calves That Will
Develop Well.
Methods of raising good cnlves that
will develop well and show no signs
of rnntlness are given by a South
Carolina live-stock owner In a state
ment to the United States Department
of Agriculture. The farmer atlvlKos:
1. Use purebred sires which have
behind them an established record
no guesswork.
2. Use purebred milk cows which
are bred for production and which
have proper points, such as deep ud
der, well-spaced teats, broad flunks,
deep abdomen, etc.
3. Feed only warm milk while calves
ure young. Gradually begin feuding
proper grain after the second month.
Do not allow thoni too much grass.
Give plenty of pure water, and never
allow exposure to rain or extreme cold
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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Blood Is the Sap
You grow by good blood ns a tree
grows by sap. Rich blood, robust
man. Good sap, sturdy tree. Keep
tho blood healthy and wholesome;
poor, impoverished blood
cannot nourish tho body
or remove tho wasto as
nature intended.
When your blood is
impure, itching, flaming
skin eruptions often
break out, and your body
"Roar" of an Ostrich.
A lecturer at tho London "Zoo"
said that very few people knew that
nn ostrich roared. The roars of an
ostrich and a lion were so nllku that
Dr. Livingstone could never dlstln
guIslNtho difference, save by the fact
that the bird roared by day and tho
lion by night. Scientific American.
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and itching with hot
baths of Cuticura Soap und touches of
Cuticura Ointment. Also make use
now nnd then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cutlcuru Talcum,
one of the indlspcnsablo Cuticura
Toilet Trio.
Chicago Man Reports Success In Novel
Plan for Keeping Pete From
Straying Far Afield.
Another western Idea wns adapted
to city uses the other day when a
south-slder, who onco rode the range
on the Colorado plateaus, stnked out
his cats to keep them at home. The
plan worked fine and now the feline
animals get the air every day at the
ends of totlier fopes.
The cat owner found that every
time he opened the cellar door the
pets made a break for the open, fre
quently staying away for days and
returning with blackened eyes and
scratched hides, lie thought of the
tether plan, but the llrst trial was not
a success, us the cats slipped the
nooses from their necks. He then
evolved a seml-hobblo plan and tied
tho heavy string to one of .lie cat's
hind legs, attaching the other end of
the string to a stake driven in the
back yard.
This system proved effective and
now every day threo of tho eats iako
their exerclso around their tether
stakes. Chicago Journal.
One of the most dlHlcult things on
earth Is to convict a man that every
body knows is guilty.
Jk. Gift from
Nature's Storehouse
The delicious, crisp granules
of the wheat and "barley food
contain all the natural up -building
values of the grains, including
mineral salts so essential to health.
A food eoually well suited to the
requirements of young and old.
"There 's a Reason for GrapeNuts
Sold by grocers everywhere
Special Care of Baby.
That Baby should have a bed of its own all ore agreed. Tct it
is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
a man's mcdicino in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases.
Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must bo
prepared with even greater care than Baby's fo9d.
A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think; of giving
to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don't bo deceived.
Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that
you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
prepared for grown-ups.
Bears the
of Life;
Keep It Pure
gets run down and weak easy prey
for disease. To bo safe, keep tho
circulation wholesome.
For this S.S.S., the famous vege
table blood remedy your
druggist keeps, i3 excell
ent. Start enriching
your blood with S.S.S. to
day, nnd write about your
condition to Chief Medi
cal Advisor, 838 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga,
Tho Teeth of the Matter.
"Pulling Teeth Restores Sunlty." If
your eyes hurt or your ears ache, or
your feet lie down on you, consult
the nearest dentist. Wo should not
tie surprised to learn that defective
teeth were responsible for tho wreck
of the Hesperus, the passing of the"
dinosaurs, and tho crime of '73. New
York Evening Post.
"O Happy Dny" sang the laundress
ns she hung the snowy wash on the
line. It was n "happy day" becnuso
sho used Red Cross Ball Blue.
Tcn-Year-Old Quickly Seized on Weak
Point In Argument Put Forth
by His Daddy.
Writers have long vied In their ef
forts to describe properly the tooth
somencss, as well as the downright
stupidity, of the ordinary domestic
Lawrence, ago ten, for a number of
years has been ablo to provide the
most ample concrete evldenco of his
duo appreciation of tho former, but
It was only recently that tho latter
was brought forcibly homo to him.
After vainly trying for fiomo time
to drive ah obstreperous ben from
the garden, ho called to his father.
"I can't get this old hen out!"
His father remarked that If Gen
eral Pershing hnd given up that eas
ily ho never would have driven the
Germans out of France.
Lawrence promptly replied: "Thnt
was different. The Gerjnans knew
what General Pershing was trying to
do I"
Chances Were He'd Get It.
Employer You put thnt note where
It will be sure to attract Air. Slrnth's
nttentlon, didn't you?
Olllco Boy Yes, sir; I stuck a pin
through It nnd put it on his chnlr.
Lack of observation Is almost
miraculous. A man will go through
life saying "have saw."
Cry For
Signature of
on Strike
20 Years
Eatonic Settled HI
"Katoulc is wonderful," says O. W.
Burton. "I had been n sufferer from
stomach trouble for 20 years and now
I am well."
Eatonic gets right nftcr tho cause of
stomach troubles by taking up nnd
carrying out the acidity and gases nnd
of course, when tho cnuse Is removed,
tho sufferer gets well. If you have
sourness, belching, Indigestion, food
repeating or any other stomach
trouble, take Eatonic tablets after
each mcnl und And relief. Big box
costs only a trlflo with your druggist's
Invented Telephone Switchboard.
Ills death In Boston, at the age oC
eighty-two, rescued from comparative
obscurity tho name of Dr. Thomas
Benjamin Doollttlc, who originated
the telephone switchboard and was
among the earliest telephone engin
eers. Doctor Doollttlo possessed a medal
from the Franklin Institute of Phila
delphia for having originated the proc
ess of producing hand-drawn copper
wire, und he is credited with having
originated tho llrst car faro register
ing device.
I don't expect
To live to see
All things tho way
Tlioy ought to bo.
Must Cultivate Good Manners.
Smller Do you see thnt Turk over
Tyler Yes.
"Well, ho hns six wives; conse
quently he cun never open his mouth
without Interrupting one of them."
Intellectual Accomplishment.
"Women have better equipped In
tellects than men."
"In some respects," replied Mlsa
Cayenne. "Most of tho people I have
met who knew offhand nnd with pre
cision how to score the lutest com
plication In whist are women."
Found Out.
"Would you like to henr a secret In
volving Mrs. Nexdoro lh a dreadful
"Goodness, yes. Toll It to me."
"I don't know any such secret. But
I must say you havo a very mean dls
Western Canada
Land of Prosperity
offers to home seekers opportunities that can
not be secured elsewhere. The thousands of
farmers from the United States who have
accepted Canada's generous otter to settle on
FREE homesteads or buy farm land in her
provinces have been well repaid by bountiful
crops. There is still available on easy terms
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acr
land similar to that which through many
years Una yielded from 20 to 45 bushela
ot whent to the acre oals. barley and
flax also in (treat abundance, while raising
horses, cattle, nheep nnd hogo is equally
Biofitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western
anada have raised crops in a single season
worth more than the whole cost of their land.
With such success comes prosperity, inde
pendence, Rood homesand all tho comforts and
conveniences which make life worth living.
Farm Gardens, Poultry, Dairying
are sources of income second only to grain
growing anu eiock raising. Attractive
climate, sood nelKhbors. churches and,
schools, good markets, railroad facilities.
rur.ii mcpnune, cic.
For certificate entitling you to re
duced railway rates, illustrated litera
ture, maps, description of farm oppor
tunities in itianuuua, oajKaicnewau,
niucnauiu utiusu woiuinoia.
Room 4, Des Uulldlno
Omahs, Nell.
aerfi4 Am, Dart. f tamldntlM
mn4 CtU.UM, -4 c...d.
it awaawwi