The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 17, 1921, Image 1
- ci man THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NElk JUNE 17, 1921. sr MAT SERVICE IS INSTALLED the thihum: now ilvs iu:gu. LAIt AUTOCASTEIl SEHYICE FOlt ALL ISSUES. TWO TJtAINS OE SIUUNEK& WILL PXSSJ THROUGH THE CITY THIS AFTERNOON. Tho Trlbuno ia this week Install ing a new autocastcr. Tho announco mon may not mean much to most of our readers until' wo oxplain that an autocastcr Is a machine for making, plates from which all kinds of pic tures, designs, etc. can bo mado for Two trains of Shrlnors enrouto homo from ' tho annual conclavo nt Dos Moines, will pass through this af ternoon about three o'clock, running as BOctlons of train tfo. 11. While tho trains lay nt tho depot tho Shrlnors will bo tendered a concert by tho band and will bo given tho glad hand by local members of tho ordor and by a committee from tho Chambor of Com merce. Citizens Bhould bo at the do pot to help greet tho Shrlners. ;:o:; 3Ii:3niEltS OF THE LEGAL FRA TERNITY TO HOLD DISTRICT MEETING HERE 1 Tho Bar Association of tho Thlr- uso in tho paper. Tho cartoons under "u Wl lu tho nkmo of Homo Sweet Homo aro!teenth, Julal District will Jiold its tliliiUtli Will UUtlUlllll 11UI H. A lUtVU V H an oxdmplo of this work. Tho artist drew tho picture and tho engraver mado a plate for printing tho picture. This plate Is of metal and is heavy. Tho workmen next took a piece of wet thick paper which had been specially prepared for tho pur- poso, and after laying it over tho plate, subjected it to prcssuro and 1 . x ' mtt . iwai. wuen aneu aim romuvuu mis M- ,, Mrf, nnR , t.lm.finiinttv jjaper, called a mat, ,1s light nndclub are now rea(ly to sorve lunches easil sent by mall. Of course hun- nnft 0on wiUl n chickon dinner .dreds of mats can bo mado from ono t Sunday, plato and these mats aro sent to , . . :o: Wednesday.. Juiro 29. All of tho law yers In this district- which com prises seven (counties, aro expected to bo present COUNTRY CLUH DINING K0031 OPEN TO 3IE3IBERS SUNDAY WITH CHICKEN DINNER ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT AD OUT PEO PLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE, Stroot Coihmislouer John Jonos yos torday finished grading ton blocks on wcBt sixth street Ho says thoro is somo mora work to bo dono" out In tlio west part of town but that ho will not bo nblo to do all that Is needed thoro at this timo as there aro other parts of town that raiiBt bo graded aB soon as possible. , autocaster subscribers all over this ciIAMDJGIt OF COMMERCE HOLDS country. The Tribune is one of tllom j ItANQUET AND DISCUSSES- That is called tho autocaster service, A package of these mats Is received weekly. Thou the nuiocastor does its work. MANY SUBJECTS. About 10p members of tho Chamo or of Commerce gathered at tho Tho m:t is placed in this mnJiIni Lutheran Church last evening and and Jiot metal Is poured in upon'tho enjoyed a banquet served so bountl mat. Tho metal takes tho shape ot.fujly by tho ladies of the church, tho mat. So wo have In our office After the dinner Chairman Edwards a plate which is" the samo as the introduced Secretary Bare, who gave original plato. that- was mado in a report of tho activities of the New York. Wo put the plate into the Chamber since tho last general meet forms from which tho paper Is print- ing. This report showed that the of ed and our. readers enjoy tho car- fleers and directors had been very oon. But tho nutocastor Is not only busy -with tho different propositions used forcartoona hut for all -kinds for the betterment of North Platte of illustrations or advertising for and its citizens as well as tho whole column iieadlngjf or-poems, Ulusitra-"of Lincoln County;. Following 4hls "tonis. pictures of great' ovents." . otc"report a' nUmber'of-subJeclsTvero in-' Tho pages - of' the Tribune will -con- troducod and tho members discussed tain tho cartoon Homo Sweet Homo them as much as' they wereworth. or some cartoon equally good each Tho meeting was enlivened by strong week from now on. Watch for them, differences of opinion tfhlch wore And this added service is thrown in ornestly expressed and often dls with the reduced price which is now missed with a humorous shot by $1.50 a year. . - ,som0 peaker. ;o: Mr. and Mrs. Frank It. Elliott ar- MJs3 Lillian McCracken who has rived last night from California been tho guest of hor oistor'Mrs. H. where they have spent- several I M. Grimes loft this morning for L03 months yisiting friends and looking Angeles to spend tho summer, -or the countty. SUNDAY At the Ftrr Grounds Gbtheoburg is. NQrtk.Pfotte - Bus Bb.II Game Called ot 3:30 1 jErmsi 9 V JA rr - $r jp- Cted&j Jjd fijOM& e-wwv Thursday morning tho North Platto Wirelosa station talked directly with Cleveland, Ohio nnd with Itono, Ne vada, Shortly boforo that liowevcr a storm with lightning had closed down the whole works for a short thrto. Tho new building for the station is being hold up pending tlio appropriation which Congress will mako available on July lijt. Nothing Is'hoav known as to tho amount which can be used for that purpose. Yesterday morning s mioono told us that 'someone elso hail gone by his place of business and called out that tho North river bridge was sinking. Wo thought that would bo quite a sight, so wo mounted our bicycle ami went as fast as tho speed cops and our two-cylinder power would take us. It was hotter than tho placo which is tlio reward, for sin and when wo gut more wo could not And anyono to ask any questions of so we mado an In spection ourselves and fdtmd overy plank In placp and as nearly In line ag thej; ever aro. If that happens again wo are going to lose our confidence In some of our follow men. ; Last Sunday the Sidney base ball team 'used Carson's barber shop , as d dressing room and whon tho boys went to tho game they left their citizen clothes In tho shop. When they returned they found that somo ono had gone through their clothes and taken several, watches and somo money. A hogro. npt connected with mo snop was at onco suspected and his absence mado It more certain. He was caught down about Grand Island and brought back to North Platto whoro ho Is now in jail. Ho will bo iaken into County Court to day or tomorrow if tho officers get tno evidence in shape. Most of the property was recovered and returned to tho owners. Tho South river bridge cost $10,000 and did very .well when the river was dry or nearly so. When tho strain camo It was not equal to tho emer gency. It reminds us of the heating plant which wns installed in the Franklin School building. It wa'a n typo of steam heating which was new to our builders and for somo reason it did not entirely do tlio work that was claimed for it Willads Hansen was firing it, did everything ho knew to mako it work, but it was n fact that tho colder tho woathor, the los3 steam was delivered to tho radiators Ono day someone Interested In the mattor asked Mr. Hansen how -the new heating plant was coming on. He said, "It would bo a flno heating plant fpr Southern California but it is no good here." -:o:- At n tnnnHnr. nf tim dnnl 1 ...V-V...O m iiu u.iuu II UUIIUBUU) ovening the proposition of holding tlio concorts on Friday evening was taken up and aftor discussion tho Friday night dato was adopted. There was somo objection on tho part of tho cit. izons but mostly they did not say any thing but thoy did not attend tho con cert. Somo said It was too hot nt five o'clock on Sunday, feorao said thoy did not want to-dress up and como down nt that hour, somo said thoy had to proparo supper or do tho ovonlng chores or got ready for church or that thoy could not get back from the ball gamo ora auto' rldo or tho plcturo show or something elso. 'When .tho concorts woro hold on Friday night. very ,largo crowds wero in attend ance when tho woather was at all favorablo anfl It was decided to try tho Friday night date again. Peoplo in North Platto are not awako to tho possibilities for outincs in our City Park. Thoro 1b n flno grove of largo trees near tho entrance. Thoy aro trimmed up so thcro is plenty of hero' tho Park Hoard - has lnstnllod a nunibof of tables nnd benches for picnic parties. Hydrants supply city Water in abundance Thoro is ampMo space for games and it Is a lino place to qtudy birds. Wo would think that families would go thoro for picnics nnd spond hot nftornoons unrior, tho Bhado. Yostorday morning wo saw a bunh of Campflro Girls roasting wloriles ovor a small flro and with .tholr guardians- onjoylnH; tho oarjy nlorhlng. Wo roamod through tho park one 'day recently nnd saw or hoard n lrlnila nt lvlrila n n fnnr mln. Ut8s! Children llko picnics nnd their lives would bo happier If thoy woro takoh to tho outdoors aB oftor as possible! -:o:- LOOAl MEN AHE ELECTED TO ; OFFICE IN STATE SPANISH WAIt VETERANS. BOOSTERS TRIP TO BE HELD ORIGINAL PLANS TO RE CARRIED OUT IF R1YER BRIDGES WILL PERMIT.. At tho Fourtoenth Annual En campment of tho United Spanish War - r. ti . . . . . ' vuiuruiuj ui rseurasica, neiu at ijin- colnjon Sunday, Monday and Tues daytof this week, Elmer E. Moody of this city was elected Senior Vlco Commander, Chas. H. Crosby was mado Dapartment Marshal and A. W. Brown is ono of tho Nobraska dole gates to tho .National encampment. Thoso who attonded from tho local cam wero: E. E. Moody, A. W. Broi'n, Luther Tucker, J. W. Row land; A. E. Boll and C. W. Potor of Stapjoton, The next encompmont will be held in Hastings, Nobr., tho second wook of Juno, 1922. Mrs. Wm Bryant of Omaha who .lihBiibeen tho guest of hor cousin Mrs? M. M. Johnston, loft Tuesday to aUentl tl10 p- E Convention In Lexington. - y Mrs. Julia Siebold entertained tho Ladies, Band Monday in honor of Edith Siobold's birthday. Mrs. Carl Ritonour and daughter returned to their homo In Julesburg this morning after spending sovoral days In tho city. Tho Chamber of Commerco boost er trip ovor tho BOuth part of tho county will bo carried out as origin ally plauued jf tho conditions will permit. Tho boosters will cross tlio river Tit Gotlivuburg and at Suthcr-'woro present woro land. Favorablo roporls of tho bridg0 pleasod. conditions nt both places caused the' A-' ItOTAHfAN HOLD DIG BANQUET WITH NEW YORK KO'JUlf-y AN ASIONOIt GUEST. " Tuosday evening tlio NoAh Platto Rotary' Club and Invited guests ban queted at tlio Episcopal Church at C:30. Thoro wero about 0113 hundred peoplo prosont to enjoy tho dinner which tho girls of tho church served so nlcoly. At tho cIObo Jimmy Hereon of Now. York was introduced and gavo an. ovonlng of vory onjoyablo monologue nnd Impersonations. Ho taught th0 group how to sing a now song, tod them a number of humoroua stories nnd then gave tho monologuo "Tho Spirit of Rotary." Ills rendition wad very flno and tho people vho vory much WITH INITIATION OF LARGE CLASS. members nssemblcd at tho banquet MUSCOVITES HOLD TIU3 STAGE last nigut to instruct tho Directors of tho Chambor of Commorco to pro ceed with tho arrangements for the trip, It was Btatcd however tha't should tho conditions bo unfavornblo tho directors woro at liberty to mako tho best arrangements posslblo for tho trip. Tho dato Js Wednesday, Juno 22. Tho pilot car will bo an American Legion Float and this will bo followor by six or moro cars car rying tho Chambor of Commerco Banh. Sovoral unlquo stunts aro planned and a big day is assured all 1 who go as well as those who aro visited. Tho object of tho trip is to lot tho peoplo of tho south part of About250 candidates aro to be Initiated into tho Kremlin JCpla, Im perial Ordor of Muscovites today and this ovonlng. Tho Colorado team is hbro to do tho work and mon aro as BOinbllng from nil over tho state. Only mombera of tho Odd Follows aro ollgiblo to membership in the Muscovites. Thoy will parad0 at 1:30 after which tho exorcises will con tlnuo in tho lodgo hall until six o'clock when a banquot will W fcelff( at tho MaBonlo Hall. Following tho banquet tho Muscovites havo been tho county know that North Platto invitod to attend tho band concort is Interested in them and wishes to1ln court Houso Park aftor which got acquainted. 1 tuoy wm nBain r0pair to tho lodgo :o: . I room and complota tholr inltlattotr Tho boy scouts aro covering tho' and installation. This 1b tho only city this weok distributing -100 lodgo of Muscovites in Nebraska and cards for tho Chambor of Commerco. thoro cannot' be auy moro. Theso cards aro given to property' :o:- ownors who havo taken an 'active . Mrs. L. A. Sloopo loft this? moru- lnlorost in tho Clean-Up campaign ing for Lexington to spend tho day., and whose promises aro in good Mrs. Thomas Fremo loft this morn shape. Thoy will coinploto"tho first ing for her homo In Colordao aftor round this week, making th0 socond attending tho funeral of her brother ! round in August. tho lato "Frank; Zlmmer. What dp you get Today? r - , . . North Platte, Nebraska, Jun 17, 1921 1 To all car owners and prospective" car buyors: ' In my ten years In the Automobile business, I have never been able to offer to my trade any such value as I can today In Dodge Brothers 1 In ? of Mator Cars. Never has our factory or any other factory at any time,, before the war or. afterwards, sold a ' comparable for the price now on Dodge Brothers Cars. Compare a Dodge Brothers touring, car sold complete in North Platte today for $1140, with the cheapest car, and you will find, .that whereas in 191G, this car cost much less than half tlio price of a Dodge or to be exact just 45 per cent, that tqday the same small car sells for much moro than half or 53 per cent" of our price. Yet to day one of the oversize cord tires? on tho Dodge sells for almost as much as all four tires on tlio small car, an.d mpre than any three of their tires, N Then compare A Dodge Brothers Roadster at $1085, delivered at North Platte, with any of the fours or small sixes which today sell from $130 to $000 higher. Most of them have much smaller motors, shorter heelbase, smaller tires, many hao limitation leather upholstery and poor body finish. Consider just tho list of improvements made on. Dodgo Brothers cars within the past six nxbnths, which I -list below, and de cide as to' whether you can buy its equal anywhere. . . . OVER $200 AI)J)E1 IN IMPKO YEMENIS LATELY Wider body by four indies. ' v Heavier frame. Longer springs. Alenite force feed lubrication everywhere. , Heavier wheels over 50 per cent! y , Oversize CORD tires 32x4 Non skid all 'around' dlfferenco alone in this chantro. Heavier axles and drfe shaft. ' ' Heavidr and stronger brakes. . Heavier and deeper upholstery with real hand buffed out side leather (identical in quality with that used on Pierce Arrow and Cadillac. Another and a fifth coat of the wonderful Justrous enamel on all bodies. , j ..A . m?tL'&&-y OVER $300 LESS IN PRICE TODAY. 1 . t 1 2. 3. A 5. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. ' 1'' ' With the improvements recently mado and tho present reduction of prices, you can buy a Dodge Brothers car at an actual reduction, of moro than $510. Such a change as this means war and lsx mado only at a loss to the producer, and may not last long. It is for your benefit, . and surely if you are considering tho' purchase of a now motor icar, it must appeal to you to be the time to buy. Never even before tho war, was such value available .to our car buyors, and it will pay you to tako advantage of this situation during this price war. It certainly Is now a question of the survival of the flttest.and you can be sure tjiat "Dodgo Brothers will Live and Build Quality." Signed 71.. J. V. ROMIGH, P. S. Only an early order will protect you for delivery of a new Dodge Brothers car by the Fourth. F1 EE MOTHERS MOTOR VEHICLES Bpace nnd air underneath them and mam