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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE- CLINTON, THE JEWELER , CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Ue. Graduate Opticians DB. 0. H. CJU2SSL12U GJIAPUAT1! JUJNTlST Office over thu McDonald State Dank. LODGE, CHURCH AND FAjftr IIUKKAU FIGURATION 13 TAKIN'U VOTK ON IMPORTANT . QUESTIONS. LOCAL AND PBHSONAL Mrs. MftsslngnJo of Wallace visited loonl friends yoetorday. B. Jobnaon of Ilershey trnnsftciod bualncsa In the city yesterday. Mr. 7311on Jenkins of Sutherland vlalfod local friends yesterday. Mrs. V. E. Binhroy of Wallace visit od friends in the city yeeUrtlay. . Mrs. Bert MJUor of Tryon trans acted business In tho oily yostortiny. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. Honry Sinlnn Is Buffering n. fractured wrist. Mrs B. B. Boatman ioft this morn Ins for Connor to spend n Vook vlslt ln rolatlves. A baby girl was born to Mr. "and. IMrs. Potor .Topson Wodnotjlay. All concerned nro doing nlcoly. Mrs, J. J. Ilalllgan will entertain at bridge tills nflornqon at hor home In honor of Mrs. Robert CJantt, COffltt'U meetings in the VA1H0US ORGANIZATIONS OF , THE OITY. MATJflR uaaitHH Saturday, Juno 28, at 8 p. m. at Mnaonlo hall. iutiieran Vr 00 "Tho Blxardio of Faith," 8.00 Chlldon'fl B-'rty Sovlco. BAPTIST ' ll:00Sarvlcos 8:00 Children's Day Program. METHODIST . . , . 11': 00"Hopo .of ' tho WorJ." ' 00 "Second Naturo Rolfgion." CHRISTIAN ., ' ' li:00--Corp, K, Jlonry ot Lincoln will speak. SsOOV'An Advonturo'ln Faith." Mrs. Loulso Wlmborloy arrived yes torday from Longslroct, La. to visit hor daughter Mrs. n.N. Getty. DANCM i tho souuiorn nag-A-jazz oanu oi Lincoln will furnish music for a.danco Allco Doan will loavo tho first of tomorrow evening In tho IC. O. hall. tho avcoIc for hor homo In Denver - after visiting, at tho Juimo of her sister WAIt MOTHERS Mrs. II. A; Brooks. ' Will meet Friday at tho homo,; of ,.r. ,.. . ' '. .. Mr. Frank Martini, 304 cast Tenth vvh mi uut iiavo any uauuis or tne , . . . , , - ... ,, death of William burner of Maxwell; ff bU8,neS3 win ,j0 who diod hi California lnat 3uri(lay. It tra"8nctC(l- is umler' he Wns-to bq tutrix Kll . , " ' , . ; 1 1100 Pres.' Fronch ot .Hastings Mr 'and'"Mrs. 11. A.' Brooks "will , Collog'o. 1 . loavb;lhb flrst.dft,ho.jwc,otc for wl'-VMPrM friWqlt'ipltffiBlJiigB radp 1o spend two wooits. at Orand Collogo. " - Lake. They will also visit rolaUvoa At Donvor. Automobile Topics roporte, that tljiV now pricos liavo sent a flood of or liorp into tho Dodge factory avoraginc ovor looij earn per "day, with many doalers out of earn, and buyors wait ing, I havo sold my last now car. and an early order will bo your only proltfctlon for -quick delivery. Tour Ing ow $1140; Roadster $10GB with all tho now equipment Ordor trjlay if you do not want to wait. The following editorial from the 'NEBRASKA 'FARM BUREAU tittf; VIEW tolla of tho objoct which It hoped to accompllih. by tho rafor- ondum whlph has been ordered by the National officers: y Iflvery- day proas dlapatchoe from Washington indicate that tho fctrfir ami the agricultural interests in goh oral are given greater attention tiffin i evor betoro In the hlatory of our cdu- try. it is not our intontion to" my that government heads, conigreaamer.. nnj'l . senators aro working overtime to do something for tho farmor. but wo do mean that thoy havo at fast recognized that the farmor is tho bal- anco of powor. And in this connection tho politician has found In reccit years that tho farmor has forsakdn tho old idea of "party linos" and 'lias started voting as a frco lance. This condition has been nbrought about largely by efficient farm organization Nothing scares the professional poli tician moro than tho knowledge that In tljoso llays, former party major ities aro oft times roverscd almost overnight by an electorate that now refuses to voto a certain ticket juet bocauso ho was "brought up in that party." Tn tho framing of tho tariff, forelirn financeos, rovenuo laws, internal im- provomont nrjl a multitudo of other measures of general interest, thel nows from Washington indicates-that senators, congressmen and offidal heads aro kooping a wcathor cyq on tho desires of tho fanners. They havo begun to realize that their own political oxist'once depends upon thojr doing so. But on tho other hand It is mani festly; unfair Mr the farmor to "sit back and refuse to makb.his wishes knoSvn. Of course, if the present or- ilco holders in that event, should pnsj. legislation favorablo to tho othor fel low tho farmer will undoubtedly have tho powor to throw him out of office, but In doing that nolthor tho man in offico nor the farmor has gotten any- wharo. Thoy havo both fallen down simply because tho farmor did not toll his representative what he wanted him to do, and perchance the cou- gresamau though doing his host fallea to do what tho farmor wantoU him to ... . .. ... ,h,.JL.. n.i:-j.-in a-a'' . uocauao no mm not tieon auvisec EPISCOPAL 11:00 Morning Prayor and Sermon 8:00 Hvoning Prayer ad Sormon. THIS AFTERNOON . , ' Mrs. Cora 'Iftmry of Lincoln will speak at tro Christian Church at II o'clock today. Thoso who havo heard hor boforo will not miss it. Those who havo not hoard hor aroj given n spe cial tvltation to ho prosont. . -:o:- s,WOTICB TO BATHERS For';a quick cooking flro ubo Rock Springs. Lump Coal. hniuUo only tho bettor urados Coul.' " ARTIFICIAL 1013 "& OLl) STORAGE CO. Phono 40. our .Wo ot fCollerman. tho World's Famous swim mor nnd diver, in qno reol of diving! tnkon by a ulow motoii onmora, tin out down so tho oyo can follow ovcry motion. Highly entertaining. Addod attraction to rognlar program Wa-Ja" Is an Orlontul Fox Trot you ; will like. Dlxo'n Muslo Shop. Mrs. H. C. Brock nnd son loavo toflay for a two weeks visit with Mrs T rock's parents at Falrbury. Mrs. F. J. Fredorlcl wont to Sidney tills morning to attend the funoral of hor sou;ln-law, "My Mommy," "Marglo" and "Whls goring'' ' fr"b throe recordB you won't Want to hliss. Dixon's Music Ship., barge Business or Small rpN'T be afrnfH to start a Bank Account with a small sul We know that small accounts, 4 have a way of growing.. IVlany of our best ac counts started with only a few dollars. " TH F mt National Bank OP NORTH FI.ATTK Resources Over One Million Dollars oft tho subject However, when a groat multitudo of farmora ask Uielr repres,outatlvo to do something in tholr interests and ho then rotuscB to ovon, or la grossly Inefficient to do so, then It is timo to jumlp onto him with both feet and try somebody else. 'J hat Is tho very reason that the American Farm Bureau Federation la asking for p. referendum voto of its membership upon many Important questions. It is Uio only fair way to treat tho men who havo tho power to do thoso things tdown at Washington. Wo bollovo that when tho 2,500,000 Farm Bureau members throughout Uio Unltod States unitedly ask for something, thoy, in a fair measure aro going to get what thoy ask for particularly bocauso such a roferen dum will pretty well roprosont the united desires of all farmers. With these Ideas In mind It is ot vital importnnco that you, express yourselves on tho various subjqets now boforo you for olthor petition or refer ondum. Toll your county Farm uu roau officials whoro you stand, and wo bellovo thnt you will bo moro tlnn gratified with Uio rosults you will get from tho resultant , efforts of your congrossmon aril Bonators. Anyhow It's a load ptpo olnoh thnt It you toll thorn whnt you Want and then don got It, you hvo thon got something to klok about. ' Mrs Jamos "Waro outortalnod at one o'clock lunohoon Wodnosday noon at thq Country Club. Covors wore laid for nfty-two guosta.Followlng tho well appointed lunchoon Uio romalndor of the afternoon was aipont In playing bridge. Tho out of town guosts wore. Mrs. C. W. Stafford, tho house gueet ot hor sister, Mrs. Blancho B. Field, Mrs. Robort Qantt of Iown, a, guost at tho R. O. Coohran homo, Mrs II. E. Curtia of Illinois, who was' tho guest, of Mrs. Sta-oltz, and Mrs. Noll of Vir ginia, a guoat at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Kolth NovUlo. A iUimW of young folks hold n plc nto at Lamplaugh's Lake last evonlng. A vory ploasant ovening was spent. 1 ; H ' - H rfS m MS " i a a szy mm m& aesnvB lb. I 0J n m 1 1 if Fill 111 lili I m J, Jffl Wsar , rjy &n Ste&r a&ss anna essBtasi wxsm pa 1 py jj g . m mmsm. HBj H isi . t m m m m m m m i BJ" F U" U" s Ll HH n k3 M iLi h Hh fli kil S 11 H i flH a ihhi hh . m U INTEREST YOU? 3 in m 1 to ii hSks. wwiia.'.- K 'ljEl''''wm "Itl'"ir' ' " B 3 N mm w mm mm mmrne lmWm Mh U IS Wm - mjrm A I l IB HH HI HI HH HH .b ukuum fj m h g AT ,H H : m wnere iou win occ a i RnYina Writ ing and uancins bins. 1 i rn wbmrb -J 13 1 1 try . 1 t n N m All mnas 01 concessions i b$ M d ... M IP q m a b m m n til 13 BA h m w s itiori MIT i anno , H . 1444 yy4s &m Mmmu ' 1 LV 1 Ii.-! 1 v And Riots of Fun Every Minute. en H : y I Carnival Does not Close I Until You are Ready.