The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1921, Image 1

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- ,
No. 52
The County Commissioners aro
mooting today to consider tho mat
ter of calling a bond election to voto
money for the special brldgo fund.
Repairs on tho brldgo will cost a
largo sum of money and replace
ments must bo mado at enormous
cost. It Is probablo tbat tho Board
will call an election for sometimo In
AugUBt, at which tlmo tho wholo
county will bo asked to voto bonds
for tho sum needed.
It Is reported on good authority
that beginning August first, Manager
Baldwin will rotiro from tho Keith
Theatro and J7m, Hawloy will as
sume charge. Mr. Hawloy now oper
ates tho Sun and at prcsont tho Cry
stal is closed so that Mr. Hawley will
have charge of all tho movlo houses
in tho city. Somo of theso hot nights
ho might juBt as weol closo ono of
tho two houses as either can hold
all of tho people who want to bo in
doors.. An outdoor m'ovlo would cer
tainly be popular on hot summer
Servico men in tho employ of tho
JPost Office Departmnt aro to receive
credit in point of service for tho full
timo they were in tho 'Unitojl States
Army or Navy during the great war.
This applies only to city clerks and ,
carriers. Thoso peoplo enter tho ser
vico at 'a fixed salary and advanco
$100 a year tor four years. By tho
now law or ruling each is given cred
it for tho time spent In tho war "and
draws back pay.- Somo of tho local
post office forco have received sovoral
hundred dollars back pay recently
on this account and it has beon very
much appreciated: M .A $$t
A copy of tho program of the Eighth
Grade Promotion Exorcios of the
Long Beach (Cal.) city schools has
boon received hero which contains the
names of two former North Platte
girls. Thoy aro Edith McLane, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLano and
Genoviove Selby, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Solby. Tho program open
ed with a one-half hour concert by
tho Long Beach Municipal Band. Tho
exorcises wore interspersed with ad
dresses and songs about tho school
bond election which was hotyl Juno 24.
At that timo bonds to tho amount of
nearly two million dollars woro voted
on and carried.
Victor VonGoetz was tolling tho
othor day about tho early days of flro
fighting in North Platto. It seems that
each of tho men in tho shops had a
bucket in which ho washed himself at
tho closo of his! day's work. During tho
day theso buckets woro piled in the
corner. When a firo alarm was sound
ed, tho buckets woro seized an!3 the
lite ltf-6Lafc
Txrc (hvi. HtriC
wholo forco rushed to tho nonroht
ipump or well. This was a simplo
mothod of fighting flro but it Bavert
many a building from destruction and
possibly tho wholo town might havo
gono at times if the flro had had no
Ono of tho most uniquo exhibits' of
tho Fourth of July parado was that by
tho North Platte Flro Department. A
wagon camo first on which was a bar
rel and some buckets with V. Von
Goetz, Davo Scott ar I Judge Sullivan.
This represented tho firemen and tho
equipment in 1867 when tho depart
ment was first organized. Following
this was tho hoso cart of 1S8S and tho
hook and laddor wagon of 1889 which
wore quite an advance over tho bar
rel and buckets. Then camo a motor
truck bought in 1912, then tho chemic
al bought in 1918 and lastly tho mon
stor now ongino and truck- which Is
tho latest thing out Each piece of ap
paratus was manual by Uio men" who
wore members of tho department nt
tho timo it was in use.
Leigh Carroll jf tho North Platto
Flour Mills spent last week at tho
Flour Millers Convention at Chicago.
Ho reports this ono of tho most inter
esting mcotings ho over nttended. Tho
speakers wore of national and inter
national Importfince Jncludjfng tho
Secretary of Agriculture, Admiral
Bonson of the U. S. Shipping Board,
C. H. Gustafson, president of tho U. 3
Grain Growers and many others of
similar note. At this timo, when con
ditions financially are in such peculiar
shapo, theso National mcotings are of
particular importance There is no
industry moro important to tho grain
growers and tho country as a whole
than tho flour milling industry and
this fact was recognize by all tho
speakers. Unrestricted trading in grain
futures was unanimously condomnod
by this convention and Bupport.pledgqd
to Mr. Gustafson in his efforts to build
up a marketing organization that will
assist in stabilizing markets.
' ;o:
e - CAMPGROUNDS, a."."-
Tho different groups of tho local
Campfire girls will hold a joint camp
boglnning August 8 and closing Aug
ust 13. Thls will bo at tho now camp
grounds just mrth of tlif North River
Bridge.- The feo for tho' six days
will bo flvo dollars. This will in
clude all expenses of tho camp.
Tho lodgo at tho Campfire girl
camp has not been furnished yet. It
needs all kinds of furniture and u
tenslls tq mako, It complete. Tho
Campfiro council does not havo mon
ey enough to buy theso things so
donations aro in order. Mrs J. D.
Cox has given a couch and bodsprings,
Mrs. Harry Cramer a couch and a
chair and Wm. Waldorf a new uten
sil for cooking potatoes. Donations
Bhould bo givon to Miss Janet Ms
Donald or Miss Sarah Kelly. Ono of
tho first necdB Is a kitchen range.
Mrs. F E. Barber is looking after
this want and would bo glad to hear
from any one having a second hand
wj (kt.
11. D. Luto, Secretary of tho Nob-!
raska Farm Bureau Federation hri'si
Issued calls for each of tho County,
Farm Bureaus to hold mcotings onj
Monday, July 11. In response to thisfi
call, S. J. Koch, president of tho Lin
coln County Farm Bureau has given
out tho following statomont:
A lottor just rocoived from II. D.
Luto. Sccrotary of tho Nebraska Farm"
Bureau Federation, asked us to lioldtfM ,mndo Us rPOrt tho roport
a general mooting at tho County
Agont's Offlco in North Platto nt 2
o'clock p. m., July 11th. Tho purpos
of this mooting is to got a dlrcc
roport from tho farmers to Congrofw
on the following:
1. Tho causes of tho recent condition
of agriculture. .
2. Tho causo of tho difference be
tween tho prices of agricultural pro
ducts paid to Uio producor and tho
ultimato cost to tho consumer.
3. Tho comparative condition of
industries other than agriculture.
4. Tho relation of prices of commod
ities other than agricultural products
to such products.
5. Tho banking and financial r6
sourcos of tho country especially as
effecting agricultural products. r
G. Tho markoting and transport
ation facilities of tho country.
Thoso reports will bo taken in a
manner similar to court records. Wo
urge upon you tho very great necess
ity of bolng present with as. many In
fluential farmers as you can bring.-
Tho importance of Uio move may bo
indicated from tho following quct
ation from'Mr. Luto's letter:
"Permit me !to, observe, that 1
Am or lean. TFiarm Bureau, Jfpderatlpnil , . . - tor
t. .''T -t.t-. rv . rmuratr-Coates .Lumber Cq,. S25,
has never iindortakon a moro raport-T J '
ant project than this. If wo obtain
Uie mind of the farmer himself as to
what Is the matter with his buslnesi
nml iiroannt li!a fwnnrlnnMH. tnirnlher
...... V... 1 . I
with his suggestions for remedying
present conditions, tho Farm Bureau
will havo challenged tho admiration
from both Congross and tho Public."
Wo do not bollovo that any other
form organization wiU bo able to
present so convincing and completo
Unusual Selection.
Unusual Response.
The interest in our July Sale lias increased day-by-day.
Have YOU been in? The savings are worthy, your attention.
White Buck with two straps and
military heel. Was $8.50 now
Price $3.95.
Black Satin $6.95 Walking Oxfords $4.95
a case, based on actual facta from
tho grass roots. Wo solicit most
oarnostly your co-oporatlon In carry
ing out this project to tho lasting
bonoflt of tho organization nnl agri
culture as a whole."
I rcalizo that this Is a very busy
tlmo and nlso roallzo Uio very croat
Importanco of hho Information wn
may got nnd hopo that you will seo
tho necessity of spondlng at loaat
ono-half day in helping yourself nnd
Very Truly,
By S. J. Koch, Pros
Tho committee of Judges of tho
Fourth of July parado at North Platto
has boon nccopted by the Parado com
jnittoo. This roport wan not ready
Limtll aftor our last issuo but Is pro-
sontod now for tho Information of
thoso who did not got tho report yet
: Tho prizes awarded wero as fol
lows: Buslnoss float, roprcsontativo of
tho buslnoss nnd for oxcollonco of
Lflecorntiou, firstLiberty Lanjcl Co.,
$35; socond Johnson Department
Store. 515; Business boat, mechanical
and representing tho buslnoss, first
Icndy-Oglor.Auto Co., $26; eocond
Willnrd Battory Station ?10; Comlo
Prensontatlon. first Nicafisren Cnmn-
firo, $10; second North Platto Firo
.department in 18G7, $5; Organization
boats, first Royal Nolghbora of A-
JmerlcnJ $35; socond Daughters of
Uio American RovoluUon, $15; Or
ganizations on footj. first -Brotherhood
of Railway Carmen, $35; second
--War Mothers, $25; Blcyclo and rld
or, first Myron Hlrschfold; $3;
JPushmobllo, first Orrin Romigh, $3;
fsccond Dolan Sebastian, $2; Baby
.carriaco and baby, first Mrs. Frud
;Loudon, $5; Privately owned card,
Ifirst Henry P. Hansen $5; Finest
uocorateu vemcio witn smgio urivor,
first Mrs. Ed Whoolock, $15; SoVldla
horso, first Ed Todenhoff, 10; Team
Mr and Mrs. Olo Rasmusson and
family loft Wednesday for a two
weoks vacation "In Colorado. Thoy
expect to visit Denver Colorado
, Springs, Estes Park and other points
Frank Patty and Hugh Carson of
Fonda, Iowa stopped ovdr Wednesday
to visit friends onrouto to tho coast
whoro Uioy will spend tho summer,
Mrs. C. Hallowny of Grant shoppod
in Uio city yesterday.
Unusual Savings.
nl.H?fK nnrnna in n U'lilff 'n?l
W.,v,Uj;i.ylWVVU,W v.....v. ......
cloth with high Lewis Heels.
Price $5.96.
Black Kid baby Lewis heol and
a two strap pump."
Price $5.95.
During tho past lhvo wooka .tho
United 8tn(W3 has been ottorin) n
sorvlco to Uio peoplo of this part of
tho stato which no ono soemB to know
about. This is tlto latest markot re-
ports, Hashed horo four or fivo tlmos
a day from tho commorclal confers
of tlib east and flashed from North
Platto to government and nmatour
stations throughout tho central part
of tho country. Yesterday wo Baw tho
roports which woro rocoived hero
only a short tlmo ago. Thoy covered
tho facts wanted about tho markets
on all of Uio moro common Uvo stock
and agricultural products. Thoao re
ports aro furnlBhol to tho Pogt Offlco
air mall wireless department by the
Bureau of Market of the Unltoa Statos
govornmont. Thoy are rocoived horo
at about 9:30 a.m, 12 m. 5 p. m. a"d X
p m. nml pcmotlmai li lotwcon.
Tho idea of tho govornmont Is tint
theso latest markets can bo distribut
ed from tho various ccntoro by phono,
nowspapor, mail and other wlrolss.
Somo towns nro planning on oroctlng
an amateur wlroloss station. Whon
ovor markets aro rocoived horo thoy
aro sont out broadcast Any ainatour
station can take thorn up and uso
them. Porsons in this immcdlato vie
lnlty can got tho vory latest by calling
tho statioi by phono in tho day tlmo.
Tho station Is open from 4 In tho
morning until 8:30 In tho evening.
County Agent Kollogg announces &
mooting at tho MoPhorson School
JiousoaouUi'ot-Maxwcll on; Jklonday,
July ll'at 8:30 and a' mooting nt Jack
Morrow Flats school houso on Friday
July, 15. At each of hoso mooting
ho will show a ot of slides entitled
"Pure Bred Slros." Theso arc good
Slides and tho mcoUiigs Bhould ho
well nttonded. They nro froo.
Tho Plonoor Campfiro girls under
tho nllrocloln of Mrs. C. B. McRoy
nolds nro serving tho Rotary Club
dlnnors this month at tho Prosby
terlan Church and tho men aro comp
llmontlng thorn vory highly on their
first dlnnor last Tuesday.
Miss Margory Wobb who has boon
a guest at tho Mono McFnrland homo
for tho past month will leavo for
her homo in Bedford, Iowa Sunday,
Sho will bo accompanied to Omaha
by Mrs. M. McFarland and Miss
Mabollo McFarlaiil
Mrs. Nora Welch of Pnxton unrto--wont
an operation at tha Pintle Va.1
loy hospital this morning.'
Every Norlfi PlaUe Worker
Has a Chance to iSave
SHOSE who save cgme in tfme to own their homes and
business. They are the' substantial, prosperous
citizens of the future. To them the Savings Department
of the First National Bank offers every encouragement.
It pays 5 per cent on Savings Accounts compounded
semi-annually and It has a friendly Interest In every
The First National Bank,
Of North Platte, Nebraska
Member Federal Reserve System t
On Tuostlay afternoon quite a crowd
of people gnthorcd at tho Fair
Grounds to boo tho races which wero
postponed from tho Fourth s on ac
count of tho rain. In tho Ford flvo
mllo rnco, Bullock won first, Simon
second 'and Coopor thlr)l. Rhlloy won
tho 10-mllo Lincoln County Special in
12:30 wlUi Bullock socond and Rico
third. Tho last raco vn3 tho 20-mllo
Nobraska Swoopstnkes for $1250.
Rhlloy won in 24:52, Rico Bocorid and
Bullock third. It was easy for Rhiloy
and as a result of winning tho big raco
for throo consocutlvo times ho gets
tho big cup offoretl by tho Chamber
of Commorco.
At a mooting hold nt tho Bile's Club
ybstorday, a numbor of local flro in
surance men talked ovor tho,, proposi
tion of organizing for Uio, big stato
convention to bo hel horo next year.
It Was decided that a local fratornlty
would bo started, having for Us ob
ject tho support of' right principles
and opposition to bad practlcos in
flro underwriting. It was proposed to
baso tho annual duos on tho annual
premium lncomo of tho agency or a
gont, with a minimum duos of flvo )dol.
lnrs. Thoso who aro interested, in thu
firo iusurnnco business aro urged to
confer with R. D. Rnsniusson or J.
Ii Sobaslian in rogard to tho, matter
so that tho organization can bo com-
pletcd au soon as possible and. that
ovory man eligible wlll bocomo a
A vory protty wedding took plnco
Thursday afternoon at four o'clock
July 7 at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
A. tVV. Schleicher of Brady ;whon
thoro daughter Frolda becamo tho
bride of Byron R. HixBon of Casper
Wyo. Qnly tho Immediate rolatlvos
!nridv;fnl6ndB'.qt .tho brldo and 'groom
woro prosent. Rov Talbot of uothon
burg read tho marriage lines. Miss
Hazel HixBon, sister of tho groom
noted an bridesmaid and Irwin Sch
lalohor, brother of tho brldo ns best
man. A delicious wedding diunor was
sorved immediately aftor tho cere
mony The young couplo left thl3
morning for Donvor and other west
orn points on thoir honeymoon. Mrs.
Hlxson has lived in Brady most of
her llfo nnd has mado a hoBt of
frlonds by nor gonial dlsposlton. Mr.
HixBon Is tho pon of Mr. and Mr.
II. C. Hlxson of North Platto and is
iongnged in business in Wyoming,
whoro tho brldo and groom will mako
their future homo. Tho best wishes
of all their friends go with them to
thoir now homo.
Tho Altar Society of the Catholic
Church belli a lawn social Inst evon
ing on iho Poroohlal school hou?3
1" n. A. pleasant ovonlng Wns spent.