The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1921, Image 8

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    TCI Js-t
SsmMSBeebly Srtbune.
WILBOX'TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher,
Eatcrod at tho North Platte, Nobraska
PoBtofflco aa Second Class Mutter.
One Ycnr, In ndrnncc $2.00
TUESDAY, JULY iOlli, 1021.
Wo picked up an advertisement of
ono of ,the '.restaurants hero which
gavo Irish stow with a full lino 25c
Cakos, sausage and coffco was 25c. It
looked good nn'd reminded us of old
times boforo tho war when ono could
got a good dinner at tho Vienna for
lko Stobblns did flno work in organ
' izlrig tho Illinois Society of Lincoln
County with about fifty mombors. Now
that ho has sot tho pace, why does
not somo othor commlttco got to work
and organlzo unothor state PomiByl
vanla is waiting to got her sons to
gothor, whilo Ohio Is Just as oagor to
moasuro atrongth as any of tho other
statoe. Then thoro In Iowa, and Wis
consin Mil Missouri and old Now York
iBtato and a lot of thorn oach ready
'to get her sons togothor for tho fun.
It only needs Bomcono to start It.
Wo havo worked out a vory satis
factory system for handling tho fin
anolnl records of a small society or
organization. Ono of tho things which
tho trcaauror of any BOdoty has to do
, Ib4o keop tho bills, cancollo,d chocks,
records of paymont, 'dates, amounts,
otc Our syBtom takoa caro of all these
and tho rocords aro ablo to bo checked
by tho auditing commlttco without
having to call In nn oxpert to handlo
tho mattor. Tho system 1b for all or
ganlzatlons whoro only a limited num
bor of bills come up. Wo will bo glad
to oxplaln tho dotalls to anyone Inter
Tho statomont of tho oxper(ilturoa
of tho Chnmbor of Commofco for tho
first six months of tho present year is
onb of tho clonroat and most aatla-
tory financial statements wo havo ov
or seen. When ono roads it through
,.ho has tho impression that ho knows
how thotnonoy was apont. It makes ono
y feel that ho nood not hoaltalo to pav
'.up.hls contribution as aoon as It is duo
for.hoj, will (got valuo recotved for ev
ery" dollar put In. TJio Diroctors havo
hail to select from among tho large
number of activltlos' offered and
they have soloctod only those things
which nro tho. most pressing, and havo
Bpont only tho nocosaary amounts In
putting thorn through. Wo hoarUlY
ondorso tho work of tho OffIcor and
Director aa prosonted Jn tho Semi
annual statomont.
Attothor carnival hns qpmo 'and
gono. Wo wont ovor to tho Fair
Grounds on tho lat night and took in
tho Hlghta. It looked to us as though
it wna a pretty clean bunch. They did
. not hayfc any bo callod "girl" shows
and they, BGomod to bo considerably
aboyctho xj.lliiary carnival company.
They" had many gnmblJng dovlces but
thy wor.o probably not unlawful for
thqy wore not disturbed. Tho visitor
Booinpd to bo enjoying themselves. V
I6bkcd aa though each had taken a
. long about bo much monoy and ox
pected'to spend that much In having n
gpotj tlmo an I with no thought of tak
ing anything homo. If ho got a shimmy
doll Or ft blanket or a box of candy ho
Heomod to think ho waa that much a
a& That form of gambling la atyout
as harmlcaa as any kind could bo and'
probably will continue for all tlmo In
, spltq Of a growing aontlmont ngnlnst
. It. When all Is said, It soffma to ua
that tho carnival Ib an Insipid .way of
taking monoy from . those k who .can
loiiat afford to part with U without
getting valuo received.
- -;:o;:
Mrs. J, A. Marquotto of Hprshoy
Is spending a fow daya In tho, city,
vialtlng rolatlvos.
Mary Lavorno Bois daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Boss was horn at
Chaffeo Mo., April 2, 1918 and died horo
last ThurrJUiy of spinal meningitis.
Sho waa burled in North Platto ceme
tery. Tho Bympathy of tho friends of
tho family Is oxtoiijlod to thorn In this
loss at a loved child.
E. W. Reynolds loft yostetday for
Chlongo to transact business.
J. V. Romish reports tho delivery of
Dodgo flrothors touring cars to Jos.
Schatz, Paul Nolan, A. A. Elliott, Jas.
A. Guynnn and Joss Qulnn; also a
Dodgo commercial truck to tho North
Platto Plumbing and Heating Co.
A fllvor which turned tho cornor
too sharply, waa rosponstblo Friday
for overturning tho drinking fountain
at tho cornor of Fifth nnfl Dowoy.
Tho fountain wont ovor wUh a crash
and broke tho connection at tho sldo
. waHc lovol, For nomo tlmo a stroam of
: .wa'tor vas thrown Into tho air until
roproacnt'aUvos of tho wator depart
mont shut off tho wntor.
Horo is a good ono that was now
to n. It seems that ono of tho ln-
matos of an Insono Asylum kopt con
stantly calling out "Whisky, give mo a
drink." After listening to UiIb cry Mr
a fow dayo, tho meaning grnjlually
Bank into tho mind of 'another inmato
who summoned tho guard ' and ex
plained "Say that follow might havo
boon crazy Mich ho was put In horo
but ho h talking good Bonso right
J. T, Koofo, Evorctt H. EvailB, Sid
ney spinner nnu,wm. J. urouuocic
returned last ovenlng from Grnnj.1 Is
land nnd Hastings whoro they attend
ed tho base ball games.
Tho Christian Church ball team and
tho Methodist Church ball team will
play a gamo this ovenlng at the
ilailrond ball fcllamond.
Mrs. Carl Wickstrom of Horshoy
and guest Mi's. Frank Wickstrom of
Denver vlsl,te"d 'friends in tho cliy
Mr. anil Mrs. Ralph North loft Sat
urday by auto for Detroit, Mich.
Iloscoo Zlmmcr of SWnoy spent
Saturday at tho W. II. LoDloyt homo.
Mrs. Ed Yatos returned Sunday
from Chappoll where she visited.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shell spent Sun
day in Sutherland visiting.
Misses Angola nn:l Eleanor Roddy
wont to Choyonno to visit Miss Mil
dred NorrlB. Thoy will bo accompan
lod homo by Miss Norrls.
Friday will bo ladles' day at tho
Country Club. Golf, tonttls, croquet,
cards and other games will bo tho n-
muscmont for tho day.
Mrs. It. F. Prottyman and Miss Irla
McNatton roturned last ovonlng from
Colombo Springs and othor westorn
points whoro thoy had been visiting
Mrs. Georgo Troxlor and daughter
Nova returned Sunday from Fairmont,
Nobr., whoro thoy visited Louis Trox
lod who is employed in that cfty.
Mrs. S. P. Parr and daughter of
Omaha camo yostorday to visit at tho
homo of hor mother Mrs. Anna
A Poultry culling1 demonstration
will bo hold nt tho Pattlson farm near
Maxwell this afternoon. County Agent
Kollogg will liavo chargo.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hoga loft tho
last of tho wook for Chicago whoio
thoy will ppond Bomc tlmo vialtlng
J. D. Harrison of Grand Island stop
ped liorwon wFrlay to visit with
W. T. Aldon. Mr. Harrison Is motorliig
to tho mountains for a short vacation
Mrs. Ed. Klorlg loft ycBtorilny for
hor homo In Laramlo after spending
a fow days at tho homo of Mrs, E.
K. Murphy,
Miss Marguorlto Worden returned
to hor homo in Ogallala Sunday nftar
undergoing an oporntlon for nppondl-
cltlB at tho Gonornl Hospital.
Harold p. Wleso, Toller nt the Mc
Donald State, Bank la Bpondlng two
wooka In tho custom part of this stnto
enjoying a vacation at bin old homo,
Mrs. W. A- O'Donnoll and fll8tov
MIbs Adolo LoDloyt roturned. Satur
day from Donvor whoro they Bpont a
J. H. VanCloavo and family feft
yoBtorday by auto for polnta 111 Colo
rado whoro thoy wll apond sovorol
wooks enjoying tho mountains.
Mrs. John D. Woluach and children
wont to Koarnoy Saturday to vlait
with Mr. Wolbach who Is running n
paBSongor onglno on tho EJtaploton
X, n. Tollllori and family who re
cently camo to this city from tholr
farm' near Ilorahoy moved into tho
W. F. Itlnckor houso" on west Third
Btrcot yostorday.
Mlaa Lillian Fnrloy who spont the
wintor nt tho Carl Drodbock homo loft
yoatorday for hor homo In Hondor
Son,tKy. Sho was accompanied by
Mrs. Carl Drodbock.
Clinton a Son, Graduote Optlclana.
rrv us for eorvlco.
In tho lowor part of tho Cily
Pari; and along tho road woat of
tho Fair Grounds wo found a
nuiitbor of plants of Common
Blue Vervain (Vorboun atrlctu
Vont). This plant la usually
losa than two foot tall with net
tle llko loavoo and a long aplko
on tho top of oach Btom. Along
thla Bplko nro rather Binnll pur
plo ilowora. When In full
bloom thoy mako n vory proSly
bouquet for a largo porch vaso.
Tho vorvalna aro plants with
mystic proportloa supp6Bed to
act aa charms in ensos of lovo;
tho plants woro always ingrod
iont.i of tho wltchoa caldron and
aro atill used to make tho brldo's
wreath in Germany. Pliny saya
"Vorvaln is liaod in casting lots,
tolling fortunes and foreshad
owing futuro ovonts by way of
prophecy. Of all horba thoro
is nono moro honorod among
tho Romans' than Uir eacrod
plant Vorvaln,"
Want Ads
Wanted To buy a good tennis
racket. Call 4 30 J.
Wanted Goal second hand disc
cultivator. TIiob. G. Rowloy. Ilouto
Box 17. Phono 785F12. t
For Salo Flvo room houso. All
modorn. 215 So. Ash, Alfll 3 lots on
West Third. Phono 330W.
For Sale Upright walnut caso pi
ano. Phono 1294.
For Jtcnt Offlco COS NortluLocuat.
Phono 1209J.
For Mont Two Bleeping rooms and
board. 803 West 7th or Phono, 593W.
For Salo "r Trade Good car, Lib-
orty Six. Phono 510 J. Refl. 520, East
11th St. s
For Sale Housohold furniture, 115
woat 3rd. Call bo ween 10 n. m. and
p. m.
For Salo Oldsmobllo bIx roadster
In first class condition, Can bo seen
at Durbln Motor Co.
For Kent 100 acres native hay land
four miles west of North Platto for
tills season. Address H. A. Trlllor,
C80 38th St., Dos Moines, Iowa.
Wanted Plain sowing at 25c por
hour. Childron'B clothes a specialty.
Apply at 902 West 2nd Street.
For Snlo Two pair Spauldlng
8oz boxing gloves. Also Spauldlng
pitching glovo. Small alzo. T. H. caro
of Tribune
For Snlo Six room house modern
oxcept hoat. South of track and west
of Dowoy. In first clnBa condition and
prlccil for quick aalo. Will consider
car on deal, Phono 919W.
Strayed Eleven hoad of cattle
from tho Osgood farm, 10 miles south
of (North Platto. Brand Head. If scon
notify J. J. Schram or phono 789F23
Wanted Rollablo contractors to bd
on a now modorn hollow tllo and stuc
co church building at Arnold, Nobr.
Plans can bo Boon at tho Baptist Par
sonage at Arnold. Sealed bids must
bo in by July 20th, 1921, at high noon.
Porry O. Stlvnra, Arnold, Nobr.
For Itet Barn, closo In, suitable
for garago. Inquire Paul Harrington,
First National Bank Bullying.
For Salo 8 room houso. Modorn
oxcopt heat 415 W. Oth. Phono C45J.
For Kent Two largo front rooms
for light housekeeping. 514 East 3d.
Wauled To tako caro of children
by tho hour or day at my homo. Phono
973J. j
' ::o", 'I
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Baker loft this -morning
for Choyenri'o nnd Donyor. " j
Mrsl'TVIinnio Mporo will lcavo this
week for Chicago whoro sho will ontor !
a millinery house. j
Mr. and Mra. C. H, Coghlll and chll-)
dren wlll lenvo today by auto for Iowa j
to visit rolatlvcs. I
Mario Milos loft Friday aftornoon
for Wallace to visit' Gortrudo Iloraor
for a few wooka.
Mrs. Darr and children of Laramie
aro guosta at tho homo of her mother
Mrs. Johanna MjjGraw.
County Agont Kollogg will give; a
oulllng demonstration at tho W. fA.
Kelson farm Thursday afternoon.
Nolghbors aro Invited to attend and
watch this Important work with poul
try. For 3 room
For 4 room
For 5 room
For 6 room
Hot W
The Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfit Gives Healthful
Heating, Fuel Saving, Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction
You mako a grave mistake if you do not at once take advantage of this exceptional offer and be PRE
PARED FOR WINTER and guarantee yourself against a fall raise in prices. The Ideal-ARCOLA IS THE
R. P. Zents Plumbing and Heating Co.
E. F. Hultman Plumbing and Heating
A baby girl was born to Mr.
Mrs. O. Swartout Sunday,
corned aro doing nlcoly.
Dr. F. W. Millor, Dentist, Keith
Theatre Building.
Thoron C. Hecht receive trans
portation for eight P. F. E. carpenters
I.C-iurday and loft that ovenlng with
thorn for Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Paul Stewart of Lincoln, soli export
with tho extension dopartmont of the
Unlvorslty of Nobraska, is spending a
fow days in this county, studying cor
taln soil relation. Ho waa in tho field
yestorday with County Agont Kellogg
and tley vlsltcl a number of farms
near horo.
ater Heating
For Farms and Country Homes, Offices, Stores, Schools, Factories', etc.
house; Areola and 2 Radiators
house; Areola and 3 Radiators
house; Areola and 4 Radiators
house; Areola and 5 Radiators
Johnson Department Store
- r
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Gorby left this
morning for Denver, to aperl two
A number of young folks held an
enjoyable pbnlo at Lamplaugh'a lake
last evening.
To whom aro you going to sell .your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer
cantile Co. will offer tho highest
A baby girl was born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs. .E Wilson. All concerned
are doing nicely,
Mrs. M. Henry GUfoyl wout to Kear
ney tills morning to spend-tho day.
Loon Stono and Floyd Vansycle will
loavo tomorrow by auto for Estes Park-
North Platte Plumbing and Heating Co.
R. A. Phillips Plumbing and Heating.
Miss Ireno Schott left this morning
for Cheyonno to visit her brother By
ran Schott for a fow days.
Junior Hinman anjd Lester Langford
loft this morning for Lexington to
spend a few days visiting friends.
Mrs. Lawronco Schwerdt nnd chil
dTon left this morning for Choyenno
whoro thoy will make their future
homo. Mr. Schwerdt has boon employ
ed in that city since Juno first.
Miss Esther Elder, who has been at
tending tho State Normal Coltego at
Bouldor will arrive home the laat of
tho week. Sho has signed a contract to
toach at Landor, Wyoming noxt year.