The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 29, 1921, Image 1

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    & lorth
emixil eeltlii Ouibtmc.
No. 58
Tho completed plans and speclflcu
tlons with estimates for the now Lin
coln County Court House should bo
liorc within n short time now. Archi
tect Borllnghof has written that ho
has been delayed In getting some of
the estimates on tho smaller lines but
that tho work Is progressing nicely
and will bo ready on schedule.
Superintendent Llttel told us the
other day about his trip to Idaho and
back through Yellowstone Park. ,IIls
descriptions of the roads in tho
mountains were such that wo decided
right then nnd there that wo would
walk when wo go west again. Ho told
of tho beauties of tho scenery and we
felt that wo would llko to go out to
Idaho and live.
Ground Is being turned this week
for the now Standard Oil Co. Service
Station at tho northwest corner of
Sixth and Locust. This ground was
hought by tho Standard Oil Co. several
years ago and has been vacant since.
Tho new building Is said to bo one
worthy of tho company which Is build
ing it. No announcement as to who
will run the station has been made.
It is to bo completed within sixty
Another room is being added to the
new building which has Just been
completed by the S. & R. Service
Station at tho corner of Sixth and
Locust It connects tho Economy
Grocery and Dodmoro's.. It is to be
be occupied by the Vesta Battery sta
tion "which'is I'nlho'room facing north
but has moved on account of lack of
room. The new building will be ono
story and in the same architecture as
the other rooms of tho building.
It. L. Cochran, returned Wednesday
front several weeks visit In the west.
Ho and Mrs. Cochran went to Los
Angeles where Roy attended tho Elks
national convention as a delegate
from North Platte lodge. They went
jto Portland. Seattle and Pocatello.
Here Mrs. Cochran will visit until
next week with hor mother and sister
Hoy came on home to attend to Im
portant business matters. Ho is es
pecially enthusiastic about tho treat
ment of the delogatos while on the
coast and told of the trips both in
California and in the north-west,
which were arranged for tho enter
tainment of tho Elks.
Central Labor Union was distribut
ing notices on tho street yestorday
telling tho public to boworo of anyone
who claims to bo connected with tho
American Federation of Labor and
who is soliciting advertising. Partlcu-
lar attention was called to somo men
who aro supposed to bo headed this
way and who are soiling spaco on a
"Friends of Labor" poster. It is fitting
that any organization whoso good
uttmo Is endangered should warn tho
people against those who aro Irre
sponsible and attempting to do harm.
The merchants horo nppreclato sucn
service on the part of Central Labor
Union. , ,.
The County AKont says: "Tho best
method for treating smut Is by float
ing tho grain in formaldehyde boUi
tlon. If tho grain Is stirred or agi
tated under tho water or allowed to
fall through tho water it floats all of
tho smut balls, together with other
trash to tho top and provonttf tho Binut
balls from breaking and spreading
tho spores through tho treated grain.
Machines aro mado for this purpose
but tho work can be dono by hand for
small amounts of grain. If elevators
do not care to oporato ono of those
machines at cost for tho purposo o
getting better wheat, tho farmers
might buy ono co-oporatlvely for each
Tho concert to bo played tonigut
Uv Mm fiiinmlmr of Commerce Band
Is unlquo In one particular at least.
rwv nnmhnr nf tho nroKram was
written by Karl L. King. Mr. King
has charge of a band at Fort Dodge.
At ono tlmo ho was bandmas-
1 lUt fcjwJ 1
rnr ;niia.n' run mm iiiLer lur uui-
num & Bailey. It Is customary for n
n rnnflno his writings to
marencs or wmueo ui .........
ntw -tvin or movement In mu-
1 nvnerurna nr
. i...f nr, irinrr hH broken all rules
n,i i, "written masterpieces In
, ..! ,Unrlmntlto
Thoso who hear tho concert tonight
vi nor rT tiii 11 111 in t:iiL uuiui mu w vwt
nn,i clvo close attontlon, will place
tn ,r fi.o iftmlnrn in modern
1111 lIUh lHvyt
hnnrl rnmnosltlon.
The new game and flsh laws say
that "It shall be unlawful for any per-
son over 16 years of ago to-hunt or
ni. ,,t flrat lmvlnc nrocured the
UOU .--.-- -
proper license. Any pursuit iuwu
boy or girl, man or woman. A license
rnqH. si 00 and can be procured ot
thn Countv Clerk for ono dollar. It Is
mnii fnr tho vear. Every person in
tho fishing party must have a license,
A man must have a license and his
wife must have a license and each of
iita pliildron over sixteen years of age
must have a liconse, If the family
goes hunting or fishing. The state Is
full of deputy game wardens anu
prosecutions and convictions are of
nlmost daily occurence in Lincoln
County. Four men wore convicted
Monday of this week and four again
on Tuesday. The best way is to gei
the license and then It will be on band
when wanted.
Arvllla Whlttaker wishes to an-
nounco that the Specialty Shop Is well
stocked with D. M. C. threads in all
the new, beautiful sliaues; aiso new
stampea articles in unons, muuiu
nannoi, anu unens oy mo yuiu.
LoCUSt Street.
Leo Slieeuy returned to cnoyenne
yostoruay aucr aweuuim, iu
. 1 . Kl ..11 .1 ! . i1,n f.lHAMnl
of his brother Win. Shoedy.
Tho laws passed by tho last logls
lature may bo classified as thoso
which state when they shall bo In
forco and thoso which do not. Thoso
which do not carry an emergency
clause becomo operative thrco months
after tho legislature closes. That waa
July 28. So all tho laws aro now In '
force except those which havo been
hold up ponding tho referendum vote.
Tho road laws havo many changes in
cluding the auto laws and tho much
talkcd-of lens law. Thore are many
changes In tho statutes regarding pro-
cooduo in courts and Jegal mat
ters, The game and fish laws hav
boon changed in many ways and they
" "
Ono of tho laws which went Into of-
' " s'"'b u.
b "l "1B- " Ia uu"
stead of 18. No longer can a young
Gct llccnso to wed wunout tno
"sol "ur J"""- " 18 -
1. sno cannot sign icgni uocu-
- . - . . . .
monts unui biio is us om us i.ur uruui-
or must oo wnou m can uium
I Tt will m nnpnannrv fnr flln InlV
..... " v .v.wi...'.. j w v.. . .
, , ,, ... . , .. , . ,
"biding citizen to find out what chang
cb havo been mado in the laws nnd to
oto those with which ho 13 likely to
UOIIIU III CUJllUUt Ul 11V UlU) V luiaiu
thorn without Intent.
Miss Kutli McUlanalian ot Beatrice
' viouB iui iu l .o uumun
or nor uncies jonn anu iumor
Dorryberry & Forbes has presented
a kitchen range to the cabin at the.
Camnflro nlrla' canm. Simon Bros.
- . .. .. .
u unu kuvo uium a iiui. wuuii ico
orvolr and the wiiolo tiling is sot oip
ready for use. Tho cabin still needs
some kitchen utensils and chairs and
tallies. Theso would be wolcomo do
nations from anyone.
Don't fall to attend tho two day
cholco of the house sale of any spring
silk dress, suit or coat at $25.00 al
Word was received here last night
from Ocala, Fla., of the sudden death
of Thos. P. Sheahan. Mr. Sheahan
was a brakeman on tho Union Pacific
here and left last spring for Florida
on account of his health. He leaves a
wito anu step-ciaugnter. ho Is a
brothor-ln-law of John FredoricI of
this city. No arrangements havo yet
been mado for tho funoral.
Clav M , A,b , Qrov h
wpro plckcd up hcro by Ch,ef Spm.
ner Wctinogdny woro tacen to Julcs.
burft Co,0 yay by Colorado
authorities. Wednesday morning one
f th , ontorcd tho Stjiok & Mc-
f?nvnrn crrnpnrv ntnrn nnil iHnnlnvpil n
, , f nlckoI aml ,,.. nsk
nng for big money In exchange. Mr.
Stack susplclonod the boy ana alter
exchanging his money called tno
chlof. Mr. Splllner hold tho boys and
later received a telegram to bo on
tho lookout for them. Thoy stolo $10
from a Julosburg pool hall. Colorado
authorities Identified thom yestorday
and removed thorn to Julesburg. Both
boys aro about seventeen years of ago.
For Saturday, July 30
4 basket crate Apricots $2.75
4 bars P. & G. Soap 27e
6 bars Swift's White Laundry Soap 24c
1 Family Size package Crackers 20c
Crackers in 7 lb. boxes, per lb. 15c
1 35c cart Heinz Pork and Beans 24c
4 pounds of Beans 25c
I glass 15c Mustard 11c
Mrs. Edward Loypoldt visited reli
tlvos In tho city Vodnosday.
Vivian Nolson wont to Gothenburg
yesterday to visit his parents.
M. J. Forbes and family roturnod
Wcdnosdny bj auto from Colorado
David E. Martin of Horshey trans
acted business In tho city 'Wednes
day. - -
W. L. Amos left yesterday for Goth
enburg after transacting business In
the city.
B. F. llukor and daughter of Max
well transacted business in tho city
Itov. Moore wont to Cheyonne yes-
torday to attend tho Frontier Days
A. P. Kelly nnU Dr. MoKIrahnn left
by nuto for Choyonno to
attend Frontlor Days.
Tho Glorsdorf Company spent yee
torday in Maxwoll advertising their
porformanco for last evening.
Miss Ellzaboth "Wortmnn and MIs3
M. It. Farloy loft yestorday for Choy
enno to attend Frontlor Days.
Mrs. Mary Stcvons and sou Cnr-
roll and daughter Doris returned yes-1
torday by auto from Estos Park.
Miss Alice Harvey of Sutherland
visited yesterday with Mrs. Louise
Enirlght, while enrouto to Arlington.
Miss Rona Dolph returned from
Koarnoy yestprdny whoro 'she ha3
been attending the State Tcachors'
College. .
F. L. Tyranny and E. Shutnway
went to Llsco yestorday to attond a
meeting of branch agents and section
Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Boatman re
turned yestorday from Cheyonne
whore they attended the Frontlor Days
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wyman and
sons returned Wednesday from Yel
lowstone National Park. They mado
the trip by auto.
Maurice Williams and Charles
Rlnckor returned Wednesday by auto
from a trip to Ogden, Salt Lake City,
(Denver nnd Estes Parle
W. A. Kochon of Seattle, who has
been visiting his father Andres Koch
en, left yestorday for Grand Island
before returning to his home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Calhoun and
daughter Doris loft Wednesday for
Lexington to attend tho funeral of a
cousin, Mr. Colo of Long Bench, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis ot Grand
Island returned to tholr homo yester
day aftor visiting at tho homo of tholr
son nnd wlfo Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis.
Mrs. Geo. Lannln and sons George
and Frank and Mrs. John Eshloman of
Hershey returned Wednesday by auto
from a trip to Yellowstone National
Miss Roba Eaves of California, who
has been a guest of hor aunt Mrs.
York Hlnman will leave today for
Fremont to visit boforo returning to
hor home.
Froo Ear, Eye, Nose ana Throat
Clinic for poor and worthy school chil-
drcn. During August only. Dr. C.
McRoynolds. Ovor Roxall Drug
Store. i
Misses Fern
and Florence Vodder
t will return this evening from Kear-
ney where they havo been attending
the summer term of the Stato Tcach
ors' College.
Tho dances given In tho K. C. hall
last evening and Wednesday ovonlnc;!
woro largely attended. Everyone en
joyed tho Jazz music played by the
Glersdorf orchestra.
Sunday and Monday, Sidney
North Platte at Fair Brounds.
11:00 Preaching.
S:00 Short Sormon.
11:00 "An Optontistlc
Gloomy Future."
View of a
8:00 Holy 'Communion.
11:00 "Tho Dlvlno Healing."
11:00 "Tho Hill of tho Lord.".
S:00 Illustrated sormon "Tho Cen
tenary Undor Way In Europe."
W. C. T. U.
k Will hold a picnic Tuesday, Aug.
2 at tho Experimental Farm. Mombors
are requested to meet nt lite Court
House. Thoso having cars please
bring thorn. Mcsdamcs Snyder, Zook
and Rhondcs will bo hostesses.
All day Saturday, July 30 on all
Summer Goods most needed now such
as Toweling, Printed Voiles, Swisses,
Organdies, all Laco and Net Curtain
Goods, Hosiery, Brnssiors, Women's
and Children's Underwear, Silk Gloves
Children's Rompers and Creopors,
Women Waists, Blouses, Skirts anil
Houso Drosses.
Elmer Coffoon ot Kansas "City, Mo.,
Is a guest at ho homo ot his undo and
aunt Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Fonda.
Tho South Lincoln County Sunday
School Convention will bo hold at
Highland Methodist Episcopal Church
north of Maywood Sept. 18.
Dr. and Mrs. Tarklngton of Hot
Springs, Ark., visited at the J. H.
Fonda homo this week. Thoy woro
onrouto to Yellowstone Nntlonal Park
Nowspapor spaco wns not available
to advertise Big Hour Sales All Day
Saturday at Tho Leader Mercantile
Co. Bo sure and visit tho store Sat
urday, you will bo agreeably surprised
nt tho bargains offered.
Tho Methodist Sunday School hold
a picnic In the City Park last oven-
ing with qulto an attendance. The
supper was tho ntiln attraction until i
It was over and thon games and sports
took tho rest of tho evening.
During these Hour Sales at The;... n . . Nothlnc but tho
Leader Mercantile Co. buy ns many'
yards of any grado you llko and wt!
wlll make you a present of the same,
number of yards and value absolutely
The anticipation of a future competence
takes away the stin& of present toil and
self sacrifice. If you have a vision of
what you want to have or be, work and
save now and you can accomplish it.
First National Bank
Pays s per cent interest per annum, compounded
semi-annually, on your savings
Tho munnKomont of tho Platto Riv
er Round-Up nnd Pioneer Days Exhi
bition which Is to bo held on tho old
John Brntt ranch northwest of Suth
erland has suggested that ono day bo
designated as North Platto Day. The
Chambor of Commerco has boon asked
to tnko up the matter and nt a meet
ing hold yestorday It was diBCiissod.
Tho full board was not present on
account of some of tho men being "out
of town on vacations, but tho sontl
mont of thoso who nttonded was that
North Platto give tho Exhibition its
Biippqrt and go tho limit In attend
ance. It was proposed to tako the
Chumbor of Commorco Band and as
many cltlzons and members of tho
Chambor of Commorco as could get
awny and niako an excursion to tho
ranch. Leaving horo at nlno o'clock
in tho morning tho scone ot tho colo
bration could bo reached by ton or a
Httlo aftor. Tho return could bo maiio
at any time that It would suit tho con
venience of tho dlfforcnt parties. No
doflnlto action wub taken but It is
probablo that it will bo worked out
at the next mooting.
The North Platte Amorlcan Legion
Ball Team plays tho Sidnoy Boosters
Sunday nnd Monday at tho Fair
GroundB. Sidney has an all salaried
ball team and ovory man is an ox
lcaguer. Thoy aro no doubt tho fast
est team In tho stato and tho fans will
get a ronl treat In watching tho way
thoy handjp tho old applo. Tottonhoff
and Fussql will do tho twirling for
tho locals.
Mr. C, F. Rhino of Sallna, Kau. ar
rived hcro Monday to visit his sister,
Mrs. M. J. Trego, 209 E. Socond. Mr.
Rhino Is acquainted with a number of
the local musicians as ho played with
tho iociil band during1 tho County Fair.
In the fall of 1917. Ho is a good solo
cornet player.
I wish to announce to my ipatrons
thnt commencing August 31st I tako
ovor tho manngoment Of The Koith
Theutro along with Tho Sun. My
Opening picture "Bob Hampton of
Placer," a Marshall Nellan Production
1b the best Nellan has over produced.
It has an all-star cast Including tho
Little Frecklo Faced Wesley Barry.
1 jim fS
. T a m,.. r.rwnm nt.nrv which
I ' . R d Book a Btory of a
w . .,im.vll Aii,nP houso.
twn ponl Trr gomon comody
"The Fall Guy.'
No chango In ad-