The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 26, 1921, Image 1

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No. 57
There aro moro men listed nt tlio
Lincoln County Farm Bureau for work
than can bo supplied with a Job. This
is unusual at tho harvest time and
shows something of the unusual con
ditions which prevail this year. How
ever the number of unemployed Is los3
than It waB a few months ago and
really Is confined largely to young
men and transients.
County Agent Kellogg is to glvo a
culling demonstration at tho Grant
McNeil farm this afternoon. Those
demonstrations have proven so valu
able to poultry raisers that there is a
domand for them from all parts of tho
county. Mr. Kellogg Is glad to go to
any part of tho county whero tho
farmers want him for demonstration
purposes. Of course ho has to ar
rango his dates so as not to conflict
with other engagements.
J. W. McMichael, tho south Dewey
street grocer is building an 18 by CO
foot concreto block addition to his
storq. Eighteen feet in the rear will
bo used for storo room purposes while
tho front 42 feet will bo connected to
tho present' store room by an arch.
Mr. MoMichaol rccontly opened :t
branch storo at tho south-cast corner
of the Free Camp Grounds. This new
storo is in charge of Elmer Koontz,
and Is said to bo a going business from
the start. '
Thro have been some good rains in
Lincoln county within tho past few
weeku. but they have been local and
WVrellofc from tho-drputh to ,somo
sections while others have had no
rain to speak of. This is shown in. tho
wheat crop which has Just been har-j
vested. Tho yields varied In the same
precinct from nothing to eighteen
bushels an ucro and tho main reason
is lack of moisture. With corn it is
flomowhnt different. Good cultivation
will carry a field of cornia long ways
further than whero tho cultivation
has been poor. Somo fields are in
good shape now while others are
gone and they have had tho same rain
fall. Composition of tho soil and cul
tivation aro importanUfactors in re
taining tho moisture
Tho Blue Stars is an organization
of young peoplo living in and near
Maxwoll. It has a constitution and ,
offlcors and its aim' is to furnish clean
amusement for its members, to unite
them against certain follies of the
day and to promote tlio best interests
of its members. Tho dues nfo small j
and to help out tho treasury tho so-i
ciety will hold an lco cream and cake!
social in tho John Griffith grovo Just
south of Maxwoll on Friday, July 29.
A novelty program consisting ol
tlte GiHJo Huit iotityal Ijpu (ki.
.4 V
flongij, pantomimes choruses and
readings will bo glvon nnj this Is
free. Tho Ico cream and cake will cost
flfteon conts every time ono gets n
dish. Peoplo will bo thcro from nil
ovor that section of tho county to,
help out the Blue Stars and enjoy
tho program and refreshments.
According to tho prosont plans, Just
one-half of tho brldgo ovor tho south
iPlatte hero can bo saved. Tho rest
must bo robullt. Tho temporary struc
ture which has been erected hero can
bo used for a while but it was not
designed for permanent use. The bonds
to bo voted upon on August 1G aro to
reconstruct this brldgo among others
It Is planned to take off tho concreto
railing, widen tho floor eighteen inches
put on an iron pipe railing and have
a twenty-foot width brldgo. If thoy
carry this will bo done. Then North
Platte dnd vicinity will have access
to tho whole south part of tho county
by means of a twenty-foot bridge,
floored with concreto, protected with
deop-drivon piling and wide abutments
at each end.
The Municipal Bathing Beach is a
reality. Hundreds of people aro tak
ing a plungo there ovcry day. It may
bo some time before people get over
calling it tho North Side Swimming
Hole tut tho fact that it is an attempt
by tho city to provide safe amusomont
for tho peoplo should lead everyone
to appreciate this effort and glvo tho
Park Board credit for tho result.
Messors Thoolccke, Bare and Elliott
woro tho members of tho Park Board
when tho matter was first brought
up. Thoy conslderqd It from every
angle. Thoy had jomo funds In tho park
treasury and they had been saving
those funds to do somo needed work
on Memorial and City parks. Tho de
mand for thi. bathing beach became
stronger and stronger. Different plans
were offered. At last after many mis
givings and doubts, but upon assur
ances from the city engineer and
others of its success, thoy contracted
for tho work on the bathing beach
citizens called it ft mud noie. utnors
said it was poorly located. Others
complained of this and that and pre
dicted failure in the end. Tho water
would "'I seep away. Tho irrigation
ditch would not carry the wator and
so on nnd so on. The men gave their
consent to the project but none ot
them remained on tho Board to see
"It completed. Now that It has proven
a success, somo of tho peoplo who
wero unfavorable at first aro enthu
siastic in its praise. There aro diffi
culties to be overcome but thoy aro
those whose solution Is in sight. As
the years go by tho Municipal Beach
will bo improved and increasingly bo
come ono of tho chief attractions of
the city and thousands will enjoy tho
luxury of a place to enjoy tho water
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GIbbs returneJ
home tho first of the week from York.
Mrs. Glbbs spent a month visiting her
parents. "
Miss Mildred Woir of Sterling
arrived this morning to visit nt tho
homo of her undo nnd aunt Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Woir
Rogulnr communication of Plntto
Valloy Lodgo No. 32 on TJiiesday,
July 2C at 8 p. m.
Will bo hold in tho window of Dor
ryborry & Forbes' Storo Wednesday!
by thoi Sacajawoa Campflre.
mm;m von a v 1
Picnic at tho Frank Strolborg farnf 1
under the nusnlinnn
Swedish I
Luthornn Church.
Will meet Thursday afternoon Ijji
tho church basement. Tho hostesses
are Mesdames McFarlaud, McGraw,
Owens, Hnzoncamp and Schwnlgor.
Aid Society will meet Thursday af
ternoon at tho church. " Entortalnlng
committee Is Mesdames Scott, New
man; Wing and Mannory. '
Tho Methodist Sunday School , will
hold a picnic in tho City Park on
Thursday ovonlng of this weok. Those
who have no conveyance should meot
at tho church.
Aid Society will moot in tho church
parlors Thursday afternoon with Mo
damoa Farmor, Aldrich, Nlles, Hart
man and Mathleson as hostesses." -A
good attendance is desired.
Of the Christian Church will hojd
42te.U and MarshalU Umpires Dell
7:3d in tho diurch baseinont MoHM Erorotts- On SundayXw r.4cvn
dames Glavos, Mills and Wyman will
entertain. All nro requested to at
At a meeting of tho Local Council
of tho North Platte Campflre Groupj
It was decided to hold a big encamp
ment nt tho new camp grounds north
of tho North Patto river, beginning
on Monday, August 8 and closing on
Saturday August 13. Tho feo for this
camp will bo fivo dollars for cacii
porson. This will pay for all expenses
as thoy nro estimated now. In cno
thcro Is anything left over it will o
refunded. The guardians will receive
the feo and tlio camp firo girls aro
expected tomako arrangements at
onco about their enrollment and feo.
Guy S. Popojoy loft this morning
for Ogalalla to transact business.
Son Theatre
Also Booth Tarkington
Jones in "The Detective.
North Plntto people are urgoj not
to turn in a fnlso firo alarm for any
reason.. In tho July Nows Bulletin, C.
E. Hartford. Stnto Fire Marshal ot
Nebraska, says;
Sometimes turning In ft fnlso alarm
of tiro Is almost efjunl to murder. A
short time ago, wo read of a fire de
partment nnaworlng a call which
proved to bo a false alarm, and In
rounding a Btreot corner, two pieces
of tho motor driven apparatus came
togother, killing ono flroman and In
Jurlng sovernl othors. Novor turn in a
falso alarm or you may bo responsible
for just such a happening as this. Tho
man killed wns ono of that city's best
firo fighters. Ho hrjl reached tho
grade ol captain.
Tho County Llvo Stock Judging
tonm has boon selected and is prepar
ing for tho fall contests. It consists
of James Rosa, Maxwell, Georgo Koch,
Horshoy and 'Owen Powoll, Suther
land. This team is to do somo work
nt tho Lincoln County Fair and at tho
Nebraska State Fair in Lincoln in
September. It ,will como Into compe
tition with the teams from other
counties. Mr. Jones of tho Btate of
flee of University. Extension will bo In
North Platte August 5 nnd" G and will
glvo tho team expert Instruction In
judging all ktnds'of llvo stock,
j i ::o::
Saturday tho Tonnossoo lints, a
colorod traveling tonm and tho Nortu
Platte American Legion team crossed
bata at tho Fair grounds and the
scoro was 7. to 1 in favor of tho Rats.
Tho battery for North Platte was Hua.
band and Davis and for tho Ilata
crowd watched North Platte dofoat
tho rats by a scoro of 7 to 3. Totten
hof and A. Snndall for North Platto
and Little and Winflold for tho Rats
wero the batteries. Umpires Bell and
Miss Elmlra Brodock' returned
Sunday from Grand Island whero she
visited her slstor Mrs. Emil Gundel.
She wns accompanied homo by Mrs.
Gundol who will visit her parents Mr,
and Mrs. Chris Brodbeck.
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carroll, Mr. ind
Mrs. Horton Munger. Misses Betty
Turpio and Alma Waltomath, J. B.
McDonald and Paul Mickolson spent
Sunday in Gothenburc as tho eupsIh
o Mr. and Mrs. Wnyno Carroll.
Mrs. T. Whito of Cedar Rapids
will arrive today to visit at tho
Frank McGovorn homo onroute from
western points to her homo.
Miss Anna Rubis loft this morning
for Ogalalla and Grant to transact
business several days.
Today and
Charles Chaplin and
Jack Coogan
in six reels of joy it took a
year to make, but laughs will
last that long to the greatest
combination of fun makers
ever put together.
Comedy, little Edgar
The North Platto
bo hold August 21 to 26. Thero arc
bik uays or instruction and entertain
ment Each day there will bo two
concerts. Thero will bo llvo Inspiring
lecturers. In nil nearly forty peoplo
will nppoar on tho programs of tho
alx days. Tho Standnrd Chautamiuu
Systom is a Nobrnska product, started
In Nobrnska anl still horo. Its bond
Quarters aro at Lincoln although it
covors a number of states. It is ono
of tho big systoms of tho country nnd
It Is putting on ono of Its programs
hero. Leigh Ca-roll is chairman ot
tho local commlttco which has tho
preliminary arrangements in charge.
It will assist In tho campaign to sell
tho season tickots and in nil other
ways will attempt to mnko tho 1921
Chautauqua a big success.
. :o:
. Last year ovor 1,000 peoplo attended
tho Trl-County Sunday School Con
vention nt tho Gambrol Rancn ou the
county lino between Lincoln and LoSTui
audi near tho McPhorson county line
This yoar twlco that number nro dx-
poatod. Tho date is Sept. 4. Tho chief
ontortainment of tho day will bo by
tho childron. At least flvo hundred
will bo on tho stngo at onco. The
Gambrol ranch is ownod by C. A.
Anderson and ho offors It for Mm lilt?
cpnvontlon. Tho plans aro being mndo
by p. committee representing onch of
tj c countienamed, with 0. E. Abran.s
cC Nt'ShU, na secretary. Tlio compk'tw
pjfTSm'' Announced' later. ' v
: :n: :-
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Donn Lognn returned
Sunday from Maywood whero thoy
apout sevornl days visiting.
A. R. Dunphoy wns ono of the
sponkers at tlio Rotary Club dinner
yesterday. He spoke briefly In favor
of enlarged appropriations for tho air
service and told how tho loading na
tions of Europe aro spending threo to
ton times as much on aircraft ns tho
United Statos Is spending. IIo did
not toll anything of tho plans con
cerning North Platte In tho future.
yith the many improvements recently incorpor
ated in Dodge Brothers cars, amounting to over $200
in value and "the substantial reduction of $310 or
these cars, surely you are satisfied that we are selling
you the utmost in value. Among tho late imprdvo
ments on these good cars you will find plate glass rear
curtains, front fender tie rods, windshield wiper and
other conveniences and betterments. I. have never
sold and you have never been able to buy such a car
for $1140 at North Platto.
G Hi: AT Kit
With the increase in tho value of the car to the
buyer, wo also intend that he should get better service
Wo are now carrying over $10,000 worth of Dodge
parts hero in North Platto. Wo have mechanics and
special Dodge tools to seo that you get prompt and
satisfactory service. Buy your car from a dealer who
will glvo you North Platte service both as to part, in
spection and mechanical service. Except in extra
ordinary cases, you can depend on not more than 24
hour s .service. A great many Dodge parts have also
been reduced in price, for your benefit.
Wo aro way behind on orders, and you can use
your own judgment as to ordering your car now, if
you want a Dodge Brothers car this summer or fall.
J. V. ROMIGII, Dealer.
PHONE 844.
The following regulations Wero a by t.,e l.-.l Council of tho
Campflre girls last Tuosdny ovonlng:
1. No campers allowed hero with
out permission from tho Prosidont or
Exccutlvo Secrotary of Campflro Girls'
2. No group allowed at camp with
out guardlnn ns chaperon, or other
ohnporon approved by Prosidont or
Executive Secretary of Campflre Girls
3. As tho Gunrdlan will bo hold re
sponsible by, the parents for tho con
duct or tho girls, hor authority is su
promo In this camp.
1. No girl will bo allowed to go In
bathing without a written permit from
her parents.
5. In order to provo our ability a3
campors, and to keep tho camp In tho
host condition possible, wo ask that
tho following suggestions bo carried
out In full by each group of camp
ors; a. Mako fires only In indoor and
outdoor flro-nlncos. b. Burn nil
garbage and refuse c. Put out all
fires boforo loavlng enmn. d. Clean
nshoq from indoor flro-plnco beforo
leaving camp. c. Placo all furniture
In cabin boforo leaving camp. f.
Loavo Cabin in a cleanly condition,
g. Clnso all windows nnd lock all
doors boforo loavlng camp.
0. Thoro Bhall bo no writing on
building or carving initials on trcos.
7. For tho host lntorest of all con
corncd, ontortnlnlng of boy visitors at
camp is positively forblddou. This
applies especially to group camp1?.
This dooa not nnnly. howovor. to any
boy who may bo spoolally employed by
tho Campflro Council for designated
work about camp.
Four men wero taken into County
Court Monday nnd four "more this
morning and oach rocolved n fine var
ying from ono to flvo dollars and
cos,ts. TIiobo amounted to from ?8.50
to $13.50 oach. They woro fishing
Klthoutv a .llcmSQ.., w....';,-wfc. ,
Mr. and, Mrs. C. L. Llttel and
daughter returned Friday ovonlng
from an cxtondod trip through tho
woistorn mountains. Thoy visited rol-
ntlvos In Idaho and spont threo dny3
in Yollowstono National Park. They
wore gono about thirty days.
Miss Anderson of Iloardvlllo, Nobr..
is to rondor sevornl solos at tho p'lcnlc
nt the Frank Strolberg farm Wednes
day ovonlng. Miss Andorson is said
to bo a very pleasing singer nnd her
frlonds will bo glad to hear that alio is
to favor them.
- Value