NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. CLINTON Sign oE&he Big Ring . DR. 0. II. CRESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Office ovor the McDonald State Dank. . LOCAL PEtSON L . Mrs. Jennie Klino of Ringo visited in tho city yesterday. Mary Scnrador of Ogallala visited 'local friends" .yesterday. Mrs. T. It Dixon' of Big Springs was a city victor, yesterday. Mrs. Robert Gralivof Chappol visit ed friends 1ln tho city yestorday. Riley Warren returned yesterday from Omaha where ho transacted busi . ness. Freeman Hansen loft Tuesday for Paxton to transact business vfor a few . days. - i ' MrK, York Hlnman attended, tho P. E." O. convention in Lexington yes A torday. Miss Florerico Gough left yesterday for McCpok to Bpend a week, visiting friends. Mrs! Wilfurd Stuart returned to her homo in Lexington after visiting friends. Roberta Foster left yesterday for Omaha to visit at tho home of Mrs. J. A. Urban. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mann left yes torday for Excelsior Springs to spend three weeks. Mrs. T. J Ncal of Tryon visited . friends in, tho city-yesterday enrouto to Sutherland. t i Mrs; M. A. Bonham returned from I her daughter. Mi and Mrs. E; G. Gideon left yes- lerday for Excelsior Springs to spend " several woekB. . II, Johnson of Grand Island camo yesterday" to visit locUl friends and transact business. i The little- daughter of. Mr. nn,i Mrs. 1 . H. Hirschfeld undorwont an operation for touBilltis yesterday. I For Hay Fevor see Dr. Shaffer. Mias Margurito, Campbell returned from Wyoming Wednesday- whore she , visitod for sevoral weeks. j The Epworth -Leagiio of the Meth-i odist Church will hold a tennis tournamorrt-sn tho near future. Mr. and Mrs. Walurath of Doi Mo Ninos, aro oxpectod tomorrow to visit their niece Miss Ethel Walurath. Harry Pizor arrived homo yestor day to spends n few days with lite parents, Mr. Tand Mrs. Julius Pizor Two carloads of young engineers passed through the cMr yesterday enroute from, California to West Vir ginla. Mrs. It. "V. Tropo who underwent an . operation at tho Platte Valley hospital Wednesday is reported 'to bo getting along nlcoly. Mr. and Mrs. G..A. Anderson return ed tho first of 'the week from Van couver, Canada where they visited their son and daughter. Misses Ola and Jennie Pyle return ed Wednesday from Kentucky and (MemphifJ, Tenn. where they1 spent ihrco weeks visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Voseipka wont to Northport Wednesday to accompa ny tho former's faher to this city. They returned that evening. Harry Murrln. who !has been in. California for his health for tho past fow months arrived home tho first part of tho week in a much improved condition. Ruth Donaldson' entertained Tues day "evening in honor of her birth day. Games wore played during the ovonjng .after which refreshments wero served. - Geo. J. Kufold was -placed in tho County Jail Wednesday upon a charge of U. S. mall robbery. Ho is sen tenced for thirty days starting Wed nesday. Juno 15 at noon. Tho' Catholic Girls Club was enter tained Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mrs. Louis Kolly. Tho oven ing. was spent in cards after which dainty refreshments wore sorved. The two yoar old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shrlvors who recently suffered a bruisod hand by catching if. in tha'wrinKor of a 'washing ma chine is now suffering an Infected CLINTON, THE JEWELER & SON, The Eye Glass Meii Salisf action -Sure Try Usffr ALT j LINCQLN COUNTY PEOPLE ItAISliD IN ILLINOIS ARE .' INVITED TO JOIN. ! Tho Illinois Soc,loty of Lincoln County will bo organized at a meet ing to bo hold in tho County Court Bouse, Monday, Juno 20 at 8 o"clock Iko Stebblns. himself a puroblood Illlnoisan is Chairman of tho Coin lnitteo of tho Klwanis Club which is promoting the organization of the society. Every person who was raised in Illinois is invited to become u member. :o: Carl Shaggo,- who has been taking treatment at the Mayo Bros, hospital for the past six weeks is expected jiome the first of tho week. Tho will bo no preaching services in the Presbyterian church on Sun day, the 19th, but arrangements are being made to haVo.tho pulpit sup plied for the following Sunday nnl announcement will be made Inter through tho papers. S.s ' ' ' " T.n (TL' Sf 1 Dlreef From tke 1 r i n m wm m w u w mm m m r i imi ! i j u. H ' - pom .j. Sjffp io go on oaie M. : Mm rasimms.rave ... -fcfiSS' M IHfi-MM f ' S 1 L N E'W " 3 " " ' - - I and ' vryA ' 2700 yards recsivad this morning direct from mills, and will be placed on sale at $1.87 per yard. Your choice your pick includ ing all kinds and colors in most wanted RIPPLING SILKS. . , WE ARE Canton Crepes Georgette Crepes Crepe de Chine Georgette Meteor Japanese Crepes A Host of MOST BEAUTIFUL You'll be Surprised at these Silk McCall Pattern Agency DRY ' Graduate, Opticians PAXTON HALL PLAYEltS EASY VIQTIMS FOlt LOCAL LEGION TEAM. Tho North Tlatto Legion team had an easy time defeating tho Paxton ! team Wednesday by a score of 15 to 3. j After tho third Inning Husband hold ' theni scoreless with tho ali of bohio snappy fielding :byv tho Legion team. A fair sized crowd attended tho first mid-week gamo and tho .management is going to got some moro gnmc3 during tho week in the future. Batteries for N. P. Husband and Sullivan, Batteries for Paxton McKane and O'Connell. -tot- Miss Edith Slobold entertained last evening at a miBCollancous 'shower complimentary to Miss Gladys Wilt "vlio will be a Juno bride. hTe evening was spent in games after which re freshments wore, served. Thomas Dennis ot Arthur transact ed business in the city yesterday. KNOWN AS . H i - - t, , n; :iu -ri v;ia The Most Wanted Silks Are Here in Colors. Moon GIo Crepes . Satin Francaise Chiffon Taffetas Kimona Silks Foulards GOODS WOMEN 5 READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J.E.NELSON. MANAGER ' "r 1 l, 1 .- t A NEW IWIINOII'AIj FOlt TK-JUNt lOlt HIOILQJIOOL HAS JIEITN' SlfGUltKl). ' ; J.'T g.f: After four years of faithful service as principal of tho Junior High School, Mias Florenco Antonidcs Is to bo re lieved of the burden nnd has. boon offered tho bend of tho Normal Train-. Mir Department in tla Senior. High School for tho coming year, in her Dlaco tho Board of Education lina felacc&Gcorgci MoVorfl who has agreed ft? toKg JTjj Jho "work with, tho opening $1 jtHg tomltift 'school yoar, Mr. Moyorn 1J R 'graduate f; Washburn Colldgo and, liHtJ Had K numbor of years ot successful school work beforo coming to North' Platte. Ho was an lnstruc tor in Senior High School tho latter part, ot ladt yoar and earned Uio respect and conildcnco of tho school peoplo. He 16 woll qualified to take up tht work whoo Miss Antonidcs left off nnd no bettor choico could havo been mado ns her BUccbssor. ::o:: ELKS HOLD LAST DANCING PAR. ! rnv m mirr ovtenv iv frni.'Ti HOME WEDNESDAY'. Tho Elk Lodgo hold a vory enjoy able dancing party In tholr homo on Wednesday evening, Tho Famous Syncopers orchestra of Salt Lake City furnished music for tho occasion and was greatly enjoyed. Punch and cakes were sorved during tho evening. This will bo tho last danco in the Elk home this season. Dr. Snavelay of Doshlor, Nobr., was in the city Tuesday looking over tho city prior to moving his dental prac tice to this city. A "SAFE" STORE Pebblettes Fancy Georgetties Satin Poplins Striped Tub Silks Messalines Bargains I II III H MASONIC L0JU.GJJ IIJILDS I'UHLHJ INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS FOlt ENSyiNtiYEAR. Tuosday evening the Platte Vnljoy Lodgo No. 32 A. F. & A. M. holit pub lic installation? of officers In tho Mas onlo frnli: Following tho'' Installation tho past mastorB wore presented with gold engraved past master's Jewels by "uBt Grand. Master ,F L. Tomplo. Following the iproscntatlon .James Heron of Now York City addressed tho fraternity and fr!endBln an Inter esting .manner1, Rqfrcshmcnttf Wore sorvod after which tho ordor present ed tho retiring mnstor, D. J. Frod rlcli8 with a travelling bag as a tpken ot Its appreciation for his faithful Borvlco. Following is a list ot tho past mnstors: Geo. DonohQwor, Wm Stuart. John Mollvaln, O. H. Cresslcr, J Mc- Graw, Chostor Williams, . H. C. Brocl., J. B. Rodfleld. The nowly installed officers aro: W. M. Ralph Hanson, S. W. Abnor WeBBbcrg, JNW. Evcrot Carr. Troasuror F. F. Mooto ?y, Secretary Carl Grloson, S. D. Carl Bonnor. J. D; Edward CrosB. Chaplain- Albort McConnoll.S. 9. Julius Hoga, J. S. Goorgo Caso, Ty ler Platto Oilman. .:: Ruth Donolson' entertained fifteen of her girl frionds Wednesday evening in honor of hor fourteenth birthday.- Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Miller will leave ths iwcok , for an extended, visit in Washington. Mrs. J. Slpo returned tho first of tlio weok .from Chappoll where she visited hor-slstor. H. B. Oleson ot Maxwell transacto.1 buslnoss in tho city yestorday. COME EARLIEST Your Greatest SILKS For I Tomorow Let's All "Set the Example of Saving" INCORPORATED 111 II II MM 111 I FTM I Tho Choyenue County Porsonal Tax ntslwire -liflbiiBinra-dastr-wook in tho Sldnoy Tolegraph. -Only that part was printed to tho Tolegraph which was of Interest to Sidney readers. What is a good thing for Choycneo County should bo a good thing for Lincoln "fcounty. .!ii-!-tMMttH n ' W For' Fruit and Ornajnontal it ! TrecB, Peony and Dahlia Roots, Cinnamon and Madorla Vinos, Hardy I'lnks, Pansy Plants,. ft Troos nnd Plants that Grow, t u Cut Flowers, and other Tlants it i for any occasion, call 8 NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CO., Visitors Welcome. Phono 1023. West 12th Cor. CurtlB. CANCER REMOVED By Harmless Remedies. CHAS. It. DEVEK, M. D. 307 Brownoll Block. Lincoln, Nobr. GO TO II. Ss l FEED STORE For Millet Seed and Feed Phono C39W HEIIMINGHAUSEN & FItOMuVN. WYLIE 1VALKER Export Piano Tuner and Repairer. Lcavo orders at 014 W. 4th St Or Phono 334. SIMS B n r T fi nces MOMENT POSSIBLE H Lnoice What's Left Later Silk-Buying Opportunity FOR SILKS. Taffetas Wosh Satins Pongees Silk Shirtings Plaid Silks Satins All Occasions i Wash Suits For Boys IT nr B Age 2, 8 yrs m is hand.