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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE A, A. mm Don't Forget the Home Folks Whether away at college, on a vacation or business trip, the home folks will want to know how every-" thing is going. Imagine the tingling surprise of the folks at Home ' at suddenly receiving your long distance greeting "and the pleasure you will take in hearing their voices. . Wherever you are, drop into your home and place of business for a few minutes each day over "Long Distance." Raies are about half for siation tostation calls from 8:80 p. m to ... 1j. i j t it. r . " munuyni; uuuw vnc-jvunn jromtnia riighl to 4:30 a. m. V Northwestern bell Telephone Company AN EXWtESSION FItOM THE SOUTH SIDE REGARDING TllK IUTEK IHUIIGE. LOCAL PEltSONAL Louis Trexler went to Lincoln Wed nesday to spend a few days. D&rrell Heajley loft. Tuesday for Lincoln to spenjl a few days. Harry Brace of Wallace traneactel business In the city Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Welton has accepted a. position In the office of Dr. Brock. Clinton &,Son, Graduate , Opticians. Try us for service. -' - Mrs. John Edher and children will leave tQday for Salt Lake City to visit- Mrs. Geo. Mudjl. and daughter of Hershey visited local frlonjls Tues day, Mrs. J. Carpenter of Hershey trans acted business in the city the first of the week. Mrs. Mary Ladgraf, Heliry Land graf, William Landgraf and Miss An na O'Haro left the first of the week by auto for Omaha to visit for a few days. Mrs. Joseph Nolan will leavo soon for Omaha to visit at the home of her parents. Miss Irma Bradley left yestorday for Paxton to visit MIss.Mable Crabb for a few days. STATE FIRE MARSHAL HARTFORD TELLS OF SOME THINGS WE SHOULD KNOW. Mrs. Geo. Troxlor resumed dutlo3 at Brooks' Studio Wednesday after a week's absence. ? Mr. and Mrs. George Grant wore among the' out of town visitors" Tuesday. ' 'T' Sisters Laboria, Gidonla and Am brose left We)tnosday for Kentucky to spend the summer months. A. B. Yates of Sutherland transact ed business in the city yesterday en route from Omaha to his home. Mrs. Percy O'Brien and children will leavo this week for Carroll, la., where Mr. O'Brien is employed. Mr. and Mrs. G, L. Scott returned to their homo In Cuba, 111., after visit-. Ing relatives in tho city. They wero accompanied home by their grant. daughter Virginia Scott In a recent bulletin issued by the Division of Fire Prevention of tho Department of Trade and Commerce of the State of Nebraska. State Fire Marshal C. E. Ilarttorj says that ev elrybody. In order to prevent fires ' and conserve- life and" property. Tatum of hould know: Tho following communication to the Tribune is worthy of careful con sideration i. I havo talked with many South Sldo farmers regarding tho brldgo prob lem. I boliovo tho following state ments sum up their settled oplntona regarding tho main points at issuo: 1st A temporary way should be provided as quickly as posslblo for wagon and auto trafflo across tho riv or. 2nd. A commlttco of engineers Bhoul mako a thorough Investigation of the condltios which result! in tho dlstructlon of tho brldgo ad stato to tho publto whothor tho brldgo waa constructed according to plans and specifications. 3rd. Bond will not again bo voted for nn indefinite something.. They will bo votod only for a brldgo of certain- specified dimensions and con struction. 4th. Bonds will not bo voted for n culvert over tho South Platte, 5th. Bonds will not bo votod for a foot brldgo over tho South Platte. Cth. Tho part of tho concrete brldgo now standing shoul)l bo Junk ed and a real brldgo constructed. W. P; StfYDER. ::ot: YEOMAN LODGE HELD HARD TIME SOCIAL LAST EVENING IN THE K. C. HALL... MCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Edgar Inman left yesterday for Parsons, Kansas, whero sho was called by tho death, of hor brother. Mr. Sherman returned to his homo In Tacoma, Washington Wednesday aftor visiting at the Geo. Myers home; Mr. and) Mrsv ,John Morran will leave tho first of tho week for Omaha to visit at tho homo of tho lattor's sister. Members of Uio Yeoman lodgo en Joyed a hard tlmo social last evening. All who attended In any clothing ex cept overalls or aprons wero charged tho fee of fifty cents. Tho evening was spent In llanclng nftor which re freshments wero served. TO THE FARMERS SOUTH OF THE RIVER, FREE DELIVERY AND PASSENGER SERVICE. W0 aro running free delivery and passenger Borvlce to and from tho south river. Phono us from tho brldgo or from your homo when you start to town. McMichaol Grocery. Phono 441. William Arthur Seaburg, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Seaburg, parked away last . Sunday morning and vas laid away In North Platto cemetery on Monday. Tho baby was sovon months old and nvo of these months wore spent in a hospital. Tho last flvo days at tho close of his We wero filled with suffering. General Manager Wm. Joftors of tho Union Pacific passed through tho city Wcdnesjlny onroute from Omaha to Choyonno. Clarence Day left Tuesday for hln homo In Shrovoport La,, after vl Bit ing at hto homo of his aorcnts for soma tlmo. Mrs. U K. Duke, captain of tho Maccabeo drill toam will accompany tho team to Hastings tho latter part of nest wook. AMERICAN WOMEN'S LEGION OR GANIZE A UNIT IN NORTH PLATTE TUESDAY. Clarence McCabo Is expected today from Omaha whoro ho spent a fow days onrouto homo from Indiana whoro ho attended ' Notro Damo University. The American Womon's Legion was organized in North Platto Tuesday evening. All mothers, sisters, wlvoa and (laugh! or 8 of tho men who sorved 1 the world wnr nro nwlto1 to ontor this organization. Tho North Platte Post was named Argonno Memorial Unit nnd n committee sent to Wash ington for n chartor. Tho following offlcors woro elected: Mrs. Clydo Cook, president; Mrs. Vorno Lunsford .fvlco-prosldcnt; Miss Elizabeth Brpd- bock, secretary; Mrs. Horton Munger, treasurer. Tho oxooutlvo commlttco was appolntod as follows: Miss Hazel Simpson, Mrs. Claudo A. Solb, Mrs, Loron Sturgts,. Mrs. Harold Lang ford) Mrcv prconard Hedmond and Miss Allco Longford, wero chosen cap tains of tho membership drive. NORTH PLATTE AMERICAN LE GION TEAM LEAVES SUNDAY FOR THREE DAIS' TRIP. First class painting and paper hang ing. Elegant stock of wall paper JuBt recolved. Store at 113 W Sixth St Phono 570W. H. H. Landgraf nnd Edd Friend. Tho members of tho Christian church entertained Tuesday evening at a miscellaneous shower in tho basement of thoir church in honoo of Mr. and Mrs. Auto Marsh who woro rocontly married. Mr. Marsh has ttecn employed In tho city for two years an)l recently went to Kansas City and brought hla young brldo homo with him. A pleasant evonlng was spent In games and music after which re freshments wero served. Tho young jpcoplo received many beautiful and district useful gifts. Tho local American Legion team will meet Ogallala on tho Ogallala Hold Sunday in what promisos to bo a fast game of ball. From thoro thoy will go to Sldnoy and will play Mon day and Tuesday in that city. NOTICE At the Special Meeting of the legal voters of school district munbor 9t ot Lincoln County, Nobraska, whlcr will bo held at tho school houso on. Mon day, July 11, 1921, at 2:00 P. M.'Eaat Tlmo, the proposition will ho sub mitted to tho vqjtors of raising the biAlgot of One Thousand dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. ThlB will roqulro a lovy not to oxceed ono hundred mills' onj tho dol lar of tho assessed valuation of Bald O. N. SANFORD. Director. - ' ;iUI! Lii. I'XL!1-,'l III IPDIPlILli . . -A if . V 4 - -iff.' When you buy a CaloriC you get more than the best heating plant that modern Science can produce. You get scientific installation Hat free service of experienced engineers who personally plan the CaloriC Installation in your building. CaloriC engineering is one of the vital fac tors in CaloriC success on the certainty of tills service to insure complete satisfaction is based the CaloriC Money-back Guarantee. CaloriC Engineering Service is supplied by the Manufacturer through this CaloriC agency to quickly assist you in planning the most efficient ieatinz for your home. Let us make a sketch of year building or bring a rough sketch of your floor jtrmn to our store and we will secure the CaloriC bgineer'a installation plans without obligating you la any way. Get these plana now and learn how the CaloriC ma save hundreds of dollars in building a new feorne and how it will pay for itself in fuel saving in Any home, old or new. teirara of the advice ef thcie vrho deprcciaU tkofonpertaacc Pfwper KBghieerlox is imUlling any keatisg pUat. Simon Bros., Dealers. That a treacherous servant1 nnd a most cruel master. That fire hazards exist on ovory hand. That tho only way to got cheaper firo Insurance In Nobrask Is to stop burning property. That a firo occurs Bomewhere In ilia cou'jifty every Ume thnt your clock registers a minute. That five schoolhouses and colleges bum every day in tho Unite) 1 States. That working along flro prevention lines can do but little without com munity co-operation. Aro you doing your share in tho conservation of llfo and property in your community? Do you realize that Uio Are losses in tho country ropresont a flro tax each year of approximately three dol lars per capita for every man, woman and child? . At an averago of flvo hours each day during 200 days In each year, twenty-five million childem nro in tho schools of tho United States. The attendance is compulsory. No funda mental education problem Is great- er tnan tne saioiy ui uiu uuhui Statistics available show there aro flvo schools that burn every day. Firo Is one of tho worst perllB that confronts any community and good citizenship demands that each Indi vidual do his part to prevent waste by fire. Can wo have 'your assist ance? An insurance company is merely a clearing hoiise and collects money from tho many for distribution to the. fow who suffer loss by flro. It the destruction of property can bo re ducdi tho flro premiums should be jproportionatdly! Tcditeed which will Tosult in a largo saving to tne citi zens ot tho state. :o: FOR SALE. One IS month old Shorthorn bull, blocky, weight about 1300 lbs. Three young Shorthorn bulls ready for small herds. A fow good Hosteln-Frelsian bulls ready for service. ' Theso aro priced to sell. Experiment Substation. :o; Miss Ilecn and Mario Schwalger eneq(tp!nedi tho NIcaflgeo Campflro Tuesday evening at their home. After the ceremonial meeting tho romaln- dor of the evening was spent In games ana music A two course lunch was sorved. Mrs. Hahn rcturndl to her homo in Ogallala Wednesday nftor taking treatment in tho General hospital. Wall Paner Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J NOW OPEN King Fong Cafe SOI DEWEY STREET Choice American and Oriental Foods Served . . in a Tasteful Manner at Fair Prices - . WE AIM TO PLEASE Bread and Butter, Potatoes, Coflee or Tea and -Dessert' at Lunch Time, Served With Each MeatyOrder. SPECIAL LUNCHES FROM 11 A. H. TO 2 P. M. Polarine's double duty and twin economies Lubricating oil must do two things enable the . engine to deliver maximum power protect every bearing and engaging part against wean The quick, complete 'combustion of Juel generates maximum power. But it requires a gas-tight oil seal between piston rings and cylinder walls to hold this power to its work. . And to get maximum work every bearing and engaging part must offer the least possible resistance to movement must stay in perfect fit and alignment, cushioned against wear and friction by a protective oil film. Polarine meets every requirement. It maintains its body and its lubricating qualities, practically unchanged, under all weather and operating conditions. It assures fullcompression and power gets the biggest mileage out of every gallon of gasoline. It keeps down wear, prevents vibration, breakage and big overhauling and repair expense. Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy and. extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade ffdr your car next time you buy clean -burning Red Crown Gasoline and you will start cutting down motoring costs. STANDARD Y. COMPANY NEBRASKA I & C MOTOR B I