NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 4 elavs i a ii nm n m i .suss 4 lor AND THIS GREAT SALE Will be a matter of the past This sale will positively close S?A; rny, July 30th, in order to make lrsi i J,ys is snappy and interesting as the first part of this sale, we will pt't "SPFCfAL FEATURES" for iery remaining selling day. SHARE of one or ail of these "Extra Specials" offered during the last 4 days. We feel certain that you want to get YOUR for wprmMfiav July 27 from 9 a. m. to 12 M. Great 3-Hour Sale Bleached Sheetings 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, limit lu yards to a customer, per yard FOR Thursday Friday 39c July 28 from 9 a. m. to 12 M. Great 3-Hour Saie Silk Skirts Fancy Sports Silk Skirts, also plain silks; skirts that sold from $22.50 to $35.00 each, choice $9.98 Table Oil Cloth J Ladies' Spring Coats Best 5-4 Tablo Oil Cloth, cither colored or .wliitopor yard jJL 23c E2 v " a 20 Ladies' Spring Coats that have sold from $18.00 to $30 each, choice - $9.98 FOR July 20 from 9 a. an. to 12 M. Great 3-Hour Sale Ladies7 Silk Gloves . Ladies' Silk Gloves, famous "Niagara Maid" brand. Reg. $1.00 Gloves, pair 80c Reg. $1.50 Glor, pairSc Reg. $2.00 Cloy, pair $1.2 Ladies', Hose LAdiofc' Mercerised Hose lu black, brown aiid white, au sizes, regular ,7!f5c per p'aiv quality 2 Pairs for $1.00 Limit 4 pair to a customer. FOR JULY 80 ALL DAY. Extra Special Saturday I WHAT? BE ON HAND EARLY! See Friday's Tribune As . Ue quantities of each m item are limited and will nor Br last long at the low prices we m navo quoted, Remember the Hours From 9. to 12 k Every Bay No Telephone or Mail Order Filled. THE CROWD WILL BE LAHfiE SO GET HERE ON TIME WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, North Platte, Neb. Greatest July Clearance Sale XO GOODS SOLI) AT THESE PRICES JJEFOJtE OR AF TER HOURS SPECIFY 1 .J COUM'Y NEWS- Miss Uerisie Cottrel is off duty at the telephone office on account of ill- ' near. Mrs. ftankin of PAxton was a lnong the out o town visitors yester day. Mr and Mrs. Chester D'yor anl child or Pleasantville, Iowa are guoqta at the home ot Mrs. Surah A. Bangs. HM'ry Boyle hs accepted a posi tion with the Leader Mercantile Co. He began his duties Saturday. Ura. T, Peterson returned to hor . hojno in Maxwell Saturday, evening after spending the day in the city. Mrs. H. L looters, o DIx, Nebr., ar rived yesterday to visit at the home ot her daughter Mrs. T. II. Rowley. Miss Laura Bretzer left tills niorn 'Ing for Denver to visit lier-sistor Mrs. " George Smith. Miss Gertrude Penner 6f Fremont bas nocoptcd a position as operator in the Marlnello Beauty Parlor at tho -Style Shop. Boys' wash waists in sizes to fit boys from 5 to 14 yonTs on salq at G2cr V? 5c and 95o at The Leader Mercantile Co. The Mooney Halidlcap Cup Golf Tournament which is bolng hold at the Country Club is expected to be completed this week. Mrs. II. II. Mays and son Robort left yesterday for Los Angolos to vla It at tho homo of her mother Mrs. L. A. Olingor. Blsmnrk" and Otto Kammerer loft last Monday for their homo at Flati after visiting their sister Mrs. John Connor and Mrs. Glen McKain for tho , post six weeks. Wm. Stack loft yesterday for Try on to transact business, Harry Lowoll went to Grand Island yostorday to transact buslnoss. Edward Boghe returned to Grand Island last evening after spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bogue. Isaac Watts .left Saturday for his home in Corning, Iowa, after visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. It. C. Langforrt. Mr. and Mrs. Dep. Newman returned from Chicago the latter part of the week and have apartments in tho A. Howard home. Robert Dickey and Melvin Totten- ' hoft returned Saturday from a west ern trip to Cheyenne, Denver and oth er points. Mrs. Cora Wilson returned to hor homo in Summit this morning af ter taking - treatment at tho Platte Valley hospital. Tho datos for the North Lincoln County Sunday School Convontion are August 27 ana 2S. Tho convention will bo held at North Platte. Miss Marjory Corrlgan returned t3 her home in Omaha Sunday after vis iting at tho home of Mrs. FTF. No lan. Kovorall play suits for boys and girls in sixes 1 to 8 years or salo at 87c. 9Cc, fl.25, at Tho Loader Mercan tile Co. Chas. R. Kendall of tho Ilahon Ja cobsen of Cincinnati, transacted bus iness in the city the latter part of tho week. A baby girl wus born Sunday tu Mr. and Mr. Butler Miltonborger. ; Mrs. Miltonberger was formerly Miss I Helen Koontz. ydcigty Mra It. A. Brooks entertained ai six o'clock dinner last evening in hon or of Miss Fern Watts, a bride of Jr. morrow. After the elnborate dinner a pleasant evening was enjoyed. Friday was the first ladies' day at the Country Club this season. A very pleasant afternoon was spejH In go!f and cards. Dainty refreshments wer-i served at he close of the afternoon. Twenty ladies attonded. Tho Klwanis Club will entertain the Rotarians and tholr ladies this ov onlng nt a picnic at Hall's Grove. They will assemble at six o'clock In the streot botwoen tho Court Ilomv and Franklin school. A -program has beon arranged. On.- i.r the lnipoitant Jtil wedding. v ill be that of Misa Fern WatU.j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watts,: a ho will bo united in marriage to' William Ritner, son of Mr. and airs. John Ritner, tomorrow evening at the Presbtorian Church with Rev. Ci Franklin Koch officiating. Miss Edith Ritner will act as maid of honor, Fay yider as bridesmaid, John Ritner, Jr., as best man and -little Mildred Souder and Irma Rector as flowor girls. Im inedtelesly following tho ceremony i reception will be held in the church p&rlors. The young couple will leave on a wedding trip for western points. Miss Watts attended the local schools and spent. most of her. girlhood days in North- Platte. She is very popular with all who. know hor. Miss Watts has been employed for several years in tho Brooks Studio. Mr. Ritner is a graduate of the local Idgh school and has boon employed in tho County Clerk's office for several yoars. LOCAL AM) I'KKHONAi Geo. Murray is visiting in Seattle un a two weeks vaoation. Miss Nell Hanlfln 1ms resuinod du ties at the Leader MorcauUle Co. af ter i vacation. Mr. and Mrs., Harold Banks una' Miss Ruth Banks of Lexington spent Sunday at the Walter Hazeucamp homo. Mr. and ajrs. J. G. Guiles returned Sunday from Lexington where they vW.ted their daughter Mra u. n. Garrison. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Gurrlson who spent Sunday as their guestsv, Miss Harriet Murrin came Friday from Grand Island whore she ia at tending business college to visit hor mothor Mrs. Harry Murriu. M. H. McCoy and W. F. MbCJqy. re turned to their homes hi Sooits Bluff Saturday after attendiug the funeral of the lata Mrs. Stanley McCoy. Women's lovely wash dresses t&t are on sain are not the ordinary Wd, but so many of the newer and lais arrivals, up to date in coloring s well as style. Not one but what' Is worth several times tho salo, price ot $4.SC, $7.46, $9.G5 and $1-1.06. Clftvsr stylos in sIebs lfi to 44, at Thfi Laufcr Mercantile Co. , . ... . - j. j-rr j? Miss Nell Hartman entortwined M a thentro party Saturday evonlng In honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Fern Watts. After tho thontre refreshments wore sorvod in tha Ros- Room of the Smith-Johnson dm store. Covers wore laid for ten guests. rape Tho J. F. F. Club was entertained at tho homo of Mrs. II. C. Rahmoycr last Thursday. Miss DoEtto Kronqueat won first place in tho guossing contest ' and Mrs. Fred Grulko won second . Forty members were present, three1 now mombors being added at this 1 j mooting. Ico croam and cako wort ' I sorvod. It is a suitable gift for almost any occasion. It speak3 a universal language a language undorstooU by every body. Whether it conveys a message of frienship or love, it tolls it more effectively than a written letter. Of course to do this It lias to bo a "speaking likeness" Tho kind they make at 4 The Rembrandt Studio "MAKERS OF QUAsITY PORTRAITS" 6th and Dewey North Platte, Nebr. "BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY." Mrs. Guy & Popojoy ontortainod Friday ovonlng at hor homo nt a mis cellaneous showor complimentary to her sistor Miss Coral MarcoUes, -i summer bride. Tho houso was beau tifully decorated in garden Ilowors and a color scheme of pink and white was carried out. Tho feature of the evening was a mock wedding. At tho closo of tho ovonlng a dolicious three course, lunch was sorvod. In tho con tor of tho tablo on a mound of'pink carnations and white fovorfuo stood a mlnaturo brldo gowned In whlto satin. Overhanging tho table was a large white satin wedding boll nnd pink rosos wore used as favors. Miss Mar collos received many beautiful gift. Mrs., Lahrop of Chicago was tho ' only out of town guost. Miss' Coral Mercelles, (laugh tor of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mercolles, was united In marriage Saturdny at one o'clook to Harris Stuart, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Stuart. The wad ding took place at tho home of tho bride's sister Mrs. Guy S. Popojoy in the prosence of only the lmmodiato relativos, Rev. W. Harvoy Mooro of the Episcopal church officiating. 3Wis:t Bortha Morcellos, sistor of tho bridt, actod ns bridesmaid and Ned Stuart, brother of tho groom as best man. Tile young couplo loft immediately following tho coromony for Denver by auto. Mrs. Stuart enmo to North Platte a few yoars ago and is well known to the community having operated tho Marinollo Bonuty Parlor in the Stylo Shop. She is n graduate of the Marl nello school in Chicago. Mr. Stuart at tended tho local schools during his boyhood days here. He was a lieutonant In tho lato world war nn(i is now omployed as sulosmnn for tho Honlth Cabinet Co. Tho nows of tho wedding j)t this popular young couplo camo as a surprise to their many friends. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Gumming Saturday. All concornod aro doing nicely. Tho Stovo Pappas grovory at 803 west eighth streot report somo goods missing this morning. Bon LIvington returned tho latter part of tho week from Camp Meado whoro ho received his discharge. Ho has been in tho sorvico of Undo Sam as a soldier for ono and ono-half yoarg. High Ideals Call for Health and Hard B. C. Forbos, editor and owner- of Forbes Magazine, tolls us that "IligU ideals call for hoaltli, hard hlklngf-v and cllmbinv." Forbos knows. Hs started as u reportor. Then he spe. cialized on interviews with successful men. Now lie Is a publisher. Chiropractic brought Into the world tho missing plank in tho platform of health. It is tho law of mechanical correctness. Tho splno must bo me chanically correet in nlignmonlt of every Joint Then the nerve oponings are free and the spinal norvos trans mit 100 per cont normal Impulses. Health is a natural rosult. Chiropractic spinal adjustments l onio vo the cnuso of diseases of the brain, eyes, oars, nose, throat, hoart, lungs, livor, stomach, kldnoys, in--tostinos, nnd gonital organs. HEALTH BEGINS Whon your hoaltli boglna doponds on you. Consultation is without charge- - Drs. States & States, fftrz The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building and Loan Building North Platte Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC C0RRECT6 DISEASES ATl!E FOLLOWING g EYES -VC- NOSP THROAT ARMS tlO UPAbY W V V" LIVER STOriacii PANCREAS SPLEEN HIDNEY5 BOWELS APPF.NDIK bladder 'LOWER Column LIMQS LOWER RINCHEO NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND HEALTH) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TISSUES rauu