The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 05, 1921, Image 1
. Ik THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTER NEB., JULY 5, 1921. . I. J it- . i 4 h No. 51 4th of July Auto Races wi ternoon at Jfartl -patte $tm WuM$- wtimm, 11 be Rue This Af 3 o clock ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT PEO PLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE. As wo go to press wo learn that the auto races will bo hold this aftor- nygti, at throo o'clock If It Is not raining. "Weatherman Shilling Is pre dicting fair weather and says it Is Clearing up In tho west. Tho Ameri can Legion Carniwal will also bo hold this evening if tho weather Is favorable. Tho new band stand and Judges stand at tho Fair Grounds proved to bo a delusion and a snare. When tho rain camo tho roof leaked and It was discovered ttiat tho real roof ing was still rolled up under tho floor. The judges and tho baud boys were tho wettest people out there. The Chamber of Commerce Band, twonty-ilvo in number was employ ed to give a concert at the Court Houso Park last night and tho con cert was given on schedule time. Only a fow peoplo huddled in tho little north porch of the Court House or sat in their cars out In tho streets. "The band never sounded hotter." If John. E. Evans had been here yesterday, there would havo been a United States flag at tho head of tho parado. In later years ho never fail ed to bo there himself with Old Glory or to havo someone else carry .tho standard. Won't someone ,take up this work and see that no patri otic parado over -happens In North Pfatte again wiTlIout the flag at its head. Ron rts from tho Freo Auto Cnnin Ground aro to tho effect that G23 1 tourist autos used tho crouiils dur i ing tho month of Juno. During Juno ; a vear aco the number was'184. Count- Inc an averauo of four passengers to n nn.- wn iinvr 9. snn lmnnin nr nhont ! . .1 ninety people every uuy bpuuu.nt. some time on tho grounds. Some stay ed two or "three days, others only a few hours. It means something to North Platto to bo located on tho Lin coln Highway. County Treasurer Souder has issu ed 3,577 automobile licenses so far this year. This Is not all tlio automo , biles in tho County for somo havo a ' vnidPil nnvintr tho licenso to (Into and others aro keeping their cars at home on account of tho expense. Mr. Souder, has plans for getting thcT rest of the . auto owners to pay up when ho gets , around to collect ho will get tho money. ' Tho prico of gasollno which wo aro informed has boon higher hero ' In North Platto than at places oastj or west of us was reduced tho last of , tho week to 22 cents. This places us in tho class with tho other towns on 1 tho Lincoln Highway. , . Wo aro not ablo to announco the' prizo winners in tho Fourth of July parado as tho judges lid not have tho right amount of money at their disposal and awarded too many priz es. Tho matter will have to bo gone ovor again unless moro money is raised. Tho Nebraska Tolephono Co. filed moro than two million dollars worth of property In Nebraska to tho Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Wo saw tho papers which woro filled in Lincoln County and tho thing that struck us most was tho rovonuo stamps. Thoro woro two one-thousand dollar stamps and a lot ot other of smaMor denominations. Tho thousand dollar stamps wero about as big as four ordinary postago Btamps and woro mighty interesting to a printer. No mm ojin nxninln whv we h.ivo moro children In North Platto' this year than wo had a year ago. Tho school census shows 149 moro boys and girls of school ago now than at this time last year. Tho general im--prasslou lias been that somo peoplo had moved away from our city when tho shops closed nnd work became hard to get Now comes the state ment that wo havo increased rather moro thhn uMif.1. Slnco Mr. Elliott lino taken tho census for a number of years wo cannot accuse him of not getting all of tho chldron last year for lit Is a cry careful in his rounds to get all that should be gotten. Tho census Is rJglit and'-wo havo tha chll dren, so wo may just'as well make tho ,bcst Bp glad that W.aj thorn and go to work trying to make Nortli Platto a better place in which to raise them. --.o:: What might have been a serolus lire w as j-;.ntoa m a uuie air 11010 oe twoon tho sldownjk and tho building now occupied by the Btono urug co. yesterday about noon. A Are cracker thrown Into tho holo Is believed to ' !i n'n lmnn Mm nniitirt Tim ilnnnrf- " mem responded but tno nro was pm. oat without turning on tho water. A fire clarm was turned In Sunda? nght from 203 W. Eighth whero a garage was on fire. The building was used by a Mr. Greeno but" inquiry nt headquarters faildl to dlscloso which ono. An auto vvalued at $1300 was a total loss. The blazo was ex tinguished by tho department.- Mr. and Mrs. Chr3. Hirsch pud daughter Miiirea ieit una morning for Ohio to visit relatives for several weeks. Miss Gladys Coker of Suthorland Is tho guest of Mss Ruth Szemoro this WGek- THE FOUKTH AT NORTH PLATTE DAY STARTS OUT HRIGHT RUT A GOOD JtAIN FALLS FROM WO O'CLOCK ON Tho Fourth of July started at daybreak with tho firing of salutes by tho boys and moro enthusiastic, young men. Later the flags began to appear and by nlno o'clock thoro was hardly a store or a homo that did not display tho national colors in somo way. At ton o"clock tho big parado formed on south Locust and travorsed tho prplncipol Btreots of tho city. Headed by Chief Splllner and his aides on horseback the long lino of marchers, horses, autos and other attractions filled tho streots with life and color and hold tho attention of throngs of peoplo along tho sidelines. Following tho parade, exercises were hold on tho Court Houso 'lawn. Tho North Platto Ladies Band played several numbers. which wero highly appreciated. Tho Httlo children representing the 17 nations sang America and carried Americnn flags. J. G. Beeler spoko' on nationalization and Amoricon lzatlon and was roundly applauded. Miss Anna Kramp thrilled her hear ers with tho words of patriotism as sho presented badges to those who havo become 21 sinco last Fourth. Following these oxerclseB, many picnic parties wero held In the differ ent paries and then tho people began to turn toward tho race grounds whore the bfg auto races wero to bo held. At two o"clock'a big crowd had assembled at tho Fair Grounds arid tho -.races. ;began. .The first vaB,S(U Ford race with soven entries. The three miles were covered in 4:17 by Noel Bullock with Peter Meyer second and Paul Simon third. Tho Lincoln County Special was started next but Just' then tho rain started' and nfter tho first lap the race was called as tho cars could not keep tho track. Everyone started for homo upon tho announcement that the ! - - - wn,,l,l hn v.,n thn following day " - - if tho weather would permit. Tho rain kept on all the rest of tho Uip and tho two carnivals and tho other out door attractions wero out of tho question. Tho picture houses wero crowded early as was tho dance at tho K. C. Hall. It was a million dollar rain but it put a close to tho celebration almost as soon as tho first drops fell. SCOUTS CLOSE FIRST CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN WITH AWARD ING OF CARDS. Tho Boy Scouts have completed tho first round oi tho Clean-Up cam paign and havo given out tho 100 per cent cards. Many householders havo placed these cards in tho win dows and aro justly proud of them. Tho scouts will make another in spoctlon during August and at that time will award cards to any who did not got around to put their places in rood shapo beforo thft first campaign. Scout Executive Step hens announces this morning that ho will bo glad to look ovor any place which was ovorlooked by tho scouts or whero thoro is any dis satisfaction about tho roward. Ho asks any ono to call him by phono If thoro is any question on tho mat ter. . GIANT FLAGPOLE IS ERECTED IN FRONT OF CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, An iron flag polo, measuring oighty foot from tlto ground to the glided ball on tho top, was erected in the parking nt tho wost entrance to tho Central High School. It was shipped in sections, bolted together, and tho Joints watorproofejd. Tho polo Is set In a block ot concroto which Is flvo foot deop and four feet across. It wns purchased by tho Class of 1920 and presented to tho schools. No flag has boon yet found which Is big onough to mnkp a showing on this polo. ' :o: Miss Harriot Murrln left this morn ng for Grand Island to ontor business college. - -DRIVING AT THE RACE TRACK SATURDAY. After tho preliminaries last Sat urday afternoon, Mrs. Alvnra Nolson traveling partner ot Nool Bullock In their aviation stunts, nsked Mr. Bul lock if sho might drive tho car about tho track a few timos Just to boo how fast sho could go or something of that kind. Bullock reluctantly al lowod hor to do this and after sev eral laps sho apparently lost control of tho machine and it wont ovor. Sho was instantly killed. Hor faco and body woro horribly crushed, ono log and ono arm broken nnd death was instantaneous. Mr. Bullock not ified her relatives and her husband camo nnd took tho body to Boise, Idaho whero sho formerly lived. It was reported that sho nnd Mr Bul lock woro to havo been married soon but that has boon donicd. 10: BODY OF MAN DROWNED IN THE PLATTE MAY HE HERE AT NORTH PLATTE. Tho relatives of Carl Lance who fraB drowned In tho South Platto rivor noar Ogallala Sunday Juno 2Gth nro offering a reward of $250.00 for tho recovery' of the body. When drowned Lanco was twenty flvo years of ago. holght five foot olght and ono half In ches, light hair nil dressed in Blue Overalls with white stripo and bluo shirt. If body resembling description is recovered from tho rivor any whore along Its course ootify Charles Lnnco, Grant, Nebraska. If identified roward will be paid promptly. Mr. Lanco was wading In thq rivor. and stopped Into a hole; Ho never camo iip. :o: LESfS RAIN IN JUNE THAN FOR NINE GEARS AND TEMPERA TURE HIGH. Tho monthly report of Woathorman Shiling for tho month of Juno shows tho highest temperature to havo boon 95 and tho lowest 50. Tho avorago was 72 which 1b 4 degrees nbove the normal. Tho total precipitation was onci and ono-third inches. Tho nor mal for Juno is throo nnd one-fourth Inches. Sinco "tho first of tho year wo aro 3.G9 Inches of rainfall behind tho normal. Tho strongest wind wan 21 miles an hour. Thoro woro 13 cloar days, 11 partly cloudy and 0 cloudy. :o: THE SCHOOL CENSUS OF NORTH PLATTE SHOWS A HEALTHY GAIN OVER LAST YE AIL Fred Elliott, census enumerator for tho Board of Education of North Platte, has just complete taking thu school cenRus for this year. On Julv 1st thoro were 2,553 children of school age residing within the limits of the school district. Of those, 1,290 aro boys and 1,203 nro girls. This Is an Inn-caff of H9 ovor tho census tnlcon a year ago. n" CARNIVAL AND DANCTJ TO DI3 HELD TinS EVENING IF WEATIHSIt TERSnTS. Tho Legion announced this morn ing that thoy would hold tholr earn ival and danco this ovonlng if the woathor permits. Tho boys mado el aborate preparations for a big carn ival, ono that would pleaso overy- boby and it is hoped that tho poo plo can enjoy tho fun. :o: ASIERIOAN LEGION ANNOUNCES 1820 AS LUCIvY NUMBER. FOR ESSEX OAR- ino holdor of tho tickot 1320 can havo his Essex car by notifying tho tho Americnn Legion. Tho tickot was paid for by A, A. Thornburg, an Amorlcan Legion man but It is not knpwn yet whether ho sold tho tick ot or bought It for himself. :o: Miss Bethol Waldo returned to Tor- ry, Montana thlB morning nfter vis itlng nt tho homo of hor hrothor Glen Waldo. Miss Gladys Cooper returned to Suthorland this morning after cole brating tho Fourth in tho city. MIsa Flla Knrrlgpr nnd grandfath or W, II. Grinstoad of MUtonvlllo, Kansas, nrrivefl this morning to, visit at tho homo of tho formor's father WOMAN WAS A VICTIM OF PAST ,Goo. Karrigor. LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS JN TUB VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF " THE CITY. PI11LOS GUNA CLUB Will bo entertained .Wednesday nt tho homo of Mrs. W. V. Hoagiand. ANN HAZELTINE Mooting with Mrs. Ell Hanson ,003 south Pino, Thursday afternoon. CAMPF1RE COUNCIL Will meet at tho homo of Mrs. M, El Crosby Thursday ovonlng- at 3 o'clock. BAP.TIST Bible Group moots Thursday after noon with Mrs. P. M.' Soronson .107 cast Second street. -x. CHURCH HELPERS will bo ontortaincd Friday after noon at tho homo of Mrs. Jung, G02 West Cth. Sho will bo assisted by Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Howard. PRESBYTERIAN AID 1 Will moot in tho church basement Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A cooking demonstration will bo given at 3:30. Mrs. Bowon and Mrs. O. n. Elder wll act aa hostesses. ::o:: SOUTH SIDE FARMERS SEND WORDS AF APPRECIATION TO SEp. RARE. June 27, 1921 To Ira L. Bare, See. Chamber ot Commorco, , North Platte, Nobr. VotliQ .undorbigned far mors and otiiors, wno 4invo crossed on mo ter ry and foot bridge and used tho trnnw portatlon so gonorously provided for our accommodaton by . tho North Platto Chamber ot Commorco, horoby express our appreciation ot tho cour tesy and assistance thus rendered to us: Scott Roynolds Fred M. McClymont J. K. Browning John Hahlor Fred Grulko 3 t 1 J. T. Lloyd W. A. KelBO M. C. Westfall Georgo Rhodus -Blancho Mylando'r Mrs. II. A. Shanor G. W. Eddy J. H. Johnston Carl Swarp Ernest Swartz, V. E. Sodormnn , Bort McMurtry J. P. Collins Norman Whito J. L. Zolgor J. V. DIonor. Marshall Orton Robert Freeze r ? V-.'. K Llojl Well Julius Schram. W. O. Nunamacher.. O. C. Nunamnchor Rohort Kunkol Frank Facka P. O. Mullikon W. P. Snydor Roy Swartz F. W. Connoally J. A. Souorman Harry DIonor W. W. Huntor M. Craven. MIsbos Grace and Emma Brown camo yostprday from Yakima, Wash., whero they havo boon teaching dur ing the post yoar. Thoy aro guests at tho J. E. Sebastian homo. Botli woro toachors in tho city schools in North Platto laist yoar. Thoy aro onrouto to their homo in Pennsyl vania whero thoy will spend tho ro mnlndor of tho wlntor. Mrs Mary Thornburg loft this morning for Soldier Summit, Utah, to visit at tho homo of hor daughtor Mrs. Geo. Day. Miss Anna O'Connoll roturnod to Grand Island thts mornng aftor spondng a fow days wth hor parents Mrs. Frank Palmor roturnod to hor homo in Suthorland this morning nf tor colobrating tho Fourth in tho ccty. Mrs. Dorothy Joffors wont to Ogala la this morning to transast business. R. C. HASTINGS HOLDS LUCKY NUMBER AND WINS THE ESSEX CAR. R. C. Hastings, S03 oast Second street, hold tho luoky number yosfor day. 1320 wsb tho number that drew tho car. It was announced Inst ev ening that A. A. Thornburg won tho cor but this was u mistako.ns Mr. Thornburg an Amorlcnn Loglon mem bor turnc)L in tho monoy for that numbor, having sold tho tickou :o: SWIMMING HOLE TO RE MADE SAFE IF ORGANIATION IS EFFECTED. O. F. Tomplo this niornng on his own responsibility issuod n call for a mooting this ovenlng at tho Franklin Auditorium, of all men and women Interested in swimming. Ho wants to c-rgunlzo an association of swim mors to moko tho sport safe Ho has In mind tho cmplomeut- of an export lifo savor who lives in thlB city .now. This man would bo on duty from din ner Umo until dark. Ho with othor volunteer swimmers would seo that no ono who could not swim went out of his depth, woulJ assist them ' In learning to pwlm and would in omer Bency help thoso who can swim. Tho mcnllng is to bo hold at tho Franklin AuditoWuin this ovonlng at S p. m. Eyorcyono Intorostod In Invited. ittOI 1;- LOCAL ANI PERSONAL M1bb EJlslo Coatcs of (Sutherland spont yesterday In tho city. Dixon olnlists. Optical Co., EyoHight Spo- T. A. Roborts roturnod to SIdnoy yestorday after visiting local frionkls. John Vandovoar of Wallaco trans acted buslliosa in tho city, yoatorday. Margaret Walker roturnod from Suthorland Saturday, .where sho yaB the guost of fiiendSi ' ' Mrs. Georgo Andorson returned, to hor homo in , Brady Saturday after shopping In tho city. Clinton & Son, Graduato .Opticians. rrv us for sorvlce. 1 Jtfr. and Mrs. John. Llona of Omaha woro guosts of Mr, and Mi8- S. E. Butler ovor tho Fourth. MIsb' Francis Wcstrlng of Lincoln, Nobr. camo Sunday to visit at th) homo of Miss Violet Maddox. Jack Rauo camo ijrom Kaarnoy Saturday to spend tho Fourth -with Ills parents Mr. aujl Mrs. J. Rauo. Mrs, P. J. Maddlgan returned la hor homo In Minneapolis, Mliin. after visiting nt tho Goo. Karrigor home. Mrs, Roscoo Zlminor and daughter Gladys camo from Coznl Saturday to visit at tho W. II. LoDloyt home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Brogan ot Koy stono came Sunday to visit nt tho homo.ot tho lattor's Blstor Mrs. Pearl Mnd;lox. Loiils Trexlor who . is, ompjoygjl In Fairmont. .alu cania- Saturday to spend tho Fourth with his mother Mrs, Geo. Troxlor. Miss Fannie Small loft Saturday for Mont'or, Kansas after visiting at ;tho homo of hor sister Mrs. Glen Waljdo for sovoral months. Mrs, Ghas. Robertson returned to hor homo In Omaha this morning aftor visiting at tho homo of hor par onts Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Thompson. Migs Bettlo Turpto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Turplo roturnod from Fondulac, Wis., where sho lias been attonding school during tho winter months. Troops 3 and 5 of tho Boy Scouts took nn ovornlght hlko to Dick's grovo Friday and ennio homo Saturday morn ing. About thirty boys wont and thov must havo had a good tlmo from tho reports which thoy gavo. upon their return. Scoutmaster Floyd Daniels was with them, Tho North Platto Battery and Elect rical Co. has takon possession of the wost room in tho now building at the cornor of Locust and Sixth Streots. Joss Sharp Is tho Manager. Tills is tho Vosta Station which was formerly lo cated in tho building noxt to the Rlt nor Hotol. Mr. Sharp has fixed up a vory" convenient eloctrio station thoro and is redjly to look after tho oloctrlc al noods ot any kind of automobile,