The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 26, 1921, Image 2
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE OF INTEREST TO WHAT OTHER RURAL READERS PAPERS SAY FARM BUREAU NEWS SERVICE SUPPLIES ITEMS FOR THE TKinUNE HE A DE IIS INTERESTING ITEMS FROM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH OUR DESK. The Department of Agricultures es timates that nearly 7,000,000 domostl.: animate were lost from disease or ex Bced, of preparing the ground, seed ing, harvesting, threshing, hauling to elovntor and freight to Omaha, tho to tal being only 94 cents por bushel. He Informs us that he will soon be ublo to give us flgurcB on tho present crop, which may exceed last pear's orop and with costs to dato has figur ed that ho will put the wheat on the terminal markets for GO cents per bushol or Icbs this year. If ho can do this ho will have a fifty to sixty por cent profit' or over $6,000 for hit crop. -Keith County News. ::o:: Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, aIb Rcul Estate. References and Date First National Bank. North Platto, NcbraBka. GYPSIES Soveti or eight automobiles filled with Gypsies passed through town nosurc on tho farms of tho Unite! westward bound last Friday evening. States for tho year ending with April, Some of tho womon scattered about 1921. Their valuo was about $150.- town plying their fortuno tolling game 000,000. Thoso losses comprise about until tho "marshal requested them to 269,000 horses and mules, 585,000 bo on their way. There was also an- lambs. 1. 223,000 maturo sheep, 1,743.- other bunch horo Tuesday evening. 000 cattle, and 2,940,000 hogs. While Brady Vindicator. thoso numbers nro large, a mild win ter wnn Mvnrnliln to low mortality I A SUCCESS .ii Ar.A t.nn I.T Snott Prnnldent of the H1e1i Animal IUBHCB HUIIl uiouuoun uiu - nM,i .I1 . lnvv nt fr, nvpnnil cllninc as tho various public agendo?, line Shorthorn Breeders' Association, s IH require a levy not to exceed cllning as tno various puouc ate c t., i hundred mllB on tho dollar of veterinarians ami ninnum uuiiui u-i " . . derstand how to combat them. 0. D. EoIIIb and wife, Mrs. im inroi fall, Mrs. Roy Fiowa anu mrs. uoy Th valuo of purebred livestock, suy Eolls attended the Highlino Breeders' NOTICE At a special meeting of tho legal voters of school district number 11" of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo hold at the school house on August 16th, 1921, at 1:00 P. M., the proposition will be submitted to the voters of raising the budget of One Thousand lollars to conduct' tho Dis trict 112 school for tho coming year. -:o:- GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention OItcii to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Office 130. Residence lit HOWARD YOST DontaJ Surgeon Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene Phono 307 Twlnem Bldg the assessed valuation of said district. J, B. CRAIG, Director. , tt..i,.i fi,..u nn. nlnnln. nt Stockvlllo tho 15th. Thoy Dr. L. J. KKAUBb, Jionusi, jtay S ZnTof AicuUe is most "report a good crowd, a good time and Diagnosis. McDonald Bank Building. ti'ccaolo in thoso cases In which tho tho crops looking flno in that locality. U none vi. .nMiitii nf iio nnimnla nrn mensur- Bradv Vindicator " uL ,,1 n ho found CO. PAIR ADMISSIONS , , 1H. ,i.i, nnrnfni vonrlv acnornl admission to tho Keith For Sale School Iioubo, west end .-.-. .7-in, vnr fnt nrodnotiaa county fair to bo hold September 13 0f District No. 5. at publis auction nrn volntlvolv rocont affairs. Th to 16 inclusive has boon roducod from Uug. 8 to be sold at school house at . ,iiffrnnm nmnnc dalrv 75 conts to 00 cents and a scat In tho 3 oclock, terms cash, ten Ways to ,., ,i,nn ivnn tim nnmn onnortunitY grand stand has boon reduced from remove building. C. A. Orrln, Fred ,...v. " " . . , l.t... ...M.I,.. . ...... ... has been brought out clearly in a gre'i'- M" w zt cents, wmiu uuiuhiuub simants, iranic i-uruy. mono rjorxo. number of cases, and thoso differences! no numiucci ireo on v&uun u . . .. . , i. i..t, I nf pontu lnnf vp.'ir. Thnsn reductions I NOTICE, yr. e, I fnn rrl V milOrimil I 1 1 It 1 1 U U 1JUL11 I I irr. n,i ,inm Thn avoraco nroduc- m various cnargos cms uiu iinuu m u .l muy w..... tlon for imrobrcds and grades Is mud- seeing tho fair practically In half. Tho Park Board of the city of ..,. m, nvorn of all milk cows. Tho board of directors aro confident North Platto has built a lateral from Which Is about 4,000 pounds of milk tho attendance can do aouuieu sevurai mo wuwm cubck. ui mo nuuo vunoy nnd 100 pounds of buttor fat. times. kouu jo. nswu. ""B"11 "uu'- iU" ntn tnmts nw mm tie tiooi. Tim cemetarv also iiai Tho Incroascd interest in rruu . r,t0,i,, mni.nin. nimiittlm nrlvlleco nf taklnir w.itor from tho Juices has caused the United States! odock ,fc WM dlscovorod that same lateral for sprinkling purposes. ucparirnoni ai Agnc.miu iu ,ODuU MniWnn mrl,t wn on Anvono olso taklim water or cutting . lirT.f...MAntiJ -llu - ' I larmcr a mueun cu uu " fire. The firo started in tho rear of tho banks or interfering with tho Urapo JU1CO now w u.i. . . ., anr.anj or latnral mnv hn flnn.l to thn .. . 41. I ..l.llnntlnll I IUW IHUWWfc "H "l'""" " I " ttOme. ACCOrumB iu uiiii i. it. nmlno. rn ortont nf Mio lnw whlnli flnn la from unrormenieu grape J"""u" fire-fighting equipment little 60. to $500. cheapest, yet one of the best .products worJ which con bo mauo irom grapes. , ,.. ,, .. ,.i,. in luuii iua. ouiiiu iuouiuhlu " requires muo or hu biiuuiui vmuik- . nn,l nnn 1,n Tied. TllO 1 muni. iu nu niu..ui..vvU., . wiminw. In Plinnnnll'B furniture Store ma.'e in injunction with ,tho Dropur v " ".J .,".. , .... . . .. IllilllWlLb UIUK OIUIU ""U i llOn IU t,rIl,)U JU1I1UD, JIUDIUO, Office phone 241. Res. phone 211 L. C. DliOST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, NebraBkt KnIgM8 of Columbus Building. Commissioners deem It expedient, do- River Bridge ovor tno rsorui nawo Blrablo and proper to lssuo and sell River north of North Platto, locatojl nogotlablo bonds of tho County, to be in East Half (E) of Soctlon 26, styled and known as Internal Im- Township 14, Rnngo 30 West of the provomont bonds of Lincoln County, Cth P. M.; tho Osgodl bridge ovor the Nebraska, in denominations of South Platto River, south of North $1000.00 each and numbered from 1 mauo, locaieu in vesi nuu vr2 to 165 incluslvo, in tho sum of $165,- Soction 4 and 9, Townsnip id, uango 000.00 for Uio aforesaid purpose, and; 30, West of tho 0th P. M.; the Lincoln WHEREAS, the Board of County Highway oncigo over uio ixorm i-mno Commissioners is authorized by the River oast of North Platto, located laws of tho State to submit to tho on section lines uoiweon ocuuuim oi qualified olectors of tho County the and 36, Township 14, Rnngo 30, and question of issuing Bald bonds and of Section 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango lovying tho necessary tax to pay the Wi an west or tne om r. iu.; uio iyuix intorost and principal of such bonds well brldgo acroj3 tho Platto Rivor, as tho samo becomes duo, and, located through Soctlons 28, i'l, ii. WHEUEAS, it is apparont and it is xownsnip is, uango 20, anu dbcuoh o estimated that tho cost of the ropalrs, ln Township 12, Rango 28, all West of constructlnn and reconstruction of the U1 01,1 1 -I 1110 "rauy onugo aoross above described bridges, Including tll Platto Rivor, located through Sec tho approaches thoroto. It at lease t,ons H. 14. 15, 22, 23, 26 and 27, tho sum of $165,000.00. Township 12, Rango 27, West of tho NOW THEREFORE. BE IT rtE- Cth P. M., and Bhall an annual tax be SOLVED by tho Board of County Com- lovied sufficient to pay tho interest on missioners of the County of Lincoln, BUC oonus as it accrues ana to pro In tho Stato of Nobraska, as follows: vld0 a sinking fund for .the redemp- ; , mi.-t ,, ,,.., , uon 01 sucn uouus at tneir maturity.' beo. 1. That a special election of Pm .aalllno. no.ntlni,in i,nnMa T.i- tho qualified electors of the said Coun ty of Lincoln, bo and Is heroby called and ordered to bo hold on the 16th day of August, 1821. between tho hours of 8:00 o'clock A. M. ami 8:00 o'clock iP. M., for tho nurooso of votinir unon 1110 question ot Issuing nnd selling FOR issuing negotiable bonds of Lin coln County, Nobraska, to bo Btylod and known as Internal Improve ment bonds of Lincoln County, No braska, in denominations of $1000.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 inclu slvo in tho sum of $165,000.00, as . abovo described. I? JESfffff Sl" " U. "onds of JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Spoclal Attontlon Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residenco 3S bo styled and known as Internal Im- provomen botnU's of Lincoln Cnuntv Nebraska, in denominations of $1000.00 each and numbered from 1 to 105 In cluslvo, in tho sum of $165,000.00 the said bonds to bear an interest rata 01 o per cont ner annum, nn onnnnnn attached, payable cemi-annually at Lincoln County, Nobraska, to bo styled and known as Internal Im provement bonds of Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, in denominations o $1080.00 each numbered from 1 to 165 incluslvo in tho sum of $165, 000.00, as abovo described." Sec. 3. That the County Clerk snail tho omcc of too County Troasuror 5 S "SSL1 duo eleven fill voire nf for ,if Ar ut0 ot 8UC" 0iecuon oy puoiisuing lor isSu0rJir"nn(n nn 4 weeks prior to tho said dato payable twelve f 121 vZ nttZ ,i 01 831(1 electloon in tho North Platto oMssue- $16 500 00 Ptnrnmo iL nn? Toleraph and the North Platte Somi iSavaMtiTirffnM Wely Tribune, official newspapers J. C. Wilson, Director. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. In compliance with tho provisions nf Section R77 nf tho Ttovlsed Statutes Le or other products. Tho bmietrn Stat Ban., The whole town was up lf tho of Nebra8ka( ror the year mill nuiiiu uuj v " is woll IllUBtrated and tolls in ftUaiulu and pimplo manner tho procoss ot ex tracting tho Julco from grapos and bo tilng or canning it up for future uso Indications point to a fair grapo cror. In Nobraska this yoar. Persons ratet chtod in making grapo Juice snou.. nsk their county oxtonslon ugont or write to tho Collogo of Agriculture Lincoln, for a copy of farmors bullo tin 1075. 1913, notlco .is hereby that tho total save some of the. buildings near the ,naobtodnos8 ot tho Corporatton of imrillllK Hiruviuruav-iuuAnui, I t p. t-i.. i ttii,..,.. burning post CONDEMNING SHACKS State Fire Inspector Dowllng was a Horshey visitor Tuesday. Wo under stand Mr. Dowllng condemned several shacks on our streets, and also issuod some drastic orders concerning tho burning of trash in or near buildings Thousand One-hundred and Fifteen 68.100 ($82,115.68) Dollars Datod at North Platte, Nebraska, this 21st day of July, 1921. L. P. JEPSON, President S, M. SOUDER, Secretary. W. E. STARR, FRANCIS MONTAGUE. F. B. IOIONQUEST, W. C. DOLAN, a formnrti noultrv Hock of 94 hen and not using trash humors. Tho ... ..n,i w ,, nnnoiniiBt from tho shacks ho comlcmnod havo been con- f A.,riP,,iinrn nmi n few miu'- domnod before, provlous orders given ' ,VI)m' gostlons made as to improved methods by tho state having boon Ignored. Tho j, VANDERHOOF, of feeding. The roport ot tho owner sihickb uoi luuwu,T Directors, nwiinmoa M, n .1 vmit.i cm of cullliut eyoBore and aro not a necessity, uu. .. i.Hnnt Kit rnnro I and tho nromntnoss with which re- mis ot trasn ouisu.e 01 t.. 0ff,ce 340 HoaselZh 0,.tia , uno,..i iwiim wnrk Ih care- in or near buildings is extromeiy uan fnliv done. In threo davB Just prior gorous In many ways DR, HAROLD FENJfER Osteopath navahln tlilrfnon mi 7i uumjr iiiuuiio, ouiciui nowspapors 0E HIRSCHPELD'S Sffi S STt'S tfi STM" OIHce Phone m no. Phono lose T..". .Siii ..r. ."" dato In Uio follovrtnj noAvanaoors. du.nd So VSn' f v."T,! (-"-It:.. Tho Suthorl.0,1. Connor. Wal- DR. REDF1ELD PIIYSICUN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Roy itot!T&ZrAlll publioplaces in each of the election Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day become duo and payablo eighteen (18) P.S r -n? i ou,niyt not 'f8,8 uaTl Phones Office 642, Residence 676 years after (dato" of issue ? lIMte "Jf L, to bcomn iiiio nmi nnvoM I BUCK o'ocuon, and sucn notice snail So'years aTerSoKLoan ? i K SS? state tho question to be DERRYBERRY & FORBES, --g Zu License Kmhflimr JLlJLJ.'.: empowered and instructed to take all .vv.vr wi lUUllOLl ULLIUUH III -1- -it i n . following rlARnrihori hArral Bucu ouier a"Q luriner steps as may in J n 2gnnrei KfH?!8' J1 lh necessary to proovide for tho hold. tlm Blriawoo,rp7eHn,tTr L nF .f saJ.d oloctlon. printing the bal- North Plntto pi- n-ty, , c. .M iois mereior, mrnisning tno necessary landVXn & " LLS.ith?,r; tally-sheets or books an stationery Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 lines M-nnr 14 1 i ...m. - i t ... and Five (5) and Ehrht (R nJw W1U1 ?VI"C" lo onauct tno eiecuon ana mi rnnn - ? " v . -v " ascertain tne returns, ana to tuny Dro- n nn a i iti. x ii ii 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 nn iripnn iiai inn . - itisbOL.UTiu.N. Thlrtv-threfl , WoVr ZTS v.Ide ror .and condu.ct 8a,d 8Pec,al eloo- Rosnlutlon ProvlrHntr fnr tho nniiini. at a.n, ti-.1 i" rJ": "on as is required by law to conduct .1 ji . 7" S,. :.i 7. ."V." . uimgu over llie Uonnriil Tniintv 1w.ttnnQ nn., nhtnln uuu iiuiuiiis ul uu tiiecuou io auuio- feoutn 1'iatlo Klver. south of Suth-l . Z . u rize tho Issuing and Sale of Bonds erland. locntpd on nnrfh nn,l onnMi I " of Lincoln. County. Stato of Nobran- center lino of Rapm rri,!,,,,,- .. .bec-. llle voting places where ka. In the Amount of One Hundrel Township 14, Rang0 33. WeB; of tho , , olectIon shn11 bo hold,a" tho ro: sixty-Five Thousand Dollars 6th P. M.; tho Hershoy bridge over Uio ,."B V. '? ? wluTl BPorai (Slti5.UUI).0 11 to Fav for thn Rnn.Hra. North Plntln Ti,.n u tt oiutuuim uio iibiu iu iiib variuus wurua "-,-"::.-:r.Kr. : w: . . " "im nor- r nmMnrta n ti.n rnr,tv f vuiihh uuiiuu au iieconsr.ructioii ni snv. inftatfwi on cnntfnn no, i.rvtT,.,. - .. vw....w, Ceutain Bridges. Section Eight WVmTnIm ,sa d tPH,,lB tho laat WHEREAS, tho following described ship 14. Rancn 82. WeHt nf , my , r General electlon was hold. bridgos. to-wit: The Birdwoorl Pre- M the Pontwirir hi-i t massed and approved this 11th day M.: the BOBtwick hrldPo nvnr tho .rB.BB1 0 clnct bridco over tho North Platte South Plntto nivar Dnlii nin..i, 01 JiiWiU m n. ..i..t;j v.T".. " r v , . . , u. uiout,, iw auim ui oumuruiuu, uotween locaieu oetween section Twenty Section lines Four (4) and Flvo (5), eight (28) and Twenty-nine ana Eight (8) and Nine (9), Township (29), and Thirty-two (32) and Thirty- rourioeu iiij, uuuuo l liirty-uiree lliree 133). Townshln 14. Rantrn 39! Hi) west or tno oui p m.: the South west of tho 6th P. M.; tho North Riv Platte brldgo ovor tho South riatto er brlldco ovor tho North Platto Tllver River, south of Sutherland, located north of North Platto, located In East oa the north and south center line 111 Half (EV6) of Section Twenty-eight Eectlcn Thirty-two (::2, Township (28), Township Fourteen (14), Range I'n.meeu m , uiin 1 iiirty-mreo mirty (30) west of tho fith P. at l.i.i, west or tuo fjtn 1: m.: the Her- tho Osnood brideo over the South shej bridge ovor the North Platto Riv- Platte River, south of North Platto, er norm 01 nersney, icicateu on stc- locateu In West Half (w) of Sec Attest: A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk. E. W. SPRINGER. T. M. CAHAGBN, HENRY COKER. County Commissioners. (SEAL) First tho dan- to tho culling, tho 94 hens laid a total Bor of Bottingflre tx buildings and i...i Unmnii. tho dncor to human Ufo. CnU- OI SW-eggB. 1UO IIOUK. nun itoumu i" ' , n flirnr tho Onnln 50 hcnH nnd Improved feeding moth- dren like to play around these fires, as Ovor the Oasis, ods adopted. In three days after cull- they love to kick the ember , or Junip - Ing tho 50 honR laid a total ot 61 ogRa over tne maios. -iiiwr . DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician North Platte I . . i t...nn.l iininntlmna in three davs. Tho iobuUb woro due ami tnoy aro uiw to culling, improved feeding and the frly.-Horahoy Times, improved opportunity which tho better birds had to Bocuro feed and CANCER REMOVED By Harmless Remedloa. CHAS. . DEVER, 51. D. euro. ,..J 307 Brownell Block. Lincoln. Nebr 1 1 T( mnf lvrk intnrnaiiiiu 1 11 iiiiliiv uluuii---- n 11 tittiMtM inntnniia nr RninnTiiiiri it iuuj imwv"n - 1 . good laying hens have boon developed roadora to know that one ot tho bit, as a result of observations, and it Is whoat men of Keith Co. says ho ox n.ii.i tn roiiHldorablo do- pecta to be ahlo to market his 1921 grcc of exactness to select tho good crop for 60 conts por bushel or less. layers in a Hock. By eliminating tho QO TO II. & F. FEED STORE poorer birds and giving tho rost Im proved care It Is possible- to material ly increase egg production. Concrete feeding lloora for hogs lare becoming lncroru)lngly popular among Nobraska farmors, according to tho observations of oxteuBlon mon of tho Collogo ot Agriculture. A good many farmorB boliovo concroto lloors to bo worth moro than any othor piece ot hog raising oqulpmont. Thoy sav-a a lot of food, especially In wot woath- or, and in addition aro sanitary. Tho hogs are not required to oat mud and filth along with their grain. TImo and labor will bo saved It tho floor is lo cated near tho corn crib, and placing it on tho south or onBt sido will pro tect It from tho cold wlndB. Drainage is an Important factor; tho floor Bhould bo sloped in at loast ono direction . it will drain hotter after rains or when washod off. A alopo ot one fourth of an inch to tho foot is usually enough. Tho construction Is usually in strinB or squaros, llko concroto walks. Tho surfaca should bo finished rough to provont sllpporlnosa. Full Mroctions may bo obtained from tfc Collogo of Agriculture SAY IT WITH FLOWERS This man has tho figures to show For Mlllot Seed and Feed Phono 639W for a crop of ovor 20,000 buBhels mar kotcd in 1920. Ho included lntorost on land at prevailing values, coty ot HERMINGHAUSEN Ss FR02IAN. North Platto Floral Co. Flowors. W. Twelfth Street. Phono 1023. We deliver and ship anywhero. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FRONTIER DAYS 1 CELEBRATION u CHEYENNE, WYOMING JULY 26, 27, 28, 29. KFGULAR NO. 3 DAIL i Leave North Platto 2:25 A. M. Arrlvo Choyonno, 10:30 A. M. Extra coachos will bo provided on No. 3. Special Train Returning July 29. Loavo Choyonno, 8:30 P. M. Arrlvo North Platto 3:45 A. M. Stopping at all intormedlato points. For othor rogular train ser vice consult: L. C. JONES, Ticket Agont, Nn. Pag. R. R. OTIS R. PLATT, M. D Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answored Day and Night Ovor Union State Bank. Phone 296 W. T. FRITCHARD Graduate. Veterinarian Ex-Goverumeut Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Hoi pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES Ss STATES Chiropractors f, 0. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Ros. Phono 1242 DR. J. Jt. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Disenscs ot Womon nnd Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phonos Oftico 113, Residenco 265 WXLIE WALKER Export Piano Tuner and Ropalrer, Loavo ordors at 914 W. 4th St. Or Phono 334. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estate No. 1831 of Josio O'Haro, de ceased, in tho County ourt of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all por tion Une3 between SsctliMU Eight (S) tlons Four (4) and Nino (9), Town- 80ns ,nterestcd in sald Estate, tako nui mno .'j). iowiiF,u.p iourieenuij, snip Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty(30) "u"-,v-u "" " i'cj"." Ranco Thirty-two f32) West of tho Wnnt of tim nth r at- tho 'or tho probating of tho last will and 6th P. M.; the Bostwick bridge ovor Highway bridge over tho North testamont of Josio O'Hare, docoasod, tho South Platte River south of Her- Platto River, east of North Platte. Io- and tho appointment of Anna O'Haro RIIOV. lOCatftll hfilWeen SORMOI1 'l'WfnrV- Ofltorl nn anrtlnn llnna lftonnn CJ B meiiUUM ui DUIU UOUIIU Uliuvi olirht (2R1 anil Twnntv-nino f29.1 and Hnna Thirtv.flvn .iki nn.i rphirvaiv said will, which has been sot for hear- Thlrtv-two r32 and Thlrtv-threef33V (2R Tnu-nnhin 14 Tinrri, in nmi ing herein on August 9, 1921. at 10 , , - fi ' r w.. -"jt t 9 "ou wvr l ( - aownsnip fourteen u;, uange mir- tlons onq (l) anjl Two (2), Township , t ly-two nz) west or tno utn i. m.: tno is. iianco so. nil Wost of tim cth p JullC11 iU .Vortli 1?1vai lirlflr-n nvnr thn Tvnrth I T llm Mnvu.ntl 1'iaiie uiver norm or North -I'latte. ri'Iatto River, locatdi thrnn-h Reo- w"1"' locate in East Half (EV.) of Sec- tlons Twonty-oiKht (281. Thirtv-two tlon Twenty-eight (28), Township (32), Thirty-threo (33), Township 13, Hoagland & Carr, Attys. l-ourteen (H), uango Tnirty (3U) Kango 28, and Section Six (6). Town- LEGAL NOTICE West of the 6th P. M.; Uio Osgood ship 12, Rungo 28, all West ot tho 6th To all personB intorostoVI in Uio es- nuge over tne boutii i-iaiio uiver, i m.; the Brady brldgo acrosB the tato ot Rudolph Thanel, docoased. south of North Piattgr. located in Platto River located through Soctlons You aro hereby notified that on the West Half (WV) of Sections Four Eleven (11), Fourteen (14), Fifteen 6th day of July, 1921, Mark L. SmlUi, W anu isino rownBnip rnirieon usj, Twonty-two (22), Twenty-three Administrator of tho estate or Ru- (13), Rango Thirty (30) West of the (23),.Twonty-slx (26) and Twenty- dolnh Thanel. deceased., and one of 6th P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway seven (27). Townshln 12. Ranco 27 tho Idcfendants in tho action brought brldgo ovor tho North Platto Rivor, West of tho 6th P. M all of said by George Ii Smith to foreclose a oast ot North Platto, located on sec- bridges being located in said County. mortKauo unon tho real estato owned tlon lines between Soction Thlrty-tlvo Sec. .2. That at said election tho by said estate, filed his answer and (35) and Thirty-six (36), Township following question shall bo submitted cross-Dotltion in said foreclosure Fourtoon (14), Rango Thirty (30), and to tho electors of tho County arid proceedings, and in his crosa-potlUon soction ono (l) and two (2), own- printed upon tho ballots to be used prays tor a license to sou Lots 1 and Bhlp Thlrteon (13), Rango Thlrty(30), thoreat, to-wit: 2 of Section 7 arid tho W of the all West Of thO Cth P M.: tllO MrtX- "Rhnll T.lnrnln Pnnntv Wohrnnkn SEU Of Section. 6. Township 16, woll bridge ncro38 tho Platto River, js8U0 an,i B0ii tho negotiable bonds of Rango 27 West of tho 6th P. M. for the located through Soction Twonty-olght tho rvmntv tn hn atvin.i ntui irnow nn nayment of debts allowed against said nn. mi tnn m,.,... i I " I" .- . . . iso, liuriy-two io;, iiuriy-iuruo internal Improvomont bonds of Lin- estate anu allowances anu costs oi (33). Township Thlrteon (13), Range rn)n Pnnntv. NrAhrnnirn in dAnominn. administration, alleging that there is Vwonly-cight (28), and Section Six tions 0f $1000.00 each and numbered not a sufficient amount ot personal (6), Township Twelvo (12), Rango from j to jog incluslv.o In tho sum of property on tho possession ot said Twenty-eight (28), all west of tho 4iG5.000.00, to bear interest at six Mark L. Smith, Administrator, to pay utn i . m.; tno urauy nriugo across tuo (c) r cont per annum, payable said flouts, nnd prays mat tho moneys riatto uiver, locaieu tnrougu socuong I Homl-.innimllv. nnd 816.500.00 of such aorivou irom tno Baie ot said proper- ejiovon (Li), .ourtcen K'-t), rinuua h0nd lssuo to bocomo duo and payablo ty to oo nrsi appnea to tno paymont oi li&), Twenty-two ui, iweniy-tiireo ton(10)years from tho dato of t' els is- said douts and allowances, and it m (23), Twenty-six (26) and Twenty-Ljia nnd sin nnn on of niich issue to ho- sufficient to nay all of said debts, al- Bovon (27), Township Twelvo (12), 0.nmn duo nnd nnvnlilo ench voar nfter I lowanaos nnd tho mortgago which tho Rango Twenty-soven (27), West ot Bajtl ton (W) yoar p0riod until nil aro plaintiff George IL Smith is f re tho Cth P. M havo boon damaged duo t,ia. thn anin iionda to ho Issued for closing, then that -tho balanco of thq to tho oxtromo rlgh water causod ly tho purposo of paying for tho Topalr, real estato of tho said estato, bolng iioous in mo iNoriu wnu duuiu i-miiu construction or reconstruction ot tho uoia n anu anu tno nya or two Rlvors during tho month ot Juno, 1921, f0iiowin doscriboH bridecs in said SWVi of sail Soction 6, bo sold and to such an extent that thoy havo boon county, including tho approaches that tho widow's homostoad interest aonliomned for passago by tho Boardhhoreto, namely: tho Blrdwood Pro- in said Quarter bo decreed and set ot County Commissioners ot Lincoln ntnot brideo over tho North Platto asldo to her out of Uio proceeds of County, and; River norUi of Suthorland. botweon said sale. WHEREAS, It la nocossary for tho Rations iinM 4 nnd 5. and 8 and 9. WHEREPON it is ordered that all County to ropalr, construct or rocon- Townshln 14. rtnni 33 West of Uio 6th persons interested in said estato nn- Btnict said bridges and approaches pf jf.;th0 South Platto brldgo ovor tho pear beforo mo at Chambors In the immediately so as not to seriously In- south Platto Rivor, south of Suther- city ot Sidney in Choyenno County In convonlonco tho public nnd to- pro- inn(i locato-i on north and south con- this Judicial District on tho 3nd dnv toct audi portion of tho bridgos now tor jJno of section 32, Township 14, of Soptembor, 19?1, at tho hour, of 10 standing, make all of tho bridges nniiKQ 33 West of tho 6th P. M.; tho A. M. to Bhow cause, if any there bo. nassabln nnd safe for traVOl. and: tlnnhm. lirMirn ovor tho Vorth Plntto whv n Hconso nhonld not hn m-nhinA W1IEREAS. tliero aro no flinVlB in nivP north of llornhnv. locntod on to said Mark L. Smith. Admlnlntrntnr tho Troasury of tho County available Ration, iinon imtwnen Soctlons 8 and to sell and allow to bo sold bo much ror said purposo and tno said amount n Township 14, Range 32 West of tho of tho abovo described real estato of is far in excess ot tho ordinary rovo- cth p. M. tho Bostwick brldgo over said Rudolph Thanel, deceased, as liuo derived from taxation and tho tho South Platto Rivor, south of Her- shall bo neceasarf to Dap tho abovo ixniiuy uoaru, cannot lovy u ui. am- Bhov iocat0d botweon SocUon 28 and described dobts and expenses. Ilnlnnr tn iinrrnv tun anln rnftf. nnd I nA . nn . no rr. .1.1. i nAH... t t mnnm,.. v" w- , , 1 mill 4 nuu 00. uuwiiaiiiu it, iiuiiku u. u. 1 cjvi ejmj. WHBRHAS, the uoaru ot county 30 Wo8t ot tko 6th p. M.: Uu North Judge of Uw District Court i t