The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 01, 1921, Image 1

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He Jflorth
No. 50
Encouraging roports nro coming in
from tho farmers regarding their part
in tho parado for tho Fourth. They
are promising teams, riding horse's
and decorated automobiles. Tho prizes
offorod malco it worth while to take
a littlo timo and maqe a littlo ofTort
to win tho money.
A wiro was received yostorday from
Loo Rico of Ardmoro, Oklahoma, say
ing that ho will bo hero with a car
that has been built to tako away tho
big money in tho auto races Monday.
Ilico is one of the most daring follows
on tho track and if tho car will stay
by him ho will show such speed as
has not been seen before on this trade eighty feet of tho Suther
land bridgo went out about two weoka
ago, it loft tho western part of the
County in bad shapo. Commissioner
Coker was on tho job though and1 ho
'started things. Ho got some piling
from ono placo, somo planks from an
othor, a stato pilo driver was loaded
-on tho train and taken to Sutherland
arid men Wero securol Tho pilo driver
was moved down to tho river. A pilo
was floated down tho river, tho crane
picked it up, put It In placo, tho pilo
driver settled it into tho river. The
procoss was repeated, somo planks
woro put in place, tho tractor pile
drivor movc(:$ forward and tho Suth
erland bridgo was opened for traffic
last Monday morning. It waB a fortun
ate pleco of business all around but
Commissioner Coker was responsible
for tho whole thing.
They aro bound to have ,a bridge on
tho Fourth of July. When tho spans
of the' South rivor bridgo-wentout; tho
Commissioners and the Stato Aid men
wont to work on a plan to build a
temporary structure alongside the
repair work to bo done. Tho machin
ery is in placo and piles are being
driven but when it was soen that thoy
would hardley havo tlmo to get this
bridge completed by tho Fourth, tho
Highway commissioner and other offi
cials got to work with tho Chamber
of Commerce men and decided to puti
a toniporary structure across from j
tho bridgo to tho fill and so span the,
chasm, work began on this part of the
bridgo this morning and we are as
sured that it will bo completed by
Saturday night.
We havo before us a copy of the
Eastlelgh Weekly News published
in England. It contains an account
of tho death of Abraham Barra
clough, brother of Fred Banv.
clough of this city. Wo quote -as
follows: Mr. Barraclough, who
was 70 years of age, was held in
'groat esteem by n largo number of
friends. Ho had hold tho position or
foreman in tho iron foundry of the L.
and S. W. It. R. locomotlvo ddpart
mont for 45 years. Ills judicious
tempermont anil gontlo disposition
woro characteristics that endeared
him to all who wero privileged to act
with him as colleagues. Ho holdlho
position of chairman of tho locomo
tlvo shop's' Foreman's association in
Eastlolgh and at tho inauguration of
a branch of tho National Foreman's
Association at Eastlolgh ho was tho
first chairman and retained the place
until two years ago whon bo had to
relinquish It owing to ooor health.
Upwards of 80 of tho mon employed
in tho iron foundry followed tholr
old foroman on his last journey and
four of his old colleagues roverontly
lowered tho old leador to his final
resting placo."
Somo ugly rumors have been com
Ing out of Lexington with no ono ap
parently on whom to fix tho respon
sibility. Somo of tho supporters of
tho Lexington racos on tho Fourth,
havo spread tho roport that there woro
only two entries in tho North Platte
racos, that Rhiley had cancelled IiIb
entry at North Platto anjl would race
at Loxlngton and othor stuff of a sim
ilar naturo. Somo peoplo may bo fool
ed by It but It is probablo that It will
not bo swallowed by many people
without Bomo questioning. A wlro last
night assured tho manager that Rhiley
will bo hero on tho Fourth, prepared
to tako tho honors of tho big races.
Manager Romlgh said last night that
ho had fourteen entries an)l that as far
as, ho could find out ovory ono of thm
would bo on hand Monday.
The reports arc supposed to havo'
been started by somo enthusiasts
for tho races at Loxlngton with tho
hope that it would advance tho inr
terest in tho races lliero. However,
there Is yet tlmo to correct all mis-,
statements and allow everyone to)
chose where" ho will celebrate. 1
The American Legion did not
wait until tho Fourth of July to
open Its carnival. It decided to open
Saturday night and then bo on hand
again Monday. Tho big platform In
tho Btreot for tho open air danco
Is being built today and tho con
cessions aro to be placed at once.
A canvas wall Is to Inclose tho
grounds with an entrance on tho
north fcide. Tho Ladles Band will
furnish music for the occasion. Tho
admission Is ono dollar. Evory person
admitted gets a freo chance on an
automobile which will bo on ex
hibition at tho grounds. Tho pro
ceeds of the carnival will go to the
fund for a club houso and auditor
ium for tho American Legion.
i ::o::
Tho small Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Hefner underwjmt an operation
at tho Platto Vnlloy hospital Wednes
day. Mr. and Mr3. D. E. Martin of Hr.r
shoy transacted business in tho city
A commlttoo of cltizons
WOStnrn tinrf nt Mi la
lin a. liVv. '
dertakon a reproduction of tho dayM'r'W' WESTERN IlAIt ASSOCIATION,
of fifty yearfc ago and makes uhfl lrAS 1110 PARADE AND FIELD
nouncomcnt as follows: fj
' A thrco days carnival will bo stagofi t
Bomoumo during tho mouth of August
In a mannor novor to our knowledge
attempted before, and wo believe thjf
It will anneal to all mir monnln riii.
POClallV Will this lin nn in flinan 4ft,..Ji
ostod In tho happenings on tho raiigo'
Tho thrco days show will bo dovel1 Juotlco Morrlsoy and Associate Jus
od to portraying tho sports, hardships', j tlco Donn of tho Nebraska Supromo
tho ovory day work, battles that our . Court. W. V. Hoagland of this city
old ploncors hall to enduro and the Presided.
obstacles tlioy had to surmount, t h
tamo tho great wost and mako It what, host to the visitors and tholr wives
It Is today. Jpat tho Union Pacific Dining Room at
In order to accomplish what is dtA; luncheon' whoro thoassoclatlon was
sired a suitable show ground had 'w' welcomed to , tho city by John B.
bo soloctcd, so It was Uecldod to mnlt-K' Krtlwnfita mill nnntml lit tMAmlmt-ti
the oxhlblt in tho heart of tho rahgtf,
onco operated and controlled by John
Bratt & Co. of North Platto. tmU
place is located sixteen miles north of
auinorianu on tno Blrdwood Creole. 1
Tho grounds solcctod aro largo and
roomy and will bo sufficient to accom-f
modato tho show troupo which will
consist of a multitudo of cowboys, in-
tons, rango cattlo, round up outfits,
cow camp grounds, wild horses, Sioux
camp grounds and numerous other
things that will go to mako this tho
most novel show in tho history of tho
Nature's ampltheatro. wltli amnlia
room to furnish all with a graril stand
vlow of all that will bo shown will bo
used. j"1
Tho most novel foaturo that would
seem to appeal to tho. averago pofsojnj
in iuui, iiruruur 10 enjoy una OIU timo
round-up and Indian show, tho peoplo
will have to como prepared to camp
right out on tho old rango with pro
visions enough for tho three days.
Tho camp ground is an ideal ono. lo
cated, along a spring creek, which
years ago was tho homo of the
Sioux and buffalo. Later on the long
horned western cattlo anl tho cow
boys. And today it carries with it tho
appearance of tho old rango davs
moro so than any placo In tho west.
Tho show, or old rango day repro
duction will be handled' by old rango
men and tho exhibit will portray what
really oxlsied fifty years ago. Modorn
day feature will bo eliminated to al
most nothing.
Tli Bport loving public will bo given
tho entertainment of a life timo a
big, real wild west show while out on!
a picnic and camping trip. '
Light sports, and entertainments,!
danco floors, etc., all In western Btylo
will go with tho carnival to pleaso tho
ybung peoplo. Two spot light myth
scenes will bo staged. First, tho
Sioux sun danco; second, tho war
council and war danco on tho first and
second nights.
Ono day will bo devoted to a real
llvo Injllan show with overy net :i
Ono day will bo dovotcd to showing
tho old round-up and trail with a 1000
cattlo, tho old round-up wagon, camp,
horso cavy, and what Is best of all,
a bunch of our own old cow boys will
bo tho show mon. Pcoplp that many
of tho residonts of Nebraska and sur
rounding states personally know, who
years ago fought their way into tho
Beef Boil and Beef Roast, per pound jc
Lard 10c per pound, in 10 pound pails , $1.00
Laundry Soap, 28 bars I$L00
3 packages Jersey Corn Flakes .joe
A 2 pound 3 stitched broom ' ; 3((,
Pinto Beans, G pounds 2Hc
Wo handlo Purity Ico Cream; also Hu-Co. brand of canned
goods. Watermelons aro now in, we have them.
1 " " . .
Interior of tho Great Wost and tamed
Date nl programs will bo furnish
od lator.1
It Is our Object td prcjluco some
thing novol, that is old yet riolv, and
if wo are successful In our vonturo a
permanent ontortninmotit will bo giv
en oach yoar.
Tho commlttoo Is bonded by John
, Harslinold and tho colobratlon Is bo
! lug advortlBod In llvo stock Journals
In Chicago, Knnsas City, Omaha and
Benvor. Lincoln County peoplo will
watch for furthor announcements.
Wednesday morning tho Wostorn
Nebraska Bar .Association convened
nt tho District Court room and a
number of nnnors and -addrossos
WOrO CIVOll. Tho mnmlinrfl nf ihn
United StatoB Federal Court now in
I Tho Chamboi of .Cnmmornn wna
1 of Uio association. At tho after-
noon session, short addresses woro
v; niuitjMka titiit tioiiuta till 11 ui
three o'clock, "the entire delegation
headed by tho band paraded tho
main' streets In fantaBtlo costumes
and took' automobiles ' for Dick's
grovo. After puppor a clrclo was
tho attention of all until BiinnnrMlmn
whon a lunch was spread in tho
grove. Aftor supper a clrllo was
formed and stories wero told until
the party broko up. A dip In tho
river was ono of thn rominn- cwnnta
At tho business meeting Attornoy
Glllon of Loxlngton was elected pres
cient, DoVoo of Ogallala, -ico-prosldout;
McNlchols of Lexington,
Secretary, and Daaklns-of North Platte
tr6asuror. Tho- association will moot
nt Texlngton Jn'June, 1922. ,
; TO! !
It was hot at Hastings last Sun
day but that did not provent a big
crowd going out to soo tho game
with Grand Island. Theso towns aro
rivals In everything, ono winning
ono tlmo, and tho othor tho next.
Tho gamo was well planned and a
big crowd had gathered. Grand Is
land had won twelve games straight
and In this gamo Sunday at tho end
of tho ninth Inning tho scoro stood
0 0. Hastings had tried everything
to got a man ovor homo. It was her
last chance. Sho got a man on sec
ond and a man out when a daughty
littlo player jumped to bat and call
out that ho was going to bust pp tho
gamo. Ho hit that ball far ovor third
base and tho gamo was won. Tho bat
ter who won that gamo for Hastings
and broko Grand IslandB luck was
Joe Plzor of North Platto.
Whittaker Millinery Will havo a 31
salo of trimmed hats Saturday, Julv
1. Hats at tho abovo prlco aro tho
small medium and dark hats that havo
boon soiling up to $8 Wo will also
havo a salo of white Mllans, tailored,
for ?3.60. This salo will bo oxactly as
AdvortlBc)L No charges, refunds, or"
oecchanges, Arvilla Whjttakor, 5015
Locust stroot.
Wm. Clark of Oklahoma vtislf.
cd in tho city this week.
All Lincoln County will colobrato
the Fourth of July. It la the naUolml
holiday, whon Amorica watita to bo on
tortained. At North Platto tho colo
bratlon will begin nt daylight with the
saluto which is usually glvon on tho
Tho following ls tho final lustriiC'
tlons from tho Commlttoo to thoso who
nro taking part In tho parado: Bus
iness floats and cars will lino up on
Locust stroot south of Thltl In slnglo
column facing north; comlo ropri
aontntlons and tho talloBt and fattost
ladles will bo on Socond stroot oast of
Locust; floats of lodgos, societies and
organizations will fall in on Socond
stroot wost of Locust facing east; or
ganizations on foot will lino up In the
roar of tho floats on west Socond
Btreot; bicycles, push-mobiles and
baby carriagos will lino on Third
stroot west of Locust facing cast;
floats or vehicles ontorod by prcclnctp,
towns or townships in Lincoln County
or surrounding countlos will form on
Thirjl west of Locust in tho roar ot
tho bicycles, etc; privately ownod
cars will form In Third oast of Lo
cunt; saddlo horses, slnglo drivers and
teams will lino up on Fourth wost hi
Following tho parado a program
will bo hold on tho Court Houso lawn
with Bpcaklng, singing nnd muslo by
tho North Platto Ladles' Band. Spo
cial attontlon is to bo glvon nt this
oxorclso to tho young mon and wom
on who havo bocomo of ago )lurlt!
tho past year.
At ono o'clocok tho big auto racos
will start. Thoro aro fourteen entries
to dato. Tho big racos promlso to be
something moro than a parado with
fast mon horo to tako tho prlzo away
from Rhiloy:
Following tho racos, tho Amorlcan
Legion Carnival will open on North
Dowoy street It will Includo Bovcr;l
kinds of ontortainmont, with various
p"-nsosslons. Tho athletic oventu,
show, big danco, etc., will surely
During tho wholu day tho Waltor
Savago Amusement Company will put
on its carnival program at tho Fair
Grounds. Tho business Iiouscb will nil
bo closed oxcopt such as aro nec
essary for tho caro of tho peoplo.
Aftor supper tho Chamber of Com
morco Band will glvo a 'concert In
tho Court Ynrd and then tho Legion
Carnival will again opon. From oloven
oclock in tho forenoon until about
midnight tho Sun and ho Keith will
prosont good ptcturo programs. Thoro
will bo n ten cont danco in tho ovenlng
at tho K. C. Hall.
Allon Lawhoad roturnod UiIb w-aoli
from a throe wooks visit In Koarn
Gel your Dodge Brothers Car
Ordered Today.
. ' ; -, ? " '
, ; Over $200 added to the car. ,. .
$310 less in price. ' ';-' , ' '
An actual reduction of 40 per cent in tho prltftj'.of this
desirable car.
Roadstor $1085.00
Touring Car $1140.00
Coupe z $1770.00
, Sedan $1995.00 . .
Theso, are all net prices delivered to you right hero
at North Platto.
' Orders aro going into the factory for two cars for
evory one they can build. There will bo an acute
shortage of theso good cars during tho next two or
three months, and certainly If you want your car
for use this summer, an immediate order is your
only protection.
I V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
Many surprising improvements in', tlio new
Dodges-r-seo them first and compare values.
Tho wives ot U,o loall lawyers
entertained the visiting laldies Wed-
ncsdaylduring the day. Idtho morning
thoy woro taken for an nuto ride and
shown all polntB of ntorost in and
about tho city. At noon thoy with
olr husbands woro tho guests of tho
Chamber of Commerce at lunch In
tho Union Pacific nininr. t?.
lowing tho lucheon thoy woro onter-
vumu.i m a porcu party at the W V
Hoagland homo. Tho spacious, porch
was decorated with flowers and forns
and rofroshmentss woro sorvod Mr3
W. T ; Wilcox and Mrs. J. j. Halllgan
assists Mrs. Hoagland. In tho cron
Ing tho local memborn envn n
" O ..Ik U.UVtJi -
nto four courso dinner at tho Country
101 visumg indlos. The Club
houso was profusoly docoratod with
garden flowers. Misses Eva Hoagland
and Floronco Wilcox served tho
courses. Following tho woll appoint
ed dlnnor tho romnlndor of tho ovenlng
was spont In games and hiusto at tho
, Manager Romigh issucjl tho follow
ing statomont yesterday afternoon re
gardlng Uio races on tho Fourth:
It suroly looks liko a real horso
raco for tho big Chambor of Commorco
Cup on tho Fourth. With throo such
oxporionccd nnd daro devil drlvors as
Rhlloy. Rico and Bullock, anything can
bo oxpoctod and surely speed rccorUa
for our half mllo track will bo croatod.
Rico will drivo tho big now Mar
mon racing car from Chappoll and you
can bo suro that ho has a car that will
ISO this year. Wo all kuow how Bul
lock drlvos and knows tho local track
and ho will drlvo a good car, capable
of sustained speed. '
In tho' big raco, wo will als6 havo
ono of tho Pikes Peak Essox specials,
now ownojl and drivon by M. G, Fronts
of Colo. Springs who will bo in to
morrow" with Ids car. Bun Brocktrup
of David pity,wlH bu Psthotrack
with his Chalmortf Spcolal; andfioro
is our host wishes to tho best car and
tho best drivor. It looks mighty much
as if our old frldnd King. would havo
a handful but who knows?
Preliminaries will bo hold at- track
at 2 p. m. Saturday at which a small
admlsBlon will bo charged.
1 :o: :
Norman Connelly wont to Omaha
last ovonlng to spend a fow days.
Tho progrm at tho Court Houso
will Includo music by tho North Platto
Ladlos' Band, singing America by tho
.children, an nddrcsB on "Citizenship"
by J. G. Beolor und presentation of
souvenirs by Miss Anna C. Kramph.
Carroll and Hnyos Wilson will loavo
tho lattor part of tho wook for a visit
in Grand Island.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Shnul tho first of the
wcok. Mrs. Shaul was formerly
Miss Ruth VnnClcnvo.
A baby was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Rob't. A. Phelps. All concorned are
doing nicely.
PHONE 441.