it . H I waC HE! THINK3 YOU'ReJlT S3 I WE.IL. SON ,VOUR DAD DOCS v4",HVr 1l i HE SA'D VU AS ONE, ' x KNOW CHAT hMU- WHOSE -CHICKENS NOtJ-RAN- hrfltr I-OUTA OUR GARDEN f SWEET HOME r F.PMKS. rE ' 1 zKa Sjdl 'wtronv wntim mu , t . 1 U1LS0X TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher, i Entered at Uio North Platto, Nobraaka X'ostoirico aa Second Class Matter. J SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: Ouo Tear, In ndrnnco $2.00 fJUDAY, JUNK 21tli, 1021. EDITORIAL, With over ?275 in iprlzos assured at this tlmo it is reasonable to oxpoct that tjio parado on tho morning o tho Fourth of July will bo ono of tlio blggost over eoon horo on tho Fourth. ,wo expect to bo in tho parado and havo our placo nil plckcjl out but it will not bo in competition with anyono olso ho tho on tiro list of prizes is still opon. Tho school mon'in Nebraska ttro n unit in domandlng that school toaoh ors shall not uso tobacco. Tliby'havo not had any troublo bo far with the Lady members of tho faculties but onco in a while thoro is a man who trios It, In most cases ho is soon lot out Smoking among boys Is ono of tho groat ovlls of our young follows. Facts nnd opinions aro practically unan imous in declaring tobncoo nn en emy to growing youth. Thon those who aro tho loaders of thoso boys 'should set an oxamlplo by retraining "from smoking. This has boon tho nr gumont nnd that is tho roason why Nebraska school men do not smoko Tho North Platto Board of Education lias' bejon Very ilbornl in ite require ments of its toachors but It has novcr 4 had ri smokor in Its faculty for a vory long Umo. ITo was usually dismissed tho first opportunity, . Tho Rotary and Kiwanls Clubs aro mcousbd of being oxcluslvo. It is truo that membership is not open to ovcry ono bocnuBO an lrrospoiiBlblo member ship la of no vnluo to any society. By making tho numbor of mombors Binall anil uploctod bocauso of somo special , noodof qualification, tho honor of momborshlp is moro highly appreciat ed and an effort is consoquontly made toMlvo up to tho idonls of tho society. Momborah'p in tho 'Order of Railway Conductors la llmltl nnd yot they aro navo;r accusod of oxcl.uslvonoafl. Wo .cannot Join tho Lutheran Brothorhood, Ctho Muscovites, tho Amorlcan Loglon wdr a largo numbor of other organis ations whoso, qualifications for mom borship wo do not possoBB. But wo ' would not cull thom oxcluslvo. Tho Tiros, Tubes and Ac cossories. FERM STREI7Z VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and Locust Phono 525W. kEND Mr. Vulcanizin HI tfHEND Mr. Edison a phrase whidi i iS 1 O offers $10,000 in prizes for the best idea3. Get your ideas by experimenting with the Now Edison in your own home. Wo will send you a New Edison to uso for three days. No charge or obligation. Act quickly. Bring or mall the coupon. v0 Klwnnis nnd Itotary CIubB aro not I oxcluslvo any moro than tho organ- izatioiiB named above and projudico ,,,., thom 0n tIjftt account , very unfair. -:oi- MM AX NATURE STOltY It is said that a local auto dealer who took ono of his own cars on tho trip with tho Boosters, "Wednesday, spent considerable tlmo during tho atopB with tho hood of the car raised. Whon some ono inqulrojl if ho wore having trouble ho quickly roplled that thoro was no troublo at all. "Then why do you opon up (tho car ovory time wo stop?" said tho inquirer. "I am just admiring tho works," was tho iprompt roply. - -:o; coannssiotfEiis proceedings Tho Board of County Commission er) mot Juno 20th in tho Lincoln County Court House Prcsont Cokor, Sprlngor and County Clerk Allen. . Tho following bills woro allowed: H. E. G-raham dragging 22.C0 Vorl Cloyd 27.00 Chaa. Boyco brldgo work 114.00 . E. 0. Hosottor brldgo work 72.00 Sundry porsona special brldgo 42.00 Sundry porsonn surveying 78.C0 C. L. Grant road work Com 2 58.00 Roy Dicta dragging 9.00 Mrs M M Stolnhnuson. ront 10.00 Sundry persons forego fund 82.50 Clias. Carteton brldgo fund G0.00 Fred McOralg brfldgo fund 174.00 Fred McCalg brldgo fund 117.00 Cluui. Shafor dragging 2G.10 Vorno Itonjtrlckson: brldgo 4.50 Earnest Whittakor road dlst 43 43.00 Chaa Shafor road dlst 43 COO John HayoB road dlst 3G 10.00 Jas, Ersklno tax rotund 22.00 Lou IT. Elliott tax refund 22.00 B. S. Gummoro auto hlro 20.00 Lincoln County Lumber Co. material 2.C0 W. W. Chossmoro dragging 7,50 Sundry persona road work 221.80 Sundry persons spoclal bridge C2.70 O. M. Nowton Hag 10.00 Frijl Zorgor dragging 10.20 M.' C. WoBtphall tnjochil brldgo 3S.00 H. T. Woodgato dragging 45.00 . F. W. Llndokugol road dlst. 9 124.00 Carl Brooka road dlst. 9 3G.90 adjournod to Juno 2t :o: Word was rocolved ag wo go to press that Mrs. Margaret Elordam, 513 E. Fifth, died lasL night. Mrs Elordam. was an old settlor horo ana was wolt known by thoso who havo lived horo for somo tlmo. No funornl arrange nicnts havo been made. Tho Royal Nolhbor drill team wont to Sutherland this morning to spend tho day. Thoro will bo services at tho Pros bytcrlan Church both morning and oVonlng noxfc .Sunday. Dr. Fvonoh, iProsSlont of irnstlngs Collogo will occupy tho ipulplt both times nnd tho attondanco of all friends and mombers Is doalrod. Mrs. Margarot Thompson left this morning for Omnha to visit From Omaha she will go to Duluth, Minn. Boostor Pictures can bo seen at tho Rembrandt Studios. Edison a phrase which will distinguish the New Edison from ordinary talking-machines. He DIXON'S Music Shop. HI! 53 'EfE0fBBS Waul Ads For Rent Offico GOB North fiocust. Phono 1209.1. For Sale Sow and 14plgsi ln (lulro 712 East Fifth. ' , WaIcd Sowing of all kinds ;at,21C wost Bth, or phono 1109W. $t r For SaleCabbago plants GOc por hundred. Phono G98J. L. I. TucUcr. For Sale Six room housed All modern, 121G W. 4th. To Trade Lincoln property for North Platto proporty. J. F,Buas, Pliono 79GF2. 1 For Sale Ford car In good,shapo, cheap for cash. Inqulro at G09 W. Sovonth. WnutedTroo trimming. . Prices roasonablo and sHtlsfaction guaran tood. Phono 1111W. : For Sale A Dodgo coupo in good condition. Equlppod with oxtfa wire whool and tire. Inquire of ' Harry Brodbock nt Brodbock Moat MarkoL To TradO-Fino 1G0 ncros unlm provod whoat land on North Divide in Choyonno County, Nobraska, for ANNOUNCEMENT I have opened an office in the Keith Theatre Building where I shall be pleased to meet my old friends and those in need of tyGH-CLASS DENTAL SERVICE at a reasonable figure. DR. FRED W. MILLER DENTIST Phone 209 JCeith Theatre Building Princess KEITH THE Tuesday, JUWE 28, 29 and 30. g BIG DOUBLE ATTRACTION "Up in Mary's Attic" and Above Wonderful Act S3 Admission good resldenco in North Platte, well, locei. Address box GG9, Sidney. I Nobraska. ' Wiin(id A competent stonoraphor for six weeks. Hoagland & Carr. For Sale A registered Shorthorn four year old bull. A- S. Gregg, box G7 Motor routo A North Platte. For Rent Light huosokeoplng rooms furnished. Also garage. Phono 1013. NOTICE TO' WATER CONSUMERS. Beginning tho first of next week tho Wntor Department will begin con necting tho now mains recently laid in to tho old water system.. This will necessitate tho shutting off of water In' ono part of tho city ono day and shut ting It off in anotiier portion of the city tho next day and so on until all connections aro made. Cards will bo son tout notifying all consumers in tho district to bo shut off on what day tho wator will bo off and approximate ly tho longth of tlmo it will bo off. The Wator Department will rush tho work of making tho connections aa much aa possible so as to havo tho wntor off an Bhort a'tlmo as possiblo and consumors aro roquosted to tako out sufficient water for thoir needs and bo as patient aa possiblo undo. tho circumstances. HERSIIEY S. WELCH, Wator Commlssionnor, Liikas Native WILL APPEAR AT AIRE for Tdays Wednesday and 15c, 25c, and 40c. Includes Mrs- N- B- Smlth aml 3011 returned w US)Jlin's' mormng auor vlS Ring for ton days nt 'the homo of Mrs, H. S. White. Mutual Building and Loan Association Ol Norh Platte, Nebraska. Resources $1,477,321.69. In order to provide funds for approved loans this Association will Is buo a limited amount of fts Paid Up Stock. This stock draws dividends at rate of six por-cent por annum, payable March 1st and Soptomber 1st. Money invested In this stock can bo withdrawn at any time on thirty dayB' notice. T. C. PATTERSON, President. MIL CAR OWNER 1 Does Your Storage Battery Need q-Drink? If so Drive Around to the 0 Prest-O-Lite BATTERY SHOP Open Till Nine in tho Evening Midway Motor Co. Telephone 731 C9 P 3 North Platte Thursday War Tax l3 Sheffield silver makes a beautiful and lasting gift for weddings and an niversaries. C. S. Clnton & Sons, Jew olors and Opticians. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Secretary. A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to dine, A placo where tho greatest caro is ox excised in tiio selection of tho food materials. A placo whero tho cuisine is exquisite, where tho china and cut lory is tasteful, and tho surroundings pleasant. This is such a placo. Coma and enjoy It HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. nawaiians