The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 19, 1921, Image 1

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No. 55
Two hundred boyv scouts and fifty
business men of pllnton, Iowu, will
reach horo about the noddle of the ai
ternoon on Thursday, July 21. They
will go Into cairip at tho fair grounds
and spend tho night hero, leaving
North Platto Friday
morning for
Grand Island. They loft Clinton on
Juno 20 and mado tho trip of about
1500 miles through Northern Iowa,
South Dakota and AVyomlng to Yel
lowstone Park. .Now they aro on iho
return trip. Sixty autos will carry
the caravan which Includes doctors,
nurses, reporters, moving picture men,
clergymen, repair men an) I drivers.
After reaching hero a ball game will
bo played between tho visiting scouts
and tho North Platto s.couts and tho
local scouts will help entertain tho vis
itors by putting on a thirty minute
play. The visitors will havo a 24
plcco scout band and will put on sev
eral reels o moving pictures, showing
scones of tho trip. Tho expedition
...t.ii nnt mllltnrv will non mllltnrv
style In traveling as that best suited
it- nl. North Platto neonle aro
invltc)l to visit tho camt and soo tho
visitors in action.
Tho Western Union Telegraph Co.
is preparing the front part of lta
oast, room for a commercial offlco.
It is being Iocorated and carpeted
with heavy linoleum. The desk and
office furniture will bo moved to this
room'ftaiid theofflcoiforco wMvhavo
roar is a largo airy room which is
being equipped as a ladies rest room.
In tho roar of this is a men's rest)
room which is to bo equipped for thlB
purposo njlonev When tho move Is
'made, tho south room is to bo re
arranged and used for a work room
"" whoro the Instruments will bo in
operation, ft is also planned to pro
vjlo an emergency power room whore
" a gasoline ongino can bo placed to uso
in emergencies. Tho remodeling will
tako somo time hut it will make a
finely equipped headquarters.-
World's finest makes-now offered in
our Great Clearanco Salo at ONE
$1140 for now Dodgo touring, car
with all tho new improvements. Havo
you seen tho now bodies and Plato
glass rear curtain in tho nowost mod
els? Surely $1140 buys a lot of car In
any Dodgo model today, Compare
values. J. V. Romigh, Dealer.
& (hvL HufC aiUAXlAvj iitrui
One or tho largest Saturday crowd
of the year was on tho streets of
North Platto last Saturday when al
most fifty merchants joined - in a
community sales day. Each mer
chant submitted what ho thought was
a bargain and these wero acted upon
by a coinmltloo appointed by author
ity of tho Chnmber of Commorco.
Two-pago advertisements in all tho
newspapers with the mailing of hun
dreds of bills, brought a throng of
shoppers to the city. Flvo or six of
tho largest stores put 6n storo wldo
sales with big discounts and many
of tho merchants put other goods at
discount prices than those advertised
and approved by tho Committee.
Buying in somo lines was brisk whllo
in others It was Blow. Tho matter
of having a similar sale ovory month
will como boforo tho Directors- of tho
Chamber of Commerco In tho near
Tho following communication was
sont to tho Chamber of Commerco
somo tlmd ago but was not ttvallablo
for publication until recently.
To Ira L: Baro, Secretary Chamber
of Commerco, North Platto, Nobr. Wo
tho undersigned farmors and others
vho havo crossed on ho ferry and foo
idgo and used tho transportation to
itgenorously provide)! for our accommo
dation by tho North i'iaue unamuor
of Commerco, hereby express our ap
preciation of tho courtosy and assist
ance thus rendered to us: A. R. Shar
rad, L. L. Zook, P. N. Rowley, W. F.
Sandere, W. Bross. Jas. Guynn, It. A.
Fisher, Dewey Bremers, A. F, Sode
mah, R. H. Jandebeur, Mrs. W. F. San
dors, R. A. Rhodes, Mrs. M E Tides, G.
F. Spraguo, Cyril Donegan, M. W.
Walker, D. C. Fowlor, C, O. Brown,
Mfs. C. O. BroSvn, Oliver W. Finerg.
A detailed nccountof tho expendi
tures of tho North Platto Chambor of
Commerce for tho first six months ot
tho present year was mailed to each
member during the past week. It is
a carefully prepared statement and is
groupod under nine headings. For in
stance .Conventions and Entertain
ments cost tho Chambor $1078.48.
This account is carefully itemized and
shows the amount paid for each con
vention and entertainment. Tho
Auto Camp Grounds had cost $612.33;
tho offlco oxpenscs and salaries $1481.
34; Publicity of, different forms
$915.02; tho Free Lunch room $79.80;
and tho South Platto Forry $310.40.
Tho Fourth of July expenses wero $280
and miscellaneous-expenses not to bo
classified under tho othor headings
amountl to $161.44. Tho total re
ceipts wero $5,105.72 Including tho bal
ance of $13G2.45 on hand at the bo
clnnlnir of the year. The statement
is signed by John B. Edwards, Preat
dent and Ira L. Bare, Secretary.
Tho Puro Bred Siros gato sighs
aro horo. County Agont Kollogg! i8
getting them out this iWeok. Each
stockman and fanner who ngreea not
to use any but puro bred siros on his
farm is entitled to ono of theso slgna.
Thoy aro neat ornamental signs, print,
ed in black and yollow on tin and arp
to bo placed on tho front gato so
that passers by may know what fdnl
of a farm it is.
Most people do not know (hat
Nebraska ranks first of rill tho states
in tho union In production of alfalfa
This total In 1920 amounted to 3,tf27
680 tons. Lincoln County is a
grent alfalfa producing county but
thoro aro 37 other counties In tho
state that exceeded her production
last year. Lincoln County produce
43;307 tons valued at nearly half.n
mjllion dollars.
One by ono tho different campflro
groups aro slipping out to their camp
and putting It iu shape. Sometimes
thoy stay all night. Owing to tho
fino spirit being shown by tho Camp
fire guardians and members of tho
Council, friction is avoided and every
thing about the camp is running
Smoothly. This Is as it should bo.
Whcnover any such group gets to
quarreling within Itself, tho public
Is going to be slow in giving It finan
cial or moral support.
One merchant has suggested that
tho next Community Sales Day bo on
somo other dny than Saturday. EviDry
y Is a big day In "sonioMInCB
andsuch e8tablIshinontcanri6lTfelve
securing extra help. Even this does
not glvo . tho service wanted. This
merchant argued that bettor servico
could bo given on any othor day than
Saturday without sacrificing any of
tho good points of tho salo. Thoro
seems to bo some merit In tho pro
posal but tho merchants might know
of some other reasons why Saturday
Is tho best.
YoStorday Commissioner Cohan
had a 40 foot steel pile driven into tho
bed of tho South Platte where tho
bridge was washed away. Tho pil
ing on which tho bridge wns bulll
was driven into the sand for 18 feet
or until thoy struck hardpan. This
stool pllo was driven Blxteen .'joi
further, .ouig through two or moro
layers of hardpan.- Altogether it
was set into tho river 34 feet with
six feet in tho air. If such piling
can bo put under "tho now structuro
thoro Is 'no danger of it being wash
ed out.
The bath houso at tho City Swim
ming beach Is nearlng completion
and will bo ready for uso in a fow
days. Ono of tho foatures which
will meet with general favor is tho
check stand in connection. Here ono
may check his clothes ana valuables
whllo in tho wator and ho may check
Ills bathing suit whon ho has drosscd
again. It Is expected that bathing
suits can bo rented at a reasonable
A tale of iwo men and the woman who
was wife of one and mate of the other
Mary Thurman, James Kirlcw5od, Philo McCullogh,
Rhea Mitchell, Noah Berry, wiih a powerful sup
porting cast. They live it every second.
Wc commend 'The Scofier" to our patrons as a
masterpiece of action, and one of the strongest
dramas we have ever, screened.
Also Toonoville Comedy.
Managorg of local danco halls have
boon notMil that tho Fodoral regu
lations roqulro ludics who attend
dancos without escorts to pay the
war tax. Each tickot admitting a
gentleman nnd his lady carries a war
tax and now thoy aro requiring any
other ladies to pay at tho. door. Should
a. gentleman take two laMlos, ho must
pay for ono Uckot nnd t)io tax on an
othor. Tho largest crowd of tho ydar
attended the band concert last Fri
day evening. Tho attontlon Is more
marked than it formerly was. Tho
numbor of people who go thoro to
listen and o"Joy tho music Is Increas
ing or tho numbor who go to tho
wncorts to visit Is decreasing. Tho
Golden Dragon Ovorturo, tho classic
of tho program was received with
tho greatest applauso of tho ovonlng.
Tho hoy scouts ronted chairs and thb
was qulto an accommodation to somo
of tho pcoplo who did not enro to sit
on tho lawn. Thoro will bo another
concert at eight o'clock next Friday.
Ono argument iu favor of having n
carnival hero is that it pays a license
fee Into tho city treasury, which a
mounts to qulto a sum. This argu
ment won't hold In North Platto bo fac
this year. Tho first carnival company
this sumtnor, camo under tho aus
pices or tho Volunteer Firo Depart
ment and so It did not pay a llconse
Tho next ono camo under tho aus
pices of the County Fair and It did not
pay a license Tho feo Is $5.00 a day
for each concession. Thoro woro said
to havo been 24 concessions this last
time. That Would bo $120.00 for each
day and it was hero six days. Tho
license thus would havo boon $720.00.
Until wo get through having tho car
nlvals undor tho auBplcos of somo or
ganlzatlon which is entitled to free 11
Conso wo cannot uso that as nn nrgu
ment in their favor.
F. F. Dowllng of Scottsbluff, Deputy
Stato Firo Inspector, has boon in the
city during tho past fow days, making
a thorough inspection of tho city. Ho
roiforts that North Platto is pno Ot
tho cleanest' citlosT hp visits. Iolthnt
thoro could bo no Improvement, but
that there has boon more Improve
ment than In most places, IIo has
complimented tho morchants on tho
clean alloys in tho business part of
tho city nrU ho says tho. back rooms,
tho collars, tho store rooms and such
places aro cloanor and moro ordorly
than ho has over found thorn boforo.
Mr. Dowllng has boon making this
torrltory fbr sovoral years and knows
,tho other towns as well as ho knowa
North Platto.
Hq is a very efficient
Paul Harrington, of tho Harrington
Morcantllo Co., is in tho city for n
fow days. Ho haB boon busy In tho
western part of tho stajto for tho
past fow weeks and will return thoro
again to flirish up. IIo will- bo horo
in tlmo to look after tho hay crop. Mr
Harrington says that conditions aro
gradually Improving and that markets
will show considerable strength. Ho
Is qulto optimistic over tho general
situation but thinks tho gain will
Thursday evening tilio Mbfliodjlsts
and Christians' crossed bats at tho
Fair grounds and tho rosult was a
2 9 score in favor of tho Mothcflists
Myers and Pitman handled tho ball for
tho Methodists nnd Boldt nnd AndroWs
for tho Christians. Ono report was
that it was an errorless game but that
has been disputed so wo aro uncortaln.
At any rato tho spectators and players
enjoyotl 'It.
Tho Tribune has Just rocolvod tho
following otatomont from tho Dopart
mont of Commerco, Iluronu of Census,
Washington. R. l8 on.titled-'Mnnu.
factures In North Platto, Nohrnaka.
Tho Consus Buroau's Summary Con
corning tho city for 1919. Hero It is:
A prolimlnnry statomont of tho gen
eral rosults of tho 1920 census of
manufactures covering tho year 1919,
for North Platto, Nobrasko, was Is
sued today by tho Bureau of Consue,
Department of Commorco.
Tho llgurcB aro preliminary and
subject to Buch chnilgo and correction
as may bo found nccossnry from a
furthor examination of tho roporta.
Tho consus oxcludojl hand trades,
tho building trades nnd tho neighbor
hood industries, nnd took account on
ly of establishments conducted under
tho factory systom. Statistics woro
not Incllcd for. establishments hav
lug products for tho census yoar val
ued at less than $500, oxcopt that re
ports woro takon for establishments
Idlo during a portion of tho consuB
yoar, or" which began oporntion dur
ing that year, and whoso products for
such ronson woro vnluod nt loss than
Tho word establishment as used is
tho census roportB may moan moro
than ono mill or plant, provled thoy
aro owned or controlled and operator
by a slnglo individual, partnership,
corporation, or 6thor ownor or op
orator, and aro located In tho samo
town or city.
Tho reports woro takon for tho cal
endar yoar onilng Docombor 31, 101D,
or tho buslnoss year of tho establish
ment most nearly conforming .toiithnt
caionuar year.
Tho statistics roprcsont tho estab
lishments located within tho corpor
ate limits of tho city.
Tho capital invested was $1,097,-
000. In this connection it should, bo
stated that tho Inquiries contained in
tllo census schedulo calls for tho to
tal amount of capital, both ownod anil
borrowod, investod in tho business,
but excluded tho .valuo of rented pro
porty, plant, or oqulpmont which was
employed in tho conduct ot manufac
turing cntorprlsos. Tho final bulle
tins nnd roports will bIiow tho rental
paid for such proporty.
Tho cost of matorlals usojlwna
$676,000. tn uddltlon to tho compon
ent materials which ontor Into tho val
uo of products, tho cost of mntorlolB
In his Bummary includes tho cost .of
fuel, mill supplies, and ront of power
and boat.
Tho valuo of produces wldch a
mounted to $1,516,000, roproscnts
tholr soiling valuo or prlco nt tho
plants ns actually turnod out by tho
We offer all our over stock, also
odds and ends of summer and
seasonable merchandise, at
prices below manufacturers cost
We Handle Pictorial Review Patterns.
1 Oi
factories ldurlng tho consus year and
may havo llttlo rolntlon to tho a
mount of salcB for that year. Tho
vnluoa undor this hoatl also Include
amounts rccolvcd for work on mater
ials furnished by othors.
Summary for iho City.
Numbor of establishments 10,
Persons ongaged In mnnufacturora
Proprietors and firm mombors, 12.
Salaried employees 34.
Wngo camera (avorago numbor)
Primary horsopowor l,2"fG.
Capital $1,097,000.
Sorvlccs $703,000.
Salarlos $68,000.
Wngoa $595,000.
Matorlals $G7G,000. .
Valuo of products $1,510,000,
Valuo raided by manufacturo (val
uo of products less cost of materials
Word was roturncjl hero Saturday
that over soventy-flvo pcoplo attend
ed tho locturo and pictures In tho
,'Bottor Siros" campaign at tho Mc
No6l achoolhoUBo last Thursday ov
onlng1, Mr. Kollogg led a general
dlsousolon of tho subjoct nftor thcplc
turos had boon shown. Arrangements
Woro mado to havo a poultry demon
stration at Mrs. Grant McNqoI's on
July 20. Mr. Kollogg stntos that this
is tho largost attondnnco ho has had
at bucIi a mooting. This is a llvo pre
cinct and tho Farm Bureau thoro ia
wido awnko.
Wllllaiji Shoedy, n flroman on tho
Union Paciflo was drowned yostorda
aftornoonln tho main channel of tho
North Platto Rlvor, Just sduth of tho
Air Mall Hangar. Ho, with throo tithor
mon woro In tho river whon ho stopped
into a'dcop Phico and sank. Tho party
included Fred Ellsworth, John Saw
yer, .-.Ray Slngloton, ArildToogood
anil" Frank Brtrnos; Shoedy could not
Bwim vory woll. Going into deop wator
ho sank out of sight Ellsworth swam
to his 'help and cninp near losing hlo
Hfo In attempting to aid him. Tho
olhcr follows d(i thotr best At last
thoy tied barb wlro to tow ropes and
wolghtod them with tiro chains. Drag
ging this through tho deop place1,
thoy pulled tho body to tho surface,
whoro It was soizod and taken to th
bank, It had boon in tho wator over
an hour and Hfo was extinct. "Whon tho
rumor spoad to otho city, a number
of cars rushed to otho scone and woro
thoro whon tho hojiy was rocovordd.
M. Shoedy was a Boldler in tho lato
Avar. Relatives who mourn his untlmo
Mr. Sheody wns a soldier in tho lata
two brothers', Mack Shoedy of this
city and Loo Shoedy of Choyonno and
a slBtor, Mrs. Ed Walker of this city.
No funeral arrangomonts havo boon
mndo at tho tlmo of this writing.
Mrs. IT. J. Ruhga and daughter loft
yostorday for Cubs county to visit.