NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd I'ltbllslier. -Entered nt tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco ns Second Class Mutter. SUBSCRIPTION IMUCKj One Vt'nr, In ndrnncc $2.00 TUKSIMY, JULY 20tli, 1921. KMTOIUAL. . We cortitlnly approvo of tlio rule ndopted by tlio Campflro Council pro hibiting the campflrc girls from en tertaining tholr boy friends while nt Jomp. Somo of tho girls may not like It but tho Council knows vory woll that It Is tho only possible way tp live up to tho spirit of tho order. ampflro Is not a social olub. It doi'tt not Inoludo boys In Its scope. Camp fire Is tho spirit of girlhood, given a frco and natural reign and proccdos tho period of mating. It teaches friendliness to all human beings but not tho selection of u slnglo Individu al outsldo of tho girl's own family. Any girl seeking to grow In campflrc will separate canipflro from tho boy ques tion and keep them soparato. Tho school census shows that thora ro 2,553 boys and girls of school ago residing liorc on Juno let It is grati fying to tho citizen to know that tho aine census showed 1G0 moro chlldron llero than wcro listed last year. But with this satisfaction goes a respon sibility which is a real burden it not accepted Joyously. Norjth Plaljto Is rcsponilblo If those children do not liavo a dean healthful environment ln-whlch to grow. Ono post holo may pollute many of them. Ono foul-mind-od man or woman can dwarf tho moral development and porvort clean living Into Bin nnd orlmo. Ballots can put man Into offlco who will wink at law violations. Boys and girls may ho used to koop questionable buslnoss ontarprlaoB supplied with customora. Tho Individual citizen may not sso bin or her responsibility but tho cry from Lincoln for onlnrgod ponltont larios and insano asylums Is tho an swer "to tho Indifforonco of commun ities of a former generation. The lovers of boys and girls must study tho onvlronmont nn(i plan to mako It hotter, North Platto alms to bo tho metropolis of central and woa(torn Nebraska but her aim will bo all thoro Is to It unless sho builds so that her boyi and girts will liftvo a sato nhll sano onvlronmont In which to dovoloy into grant and noblo men and women, j CARD 01' THANKS. ' Wo wish to thank our nolghboi'8 j , nnd frfomln who so kindly nsslstod In our lute boroavomont and also fori tlio many boautlful flornl offerings, j ' ('. McCOY mi. and MR8. A. a. wessbeug ABNBR J. WI3SSBERG MIL ami MRS. W. A. ROBINSON. "'Froo Ear, Eye, Noso and Throat Qllnia far poor and worthy school ohll dron. During Aujrust only. Dr. C, E.' McHeynoldi. BWro. Mr. and Mrs. Ovor Roxall Drug Hugh McGovorn of ! , Denver are expect od today to visit utl ,tlio homo of tho termor's brother , ' Frnnk McGovorn and wlto. IPlllPlILlSSg V r. i vr trrir rniMu TheM.&Co. fa jll fc mm m I When you buy a CaloriC you get more than the best heating plant that modern Science can produce. You get scientific installation the free service of experienced engineers who personally plan the CaloriC installation in your building, CaloriC engineering is one of the vital fac tors in CaloriC success on the certainty of this service to insure complete satisfaction Is based the CaloriC Money-back Guarantee. CaloriC Engineering Service is supplied by the; manufacturer through this CaloriC agency to quickly assist you in planning the most efficient Seating for your home. Let us make a sketch of -emr building or bring a rough sketch of your floor ftaRS to our store and we will secure the CaloriC engineer's installation plans without obligating you la any way. Get these plans now and learn how the CaloriC will save hundreds of dollars in building a new Iwmo and how it will pay for itself in fuel saving In fey home, old or new. Mfmxe of the advice of tlioio who deprecUte tho important f preper engineering in IniUlling any heating plant. Simon Bros. North Platte. For 3 room For 4 room For 5 room For 6 room The Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfit Gives Healthful Heating, Fuel Saving, Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction You make a grave mistake if you do not at once take advantage of this exceptional offer and be PRE PARED FOR WINTER and guarantee yourself againut a fall raise in prices. The Ideal-ARCOLA IS THE LATEST AND GREATEST Heating Invention of the Age. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ON HEATING YOUR HOME WITH THE WONDERFUL Ideal-ARCOLA R. P. Zents Plumbing and Heating Co. E. F. Hultman Plumbing and Heating MARRUGK LICENSES. Tho following licenses ,woro Issued slnco our last Issuo by Co. Judge Woodhurst: July 21 Frank Elbourn farmer, Lyons, Nobr. antf Miss, Tholmn Brown, Lexington, Nobr. July 23 Harris L. Stuart, gnloainan North Platto and Miss Coral M. Mnr 'ollus, North Platte. July 2G Mllgtnados A. JJargas, North Platto and Mrs. Juaquula Pad ron, North Platto; married by County1 Judgo "Woodhurst. Jlllv 25 Inn. H. Lnlliio. tool (lroiaor Arkansas City, Kansas and Miss Nun otUv Lanllnmi independence, Mo. July 25 Win. Rltner, deputy, Co. Clerk, North Platte and MIsq Fern Wttti, North Platte. . :o:: CARD OP THANKS. We wish to express our honrtfe't thanks to George W. Vroman Division No. 88 Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers to Elkhorn Lodge No. 28, . Brotherhood of Locomotive . iFlromon and Engineers, lo North i Platto Post No. 103 American Legion, , to St. Patrick's Council No. 1211 Kn8llts ot Columbus and to many otji- inonus wno wcro 80 iC,mi 10 Ud llurlnB our rccont boronvomout. d. F. SIIEEDY and FAMILY. FBDiaKlAe JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB PECIAL CLUB PRICE TO THE FIRST SIX BUYERS OF AK8 Hot Water Heating Outfits For Farms and Country Homes, Offices, Stores, Schools, Factories, etc. PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY FOR USE house; Areola and 2 Radiators house; Areola and 3 Radiators house; Areola and 4 Radiators house; Areola and 5 Radiators LOCAL A'J) PERSONAL Wm. Burgor returned from Lincoln and Omaha. Saturday He also visited his parents In Grand Island. Miss Myrtle May of Clinton, Iowa, came Saturday onrouto from Los An golos to her home. Sho is u guest nt tho A. J. Tracoy home. ATru nnan finn-iorm la nff ,intv at tho Leador Moreantilo Co. this week on a vacation. Sho loft this mornlwj for Paxtnn to visit. . ' Miss Dora Shrlver of Fromont who. ling boon In Denver arrived yesterday to visit at the home of Mrs. A. II. Tur-' pen onrouto toJior home. ',. I Brighton your summer. wardrobV' and buy ono or moro dainty blouses now on sale at prlcos way bolow rogu lar nt Tho Loader Moreantilo Co. I Mr. Win. Baldock and throe chil dren roturnod to tholr homo In Call-; fDrnia Sunday aftor visiting at tho home of her parontg Mr. and Mrs. "37 A. MoMlchael. , Miss Mable Morant arrived Friday from Amos, Iowa, whoro sho has boiij attending collego. Sho will be tlio Hummer guo:t of her grandmother t Mrs. Ltllio M. Richards. j Maurlco Williams and Charles . ninokor are expected to roturn today, from an auto trip to Denver, Salt Lako ' City, EtOB Park atnf other woBtorn points. A small crowd atended tho daneo given in tho K. C. hall Friday evening. Tho music furnished by tho Jaz Classlquo orchostra of Lincoln was r enjoyed by thoso attending. "Word was rocelvod hero tho latter part of tho week that llttlo Francos Neville fell from a horso and sustain ed a broken arm. Sho Is tho c'iauglKr of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Neville. Mrs. C. 11. Avery and daughtor Flor ence returned to tholr home In Low- ollon yesterday. Tho latter recently undorwont on operation at tho Platto Valley Hospital. Miss Lorctta Murphy will loavc tho first of tho month for Chicago to spend a month. Sho will take up a special course In Library Extension work. n. O. Halter and Goo. Drowcr of Ily annls, Nobr. left' this morning for jtholr homo aftor transacting busi ness. Thoy woro accompanieu nomo by llttlo Gwendolyn Kolso. Miss Elizabeth Llttlo loft this morn ing for Chicago to spond a few dayn. From Chicago sho will go to lior homo in Kentucky. Sho was rccontly employed In tho Millinery Dopt of tho Loador Moreantilo Co. Word was received horo Saturday of tho birth of a six pound boy at Motfandrlfi, Nobr. to Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Wolnard. Mrs. Wolnard will bo remomborcd as Miss Alta Wells who lught liT tho North Platto High School for sovoral years. Application for a dlvorco from AUio -1 noil was filed this weok by Ilortha n. Doll of this city. Thoy have ono daughter, Floronco ago 11, who Is ask ed to bo placed tindor tho caro ot hov mothor. Tho application will como up at the next term of District Court. Tho Olorsdorf Orohostra which is playing thin weok at tho Kolth will furnish muslo for a danco In tho K. C hall tomorrow ovonlng lmmodlatoly following tho second, show at tho Keith. Till orchestra has pleased evoryono who hoard It In the theatre. &3S ikes mik REGULAR PRICE ' $191.50 264.50 311,50 368.50 LARGER SIZES FOR LARGER HOMES North Platte Plumbing and Heating Co. R. A. Phillips Plumbing and Heating. NOTICE 1 At tho special meeting of tho legal voters of school district number 47 ot Lincoln County, Nebraska, which j will be held at tho school house on August 16; 1921 at two p. m., the prop- osltlo'n will bo submitted to tho voters ijt of raising tho budget of $1100.00' to conduct tho District 47 school for tho comlne Near. This will roauiro a lew "t to exceed one hundred mills on j u' dollar of the assessed valuation of said district. C. C. BO WAN, g Director -::o: Thos. McGovorn will leave today for i'.t Cheyenno to attend Frontier Days. a (j ... 1J0W DOES IT SOUND TO YOU? : C room modern except heat on flno f corner lot at 901 west 4th. A good S homo In a real location at $5,500; easy S terms to right party. A nice flvo room cottage, modern oxcopt heat at 804 east 3rd street. Big lot, nlco trees and garago'; prlco $4200 THE H. & S. AGENCY has them. For J5ent-Furnlshod room, lady proferrod. Phono 1219J, 210 N Ash For Sale 8 room houso. Modorn oxcopt hent 415 W. 9th. Phono G45J. For Jlent Houso $12 rent. G13 West 11th- St. For Ite"l Threo rooms. $15 per month. Phono 1072W. For Jlent Offlco G05 North Locust. Phono 1209J. Wauled To buy a good tennis racket. Call 430J. For Salo Five room houso. All modern. 215 So. Ash. Alsl 3 lots on Wost Third. Phono 330W. For Sale Now furniture for 2 light , ; " """"i housokcoping rooms. Small payment, i erms. l'nono 287 w. For lle'U Barn, closo In, suitable for garago. Inqulro Paul Harrington, First National Bank BuHjJlng. For Kent 1C0 acres native hay land four miles west of North Platto for this season. Address II. A. Trlllor, C80 3Sth St., Dos Moines, Iowa. For Sale Six room houso modorn oxcopt boat South ot track and wost of Dowoy. In first class condition and prlccjl for quick salo. Will consldor car on deal. Phono 979W. For llont Storo building at 609 Locust St. This 1b a steam-heated storo building. Long timo leaso to re sponsible parties. For Information sco Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy. (Hoagland & Cnrr, Atornoys.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1827 ot Glenn Scott, do ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State ot Nobraska, ss. Cred itors of said estate will tako notico that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate is Novombor 23, 1921, and for sottlomorit ot said Estate If July 23, 1922; that I will alt at tho county court room In said Counlty on Au gust 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a, m., and on November 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m to rocolvo, oxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. patou Jiny zi, imi WM. H. C. WOODHURST. (SEAL) County Judge. Want Ads' s 1 CLUB PRICE $181.50 250.00 294.00 350.00 if NATURE STUDY' IN OUR CITY it PAIIKS. In Memorial Park and In both' City Park and the Cemetery tho Nebraska Cottontail (Lepls Ilorldanus slmilus-Nolson) has been observed on numerous oc casions. This llttlo cottontail nfbblt is found all through this part of tho country. It differs in several minor ways from tho Prairie Cottontail of tho south eastern part of tho state and from the Plains Cottontail of tho Northwest The cottontail Is ofton seen about tho city and does somo damage In gardens but tho numbers are kept down it so that the total loss Is not groat. Tho cottontail rears sovoral litters of young rab bits each year and thoy make lino pets. Any child loves to iplay with a baby rabbit but thoy can not .stand much hand ling. Cottontails aro .hunted to somo extent in this community but their scarcity does not make them furnish good sport for the hunter. They live on grass, stems, seeds, bark and grains. During vory cold weather they eat the bark from fruit trees if g SPECIAL ELECTION PROCLAMA TION AND NOTICE. To tho Votors of Lincoln County, Ne braska: Uy virtue of a rosolutlon duly en acted by tho Board ot County Com missioners or said Couny, notico is hereby given that on tho lGth day of' August, 1921, between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. nnd 8:00 o'clock P. M. at tho polling places designated bo low, a special election will bo hold of tho qualified eolctors of said County on tho proposition to issuo ' and sell negotiable bonds of said County, in tho sum of Ono Hundred sixty-flvo Thousand ($165,000.00) Dollars to bear Interest at tho rato of six per cent (6) por annum, pay able semi-annually on coupons at tached, and Sixteen ThousanU Flvo Hundred ($16,500.00) Dollars of said bond Issuo to becomo duo and pay ablo ton (10) years after tho date ot Issuo and Sixteen Thousand Flvo Hun dred ($16,500.00) Dollars of said bond issuo to becomo duo and payablo In each year aftor said ton (10) year per iod until all aro paid and tho purpose for which said bonds aro to bo issued Is to provide funds for paying for tho ropalr, sonstructlon or reconstruc tion work for tho following described bridges in said County, Including ap proaches thoreto, namely: Th . Mrd wood Precinct Brldgo over tho North Platto Rlvor north of Sutherland, lio tweon Section lines 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango 33 West ot tho 6th P. M.; tho South Platto Brldgo ever tho South Platto Rlvor south of Sutherland locatetl on north and south contor lino In Soctlon 32, Township 14, Range 33 West ot tho Gth P. M.; tho Horshoy brldgo ovor tho North Platto Rlvor north ot Hershey, located on Soctlon linos between Sections 8 and 9, Township 14 Rango 32, West ot the Gth P. M.; tho Bostwlck Brldgo ovor tho South Platto Rlvor south of Hor shoy located botween Sections 28 and 29, niia 32 and 33, Township 14, Rango 32 Wost ot tho Gth P. M.; tho North Rlvor brldgo ovor tho North Platto Rlvor north of North Platto, located in East half (E) of Section 28, Township 14, Rango 30 West ot tho Gth P. M.; tho Osgood brldgo over tho South Platto Rlvor Bouth ot North Platto located in Wost half (W) ot Sections 4 and 9, Township 13, Range 30 West of tho 6th P. M'; die Lluoolu Highway Brldgo ovor tho North Platto River cast of North Platte, located on Section linos between Sections 35 and 3G, Township 14, Rango 30, and Section 1 nnl 2, Township 13, Range 30, all West of tho Gth P. M.; tho Maxwell Brldgo across tho Platto'Rlv or, located through Soctlons 28, 32, S3, Township 13, Range 28, and Section G, Township 12, Rango 28, all Wost ot tho Gth P. M.; the Brady Brldgo across tho Platto River, located through Sections 11, 14. 16, 22, 23, 2G and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West of tho Cth P M.; and the question and proposition cmbracos, also tho lovy of an annual tax sufficient to pay the Interest on said bonjls as It accrues and to provldo a sinking fund for tho redemption of said bonds at their ma turity. And the question shall bo submit ted to tho qualified ofectors at said election and appear upon tho official ballots thereat In tho following man ner nnd form: , "Shall Lincoln County Issue and sell tho negottnblo coupon bonds .of tho County, to bo styled nn4 known as Internal Improvement bonds of Lin coln County, Nobraska, In denomina tions oi $1000.00 each anjl numbered from 1 to 165 Inclusive, In the sum of $165,000.00, to bear lntorest at six per cent (6) per annum, payablo semi- annually, and $16,500.00 of such bond Issuo to becomo duo and pay ablo ten (10) years from dato of their Issue, and $16,500.00 of such issue to becomo duo and payablo each year after said ten (10) year period until all aro pad; tho said bonds to bo Is sued for tho purposo of paying for the repair, construction and reconstruc tion of tho following described bridg es In said County, Including approach es thereto, namely: tho Blrdwood Proclnct Bridge over tho North Platte Rlvor north of Sutherland, betwoon Section lines 4 and 5, and 8 and 9, Township 14, Rango 33 West of tho 6th P. M.;tho South Platto Brldgo over tho South Platto Rver south of Suth erland, located on north and south center lino In Section 32, Township 14, Range 33 West of the 6th P. M.; ' tho Hershey brldgo o' er tuo North Platto River north of Hershey, located on Section lines botween Sections 3 and 9, Township 14, Range 32, West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Bostwlck brfjklgo over tho South Platte River south of Hershey, located between Sections 23 and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range 32 Wost of tho 6th P. M.; tho North Rlvor bridge over the North Platto Rlvor north of North Platte, located In East half (El of Section 2S, Township 14, Rango 30, West of tho 6th P M.; tho Osgood brldgo over tho South Platto "River south of North Platte, located in West half (W) of Sections 4 and 9. Township 13, Rango 30 West of the 6th P. M.: tho Lincoln Highway brgo over tho North Platto River east of North Plako, located on Section lines between Sections 35 and 36, Township 14, Range 30, and Sec tions 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango 30, all West of tho 6th P. M.; tho Maxwell brldgo across the Platte River, located through Sections 28, 32, 33, Township 13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Town ship 12, Range 28, all West of tho Gth P. M.; the Brady bridge across the Platte Rlvor, located through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22. 23, 26 anl 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West of tho 6th P. M.; and shall an annual tax bo levied suf ficient to pay the interest on such bonds ns it accrues and to provide n kinking fund for the redemption of such bonds at their maturity." "FOR Issuing negotiable bonds of Lin coln County, Nobraska, to bo styled anil known as Internal Improve ment bonds of Lincoln County,, Nc baska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclu sive in tho sum of $1G5,000.00, as abovo described." , "AGAINST issuing negotiable bonis of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to bo styled and known ns Internal Im provement bonds of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, In denominations of $1000.00 each numbored from 1 to 165 inclusive inthe sum of $165,00 00, as above described." Tho polling places for holding of this election shall be the regular polling places at which general elec 'tions aro held In the following pro ducts and wards of said County, and at which said polling places the last General Election was hold: Antelopo Brady Buchanan Blrdwood Box Elder Cox Cottonwood Deer Creek Dickons ' East lynman Fox Creek ' Falrvlew Gaslln - '.5 Garfield - i Hall . - Hlman j Hooker Hershey , : Harrison Jeffrey Kem Lemon Maxwell Miller Medicine Myrtlo Nowell North Rosedalo , Osgood Payno Plant Peckham ' Rosedalo . ' Sellers Somerset Sprlngdalo Sunshlno Sutherland Table Vroman 4 Walkor Wallace Woll Whltttor Willow North Platte First Ward Second Ward Third WanVl Fourth Ward Witness my hand and official seal this 11th day of July, 1921. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, County Cleric