The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 29, 1921, Image 2

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A verv IntnronUnir trln wn mmtn
yesterday by County Agent Kellogg I
and Mr. Jones of tho Unlvonslty Ex-
tension Servlco with tho boys and
glrly of tho Lincoln County Agricul
tural Clubs. Thoy visited a number
of places In tho County and studied
Hvo stock in training for tho stock
judging team which will bo chosen to
represent Lincoln County.
At the July meeting of the executive
board of tho Nebraska Piirm Bureau
Fcdoratlon It was recommended that
each county farm bureau name a "bluo
Bky'' committee which will confer with
F. M. Doweeso, head of the Htato feder
ation legal department, In tho matter
of Industrial stock offered for sale
in farming communities as well ts
any othor money making schomes
that mny ho put up to fannors gen
erally. Chas. B. Gunnels, nssistant secre
tary nnd treasurer of tho Amoricnn
Farm Bureau Federation spont tho lout
wook In (Nobrasjca djlscusBing with
Btato federation officials and mem
bors of tho oxecutlvo commlttoo plana
for enlarging tho scopo of their work
ana moans of creating grcator Inter
est in Farm Bureau Federation activ
ities. Tho Nebraska Collogo of Agri
culture is working with tho state fed
eration office in dovoloplng a definite
county farm biironu progrnm that will
extend over sovoral years.
Out of tho 450 farmors' elovators
in Nebraska It Is found that only 125
are properly organized to comply with
tho gonoral co-oporativo laws of tho
state. Tho oxecutlvo board of Nebr
aska Farm Bureau Fodoratoln has
morcioro onoroa its iogai sorvico
parunont to assist any or tno elovntor
concerns not now complying with tho
law who wish to effect a reorganiza
tion or amend articles of incorpora
tion so that thoy may proporly bo or
ganized to ontor into contract with tho
U. S, Grain Growors, Inc.
Tho mnrktylng commlttoo of tho
INobrnnha Farm Bureau) Federation
has recomonded that the prico of Kan
rocl and Nobraslta No. CO wheat for
seed should bo npproxlmatoly twonty
flvo cents a bushol moro than tho
local prico for tho regular Turkny
rod. Tho committco also announced
that scientific resoarch hns proven
that Knnrod and Nebraska No. GO Is
. as good or oven hotter milling wheat
than tho Turkoy rod nnd advise farm
ers not to nccept docking by grain
buyors of thoso two now strains.
Tho oxecutlvo board of tho NobraHka
Farm Bureau Federation at Its July
meeting prevailed upon II. D. Luto,
secretary of tho fcdoratlon, to remain
In his prcsont office-until tho annual
mooting In January, tho nctlon follow
ing a roqliost made by Mr. Luto at the
Juno meeting to bo rolloved when his
year was up which was on July 15. Mr.
Luto nskod to bo rolloved thut ho
might dovoto moro of his tlmo to his
private Interests. C. Y. Thompson cf
West Point wnB selected as treasurer
In place of Goorgo Brlggs who resign
cd. ,.,
f "'
1 Ono man over south of hero hatch
ed 800 turkoys this spring and now
has 400. Ho Buys tho rats got away
with tho young onos. If ho can ralso
thoso 400 turkoys to markotablo ngo
aim can uiBpuHo oi mom at roason
nblo prices ho will havo mado a good
thing. There Is lots of work about
raising turkeys if It Is dono right.'
Uut there Is usually a rao.i demand'
for tho birds and good profit In their
King Fong Cafe
Choice American and Oriental Poods Served
. . in a Tasteful Manner at Fair Prices - .
Bread and Cutter, Potatoes, Coflec or Tea
and Dessert at Lunch Time, Served With Each
Meat Order.
handling. Wo would like to hear o
the experiences o chor Lincoln
County peoplo In raising and market
ing turkcyH.
Wo got a little ahead of ourBolvcs
In announcing tho names of tho Lin
coln County Judging team In our last
Issue. Our Information was ns print
ed hut It was Incorrect because our
Informant did not understand con
ditions. Tho names printed were not
thoso of the Juglng team hut wore
connected with unothor matter. The
Lincoln Count Demonstration and
Judging teams havo not been appoint-
. . A 41. 1 ...111 t..
c" yci out 1110 ra'n' w,u uu 7
looted from tho 23 boys and girls who
havo enrolled in the Boys and Girls
Club work In this county.
Tho July number of Our Family Bul
letin, issued by the Union Pacific
Family League, contains a photo
graph of the North Platte frolght de
pot and tho nineteen peoplo who were
omployed there at tho tlmo tho pic
ture was takon. Thoy aro as follows:
Earl Stamp, agent; Otto WcstcnfeU'.,
cashior; L. II. Murrln, bill clork; W.
A. Olson, domurrago clerk; T. E.
Doucot, expense clork; Miss Hunter,
Bteno; E. Roxhowsomo, foreman; I.
O. Johnson, asst foroman; John Ross,
checkor; Philip Nolda, stowor; E. E.
Krlng, stowor; Joo Frazior, caller; L.
O. KIngdon, caller; M, E. Worthing
ton, trucker; Chas. McCance, trucker;
J. D. Scott, trucker; Woslcy Ou
borno,' recoopor mnn; Henry F. Stn
plos, sealer; E. II. Lloyd, truckor.
Tho boys and girls Club work Is
taking hold of tho peoplo In Lincoln
County and Judging by tho lntorost
shown during tho past year, tho next
yoar will bo a rocord broakor. Thoro
nro 23 boys and girls enrolled in tho
agricultural -projects and 32 in tho
Household Arts projects. Thoso In
tho agricultural projocts aro all
working with Hvo stock. Thoro are
eight In tho Poland China club, four in
tho calf club, six in tho Duroc club
and flvo ,n tho Hampshire club. All
are keeping records of tho progress
of tho work and some of thorn aro ox-
copUonnlly ROoi
One member put
pig in Just two
uo-hio pounds on a
months. Other records aro almost
ns good. Tho work is Interesting and
adds to tho Joy of living on tho farm
or of having farm Interests while liv
ing in town. It is predicted that thoro
will bo 200 boys and girls enrolled In
thc clubs noxt yoar.
Tho County Agent Is not a public
veterinarian. He Is not In competi
tion with veterinarians. He Is moro
of an instructor or teacher. Tho
othor day a man called on him to
como out to vacclnato his hogs. Tills
tho County Agent could not do, Ho
told tho man so. Ho also told hira
that he would bo glad to give a vac
cination demonstration at his farm If
ho would got flvo or moro of IiIb neigh
bors to como in nnd watch the dem
onstration. Ho would show thoso six
or moro men how to vaccinate tholr
own hogs. Thon in tho futuro they
could tnko caro of their own ueods in
that lino. Tho plan Is better than If
ho did tho work hlmsolf. If these
fannors do not want to do tho work of
vaccinating thoy can hlro somcono to
do It. Tho County Agent's offlco is
only interested In tho spreading of
hottor methods of farming and how to
vacclnato hogs is ono of those bettor
methods which ho wants tho farmers
to learn for thomsolvos.
Homeopathic Physician &
General Practice and
uotiBtrucuon surgery
Hospital Accommodation
jrt .,, tt v
il Fomor Nrn'o TiS SltS
I W9 f
'K;: - n - i: - t - K - mWKKRU
The Fannors Livestock Marketing
Committco of fifteen Is perfecting
plans for the establishment of pro
ducer owned nnd operated co-opora-tivo
commission companies In leading
markets, according to roports received
by the Nebraska Farm Bureau Feder
ation from tho American Farm Bu
reau Federation at Chicago. Tho plan
will bo submitted to tho wholo com
mittee of fifteen nt Its next meeting at
Chicago on August 10 for approval.
Tho principles on which the produc
ers cooperative commission n-.npanlea
will bo established and operated have
been rovlowed and endorsed by the
committco of fifteen. Upon establish
ment of the co-operatlvo commission
companies at the various stockyards
thoy will bo affiliated In an organiza
tion, national in Bcope, In which pro-
lucors will obtain membership and
control on a purely co-operative bas
is. The producors will share tho earn
ings and benefits of selling according
to tho patronage dividend principle.
The fourth session of tho Livestock,
Marketing Committco of fifteen was
held at Chicago on July 1314.
North Platte Floral Co. Flowors
W. Twolfth Street Phono 1023. We
doliver and ship anywhoro.
For Rent
Llmitod amount of Cold Storago space
for Eggs, Meat, Produce, Etc.
Phono 40.
For Sale School house, wost end
of District No. 5. at publls auction,
Aug. 8 to bo sold at school house at
3 oclock, terms cash, ton days to
remove building. C. A. Orrln, Fred
SimantB, Frank Purdy. Phono 798F13.
At a special meeting of tho legal
votors of school district number 112
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which
will bo hold at the school House on
August 16th, 1021, at 1:00 P. M., tho
proposition will be submitted to the
voters of raising thcr budget ot One
Thousand lollars to conduct the Dis
trict 112 school for the coming year.
This will require a levy not to exceed
one hundred mills on the dollar of
the assessed valuation of safd district.
J. B. CRAIG, Director.
To Whom it May Concorn:
Tho Park Board of tho city of
North Platto has built a lateral from
the- Lincoln check of the Platto Valloy
Irrigation ditch about 100 rods wost
of tho North Plntto cometary, to the
swimming pool. Tho cemotary also has
tho privilege of taking wator from the
same latoral for sprinkling purposes.
Anyone elso talcing water or cutting
tho banks or interfering with the
water or latoral may bo fined to the
oxtont of tho law, which fine is from
$50. to- 500.
J. C. Wilson, Director.
Offlco 340 Hoael2f
Osteopath Vhyslolan
Over the Oasis. North Piatt
FOr Mlllot Seed and Feod Phono 639W
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnosis and Treatment
Calls answored Day and Night
Over Union Stato Bank. Phono- 296.
Oraduato Votcrlnarlan
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ox
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hob
pltal Phono 633, Houso Phono C33.
G, 6. 7 Building & Loan Building.
Offlco Phono 70.
Res. Phono 1242
Practice Limited to Diseases of
Women and Surgery
PhonoB Offlco 113. Residence 640J
Export Piano Tuner and Repairer.
Loavo ordors at 914 W. 4th St
Or Phono 334.
Ed Kierig,
General Farm Sales A Specialty, al
1 Heal Estate. Deferences and Dat
i First National Bank.
North Platto, Nebraska.
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office Building & Loan Building
Phone: Offlco 130. Residence lit
Dental Surgeon
Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene1
Phone 307
Twlnem Bldg
Office phone 241. Res. phono 21V
Osteopathic Fhyslclan
North Platte, NobraBk
Knights of Columbus Building.
Special Attontlon Given to
McDonald Dank Building
Office Phone S3- Residence 3S
Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102C
Surgeon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phones Office 042, Residence 676
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 41
Night Phono Black 588
Resolation Providing for tho Calling
ana noiuing or an Election to Autho
rize tho Issuing and Sale of Bonds
of Lincoln County, Stato of Nebras
ka, in the Amount of One Hundrel
Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars
($165,000,00) to Pay for tho Repairs,
Construction and Reconstruction of
Certain Bridges,
WHEREAS, tho following described
bridges, to-wft: Tho BIrdwood Pre
cinct bridge over tho North Plntte
River north of Sutherland, between
Section lines Four (4) and Flvo (5).
and Eight (8) nnd Nino (9), Township
fourteen (14), Range Thirty-three
(33) west of tho 5th P M.: tho South
Platto bridge over tho South Ilatte
River, south of Sntherland, located
on the north and south centbr line in
Eectlcn Thirty-two (::2, Township
Fo.iriceu (14), Rnnu'O Thirty'threo
(Wi West ot tho 6tb P. M. ; the Hcr-
shoj bridgo ovor the-North Platto Riv
er north of Hershoy, located on sec-
Uon lines botwecn be-ctltnu Eight 18)
nni Nino (9). TowiiRh.p Fouriceii(14),
Range Thirty-two (32) "West of Uio
6th P. M.; tho Bostwfck bridge- ovor
tho South Platto River south' of Her-
shoy, located between Section Twenty-
ofght (28) nnJJ Twenty-nine (2D) and
Thirty-two (32) and TbJrty-threo(33),
Township Fourteen (14),, Range Thir
ty-two (32) West of the Otn P. Mi; tho
North River bridge- over the- North
Platte River north of North Platte,
locateH In East Half (E&) of Sec
tion Twenty-eight (2S), Township
FOurteon (14), Range- Thirty (30)
West of tho 6th P. M.; the Osgood
Bridgo over the South Platto Rivor,
south ot North PlaltCw located In
West Half (W) of Sections Four
(4) and Nino (9), Township Thirteen
(13), Range Thirty (30) West of tho
6th P. M. ; tho Lincoln Highway
bridgo over tho North Platto Rivor,
east of North Platto, located on sec
Uon linos between Section Thirty-five
(35) and Thirty-six (30), Township
Fourteen (14), Range Thirty (30), and
Section Ono (1) and Two (2), Town
ship Thirteen (13), Rarigo Thirty (30),
all Wost of tho 6th P M.; the Max
woll bridgo across tho Platto River,
located through Section Twenty-eight
(28), Thirty-two (32), Thirty-threo
(33). Township Thirteen (13), Rango
Twonty-olght (28), anjl Soction Six
(6), Township Twerro (12), Rango
Twenty-eight (28), all west of tho
6th P. M.: tho Brady bridgo across the
Platto River, located through Soctlons
Elovon (11), Fourteen (14), Flftoon
(15), Twenty-two (22), Twonty-threo
(23), Twonty-slx (26) and Twenty-
sovon (27), Township Twolvo (12),
Range Twonty-soYen (27), West ot
tho 6th P. M., have been damaged duo
to tho oxtromo rlgh water caused by
floods In tho North and South Platto
Rlvors during the month ot Juno, 1921,
to such an extent that thoy have been
conjdomned for passage by tho Board
of County Commissioners of Lincoln
County, and;
WHEREAS, It Is necossary for tho
County to repair, construct or recon
struct said bridges and approaches
Immediately so as not to Bortoualy in
convonionco tho publU and to pro
toct such portion of tho bridges now
standing, mako all of tho bridges
passable and safo for travol. and:
WHEREAS, thero aro no fuiAl3 in
tho Treasury ot tho County available
for said purposo and tho sold amount
Is far In oxcoss of tho ordinary roro-
nuo derived from taxation and tho
County Board, cannot lovy a tax suf
ficient to dofray tho said cost and;
WHEREAS, the Boarfi of County
CommlBsionors deem it expedient, do-J
Blrablo and propor to IssUo and sell
nogotiablo bonds of tho County, to bo
stylod and known as Internal Im
provement bonds ot Lincoln County,
Nebraska, in denominations of
$1000.00 each and numbered from 1
to 165 inclusive In tho sum of $165,
000.00 for tho aforesaid purpose, nnd;
WHEREAS, the Board of County
Commissioners is authorized by tho
laws of tho Stato to . submit to tho
qualified olectors of tho County tho
question of Issuing said bonds and of
lovylng tho necessary tax to pay tho
intorost and principal of such bonds
as tho same becomes duo, and,
WHEREAS, it is apparent and it Is
estimated thnt tho cost ot tho ropalrs,
constructlnn and reconstruction of the
abovo described bridges, including
tno approaches thereto, It at loaso
tho sum of $165,000.00.
SOLVED by tho Board of County Com
missioners of tho County of Lincoln,
in uio stato ot Nebraska, as follows:
Sec 1. That a special election of
tho qualified electors of the said Coun
ty of Lincoln, bo and is horoby calldl
and ordered to bo hold on the 16th
day of August, 1821, botwoon tho hours
of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock
i-. ai., ror the purposo of voting upon
uio question or issuing and selling
tho negotiable bonds of tho County, to
bo styled and known as Internal Im
provomen botnlla of Lincoln Cnnntv
Nebraska, in denominations of $1000.00
eucn nnu numuereu from 1 to 165 in
clusive, in tho sum of $165,000.00 the
said bonds to bear an Infnronf rnfn
of 6 per cent ner nnnum. mi mimnna
attached, payable comi-annuallv nt
uio omce or tno county Troasuror of
Mncoln County. Ncbraskn. ami
$16,500.00 to become duo and payable
ten (10) years from tho dato of Issue;
$16,500.00 ot said bonids to become
uuo eloven (11) yearn after ilatn nf
Issue; $16,500.00 to become duo ami
payable twelve (12) vearn nftor rtnfn
ot issue; $16,500.00 to become duo and
i'njuuiu uiuix-uii uaj years alter date
of Issue; $16,500.00 to become duo and
payaoio rourteoii (14) yearB after
date of Issuo: $16,500.00 to
cuio ana payable flfteon (15) years af
ter jfiate or issue; $16,500.00 to become
due and payable sixteen flfi) vmr
iiuer uaie or issue; $16,500.00 to bo
come duo and payable seventeen n?)
years after dato of Issuo; $16,500.00 to
uocome uue aim payab e e trhtonn nst
years after Idato of Issne: Sin r.nnnn
1 - ' v v
oconie uue una payable nineteen
(19) years after date of Issuo? nnri tim
said bonds to be issued for tlio niir.
pose of paylntr for tho
atrucuon or reconstructions nf tim
lonowmg uescrlbed bridges, includ-
uiu uio apnroacnes tnerntn nnmoiv
tho Blriawood Precinct brldcro nvnr fiio
North Platte River north of Suther
land oetwoen Section linos Pour m
and Five (5) and Elcht f8)
(9V. Township Fourteen (14), Rango
imny-uireo ws; west or the 6th LJ.
M.; tho South Platto bridge over tho
ooum 1'iatto iiiver, south of Suth
erland, locatpd on north and smith
center lino ot Section Thlrtv-twn m i
Township 14. Raniro 33. west nt th
uui f. M.;tno Horshoy bridgo ovor tho
worm Platto Ulver noirth of Her
shy, located on section linos between
section Eight (8), and Nine (9), Town
ship 14, Rantro 32. "West of thn Rth r
M.; the Bostwfck brldee over thn
South Platte River. Bouth of Hornhov.
luuuieu Detween section- Twnnfcv.
eight (28) and Twenty-nine
tay i, ana rnirty-two (32) nnr ThiHrv.
mreo (33), Township 14, Rango 32
Wost of the 6th P. M.: tho-North Riv
er brlldge- ovor tho North Platto River
north of North Platto; lbcatert in East
nair (U) or Soction Twenty-eight
(28), Township Fourteen (14), Range
imny (au; west or tho 6th P. M.;
tho- Osgood bridgo ovor the South
Platto River, south of North Platto,
located m west Hair (W) of Sec
tions Four (4) and Nino (9). Town
ship Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty(30),
wost or tne cth p. m; tho Lfncoln
Highway bridgo over tlio North
Platt River, east of North Platte, lo
catod on section lines between Sec
ttoiiB Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six
(36), Township 14. Ranco'30 ancT Sec-
tfons Oncj (1) anVl Two (2), Township
i6, iiango so, an west of the 6th P.
M.; tho Maxwell bridge across the
U'latto Rivor, locatdl throuch Sec
ttons Twenty-eight (28). Thirty-two
(32), Tlilrty-threo (33), Township 13,
iiango 28, and Section Six (6). Town
ship 12, Range 28, all West of the 6th
P. M.; tho Brady bridce across tho
Platto River located through Sections
wieven (11), Fourteen (14). Fifteen
(15), Twenty-two (22), Twonty-threo
(2J), Twenty-six (26) and Twenty-
seven (27), Township 12, Rango 27
Wost of tho 6th P. M all of said
bridges being located in said County.
Sec. 2. That nt said oloctlon tho
following question shall bo submitted
to tho olectors of the County arid
printed upon the ballots to be used
thereat, to-wlt
"Shall Lincoln County, Nebraska.
issue and sell the negotiable bonds ot
tho County, to bo stylod and know as
Intornal Improvomont bonds of Lin
coin County, Nebraska, in donomina
tlons ot $1000.00 each and numbored
from 1 to 165 inclUslv.o In tho Bum of
.$165,000.00, to bear Interest at six
(6) per cent per annum, payable
.soml-annually, and $16,600.00 ot such
bond Issuo to become duo and payable
ton (10) years from tho dato of t' els Is
sue and $16,500.00 of suah issue to bo-
como duo and payable each year after
said ten (10) year period until all are
paid; tho said bonds to bo Issued for
tho purposo of paying for tho repair,
construction or reconstruction ot tho
following described bridges In said
County, including tho approaches
thoroto, namely: tho BIrdwood Pre
cinct bridgo ovor tho North Platto
Rlror north of Sutherland, between
Soctlons linos 4 and 5, and 8 and 9
Township 14, Range 33 Wost or tho 6th
P. M.;tho South Platto bridgo ovor tho
South Platto River, south ot Suther
land, locatdd on north and south cen
tor lino of Soction 32, Township 14
Rango 33 Wost of tho 6th P. M.: the
Ilershoy bridgo ovor tho North Platto
Rivor north of Horshey, located on
Soction linos botwoon Soctlons 8 and
D, Township 14, Rango 32 West of the
6th P. M.; tho Bostwlck bridgo ovor
tho South Platto Rivor, south of Hor
shoy, located botwoon Soction 28 and
29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range
32 West of tho 0th P. M.; tho North
Itivor Bridge over the North Platto
Rivor north of North Platto, locatod
in East Half (E) ot Soction 2S, f
Township 14, Rango 30 West ot tho
6th P. M.; tho Osgodd bridgo ovor tho
South Plntto Rivor south of North
Platto, located In West Halt (V) of
Soction 4 and 9, Township 13, Rango
30, West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Lincoln
Highway bridgo over tho North Plntto
River east of North Platto, located
on section lines betweon Sections 35
mid 36, Township 14, Rango 30, and
Soction 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango
30, nil Wost of the 6th P. M.; tho Max- p
woll bridgo ncroas the Platto River,
located through Sections 28, 32, 33,
Township 13, Rango 28, and Section C
In Township 12, Rango 28, all Wost of
the 6th P. M.; tho Brady bridgo across
tho Platto Rivor, located through Sec
tions 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27,
Township 12, Rango 27, West of tho
6th P. M., and shall an annual tax bo
lovlcd sufficient to pay tho interest on
such bonds as it accrues and to pro-
yjuo a sinking rund for .tho redemp
tion of such bonds at their maturity."
FOR issuing negotiable bonids of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, to bo stylod
and known as Intornal Improve
ment bonds of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, In denominations ot $1000.00
each numbered from 1 to 165 inclu
sive in tho sum of $165,000.00, as
abovo described.
AGAINST !ssulnK negotiablo bonds of
Lincoln county, Nobraska, to bo
Btylcd and known as Intornal Im
provement bonds of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska, in denominations ot
$1090.00 each numborQd from 1 to
165 inclusive In tho sum of $165,
000.00, as abovo described."
Sec. 3. That tho County Clerk shall
proclaim and glvo notlco of tho places
and tlmo of holding bucu election as
oy law required, and ho Is hnrnhv
ordered and directed to glvo such no
tlco of such election by publishing for
four (4) weeks prior to tho said date
of said elcctloon in tho North Plattn
Telegraph and tho North Platto Semi-
woekiy Tribune, official nowsnaners
of said County, and likewise by pub
lishing for four C4) wenlrn nrtnr tn
saljJi dato In tho following newspapers.
to-wlt: Tho Sutherland Courier, Wal-
iaco winner, Hershey Times and
Brady Vindicator, and also bv nostinc
or causing to bo postod a copy of tho
oiocuon notico m at least threo (3)
public places in each of tho oloctlon
precincts in tho County not less than
twenty (20) days prior to said dato ot
such election, and such notico shall
embrace and stato tho question to bo
submitted as hereinbefore set out and
recited, and tho said Clork is horoby
empowered and Instructed to take all
such other and further steps as may i
bo necessary to proovldo for tho hold- r
ing of said election, printing tho bal
lots therefor, furnishing tho necessary
tally-sheets or books anil stationery
with which to conduct tho election and
ascertain the returns, and to fully pro-
viae ior ana conduct said special olec-
tion as is required by law to conduct
general County elections and obtain
returns thereof.
Sec. 4. The votinc nlacoa whera
this election shall bo hold aro tho reg
ular voting nlnccs at which general .
elections are held in tho various wartts
or precincts of the Countv. and nt k
which said polling places the last '
uenorai election was hold.
Passed and approved this 11th dav
of July, 192T.
County Commlsslonfira-.
Countv Clork. (SEAL)
Estate No. 1831 of Josio OTTare, do
coased, in tho County ourt of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested In said Estate, take
notico that a peptllon has been fllod
or tho probating of the- last will and
testament of Josio O'Haro; deceased,
and tho appointment ot Anna O'Haro
as Executrix of Bald Estato under
said will, which has been sot for hear
ing herein on August 9. 1921. at 10'
o'clock a. m.
Rated July 15, 1921.
(SEAL) County Judge-.
Hoagland & Carr, Attys.
To all persons interested in tho es
tato ot Rudolph Thanol, deceased.
You aro horoby notified that on tho
6th day of July, 1921, Mark L. Smith,
Administrator of tho estato of Ru
dolph Thanol, deceased, and one of
tho (defendants in tho action brought
by Goorgo IL Smith to forocloae a
mortgage upon tho real estato owned
by said estato, filed his answer and
cross-petition in said foreclosure
proceedings, and in his cross-potltlou
prays for a Hcenso to sell Lots 1 and
2 of Soction 7 arid tho W ot the
SEV1 of Soction 6, Township 16.
Rango 27 West of tho 6th P. M. ior tho
payment of debts allowed against said
estate and allowances and costs of
administration, alleging that there Is
not a sufficient amount of personal
property on tho possession of said
Mark L. Smith, Administrator, to pay
said dobts, and prays that the moneys
dorlved from tho salo ot said proper
ty to bo first applied to the payment of
said debts and allowances, and If In
sufficient to pay all of said dobts, al
lowances and tho mortgage which tho
plaintiff Goorgo IL Smith is fore
closing, thon that tho balance ot tho
real estato ot tho said state, being
Lots 6 and 7 and the E of the
BWhi of sail Section 6, bo Bold and
that tho widow's homostoad interest
in said quarter bo decreed and set
asldo to her out ot tho proceeds of
Bald sale.
WHEREPON it is ordered that all
persons Interested In sal estate ap
pear before mo at Chambers In the
city ot SIdnoy in Choyonno County in
this Judicial District on tho 3rd day
ot Soptomber, 1921, at tho hour of 10
A. M. to show causo, If any thoro be.
why a license should not bo grranted
to said Mark L. Smith. Administrator,
to soil and allow to bo Bold so much
of tho abovo described roal estato of
said Rudolph Thanol, docoasod, as
shall bo nocossarf to ipap tho abovo
described debts and expenses.
J. h. TEWEtTi.
Judge of the District Court