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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY T!MBUNEf (' NASH PRICE CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Class Men id Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians Ml. 0. H. CKESSLEIl GRADUATE DENTIST Office ov'or the McDonald Stuto Dank. LOCAL AND PJKKSONAL Robert Dickey transact J 1 business In Ogallala yesterday. W. P. Killcn of Wallnco transacted buslnoss in tho city Saturday. Dr. J, B. rtodflold spent yesterday in Madrid transacting business. Miss Vera Brctornitz wont to Hast ings yesterday to visit friends. Lorren Hastings loft yesterday for Grand Island to transact business, Mrs. Jonnlo Mlltonborgor of Cjjilc ngo camo Sunday to visit rolativcs. Gus Himmorlto of Horshoy trans acted business in tbo city yestorday, J. Elliott of Maxwell spont Sun day as tho guest of frionds in tbo city. Mrs. M. P. Lavorty and daughter of Denver aro guostB at tho Cy Fox homo. Miss Myrtlo Powell went to Cozad yestorday to visit frionds for sovoral weeks, Mrs. Goo. M. Supanchlck. loft yos torday for- St. Paul, Nobr., to visit nt tho homo of Mr. Supanchick's parents. MIbsob Irono and Maymo McGeo ot , Miss Opal Turpon loft yestorday for Brady Visited friorjls in the city Sat Grand. Island to visit hor grandpar- urday. Paul McEvoy wns lined in Polico Court Saturday flor teokloss driving. Vincent Fltzpatrlck camo homo Sun day from Omaha whoro ho spent tho wlntor. Tho small son of' Mr. and Mrs. onts Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Henderson. About twenty flvo members of tho Courirry Club were served dinner nt the Country Club Sunday ovoninjf. Mr. and Mrs. L. Carpenter of Hast ings camo Sunday to attend tho fun oral of tho Into Mrs. Earl Carpenter. Mrs. Morrant of Ames, Iowa, camo Qeo. Clark sustained a fractured wrist tho latter part of tho week to visit yesterday. I at tho homo of hor mother, Mrs. LUlio Ralph Gorman rotiijrnoki: .Sunday Kicbards from Cas'por, "Wyo acted business. whoro ho trans- Mrs. Walter Haramza of Ogallala underwent an operation at tho Platto 00O0000OCOOCK30000t0000l STREAKS FROM A BRUSH t.t it :.: it i.t t.t 0 . 3; j.j i.t J.: It i.t t.t i.t i.t t.t li So' often yo'u soo tho streaks of M tho brush nftor paint or var uiiyi has driedc It Is impou- MIssos Carolino and Margaret Hem-; Valley hospital Saturday. She is got atiBen lott tho lattor part of tho week ting along nicely, for Green Itivor. j Tho small son of AVcncol Sadlacok Molvin Tqttonhof resumod duties Df paxton undowont an opora'tibn at tho Rexall storo yestorday after for tonsUULs at tho Platte Va)lley, a wocks vacation. jiospital yesterday. Miss Frances DoRolf has accoptedj Tnn tato baseball team will play tho Methodist church team Fri day in .tbo city. J. F. Karrlger of Clay Center and daughter P, J. Miidlgan camo yester day to visit at tho Georgo Karrlger homo. Miss Marjory CornoUus returned to her homo in Hastings Saturday after visiting at tho homo ot Miss Janet Mc- a position as caBhlcr ht tho Leader Morcantilo company. Get "Sprlngtimo" and "With tho Coming of Tomorrow" nt Dixon's Music Sho;p. Valtor Bock roturno-l to his home in Goring yesterday after "visiting relatives in tho city. JNIlss Isabollo Stafford of Paxton Bpent tho week end as tho guost of Donald. Miss Loretta Murjphy. Miss Ethol Plckorell returned to Mrs. John TIgho loft this morning her homo In Koarnoy yostorday after for Lovoland, "Wyo. to make hor future visiting at tho homo of Miss Marjory homo with hor son Loo. J Rogers. j Atty. P. Rasmusscn Toturned to ht John Flnnoy -returned to his homo homo in Omaha yostorday aftor visit- in Dos Moines Sunday aftor visiting ing nt the Dugan homo. j at tho homo of his sister Mrs. F. F. Miss Irono Schott resigned hor. pos Nolan for a week. .1 itlon as Btonographor in tho off led of '-Mr. and Mrs. J. , C. Thompson of Atty. Wm. Shumair -Saturday. I Hprshoy drove down Sunday to'takjf "Humming" -and "Now and Then" Jijnnor at tho Country Club of wh'lcr Both sib Ip to remove those streaks K ' fl fc D, , Muslo, s, . Lallughlf, Horiry .T,n 11 ii BYti w....S turn UU1I.K UIO JOU OVOr J.l ,, qm,M, ,.,.. n'tin rnt,,r,1 (ninv Vnm Om TnL f r 8 r k noon at tbo General Hospital.. Ilia whoro they visited. ' -whon ?hiv0P iP"0rf 'lk.B r Miss Ajuth Wnjflnan ot Lincoln, Tho Maocaboo Drill team wilUertvc .... i ., , m , Vftyu,8h ,a camo yostorday to attend tho funoral tomorrow for Hastings. Tho team con- Z m f';-l0,vcl,,nB- ,Aflk S of tho, into Mrs. Enrr Carpenter. sfrttf of elGhtcen- Iad!c).. with 'MVH. your Clil-Namol Dealer to siiov :: , . , r1 :,. , ,, . ' vou tlm Rolf lnv in t A Mr' ttnd Mrs W' I3, Snoll,nS f San .Jrngnolla Duko as captain, yju uio Bou-joount, test. g De Cllllfornm arQ oxpcctcd to 1$ ' Thomns O'Noll of Lincoln IS, report. STONE'S DRUG, STORE. rivo tills woolc to visit at. tho homoQl od to bo orlously 111 at his homo. Mr. tho lattor's parontg, Mr. and Mr? O'Noll was a formor resident In Nortli 0000000S00fl 00000003000000 Nicholas Kline. Platto a.nd Is well known In tho city. si m Hi Bi m Effective July 29 1921. F. 0..B. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA A' i .j i " . - -ft MODEL OLD PRICE NEW PRICE ' REDUCTION G81-5 Passenger $1890.00 $1710.00 $180.00 G82-7 Passenger $2085.00 $1875,00 $200.00 G84-7 Passenger 'Sedan $3140.00 $2910.00 Lji- $230.00 G85-4 Passenger' Coupe .$2890.00 $2G00.00 $290.0ti . G86-3Pass. Roadster $1890.00' $1090.00 $200.00 687-Speedster $2075.00 $1875.00 $200.00 - , ,r tBSEOESXSSS. n , - " 4 Cylinder Cars. '41-5 Passsenger $1555.00 $1330.00 $2i25.)0 42- 2, Passenger Roadster .. $1555.00 $1310.00 $245.00 43- 2 Passenger Coupe $2185.00 $1895.00 $290.00 44- 5 Passenger; Sedan $2395.00 $2100.00 $25.06 ZeXS3!SBZ2S2g23EZEEi lodge; church AND SOCIETY to Celebrate We Are Going JULY A'Big Parade at 10 O'Cloclk LC g A fine Program After the Parade on the Court House Lawn, bfi 91 n mi O00000O00000000000000000i000O00000000000000000OOOSHO000000000000000000000; JTHE RACES WILL OPEN AT 1 O'CLOCK BETTER RACES THAN EVER O000000000000000OOOOO000P00000OO00000000Oa000000000000000000O0000000000 The Carnival and American Legion Will Entertain You All Day P000000WO0OOaOOaOaO0000000000000OJOO000000000O0000000TKf0000000000000000 Tickets on Sale at the Rexall Drug Store GENERAL ADMISSION SO CENTS Auto Parking $1,00 Grand Stand 50c Get Your Ticket Early They Are Going Fast COMMITTEE. I COMING 3IEETINGS LN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. TONIGHT Plntto Valloy Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. will hold regular communication this evening. its MISSION. Sweedlsh Mission will hold meetihg Friday July 1st at 8 U nl tho Christian church. ' POSTPONED. On account of tho death ' of our president, Glenn Scott, tho Gleaners will notfhavo. a. .meeting evening. ACIREMA-CLUB "will entertain their husbands Fri day evonlng at tho- homo of Mrs. "A. J. Ward. .000000eH000000000000ft00000000000000000000000 0 v Mutual Building and Loan Association j Ol North Platte, Nebraska Resources $1,477,321.69. In order to provide funds for approved loans this Association will la 'uo a limited amount of fts Paid Up Stock. This stock draws dividend at rate of six per cent per annum, payable March 1st and September 1st. Money invested In this stock-can ho withdrawn at any timo on thirty days' notice. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. t .Secretary. ; jooowtmKHK0000000000000000000H300a0oaocmoOTKia EPISCOPAL GUILD "VV1U moot Thursday afternoon. Mosdames, Dick, Klenk, Grauam Swopo .and Bakor will bo hostosseo. Important business. INITIATION Will ho tho special order., at tho mooting ot tho L. A. to tho B. o IL T. at tho K. P. Hall Friday afternoon. Lunch will bo served by Mosdames Riggs, Eyorly, Dorram and Hud'art LUTHERAN. Aid will moot in tho church base ment on Thursday afternoon with Mcsdamos Yost, Rounfolt, Coy and Miss Pearl Brodbeck as entertaining commUtoo. GLEANERS CLASS vot tho Christian church will meet Tuosday ovcnlng in tho basement or tho .church. Thoso ontortalning . aro Mm (inn. Mane. Mrs. Graco Banks and Mrs. A. j. Bryant Important hust noss will bo transacted. N METHODIST Aid will moot Thursflay aftornoon in thq church parlorB with Mosdames nvtA nrnnlrs. AntonllieS. JICSB irnu nnrcon on tho entertainment commit too. A demonstraton in cooking will bo given. PILES SUFFERERS FIND A CORRECTION Piles or hemorrhoids aro a form of rectal tumor primarily duo to lack of tono in tho muscles of tho parts af fected and socondarlly to straining. Tho straining may bo from costiveness or from muscular exortlon. Somo forms ot piles aro quickly ro sponBlvo but tho fibrous or connective tissuo piles aro slow. Chiropratlo spinal adjustments will remove the primary cause of piles, which is lack ot tono in tho parts affected. Pressure on Bplnal norvos in tho lumbar re gion causes this lack ot tono and "when tho pressure is removed tho you. ConsulttRtlon is wthout charge. HEALTH BEGINS "When your health begins depends ou you. Consultation is without charge. Drs. States & States, The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building: and Loan Building North Tlatto - Nebraska. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DISEASES "ATHE FOLLOWING w4 LSpioal JJ HEAD EYES EARS NOSE THROAT ARMS 0 HEART ' 0 I MUM IVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS APPFNmy (BLADDER LOWER Lo'Wnn LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVES.IHPOSSIBll: TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSE f (life and healp ; TO THEIR ORGAN .1 AND TISSUES 1