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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1921)
V NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE The Greatest Sale of Them All WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE'S NOW IN FULL SWING! THERE IS NO DOUBT That today there is nothing more appreciated by the people than Iqw prices on good and reliable merchandise. If you could have seen the big crowds of eager buyers that have thronged the two big selling floors of this store ever since we opened the doors for this WAY OUT OF THE ORDINARY SALE last Friday at 1 o'clock, you too would quickly be convinced. This sale started out with a great rush and satisfied and pleased customers keep right on coming again and again the best evidence that most people know a good thing when they see it and buy! DID YOU GET YOUR FULL SHARE of these good things? We can truthfully state THAT THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT SELLING EVENT that has been staged in Western Nebraska for many a year. The values this store is offering in high class goods are mch that no thinking and saving man or woman can afford to pass up. We say to you COME NOW! BUY NOW! SAVE NOW! is PHI mm IP M$Mms$?Jm A. ram SHOES .$4.58 .$3.98 FOR THi: ENTIRE FAMILY At Worth Whllo Savings WOMEN'S SHOES Values to $7.50 LADIES' OXFORDS In Fine Kid CHILDREN'S SHOES $1 Qfl Afisttd leathers & styles MiUU MEN'S DRESS SHOES flJQ 7Q In black and brown i)GiiU. BOYS' DRESS SHOES 01 QQ In black and brown $ liUU Every Pair of Shoes Under Priced. We are Mentioning Today Only a Very Few of the Many Items Picked at Random From Our Stock. LADIES' LADIES' INFANTS' GIRLS' WASH COATS COATS DRESSES DRESSES Sold to $18.00... Sold to $35.00- .- White only Very special S979 S18.48 98c You Wll Find LARGE SAVINGS Here in such Famous Brands as MUNSING-WEAR "BLACK CAT" HOSIERY BRADLEY BATHING SUITS K AYNEE" BOYS BLOUSES And Many Other Nationally Known Brands. LADIES' HATS TRIMMED Values to $10.00. CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Good black satlno 47c RED SHEETS Durable quality. 89c, $1.39 $1.69 BED SPREADS With plain or scalloped edges - $2.48, $3.48 448, 5.98 SKIRTINGS Finest all wool, 54 in. wide reg. $5.00, yard 2 .79 "BUCILLA" EMBROIDERY PACKAGES Odd lots, at 1-Half Price Hundreds of other bar gains Not Advertised PERCALES Light and dark, 36 in. wide, yard. 1 4c OUTING FLANNELS Light and dark, yard 12k FINE DRESS VOILES Priced very low, at yord JL LINOLEUM, FELT BASE, 2 yards, per squaro yard - - 59c 19c 53c 37c 79c "FAIRY SPUN" SILK in black and col ors, regular $4.00 quality, yard $298 Your Dollar Does Double Duty Here CREPE DE CIIENE in black and col ors, regular $2.00 quality, yard BRASSIERES July Clearance, bargains at choice 48c, 79c CAMISOLIi XACES 15 In. wid . yard. 19c BUNGALOW APRONS Priced exception ally low at 79c, $1.19 $1.69 $1.29 DRAPERY GOODS Regular $1.00 value, yard 69c PETTICOATS one large lot priced especially at $1.79 EMBROIDERY Special per yard Lot 1; 7c Lot 2, 19c FINE TABLE LINENS In full widths, yard $1.19, 3.59 $1.48 4.29 TAFETTA SILKS Black and colors, yard $1.98 $2.59 CORSETS "Gossard" and "Justrite" each reduced $1.00 MIDDY BLOUSES "Paul Jones" brand $1.39 2.39 $159. 259 COTTON BLANKETS Largo size, 68x80 in. yours at $2.19 EMBROIDERY FLOUNCLNGS 45 in. wide, yard 59c A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED Wilcox Department Store North Platte; Nebraska YOU CAN SAVE MANY DOLLARS HERE