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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1921)
4; '4& ft THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTENEB.; JULY 22, 1921. No. 56 MM ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CUltKENT COMMENT ABOUT PEO PLE AND THE THINGS THEY AllE DOING HERE. Most of us do not know that tho erago unmber of people per square ( rollo in Nobraska is 1G.0. This is ono porson to oach 38 acres in tho state. In Lincoln County thoro aro about nine peoplo to tho squaro mllo'ono porson for each 70 acres. Looks llko thoro is huu ruom lor an ino peopio who want, m i-ujuu ucre. ! Ono of tho now Instruments to bo a3ed to tho Chamber of Commercp Band is a now Baritone saxophone. This instrument plays a part much like a bass and in tho hotter class of music it has a varied part which .gives a pleasing effect to Uio music. It is played by Norman Moulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. MouUon. In connection with tho interest in Boy Scouts now tho City Library has just placed on tho Bhelves several" good books suitable for scouts. Buffalo' "Bill's Llfo Story written by himself, Beaver Stream Camp by Dugmore, Don Strong, Patrol Leader, by Hey llgor, Lost River by Chaffco and Boy Scouts of Lighthouse Troop by Mc Lane aro somo of the latest and best now available at the library. Librari an Loretta Murphy .and tho Library Board aro lntorested in boy scouting. A survey of tho streets last Satur day showed a larger nnmber of horso vehicles about town than usual. TJP on inquiring of oho man who usually drives an auto, he said his machine was out of repair and that ho did not Tiave tho fifty or sixty dollars with which to got It " in shape:- -Another -said gas cost too much and that ho hd tho horses anyway. We founfi tho hitching arrangements ot tho city tax ed beyond their capacity. Somo move should bo mado to increaso the park ing for teams if tho number continues to bo as largo as it was last-Satur- 'lay. , I Reports from tho Boy Scout Camp or Camp Roberts as thoy llko to call it, aro to tho effect that tho high water in tho South Platto did not reach tho camp houso or In tho im- Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. FERD STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and Locust Phono 525W, UK pews. meUlnto grounds. Mr. Stophous took a bunch out there on alitko last'wcok and thoy found that the grounds and tho houso enn bo put In flno Bhnro with a vory Httlo work. It is satis fying to tho pcoplo of this community to loam that both tho Doy Scout camp and tho Campflro camp woro located abovo tho recent floods which woro tho. highest known for many years. It is proposed to appoint a com mlttco to issue licenses to a Hmitol numbor of llfo cuards nt tlio Com. av-jmunity Bathing Beach. Tosts and . amlnatlons would bo given and when a porson has roachod a certain degree of proficiency in tho water, ho or she would bo awarded a llconso as a vol. unteer life guard. It Is proposed to awan a cortftln marked bathing cap t6 "each llfo cuard so that ho or alio can be recognized at 8lglt These llfo guards would always bo on duty at tho pool and In addition to res cuing bathers in distress thoy might bo used to koop bathdfd within the boun)ls of propriety. Any recomend atlon they might make for tho best Interests of tho pool would havo a powerful iufluonco with tho City Park Board. Tho dcslro for a license would also act as a stimulus to all bathor3 to try for a high degree of proficiency In BWimming', diving, roscuo nnd first aid. It Is a flno plan and wo hopo it will bo carried out at once. Tho last session of the Stato Legis lature passed a law which amends tho law now In forco regarding foreign languages in tho schools. No for eign language can bo taught below tho eighth grade In any public, private or parochial school In the state, but a parent may teach a child at home. Even abovo tho eighth grade, the classes in language teaching must bo for the purpose of language study and not for teaching .any other branch. On Sunday instruction in religion may bo given in classes but not on other days. Tho law is a good, ono and in tho main is fair. However it vio lates one of tho known principles of ps'ydi6l6gy',vin its "attempts ' to thafec the English language supreme, Child ren can learn a foreign language from tho age of seven to twolvo much quick er and better than at any other ago. Since this Ib true beyond question it woutfl seem that wo havo gone a nttie too far ln forbidding children to learn Spanish, French or Latin before they have finished the eighth grade. It Is not right to hear classes studying history or arithmetic In the Spanish or Bohemian languages but it ls hard to see how it could do any harm to hear classes in Spanish or Bohemian when the chlldron learning thoso languages aro at the best age for mastering them. ::o:: Switches, curls, puffs, transforma tions and fancy combs at half price Friday anT Saturday at the Stylo Shop. Tho Sidney Baker property at 1011 E. Fourth St. was sold this week to Harken and Mason for $G,750. Messors Ilarken and Mason are the proprietors of tho.McCabo Hotel and will mako their home In the future at this new location. STATE HOARD OF EQUALIZATION MAKES RAISE ON LINCOLN COUNTY RETURNS " Lato yostorday afternoon In a tele phone lonvorsatlon with Lincoln, tho County Clork'a oftlco was told that yw Stato Board of Equalization oxpoctqd to ralso1 tho returns from Lincoln County about 4 por cent Tho oarllor report was that It would bo 22 per cent ralso but this proved to bo ad mistake. Tho Information Is not final but It is probablo that no further changes will bo mado now. ...X Mrs. J. Snydor nnd Mrs. Asa Sny. dor nnl daughter Betty spent yostor- CONCERT .by the Chamber of Commerce Band Friday, July 22, at 8 o'clock. Court House Park. Earl Stamp, Director. nt v fy; - PROGRAM ' March "Royal Australian Navy'-iJ Llthgow Spanish Serenade "LdPaloma"1 , . Yradlor "Russian Rag" Interpolating Rachjaanlnofl's famous ProlriaV .-Cobb Danco Movement from Ballet "LaVcstalo" .1 Driga Intermezzo "Toddy Trombone'' --.4 Fillmoro Overture "Poet nn)i Peasant" von Suppo March "New Colonial" j - Hall Valso Oriental "Moonlight on thoWllo" -L King March "Barnum and Bailey's Favorlto" King FORMER NORTH PLATTE GIRL PASSED AWAY IN DENVER WEDNESDAY. Mrs. Stanley C. McCoy, of Ogifim, j Tho Cheyonno Cowboy BanU will ar Utali, passed away in a Denver Sanl rlvo tomorrow afternoon onJo. 17 en tarfum Wedhedlay, Mr's Mct5oyvroutofrom ' eastern, p'olntata Chey. taken to Denver about two weeks -ago for treatment of tuberculosis of which disease sho Jdjed. Tho body was brought to this city yesterday.' Sho Is tho. oldes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andy O. Wessburg of this city and spent her girlhood days ln North iPlatto. Sho attondeU' the locaj schools and afterward took up nurs-J ing here. Sho loaves to mourn her death her husband, hor paronls, a brother Abnor and a. slater Mrs. W. A. Robinson, all living horo. i Tho funeral will bo hold today at 2:30 o'clock from, tho Baptist church and Interment will bo mado In tho local cemetery. ..0. Mrs. C. F. Spencer returned yestor jfay from Lincoln whoro alio spent several days. Whllo thero Bho rented a house for noxt school year. Sho will movo there about September 1st and maintain n homo for Harold in tho University city whllo Elolso and Horbert attond tho McKlnldy grado school. Mr. Spencer will remain in North Platte. Earl Stamp Is in Cheyonno this wcok attending a meeting of railroad men in what is called Causo and Pre vention. It has to do with tho matter of frolght losses and jdamages. Sta tion agents, traffic men and employ ees of tho Union Pacific railroad who handle frolght aro organized by Dis tricts and Divisions to hold meetings and wlscuss this BUbJoct. Mr. Stamp! is chairman of thia district and a homo In Fairbury yostorday after vis mombor of tho exocutivo committee of (ting at tho homo of hor slater Mm tho division. v I H. C. Brock. NOW King Fong Cafe 501 DEWEY STREET Choice American and Oriental Foods Served . . in a Tasteful Manner at Fair Prices . WE AIM TO PLEASE Bread and Butter, Potatoes, Coffee or Tea arid Dessert at Lunch Time, Served, With Each MeatOOrder.'' SPECIAL LUNCHES FROM 11 A. M; TO 2 P. H. ROTARY CLUH STAGES JUtlLLIANT PICNIC AND ENTERTAINMENT IN CANYON, Monday evening about eighty Rotttr lans and tliolr famlltos wont to one of ans and thotr familos wont to ono of the canyons enst and nouth of here and hnI a plcnio suppor. After dark n largo American flag was strung from tho top of ono bluff to tho other so that it hung over tho canyon. Then from ledgos and aholves along the sides a brilliant display of colored flro and fuscos illuminated tho flag nnd tho canyon while thoao below sang Ptttrlotlo songs. Qamos and stunts took up tho remainder of tho ovonlng. CHEYENNE COWBOY RAND WILL GIVE CONCERT IN NORTH PLATTE TOMORROW onne, Tho band with play horo 'duringl Its layover and will Joavo on N6. 15 for homo. :o: CLINTON ROY SCOUTS SPEND THE NIGHT HERE AND PARADE THE STREETS About 190 boy scouts from Clinton, Iowa and sovonty-flvo men accompau- ylng thom, arrived from Sldnoy last night and left this morning for Grand Island. Thoy aro returning from an auto trip from Clinton to Yellowstone Park ani back. Tho caravan was met at Paxton by officials of tho Lincoln Highway, tho Chambor of Commorco, tho local Boy Scouts and a numbor of rfltlzens. After arriving horo thoy spent tho tlmo until suppor in swim ming In tho Municipal Bathing Pool aii In gamcB and gottlng ready for tho night Aftor supper a parade was formed and headod by tho scout band of sixteen pieces, thoy paral.od tho streets. At tho corner of Sixth and Dowoy thoy rested whllo tho band gavo a short concert. Evoryono In tho bunch was reported well and thoy certainly looked hearty. Thoy havo tholr own: cooking apparatus and us ually sleop In tho open, often on tho grass. Thoy loft this morning for Grand Island. Homer Mylandor sustained a frac tured wrist Tuesday whllo attempt lnc to crank his Ford car. Mrs. E. R, Shelly roturned to her OPEN OLD TIME PICNIC AT THE FRANK STROLHEHO FARM NEXT WEDNESDAY. Tho Swtjlish Luthoran church of North Platte will hold Its annual pic nic noxt Wodnosday, July 27th at thi Frank Strolborg farm, ftvo miles west ot North Platto. At four o'clock N tho afternoon tho Sunday School will glvo Its program. At six o'clock a chicken supper will bo served and In tho ovonlng a freo program wilt bo given by tho Luthor League. Re frohmonts will bo handled by a stand. Ico croam and cako wilt cost 15c; leu cream conoa Co; uuppor for adults will bo 50c and for chlldron Under 16, 25c. Evoryono Is urged to come and enjoy Bovoral hours In a social way. Tho comnilttco consisting ot Frank Strol borg and Martin Llngwall urges ev oryono to attond. Wednesday, July 27th, Is tho dato. 1 vf GimtdJf EXTENDS INVITATION TO NORTH PLATTE PUBLIC TO A PICNIC On Tuosday, July 2Gth, J. R. HdW'j ard, presldont of tho United Farm Bu roau Federation wilt speak at a picnic in Gibbon, Nobr. all North Platto peo plo nro 'nvltcd to attond tho big pic nic and hoar tho address. A good at tendance Is doslroji to show tho ap preciation of Mr. Howard's visit to Nebraska. YOUNG. ATTORNEY LOCATES IN NORTH PLATTE AS THE REST CITY IN THE WEST. Wolls C. Jones,, an Attornoy-at-Law, has moved to this city anl will begin tho practlco of law here as soon aa ho can, got oftlco rooms. Ho Js a graduate ot tho Law School at tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska and Is Btartlng out tQ mako a namo for hlmsolf in tho legal profession. His formor homo was-at; Farnam. Aftor investigating tho dtt ferent places in wostorn Nobraska and comparing tholr past nchlovomonta and futuro prospects ho doclded on North Platto as hla futuro residence. fiTan intorvfow'y"oTtoMlayhoiBaid,,I havo faith in North Platto and hor fu turo. Other places aro standing still; North Platte la going forward," The" Tribune ia glad that Mr. Jonos feola that way about this city and wo urge htm to get into "tho activities ot this community and a lot ot flno worthy peoplo nnd thoy will give hlm.the glad hand. :o; r Mra. Mary Emorick ot Torrlngtou, Wyo roturned to hor homo thla morn ing after visiting at tho C. O. EmorlcJc homo for a weok. Mrs. Lottlo Oarhian ot Morrison, III., who has ben a guost ot relatives In tho city loft this morning for Hast ings to visit whllo enrouto homo. Sho haB been visiting In California and Btoppod In North Platto enrouto caat. Remnant SATURDAY We Will Sell All Remnants for ONE DAY ONLY AT One-Half Marked Price W. J. O'CONNOR, 5c, 10c and 25c Store DECREASE IN ASSESSMENTS VALUE OF LINCOLN COUNTY TAX AltLE PROPERTY FIVE ' -MILLIONS LESS. According to tho abstract of as sessment for 1021 for Lincoln County, tho valuo of nil property listed for tax ation In 1021 has deoronscd $5,000,000. This abstract has Jiut boon completed by County Clerk Alln, and a copy for warded to Ta$ Commissioner Os bourno M Lincoln. Tho total assosBed valuo ot all proporty this yoar ia $35, 101,203. Lust yqar the. (qtftl WQ $40,- 241,566. Tho total valuo of all property la mado up of throo Items. Thoso are personal proporly 15,7G9,86i; iatm lands $14,757,027 an) city lots $4,043,. 78d. Tho flvo million, losa In nasossmodt valuo is about 126 por cont, This Is not an unusual loss when ono figures that about 15 por cent was deducted from tho valuo of farm lands this year and that almost all personal proporty was loworod ln valuo. During tho past yoar tho now porsonal proporty did not bogtn to roplaco that which bfr. camo valuoless and all waB rdlucod from 10 to 50 por cont. Tho Thlrty- flvo millions Is considered a good showing but It Is upon that amount that tho tax must bo paid and not upon ( forty millions as was tho case -last yoar. It is ovtdont that tho rate of tax- atlon must bo higher ln order that wo . may ralso as much monoy as was rala- ott last year. Tho whole matter now B008 to tho Stato Board of Equallza- tlon which may ralsoor lower tho Lin coln County valuation. -:o:- I 1 w . -.V. MUIIVUI .... 1 JUU. Mi.LtlUU MIQ fr loy paving m diock 4.0s. more is a Blopo of four Inchos from tho outside to the ccntor of tho' paving and a slope of IS Inches from tho west otl of tho a!16v to tho finRt.eiil. - Thin innkaa the B0COnd MQyf tQ bo pftVOd ,u tho dty and others aro under consideration. Tho Wator ln tho South Platto Is so low that Bpoarlng fish Is again ln fashion. A largo numbor of carp and a fow cata havo boon taken Willi spears anjli pitchforks within tho laat fow days. All aro Bald to bo fat and good to oat Some good catfish havo been taken from tho North Platto rlyor this weok. Ono cat measured 22 inches In longtli. Wo havo hoard of others which woro longer but they lacked verification. Tho .water Is still too cloudy for plko. - 4 A QUIET PLACE to bring your frlonds to dine. A place whoro tho groatost caro la os oxclsod in tho soloctlon of the food raatorlala A place where tho cuisine is oxqulslto, where the china nnd cut lory is tasteful, and the surroundings pleasant. This Is such a place. Corao and rinjoy It HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. Sale