The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1921, Image 2

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Young treoB uro a good deal llko
corn plnnts. Tlicy will not thrlvb Iv
competition with gross and woods. To
induce a thrifty growth tho woods
must bo dostroycV and tho molsturo
conserved by cultivation. Tho space
between tho rows o had bent
bo put to soino crop that nocflo culti
vation, says tho Nobraska College of
Agrlculturo In a recent special fruit
bulletin. Fotatoos, cabhago, beets
hrid corn uro nmong tho bost crops to
plant Strawberries might also bo
used. . Those crops are usually cul
tivated with horso tools and it Is Is
portant to got tho rows nt least thrco
Mtm It n Tnr tnufa art Hint In
cultivating tho slnglo trees will not
brulso tho treo trunk's. Tho area
around tho trees that cannot bo reach
ed by horso tools should bo hoed. In
plowing an)! cultivating it is almost
impossible to Itocfr from throwing
tho dirt toward tho trees and creating
famall mounds around tho trcoH. Those
mounds sorvo to shod wator and aro
therefore undoslrablo, and In a dry
year they may oven bo detrimental. It
takes but a fow minutes of hoeing to
.lovol tho moundB. In regions whoro
droughts aro cbmmon it Is a good
practice to so grado tho surfaco n
round tho trees to a radius of four or
iflvo foot that tho olopo will bo toward
tho trees, thus making a basin to holj
tho wator when It does rain.
To oncourago community picnics,
which "aro growing rapidly in popu
larity, tho College of Agrlculturo Ex
tension Sorvlcc has lssuod a circular
containing many good suggestions re
garding picnic programs ntjl their ar
rangements. Special attontlon Is glv
on to Buch picnic Bports an tho hur
dio raco, " climbing the mountain,
nowspapor raco, caterpillar rnco, suit
caso raco, oto. Communities plan-,
nlng picnics will And a numbor of vol
uablo suggestions In this circular,
whloh may bo obtained through county
extension agents or direct from tho
Collogo. Ask for circular 501.
: Tho offorts of the form buroau to
curb, tho activltloa of solicitors and
agents havo not boon entirely" suc
cessful according to oxtonslooh work
ors of tho Collego of Agriculture. Ono
of the poultry specialists sent out by
tho Collego found n professional lieii
houso sprnyor -gathering in tho dol
lars. Ho aprnyod at so much n gal
lon nnd Instead of spraying ho flood
ed. At ono placo ho ub(1 twolvo gal
lons of mixture whero ono gallon
should havo tho work. In addition to
covering tho wnlls, floors, roosts,
coops and othor equipment, ho soakod
the hovors, and tho fumes killed
- scores of chicks. In another part of
tho stato a professional culler has.
cents a bird for those culled anil sell
ing a cuuing -socror ror $iu. mgii"
- toon, of those "secrets" woro sold In
ono county, Anothor agent did a
thriving huEjlnoss selling a patent
roost by tho foot. Ono farm bureau
Is waging actlvo campaign against a
certain book agont. At ono meotlng
ovory farmer present confessed ho had
purchased a book Tho prlco was
Ono gallon of wntorgloBS will mako
enough solution to prosorvo fifty or
sixty dozon oggs, ' says the Stato
Collego of Agrlculturo, which fnvora
tho plan of ovory family storing cge.s
for winter uso. The Bolutlon Is mado
up of on6 part wntorglass to nlno
-parts wator. noli tho water and al
low it to cool boforo adding tho wntor
glass. Tho containers should bo
olthor oarthonwaro or woodon palls,
nn(l should havo covors. Storage
should bo In a cool and well vontllnt-od.placo.
L A Bshloman'B Peed Store, 310
r y s t rnn T.Tr 1 Till m H 1 1 1 1 ...1.
w "uiouuj riuui mm wuuro cue wneat grower ana ?
consumer can set cood barcaina. fin tn vnm. imimot
lcet and ask what you can Ret for your wheat, and then go
to your merchant and ask what ho will take for sovon or
eight hundred pounds of flour; or come to our store and
get 39 pounds of flour for ono bushel of wheat that will
test 68 or better and no smut; and 20 bushels of wheat will
got you 14 sacks and 8 pounds of flour. So just figure out
how much flour you could got if you sold your wheat and
bought your flour of tho merchant. Wholesale prlco to ev
eryone, 10 sack lots $1.80 per sack, slnglo Backs $1.95. We
always aim to please. Phone 175 L. W.
Frank Dowhower, Mgr.
A few statements from a bulletin of
tho Guam Agricultural Eperltnont
Station gives an Indication of climatic
conditions vory different from thoio
under which Lincoln County farmers
proMuco crops.
Tho maxlum tomporaturo for each
month of the year varied from 91 dog
roes for Soptembor to 99 degrees for
May. Tho minium for a llko period
ranged from C9 degrees for January
to 74 degrees for May. The monthly
moan tomporaturo varied from 81.00
degroos In January to 83.37 degrees
In May. Not much use for winter suits.
Tho precipitation for July 1, 1917 to
July 1, 1918 was 101.22 Indies. Tho
rainfall of July 1918 was 30.53 Inches.
Tho averago annual rainfall of a four
teen year period is 91.8G Inches. "July
hull a total of 28 rains days. Tho per
iod from July to December proved to
bo tho wot season, and had 153 days
with a total rainfall of 81.0 Inches.
Experiments nro conductod under
tho snmo gonoral plans as on tho
North Platto Substation farm, but tho
crops nro Bananas, Tobacco Cocanuts,
and Sorghams, rathor than corn,
wheat, and oats. Excellent results
soom to bo accomplished In gTuJiing
of the native cattlo, hogs and chickens.
Hand squeozed cocoanut Is sold to bo
n good ration for chicks. Wo notlco
tho word "typhoon" on about ovory
page. This seems to bo tho goat onto
which all failures aro loaded.
Mltos and llco havo long boon a
ntghtmaro to poultry raisers. Effec
tive methods of controlling both are
now Toadlly accessible to all. The
Nebraska Collogo of Agrlculturo re
commends tho nppfllcoltlon of mer
curic otntmont for llco. A small u
mount rubbed in tho fluff will rid a
fowl of all llco. A pound will treat at
least 200 birds. Tho ointment can bo
bbtainod through any druggist Heavy
crosoto oil Is recommeded for mites.
This may bo painted on nil roosts.
coons, walls and oqulpmont Mites
do tholr work at night nnjli retreat to
cracks and crovlcos during tho day.
Caro should bo takon to boo that tho
oil penetrates all recesses. A mixture
of three parts crudo petroleum and
ono part koroseno will bo effective ap
plloll as a spray. Thoro aro a number
of commercial products on tho mar
ket which aro said to bo effecttvo In
controlling mites. In coductlng a
campaign against mltcs and llco car
should bo taken to soo that overy
fowl and ovory part of tho oqulpmont
is treated. Othorwlso tho posts will
soon ro-lnfcijt the Jlockj Complete In
Btructlons regarding "tho latest moth
ods can bo obtained from county ox
tension agents or from tho College of
Agrlculturo. Lincoln.
Miss Poarl Valentino returned to
hor homo In Keystone yostorday after
visiting at tho homo of Mrs. A, Som
ors. Tho Vory finost shoes mado for Mon
Included, in this Sale qt tho radical re
LAR PRICE. Bettor buy two or throe
pali s while tho buying Is good
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Know returned
Sunday nftor touring tho Bouthern
part of Epglanlt. Thoy also visited
tho formor'-paronts.
MrB. Wm. Joffers returned to her
homo In -Omnha Sunday after" visiting
In tho city.
Mrs. Mary E. JohnstoiiNnnd daughter
Edna left yostoijlay for Denvor to vis
it. -
Boys Shirts nnd Blouses, fast col
ors only, nnd at groatly reduced prices
during our groat Cloaranco Salo.
Resolution Providing for tho Calling
and holdltiir of nn FMooflrm in Antlin.
rlzo tho Issuing and Salo of Bonds
or uncom bounty, stato of Nebras
ka, lu tho Amount of One IIundreM
Slxty-Flvo Thousand Dollars
($1G5,000.00) to Pay for tho Repairs,
Construction ami Reconstruction of
Certain Bridges-.
WHEREAS, tho following doscrlbod
brldgos, to-wlt: Tho Birdwood Pre
cinct bridge ovor tho North Platto
River north of Suthorlnnl, botweon
Soctlon lines Four (4) and Flvo (5),
nnd Eight (S) and Nino (9), Township
Fourtoon (14), Rango Thirty-three
(33) Wost of tho Cth. P. M.: tho South
Platto brldgo ovor tho South riatto
River, Bouth of Sutherland, located
East Front Street, a branch t
oa the north and south center line m
Eocuc n Thirty-two (:.'2, Township
Fo.iricen - (14), Rafl.'o Thirty three
(43; West of the Cth.P. M.: Ihe Hcr
Bhcs brldgo ovor the North Plntto Riv
er north of Hershey, located on bcu
tioii lines between .Sactlt-nj Eight (8)
onl Nino (9). Toward) '.p Fourteon(l4),
Rango Thirty-two (32) West of tho
Gth P. M.; tho Bostwlck bridge ovor
tho South riatto River south of Her-
shey, located between Section Twonfy
olght (28) au)l Twcnty-nlno (29.) and
Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-throe (33V;
TownBhlp Fourteen (14), Range Thirty-two
(32) West of the Gth P. M.; tho
North River brldgo over the North
Plntto River north of North Platte,
locate)! in East Hnlf (E&) of Sec
tion Twenty-olght (28). ToWnBhlp
Fourteen (14), Rnngo Thirty (30)
West of tho Gth P. M.; tho Osgood
Brldgo over tho South Platto River,
south of North Plaitt locnf-cd in
West Half (W) of Sections Four
(4) and Nine (9), Township Thirteen
(13), Range Thirty (30) West of tho
Gth P. M.; tho Lincoln Highway
brldgo over tho North Platto Rlvor,
east of North Platto, located, on flec
tion lines between Section Thirty-five
(35) and Thirty-six (30), Township
Fourteen (14), Rango Thirty (30), and
Soctlon Ono (1) nnd Two (2), Town
ship Thirteen (13), Rango Thirty (30 1,
all West of tho Gth P M.; tho Max
well bridge across tho Platto River,
located through Section Twenty-olght
(28), Thirty-two (32). Thirty-three
(33), Township Thirteen (13), Range
Twenty-eight (.28), anl Soctlon Six
(6), Township Twolvo (12), Rnngo
Twonty-elght (28), nil west of the
Gth P. M. tho Brady brldgo across the
Platto River, located through Sections
Eloven (11), Fourteon (14), FIfteon
(15), Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three
(23), Twonty-slx (2G) and Twenty
eovon (27), Township Twolvo (i.2),
Rango Twonty-sovon (27), West ot
tho Gth P. M., have been damaged due
to tho oxtromo rlgh water caused ly
floods in tho North and South Platto
Rivers during tho month of Juno, 1921,
to such an extent that thoy havo been
conjiomnod for passage by tho Board
of County Commissioners of Lincoln
County, and;
WHEREAS, it Is necessary for tho
County to ropalr, construct or recon
struct snid bridges and approaches
Immediately so as not to seriously in
convenlonco the public and to pro
tect such portion of the bridges now
standing, mako all of tho bridges
passablo and safe for travel, and:
WHEREAS, thoro aro no funls In
tho Treasury of tho County available
for said purpose and tho said amount
Is far In excess of the ordinary rove
nue derived from taxation and the
County Board, cannot levy n tax suf
ficient to defray tho said cost aiid
WHEREAS, tho Bonrjl or County
Commissioners deem It expedient, do
Blrnb'o and proper to lssuo and sell
negotiable bonds of tho County,, to bo
styled nnd known as Internal 1m
provomont bonds of Lincoln County,
Nebraska, In denominations of
$1000.00 each and numbered from 1
to 1G5 inclusive, in tho sum of $1G5,
000.00 for tho aforosald purpose, and:
. WHEREAS, the Bpard ot County,1
uonuuissionors is amnorizcci iy me
laws of tho Stato to submit to tho
qualified electors of tho County the
quostlon of issuing said bonds and of
lovying tho nocos3ary tax to pay tho
interest and principal of such bonds
us tho same becomes duo, and,
WHEREAS, it is appnront and it is
estimated that tho .cost of the repairs,
constructlnn and reconstruction of the
above described bridges, Including
tho approaches thereto, It nt loaBO
tho sum of $105,000.00.
SOLVED by tho Board of County Coin'-'
mlBsIonors Of tho County of Lincoln,
In the Stato of Nebraska, as follows:
Sec. 1. That a special election pf
tho qualified oloctors or tho said Coun
ty ot Lincoln, bo and" Is hereby callotl
and ordered to bo hold on the 16th
day or August, 1821, between tho hours
of 8:00 o'clock A. M. and 8:00 o'clock
P. M., for the purpose ot votln unon
tho question ot Issuing and soiling
uio ncgotiablo bondB of tho County, to
bo styled and known as Internal Im
provomen hotel's of Lincoln County
Nebraska, in denominations ot $1000.00
each and numbered rrom 1 to 1G5 In
clusive, In tho sum or $105,000.00 the
said bonds to bear nn Intorest rnto
of G por cent per annum, on coupons
attached, payablo comi-annually .at
tho offico ot tho County Treasurer of
Lincoln County, .Nebraska, and
$16,500.00 to bocomo duo and payablo
ton (10) years rrom tho date ot lssuo;
$16,500.00 or said bonlls to become
duo olovon . (11) years aftor date of
lssuo; W.G00.00 to become duo nnd
payablo twelve (12) years after date
of Issue; $10,500.00 to become duo ana
payablo thlrtoon (13) years after date
o( lssuo; $lG,GO0.0O to bocomo duo and
payable roiirtocn (14) years aor
lato or lssuo; $1G.500.00 to bocomo
duo and payablo flttcon (15) yonrs af
ter Jdato ot lasue; $10,500.00 to bocomo
duo and payablo sixteen (16) years
nftor dato ot lssuo; $16,500.00 to bo
como duo nnd pnyablo sovonteon (17)v
years artor dnto or lssuo; $16,500.00 to
bocomo duo nnd payablo olghtoon (18)
years nttor (dato or lssuo; $1G,500.00
to bcomo duo and payablo nineteen
(19) yonrs after dato or lssuo; nnd tho
said bonds to bo lssuod ror tho pur
poso or paying ror tho ropalr, con
struction or reconstruction ot tho
following doscrlbod bridges, Includ
ing tho approaches thereto namoly:
tho Blrfdwood Proclnct brldgo ovor the
North Plntto Rlvor north or Suther
land botweon Section linos Four (4)
nnd Flvo (5) and Eight (8) nnd Nino
(9), Township Fourtoon (14), Rango
Thlrty-throo (33) West ot tho Gth P.
M.; tho South Platto brldgo ovor tho
South Platto River, south ot Suth
erland, locatpd on north nn'l south
'ontor lino ot Section Thirty-two (32),
township 14, Rango 33, west ot Uio
1th P. M.stho Hershoy brldgo ovor tho
North Platto Riyor noith ot Hbr
shy, locatod on soctlon linos botween
Soctlon Eight (8), and Nino (9), Town
ship 14. Rango 32, Wost of tho Gth P.
M.; tho Bostwlck brldgo ovor tho
South Plntto River, south ot Hershoy,
locatod bctwoon Soctlon Twonty
olght (28) nnd Twenty-nine
(29), and Thirty-two (52) nnd Thlrtv
throo (33), Township 14, Rango 32
Wast ot the 6th P. M. tho North piv
or brUdgo ovor tho North Platto Rlvor
.north or North Plntto, located In Eopt
Hair (E&) or Section Twenty-eight
(28), Township Fourteen (14), Range
Thirty (30) West of tho Gth P. M.;
tho Osgood bridge over tho South
Platte River, flouth or North Plntto,
located in West Halt (W) or Sec
tions Four (4) nnd Nino (9), Town
ship Thirteen (13), Rango Thlrty(30),
West of tho 0th P. M.; the Lincoln
HltrlnvnV lirldirn nvnr Mm Mnrtli
Platto Rlvor, east of North Platto, lo-
catod On section lirtos between Sec
tions Thirty-flvo (35) and Thirty-six
(36), Township 14, Range 30 and Soo-
lions unq iu ani two (Z), Township
13, Rango 30, all Went of the Gth P.
M.; tho Maxwell brldgo across the
IMatto Rlvor, locate)! through Sec
tions Twenty-olght (28), Thirty-two
Tiurty-tnreo (33), Township 13,
Range 28, and Section Six (G), Town
ship 12, Rango 28, all Wost ot tho Gth
P. M.; tho Brady brldgo across the
Platte Rlvor locatod through Sections
Eleven (11), Fourteen (14), Fifteen
(15), Twenty-two (22), Twonty-threo
(23), Twonty-slx (2G) nnd Twenty
seven (27), Township 12, Rnnge 27
West of tho 6th P. M., all of said
bridges being located 'n said County.
Sec. 2. That at said election tho
following question shall bo submitted
to tho electors of tho County anf.l
printed upon the ballots to bo used
thoreat, to-wlt:
"Sliall Lincoln County, Nobraskn,
issue nnd soil the negotiable bonds of
tho County, to- bo Btyled and know as
Intornal Improvement bonds of Lin?
coin County, Nebraska, In denomina
tions of $1000.00 each nnd numbered
from 1 to 1G5 iucluslv,o In the sum ot
$165,000.00, to bear Interest at six
(6) por cent per annum, payable
semi-annually, and $16,500.00 of such
bond issuo to bocomo duo and -payable
ton(10)years from the dato of thols is
sue and $16,500.00 or bucIi issuo to bo
como duo and payablo each year aftor
said ton (10) year poriod until all nro
paid;, tho said bonds to bo Issued Tor
tho pUrposo of paying ror tho repair,
construction or reconstruction ot tho
following describe)! brldgos In said
County, including the approaches
thereto, namely: tho Birdwood Pro
clnct brldgo ovor the North Platte
River north ot Sutherland, botween
Sections linos 4 and 5, and 8 and 9,
Township 14, Range 33 Wost of the Gth
P. M.;tho South Platte brldgo ovor the
South Platte River, Bouth of Suther
land locatcjl on north and south con
tor lino of Section 32, Township 14,
Rango 33 West or tho Gth P. M.; the
Hershey bridge ovor tho North Platto
Rlvor north of Horshoy, located on
Sootlon linos between Sections 8 and
9, Township 14, Rango 32 West of the
Cth P. M.; tho Bostwlck brldgo ovor
tho South Platto Rivor, south of Her
shoy, located botween Section 28 and
29, and 32 and 33, Township 14, Range
32 Wost ot tho Gth P. M.; tho North
Rlvor Brldgo over tho North Platto
River north of North Platte, locatod
In East Half (E) of Section 23,
Township 14, Rnngo 30 Wost of the
Gth P. M.; the Osgooll bridge over the
South Platto River south or North
Platto, located in West Halt (W) or
Section 4 and 9, Township1 13, Rango
30, West of tho Gth P. M.; the Lincoln
.Highway, brldgo over to North Platte
River east pf North Platte, Ideated
on eoctlon lines botweon Sections 35
and 36, Township 14, Rango 30, and
Soctlon 1 and 2, Township 13, Paingo
30, nil West or tho 6th P. M.; tho Max
well bridge across tho Platto River,
located through Socttons 28, 32, 33,
Township 13, Rango 28, and Soctlon G
in TownBhlp 12. Rango 28. all West or
the 6th P. M.; tho Brady brldgo aoross
tho Platte River, located through Sec
tions 11, 14. 15. 22. 23, 2G nnd 27,
Township- 12, Rango 27, West ot tho
Gth P. M and shall an annual tax be
levied sufficient to pay tho Interest on
such bonds as it accrues and to pro
vide a sinking fund for tho redemp
tion of such bonds at their maturity."
FOR issuing negotiable bonfls of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, to bo Btyled
and known as Intornal Improve
ment bonds pf Lincoln County, Ne
braska, In denominations of $1000.00
each numbered from 1 to 1G5 inclu
sive in tho Bum of $165,000.00, ns
nbovo described.
AGAINST Issuing negotiable bonds or
Lincoln County, Nebraska, to bo
styled and known as Internal Im
provement bondB or Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, In denominations of
$1000.00 each numborqd from 1 to
1G5 lncluslvo In tho sum of $165,
000.00. as above described."
Sea 3. That tho Coitnty Cleric shall
proclaim nnd give notlco ot the places
and tlmo or holding such election as
by law requlrod, nnd ho is hereby
ordored nnd dlroctcjl to glvo auch no
tlco of bucIi election by publishing for
rour (4) woeks prior to tho said dato
or said olectioon in tho North Platto
Tolegraph and tho North Platte Semi
Wookly Tribune, official newspapers
or said County, and likewise by pub
lishing ror four (4) weeks prior to
sai1 dato In tho following newspapers,
to-wlt: Tho Sutherland Courier, Wal
lace Winner, Horshey TimeB and
Brady Vindicator, and also by posting
or cauBlng to bo posted a copy of tho
oloctlon notlco In nt lonst threo (3)
publlo places In each ot tho oloctlon
proclncta in the County not loss than
twontv (20) days prior to said dato ot
such oloctlon, nnd such notlco shall
embrace and stato tho question to bo
submitted as horelnbetoro set out art!
roclted, and the said Olork is horoby
empowered nnd Instructed to tako all
such othor nnd rurthor stops as may
bo necessary to proovido for tho hold-
Int; Of Bnirf oloctlon. nrlntliif ihn 1nl.
.lots therefor, furnishing tho necessary
uiiiy-Biioois or uooics anu stationery
with which to conduct tho election nnd
nscortain Uio t oturns, and to fully pro
vide for and conduct said special ploc
tion as is roquirod by law to conduct
gonoral County elections nnd obtain
returns thoroof.
Seo. 4. Tho voting places whoro
UiIb oloctlon shall bo hold nro Uio reg
ular voting places at which gonoral
olectlons nro hold in tlto vnrlous wards
or proclnct8 or Uio County, and at
which said polling places Uio lant
Gonornl oloctlon was hold.
Passed and npprovod this 11th day
ot July. 1921.
County Commissioners.
Attest: -
County Clerk, (SEAL)
For a quick cooking fire uso our
Rock Springs- Lump Coal. Wo
handle only -tho better grades ot
Phono 40.
For MUlot Seed and Feed Phono 639W
Fhyslclnn and Surgeon
Diagnosis and Treatment
Calls answored Day and Night
Ovor Union State Bank. Phone 29G
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ox
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 316 South Vino Street Hoi
pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633.
5, C. 7 BuIldhV& Loan Building.
Offico Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242
Prnctlco Limited to Diseases ol
Women and Surgery
PhonoB Office 113. Residence 265
Or the Comlitlon of tho
of. North Platte, Nebraska, on the iOth
day of June, 1321. Certtflcuto No. 'it.
First mortgage loans... ,fl U3.C00.00
Loans In process of for-
cIosuto 1,400 00
Loans on stock or pass book
security ., 4,200.00
Roal estate, office , i. 27,423.14
Cash 9.402.15
Delinquent interest, flnes,
etc. - i,
Furniture and fixtures .... 1,335.17
Total , ,$1,488,042.3(1
Running stock and dividends $559, 064. 5G
Paid-up stock and dividends T847,000.00
Uesorvo .fund . 34,100.00
Undivided profits ,;. 47,496.20
Advance interest .... 81,60
Total , . . ,.. .31, 483,042 J!0
Ileoelptn nnd Expenditures for' the
Year Kndlnpr Juno 30, 1021.
Cash on hand last report ...I 12,003.32
Dues (Running stock).' 187,468.55
Paid-up stock 267;800.00
Mortgage papyments 110,521.08
Interest , 99,923.02
Fines 864.30
Membership and transfer fees 1,101.20
Rents and office building re
ceipts 1,204.15
Total . $080,047.02
Mortgage loans $354,600.00
siock loans z.uuu.uu
Withdrawals running - stock
and dividends 61,096.77
Withdrawals paid-up stock 199,000.00
Withdrawal dividend on
paid-up stock 46,998.60
Salaries 5,135.00
otner .expense l.zs.tii
Caslf on hand 9,492.15
Other disbursements in de-
tall, Tax , -495.86
Total $080,017.02
State of Nebrbaska, Lincoln County, ss.
I, Bessie F. Salisbury, Secretary of
tne above named Association, no soi
emnly swear that the foregoing State
ment of the condition of the said As-
socatlon, Is true and correct to the best
ot my Knowledge anu ueiier.
Subscrlbbed and sworn to before me
this 6th day July, 1921.
H. D. WIESE, Notary Public.
Hoagland & Carr, Attys..
To all persons interested in the es
tate ot Rudolph Thanol, deceased.
You aro horoby notified that on the
Gth day of July, 1921, Mark L. Smith,
Administrator of tho estate of Ru
dolph Thanol, deceased, nnd ono of
tho jdefondants in tho action brought
by George H. Smith to forecloso a
mortgage upon tho real estate owned
by said estate, filed his answer and
cross-petition In said foreclosure
prpcoedlngs, and In his cross-petition
prayB for n license to soil Lots 1 nnd
2 of Section 7 aril tho w of tho
SE of Section G, Township 1G,
Rango HI Wedt of tho Gth P. M. for tho
payment of dobts allowed against said
estate and allowances nnd costs of
administration, alleging that thero is
not n sufficient amount of personal
proporty on tho possession of said
Mark I-i. Smith, Administrator, to pay
said dobts. and prays that tho moneys
Jdorived from tho salo of salfl propor
ty to bo first applied to tho payment of
said debts and allowances, a-vl If In
sufficient to pay all of said d? U, al
lowances nnd tho mortgago vh; h Ihe
plaintiff Goorgo H. Smith is fore
closing, then Uint tho balanco of the
real estate of tho said ostato, boing
Lots G and 7 and tho Es of the
SW'A of sa(l Soctlon G, bo sold and
that tho widow's homestoad intorest
in said quarter bo decreed and set
aside to hor out of Uio proceeds of
said salo.
WIIEREPON it is ordored that nil
persons Interested in sad cstato ap
pear bofore mo at Ghambors In tho
city of Sidnoy in Clioyonno County in
this Judicial District on tho 3rd day
of September, 1921, at tho hour of 10
A. M. to show .causo, It any thero bo.
why a licenso should not bo grnntod
to said Mark L. Smith. Administrator,
to sell and allow to bo sold so much
of tho above Ioscrlbed teal ostato of
said Rudolph Thanol. deceased, as
shall bo nocessarf to pap tho nbovo
described dobts and expenses.
Judge of the District Court
Ed Kierigj
General Farm Sales A Specialty, ale
Real Estate. References und Dafctm,
First National Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
By Harmless Remedies. ,
CHAS. It. IIEVEB, 51. D.
307 Brownoll fllock. Lincoln, Nebr.
Expert Piano Tuner nnd Repairer.
-He ,
Leavo orders at 914 WV 4th St.
Or Phono 334. I
Offico 340 . KQUS01261
Osteopath Fliysiclan
Over the Oasis. North Platta,
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstetrics
Office Building & Loan Building
Phono: Offico 130. Residence 11C
Dental Surgeon
Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygleno
Phone 307 ' Twinem Bldg.
Office phone 241. " Res, phono 217
. . L. C. DROST,
Osteopathic Physician
North Piatte, Nebraska
Knights of Columbus Building.
john s. soars, M. D.. .
Special Attontlon Given to
McDonald Bank Building "
Office Phone S3 Residence 38
Office Phone 333 Ros. Phone 1020
Surgeon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phones Office 642, Residence 67G
Licensed Embajmera..
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone Jl
Night Phone Black 588
v- Romigh has a Warehouse
man's Lien against ono Ford Runa
bout, color rod, Motor No. 318722, do
poslted and left at J. V. Romish Gar
age, on September 5th, 1920, "by Wm.
B. Farrel, and said automobile is held
on tho account of Wm. R. Farrell In
the amount ot $131.00 and accrued
By virtue thereof and to cover said
claim J. V. Romlgh will sell at pub
lic auction at Romlgh's Garaga on
July 13th, 1921, at Gth and Locust
Streets, 1 o'clock P. M. to the highest
bidder for cash the said automobile
above described.
J. V. Romlgh, Lien Holder.
By Hoaglanll & Carr, Attys.
John Grant, Attorney. -NOTICE
Estate No. 1825 of George Lannin, de
ceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County. Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To alL nor
h8 ,1ier9t0(1 sold Estate take
notice that a petition has beon filed
for the issuance of Letters of Ad
ministration to Emma Lannin, and for
tho appointment of Emma Lannin as
AuminlEtratrl of said estate which
has been Bet for hearing herein on
July 12th. 1921, at 10 o'clock at m
Dated Juno 20th, 1921
.?pai a mL H' C WOODHURST,
tSEAL) County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that tho as
sessor in and- for tho Birdwood. Irri
gatlon District, Lincoln County, No
braska, has completed tho assessment
for said district and has delivered
same to the Secretary. The Board of
Directors is hereby called to meet at
tho office of the Secretary on SEVi
ot Sec. 30, T. 15, R. 32, Tuesday, ffmy
5, 1921, to act as a Board of Equaliza
tion and to hear and adjust all ob
jections to the assessment Tho said
Board to remain in- session as long as
nocessary, not to exceed ten days,
during which time all objections to
the assessment and valuation will hA
hoard and determined.
Rated this 8th day ot June, 1921.
MARY C. McNBEL, Secretary,