The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 22, 1921, Image 3

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maximum capacity, tho dcmanjl for
Ford cars and trucks Is not being mot,
and at tho present time, many thous
and unfilled orders havo boon piled up
ahead so that Ford sales aro still lim
ited by manufacturing facilities rather
than marketing possibilities. iPnrticu
, lary is this truo with, respect to on
clos(l cars, for which tho demand has
been unusually heavy.
Tho estimated output of tho ForU
Factories for July calls for 109,000
President James R. Howard of ih mn aml tn,Cks' r n ,rotmct'on of
jAmorjican Fjirm Bureau Federation
has accepted tho invitation of tho Neb
raska Farm Bureau Federation to do
liver two addresses in this stato tho
lattor part of July. Ono redress will
bo delivered at tho Buffalo county
Farm Bureau picnio on July 20. and
on tho next day July 27, ho will Boeak I Tho committee appointed by tho
at a similar gathering in Fillmore Co-! Front,cr County Farm Bureau to draft
unty. Thoso aro tho only two dates for n scn, of wages for rural school
which Mr. Howard could bo secured , teachers in that county has made Its
4,360 a day for 25 days. Since tho as
sombling of cars Is bolng handled dur
ing an olght hour work day only, the
hourly output will bo 545 cars. Ono
loavos tho assembly lino every 0 seconds.
at this timo though tentative arrange
ments aro under way to havo him do
Hvor ono aidress at tho Nebraska
State Fair early in September. Though
Mr. Howard has sprung Into inter
national promlnonco as head of tho
grcafest farm organization anywhere,
ho is a real farmer, which coupled
with closo attention ho has given tho
larger problem's confronting farmers
nt tho present tlmo glvos him an in
sight into tho conditions that probab
ly no other man has. For that reason
Nebraska farmers who will be able o
hear Mr. Howard deliver ono of these
addresses will be most fortunate. For
years Prosldent Howard lias kept his
ear closo lo the grounll bo far as log
Islation affecting tho farmer is con
cerned, not a politician, but as a
farmer and economist and along this
lino ho will toll 1iIb aullenco many
things ol Interest.
During tho month Of June, tho Ford
Xri r rntnniif 4 Vi i i tf-n TtsAtA U
orles and 22 Assembly Plants thro
ughout the country reached the pro
duction ot 108;962 Forfl -cars and
trucks, setting Up a new high record
for ono month.
Production of Ford cars and trucks
Jias been steadily increasing since
early spring, and sIioavs substantial
gains over tho same period last year.
Tho second quarter of 1921, viz. April,
May and June, Allows an output of
301,790 Ford cars and trucks against
220,878 for tho same three months of
. last year, ar a net increase of 80,918.
Despite the fact, however that the
Ford Plants havo been running at
report. Tho committee designates an
"oxporlencdl teacher" as ono who has
four years high school training, two
years normal training and two years
teaching experience, and uses this
classification as a 100 percent basis.
Tocrhors with ono year's teaching ox-
perionco aro rated at 90 porcent
while ono with no teaching experience
is rated at 75 percent Teachers with
only olght weeks normal training, but
with two years' teaching oxperienco
are rated at '85 percent; with ono
years oxporienco 75 percent and with
no experience 05 percent. The con
mitteo furthor recommends that ad
ditional years of experience should bo
recognize)!, by annual advancement of
from two to five percent. The com
mlttco does not recommend, however,
strict adhoronco to tho rule as some
teachers with high school ani formal
training aro at times' not as efficient
as ones who havo not had the four
year high school training. Tho matter
of board and living conditions Is an
other thing that each district must
tako into consideration. Tho commit
tee assorts, however that tho rural
school, has been haniicappcd by being
a training school for teachers begin
ning Uieir profession, and as one
third of tho teachers each year are be
ginners, it feels that both tho patrons
and the experienced teachers should
insist upon, separating tho inexper
ienced from tho experienced.
Her tho procodlng year grasslands to
bo plantt)! to corn aro plowed, tho less
will bo the probability thnt tho cut
worm moths havo laid their eggs
thereon, and tho less, consequently,
will bo tho danger of Injury by cut
worms tho following year.
Lato fall and wlntor plowing of
grasslands, although not as effectual
as early plowing, will destroy many
of tho hlboruuting cutworms, as well
as such other Important corn pests
as whlto grubs, and should bo prac
ticed when earlier plowing is impracticable.
Pasturing hogs upon land supposed
to harbor cutworms Is n bonoflclal
practice as thoso animals root up and
dovour Insects of many kinds, Includ
ing cutworms In largo numbers. Farm
poultry, if trained to follow tho plow,
will provo ot lnostlmablo valuo:
When cutworms aro found to bo
abundant on corn land, tho uso ot
tho polsoneUl bait Is recommended
This may be vreparcl as follows: Mix
50 pounds of wheat bran, 2 pounds
of Paris green, and 0 flnoly choppod
oranges or lemons. Thon bring tho
wholo mlxturo to tho consistency of a
stiff dough by tho addition of a low
grado molasses, atich-as Is use! In cat-
tto rations, adding water when necoa
sary. DlBrlbuto this "bait over tho
infected flold In small lumps, taking
enro to sprlnklo spaingly around
each hill. In case bran can not be
readily obtained, middlings or alfalfa
meal may bo successfully substituted
In. fields known to bo infested, tho
distribution of this bait should be
started as soon aB tho corn begins to
appear abovo grounjl so thnt tho cut
worms may bo eliminated as quickly
as possible and tho Injurod hl)ls
promptly replanted. During tho
warmer spring months cutworms do
most ot their feeding at nlghgt and
burrow into tho soli to tho depth, of
an Inch or two during tho day, so that
tho bait will usually bo moro effective
If npplkfl during tho late aftcrnoeii
or early evening hours.
Frequently- cutworms migrate to
cultivated fields from adjoining grass
Tho IClwanls Club will onto-Mln Commissioners deem it expedient, do-
. - A . I . 1
tho Rotiiry Club Tuesday evening a, o nnu proper ip issue aim sen
i I tt n negotiable bonds of tho County, to bo
a picnic nt Hall S drOVO. , Atvl Ail unit knnwfi nft Intnrnnl Im.
Mm Tlinmnn n Tlmmmni. if Wn.l. tirnVnmnht tinnilfl nf T.tnrnln Pniint-s.
nosday for Denver and Boulder to ftfi5?5j?n' 'u , denominations of i-uuii iiiiu miiuuurui j. irviu i
visit relatives and friends.
Steve Browor loft Wednesday for
Clarluda, Iowa, aftor visiting ruli-
tlvcs In tho city for a week,
Mrs. J. Ellsworth returned to Hor
shoy Wcjiliiesdhy nftor visiting her
daughter Mrs. E. W. Fcttor.
Mrs. George Andorson un)t chltdron
returned to Brady Wednesday after
spending tho day In tho city.
Mrs. Joseph Nolan returned Wed
nesday from Omnha where sho visited
her parents for sovoral weeks. .
Miss Sadlo Shelly ot Denver ar
rived Wednesday to attend tho funeral
of hor brother William Shcody.
Mrs. F. M. Crano returned to her
homo in Sailnn, Kamt Wodlnosdajl
aftor visiting at tho Cover homo.
Mrs. Mlnnlo Mooro loft Wednesday
for Chicago where sho has accepted
a millinery position with Fisk Co.
Miss Marjory Blllesbach roturnod to
hor homo In Harwoll Wednesday attcr
visiting hor sister Mrs. R. V. Lucas,
Mrs. Homor Peterson roturneu
Tuesday from a trip to South Da
kota, Colorado nil Nobraska points
Switches, curls, puffs, transforma
tions and fancy combs nt half price
Friday aril Saturday at the Stylo
Lester Lnngford and Junior Hlnman
returned Wednesday from Loxliigtoii
whoro they attended tho tennis tour
nament ; J. R, Roberts returned to Sowurd
Ncbr. this morning aftor transacting
business at the Roberts Music Co.
thin week. -
Miss Ida Harris returned to hor
homo In Lincoln Wednesday after vis
Itlng at tho hojnc of her sister Mrs
.Thomas Axtoll.
Miss Anjiro Snyder underwent an
operation at tho General Hospital
Tuesday and Is reported to bo get
to 166 Inclusive In tho Bum ot $1G5,
000.00 for tho aforesaid purpose, and;
WHHHEAS. tun Board ot County
Commissioners Is authorized by tho
laws ot tho Stato to submit to iho
qualified doctors of tho County tho
question of Issuing said bonds and ot
lovylng tho necessary tax to pay tho
Intorost and principal of such bonds
is tho samo becomes duo, and,
WlllSHUJAS. it is nntmront and t s
estimated that tho cost ot tho ropalrs,
constnuctlnn and reconstruction ot tho
Abovo doscrlbed brldgos, including
tho approaches thorcto, It at lease
tho Bitm ot $1G5,000.00.
SOLVED by tho Board ot County Com
missioners of the County ot Lincoln,
in me stato ot Nebraska, as follows;
Sec 1. That a Bpcclal election of
tho qunllllod doctors of tho said Coun
ty ot Lincoln, bo and Is horoby callcfl
and ordered to bo hold on tho lGth
day of August 1821. between tho hours
or 8:00 o'clock A. M. mid 8:00 o'clock
i'. M., ror tno mtrnoso of votlnir nuon
tho question ot lssulnc and Holllne
tho negotiable bonds of tho Countv. to
bo styled and known ns Internal Im-
provomen botnlls of Lincoln Conniv
Nobraska, In denominations ot 11000.00
eacn nnu numbered from 1 to 105 n-
cluslvo, in tho sum ot $105,000.00 tho
said bonds to bear an Intorost rato
or o per cont per annum, on coupons
attached, payable cctnt-nnnuallv nt
uio ouico or me county Treasurer of
Lincoln county, Nobraska, and
$10,500.00 to boebmo duo and payablo
ten uuj years from tlio dato of issue;
?ie,roo.oo ot said bon;ls to bocomo
duo eleven (11) years after date nf
Issue,; $10,500.00 to bocomo duo and
paynblo twdvo (12) years nfter dato
or issuo; 51G.500.00 to bocomo duo nn.i
Mityuuio iiuriccn uoj years artor date
or issuo; $10,500.00 to bocomo duo and
payaoio rourteon (14) years after
date Of Issue: $10,500.00 to bocomo
duo and payablo flftoon (15) years af
tor Jdato of Issuo; $10,600.00 to become
land, and In such cases tho crops can Ing nlong nlcoly.
bo protected hy Tunning a narrow. j. b. FInngan, traveling freight a
band of tho poisoned bait around tho gent for tlio Chicago, Mllwaukeo &
edge of tho rteljl or along tho side St Paul Ry. Co., transacted business
For Rent
Limited amount of Cold Storage space
for Eggs, Moat, Produce, Etc.
Phone 40.
nearest the sourco of Infestation.
In tho city Wednesday.
JULY 26, 27, 28, 29.
Leavo North Platte 2:25 A. M.
Arrive -Cheyenne, 10:30 A. M.
Extra coaches will he (provided
on No. 3. r .
Special Train Returning
July 29.
, Leave Cheyenne, 8:30 P. M.
Arrive North Platto 3:45 A- M.
Stopping nt all intermediate
For other regular train ser
vico consult:
Ticket Agent, Un; Pac. R. R.
Tho various cutworms aro known
under a number of popular names,
such as tho glassy cutworm, ..greasy
cutworm, variegated cutworm, clay;
backed cutworm, etc., but the injuries
causcU by them aro very similar and
their habltsvln general are also much
tho same. The "parents of cutworms
aro grayish or brownish moths or mil-1
lers which commonly occur at lights
during summer evenings. Each moth
may Jay from 200 to 500 eggs, either
In masses or singly, in fields covered
with dense vegetation, and hence are
to bo found moro often in cultivated
fields which havo been in grass or
weeds tho preceding fall. The eggs
hatch In tho fall a few weeks after
they are"taid, usually during Septem
ber, and tho young cutworms, after
'feeding on grass anj Other vegetation
until cold weather, pass tho winter
as partly grown caterpillars. If such
infested Holds aro loft to graVs, no
noticeable injury is likely to occur,
but when it Is broken up anil planted
to corn or other wide-row crops, the
worms, being suddenly placed on
"short rations," wreak havoc with the
nowly planted crops, the nearly full-
grown worms reeding greeuny ana
consuming an enormous amount of
food. In northern latitudes thoy at
tain full growth and stop feeding In
late Juno or early July, ana change to
tho pupal or resting stage. The in
jury often ceases so suddenly that
farmors at a loss to account for the
Control of Cutworms
Land to bo planted to corn tho fol
lowing spring, especially such land
as has laid In grass for a consiHorablo
tlmo and Is likely to contain cut
worms, should bo plowed In midsum
mer or early fall about tho tlmo the
eggs aro laili, or bettor, before the
eggs are laid, for then vegetation
which Is suitable for the moths to lay
their eggs upon is removed. Tho ear-
Kolth Neville left Tuesday for Oma
ha to transact business.
J. Elliott of Maxwell spent a few
days In the city this week.
-"Miss 'Anna-Ttubbls transacted mm l- Certain Bridges.
ness In Hershe Wednesday.
Resolution Providing for tho Calling
nnil linlillnn- nf nn RIopMnn tn Autho
rize tho Issuing and Salo ot Bonus
of Lincoln County. Stato ot Nobras
ka, In tho Amount of Ono nunuroi
Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars
($105,000.00) to Pay for tho Ropalrs
Construction and Rocohst ruction ot
WHEREAS, tho following doscrlbod a ...II. rni. Y"ii
, - ri .uii unuKes. 1,0-wiL; j.iio uiruwuuu ric
noy uoBt-nourg ol uncu.n '"""J clnct bridge over tho North Platto
River north of Sutherland, botweon
Section lines Four (4) and Flvo (5)
ami Eight (8) and Nino (9), Township
Fourteen (14), uaugo Tiiirty-turco
frlonds In tho city yesterday,
"William Davis lias accepted a posi
tion in the Frater Drug"Btoro.
All hair goods at half, price at Mm (33) West ot tho CUi V M.; the South
Stylo Shop Friday and Saturday.
Platto briduo over tho South Ilatto
nivor nmith nf Sutherland, located
Mrs. Frank Daneri and daughter nn !. nrth an,i Rm:tU tcutGr lino in
Section Thirty-two C!2, Township
Fp.mccn (14), Ran:$o Thirty-thrco
f,13. West of tho 0th P. M.i the Her
shn bridgo over tho North Plntte Riv
er north of Horshey, located on sec
tion lines between Sscth-iu Eight tS)
vslted in Gothenburg yesterday.
Mrs. B. Boozo of TYyon was anions
River Bridgo ovor the North Platto
Rlvor north of North Platte, locatod
in East Halt (EV4) of Section 2S,
Township 14. Rnngo 30 West of tho
6th P. M. tho Osgood bridgo om tho
South Platto River south of North
Platto, located in West Halt (WyS) ot
Section 4 and D, Township 13. Rango
30, West of Uio 6th P. M.; the Lincoln
Highway bridgo ovor the North Platto
River oast ot North Platto. located
on section linen between Sections 35
ana 30, Township 14, Rnngo -30, and
Soctlon 1 and 2, Township 13, Rango
30, nil West of tho Gth P. M. ; tho Max
well bridgo across tho Platto River,
locatod through Sections 28, 32, 33,
Township 13, Rnngo 28, nnd Section 0
In Township 12, Rango 28, all Wost of
tho Gth P. M. tho Brady brfdgo across
tho Platto Rivor, locatod through Sec
tions 11, 14, 15. 22, 23. 20 and 27,
Township 12, Rnngo 27, West ot tho
Gth P, M., and shall nn annual tax bo
levied sufficient lo pay tlio lntorest on
such bonds as It accrues and to pro
vido a sinking fund for, tho redemp
tion of such bonds at their maturity."
FOR Issuing negotiable bonls of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, to bo styled
and known as Internal Improve
ment bonds' ot Lincoln County, No
braska, In denominations of $1000.00
each numbered from 1 to 1G5 Inclu
sive in tho sum ot $105,000.00, as
abovo described.
AGAINST IbsuIiir negotiable bonds of
Lincoln County, Nobraska, to bo
styled and known as Internal Im
provomont bonds ot Lincoln Coun
ty, NobrnBka, In denominations nt
$1080.00 each numborc,d from 1 to
1G5 lnoliiBlvo in tho sum ot $105,
000.00, as abovo described."
Sec. 3. That tho County Clerk shall
proclaim and glvo notico of tho places
and timo of holding such election as
by law required, and ho Is- hereby
ordered and dtroctol to glvo such no
tice of such election by publishing for
four (4) wooks prior to tho said dato
ot said eloctloou in tho North Platto
Telegraph and tho North Platte Setnl
Wookly Tribune, official nowspaporB
of Hiild County, and llkowlso by pub
lishing for four (4) Wooks prior to
snijli dato In tho following nowspnpors,
to-wlt: Tho Sutherland Courier, Wal
lace Winner, Horshoy Times and
Brady Vindicator, and also by posting
uuo ana payaoio sixteen (10) vcnrslr... .nai tr. i, nnatn.i n nnn nt h,
nftor dato of Jssuo; $1G,500.00 to bo- election notico in at IcaBt three (3)
como duo and payablo sovonteon (17) puhilc placos In each ot tho.oloctlon
yoars after dato ot Issuo: S1G.500.00 to , t i, rn,,niv nnf iaa timi.
bocomo duo and payablo olghtcon (18) twenty (20) days prior to said dato ot
years after date Ot isSUO: $10,500.00 anr.1, n1Mnn nn.i onol, iinHnrt almll
" .1 a,n 1'' ulHotcon embrace and stato tho question to be
i jmu h iui (uuo oi issuo; ami uio submitted ns hereinbefore sot out and
sain nonns to uo lssuou ror tho pur- rocitod, nnd tho said Clork is hereby
POS0 Or paying fOr UlO ronnlr. COIl- nmu-nrml nn.l tnaminn,l tn nlr nil
structlon or reconstruction ot thai
U,,U V"8 "ubuhuuu oriugos, lnciua- bo necossary to proovldo for tho hold-
wi(, tuu IIUIIIUUUJIUH lllOreiO IiaillOIV: f nf ant.i nlon nn nt-lntlll.r l1n linl.
tho Blilfliwood Precinct bridgo ovor the h0ts therefor, furnishing tho nocossary'
iii oumur- taliy-slieots or doors nnu stationery
" N l"" " ouVlV;" ""J-" on J"1' with which to conduct tho election and
7 ; lV. 8"1 t0',ftnu Nmo ascortaln Uio roturns. nnd to fully pro
(9), Township Fourteen (14), Rangu for and conduct said sneclal nloc-
llilrty-threo (33) West of tho Gth P. tlon na Is roqulrod by law to conduct
o ,tUl0r,?0A,Ul,lntto ,)rl .V0I the Ronornl County oloctlons and obtain
ouiuii x-iuuu ivivur, bouui oi uui- returns thoreof.
enanu, locniPU on norm ami south n. 4. Tim votlntr nlncoa whero
cenior i no ot aocuon Tinrty-two(az), HliB election shall bo hold aro tho rog-
iownsilip 14, iiangO 33, West Of tllO,,1n,. vnnntr lnnno n onnrnl
SiL1 .:tlA uRrhoy bridge ovor the elections nro hold In tho varioiiB wards
' ' mnu xiivur nunuu oi nor n. n- ni. . rtf l,n rvintifv nml nf
kZuIZ ?Au na .""ween ,vj,,rh ssn,rt 0iuR places tho last
Soctlon Eight (8) and Nino (0), Town- QenoVnl election was hold.
amp n. unngo wost or tno Utli 1. vnnatA m1 nnnrnvn.l this lltli dav
M.; tho Bostwlck bridgo ovor tho
South Platto Rlvor, south of Horshoy,
located between Section Twenty-
eight (28) nnd Twenty-nine
(29), and Thirty-two (32) and Thlrtv-
threo (33), Township 14.- Range 32
West of tho Gth P. M.; tho North Rlv
or brlllgo ovor tho North Plntto River
north ot North Platto, located In East
Half (E) of Soctlon Twonty-olght
of July, 1921.
County Commissioner..
County Clork.
xT-rTiYriT7i ncvnimmv
1tShPw$3So (!S' PT No.1 1831 of jo.1. O'Hiro. de
ihJz?. WHfiLMn. 6 ' h3 ceased, In tho County ourt of Lin-
tho out of town Visitors Tuesday.
Isaac Watts of Corning, Iowa, Is a
guest at the R. C- Lnngford home.
Elmer Thomblson will leave tho
first of the weclc.for Omaha to visit
coin Gounty, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nobraska. To all por-
sons liitorested in sall-i Estate, tako
notico that a peptllon has boon fllod
erator. '
Miss Fern Watts resigned her po
sition at tho H. A. Brooks studio yes
tho Osgood bridgo ovor tho South
Platto Rlvor, south of North Platto,
located In West Half (W&) of Sec
tions Four (4) and Nino (9). Town-
l. IH .-mu W. o, ... ..l Viu;, iiiB ijuilvou;, - -t,nl,r rf Mm l,,af will nn.l
on. T, nr. TJnl.i.1,.1- l.rlilrrn n vnr I 14 1 1. ..... V,. ..,. H. 1 ,11 ui oua.u u.iwiu, utvuiiouu,
"l" il. ",l.-V'r. " ' Tr7. . r'i "ll Z rir and the appointment ot Anna O'Haro
Dr. Mnnm nf Gothonburc transacted , .-i 5.Hn Timi,iv. i,i ',... u i.... i ns Executrix of said Estate under
t w Oliuy, luuucu uci-'tuii .vv.v... . ....... j , unvu un oumuu uubnvuu out- .. ...Ill ,l,n1, Una linnti .ni fni' linnl-
professional business In the city Tues- -eight (28) anjl Twenty-nine (29,) and tlons Thlrty-flvo (35) and Thirty-six A,"Ht 9 1921 at 10
day Tiurty-two isz- anu i iiuiy-inruo ao, i$o;, lownsnip li, luiugo au ana oec- ": " " .
Miss Tholma Frater has resumed .,., fx- wnt nf tim p. tho ha. iinniro :m .n wa nf m. m, i Rated July 15, 1021.
duties at tho depot, as second trick op- North River bridgo ovor tho North I M.; tho Maxwoll bridgo across the
Platto River norm or iNorui rinue, ii'iatio itivcr, locate 1 tlirougli Sec
locateH In East Half (EMj) of Sec- Hons Twonty-olght (28). Thlrtv-tWo
tion Twenty-eight (28), Township (32), Thirty-threo (33), Township 13, Hon gland '& Carr. Attys.
Fourteen (14). Range Tlilrty (3U) Range 28, and Soctlon Six (0). Town- LEGAL NOTICE
West of tho Gth P. M.; the Osgood ship 12, Run go 28, all West of tho Gth To all persons luteresteU In tho es-
D.l,l C.MlIlt Tlllttn Plini- I T Af . 11m Ttn,1.. lirl1m ll.ol ,r.ln nt T7tw1n1nll Tlinnnl ilnnnnaOfl
l. . .... .il 1)1 11IKU UV(J. WIU ...vvi I . ..... ,iu .'.t.UV u. ,l.luno illU I LULU UL .VUUVII'M uv.".
Mr. ni-ji Mrs. 1 nomas AXieu speiu .. f vorth pinjtt,J locafd In Platto Rlvor located throuch Sections You nro horobv notified that on the
Wednesday In Kearney visiting with -Vost Half (WV&) ot Sections Four Elovon (11), Fourteen (14), Fifteen Gth day of July, 1921, Mark. L. Smith,
Harry Young of Fremont transacted
business In tho city Tuesday and Wed
Mrs. Dorothy Cook and daughter left
County Judge.
At Eshleman's Feed Store, 310 East Front Street, a branch
of the Hershey Flour Mill where the wheat grower, and
consumer can get good bargains. Go to your nearest mar
ket and ask what you can get for your wheat, and then go
to your merchant and ask what he will take for seven or
eight hundred pounds of flour; or come to our store and
gel 39 pounds of flour for one bushel of wheat that will
test 58 or better and no smut; and 20 bushels of wheat will
get you 14 sacks and 8 pounds of flour. So just figure out
how much flour you could get if you sold your wheat and
bought your flour of the merchant. "Wholesale price to ev
eryone, 10 sack lots $1.80 per sack, single sacks $1.95. We
always aim to please. Phone 175 L. W.
Frank Dowhower, Mgr.
f41 nn,i Nino (9). Township Thirteen (15). Twenty-two (22). Twonty-thrco Administrator of tho ostato of Ru
(13), Range Thirty (30) west or uio (23), Twenty-six (20) and Twenty- dolph Thanol, deceased, ana ono ot
Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway soven (27), Township 12, Rango 27 tho Idefondants In the action brought
brftlge over tho North Platte Rlvor, West ot the Gth P. M all of said by George H. Smith to foreclose a
enst or Norm riaue, locaieu on sou- images noing locnied m saiu county, mortgage upon uio roni csiaio owneu
tlon lines between Section Thirty-five Sec. 2. That at said election the by uid estate, filed his answer and
1151 nml Tlili-tv-nlx (30). TOWllRhill fnllnwtiiL' mioRtlnn nhnll 1m milmilf lr.1 1 rrnuu.nntlf Inn In an Id foreclosure -
Wednesday for ColumbUB to visit with Fourleon (14), Rango Thirty (30), and to the electors of tho County nnM proceedings, and In his cross-potltlon
friends. ' Section Ono (1) and Two (2), Town- printed upon tho ballots to be used prays for a license to soil Lots 1 and
TiTtoa in,iva n,i tta1,i nir,i Bnpnt ship Thirteen (13), Rango TMrty(.w, thereat, to-wlt; 2 of Section 7 and Uie W or tue
Miss Gladys and Holon Bird spent p ,f M .,,.. T ,,.. ,,....... xr,...i. av.u nf snnfim. n TnwnHhln 10.
Wednesday In Ogallala visiting with woli bridgo across tho Platto Rlvc, iHS.J0 and sell tho negotiable' bonds of I Rango 27 Wost of tho Cth P. M. for tho
frlonds. " - locatod through Soctlon Twonty-olght t.0 county, to bo styled and know as payment ot debts nllowod against said
vrwi qi,li.iir,l rfitnmod to I ona (2 Thirty-two (32). Ihlrty-tlireo internal Improvement bonds of Lin- ostato and allowances nnd costs or
Frwl SUIWarU returned to lona TnwnHhln Thirteen '(13). Ranco i., n i .inminn. niiministratlon. nllochiK that there Is
Wednesday after transacting, buslness Uiwenty.oigut (28), anU Section Six Lions of $1000.00 each 'and numborod not a sufficient amount ot porsonul
in tho city. (G). Township Twelvo (12), "nnso from l to 105 Incluslv.o In tho sum of property on tho possession or saiu ,
Rl half-nrlco salo of combs nnJ Twenty-eight (28), ail west oi i . $icr,,000.00, to bear Interest at six Marlc U Smitn, Aumin sirator, to pay
Bit, nlI-Pr c Ba' 01 co1"6 ' cth P. M.; tho Brady bridgo across the (0) por cent per ftnuin. paynblo said debts, nnd prays that tho moneys
hair goods Friday ami Saturday at tue piatto nlvori located through Sections Roml-annually, and $16,500.00 of such dorlved from the salo ot said proper
Stylo Shop. Elovon (11), Fourteen (14), Flftoon bond Ibsuo to become duo and paynblo ty to bo first npplled to tho payment of
n.n n,ifr n,i M.hin iind Twonty-two (22). Twenty-three tca(10)years from the dnto.of thols Is- said debts and allowances and if in-
------- -- W), Twenty-six iso- nnu i wuiiij- guq ,,, jio.GOO.OO ot such Issue to bo- sumcient to pay nu oi sum uuuw,
Ino spent Wednesday in Gothenburt; Boven (21), Township Twelvo (12), C0II10 duo and payablo each year after lowances nnd the mortgage which Uio
visiting friends. Rango Twonty-sdvon (27), wost or Bart ton (10) year period until nil aro plaintiff George 11. am tn is rore-
Aiuc rnrPn,inn of GothcnburE Is lh0 0111 w- Imve "00n paid; tho said bonds to bo Issued Tor closing, tneu tnni uio ummco ih
Miss Carscaiion or uotnennuig is cvfrnmn rich wntor caiiBed hy t. .'... At t m. rnir nntntn nf tho said ostato. being
on-Bpeclal duty at the Gonornl IIos- noodfl in tho North nnd South Platto conatructlon or reconstruction ot tho Lots 6 nnd 7 and tho at tho
pltal this week. Rivers during tho month of Juno, 1921, f0UowiuK describe)! bridges In said SW4 of sa(l Soctlon 0, bo sold and
AtlB Eelo Davis of ChlcaKo arrlvol 10 sucu nn oxieni umi 1 , y , v V " ' County, Including tho approaches tnnt tne wiuowh nomesioim .mo...
MISS liglO U.IVIS oi viuuiku rivuj . nnnHntm hv tho Board .i . i... i. ni..i..rnn,i un-hn anl.l niinrlnr lift decreed and set
Wodnesday to visit at tho homo of net ot County Commjsslonors of Lincoln ctnct bridgo ovor tho North Platto asldo to her out ot tho proceodB of
undo J. a. stono, uounty. anu; . River north of Sutherland, between said saie.
MrB n M rjienenson returned to WHEREAS, It Is nocosBary for tlio sections lines 4 and 5. and 8 and 9, WIIBREPQN It Is ordered mat aii
MrH. B. M. DicKcnson returned ui C()Un ropaIr, construct or rocon- T-wn-i,!,, 14 .nnntro 33 Wost of tho Gth persons Interested In BaW ostato ap-
hor homo In Maxwoll Wednesday artoi Btruct flajd bridges and approaches p m 'tho South Platto bridgo ovor tho pear borore mo at Chambers In tho
Bhopplng In tho city. Immediately so as not to seriously In- South' piatto nivor, south of Suther- city of Sidney In Choyonno County In
Aiifl Pdna Moeck of SL Joe Mo ar- convenionco uio puu 10 .u. 1 uu i land, locate on north nnd south con- this judicial uistnci u. uiu
Miss kdna woecK or ot, joe, mo,, ar . , f . . now , ,.,n.vnaUtn 14 nf Rnntnmhnr. 1921. at tho hour of 10
rived last evening to visit at tho homo standing, make all of tho bridges m.nK0 33 w08t of the'oth P. M.; the A. M. to show causo, If any there be
or Jirs. l'ranic uiuou. passaoio nnu buuj iui iiivui, um , Horshoy bridgo ovor tho Norm t'lnuo wny a nconso hhuuiu m uo ".
Mrs John Fredrickson of Denver WHEREAS, thoro aro no iunis n ,llvor norU, ,)f Horshoy. locatod on to said Mark L. Smith. Administrator,
."Mrs. JOIIII lTeariCKBun Ol ueiwi.. .. fpnnam.v nf Min Pnnn v nvnilahlo n,...... .... '.i o ,..i n oli in,l nllnw In lin Rnlil SO much
returned to hor homo Wednesday arter fQr glll(l ,)Uri,0B0 a,,(1 the snld amount 9 -rownshlp 14, RangO 32 Wost of the of tho abovo described real estato of
visiting local friends. Ib far in oxcess of tho ordinary rovo- c'th p . u,,, Rostwlck bridgo over said Rudolph Thanol, docoasod, as
A number of members of tho Yeo- M derived from taxnuon ami me tl 8oUth pIntt0 Rlvo,. fi0tll of Her- shall bo noccssarr to pap tno amivo
man lodgo attended a soclul given In mmi to defray tho said cost, nnd; 29 and 32 nnd 33, Township 14, Range J. L. TEWELL.
Sutherland last evening. ;wHBRKASj, tho JJoaiy or county 32 wes 0 tho Gth P. M.j tho North' Judge or tno uistnci v.ouri-