The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 03, 1921, Image 7

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SfemMBccklu 5Trrbit ncii?
i wn.snv Tnni' v.itini. n;.ui..
.'..Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Poiuofflco as Second Class Matter.
. i '
Ojtio- Ynir, in advance i-$2.00
tlTiifnAfif 1 v
With the price reduced to $1.50 a
yoar and twelve pages this issuo wo
think' we aro surely giving' tho sub
scribers full value for their money.
Tho. 'editor acknowledges his. mod
esty in commenting on tho winner
of tho D. A. R. medal for proficiency
.in history. Usually ho appreciates
any oyldonco of scholarship and when
.that ovldonco is within Ills own fam
,'ily, ho can bo parjloned a certain
pride in tho achievement - There Is
no .reason why a school girl should
Call to recelvo editorial, mention just
bocftiiso sho is tho daugUtor of tho
editor and someono would Bay Bomo
thlng "nasty. It is an honor to havo
Won flrst place among moro than a
hundred of ono's associates and we
aro willing to glvo her mother tho
ontlrq credit for our daughtor's in
telligence, but wo are proud that sho
bears our name. ,
. There are numerous societies and
' club, organizations, in .-North Platte
whoso accomplishments in tho course
,of the' year, arc unsatisfactory to the
' membership. This 1b chiefly because
t tho aims of tlie organizations havo
not been lived up to. Some of theso
... organizations have high sounding ti
tles and sponll their whole timo in
lookng after the details of tho organ
ization without' accomplishing any
thing worthy of tho trouble. Jt has
been suggested that there is a chanct
for -constructive work at the City
i (Library. !Th,ls institution is owned
. and; ,opemted by tho 'taxpayers of
North Platte. If it is a good library
it willbo because the taxpayers ' .yo!
it liberal support. The cost of, books
I has gone, skyrhigh. This cost will be
. long in reduction for economle causes
' over which tho library has no control.
Tho revenue does not increaso bb the
cost of upkeep has increased. Con
sequently, there is less money to spend
for books and so fewer books aro be
ing purchased. If some of these soc
ieties mentioned above wouSl take it
jjiiupon thomsolvds to collect books, pam
i phlets, and magizines1 for tho library
c it would bo work dono in a good causa
" and highly appreciated by tho men
and women of tho Library Board.
However, before starting out, tho 11
i brary officials should bo consulted'so
that tho moro important needs of the
.t ; institution can bo realized and .met
t whero possible. Work along tills linn,
' if donp in a co-operative way would
'' justify tho existance of some organ
izations, wheh seem to have no. other
aim than just exist.
1 ::o: :
A nice report of tho State Conven-
tlon of the American War Mothers
wns handed td us this morning but It
was too late for insertion in , this is-
sue.. It will appear 'later.
We plade on sole three groups of the newest Spring and Summer
Silk Blouses and Waists that formerly sold up to $15.00.
The Blouses and Waists in this Sale consist of high grade Georgettes,
Crepe de chine, Ponjee, Mimiette, some Taffettas and French Voiles in all
the wanted shades. Tie backs, straight blouses, short and long sleeves, all
Waists on
Sale in
v oal id person
Mrs. C. J. Brajlloy la visiting friends
IniOraml Island this,- week. , , t
Ernest Snven loft ' yosteiffapr o,r
Omaha to transact business.
Mrs. J. White of Hillsdnlo Is visiting
folallVos in tha qlty this week.
. Theodoro Wqnlland wnspff duty at
Buck'a Bootorfb yestorjjaypn ncfcoilnt
of Illness. V ' v. r ' i1
Mrs. C. B. Harris of Montana camo
.yesterday to visit tier cdusln Mrs. M,
h. Bucktol. '- '
Mrs. T. T. Thompson is spending
tho day in Gothenburg visiting the
Cadet camp. .
Tho E. Y. P, A. ho'm a business
lheeting in the now club houso Wed-
hosday evening. ,
Mrs. Otto Wobbor went to Golh-
onburg today to spond visitors dny
nt tho Cadet camp.
Mr. nnd Mrs; Johi, Tucker will leave
Saturday for p. vacation visit with
Mr. Tucker's paronts In Beatrice.
Mrs. A. N. Durbln returned from
Wellflcet Wednesday where alio spent
decoration day and visited frlonds.
. Miss Charlotte Katan arrived from
Alliance. Nobr. yesterday to visit hor
sister Mrs. Glen Miller for n week.
Ella Kaster returned to her! home In
Wellfleet tho first of tho'Weok nfter
attending school hero this winter.
Miss Luclllo Lindcnmeyer ?f Fair
field, Nobr. will leave tomorrow for
Kearney to enter tho summer term of
tho teachers college.
Tho Royal Neighbors will; meotN at
tho Court Houso Sunday at 4 o'clock ,
go to the cemetery. All membors are1
requestor to bring flowers. !
A car lonjil of foreign criminals pass-1
ed thrdugh tlie city Wednesday en-j
routo-east. They Avero chained lo tho
car and were a looking sight. j
, , Mrs. T. A. Bronnan left WodncM-j
day for a visit of a few weeks at the '
homo of her parents at Elk Point. S. '
D. .Sho will visit at other eastern'
points before returning. j
John B. Edwards has purchased the
interest of Edw. Reynolds in tho Ed-,
wards-Reynolds Co. Ho will contine
to , carry on the business under the
ntlltin nf. Elwnrfln-T?nvnnlf1a fin fnn Mm
present--as , ,B llicorp0rate(1 and tho'
name-cannot readily be changed. Mr.'
Reynolds will enter business again as
soon as ho can make arrangements.
Mrs. Elmer Contos and daughter Wil-
tna went to Lincoln last week and
1 someono reported to us that Wilma
was to hav.b'an operation for appen
dicitis. Wo are glad to say that Wii-'
ma wont to arrange about her Uni-j
versify work; which was interrupted :
by her leaving thero on account of,
sickness some few weeks ago. That is '
much bettor than an operation. j
Treasurer Souder has collected 11-j
censes on 3449 automobiles since Jan.
1st. Ho estimates that there aro about
1000 automobiles in Lincoln County
Upon which tho license has not been
paid. Mr. Souder has been told of a
neighboring county whero the County
Treasurer has put all delinquent nuo
licenses Into the hands of tho CoUnty
Attorney and ho Is bringing action
agalst tho owners under tho statutes
which provide drastic penalties for
falluro to pay. His offlco has not yot
announced what it proposes to do t;
get those who aro delinquent to pay
2 O P
Ok Saturday,
3 II SMS 03
Ladies" Outfitting Store
Miss Catherine Horrod, daughter of
Mr.. and Mrs John Horrod, became- tho
wifo-:of iVllfonL Nolfion of Hustiuga
Sunday at 12:30 at St. Patrick church
with Rov. Patrick McDaid officiating
Tho bride vorof a traveling suit with
uui io maiciw i'
c!nrrlod n nlmwei'
Lbouuot of vu toftf s. Chas. Horrod
andvEvaugoliniHVrod. loolher and
sister of tho brldo wcro in attendance.
Irs. .Nelson is ono of North Plattoa
m6st popular young ladles haying
graduated from tho local high school
and remained at homo until her ma1"
Mr. Nelson, son of Professor nnd
Mrs. S. Nelson of Genoa, Nobr., was at
ono timo manager nnd partnor In tho
Gummere Dont Drug Store of this
city but has rccontly been employed
ns pharmacist In n drug store nt
Tho young couple loft Sunday for
their now homo. In Hnstlngs, Nobr.
Wo desire to take this moans of
thanking tho Degree ofj Honofr, tho G.
A. R.r tho Spanish War Veterans and
tho ninny frionds for their kindnoss to
usFin th'6 loss of our father, tho Into
William Burroughs.
M. J. Forbe's returned this morn
ing from attending tho Nebraska
Undertaker's Association at Omaha.
Hq reports a very interesting meet
ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox loft
this morning for Lincoln where they
will attend tho commencement ex
ercises of the atato university. There
youngest daughter Florence will
graduate. ' '
' SUN, ;
Sunday, Monday, lues.
IN 9 m
3u bdwdrdkhoblockj
Tho Greatest Picture ever screened at
tlie Theatre Where Only tho Greatest
Aro Shown
The Extraoi'dlnai'y Magnlflcenco of the
Tremendous Stage Success is Outdone
by the Screen Interpretation. Also
4f i
See '
1 Ladies
ffi We
lots with your choice
tfj prices have been below any oilier store in North Platte, on these
S lines, all spring aud with these drastic reductions you will buy if
j you need a'nything of the kind. These goods were not bought for g
Lfl sale purposes but are ' our ' regular stock. There is a good g
range of sizes and styles if you come now you will probably find ffi
fi what you want. , rt?
Lot'Onc. ( Ladies
Lot Two. " ' Ladies
Lot Three.ij Ladies
LotFour. Ladies
Lot Five. Ladies
Lot Six. . Ladies
For Sale Twelve laying lions. C01
E. 7th Street.
Vor e"tr-RoomB, 215 West 2nd.
Phone 11C9W.'
For Kent A clean threo room
apartment 314 West 1st
. Willi lad A good hou sekeeper. Ap
ply at Marti's Meat Market, . v
Wanted Competent girU for general
housework. Phono G41W.
For llcnt Strictly modern six rooni
house. Full basement. , Phono 430W.
For Sale Cabbago (plants COc por
hundred, Phono G98J L. I. Tucker.
For Sale Cream separator. Min
nie Seeso. .
Wniifcrt Carpenter, .work by con
tractor hour. Estimates furnished.
Phono 287J.
For Sale Houso and lot, first class
shape, Inquire 80G North Locust. Poto
Hayes. ' ,
W,Iluted Rugs cleaned, called for
and delivered. Work guaranteed.
Phono 11G4J;
For llcntt Six room houso. Full
basement Garage. Call at this office.
Wanted Position as bookkeeper or
stonograjihor. Experienced. Ad
dress 51G W. Seventh.
For Sale Hatching eggs, pure bred
Jt. I. Reds, jarred Rocks and White
Leghorns. L. I. Tuckor, Phono G98J
For Sale Double standard Polled
Ilerford Bull Five years old. C. E.
Warden, Gnndy, Ncbr.
For Snlo Ford car In good shape,
cheap for cash. Inquire nt 009 W.
For Relit 4 room furnlshel houso
to small family. Call Burke's Tailor
Shop. '
For Rent Two downstairs roons
for light housekeeping. G14 Garflold.
Phono 101GJ. Water nnd sink.
To Trnu'e-'-Equity in a nice-laying
half-section (fencod) 10 miles north
east of Nunn, Colo, Will take lots In
North Platto. F. A. Burke, Box 11.
Maxwoll, Nob,
ThoLogan Bulck Company reports
tho salo of a roadstor to II. A. Black
of this city, a. touring car to tho
Wostorn Motor Company at Ogalalla
and a touring car . to Frank Power of
this city.
Word recolvod hero from tho
Cadet Camp at Gothenburg Is that
everything Is going nlcoly with all
well and onjoying camp life. '
II. Stevens and daughter Doris
and Elmlra Brodbeck will loavo this
evening for Omaha to spend a few
days. N
Want Ads
SUN, Friday Only,
Thrills, Action, Romance, Stunts nev
er before attempted.
William Fairbanks
A Western Adventurer
An unusiiHl Wostorn story of tho Jdonl
Vouu'g American Doing Darodevll
Stuntf That Will Thrill" and rhnrin
Mutt & Jeff Double Adventure
Final Clearance
Spring Suits
have divided all the Ladies Spring
of garments at one price
Suits that sold as high as $35.00
Suits that sold as high as 45,00
Suits that sold as high as 69.50
Coats that sold as high as 18:00
Coats that sold as high as- 35.00
Coats that sold as high as 75.00
Department Store.
At tho annual meeting of' the legal
voters of school district numbor 124
of Lincoln County, Nobrnska, which
Willi bo hold at tho school Iioubo on
Monly, Juno 13th, 1921 at 2:00 p. m,
tho proposition will bo 'submitted to
tho votors of raising tho budget of
Ono Thousand dollars to conduct the
Bchool for tho coming yoar. This will
require a levy not to exceed one-hundred
mills on , tho dollar of tho as
sessed valuation of Bntd district.
Continued Tomorrow Saturday.
.We are going to sell good cornfed beef boil at nine cents
per pound. Also Rib Roast at nine cents per pound.
,A thick heavy Bacon at 2 pounds for .-2 5c
10, pound pail Jard 11c per IblO pound pail. $lfl0
Dressed Chicken atjer liound 30c
Breakfast Cocoa, 2 pounds for J i ,25c
Peanut Butter, 2 pounds for :35c
Oranges per dozen . -l.-4.-, 2()c
28 bars Laundry Soap for $1.00
You can have your mea$ order delivered vithl'y6ur grocery tl
order. We handle Ice Cream, also Hii-co Brand, of Can
Goods. k ' x ..
McMichael Grocery.
The June Release ,
When you want the Best in Music, it's Your Victrpla, and
Victor Records That Gives it to You.
They are tlie choice of the world's greatest artists. So.iet
theni be your judge.
45245 Darling -- Murphy
$1.00 Love in Lilac Time Murphy
18747 My Mother's Evening Prayer Burr
.85 Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep rIIart & Shaw
18748 Rebecca Silver
.85 My Old Now Jersey Home Murray
1874 G Somebody's Mother Peerless Quartet
.85 I found a Rose in the Devil's Garden-Sterling Trio
18751 Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms -American Quartet
.85.. I'm Missln' Mammy's Klssin'Pocrless Quartut
18745 I Lofct My Heart to-You Smith Orchestra
. .85 Broken Moon Smith Orchestra
35708 All for Your Happiness -Whitenan Orchestra"
$1.35 Moonbeam? Pining All Star Trio
18750' Teach Me All-Star Trio
.85 Round the Town .-All Star Trio
18757 Ain't We Got Fun ' Bonson Orchestra
.85 Scandinavia , Benson Orchestra
18752 On the Campus t i Sousa's Band
.85 Bullets and Bayonets . Sousa's Band
18749 El Relicario Marimbice Baud
.85 One-Two-Three-Pour Teeera & Pranchini
Some Time We'll Understand Schumann-IIoink
Last Rose of Summer Elmau I
$1.25 ... ,
74G81 Same Old, Dear Old Place Braaljki
Wo are only too gliul to have you stop on and hear ahy of
thofio records..
Phone 2G0
V .
and Coats
Suits and Coats into
for each lot. Our
Now $15.r5.
Now 29.75.
At tho annua) mooting of tho logal
votors of school district numbor 21
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which
Will bo lield 'at tho school houso on
'Monday, Juno 13th, 1921. nt 2 P. M..
tho proposition nvlll bo submitted to
tho voters of. raising tho budgot of
Ono Thousnn! dollars to conduct tho
school for Uio coming yoar, This will
roqulro a levy not to oxcocd ono-hun-drcd
mills on the dollar of ,tho as
sessed valuation of said district
Music Co,
110 . Frontt.