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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE mLStfjf pUTjEdltor and Publisher. Ehterod'nMhofftorth Platto, Nebraska Postofflc'e oh Second Class Mutter. ' SUUSCJtlL-riON PRICK i Ono Vcr, ,In, ntlVnncc .$2.00 TKSftAY) JlTiYI! SSth, 11)21. EDITORIAL. Tho Gotlionlnirg Independent glres tlio following odltorlally: "A former Gothonburg Woman now living In North Platto ald to us ut tho dopot Wcdnoiday ovo'nlng. 'I've Just got to ruu back down to Gothonburg every wcok or two to get some good air, Thoro's go much hot air at. North Platte.'" Wo have a llvoly lntorost In learning who this woman Is and n curiosity to know JUBt what she moant j 1 Wo hoar! of a man from over south j who was cdirfplafhlng on tho streets jono day last weok, about tlio Cham ber of Commence Ho was sore be cause ho had t6 pay BOincono to ferry him over tho South Ulvor. Some of those who hoard his complaint, sot about an Investigation and found that ho refilled tho south bank of tho rlv-j3 or about olght o'clock In tho ovonlng. fej Tho ferry men had heon employed for j3 1nf iiiii flinlr rlnv linil nlnnnil two On hours boforo that. Tho forry hail boon ' LS running free from early morning until aunner tlmo. Wan ho Justified In ! railing against tho Chamber of Com merce bocttuso It did not take him woros's at olght o'clock In tho oyonlng? Someone complained tho other day tluit tho County Agent had not been to lila Placo yet Ho seemod to think that tho County, Agont Is a sort of a circuit rldor who has a certain route and mnkos it as often as possible Hs by more hot air at North Platte than M min n t l, cy fTV at GoJJionbui;g. The editor thanks Bill Tiloy 'for tho pleasure of bounolngr all ovor the smith nnrt nf T.lnrnln nnil rwKnlnlnt? ! coutitiOB last wook with tho Boostorv, on the.Jaok aoat of his car. Wo don't lcnow much about cars but wo can Bay that tho cushion on tho seat of tho car which Tiloy ldrovo on that trip Is a bouncor. Wo suspect that tlio roads and tho gait had something to do with It for wo noticed that vhon wo camo ont on a smooth stretch of road wo quit bounclng.wIJUl is a fast but caroful driver and the trip was a pleasure bocauso of his skill. Cultivation of tho power of close at tention to detail is ono of tho best things wo can do. Wo know , a man who can Identify anyone ho knows by lookng at his or'hor back ovon If ho Is a block or more away. Ho has boon Imowij to namo a man from his walk whbn hjii, could only see him in notion from IiIh .knees down. Ho has saved many an error during his lifo bo far and has boon cortaln of tho Identifica tion of many a friond by having ac quiror tho habit of attending clOBoly to tho differences by which people mav bo known. It is wdrthy of being cultJ Tastod in early lifo Farm Bureau. Ono of tho objections to tho County Agent and his work several years ago was that ho called whero ho was not wanted, gavo ad- vlco which was not called for. inter feron w'hero It was not his business and stirred up things in general. Tho prosont administration will romatn at homo unless called for by'thefarmers. Tho County Agont is ready to roslpon.l to calls for help in any lino in which ho can help," but he will not butt In unless called for. Wo found him yes terday mixing and measuring tho in gredients for poisoning grasshoppers. Ho Jiad had calls for such and was getting tho materials ronldy, That Is real' service. BB-O It Is said that practically ovory mll llonalro in, the castorn part of tho country passes through North i Platto onco1 a year. This may bo an exag geration but it Is cortaln that hundreds of wealthy morchants. manufacturers smd buslnoss men of itho oast do pass tlirough,on tho Union Pacific anil tho Lincoln Highway anit it will only bo'ashort tlmo until they will bo go ing tftrough by airplane. Those peo ple form, an opinion, of tho city by what' thoy boo as they go through and IJIGNELL Mrs. 13. P. Trlmblo and Mrs. Blalno Combs ontortaincd Thursday after-, noon at a lawn party in honor of Miss Dolla Donaldson, who is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Clyde Shaner. Tho guests included Mrs. Ingward Holm, Mrs. C. E. Snyder, Mrs. Lloyd Elder, Mrs. Harry Graham, Mrs. Richard' Putnam, Mrs. Carl Fletcher, Mrs. James lloso, Mrs. Illchard Morris, Mrs. Ilom'or Reovcs, Mrs. Jens LaPlant, Mrs.Garmoh and Mrs. Chris Rosenberg. Dainty refresh ments woro served and the guestB are onthuslastls over, tho good jtlmo thoy had. Travellers lrom tho north-east ro port a big hall storm thoro yesterday afternoon. Ono man told Us that the hall stones woro as big as something or othor and that ho first camo into tho hall district when about thirty miles north-oast of hero. Ho said, tho hall was bad up to within fifteen miles of North Platto. Tho iSowoll Precinct Farm Bu- Liika s nan ive WILL APPEAR AT lawauans TO! IB TH THEATRE for I days North Platte B U Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday JUNE 28, 29 and 30. Up in Mary's Attic" and Above Wonderful Act S3 Admission 15c, 25c, and 40c. Includes War Tax CARD OF THANKS. Wo desire to take UiIb means of 1 thanking all of tho friend's who wore' so kind to ns In our recent affliction j and for tho flowers which, were sent to Us .at tho death of. our. wife and mother. T. G. Edmifjtoii..' v . , Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Artz.., . Mr. and Mrs. E.' W- Wrght, Mr.' and Mrs. Otis Loverolieck. Want Ads ho,w thoy are treated us thoy HtoKmtu wlU be organized this ovening at horo. it Is an opportunity for us to ! tho voting placo in Nowoll 'Precinct, bo singlcl out as tho dno placo among ovor South of Hcrshoy. the hundreds which uro soon. How. Donald Yost went to Sidney yes can, wo selzo this opportunity nnl terday to attend tho basoball gamo make tho most of It? . and visit f rionds. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank -tho nolglibors nn l friends who wore so kind during the sickness of my motlior. THEODORE EIERDAM. EVERY -A MERICAN Should Own a FLAGS At Wholesale Prices You Receive Full Value WheeYou Buy Here Old ifi Sfi J LE I nnnwi 31 , im u. Jll Glory IT t, ' For Ilcnt-'Offico C05 North 'Locust. Phono i209J. For Kent Five room house. Mod ern cxcqpt heat. Phono 439J. For Sialc Cabbage plants 60c per .hundred.-' Phono 098 J. L. I. Tucker. To Trade Lincoln property for North Elatfo property. J. F. Buss, Phono 79GE2. , , " . :' Want'l A conipotent stonoraphor for six weeks. Hoagland & Carr. Tor Sa'.c A registered Shorthorn four year old bull. A. S.Gregg, box C7 Motor routo A North' Pla'tto. . J ' For Sale Five, acre fruit tract, suburb of Contralla, Washington. 621 E. B, Phono 973W. Lost A folding baby cart on road north of town. Finder please phono For Sale FIvo room house, jnodorn except heat. Nlco shadd trees, Will tako a good car on trado. 521 EaBt B, Phono 9J3W. To Trad0 Fino 1G0 acres unim proved wheat land on North Divide In Choyonno County, Nebraska, for good reBldonco in North Platto, well locafioit Address box GG9, Sidney, Nobraska. - For Sale Baby buggy in good con dition. Phone 532J. Wanted Housekeeper No objection to one child. Wittune & Dowdy, Madrid Nebr. For Sale Largo young horse brok en and gentle. No blemishes. For salo or trade for good cow, hogs or chickens. , i " :o: Miss .Florence Fitzgibbons return ed from McCook and Cozad Sunday whore she visited' friends. She tot sumed "her duties at tho W. J. O'Copnor store yesterday. . fo: REMOVAL NOTICE I I. airf i0v located, in the large, room ! 2 doors north of the poatoffice, with a complete line of (dumbing and heat ing matorial. Also the well known Quaker and 25oro King pipe and pipe less furnaces which have larger reg isters than tho ordinary furnaces, consequently giving you , more heat and more cold air return in less time. Save filol by Installing a Quakor or Zero King furnace , by a man of 60 yoar's experience. Also tinshop in in connection. Gqod work and reason able, prices is my motto. Come in and seo mo. Yours for business, WM. WALDORF, 508 Locust St. Phone 517. :o: NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. FERO STREITZ' VULCANIZING CO, Corner 5th and Locust Phono 525W. For .Rent Limited amount of Cold Storage spaco for Eggs, Meat, Produco, Etc. ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLT) STORAGE CO. Phono 40. AT THE Km DEFIANCE Two-Ply Cotton Bunting S-ft. U. S. Flags at .$ .95 6.ft, U. S, Flags at s. ' , , . 1.G5 8-ft. U. S. Flags at ..2.45 STERLING Double Warp All-Wool Bunting 5- Jt. U. S. Ensigns at ....... $3.50 6- ft. U. S. Ensigns at. ....... 4.90 8-ft. U. S. E -signs at 6.45 FLAGS THAT BID DEFIANCE TO THE W FATHER m UN THEATR Silk Flags 15c to 95c Sizes 6-in. to 30 inches McCAllS Printed Patterns HARTMAN Wardrobe Trunks DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E. NELSON. MANAGER TODAY "North Wind's Malice STARRING Tom Santchi with all star cast including Vera Gordon Rex Boachs famous story. ALSO EDGARS LITTLE SAW Booth Tarkington Story WED. and THURS. VRTAIN STARRING Kathrine McDonald, Most Beautiful Woman on the Screen ALSO 2-Reels Edgars Little Saw Beginning. tho first of next week tho "VVator Department will begin con necting tho new mains recently'lald in to the old water system. Tula will necessitate tho shutting off of water in ono 'part of the city one day and shut ting it off in another portion of the city tho next day and so on until all connections aro made. Cards will bo son tout notifying all conBumors in tho district to bo shut off on what day tho water will ho off and approximate ly tho length of time it will bo off. Tho Waiter Dopartmont will rush tho work of making tho connections aa much ns possible so as to have the water off as Bhort a tlmo as'po -.'tilo and consumers nro roquostcd to i Ice out sufficient water for their nouds and ho as patient as possible under tho circumstances. HERSHEY S. WELCH, v Wator Commlssionner. Wall Paper Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J PHIL BEATS For a quick cooking flro uso our Rock Springs- Lump handle only tho hotter Coal. . Coal, grados Wo of ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Phono 40. A QUIET PLACE to bring your friondB to dine. A placo where tho greatest caro Is ox oxclsed in tho selection of tho food materials. A place whore tho cuisine is exquisite, whero tho china and cnt lory Is tasteful, and tho surroundings pleasant. This Is such a placo. Come and onjoy It. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE.