The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1921, Image 8

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WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher,
Enterod at tho North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco nB Second Class Mutton
Ono Year, In advance $2.00
FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 1021.
Yostorday. men woro at work at
tho Fair Grounds putting ou tho
root to tho' band stand. This is prob
ably tho roofing that was rolled up
under tho band stand tho othor day
when wo woro getting wot through
whllo playing "How Dry I Am" in
tho rain. Wo hopo It will rain tho
next tlmo wo aro out thero Just so
wo can soo it that roof is a dolu
sion. In another column wo aro publish
ing, a new ordlnahco passed by tho
City Council at Its last mooting. This
ordlnanco was rendered necessary by
a now stato law which required that
tho City Board of Health bo organ
ized differently than Jt has boon or
ganlzcd before So tho now ordinance
moroly carrlos out tho lottor of tho
now law. Tho Board of nealth of
North . Platto will bo composed or
Mayyor who Is chalrmnn.t ho Chlof
of Polico who Is secretary, tho pres
ident of tho City Council, ono phy
sician practicing In North Platto
and ono othor porson appointed by
tho Mayor.
Tho Fourth of July parado horo at
North Platto was a big success. Wo
would like to mention and doscrlbo
tho dlfforont floats If wo had tho room
and tho powors of speech that would
do tlwn' Justice Somo of tho lodgo, so
ciety nnd business boats woro well
dono and brought much prnlso from
tho pooplo who saw thorn. But wo
happonod to bo at tho bond of the pa
rado in tho band and Lonlor Stamp
kopt uo playing so hard that wo did
ntft get to soo much but our music.
Wo did protend a llttlo whon tho War
Mothors woro passing Us and again
whon tlio Cnrmon woro golntf by.
Both of theso bodloa mojlo us fool that
tho Fourth of July parado wa8 worth j
) '
Nothing has boon dono In Lincoln
County about publishing tho porsonnl
tax sohodulo and yet wo bollovo It
would.Hlo mora to bring out hldllen
(property and to oqtmllzo vnluos, than
anything yet proposod. Our greatest
clvlo question today in,, taxation and
anyono having a romody for tho injust
ice that now prevails, should got It ha
foro the pooplo na soon as ponslblo and
urge t In tho strongest tormtMio has.
Publishing tho porsonnl tax schedules
lo not original with us for it is now!
dono in a number of oountlos In Nobr
aska. Ae wo havo sa!i before wo favor '
trying It out whothoi' wo aro Included
in tho publluhors or not. Tho Nebraska
le For
! On
4 !
All wool Worsteds, Onssimoros, Cheviots and Mohairs In
narrow, medium and wldo stripes and beautiful mixtures
ill all tho DODUlar COlorilltrs: nlao all wnnl THua Knrmv
Bplendidly tailored and perfect fitting; cuff or plain hot- I
toms. i5b' TO 44.
Wo aro "RIGHT" on the Corner. Opp. 1st Nafi. Banlc.
Tux Commissioner is urging It, the
Amorlcnn Farm Iiuroau favors It and
'dthr organizations lravo gono on ro
oord urging Its general adoption. It Is
worth considering by nil whp are face
to faSjr with tho fix uuoRtlon.
A farmor'a wifo from over south
came into our offlco tho other day and
aaliod if wo had rccolvod anything
from the south side about the Chftmbor
()f Cominorco. Wo niH wo had nothing
direct but that tho Chambor of Coin
morco had rocolvod a signed state
ment from a number of farmers thank
iiig It for tho forry and tho footbridgo
Wo showed hor tho list nnd alio said
sho was glad that the men had sent in
that paper as somo who had not had
opportunity to algn it had boon worry
ing about how thoy would ho ablo to
show their appreciation of tho good
work tho Chambor of Commorco had
dono. Than she wont on to toll how
thoy got nocoesnry grocorlos, binding
twine, mnll, medicines, machine re
pairs, etc., by means of tho forry and
tho footbridgo and how thoy npproclat
od It ovory tlmo thoy thought of the
long trip arounfj by tho Horshey
bridge Wo bollovo thero aro a largo
number of tho South SIdo farmers who
now bollevo that tho business men of
North Platto moan to ronder real sor
vico to tho pcoplo of this ipart of tlio
stato and thnt it only takos such an
omorgoncy to glvo them a chauco to
carry out tholr good Intentions. It is
protty hard somotimos for tho country
pooplo nnd tho town pcoplo to under
stand each othor but unlosa thoy db
neither can prosper as It should.
Paul Van Graven is oxpoctcd to re
turn from Alllanco tclay whoro ho
transacted business for a woolc
Miss Gladys Stegall returned the
first of tho wook from ICansas City
whoro sho spent two wooks.
Mr. nn Mrs. R. D. Rasmusson re
turned by auto from a trip through
Kansns anil Colorado. Thoy spont,tho
last part of tlio vacation at Estes
Park and returned hero Monday Just
boforo tho raln.Mr. Itnsmusson says
that In tho four states ho did not find
any hotter roads than thoso In Nobr
aska. Troops throo and four of tho
Boy Scouts hold a ball gamo Wednes
day ovonlng nt tho railroad, ball Ula
molid. Troop throo won by a scoro
of 9 to C. Following tho ball game
a signalling contest took placo In
which Troop four won first honors.
This ovonlng Troops flvo nnd sovon
will play a gamo and noxt week the
winners of both gamen will play to
gether and tho losers .will play.
Thomas Enrrol. charged wth steal
ing n Hudson automobllo at Galua
hurg, 111. and with cashing a bad check
in this city waH taken to Gnlosburs
yostorday.. Ilo was accompanied by hla
wifo. Tho Morcor car lnS which ho
camo to North Platto is still in pos
session of the authorities. Ho said thnt
ho bought tho car for $500 hut It Is
not known whoro ho got it. Earrol
u nlnotoen ears old and says ho was
married last Soptombor.
JULY 9th
Day Only!
and Young Mens
tf M PI !Fl
Values up to $9.00
3 1:00 A Compassionate Savior."
11:00 "Tho Chrlsto Centric.''
8:00-"IIo Londoth Mo." . 'r ''
11:00 "From Prison to Paluco."
8:00 "What a Man Must Dony,"
8:00 No Holy ommunon.
11:00 Sorvccs.
11:00 Chrlstlnn Scionco SeYvlco.
Sorvicos in Building and Loan Bnllfld
Services ou Sunday nt 10:30'. at tho
church on tho cornor of 10th nnd
Willow streets. Carl Almen is pan
tor. u.
11:00 Address by Rov. Stoln of
Hastings. , 'i
8:00 Address by Rov. - Steih
Hastngs. '
11:00 "trim Llttlo Known .Ajpb
tlo. : '
8:00 'fgorvico.'.'
Thero" will bo a called mooting of
tho D. A. It. Tuesday afternoon, July
12th, at four o'clock at tho city paVk.
Each lady Is to bring a baslcot supper
for hor family. Picnic supor at 0:30.
A baby boy was born to Mr. anU Mrs.
M. II. Mlschkeo yosterday at their
homo at 320 west ninth street.
Louis Troxlor returned to Falrmotfr,
Nobr. nftor spondlng tho Fourth with
hln mothor Mrs. Goo. Troxlor.
Mrs. Chas Clemens of Wallace enter
Od tho Platto Valloy hospital last even
ing and will undergo an oporatlon
today.' T ,
M. E. Crosby ana family will loavc
Monday by nuto for a trip through
Yollowstono National Park. They will
tako a camp outfit and soo tho country
Miss Florouco Qoijijh ontortalnoJ
tho Nlcaflgoo Campflro Girls at hor
homo Wednesday ovonlng. After a
pleasant ovoulng dainty rofroshmonts
wore nerved. '
Mrs. F. L. Templo and son and duti
ghtor camo Wodnoaday from Loxlng.
ton to make North Platto their future,
homo. Mr Temple is presJont of thu
Fidelity RoBorvo Co.
"W. P. Snydor anil family aro tour
ing in tho wost this woek. They will
! o In Donver today and will probacy
ieach Cheyenne tho first of tho week
on their way to Yollowstono.
Misses Helen and Doris Selbort of
Grnnd Island who have been visiting
at tho J. I Smith homo nn)J of othor
frionds loft last evening to visit their
grandmother' boforo returning to their
Reynolds Nlloa, Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Nllos of this city, is in Detroit.
Mich., attending tho Michigan State
Auto School thoro. Ho oxpocts to got
into tho game in gpod shape, Dotrolt
boing nt tho contor of tho automobllo
Tho Boy Scout Council voted to
glvo Scout Executive Stephens two
wooks vacation without pay nnd $100
toward his oxponsos whllo attending
tho National school for Scout Ex
cutlvos at Culver, boginnlng tho mjd
dlo. of this month.
Tho Crawford-Hackers Electric Co.
has movod from from tho old location
at 522 Vino stroat to the first door
south of tho S. & R. Sorvico Station.
This In ono of tho rooms in tho now
balding and it prosontfl a very at
tractive appearance '
i Mrs. Robort L. Cochran entertained
Wednesday at ono rclfb'ck at tho
"ountry Club in honor of Mro. Robt.
mltj of Croston, Iowa who la a
est nt her homo nnd Mrs. O. M.
ynolds of Omaha. Tho Club IIouso
a beautifully docorated with garden
wors. Following tho woll appointed
uohoon thq romnlndor of tho nttor
J on wns spent In playing brl(lgo.
Two autos loadod with members of
tho Loyal Ordor of Mooso, returned
today from tho national convention nt
Tolodo. Among thoso in tho party
woro T. M. Collagen, Goo. Wllklns,
Jas. MoMichaol, Tom Colo, John Eah-1
olman, Dick Simants, Jas. Austin,
nnd Joo Basklns. On tlio return trip
they stopped at Moosehoart, 111.,
whoro the national home of tho Mooso
is locatdl.
Want Ads
Wanted Girl for genoral house
work. Phone 314J.
For Sale Upright walnut caso pi
ano. Phtlno 1291.
For Jlcni-Offlco 005 North Locust.
Phono 12O0J. , .
Wnnlcd Chnmbermaill. Apply nt
Liberty Rooms.
For 'Snlo Flvo room houso. All
modern. 215 So. Ash. Alsl 3 lots on
Wost Third. Phono 330W.
Lost Set of two-21nch Bhcavo tac
klo blcoks equipped with wiro grips
Return to N. P. Light and Powor Co.
for reward
For Snlo Tw6 pair Spauldlng
Soz boxing gloves. Also Spauldlng
pitching glove. Small slzo. T. H. care
of Trlbuno.
For Sale Electric washing ma
chlno nnd furniture. Phono 542J. 921,
North Locust.
Wanted UousokeopoD. No objection
to one child. WIttune & Dowdy, Madrid
Wauled Reliablo contractors to bi
on a now modern hollow tllo and stuc
co church building at Arnold, Nobr.
Plans can bo seen at tho Baptist Par
sonage at Arnold. Scalod bids must
bo In by July 20th, 1921, at high noon.
Porry O: Sllvara, Arnold, Nebr.
Jamog W. McEvoy dlednTlnglesIdo
Sanitarium Jn Hastings, Tuesday and
tho body was brought to this city
Wednorflny. Mr. McEvoy was cmploy
od ao brakoman on tho Union Pacific
railroad In this city until about a
yoar ago, when ho went to Hastings
His wifo died shortly after ho entero.l
tho sanitarium." Th funoral will bo
hold this morning from tho Cnthortc
Church and Interment made In the
local cometary.
Mrs. Geo. Stiff returned to her home
In Gothenburg Wednesday after cele
brating tho fourtlanj visiting at tho
G. A. Cover, home.
'- ::o:t :
My offlco will bo closed all' of Sat
urday afternoons during July and
August. Wm. II. C. Woodhurst,
County, Judge.
Wo still havo a fow gallons in
half and 1 quarts of Patton'a
Sain Proof Paint at $2.90 per
gallon, ?1.45 half gallon, $.75
a quart.
Tires, Tubes and Ac
cessories. FERn STREITZ
Corner Gth and Locust
Phono G25W.
?1100.00 Lot CGxl32, 800 block
west Sixth street.
?28,O0Q.0O, Cornor lot CCxl32;
?12,000.00 Improvements on lot
700 block west Fifth street
$800.00. Lot South Maplo S-.
bowoen 1st and A streots.
Can sell or trado your farm for
city proporty. Call 1130, G:30
to 7:30 morning or ovonlng.
Fsr a quick cooking llro uso our
Rock Springs. Lump Coal. Wo
handlo only tho bettor grndes of
Phono 40.
ft I
fall Paper
Select your Paper
at Homo
I F. A. Sudman of Chappell returned
I to his homo Wednesday after undori
j going an oporatlon at tho Platto Val
loy Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lions returned to
thalr homo Ih Omaha by auto Wed
nesday after visiting at the S. II
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ynggay returned
to tholr homo In Chuppel Wednesday
ntt&r colobratlng tho Fourth In this
CRy nnd visiting with frionds.
by the
Chamber of Commerce Band
Friday, July 8, at 8 o'clock.
Court House Park.
March "Monto 'Carlo" J
Melody "Wild Roeebud"
Popular Nunlbor "Frnnkle"1 1.
Ovorturo ''Tompolwolho"
Two SAJrigg (iut band accompaniment)
(a) "Land Of Mine'' .
(b) " My Mammy" y
Mr. T. N.
Soronu)lo "An Autumn Romniico"
Waltz "Reign of Youth"
March "Pass In Review"
Special for Saturday
No. y can Salmon (Dink, ner can
No. 2 can Salmon (pink) per can
S- fd,?a"iIi!nz,prk and Beans per can"::::::::25c I
u. u, uii uigu i;ruue uorn, per can iic.
Carnation Milk (baby size) 4 cans ok,.
Carnation Mile (tall size) 2 cans SJiZZ 25c
To introduce our guaranteed brand" Elmvale 'coffee"
per pound 30
Money back if it fails to please. Visit our storoTor oflier
Any child visiting this store wjth its parents, who make a
purchase will receive a handsome Calumet school tab
let free.
G09 Locust St. Phone 22W
Matinee 2 p.
U t
Thos. II. Incc's Great Drama of Life and Love.
with all star cast including House Pclcs and Florence Vidor
This picture ran two weeks in Omaha and Denver.
Continued Ueef lloil nnd Ueof Roast 9 Cents per round.
Placo your order this evening for early morning delivery.
Corn Beef (without cabbage) per pound T 10c
10 pound pail of Lard 1 $1.00
4-Sewed Broom 35c
28 Bars Soap $1.00
We handle Purity Ice Cream
McMichael Grocery
L. L. Kratvlllo of ICansas City, a
travollng agent of tho traffic jdopaxt
mont of tho Southorn Pacific Linos,
'visiting her daughter. Miss Irma.
Mrs. Miko McFaddou and children
of Paxton will loavo Sunday for their
homo after visiting at tho homo of her
parontfl Mr. and Mrs. John Horrod.
, Dr. F. W. Miller, Dontist, Keith
Theatre Building.
Mrs. Wm. Nenlo rctunajl to her
home In Charlostown, West Virginia,
yostorday after visiting at tho homo
of hor daughtor Mrs. Keith Novillo. :
Earl Stomp, Director,
- King
- ' Donaldson
Arnold - -'
July 10th
m. and 3;46