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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. SUFFERED ALL A WOMAN COULD Mrs. Meyer Finally Found Relief and Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Orange, Cal. "I always feel very rrateful to vou. as Bomo twcntv vears I ago three doctors said I had to have a 1 serious operation. I naa a tumor, ana ul cers which would gather and break. 1 had displacement so badly that I could hardly sit down at times, and it seemed asif I sufforcdovcry tninfj that a woman could suffer. Then some one advised mo to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound, and 1 took it until i was cured and saved from the operation. I , have told women, of your wondorful medicine times without number, and I I am willing that you should use theso 1 facts and mynamo if you like. I also ; UBed your Compound durintr the Change, and I can do all my own work but the heavy part and can walk miles every day as I help my husband in the office' Mrs. J. H. Rleyer, 412 South Orango St, Orange, California. It is quite true that Buch troubles as Mrs. Meyer had may reach a stage whero an operation is the only resource. On the other hand, a great many women have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Western Canada Land of Prosperity offers to home seekers opportunities that can not do secured eisewnere. i ne thousands of farmers from the United States who have accepted Canada's generous offer to settle on FREE homesteads or buy farm land in her provinces have been well repaid by bountiful crops. There is still available on easy terms FartHe Land at $15 to $30 an Atrc land similar to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre oats, barley and flax also in great abundance, while raising borsec. cattle, sheep and liogo is equally profitable. Hundreds of farmers In Western Canada have raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. With such success comes prosperity, inde pendence. Rood homes and ell the comforts and conveniences which make life worth living. Farm Gardens, Poultry, Dairying are .sources of income second only to grain Bruwinu ana stock raising. Attractive climate, good neighbors.' churches and. schools, good markets, railroad facilities, rural telephone, etc. For certificate entitling you to re duced railway rates, illustrated litera ture, maps, description of farm oppor tunities in rvianitooa, aasicatcnewaa. ftioens ana unueu Muumoia, etc.. W.V, BENNETT Room 4, Bee Building Omaha, Neb. ittMtod and. Sul ! ImmUptU Freed From Torture EmtonSo Cleared Htm Up-Set Stomach "The people who have seen me suf fer tortures from neuralgia brought on by on up-set stomach now see me per fectly sound and well absolutely due to Batonlc," writes It. Long. Profit by Mr. Long's experience, keep vmir nrnmnnh In tianltliv nnf1IMnn fresh and cool, and avoid the aliments i that come from an acid condition. Eatonic brings relief by taking up nnd carrying out the excess acidity and gases does It quickly. Take an Eatonic after eating and see how wonderfully It helps you. Big box costs onlj a trifle with yoar druggist's guarantee. FRECKLES POSITIV1LY RIMOVID br Dr. H.rrr rrckl. CJluUn.nt I our druraLt er Cr tsll, flSe. bok. Dr. C.H.Birry Co., a7 Michigan Avuum, Chlciuie Sight Unseen. He had always greatly admired tho khaki bag In which his wife keeps ner clothespins, so ho persuaded her to make one for his fishing tackle. A -few days ago ho went severnl miles from homo fishing and was Just preparing to assemble his lino for a good day when ho discovered that In Btead of bringing his Ashing tncklo kit he had carried out his wife's bag of clothespins. Patents . of nobility are frequently renowed with the assistance of the American helregs. ii New Shoes-Old Shoes-Tight Shoes all feel the same if you shake into them some ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE The Antiseptic, Healing Powder for the Feet Takes the friction from the shoe, freshens tho feet and gives new vigor. At night, when your feet are tired, sore and swol len from walking or dancing, Sprlnklo ALLEN'S KOOT-EASK in tho foot-bath and enjoy the bliss at feet without j an acne. Oyer 1,600,000 pounds of Powder for the Feet were used by our Army and Uavy daring the war. Aakfor ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. Bad Blood Disfigures Young Faces With Unsightly Eruptions TKo mortifying and unsightly skin nnd facial disfigurements on young people from 14 to 20 years old aro seldom duo to anything worse than impure blood. Tho young bodies aro under going important changes, and tho Wood stream la temporarily disordered often filled with poison ous wasto matter. ' In ouch, cases only in ternal blood remedies can relieve. Tho impurl- II! WOllLD take back his rib Tommle Planned Dire Vengeance for the Faithlessness of His Fickle Playmate. Little Toiiniile, a precocious slx-ycnr-old, liml boon disappointed In love. He had n date to piny with' little -Mary Ann in her house across tho way, When ho got there ho found she had forgotten all about him -nd wuk sliding down hill on his rival's ticu sled. Tninmlo returned home, disgusted with nil girls In general and one In particular, He didn't cry nor did he contomplnlo suicide. Instead ho went straight to his mnnin and with child ish nnlvT'le said: "Manm, d'yoil know what I'd do If I wus Adam? I'd go right up to heaven and I'd say, 'Plcnse, Mr. God, If It's Just the samo to you, I'd like to hnve my rib hnck.'" The Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Having cleared your skin keep it clear by making Cutlcura your overy-day toilet preparations. .The sonp to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to sootho nud heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet tnble Is complete without them. 25c everywhere. Adv. Her "Cheekens." A charming little French war bride whoso husband brought her last year to a home In an Indlnna town, re ceived the assessor, this spring, anil in lier husband's absence from home, endenvorcd to assist him in tilling out his blank. In her broken English, she mentioned the machine, which, In Its modern case, the assessor took for a graphophone. After many desperate attempts, she finally opened tin case, and let him see for, that It was a sewing nmchlne. Then he con tinued down the list, finally Inquiring If she had any chickens. "Oh yes, yes," she replied, nodding, "yes, 1 hnve cheekens," "How many dozen?" asked the assessor. "No douznlne no I no I" she said, "I have Just only n lady nnd her husband." Indianapolis Star. Children's handkerchiefs often look hopeless when they come to the laun dry. Wash with good soap, rinse In wnter blued with Red Cross Bnll Blue. Her Frank Opinion. Last yeui my mother went to visit n friend of hers In a neighboring town. Ono day they went to the sewing club that was sewing for Belgian orphnns, nnd It happened that she was asked to give her opinion as to what they might do for charity. My mother replied that she thought that charity begins at home; that as she was leaving for the club she saw some of the most ragged children play ing before the house across the" street. A woman present replied: "Excuse me, but those wero my children," and left thq club. Exchnnge. Wood Carving With Sand. A process of carving wood by spe cial application of the sand blnst Is giving highly satisfactory results In California, especially when applied to the redwood of that state. Portions of the surface are covered by protec tive stencils which leave figures In re lief and a uniform background. Very rich effects are produced In paneling the walls of a dining room, hall or den. While much of the work la done In tho natural color of the rich, reddish brown wood, striking color effects are brought out by the use of paints, deep blues, reds, browns nnd gilt. Com pressed Air Magazine. A Salt Lake In Miniature. About 40 miles south of Zunl N. M there is n singular depression, In a plain of Cretoceous sandstones, about a mile In diameter, with walls 150 feet high. In the midst of this exists a shallow lake, 4,000 feet long by 3,000 broad, the wnters of which contain 20 per cent of salt. This has been a source of supply of salt used by. Indians nnd Mexicans for centuries, and lately the salt has been hauled to "surrounding ranches, everybody helping himself. Times Have Changed. Thirty years ago It took 3,000 worraii to spin silk enough to make a lady's evening dross. Nowadays, of course, one small worm, working short time, can enslly manage the Job. London Pnsslng Show. ties must ba cast out and tho vital fluid enricheJ before- tho disfigure ments are- cleared up. For this you naturally want an efficient, tested blood remedy liko S.S.S., tho fa mous old herb medicine. Start tho young folks with S.S.3. today (your druggist has it), and write ua about their con dition, addressing Chief Medical Advisor, 841 Swift Laboratory, At Junta Georgia, the "3 KITCHEN CABINET (, 1921, Wentorn Newspaper Union.) "It's a gay old world when you'ro nay, And a glad old world when you're glttdr But whether you play Or go tolling away, It's a sad old world Nvhen you'ro Bad. "It's a beautiful world to sco Or It's dlsnjal In every ono. Tho thing It must bo In its gloom or Its glee Depends On yourself alone."' SOME COOLING DRINKS. The following nro n few chilly drinks that nro different: Cafe Parfalt. Fill tnll glasses two-thirds full of shaved Ice. Kill to nn Inch from tho top with cold coffeo diluted with cream and Hweetened. Servo with a spoonful of unsweetened w hipped crenm. Servo with soda spoons. This Is equally good mndo with cocon. Mint Tea. Pour boil ing hot tea over a lnrgo bowl of mint loaves. Cool nnd servo with cracked Ice, sugar nnd lemon. Tea Cream. Put two ounces of tea In a Cup and pour over It boiling water, cover and let stnnd live min utes. Stir Into one quart of bolllug cream or rich milk, cover and let stand another live minutes, strain. Sweeten nnd chill. Banana Float Mnsh three bananas with tho Juice of ono lemon and one cupful of sugar. Add gradually two cupfuls'of whipped cream. Put n few spoonfuls of this In n glass and fill up with orange Juice. Old-Faehloned Ginger Water. Mix together one tnblespoonful of ginger with two of sugar, stir Into n pint of Ice wuter, add a tenspoonful of lemon juice and stir well. Serve very cold. Lemonndt all ready for the glass may be prepared by squeezing tho julc,e from half n dozen lemons, add a cupful or two of sugar with one cup ful of wnter and the grated rind of the lemon. Boll until tho sirup Is thick. Bottle and keep in tho Ico chest. Use a tablespoonful of the sirup to a glass of cold water. Bananas en Casserole. Peel' six bananas nnd cut tbem In halves length wise and the pieces In halves cross wise. Lay these In a casserole. Melt a small glass of Jelly in one cupful of bolllug water and pour over tho ba nanns. Squeeze over them tho juice of half a lemon. Bake In a moderate oven one-half hour, leaving tho cas serole uncovered. Ho that hath nsvcr warred with mis ery, Nor ever tugged" with danger or dis tress. Hath had no occasion nor no field to try Tho strength .and forces of his woi thlness. TASTY DISHES. A change from tho everyday way of serving peas may bo found agree- aDie. xms may do used with canned pens or fresh. II o a t the peas and pour over them the follow ing sauce: Holland also Sauce. Divide one-half cupful of butter Into three parts, put ono of the pieces Into a saucepan with tho yolks of two eggs nnd a tablespoonful of lemon Juice, one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt. Measure a few grains of cnyenne nnd one-third of a cupful of boiling water; stir with a wire whisk until the but ter Is melted, then ndu the second piece; stir until mixed, then ndd third piece; now add Jhe boiling water, cook ono minute, ndd salt and cayenne nnd .It Is ready to serve. Bunelos. Take ono nnd ono-hnlf pounds of veal, cooked tender, and put through tho meat grinder. To three cupfuls of venl add ono cupful of blanched almonds, one cupful of seeded raisings, n tenspoonful of spiced snusuge meat. Stew all to gether with a little veal broth. When .cold, form Into little cakes and fry In deep fat. Pour over them thickened tomato sauco with clnnnjon and sugar. Pears With Raspberry Puree. Cook fresh or canned pears, filling tho cen ters with candled cherries In n cup ful of sugar sirup ; place on a- plate, cover with ono cupful of canned rasp berries pressed through a siove, cover with whipped cream and serve gar nished with cherries. French Fondant Take four cup fuls of BUgar, one cupful of water, three tnblespoonfuls of white corn syrup (the brown can be used ns well, but makes tho candy slightly creamy; boll until a drop makes a soft ball which can be just gathered In the lingers when dropped In cold water. Do not stir while boiling, nnd pour carefully on a largo buttered platter, not draining tho dish for If a few grains of sugar fall Into tho mixture they moke a chain which granulates tho whole mixture when It Is stirred. "When cool stir with a wooden spoon until it Is quite stiff, then pack away In a bowl ; cover and lot stnnd until the. following day. Any flavors may bo added, coloring mat .ter, fruits and nuts, making a lnrgo variety. For children maplo flavor, or vanilla, with a few candles flavored with peppermint and wlntergreen will bo perfectly wholesome. INct Contents lBFluidDrnoi '4!.'.' I " ai nnitnT.-n PER OENT. ffl AYcielabtcIVepafau-cfl&r-J I simllntimjuicroou vw"" a tlni?lhcStomftchsanaiCTgj 1 Mf W fill RliliU Cheerfulness andHestCBntate m neither Oplam,Morpmnci 'i $ Mncral. Not karoo . mm ctZRl Tffcnn Sd )&ttTjrrtn flint A t,olnfiil Remedy fof tind Fcvcrlshncss ex& rac-SImcS!natBreo? mnaaai Mm Exact Copy of Wrapper. What to SICEi MEADACH Take a good dose ALL FRUIT GROWER'S FRIENDS Birds Thai Should Be Protected Are Listed by the American For estry Association. Tho American Forestry association has published tho fnct that n cliff swallow will eat 1,000 flies, mosqui toes, wheat midgets,' or beetles In a day. Tho crops of four chlelta Icmh showed 1,028 eggs of the cnnlterworm. Talte notice, Mr. Fruit Grower. A quail killed In n Texas cotton field had eaten 127 boll weevils, nnd a pral rlo chicken had over 800 of them In Us crop. Tho bob whlto has been known to cat 135 different kinds of Insects. It has been estimated thnt this bird will consumo nn average of 75,000 Insects nnd 0,000,000 weed seeds In a year. Houso mnrtlns, swallows, nud swifts eat rose beetles, may bee tics, cucumber beetles nnd house flies. Tho quail eats Texas fever-carrying Ueks; tho kllldeer and other shoro birds feed on tho larvae of disease carrying mosquitoes; a night-hawk's evening meal consists of GOO ndult inosqujtocs. Ontario's Mining Production. Since tho building of the first rnil way In northern Ontnrlo, in 1003, led to the discovery of silver In thnt re gion, npproxlmntely .$3,000,000,000 hns been produced by the gold nnd silver mines of Ontnrlo. CARTELS I IJMHMM-J Tastes Fine, and Better for Health FOSTIJM C is a pure, wholesome cereal beverage, contain ing nothing harmful to nerves or digestion. It should he boiled at least twenty minutes. Then Postum Cereal will reveal a true coffee-like richness of color and "There's a Reason Sold by grocers everywhere. Hade "by- Postum Cereal Company, Inc. oaccie vjreeK,nicnigan. . Children Special Care of Baby. That Baby Bhould have a bed of its own all uro agreed. Yet It is moro reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in nn attempt to rcgulato tho delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to bo shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't bo deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestivo organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE D00XIET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'8 CASTORIA GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS' f "Bears tho TH CENTAUR COMPANY, Take for of Carter's little Liver Pills 3 Jr Mr WW then take z or 6 tor a lew nignts alter. A few doses restore your organs to their proper functions and the Headache and the causes of it pass away. In the same manner They regulate the Bowels and prevent Constipation. ffiSSii" SUPaiSatUDoSmllPric0 ! TRACING WHIMS OF FASHION Each Century Secma to Have Seen Some Change for Which a Reason May Be Adduced. In the Fifteenth century the waist lino was discovered, nnd tho pointed Idea carried to extreme, snya tho Now l'ork Ilernld. Tho women wore tall pointed hats, pointed shoes, and points wore Introduced In every possible way. At this time the church was strongly In the nscendniit and the models of tho Madonna served ns the Insplnitlpn for their costumes. As theso little models wero carved from Ivory tusks, the women followed the sacred model, nnd tho curvo of tho tusk wns also copied In tholr cnrrlnge, giving n sim ilar .tilt to the figure, recently called the debutante slouch. Tho Sixteenth century brought In corsets, the lengthened waistline and the Introduction of tho full skirt, it was In this period thnt Catherine do Mcdlcl brought In collars, and lacowns used in women's costumes for tho first time. In tho Seventeenth century, known ns the romnntlc period, the "tylcs heenmo very frivolous. Good Point of Motion Pictures. Jud Tunklns snys motion pictures nppenl to liliu because tho audience Is not expected to applaud and cnll tho actors out to spoil tho effect of a good sceno. EREAL flavor. cereaT II I J Mi I wmmm Cry For Signature of NKW YORK CITY. FOR SALE IMPROVED CALIFORNIA LAND (80 ncres, located In Qlonn Co., Calif., two mlloa to town and school on land. Alt , of tract in cultivation. Hon is biu loam I with alfalfa, barley and wheat main crops. Family orchard. Irrliratlon, well, 3.000 k1. 1 pnr minute. Improvements consist of 13 room house, bath, ton un t house, two larse barns, bunk Iioubo, tank houses, granaries and all buildings necessary. Stato hlgh i way runs through place. Fenced with 1 wire and wood I'rlce Ib 0 per acre with ! possession Oct 1st. For further inform-' tion wnie or see JOHN N. WESTBBna. Butte City. Calif. Sonic men fall to get rich, while, others fall nnd become poor. Nebraska Directory 6 Dividends For information and circulars write, OCCIDENTAL BLDC. k LOAN ASSN. 322 S. 181b Street. Omths, Nek DR. TODD BENT1ST 4th FI. BwkwBllc, i&b j! Farnata St., Omaha, Neb. TCMTC AWNINGS Ud STACK COVERS 1 KLFi I 9 GttMrPrteM. TbeyanRlt American Tent and Awning Ce. 40th and Farnam St. Omaha PLEATING Omaba'a reliable Arm of bemiUtoh lug. plodtlnci of all klniSa, brmldlnj, lhand embroidery, bottom, pleot cdslDB freo catalog. Oat of town oraon given prompt attention. Tm Ar.w)r.u rUatlig ul BaMra Cm. Drugs By Nail At the Long-Established Sherman & HcConnell Drug Co. Mall Order Department 19th and Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. TWO IN ONE ' Bins and Cribs Bend for circular and prices on Cnrlcr Combination drain Ulna and Corn Cribs. Made In three sizes, 600, 760 and 1000 bn. CAIITEH SHEKT SIBTAI. CO, OfilAUA Meyer Mercantile Co. MANUFACTURERS noot Beer, Cldem, Teddy Club, Apricot, Fort and ull klndu of flavored bovcr ages and syrups. 319-321 S. 14th St OM JHA Telephone Tyler 2880 BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at tbo present time for young womun over nineteen years -of ago Tf ho have bad at least tvro years In high school to Uko Nurses Training In general hospital. Our graduates are In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska LEE W. EDWARDS M.D..D.C New Location: Southwest Cor. 24th and Farnam OMAHA'S PIONEER ML G. P. SHEPHERD and Associate Dentists -who have been yrith him for years now located Sixth Floor Security Building 16th and Farnam Sts., Graafia. CONANT HOTEL, COMPANY OMAHA HOTELS HOTEL CONANT -HOTEL SANFOED HOTEL HENSHAW Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing !a back of these hotels. Guests may stop at cnyone ox them with assurance of re ceivinpt honest value and fair treatment