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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1921)
TITE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. WOULD GO FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE Tennessee Farmer Wants to Go From House to House and Tell Everybody About Tanlac. "If I were not 60 busy with my fnrm work 1 wouluSgo from houso to, house nml tell the people ubout Tnu lttc," said A. J. Livingston, n well known farmer, living near Ashland City, Tcun. "I had stomach and kidney trouble and suffered torment with my back and side. The doctors could do noth ing for me, so I wrote to a friend of mlno In Nashville about Tanlac, and he ndvlsed mo to try It, saying he had heard so many favorable reports about It and sent mo a bottle. "After taking the first bottle I felt so much better that I ordered another bottle myself and the result Is 1 nin n well man. I told n friend of mine nbout it nnd ordered a bottle for him nnd he had good results. I can eat miythlng I want nnd It don't hurt me, nnd can sleep" like a log. To toll you the truth, I Just simply feel like a now man nnd hnvo mora strength nnd en ergy thnn I hnvo hnd In years It Is simply the grandest medicine in the world. I Would like to see all of my friends and get those who are Buffer ing t try it, nnd I hope you will reach them through this testimonial, which I have gladly given." Tanlac, the celebrated medicine, which accomplished such -remarkable results In this man's case, Is n won derful tonic, nppctlzer and Invlgorant. it builds up the system, creates a henlthy nppetlte, promotes digestion hnd assimilation of the food and makes yon "feel strong, sturdy nnd well as nature intended. Sold by lending druggists eery- where. Advertisement. Agents Like Summer. "I'm nil for hot weather nnd lots of It," the Insurance agent proclaimed when somcouo asked him when ho did the most business summer or winter. "In the summer," he said, "ofllce doors are likely to be open wide. When I call on n likely prospect I can see him sitting nt his desk as a rule. He doesn't hnve the nerve to tell the of fice boy that he's not In when I've Just waved cheerfully to him. So seldom cool my heels in a reception room when the weather Is warm." LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES ' Ons elxn smaller and walk In comfort tr using; ALLEN'S FOOTEABE, the antlsep tlo ponder for the feet. Shaken Into the ahoea and jprlnkled In the foot-bath. Allen's FootEie makes tight or new ahoea feel cany; gives lnatant relief to corns, bunions and callouses, prevents Blisters, Callous and Bore Bpoia When Men Fought In Steel. As n general statement It may be said thnt armor weighed from thirty pounds, for a suit of chain mail, and fifty for ordinary complete plate, to 100 or more for the heavy tournament equipment. The armor for tho horse might weigh another hundred pounds In spite of its weight, nrmor, whqn of good quality nnd worn (a .most Im portant point) over properly construe ted, padded undergarments, was sur- prisingly mobile. Red Cross Ball Blue should be used In every home. It makes clothes whlto as snow and never Injures tho fabric. All good grocers, 5c. Before Books Were Plentiful. The nlmannc nnd the family Bible constituted the homo library some two hundred years ago. The weather pre dictions In the almanacs of 00 years ngo were occasionally right, nnd when so proved in uny locality, the fame of the predictor was proclaimed abroad nt the corner groceries and tavern bars of the land. ABLE TO DO HER WORK After Long Suffering Mrs. Sieferi Was Restored to Health by lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Pottsvillo. Pa. "I suffered with female trouble for four or five years and was very irregular. II was not nt to do my work at times and tooK memcino from a doctor and Igot no benefit I saw Lydia ta. nnK ham's Vegetable Compound adver tised in tho news papers and took it land got au ngnc x Icrainod twenty I pounds or more and am now able to do my work. I recom mend the Vegetable Compound to my frienda and you may use these facta as a testimonial' Mrs. Sallie Siefert, 813 W. Fourth Street, Pottsvillo, Pa. The everyday life of many housewives is a continual struggle with weakness and pain. There is nothing more wear ing than the ceaseless round of house hold duties and thoy become doubly hard when some female trouble makes every bone and muscle ache, and nerves all on edge. If you are one of these women do not Buffer for four or five years as Mrs. Siefert did, but profit by her expericnea and be restored to health by Lydia El Pinkham's Vegotoblc Compound. W. N U OMAHA, NO. 28-1921. Kill Commonwealth Parliament House, Melbourne. (Frepared by the National deofraphlo So cletjr, waahlncton. D, 3.) Tho summer conference of tho pre.: mlers of British dominions, including' tho premier of Australia, nnd the gen eral understanding that Australia Is In closo sympathy with the United States in tho matter of oriental Im migration, makes thnt far-away com monwealth of more than ordinary In terest to Americans Just now. Australia is the most Isolated of all Inhabited continents nnd is remote from the center of all of the world's activities. Northward the sailing dis tance td Japan 1$ approximately 8,000 nautical miles; to India, 2,500 miles. South America is 7,000 miles to the east ; nnd Africa nn equal distance west. From London to the capital of Aus tralia ships by tho Suez route traverse approximately 11,000 miles of water and by the Panama canal, 12,734 mites. From California ports tho routes via Samoa, or FIJI, or Tahiti cover a quar ter of tho circumference of tho earth. Australia's only largo civilized neigh bor within a radius of 1,000 miles ui Java. Few Americans Go Thero. The continent, lying thus far out side the ordinary routes of travel, la rarely visited by Americans. For most of us knowledge of this fascinating land is obtnined by a study of a few pages in the back of school geoic- raphies pages descriptive of "Aus tralia and New Zealand" nnd accom panied by n map of "Australia and the Islands of tho Pacific" on a scale too small for the recognition of signif icant features. One of the first surprises awaiting tho tourist from the northern hemi sphere is to find that Australia and New Zealand may not be grouped as two Islands of like appearance, differ ing mainly In size; near neighbors which may be treated as a unit. New Zealand is nearly twice as far from Australia as Bermuda Is from New York, and is not only cast but also south. The southern coast of tho Aus tralian mainland hns tho latitude of central New Jersey, while the eoutbr ernmost of the three lslnnds which comprise the Dominion of New Zea' land occupies the position of southern Newfoundland. Unique vegetation of remarkable variety and beauty, animal life of by gone geological periods, and an ab original population, the lowest In tho flcalo of beings having human form, stand out as features distinctly Aus tralian a never-ending sourco of in terest to. tho geographer. Australia Is a large country. It Is about fourteen times the size of France or Germany, twenty-five times tho size of Italy, or Ecuador, and two and one-half times the size of Ar gentina, Its chief competitor In "tho southern hemisphere. Its area Is equal to three-fourths of Europe, one-third of all North America, or one-fourth "t the British Empire. The continent is almost exactly the slzo and Is near lythe shape of the United States, Level In Surface, Low in Elevation Australia is the most level In sur face and regular In outllno of all the continents, and even of most largo is lands. It Is also tho lowest continent, with nn average elevation about that of Ohio. Its surface lacks variety. Tho change from one type of topog raphy Is so gradual, and significant natural features are so few and so widely spaced that, with the excep tion of tho Murray river, they are not utilized In marking Uio boundaries of states. The traveler In search of duplicates of the Canadian Itockles, the Yosem lto and tho Grand ennyon, of Nor wegian fjords nnd Alpine scenery, need not visit Australia. Its mountain scenery is thnt of the southern Ap palachians, the white mountains, and tho low ranges of Arizona. Its plains and plnteaus are compurable with those of tho Rocky Mountain foothills nnd the arid expnnses of. Utah, Idaho nnd Oregon. Although the moutnlns are low com pared with those of other continents, their Influence is great, for nowhero Is their control of rainfall nnd con sequent distribution of vegetation nnd people better exemplified, A bird's eye view of.Austrnlla shows a belt of vegetation extending along Its north din east nnd southeast edges, with a patch on the extreme southwest corner and another covering most of tho island of Tasmania. In these regions, the people live. Tho trade winds abundantly supply the northeast coast, but carry little water beyond; the westerlies, the "roaring forties" of tho sailor, deposit their moisture on tho lands along Bass strait and on the southwest tip of tho continent, but hnve littlo or none to carry Inland. Tho north coast Is al ternately drenched nnd dried with the coming nnd going of monsoons. Tho center of the continent Is therefore arid, largo parts are desert, and tho numerous largo lakes shown on the map are expanses of snlt mud covered with water by Infrequent rains. Aus trnlla's streams are fewer nnd carry less water than those f any other continent. Its Forests Are Surprising. Tho flora of Australia Is not only beautiful, It Is unique, having no counterpart In other lands. Of the 10,000 species of plants most of thorn are purely Australian, and nro un known even in New Zenland. The gen eral Impression one gets of Australian forests is their total unllkeness to any thing seen elsewhere. Forms which may bo recognized as tulip, Illy, honey suckle and fern take on a surprising aspect. They are not garden flowers, but trees, nnd the landscape of which they .form n part reminds one of the hypothetical representations in books of n landscnpe of MesozOlc time, a pe riod antedating our own by millions of years. Tho Impression thnt one is looking nt n landscune which has forever dis appeared from other parts of the world Is so vivid that the elms and maples nnd oaks in some of the city streets strike a Jarring note. Tho transition from Jurassic to modern times Is painfully abrupt. The animals of Australia, too, are so distinct from tho rest of tho world that some have proposed two great zoological realms: Australian and non- Australian. The peculiarity lies not only In the fact that Australian types are not found elsewhere, but also that families like tho cats and tho pigs, which nre found native on nil other continents and on many Islands, are nbsent from Australia. Tho kangaroo is Australia's national animal, and the group to which It belongs, the mar supials, Is typically Australian. A belt of country 100 miles wldo nlong tho cast, south and southwest edges of Australia would Include prob ably 80 per cent of tho commonwealth's populntlon. There nro no Inland cities of over 10,000 population, except six mining camps, and the most remote of these Is about as far from the sea as Is Pittsburgh. A striking featuro of the Australian census Is the concentration of popula tion In cities- a phenomenal situation for nn agricultural and pastoral na tion with less than 1 per cent of Its nrea under cultivation nnd 47 per cent unoccupied. The six Australian state capitals Include 88.80 per cent of the commonwealth's population, and five of them are growing nt the expenso of tho back country. No other nation, and few states, can match these fig ures. A "white Australia" is tho settled policy of tho commonwealth govern ment, the Immigration laws being so administered as effectually to exclude colored races. Legislation is directed particularly to the exclusion of Chinese, Japanese and Polynesian la bor, not only from the lnnd, but from employment In pearl fishing, coastwise shipping, and on overseas steamers holding mall contracts. ' Appreciative. "Whnt is your Idea of relativity?" "Very favorable," replied Senator Sorghum. "Wo have so many ier- plcxlng questions to handle Jtfst now that I am grateful to tho gentleman who discovered it for not letting It get Into politics." Entertaining. "Done any cntertnlnlng In your new nelghhorhod ns yet? "Well, our junk seemed to enter tain the nelghbora ns we moved In." Louisville Courier-Journal. "Lm THF ILH I I II KITCHEN CABINET (. 121, Western Newspaper Union.) Bomo peoplo are always grumbling bocmiHo roses have thorns; let us be glad that thorns have roses. Now that women have the vote, For which thoy strove to gain. Somo day the Whlto House may be swept By a presidential train. SEASONABLE QOOD THINGS. For those who must llvo on n re stricted meat diet tho various com binations of vege tables nnd nuts will appeal. Pea Roast.- Tnko threo cup- fuls of dry bread that has been rolled and put through u Bleve. Take u pint of cooked green peas, drain and whllo hot" put through n puree sieve. Mix tho crumbs with tho pulp; there should bo nbout three- quarters of a cupful; add '-quarter of n cupful of walnut meats chopped, one egg slightly beaten, ono teuspoon- ful of sugar, nnd one-fourth or a cup of melted butter with three-fourths of n cup of milk. Mix well and turn Into a well buttered pan a paraflln paper lining will bo good to use In tho pnn. Bnko forty minutes In n slow oven. Servo with tomato sauce. Pecan Loaf. Soak ouo cupful of rice over night In cold wnter, drain nnd add one cupful of pecan ments coarse ly chopped, ono cupful of cracker crumbs, ono cupful of milk, ' ouo egg beaten, one and one-hnlf teaspoou- fuls of salt nnd a few dashes of popper. Turn Into u buttered bread pan nnd spread with softened butter. Bake ono hour In a moderate oven. Servo tin molded gnrnlshed with chopped sea soned carrots. Cook the carrots in ns little water ns possible, dress with butter, ndnshot cayennoanlnced pars ley nnd lemon Juice. Polish Batwnla. Peel ono dozen beets after cooking nnd place them In a Jar with ono quart of wurm water and ono pint of good vinegar. Let Btand several days. Tho day the soup Is to be made, strain tho liquid from tho beets, add ono quart of water nnd put It with two pounds of beef on to cook. Boll nnd skim. Cut up tho beets, also two or three onions and ndd to the soup. Cook for three or four hours, take out tho beef, cut In pieces nbout one-half Inch squnre, remove the fat from tho soup nnd thicken with one pint of Bour cream beaten with tho yolks of four eggs. I pray not that men tremble at my power of place and lordly Bway; I only pray for simple grtvco to look my neighbor !n the faco full hon estly from day to day7 ECONOMICAL DISHES. A cond way to servo a small amount of meat for a good sized fam ily Is to cook the meat witli tho vegetables ; tho iluvor of the meat seasons tho vegetables, uud less, meat Is need ed to satisfy the appetite. When preparing lnmb or mutton pie, if the meat seems scant add a few peas to give flavor and nourishment, and thus extend the dish. A dish nlco for a busy day Is pre pared by slicing potatoes very thin, put Into a shallow granite baking dish, season with salt and pepper and cover with pork steak or chops, then bake. The chops will season the potntoes and the dish may be served at tho table from the dish In which it was baked. Sunday Night Salad. Take one can of pens, drained and ulred for an hour or two; one cupful of finely minced celery, three-fourths of a cupful of fresh peanuts, rolled until like coarso crumbs, two small green onions, inlnccd, one-half cupful of olives, finely minced, und three hard-cooked eggs, reserving a few eighths to gar nish the top of tho salad. Mix well with a good highly seasoned mayou- nalso dressing und serve In n nest of lettuce which lines u -bowl that has been rubbed with a clove of garlic. Dates added to a baked custard makes a dessert which the children will enjoy, und provides u sweet which Is perfectly wholesome. Add them to rice, tapioca, or any cooked cerenl, making an otherwise common dish un usual. Shirred Eggs With Asparagus. Foq four eggs havo a cupful of cream sauce; Into this stir three-fourths of a cupful of asparagus tips and one or two tnblespoonfuls of chopped rooked chicken or veal, or ham. Spread this mixturo in buttered egg shlrrers; into each breuk a fresh egg; sprinkle with salt, and half n tenspoonful of melted butter on each. Cook In tho oven until tho egg Is set. Servo nt once. Tho following menu for moderate breakfast of n nonnal kind will afford a scope for Individual preference: Stewed prunes with npple sauce, cooked cereal with cream nnd sugar, broiled whlteflsh, baked potato, toast nnd coffee. Orange or grapefruit, hhredded wheat biscuit, lamb chops, creamed potatoes, muffins, marmalade, coftco or cocoa. 5b UfUMTTTT tULklw Til IKct Contents 151uidPaot I rnnnT..1 PKR OESt. I 1 tlnaihcStonwitSMHlgggy mm in i ii iiii neither Otfum.MorpwnciwM i HineraL NotKAkco t , " - ctfJ a Li.i1Dararr4vfbr Bzact Copy of Wrapper. i Got Skin Disease? A great part of tho maddening and mortifying Bkin troubles that plaguo humanity are duo solely- to disorders of tho blood. Relief from theso can bo had only by removing from your blood stream the impurities that causo tho itching. For this you must take an internal blood remedy. Outside applications havo no effect on the cause of tho torture. .Their relief is shortlived. You must TIMES HADN'T GHANGED MUCH At Least Young Lady Could See a Similarity .Between Biblical Times and Our Own. Tho unsophisticated young clergy- man essayed to break tho embar rassing sllenco that had fallen be tween his fair partner and himself. "Er havo you over noticed," ho be gan, "how opposed to modern Ideas of politeness Is tho wording of tho Tenth Commandment? I menn tho part which says 'And thy manservant and thy maidservant, nnd tho stranger within thy gates.' Tho guest, you notice, comes after tho maidservant." lie waited hopefully for tho reply which should open up further con versation between them. The fair one was slightly bored. Her answer camo In u perfectly modu lated volcv, "No, I had not noticed it until you spoke, but it Is ns truo today ns It was then. Do usually Is after tho maidservant." An oven longer nnd moro embar rassing silence, followed. Houston Post. Work Is an excellent distraction, but there aro so many others thnt are pleasnnter. , Will You Have A Lift If you have reason to Believe, as many have, thai: a change from coffee or tea would be wise, try Postum Cereal You'll find what thousands of others have found complete sat isfaction to taste, and freedom from harm to nerves or digestion When coffee or tea disturbs, it's easv to &t ud where vou belong. wixn rosxum "There's a Reason Sold by grocers everywhere Made by Postum Cereal CoInc Battle Creek.Mlch. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CUMTAU" COMPANY, HCW VOSK ClfY. Purify Your Blood get right after tho blood itself. S.S.S., tho famous old herb rem edy, has helped enrich tho blood of thousands, and relieved their itch ing skin torturej during tho last fifty years. Get S.S.S. from your druggist today, and after starting with it write us a history of your case, addressing Chief Medical Advisor, 837 Swift Lab oratory, Atlanta, Georgia. ,8.e I EASY TO DISTINGUISH TUNES Even One Unfamiliar With Music CouW , Tell the Difference by Listen ' Ing Close, Two gentlemen from away back In tho big sticks sat one night In a St. Louis cabaret and listened to the chortling of a first-class, A No. 1 Jazs orchestra. One of the gentlemen dis played a lively interest in tho music being produced; from time to time he even beat a lively accompaniment with his feet. Ills companion displayed no such interest; ho actually appeared bored by tho proceedings. IIo apparently could not understand the city's peculiar music. At last ho said to his friend: "Dill, whnt tune Is It them birds her been plnyln' all evening?" "Tunol" snorted Mil. "You pore pruno; they've pluyed a mlllyun tunes. Can't you tell ono tune frum another?" "Gosh, no. They ull sound alike to me. llow do you tell 'em apart? You're so blamo smart" "Huh I Why don't you listen close? Some of 'cm nre a heap longer than the others." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. . It's better to bo fresh than stale but don't get too fresh. i. ) tf I SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKS I POSTHiifiti