The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 22, 1921, Image 8

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WILSON TOUT, Editor nnd L'nMlsher.
Entered nt Uio North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco as Second Class Mutter.
One Year, in ndvnncc $2.00
FRIDAY, JULY 22d, 1921.
Freight on a ton of luty from North
riatto to Omnlia Is now $5.80 nnd from
North Platte to Donvor It is $0.30 n
ton. That Is why local men cannot
pay anything for hay. There Is a
gocjl market In tho oast for good
pralrla hay but the frolght eats up tho
big ond of tho price. Practically no
hay Is bolng Bhlppod out of hero for
Omaha or further cast.
In our last Issue wo announced the
birth of n baby, girl to Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Relchstoln. The announcement
should havo read: A baby girl was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Edllo Rolchstoln
Monday. It must bo a flno girl for A.
Ik did not tako offonso nt bolng culled
tho father Instead of tho grandfather.
Ho wanted tho fficts to bo rlght',
howovor, and so callcjl our attention
to tho o'rror.
One of tho most Interesting facts in
tho abstract of nssossmont which was
issued yesterday by County Clerk Al
len lias to do with tho automobllo tax
question. Tho total numbor ot auto
mobiles nssossed this year in Lincoln
County is 2,802. Tho numbor ot auto
licenses paid for In the offlco of Coun
ty Treasurer Soudor on Monday ot
this week was 3704. This means that
thoro nro 802 automobiles in Lincoln
County on which, a Hconso has been
paid but which wore not turncll In to
tho tax assessor. Mr. Sotider sayo
thoro aro a thousand automobiles for
which no Hconso has yet boon paid.
Ho oxpects to got tho Hconso yet this
yoar on most ot thorn. Add, this
thousand to tho eight hundred which
havo ovadod assessment anl you havo
1800 nutomobilOB in Lincoln County
upon which no tax will bo paid this
yoar, Thos'o aro largely estimated
numborn. and tlioy are probably not
corroct ajthough thoy may bo undor
tho facts, Tho point is that If thoro
is ono nutomobllo in tills County up
on which no tax Is belHg paid, tho
hundreds ot auto ownors who aro pay
ing tho tax on tholr cat's havo a right
to know who Is gotting out of paying
Ills Just sharo, Wo said In a rccont is
buo that taxation Is tho biggest prob
lom now boforo tho American people
Wo cannot do nnythlng about tho nn
ttonnl problems of taxation such an
tho tariff, tho Incomo tax, etc. Thoy
aro taken enro ot by congross. But
oach nt us can do something about
tho local problems of taxation and It
Is worth our timo to study how to
remedy oxistlng ovlls. Tho avorago
value of tho cars Hstod is Just about
$300. If olghtoon hundrod cars could
bo added to tho tax list It would glvo
ovor half a million lollars moro to
tho totnl upon which tuxes nro to bo
paid, Publication of tho nnmos ofHux
payors, with tho amount of assessed
proporty owned by onch has been sug
gested ns the host way by which tho
tax payor and tho tax shlrkor could
bo known. It Is worth consideration.
The Altar Socloty of tho Catholic
Church hold a lawn social last evening
on tho Parochial school lawn. A
largo crowd nttontle!.
4 Mrs. A. M. linker and threo children
of Denver, who havo boon visiting at
tho homo of her brother G. II. Ken
worthy loft this morning for Grand
Island to visit.
In compllanco with tho provisions
of Section 577 ot tho Rovlsod Stntutcs
of, tho State of Nebraska, for tho yoar
19ljl, notice (b horoby thut tho total
Indebtedness of tho Corporation of
Loypoidt & Ponnington is Eighty-two
.Thousand Ono-hundrcd and Fltteon
08.100 ($82,115.08) Dollurs.
Datod nt North Platto, Nebraska,
this 21st day of July, 1921.
L. P, JEPSON, Prosldont.
S, M. SOUDER, Socretnry.
It .Honioopnthle Physician &
it Surgeon
General l'rnctlco nnd
it Construction Surgery
U Hospital Accommodation
II Plntto Vulloy Hospllnl
j;t Former Niiino Tivlucm Hospital.
G. W. Abbott of Horshoy was a olt)
visitor Wednesday.
Donald Yates of Sutherland was a
city visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. W. E. Lnurcnco of Pax ton shop
ped In tho city yesterday. -
Mrs. Roy Wilson spont Wednesday
in Sutherland visiting friends.
Sam Krugor of Flntts, transacted
buslnoss in tho city WednofHay.
All hair goods at halt prico at the
Stylo Shop Friday and Saturday.
Win. Shlltz was fined $14,80 In police
court Wednesday for intoxication.
' Miss Mary McCrackon loft yesterday
for Donvor to visit friends for a week.
Mrs. M. II Smith of Sutherland was
among tho out of town visitors yester
Arthur Hunwoll returned to Osh
kosh yesterday after visiting local
Big half-prlco sale of combs and
hair goods Friday and Saturday at tho
Stylo Shop.
Dovall States returned Wednesday
from, Sutherland whoro ho visited for
sovoral days.
It. H. Hughes was fined $104.84 In
pojlqo court Wednesday for illegal
possession ot liquor. ,
Paul Mickolson of Wisconsin ar
rived Wednesday and has nccopted a
position at tho ico plant.
Switches, curls, puffs, transforma
tions and fancy combs at half prico
Friday an'rt Saturday at tho Stylo
Mrs. Geo. Roborts ot Maxowll and
slstor Mrs. Murdock of Vermont, who
is her houso guest, visltol in tho city
Mrs. G. S. Thompson of Horshoy and
slstor Mrs. T. Bondor ot Philadelphia
who Is hor houso guest visited In tho
city yesterday.
Miss Helen Aldon arrlvdl yester
day from Lincoln to spond a weol:'
vacation with hor parents Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Aldon.
Tho funeral of William Shcody la
bolng hold thin morning nt ton o'clock
from tho Catholic Church. Tho Amor-
ican Legion Is in' charge
Mrs. Geo. B. Dent returned yester
day from Lincoln whoro she spent
sovoral wooks. She was accompanied
homo by hor son Townsend.
Mrs. R, D, Trldlo of Cambridge,
NobraBkn, who has boon visiting hor
parent! Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Drnko loft
yesterday for Kimball to visit.
Mrs. N. W. Coleman roturnefl to hor
homo In Hastings Wednesday after
visiting hor 'son O. Springer and
daughter Mrs. Edward Gamble
Mrs. O. A. Carlson of Copporstown
S. D., who hns beon visiting at the u.
W. Cypher horn oloft yostorday for
Stromsburg to visit hor parents.
Tho Camnflro Council mot Wednes-
da ovcnlng nt tho homo of Mrs. Ajlda
Turplo. Plans wore discussed for camp
during tho weok of August 8 to Aug
ust 13.
John S. Stocklngor and daughter
Miss Gortrudo of Mlshawalca, Intl.,
loft Wednesday for Donvor after visit
ing nt tho Roy and Albert Stonger
Misses El8lo Parish of Lewollon and
Margarot Guoss of LeMoyne, who
havo beon guests at tho J. II. Me-
Carty homo loft Wednesday for their
Mrs. Frank Danorl arrived Wod
noF)lny from San Francisco and has
accopted a position In tho Rcndy-to-Wear
dopartmont ot tho A. T John
sou Dop't Store.
Miss Isabol McKnlght ot Indiana,
a missionary who hnB beon working
In Estos Park and Donvor, vlsltod nt
tho homo of hor novhew Mr. Goo.
Scholl this wool? and loft yesterday for
custom Nobrasku.
A flro was started Tuesday on tho
B. & M. rlght-of-wny near wost soo
oij! srcot through carolossnoss with
a match. It tho nolghbora had not
beon homo to oxtlnguish tho flro thoro
might havo boon a sorious result
Mrs. Joseph Ranch will loavo tho
first ot noxt month for a visit In Con
cordia, Kansas, with hor mother Mrs.
Honry Richard. Sho will also visit
at tho homo of Mr. Rauch's mothor,
Mrs. P. J. Ranch In Dolvhls, Kansas.
Mrs. P. II. Donrmont and chUlrolt ot
Omahn and Mr, and Mrs. C. C, Hazo
lott ot Cordova, Alaska, who havo
boon guosts at tho Rov. II. B. Hess
homo loft Tuosdny by nuto for Oma
ha. Thoy woro accompanied by Mrs.
Theodore AVontlnnd will loavo to
morrow for Smith Contor to visit rel
atives. Ho will bo accompanied by
his wlfo and daughtorB from Smith
Contor to Wichita, Kansiis. Thoy will
also visit in Colorado botoro return
ing homo.
Mrs. M. Wychorlpy who hag, been
visiting for tho pnst yoar at tho homo
of hor dnughtor Mrs. Sam Howoa lott
yostorday for Montreal, Canada. Sho
will visit Montreal onrouto to hor
homo in England. Many Boclal func
tions havo boon given in hor honor.
for' "sale.
Throe young Shorthorn bulla roady
for email hords.
A tow good Hostoln-Folslan bulla
rondy tor sorvlco. j
Those nro priced to soil.
Exporimont Substation
8:00 Holy Communion.
11:00 Morning Prayer and Sermon
11:00 Christian Scienco Service.
Sorvlcos In tho Building Loan
In tho K. a hall. Music will be
furnlsho! by tho Jaz Classlquo orches
tra of Lincoln.
Morning sorvlco, subject "Wiser
Than tho Children ot Light" No ev
ening service.
11:00 "Tho Blblo" object sermon.
8:00 "Tho Human Heart'' a short
11:00 "Tho Littlo Known Book."
8:00 "Tho Contonary on tho Home
Fieljl" (Illustrated).
Tho Episcopal Guild will holji &
food salo and salo of fancy work and
children's dresses and rompors at
Dorryberry & Forbes' store Saturday.
For Snlc--8 room houso. Modom
oxcopt heat 415 W. 9th. Phono C45J.
For Rent Houso $12 rent 013 West
11th St
For Rot Threo rooms. $15 por
month. Phono 1072W.
For Rent Office 605 North Locust.
Phono 1209J.
For Sale Upright walnut caso pi
ano. Phono 1204.
Wanted To buy a, good tennis
racket Call 430J.
For Sale FIvo room house. All
modorn. 215 So. Ash. Ala! 3 lota dn
Wost Third. Phono 330W. '
For Kct Barn, cldso In, suitable
for garage. Inquiro Paul Harrington,
First National Bank BuHding.
For Sale r Trade Good car, Lib
orty Six. Phono 540 J. Rob. 520 East
11th St.
For Relit 100 acre3 natlvo hay land
four miles wost of North Platto for
this season. Address H. A. Trillor,
080 38th St., Dos Moines, Iowa.
Ftfr Snlo Two pair Spauldfng
Soz boxing gloves. Also Spaulding
pitching glove. Small size. T. H. care
of Tribune.
For Snlo Six room houso modern
oxcopt heat South ot track and west
of Dewey. In first class condition and
priccU for quick salo. Will consider
car on deal. Phone 919W.
To whom aro you going tosoll your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer tho highest
To tho Voters of Lincoln County, Ne
braska': By vlrtuo ot a rosolutlon duly cn-
actou oy uio Hoard ot County Com
missioners of snid Couny, notlco is
horeby given that on tho 16th day ct
August, 1921, between tho hours ot
8:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock P.
M. at tho polling places designated be
low, a Bpecinl election will bo held of
tho qualified eolctors ot said
County on tho proposition to issuo
and soil uogotlnblo bonds of said
County, In tho sum of Ono Hundred
Slxtv-flvo TlioiiRnml mnr; nan nm
Dollars to bear Interest at tho rato of
six por cent (0) per annum, pny
ablo soml-nnnunlly on coupoiiB at
tached, and Sixteen ThousanVl FIvo
Hundrod ($10,500.00) Dollars of said
bond Issuo to bocomo duo and pny
ablo ton (10) years after tho dato of
Issuo and Slxtoon Thousand FIvo Hun
dred ($10,500.00) Dollars ot said bond
Want Ads
A Photograph
It is a suitable gift for almost any occasion. It speaks
a universal lauguago a language undorstootl by every
body. Whothor It couvoys a message ot frionship or love,
it tolls It moro effoctlvoly than a written letter. Of couro
to do this It has to be a "speaking Jlkenos3' The kind
thoy mnko at
The Rembrandt Studio
6th and tfowoy North pjattei Nebr
Issuo to become due. and payable in
oach yoar aftor said ten (10) jjcar per
iod until all nro'paldjAnd tlfb 'purpose
for which said bonds jkro to bo issued
is to provldo funds for paying for the
ropalr, sonstructlon or reconstruc
tion work for tho following doscrlbed
bridges in said County, Including ap
proaches thoroto, namely: Tho Bird
wood Precinct Brldgo over tho North
Platto River north ot Sutherland, be
tween Section lines 4 and 5, and 8 and
9, Township 14, Rango 33 West of the
tith P. M.i tho South Platto Bridge
iver tho South Platto River south of
Sutherland locatcU on north and south
center lino in Section 32, Township
14, Rango 33 West of tho Cth P. M.; tho
Horshoy bridge over tho Nouth Plntte
River north of Horshoy, located on
.Section lines between Sections 8 ami
9, Township 14 Range 32, West of the
0th P. M.J tho Bostwlck Brldgo ovoc
tho South Platto Rlvor south of Her
shey located between Sections 28 and
29, nijl 32 nnd 33, Township 14, Range
32 Wost of- tho 6th P. M.; the North
Rlvor bridge ovor tho North Platto
Rlvor north of North Platte, located
In East half (EVfc) of Section 2S,
Townshtp 14, Rango 30 West of tho
Cth P. M.; tho Osgood brldgo over tho
South Platte River south of North
Platto located in Wost half (W) of
Sections 4 and 9, Township 13, Rango
30 West of tho Cth P. M tho Lincoln
Hitihway BridKo ovor tho North Platte
I River oast of North Platto. located
on Section linos between Sections So
nnd 36, Towhahlp 14, Rango 30, and
Section 1 an) 1 2, Township 13, Range
30, all Wost of tho Cth P. M.: tho
MaxAvoll Brldgo across the Platto Riv
er, located through Sections 28, 32,
Township 13, Rango 28, and Section
C, Township 12, Rango 28, all West ot
tho Cth P. M.; tho Brady Brldgo
across tho Platto River, located
through Sections 11, 14, 15, 22, 23, 2C
and 27, Township 12, Rango 27, West
of tho Cth P M.; and tho questlou and
proposition embraces, also tho low
of an annual tax sufficient to nay tho
interest on said bonls ns It accrues
and to provldo a sinking fund for tho
redemption ot said bondB nt their ma
turity. And the question shall be submit
ted to the qualified electors at said
election nnd appear upon tho official
ballots thoreat in the following man
ner and form: ,
"Shall Lincoln County issuo und
sell tho negotiable coupon bonds of
tho County, to be styled anI known as
Internal Improvement bonds of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, in denomina
tions of $1000.00 each anl numbered
from 1 to 1C5 inclusive, in tho sum of
$105,000,00, to bear interest at six
por cent (6) per annum, payable
soml- annually, and $16,500.00 of such
bond issuo to bepomo duo nnd pay
able ten (10) years from dato of their
issuo, and $10,500.00 of such issuo to
bocomo duo and payable each year
after said ten (10) year period until
all aro pa(l; tho said bondB to be is
sued for the purpose of paying for tho
repair, construction and reconstruc
tion of the following described bridg
es in said County, including approach
es thereto, namely: tllo Bird wood
Precinct Bridge over tho North Plntto
Rivor north of Suthorlatjl, between
Section l(nes 4 and 5, and 8 and 9,
Township 14, Rango 33 West of the
Gth P. M.jthe South Platte Bridge over
tho South Platto Rver south of Suth
erland, located on north and south
center lino In Section 32, Township
14, Rango 33 West of the 6th P. M.;
tho Horshey brldgo ovor the North
Platto Rlvor north of Horshoy, located
on Section lines between Sections 3
and 9, Township 14, Rango 32. West of
the Cth P. M.; tho Bostwlck bridge
over the South Platto River south of
Ilershoy, located betweoii Sections 23
and 29, and 32 and 33, Township 14,
Range 32 West of tho Cth P. M.; tho
North River brldgo over tho North
Platto River north of North Platte,
located in East half (E2) of Section
28, Township. 14, Rango 30, West of
the Cth P M.; tho Osgood brldgo ovor
tho South Platto River south of North
Platte, located in Wost half (W) of
Sections 4 and 9. Township 13, Range
30 West of tho Cth P. M.: tho Lincoln
Highway bridge over tho North Platto
Rlvor east of North Platte, located on
Soction lines between Sections 35 and
30, Township 14, Range 30, and Sec
tions 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango 30,
all West of tho Cth P. M.: tho Maxwoll
brldgo across tho Platto River, located
through Sections 28, 32, 33. Township
13, Rango 28, and Section 6, Town
ship 12, Range 28, all West of tho 6th
P. M.; tho Brady brldgo across tho
Platto Rlvor, located through Sections
11, 14, 15, 22. 23, 20 anI 27, Township
12, Rnngo 27, Wost of tho Cth P. M.;
nnd shall an annunl tax bo lovied suf
ficient to pay tho lntorost on such
bonds as It accrues and to provide u
Kinking fund for the redemption of
such bonds at tholr maturity."
"FOR issuing nogotlablo bonds of Lin
coln County, Nobrnska, to bo stylod
an1 known aa Internal Improve
ment bonds of Lincoln County,, No
baska, in denominations of $1000.00
oach numbered from 1 to 1G5 inclu
sive in tho sum ot $105,000.00, nB
nbovo described." ,
"AGAINST issuing nogotlablo bonds
of Lincoln County, Nobrnska, to bo
styled and known as Internal Im
provement bonds of Lincoln Coun-
Continued Specials for Saturday
Picnic Hums per lb. 22c (twenty-two)
Beef Roast per lb. Sc
eef Roast per lb. ' ?c
Corned Beef per lb. i 8c
Lard in 10 lb. pails u 1 - $1.00
A good Cookie per lb 20c
Coffeo per lb. . 15c
4 bars P. & G. Son,n 27c
28 bars laundry soap . . $1.00
Two (2) cans peaches , 33c (thirty-three)
35c package cigar clippings ' 25c
McMichaeFs Grocery
ty, NobraBkn, In denominations ot
$1000.00 each numbered from 1 to
105 incluslvo lntho sum of $105,00.00,
as abovo described."
Tho polling places for holding of
this election hall bo tho rogular
polling places at which gonoral elec
tions aro held in tho following pro
clncta and wards of said County, and
at which said polling places tho last
Gonoral Election was held
Brady ... a?', '
Bird wood
Box Elder
Cox ; . , n
Deer Creek
East Hinman
Fox Creok
Gaslin ' i-:
Jeffrey j,
Kom .
Miller '-'iuwmi
North Rosedalo
Roscdale v" '
Springdalo ' :' ...
Sunshine v
Vroman ' ,
Walker ' "'
Wallace - -
Well ' V - . i
North Platte
First Ward
Second Ward
Third Waijd
Fourth Ward
Witness my hand and official seal
this 11th day of July, 1921.
County Clerk.
S;! No.
mm Mh
- Jmm
1 pgggarf
f m TW mark cn tho tote i
olevprjr grrtuin
1 JJArch I'imctw hloe. II
jt in
8 L V
North Platto Floral Co. Flowers.
W. Twelfth Street Phone 1023. We
deliver and ship anywhoro.
n in -
Dr. F. E. Gordon
"The Abraham Lincoln
of the Chautauqua",
fit,-:" ' .: .5 I
i Drj Frank Elwood Gordon, who ec
,turcs evoning of the second day of
,ourChautauqua, is a veritable Abra
ham Lincoln In stature, force and
logic. Ho is ono of these men who talked of most and long after
the Chautauqua Is over, because ho
has a real message, is a word painter,
nnd his lecture is pneked with wit,
sound sense and human sympathy.
His lecture "Shooting the Goal," la
especially interesting to '"young peo
ple; brings back to the old tin; en
thusiasm of youth. Evening seconil
day of Chautauqua.
At North Platto Aug. 21 to-25.
THE youthfulness. the
natural beauty and the
perfect health of your
feet can be preserved through
out your lifetime by wearing
Arch Preserver Shoes.
Arch Preserver Shoes pre
serve foot health because they
fit the feet, come up to the
arch and stay up, providing
a permanent, non-changing
tread base for the foot to
keep the arch from falling
down. And to make doubly
sure of these advantages,
Arch Preserver Shoesare fitted
your feet by a special plan.
Health, comfort and happi
ness for your feet, yet with
out sacrificing appearance.
You will be delighted with
the style and beauty of Arch
Preserver Shoe. Come and
sec them.
No. 18