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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE T We Have Just Received the Latest Creations in Madam Flanders' Dresses and Blouses. r CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign oi The Big Ring Satisfaction-Sure Try Ui?. Graduate Opticians DB. 0. II. CJtESSLEU GRADUATE DENTIST Qfflco over tbo McDonald Stnto Dank. LOCAL AJfD J'UJISOKAL Mrs. Qlon Connor roturnod to 15. C. Ilutler of St Louis lott yon Koarnoy Wednosday after visiting tcrilay for Kunsas City nftcr visiting MISs Emma Hvorctt. j nt tlio homo of his hrothor S. 13. Dut- 1 Mrs. Wilfred Stuart camo yesterday , lor. from Lexington to spend n fow days at tho W. F. Stack homo. FVcU Vaughn ofi Donvtor James Oulloy Wednesday. 'or Hay Fovor boo Dr. Shafror. Frank Plolstiokor transacted busi ness In Wallaco and Dickons yostor day. Dr. F. W. Miller, Dontist, Keith Thoatro' Building. Georgo Tnayor returned from Ma drid yestorday whoro ho spont a fow days., Mr; rind Mrs. Fayo Drowor of Hor shoy visited Mrs. BcsbIo Show W(jl-nosday. Dr. F. W. Miller, Dontist, Kolth ' Theatro Building. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Trout and son loft tho first of tho wook for Kcarnoy to visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wyman loft for Yollowstono National Park by auto yesterday. Dr. Ii. J. KltAUSl!, Dentist, X-Jiay DlagnoxiK. McDonald Bank Building. Tliono 07. Mrs. Isaac Doats loft yostorday for Choyonno to visit at'tho homo of Mrs. Geo, Artuo. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs' E. R, Clark Wojlnosdny. All concornod aro doing nicely. Cody Boal returned yestorday from Cody, Wyo. whoro ho vlflitod Ills grand mother who is 111. )Mrn. draco Wilson roturnod to hor homo In Maxwoll aftor visiting at tho WnBjyart homo. Fvor llay Fqyor soo Dr, Shaffer. r- Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm, Flkes and son ot St, Louisaro expected today to visit at tho Mlko Hayes homo. Dr. I W. Miller, Dontist, Keith Thoatro Building. Mr. and Mrs. C. Logan of .fllaywood returned to their homo aftor visiting at tho Dean Logan homo. Mrs. Geo. Frator Is in Omaha this wook attending a mooting of tho stato officers of Womon's Clubs. (Misses Sylvia arjl Saujo Fxazlor aro off duty at tho W, Jy O'Connor atoro on thoir vacations. Mrs. John Whlto of HillBdalo, Wyo. and Mrs, Goo. White- of Sutherland shoppod in tho city yostorday. Dr. F. W. Miller, Dentist, Kolth Thoatro Building. Mrs. W. A. O'Donnell and Miss Adolo LoDIoyt will leavo tomorrow for Donvor to spend a fow days. Margaret Walkor wont to Cozad yes torday whoro sho will moot hor father and nccompany him to this city. Mrs. J. McMichaol returned to hor homo in Maywood Wednesday aftor visiting hor daughtor MIsb Irmal Mrs. Josoph Nolan accompanied hor brothor and wlfo Dr. and Mrs. Rolnch to thoir homo In Omaha yestorday. Mtsa Bertha Thoolocko of Omaha I who has boon visiting at tho homo of 1 hor brothor 0. II. Thoolocko and Mls3 Gortrudo Hill of Elmcrook who hasj ' boon visiting nor sister mibs myrno i Hill loft this morning for Los' Angeles ,to spond the summer. :o: ; ! SAY IT WITH FLOWERS j North Platte Floral Co. -Flowors. ! W. Twelfth Streot Phono 1023. We dollvcr and ship nnywhoro. Mr. aiii Mr. John Doltolf and son John arc expected to roturn today from Indiana whoro they have been visiting. , Mr. Deal returned to Fremont yes torday after transacting business !n tho city In tho lnterost of Midland College. Miss Iloso Moriarity returned to hor homo in Grand Island ycstonMay after transacted business In tho city yes terday. Mrs. W. A Bryant and granddaugh ter went to Maxwoll yestorday to nt. oj1 a ,piarty given by 'tho Royal Neighbors. MrB. iThonrpson oD JH)orshoy and guoBt Mrs. Bender oC Philrttoilphl.i tvisjtcd Uocal Jfrlon.Js iand relatives Wednesday.'1 Mrs. W. Potors and chlldron loft yesterday for Myrtle Point, Oregon, to visit at tho homo of her sister MIhs Ethel Kelso. Misses Emma ana Graco Brown who have been guests at tho J. E. Sobas tian homo left Wednesday for ,Penn sylvanla to sponI tho summer . .with thoir paronts. MADE GOOD LOOKING w' ,, That linoleum or oil cloth on your kitchen or bath rooav floor, whon It becomes dull and worn looking, can bo mcjl'o to look almost Uko now again wltli Chl-Namol Llnoloum Finish. It Is heel-proof nnd water proof. STONE'S DRUG STORE). 5 ANNOUNCING THE Coirnnunity Saks SATURD DAY AT. JULY Id. 1 f f Forty or moro North Platto business men have united in a Community Sales Day which will bo held Saturday, July 16th. On this day unusual reductions in prices on Bomo particular articles of merchandise will be made by each of tho parties interested in tho sale. Tho prices at which these articles will bo sold aro guaranteed to bo at or bolow wholesale cost price, and this guarantee is made over tho signatures of the com mittee whoBo names appear below. It is further guaranteed that the ar ticles offered will not bo out-of-date or shelf-worn merchandise, but of tho bes,t class in tho respective lines. There' will bo published in Tho Tribune and Tho Telegraph of next Wook an advertisement from each of the participating merchants telling of tho articles to bo offered and tho prices at which tlioy will be sold, and when you read tho prices tho committeo is certain that you will concludo that Saturday, July lGtli, will bo a real bargain day in North Platte. - ,M. J. FORBES, fly". R. MALONEY, J, Q. WILCOX AltTHUR'IlUSH, II. SAMUBLSON, Committee. i IIP These garments have been selected with the very best 6f care to prove satisfactory to the individual desiring high grade as well as exclusive . mer chandise. . They express, an individuality that other garments do not have. ThilnQnow open for your ap- Do Not Wait Until Best Numbers Have Been Selected. Iran's Exclusive Rcady-to-W hhhj jrOSGL'It 3LIS0X 3I00NEY Joseph M. Mooney was born nt Charleston, Mass., In 18C1 and died at Denver, Colo., July 2, 1921 nt tho ago. of 60 yoars. In 1880 ho camo to Nebraska, settling at Lincoln whoro he wont to work for the Burlington rail road. About a year later ho moved to North Platto and became an employee of tho Union Pacl'fla, entering the train sorvice. Ho was a freight con ductor In 1888 and benmo a passenger conductor In 1898. Until about five years ago ho lived atNorth Platta ;whofo his -family was'ritlscU and his boat years of sorvlco wero given. He joined tho Masonic fraternity In 1890 and roachod the Royal Arch Degree. Mr. Moonoy dlod at 5:45 .last Saturday of spinal monongltls, htfvlng survived his wlfo by only a few months. Tho funoral services wero hold In Donvor anu Interment was mado there.. Fifteen North Platto Masons wore at tho grave, whero tho services wero conducted by members of Platto Valloy Lcjlge No. 32 of this city. The pall-boarers , all Masons and mom- b.ers of tho Ordor of Railway Con ductors, wore Wm. McKoown, Fred Letts, iGoti SnjlOi, Tom Guttshall, Wm. Mlnshall and Geo. Ammond. Two daughters survlvo. They are Miss Rornlco A. Moonoy of Denver and Mrs. Mao Nowman of Marysvllle, Kansas. ' . Emmet Shumway left yesterday for Dr. F. W. Miller, Sidney to transact business. Theatre Building. Dentist, Keith ON SALE ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY. JULY 9th LADIES' Pure Thread, Silk Faced Ffalpjpoof With extra stretch rib top with mock seam Mrs. R. M. Howard of Flats, trans acted buslnoss In tho city. Thomas jOrton and son went to f Omaha and Lincoln Wednesday to transact business. A baby boy was born on tho fourth .to Mr. anjl Mrs. M. M. Baker at tha Platto Vnlloy hospital. Mrs. A. J. Sherwood of Rock Spring, Wyo. arrived Wt(lnesday to visit at the A. F. Phlpps homo. Dr. F. W. Miller, Dentist, Keith Theatre Building. Whon in North Platto stop at the RItnor Hotel. Savo a placo for your family. RooniB 50-75-$l. Thoroly ro novntoti and undor now management. Colors black, white, cordovan, African brown, gun metal, navy. HIRSCHFELD c The Home of Holeproof Hosiery in North Platte. County Collective Exhibit I FACTORY FATIGUE j;t nud its rolatlon to loworod ii moralo and lessenod output j'- j.t j.; The chlot causo of factory fatlguo with its resultant discontent, spollago and less- j;; ened output, says Dr. Har- h rington of tho Massachusetts Inductrial Bureau, B i.t ft j.t j.t j.t It j.t B B j.t it j.t J.t j.t J.t' j.t Jt j.t .t ).t Jt J.t J.t j.t j.t '"comes s.t on moro qujckly from oyo strain than from any amount ot muscular work." Un- . knowingly . most workors Jit aro constantly straining jjj their oyos taxing thoir nei'- ! vous system sapping their energy. ft For hlghor moralo, greater : efficiency and increased out- g pupt from omploycos, it bo hooves manufacturers to in- Hist on proporly corrocted - vision aH a prlmo requisite 't for employment. Workers should bo roforrcjl to com- J( potent Optomotrists for perl- ! odlc eye examinations. ft Exhibits in this class limited to county precinct ex hibits in the name of a society or person";" Nothing herein shall prevent an individual-exhibitor from having his exhibit scored and recelvingqual con sideration for score made. For a collective exhibit it must be grown on the farm of tho exhibitor and cultivated by the exhibitor. $1,000.00 will be divided among the precinct exhibit ors asfollows: lqt $300.00 2nd $225.00 3rd $150.00 4th $100.00 5th $ 75.00 6th s $ 65.00 7th , $ 50.00 8th $ 35.00 Fifty dollars additional will be given to the exhibitor making tho highest score in each precinct, $40.00 to tho second and $30.00 to the third. This does not bar an in dividual from competing for the collective exhibit provided ho obtained exhibits from his own field. Any individual exhibiting stuff from any Held otlir than his own will, bo barred from prize money. Any precinct exhibiting stuff grown in his own fl 1 outside their respective precinct will be barred from t j prize money. S. M. SOUDER, Sec'y. i 4 t t ''. .' ' ' V, V. V. Vt V ' '' V