The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 24, 1921, Image 5

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by the
Chamber of Commerce Band
. Frife?June 24, at 8 o'clock.
Court House Park?
Earl Stomp, Director.
March Glory of thoTrunipot8V J.;, J
Summer Idyll "Amdng", ho Roses" ..I.
Intermezzo "Kentucky
J"ja Brockonshire
Sunrise" K. L. King
Overture- "Lustaplol" . ,.2 , Kolor-Bgla
Novelty Etyc-trot "A Week From Today" ... Rule
Euphonium Solo "Voting Wornor's Parting Song" Nds'slof
Mr. Arthur Tramp
Waltzo '.Alplno Sunsat" . It L. King
March "Second Regiment" R. B. Hull
Win. Bollow ot Somerset was a
mtm tho oukvqftQyh visitors yestor
dny; Mrs. Homor Peterson loft yostcr
dn for Sidney whoro she will mool
her1 .husband. Prom thoro they will
go to Idnha nntl other'vWtorn points.
Tho. Executive B0ara" 6f tho Lincoln
bounty Farm-JUhroauI will hold a
UJltV Farm41 HftrnnTn will
looting tills nftcrnoou. to take up
matters connoctojl -With tho work
Mrs. F. Coogor of Mtjlrid rotUrned
. to her homo Wednesday aftor under
?:3B Leila Jackson of Wollfloot vis-' going an operation for appendicitis nt
ited local frlonds yesterday. tho General Hospital. . -
H. C. Hartman of Brady transacted Mrs. J. II. Wasson returned" to her
business in tho city yestorday. ' j home in Indlnnapolls, Ind.,' yosterdny
I Pi ..1.111.. i. a i. - i.. . a t.
n a oM(t on,. ., ,i,i .iwir . vwiuuk ui mu numa ui uer
businoss in tho city Tuosday.
Graco Snodgrass and Fay Parent
left yesterday for wostorn points.
Mrs. L. F. Kauffman roturnod Wed
nesday from a business trip to York.
Lorren Hastings returned last even
ing from a business trip to Chica
go. Earl rirownflold of Hershoy trans
acted business in the city Wednen
day. Mrs. Frank Baldwin and son of Cal
laway are guests of relatives in tho
For Hay Fever see Dr. Shaffer.
Geo. Minor and daughter of Well
fleet visited friends in tho city yes
terday. V. E. Lawrenco of Flats, Ncbr.,
transacted business lnthe. glty Wed
nesday. .
niece Mrs Goorgo Finn.
Mil's Mnrguerito Nolson returned t
hrr homo in Gothonburg Wednesday
ufter spending a week with her. sis
tor Mrs. A. T. Johnson.
Miss Emma Benjamin resigned Im
position as nurso at tho Genoral Hos
pltal and returned to her home In
Scotts Bluff WoMiicsday.
Mrs. A. IL Bunting and children re
turned to their homo in Grand Island
yesterday after visiting at tho home of
her sister Mrs, A. Foster.
Mrs. Burt Logan of Snn Antonio,
Texas, is oxpected to arrive this -week
to visit her iparents. Mrsogan wan
formerly Miss Ireno Hubbard.
Mr. and Irs. II. E. Curtis 'of TIh
kilwa, Illinois, who have been the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Strelta
returned to their homo yesterday.
Oathorlno Pushman roturned to hoc
homo in Melroso. Nebr.. this week nf-
Mr: Clyde TrbUer '1mu sister Misa tor- aPomun!T the winter in tho city.
vuss jcil. jcaiu.un; iyi wvicn n. sll0 attended the Parochial school
spend tho summer.
Mrs., A. J. Ilurd of Lexington came
yesterday to vlsl'her daughters Mrs.
A. Fisher arl Miss Hetty Hurd.
Mis Celoatc Crawfoifa.andbrdther
Wallace went to Cozou" ,ycrertlay,f tb
attend the funeral of John Cannon.
Mrs. Roy Dorram, Mrs. James Por-;
ram and Mrs. Clifford Dorram went to
Cozad yesterday to attend the funeral
of a relative.
Wo still have a few gallons in
half and 1 quarts of Pattoix'n
Sun Proof Paint at, $2.00 per
gallon, 4L45 half' gallon, $.75
a quart
. Miss Arta Kochon of Great Falls,
Idaho, who has boon visiting at tho
homo of her fnthor Andors Kochon.
loft yostorjJay for Columbia Unlvor
flity. ,
Mrs. Arthur Blrk roturnod to her
homo in'Grnlul Island yesterday nftor
visiting in tho city. MrB. Blrk was
tormorly Mlsa Marlon FmUknor of
this city.
?. Clair Bacon,, son of Mr. and Mrs.
& II Bacon, jontortalued a number of
frlondBj yoatorday in honor of his
olghth birthday. Olair rocolvod many
pretty birthday gifts.
J. V. R-0mlgh reports tha sale of a
Dodgo Brothora Sodnn to Mrs. G. T.
lliolc1, and Dodge -toning cars to
Goorge Hansen, Paul Nolan and Job
man & Albora of Gotlianhurg.
Miss Ruth Eldor arrived homo last
evening from Donvor whoro sho link
boon visiting. Sho attondad school
(luring tho winter months In Greeley
and has been visiting slnco tho onft of
tho term.
Miss Clara Tillory returned to her
homo in Lexington yesterday aftor
visiting hor sister Mrs. L. E. Stoup.
Mlssos Kato MlleB and Nell Coonoy
will leavo soon for Denver to spend
two weeks.
Womjorful Values less than cost
of production lluring this price war
get your Dodge Brothers car ordbrcd
and' kike advantage of this bargain in
this much improved but always good
motor car. J. V. RomIghf Dealer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Loon enter
tained at six .o'clock dinner . Monday
evening at their home in honor ot
their son Leo's seventeenth birthday.
Covers were aid for eight. Among
those present were Louis Brotornltz,
Fay Yoarsley, Robert Hoagland, Don
ald Rusaoll, Lawrence Hart, Wilbur
Swahson and Leo Leon.
We have divided all ot the Ladies' Trimmed Hals
in our slock into lour different lots and will sell them
as; follows:
special ror icm-orrow-.
Beef Boil and Beef Roast at nine cents a lb;
A four stitched Broom at - - 36c.
. Only one broom to a family
W handle Ice Cream, also Hu-Co-Brand of
can goods.
PHONE 441.
Get the full enjoyment
out of your car
Keep cool!
A mind free of fears is the first
thing to be desired.
For this, insurance is absolutely
Public liability ;
Property damage . , ;
They cover the situation.
Telephone today
The Travelers Men.
Phone 63. Room 10.
At only 20 miles an
hour, your car is trav
eling nearly 30 feet a
ac'cand.'Can you. stop?'
1 i -- hj 11 nirnriri,uM
i i iiib 1 1 hit whiiii ill i in iii m i I iii i I ii mm m i i n in ii ii i ii m ii
This includes all ol
our regular $3.48
This includes all
of cur bent $5.00
This includes nil or
our 87, $8, $9 and
$10.00 Hats
This includes all of
our lints that sold
above $10.00.
You should come in now and buy them before the assortments ar
broken. The sale does not include Sailors or Sports Hats.
Booster Pictures can bo seen nt tho
Kombrandt Studios.
Miss GladyB Annottn Witt, etlost Mrs. Geo. Stnrr loft his morning for
daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. John P. ' Omaha to visit hor brother. !
Witt of Whlttlor Preclnot, was united I jirB. j0m n. Kdwnrds ontortalned
innarriago last ovonlng to Benjamin twonty frlonds yoatorday nt hor home
M. JohiiBton of this city. The nretty
we.ddlng took plnco at tho homo of iB tho houso guest of hor daWghtor
Uj) hrlde'8 parents. As Miss Edllh j Mrs. M. Kolth Neville. TJio aftornoon
QUold of North Plntto played tho Was spont In bridge aftor which ilnln
Wtjlding march tho bridal party ou-ty lcfreshmontfl woro served. Tho
trcd the spacloua parlor of the' homo houso v(is docorntcH In gardon, flowora
flitch was--profusely decorated with (and -a color schomc was carried out
flivvers. First camo tho flower girls. jn groou nad white,
little Mary Coon and Esther Forstcdtj Boostor Pictures can bo seen nt tho
who formed an aislo with ribbons, j Kombrandt Studios.
Thoy woro dressed in pinlc organdio :o':': :-
drBses and carried baskets of flow- 4 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS
ers 'Tho brido niVl groom woro at-' North Platte Floral Co. Flowers
Wmloil by"aTr. and 1Irs. William SloW- Twolfth StreoU Phono 1023. We
tinirt nf f,a ntv n.i n i,B 1 dellvor and ship anywhere.
nnu unuesmaid. Mrs.-moboid woro wgji
yellow organdio. Tho brldo was gown- a
ed in w'hito crepe do chino nn'd car
ried a shoAvor bouquot of brides roses.
Tho ministor of tho Presbyterian
church of Arnold. Nobr., officiated. A
bout flfty rolntlvos attonded.
Tho brido is a graduato of tho North
Platto high school and haa boon ajl
efficient teacher both In Lincoln and
Logan cbuntiob.
Tho groom served two years over
kobs in tho 80th (division and rocolvod
an honorable discharge Ho is em
ployed by tho Union Phciflo and ban
many frlonds in North Platte.
Tho young people left last ovonlng
for Denvor and othor wostorn pointn.
:o: :
Lades -It will bo a pleasuro 10
show our silk parasols to you. Heavy
silk tops in a variety of colors and
handles i,C. S. Clinton & Son, Jewel
ers ami Opticians.
Ico teaspoons and straws $1.50 to
$ 9. s. Clinton & Son, Jowolors &
During tho hot wonthor people
llvo a good part of the. time on.
their porchon and often enter
tain tholr company thoro Ev
ery goofl housokcopor takes as
much prido in the furnishing of
hor porch, as any a-obni In tho
house. Chl-Nnmol Porch Purnl
turo JCnamol Is a wonUorful
help, i it imparts now bright
nesa and color tb tho- clnira.
rockers and swlng a,ml i easily
applied. ' j
It is a suitable gift for almost unv "occasion, lfflpculw
a universal languago a language mndoratpoU by every
body. Whothor it coifvoys u mosaftSs of frionahip or love,
It tolls it moro offoctively than a written letter. Ot course
-j to do this It lins to bo a ."apoaklng HkeneBB" Tho 1:1ml,
. i!. laeY mako at ' .s,
The Remkaadt Studio
. The Tibxt Lincoln County Teacher's
Examination will bo held In North
Platto only on Saturday Juno 25th.
Aiieen G. Cochran,
County Superintendent.
0th and Dowey
North Platto, NbIjt.
' Held in Trust
May Allison
Double Adventure,
; Mutt & Jeff.
h; 1
Stolen Kiss
Constance Briney
2 reel Mack Sennet comedy
A Mans Fancy '
Every man who docs not ,
II' in danger of depending on chut it)
H If you would avoid that possibility, suit an i; c- imt
It today. You cannot tell uhenvonr
ii fakning pov;er will 10?
thf iiu i 'iuut slri,nl
ij.and the rcnf fund 0
H you and dwrih .
Mli! II v
el v 1 11
iiiiib in 1 1 1 Cmu. r Jma