The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 14, 1921, Image 7

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Mrs. McCmnbcr Avoided a. Serious
Operation by Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound in Time
Georgetown, 111. "After my first
baby was born I Buffered bo with my
Iieitsiuo tnati couia
not walk across tho
I floor unless d was all
I humped over, hold
ing to my Biao. i doc
tored with Boveral
doctors but found no
relief and thoy said
I would havo to havo
an operation. My
mother insisted on
my taking Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vegota
blo Compound and I
toon found relief. Now I can do all my
own work and it is tho Vegetable Com
pound that has saved mo from an opera
tion. I cannot praise your medicine too
highly and I tell all of my friends and
neighbors what the Compound did for
27 S. Frazier St, Georgetown, Illinois.
Mrs. McCumber isonoof tho unnum
bered thousands of housewives who
struggle to keep about their dally tasks,
while suffering from ailments peculiar
to women with backache, eideaches,
headaches, bearing-down pains and ner
vousness, and if every such woman
Bhould profit bvher experience and give
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound atrial they would get well.
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world's stand
ard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
Tho National Remedy of Holland for
centuries and endorsed by Queen WUhel
roina. At all druggists, threo sizes.
Look for tlio nnmo Cold Medal on every box
and accept no imitation ,
Ciiiicura Soap
The Healthy
Shaving! Soap
Co ticurft Soap ihnTfti without muc. Everywhere 25c I
Her Locks Were- False.
After n siege of typlioltl fever ray
luili all enme out anil In order to
iimlto It emtio in lu'ttcr 1 linil If nil out
off. Had to wear n wig. One after-
' noon Intl' 1 went to the train to meet
some friends iintl Just as the engine
whizzed by there was an unusually
strong gust of wind. To my amaze
men and horror my hat nnd my hair
went flying down the plntform. nnd
there I stood looking for all the world
like a brand-new robin. I cried out:
"Oh, there gpes my hat nnd my hair."
Of course thnt drew everyone's atten
tion nnd It seemed years before a kind
young man returned It to me. I wnsn't
long In getting nwny from the curious
crowd ; my sisters greeted the newly
arrived friends. Chicago Tribune.
.To insure glistening-white table
linens, use Bed Cross Ball Blue in your
lnundry. It never disappoints. At all
good grocers, 5c
Pearlle's Sorrow.
Upon returning from kindergarten
otic afternoon Jerome said to his moth
cr: "Oh, mamma, Pearlfo Peterson
cried and cried In kindergarten to
"What was the matter, Jerome?"
the mother inquired, sympathetically.
"Well, von know." Jerome replied,
"JUss Finn let us have a Washington's
birthday party, and I'ehrlle brought a
Juiudkei chief for Washington, and Miss
Finn told her he was dead."
Profiteering? Well
Olllclals of a department store in
Sacramento recently advertised In lo
cal papers that on a certain day they
would devote the entire space in one
of their display windows to an ex
hibit of the goods In which the store
was profiteering. The day arrived
Crowds of women found the window
' J Ua4 filial
Sure Relief
The Ford Hospital
of Omaha, Neb.
Offers a complete training course for
nurses. The curriculum meets the re
nuirements of the State Board. For full
' information write the Supt of Nurses.
Sis re
W. N. U.. OMAHA, NO. 23-1021.
(Copy for This Department Supplied by
in American l.filon News service.)
Airplane Fighter Takes to Coal Cars
to Reach Vocational Tramlng
There's no striking similarity be
tween piloting a highflying alrplano.
of the Marine
Corps to riding In
the coal cars of
ii freight train.
But between
these modes of
travel, Thomas D.
Lane, Junior law
student at the
University of
Kansas, will com
plete his educa
tion. Lane, a (mem
ber of the
Argonne post of the American Legion
at St. Paul, Minn., was attending
school in the Kansas university when
his money ran out. A letter forwarded
to him from his native state told
of tho work of the Federal Board for
Vocational, Education In Minneapolis.
Thrdugh disability incident to his
service as a flyer, he was entitled to
the Federal educational aid. Without
sufficient funds to make the long trip,
nevertheless he set out to appear be
fore the board.
Three days in n box car, a coal
gondola and the tenders of three
passenger trains conveyed him to his
destination. Several fast changes of
cars, unusual maneuvers and debates
with trainmen were necessary, but
the aviator came through smiling. Ono
mall clerk proved frlenftly, but that
train was bound for Chicago. After
two more trials he found a bunk on
some coal and woke up tho next
morning in the St, Paul yards.
Placing his case before the board,
he was classed "Section One," en
titling him to tuition, supplies and
training pay until he completes his
President of Texas Organization Shows
That She Comes From
Fighting Stock.
A record for service to America that
dates from Revolutionary days und
includes the
deeds of Nn
tlianicl Green and
Daniel Boone, Is
perpetuated i n
Mrs. E. Clinton
Murray, of llbus
ton, Tex presl
dent of the
Women's Auxili
ary of the Ameri
can Legion of
that state. The
first unit of the
Auxiliary of the
American Legion was founded there.
When her husband, who was past
the age limit, was accepted by the
Medical Corps during the World war,
Mrs. Murray likewise volunteered. She
made a record of thirty addresses in
one week during a Red Cross drive.
She sold Liberty bonds, organized Red
Cross units and did active canteen
The Women's Auxiliary was organiz
ed nationally in Austin, Tex., July'
20, 1010. Mrs. Murray was one of tho
first women to organize n unit In
Houston In March 1020. When she
became state president, there were
twenty-three units in the department.
Under her direction, thirty additional
units have been formed and fifty
others are now organizing. Mrs.
Murray plans to obtain a unit for
each of the 201 posts of the Legion in
Mrs. Murray was born In Concordia
Parish, La. Both her father and
mother came of old Revolutionary
stock. Ilcr mother's paternal ancestor
was a neat; kinsman of Daniel Boone;
her father's, paternal ancestor was
a descendant of Nathaniel Greene.
During the Civil War her father served
as a captain of cavalry In Forrest's
Minnesota Legionnaires Pay Homage
to Deceased Buddies Who Fought
for Their Country.
In a Uttle cemetery among the pines
where sleep the members of his family
at Cloquet, Minn., the body of John
De Foe, the first Minnesota Indian sol
dier to die fighting for his country, was
laid to rest. 'Carl Anderson post of
the American Legion paid homage at
his funeral. .
Elsewhere through Minnesotn, Le
glonires have been paying tribute at
the funerals of their dead buddies,
whose bodies are being returned from
"He was a clean-cut American, one
of our very best, and his memory will
be dear and sacred," said tho com
mander of Winnebago post, at the fun
eral servlco of Private Vernon Bailey,
In which fifty uniformed Legionnaires
took part.
The body of Ralph Oracle, after
whom Bemldjl post Is named, was
burled ut his home town with honors.
Commander of Minnesota Department
Has Way of Doing Things That
Qats Results.
Under the direction
Vernon, commander of
of A. n.
the Mlnne
depnrtment of the American
Legion, that state
has become one
of tho strongest
Legion depart
ments In tho
Vernon's theory
is that success
comes to the Le-
Af. H gton In proportion
gives to. Its mem
bers and to the state. In carrying out
this policy he has built up a Legion
Service bureau which handles ono
thousand ex-service claims a month
and a department branch of the
American Legion News Service.
Early In 1021, when the Federal
board for vocational education pre
pared to send representatives tq six
teen centers In the state to examine
disabled veterans, the authorities
were handicapped by n lack, of pub
licity. Commander Vernon prepared
twenty thousand large posters and
placed them on every billboard In the
state. This was supplemented with
Information to every newspaper In re
gard to where every disabled man
should report to receive compensation,
vocational training and medical treat
ment. ,
When an unexpected number of
veterans enlisted for vocatldnal train
ing. Mr. Vernon appealed to 20,000
business men to place the men In their
establishments. Tho merchants nnd
manufacturers responded with u good
'will and all the vocational students
were placed to good advantage.
Leslie's Weekly Editorially Honors
Brave Men Who Jferved In
the World War.
"The American Legion begins to look
like a full-page composite photograph
of biographic Americanism from Put
nam to Pershing," reads a recent ed
itorial in Leslie's Weekly. "It moves
with the -weight of the "Battle Hymn
of the Republic'" and tho levity of
"Yankee Doodle," with u ululnnt yell
from "Dixie." Its large composition
Is a token of great trust, and the old
Roman legions, and other legions of
time, begin to look like pop-guns. It
neither tries to roar with a lion's heart,
nor win a woman's quite different
from the pomaded mustaches of Pots
dam. Its manners are quiet ;'ltsraem
ory la excellent; Its emotion's nre
strong, art it Is prepared to roll aV
the refractory elements In one bundle
and hang them on one hook.
"Without n proclamation,- an agita
tion or unloosing a pack of schemes,
It has created a civil prestige to match
its military splendor. Old soldiers of
all ages and all lands nre prone to
harp on one string, but the tramp of
the Legion Is In time and tune with
all the chords of throbbing life. It is
not mprely handsome clay In uniform;
but sinewed In manhood from Its toes
to Its brains. It has that delightful
mixture of sense and spirit, of power
nnd chivalry, of shop and farm, which
tickles the popular taste. It neither
bleats over Its woes nor boasts of Us
,(Vhen the mighty military machine
dissolved In our citizenship the frag
ments coalesced through the sym
pathetic ottractlon of a high purpose
for In defending the institutions of
Americn the Legion Iparned how to
value them. Thus It possesses a moral
prerogative to tread down lurking dls
Ioyalty. We are proud to be the fath
ers and mothers, cousins and aunts of
the Legion. We shall sle.ep sound at
nights. And when the historian winds
up the task of glory-painting Its bat
tles we trust that he will use a golden
drop of ink in stating that congress
denlt n belated, but a glad and gener
ous, bonus."
Former Army Chaplain Assists In Ob
taining Armistice Day Leglsla
. tlon In Minnesota.
Minnesotn American
legislative commit
tee at tho open
ing of tho state
legislature ap
pointed sub-com
mittees to pilot
Its various, bills
through the
house and senate,
Father D. J. Mo
ran of Furmlng
ton, wu,s made
chairman of tho
Armistice day
Attacking the
Job with Argonne fervor, Father Mo
ran obtained the passage of a bill de
claring Armistice day a legal holiday
as the first piece of Legion legislation
enacted Into law.
As army chnplaln, Father Moran
served ten months overseas. He Is an
ardent Legion lecturer and worker.
When he returned from France in Sep
tember, 1010, and found no Legion
post organized In Farmlngton, he
bended straight for Legion state head
quarters, obtained tho necessary
blanks and within a, week had estab
lished one of tl.e most active posts In
Baby Specialists.
JHAT there are Phyeioians who specialize on Infant ailments you know. All
Physioians understand Infant troubles: all Physicians treat them. It is his
profession, his duty, to know human ills from the Stork to the Great Beyond.
But in serious cases he calls in the Specialist, Why? Ho knows as every
Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby is just a baby, needing special treat
ment, speoial remedies.
Can a Mother be less thoughtful? Can a Mother try to relievo Baby with
a remedy that she would use for herself? Ask yourself; and answer honestly I
Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this you
will remember that Pletoher's Castoria is made especially for Infants and
kpt Contents 15TluidDxaot
at nnixnr.-n PER GENT.
i-,ntJoiith(.Food bvl&gula.-1
J tlntitAeStcmWBcwtljijy
neither Oplam,Mrphtocn.0J 1
Mineral. Not WAou4lwa
A f,1nfiilR(rmcdyfQr
ana rcvcru
Loss of Sweep
Exact Copy oi Wrapper.
Fraternity the Great Need.
It was Victor Hugo who conceived
this thought: "The true reslstnnco of
man against catastrophes Is an aug
mentation of humanity. Love one an
other, nld ono another. Solidarity of
men Is the retort to complicity of mys
terious facts. It Is thus that is estab
lished on earth the third term, of the
grand human formula, frntcrnlty. Gov
ernments put obstacles In the vyny of
liberty and equality, they will come In
their time, in spite of the monarchy;
equality In spite of the aristocracy.
But fraternity Is tho opening door, the
emptying purse, tho Helping hnnd.".
The housewife smiles with satisfac
tion aB she looks at the basket of
clear, 'white clothes nnd thanks Red
Cross Ball Blue. At grocers, 5c.
A-Welgh Off.
An American gob in Englnnd had
stepped on a weighing machlno and
was studying It with n puzzled eye.
"What's tho matter; don't you know
what It means?" Inquired n friend,
more experienced In matters Brltan
nlcal. "Let's see It."
"You weigh eleven stone, two cricks,
one piece of three by one-hulf-tnch
hoard and a couple of shingles." Amer
ican Legion Weekly.
It Is easier for some men to make
Jove than It Is for them to make a
Health and Vigor
In theso daya of fast competition
only full-blooded, robust, healthy
people can keep to tho front. Un
healthy weaklings with disordered
blood nro bound to fall
behind. Success is yours
only if' you havo tho
Bnap, vigor and magnet
ism that go with a wnolc
flomc, rich blood supply.
Don't despair becauso
others forgo ahead of
you. Start right now to
What to Take for
Disordered Stomach
The False and the True.
AdvertJslngby tho use of largo space, the expenditure of huge sum
of money have placed on the market, have put In your home, perhaps,
many articles that today havo been discarded, as you will readily admit.
Do you recall anything that has more modestly appealed to th
public than has Fletcher's Castoria: modest in all its claims, pleading
at aU times and truthfully for our babies?
The big splurg, the misleading claims may win for a time, but
the honest truth-telling advertiser is like the old story of the tortoise
that beat the hare.
pothers everywhere, and their daughters, now mothers, speak
frankly, glowingly, enthusiastically in praise of Fletcher's Castoria.
Speak of it lovingly as a friend that has brought comfort, cheer and
smiles to their little-one.
To them: to these true mothers no argument can induce them
to set asido their b'ottle of Castoria, their old friend, that they might
try even another and unknown remedy for babies. Then, would YOU
think of going to YOUR OWN medicine chest to find relief for Baby's
troubles? Can you not separate the false from the true?
Bears the
Fatal to Files. ,
Fly-swatters and screens will bo,
relegated to tho Junk pllo If tho De
partment of Agriculture finds merit In
the fly-killing properties clnimcd for a
sapling grown from tho seed of n Ken
tucky coffee tree by the Into Prof.
George F. Ilolmes of tho TJnlvcrslty
of Virginia. Professor Holmes assert
ed that tho tree gave off a peculiar
poison fatal to files and therefore wns
a boon to humanity. He planted It In
his garden nnd requested thnt it be
dedicated as his only memorial.
Law Violators.
noover found that polar bears were
under tho department of commerce,
grizzly bears under the department of
tljo Interior nnd brown bears under tho
department of agriculture.
Obviously they should nil bo under
the department of prohibition enforce
ment.' They're nil bruin. Philadelphia Pub
lic Ledger. '
"Ole," said the preacher to the
Swedish bridegroom-to-be, "do you
take Hilda Sorgeson for your lawful
wedded wife, for better or for worse?"
"Oh, well," replied Olo gloomily,
"Aye s'pose Aye get little of each."
Tho American Legion Weekly.
It takes well-developed pride to
boast of humility.
Win in
The Race of Life
f rco your circulation of tho impuri
ties that aro hampering your health
and progress. Thousands havo
dono this with S.S.S., tho fnmou3
old herb blood remedy.
Get S.S.S. from your
druggist today, nnd after
you havo started taking,
writo for special medical
counsel to Chief Medical
Advisor, 845 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Geor
gia. It's free,
Take a good dose of Carter's Utile liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights alter.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all oges take them for Biliousness,
Dizziness. Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow,
Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They ind the mlterjj of Conillpatton.
x SmM FilhSmJlDomSmill Price
Cry For
Signature of
Snrinklo one or two Allen's FootEa
powders in the Foot Bath and soak and
rub the fect. It takes the sting out of
Corns nnd Bunions and smarting, aching
feet. Then for lasting comfort, shake Al
len's FootaEaso into your shoes. It take
tho friction from tho shoo, rests the fee6
and makes walking a delight. Always use
it for dancing parties and to break in new
shoes. Over One Million Five Hundred
Thousand pounds of Powder for the Feed
were used by our Army and Navy during
tho war.
Wosforn Gsnsds
Offers Health and Wealth
end has brought contentment and happiness
to thousands of home seekers and their fami
lies who have started on her FREE homesteads
or bought land at attractive prices. They have
established their own homes and secured pros
perity and independence. In the great grain
growing sections of the prairie provinces there
Is still to be had on easy terms
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Aire
land sirallnr to that which through many
years has yielded from 20 to 45 bushels
ot wheat to the acre oats, barley and flax
also in great abundance, while raising;
horses, cattle, sheep and bona is equally
profitable. Hundreds ot farmers In Western
Canada have raised crops In a single season
worth more than the wholo cost of their land.
Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches,
schools, rural telephone, excellent markets
and shipping facilities. The climate and soil
offer inducements for almost every branch of
agriculture. The advantages for
Dairying, Mixed Farming
and Stock Raisins
make a tremendous appeal to industrious
settlers wishing to improve their circum
stances. For certificate entitling yoq
to reduced rnllwny rntcs. illustrated i
literature, maps, description of form
opportunities In Manitoba, has.
katcnewan. Alberta ana on-
tun Miumma, etc., write
Room 4, BssOuildlna
Omaha, Net).
UtWrfaW Aj.Mt, D..L t iMlcrltlM
That Is what tt
means to TOU to
oqulp your cor a
plow with "Little
haliv " n n . w
Cultivator Shields. You u.e them ten day
?.eB.r. 'or ten years. They roll along by
the side ot the above), allowing the fin
dirt to pass throueh, keeping tto cloda off
the small corn. 200,000 In Use, Bold by
your Implement Dealer, or sent dlreot oar
receipt of JS.76 per pair.
Munaon Mfg. Co., Dept, W, Wlnterset, Iowa)
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young women over nineteen years of ago
wlio have had at least two years In high school
to take Nurses' Training in general hospital.
Our graduates are in great domand. Address
Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln. Nebraska
I KUM 1 9 Ctt oar Prices. Ttty ire RliW.
American Tent end Awning Co.
40th and Farnam Sts. Omaha