The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 24, 1921, Image 1

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    'fjliattc lleutK
No. 48
Fifty-flvo cars loaded with Nortn
Platto business and professional man
and their friends, made a trip ot
over 20(5 miles Wednesday to callon
tholr friends and got acquainted
with them. It was a beautiful day
' for such a trip. Tho dust was bad
but thero was no sun so It was not
hot. Tho trip was well organized,
tlfo plans wero carried out by tho
drivers and there was no accidents.
Leaving hero at seven, tho first stop
was mado at Maxwoll. Hero as at
every other place, tho band headed a
parado and after making the rounds
of tho principal streets, tho glee
club sang, tho band played again
and an invitation was given fortho
Fourth of July. Another stop was
mado at Brady and then at Gothen
burg. In crossing tho river somo of
the cars had somo trouble getting
through tho watdr which was run
ning over tho road -but all wero in
lino when Farnam was reached,
Stops wero mado at Curtis, Ingham,
Maywood, Wollfleot, Somerset, Dick
ons, Wallace, Horshoy and Suther
land. At each placo tho people treat
ed tho boosters yory kindly, in somo
places oven stopping all business to
come out and meet them, North
Platto was reached at midnight but
ono of tho most enthusiastic parades
of tho trip was pulled off here. 'In
addlt'on to tho band, ther0 was a
glco club composed of ten trained
singers who woro comic costumes
and who pleased tho crowds with
their music and their antics. Many
of the merchants distributed whistles
ballons, rattles, looking glasses, etc.
Dinner ..isvaa'.-eaten ajt .Farnainnd
supper was s,ervod.vat Wallace. Both
were enjoy! Tho trip was a suc
cess from every stand point, duo to
tho co-operation of all concerned in
tho affair and tho fine spirit of tho
people who were visited.
County Agent Kellogg will gtvo a
culling demonstration at the Merrell
placo near Wellfleet this afternoon
and tliis evening ho will assist in or
ganizing tho Buchanan Precinct Farm
Bureau. Tho farmers In that part of
tho county have oxprossed themselves
very, strongly in wanting tho help of
tho Farm Bureau in solwing some of
tho problems which they aro con
The three finest pencils on tho mar
ket Shur-Rlto 50c; Pal, $1.00; Ever
sharp $1.00 to $25.00. All guaranteed.
C. S. Clinton & Son, Jowelors and Op
tician. lt
fym ecu, ojfott! & 4uiid
North Platte voted $100,000 for ex
tension and improvement ot its whtor
system and $05,000 for enlargement of
tho sower system at n special oloction
bolji Tuesday. This Is ono ot tho
largest bond Issues ovor' voted hero
and was carried by a largo majority.
Tho unofficial vote was 207 for tho
bonds and 75 against. This mado a
total of 283 votes cast The vote on!
tho water bonds by wards was naj
follows: First Ward for 52,, against
20; Second Ward fqr 58,-agalnst 14;
Third Waijl for 58, against 7; Four
th Ward for 39, against 33. Tho voto
on tho sowor bonds was practically
tho same only for a few votes being
cast differently. Tho bonds will boar
C per cent lntorost They aro non
taxable and nro in denominations ot
$1,000. They will bo advertised for
salo and will bo disposed of to tho
highest bidders. Somo peoplo think
they aro a good investment ns there
has boon a ready salo of such bonds
most of tho time. Tho City Council
will moot tho first of next week and
canvass tho ballots and certify to the
official count Whllo tho total voto
cast Is disappointing, tho majority for
both propositions shows thero was
srery little opposition and. that most of
tho citizens know, they would -carry
and so did not tako tho troublo to voto,
Tho result of tho election assures
North Platte ot a water systom ample
to her needs and a sowor Bystom that
will take caro of any reasonable grow
th of tho city for somo time to como.
J. V. Romlgh, chairman of tho race
committee for tio Fourth of July,
announced last night that ho had six
and probably seven entries In tho big
races for tho Fourth' and four entrlos
j In tho Ford class. In the big races.
' Idnc Rlilley Is again a contestant
'with a Hudson Special. Rhiloy wants
the Chamber of Commorce cup and so
must win this year. Albert Proltauor
has entered his Dodge Special and will
drlvo it himself. Noel Bullock has cr
tored tho bit? races with a now mach
ine but tho exact type couljd not bo
ascertaiuei'i Rhlley, Brdltaurer and
' Bullock were contestants last year
and arc well known to those inter
ested in auto races. Of tho new driv-'
ers, Bun Brochtrup with a Chalmers
Spocial and II. G. Franco with nn
Essex Special aro counted on to do
gocjl work. Carr and Yagoy havo en
tored a car but tho typo is not given
J. J. Fletcher is to drive a Rutonber
Special. Thero may bo other entrlos
yet that aro being delayed In transl
but without them we are assured of
somo good races on the Fourth.
Tho new "Hostess Pattern" in sll
yor flatwaro is tho finest prdluct of
yearn of study and manufacture. We
will bo pleased to show you this
cc:npPf( pit tern. C. S. Clinton & Son,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Current comment aiiout peo
ple and the things they
are doing here.
Yosterduy.wns tho longest da and'
tho shortest night according to tho
uiiuuuuu. roono wno wont on the
Booster trip will ngreo that It was, a
long day and tho night was all too
Particular credit for tho succoss ol
tho Boosters trip Is duo tho hion
who sorvod on tho committees:
Moss6rs Oglor, Tiley Coatos, Portor,
Sbudor and lloaloy. Tho thanks ol
tho boosters Is duo tho Ford . arid:
Busklrk garages for tho Eorvlco cniWChna. Pass, Sr. Tho paper wolght Is
which attended the trip.
Tho now pumps at tho ffduth,
station and at tho main station of-
tho water works aro to be driven by,
motors. Tho powor s to bo furnished
by tho North Platto Light and Poworv
Company at a sliding scqlo, which
will probably avorago 3 cents." a
kilowat. t ' i
Lumber and materials aro on, thai
ground and work will begin today on:
tho repairing of tho brldgo across
tho South Platto near here. Tho old
brldgo will bo temporarily repaired '!
and tho contractor says ho will vdo,
everything possiblo to havo it ready?
by July fourth. 4
Tho auto boosters on tholr trip oast
Wednesday passed two North Platto
boy scouts on bicycles. They worol
George Weber and Walter. Shilling
and they wero" equipped for a Ion
hike. While the boostors worotn Max
well, the boys wont through so that thol
boosters ,paBscd them' again tho .dthenpnd '-that .bo is Teadytp clone", at-anyi
side of Maxwell.'' ' timo. Ho baa conforrod with public
Tho City Council let contracts on
Tuesday ovening for ono motor and
pump for tho station ovor in tho
south part of town, to tho American
Well Works, Aurora, 111., for $5,475.
Tho two motors and pumps for tho
central station wero purchased from
tho samo company for $C,289. They
aro to bo delivered in from 0 to 11
weeks which will mean about Sept. 1
T. Carman, Poultry Export from
Washington, D. C. spent Monday and
Tuosday In Lincoln County, holding
poultry demonstrations- and giving
talks on various topics connected
with poultry raising. Ho Is ono ot
the specialists sent out by tho Depart
ment ot Agriculture of tho United
Statos, who aro bringing tho best
things in ngriculturo to tho farmers
of tho different parts of thoi country.
Tho Boy Scout Council met at noon
yesterday and voted $125 to tho Camp
flro Council to complcto tho payment
on Its now building. This was dono
becaus'o the Scout Council wished the
Camp Firo Council to liavo a camp
ground freo from dobt. sinco tho camp
firo peoplo gavo so much help to tho
Scout Camp, This 1b about tho amount
needed to put tho campfiro cottago
out of "debt and ready for use.
Sun T
Rex Beach's Famous Story
me worm w
Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday
"High Sign" Starring Buster Keaton
Slow Motion Pictures of Annette Kellerman
in Swimming.
M. 13. Crosby n son camo In yes
terday by auto from a visit at Lincoln
and other eastern poInts.Mrs. Crosby
and tho other son will visit a llttlo
longer. Mr. Crosby roports tho roads
from Omaha ty Lincoln and tiion
through York ml Grand Island to bo
In lino lahapo. Most ot tho Way bo
twoen Lincoln and Grand Island they
aro as smooth as a boulovard.
Ono of tho most romarkablo per
formance of tho trip was that of an
Olds truck. A platform with an Iron
railing around it had boon built on
tho truck and from this platform tho
gloo club ontortalned tho crowds.
This truck, was In tho lead most or
tho tlmo. It pulled tho big cars out
of the water at Gothonburg, clipped
along tho country roadB at 25 to 30
mllos an hour nnu when tho boostors
i rrlvod at a town, they always found
tho truck thero waiting for thorn.
Wo aro in receipt of a photograph
of a paper wolght which was mndo'by
mado In tho form of an anvil and is
complete in ovory dotall. It was mado
from part of tho first rail laid In
North Platto In 1SCG. Mr. Pas3 pro
son! tho ipapcr weight to tho Union
Pacific officials anil they intend to put
it in tho musoum of railroad relics
and Intorosting momontos, which mu
soum Is maintained at headquarters at
Omaha- Stamped on tho sldo of the
anvil is tho following: "Mado from
tho First Rail laid In N. P. 18CG," and
on tho photograph Is" written "Mado
by Chas. Pass, North Platto, Nobr.,
190G." Wo aro gratoful to Mr. Pass
for. this photograph.
J, B. Payne arrived horo Wednesday
from attending ono of his church meot
jijoav oqj dn noirj jiti3u bui pnu b3uj
of tho freo lunch at tho People's Mis
sion. Whllo away ho has had assistants
to attend to this work and his renort
is that thero aro about fifty mon a day
who mako application for a meal. Mr.
Payno gavo us to understand yosterday
that ho )Ud not want to forco this
matter on tho peoplo of North Platto
jofficlalB, polico authorIltIc3, court
! Wsob and business mon and all seem
I lo iavor continuing tno rreo lunch
for tho Present at least; somo soy
. until karvost sets in whllo others
thlnk lt should bP lcPl UP 08 lo"S "si
hungry mon nro to bo fed. Mr. Payno
says that Hie substantial man of fam
ily looking for work is now a scarcity
lie says tho mon nro youngor, averag
ing 19 or 20 and that thoy aro out of a
job and looking around a llttlo boforo
thoy Uiko up a now location. If not
fed at tho Mission thoy would scattor
ovor tho city and peoplo would havo to
give them a hand-out or somo money.
Polico officials consldor tho Mission
freo lunch provonts consldorablo small
thieving and somo minor crimes ns
when fed nt the Mission tho mon sol
dom leavo tho railroad yards. How
ovor, if the lunch is continued, .somo
funds must bo secured from some
source. Who will holp decido thin
matter for tho bost?
Ice-tea glasses and jugs aro vory ac
ceptable wealing presents. You will
find n largo assortment jvlth C. S.
Clinton & Son, Jowolor's'nnd Opti
cians. Mrs Fred Thompson roturnod yes
terday from Rochester, Minn, whero
sho underwont nn operation for np
pondlcitus. Sho has boon in Rochester
a month.
Tho, Parado Committee for tho
Fourth of July consists of Jim Clin
ton. 'Chairman and Dr. Mitcholl anl
Guy Popojoy. This commlltco has
worked hnrd to outllno a parado which
would bo .bettor than nny hold horo on
any provious Fourth of July. To
stlmulato Interest thoy havo Inquired
of friends as to parades , which havo
been hold formerly In other placos
and as to tho ontortalnlng foautroi;
from tho list thoy havo choBou thoso
which nppoalod to them as best suited
to ontortaln Lincoln County peoplo.
This) commjltfoo dins anoun,c(l tho
following list ot ovonts for which
prizes will bo awarded: Bost Buslnosb
float $50; bost float ontorod by a
lodgo, organization or socloty $50;
bost docorntod blcyclo and rldor un-
dor sixteen years of ago $5; bost baby
carrlago and baby $C; boat comioiwo-
sontntlon $10; beat appearing organl-
zatlon on foot $15; bost piiBhrnobllo $3
and $2; fattest lady $2; tallost lady
$2; finest appoarlnK sadlllo horse or
slnglo driving horso $20; finest np-
poaring team $30; prizes for tho bost
presentation In tho iparado of any pre
cinct, township or town in Lincoln
County or adjoining counties, 1st prize
$50, 2nd prlzo $35, 3rd prizo $15. Tho
commltteo will bo glad to answer any
questions about Uio parado or the
prizes and will probably havo somo
Instructions na to its formation arid
routo of travel.
Tho Lincoln County, Farm . Buroau
ors woro bolng sent out to assist in
membership campaigns in Nobraskn
and woro nskod to postpone all efforts
along that lino until fall. This was
decided on nccount of tho fact that
tho workors could not glvo tholr tlmo
until tho crops nro put asldo and ulso
that tho campaign to bo mado by tho
UnltodJUnto Grain Growers, Inc.,
could havo tho wholo field during tho
summer. This Jdoos not mean that r.o
ono can join the Farm Bureau but It
doos mean that workors' will not -solicit
pib fannors during tho busy
Boason. County Agont Kellogg and
In fact any mombor of tho Lincoln
Coutny Farm Bureau will take mow
borahlps of all who want to Join nt
any timo during tho Bummer.
Elgin wrlat watches in whito gold
and greon, fancy and plain cases.
Movomonts aro 7 and 15 JowolB, prices
$25,00 to $00.00. C, S. Clinton & Son,
Jowelors nnd Opticians.
Mrs. Myrtlo Wllklns wont to Goth
enburg yesterday to vlBlt for a fow
j Ready Money For ' j
i Vacationists
It Hn't nocossnry-tjo'onrry jyipply'of S I
p ready oash to onro fm your. vacation I 1
I' i requirements. , - j 3
HI Travellers' Qhoquea will provldo ready ;
f 't funds for you at nny timo nnywhorp 5
S . yet bo absolutely valuoloss if lost or I'll
I In tho poBsoeelon of anyone clso. j 1
8 t. 'IB
i Ask us about this sorvlco- foylrtiv 1 ' i I
:2jf olorB. Cheques can bo lssuod for. any t j g
t ;J amount at small cost, They make I B
vacations a real ploasuro by removing ' I
iii! all worry ovor funds.
. ' I I
j The Platte Valley State Bank j
A beautiful Juno-wedding, took-placo
at 8:30 Wodnosday evening at the
Lutheran churKli, when Miss Helen
Carolyn Scharman. daughtor ot Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Schnnnan, boenmo the
brt)lo of Emil Morchoid. MIbs Florence
McKay was at tho organ and playod
Lohengrin wedding march to which
the briday party ontorod. First camo
tho fiowor girls dressed In different
colored organdloa, Marlon Huxoll In
pink, Dorothy LoDIoyt In yollow,
Lonlso Spurrier In blue and Elizabeth
Scharmann In greon, all woarlng ma
llno bowB on tholr lialr and cnxrylng
baskets of roses. Noxt camo tho
brIosmsld, Miss Claroy ot Lowollon.
Sho woro a lavondar organdlo dress.
Llttlo Robprt Scharmann and Gcr
trudo Spurrier carried tho rings na
tho doublo coromony was used. Tho
brldo ontorod on tho arm of hor father
Goorgo II. Scharmann. Sho was gown
on Jn whtto organdlo and carried
shower bouquet of rosea and HUloq
of tho valloy. Tho bridegroom entered
from tho vestry room.
Rov. C. Franklin Koch road tho
marrlago lines, after which Miss Mc-
Kny playod tho Mondolssohn march
as n recessional.
Tho rocoptlon was hold in
church assembly Immediately
tho coromony.
Tho young ipooplo loft Wodnosday
ovonlng for a wedding trip to Yollow
stono National park and othor woatorn
points nftor which thoy will rcsldo In
tholr now homo which tho groom hai
rocontly built for his brldo near tho
North Platto Floral Company.
The brio has spent most of hor
llfo with hor pnronts near tho city
r.r.d is well and favorably known to all
North Platto peoplo.
Tho groom is n prosperous young
business mnn having como to North
iPlatto only a fow ycara ago. Ho Is
liked by all his associates both In
blilnQjsa and social circles.
On Monday, Juno 20, 1921, at tho
homo of hor iparonts, Miss OUvo May
Harshfiold became tho brldo of Ralph
H. Boor, Rov. Yost of tho Methodist
Church at Sutherland performing the
coromony. Tho marrlago sorvlco was
hold at noon and was attended by a
largo rovjl of relatives and frionda.
Following tho coromony a dinner was
sorved to 'all present and tho brldo
nnd groom camo to North Platto whom
thoy spont several days. Miss Bortha
Laubnor nnd Waltor Harshfiold at
tended tho brldo and groom.
Mrs. Boor is tho daugh!tor of Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Harshfiold, old and
woll-known roBldonts ot tho western
part of tho county. Mr. Beer is an en
terprising young man who has many
frlonds In tho Sutherland vicinity. Ho
will tike Ids brldo tb tho C. Boer
rnnch northwest of Sutherland whero
thoy will mako tholr futuro homo.
Tho Trlbuno congratulates- thoso
young peoplo and wlshos them all of
tho Joys of woddnjl llfo for manv
years to como.
1 .