TJJE NORTIT PLATTE SEMI-"WBEKLY TRIBUNE. HE DIBN'T DARE TO LEAVE HOUSE On Verge of Nervous Collapse, Indiana Woman Was Almost Helpless. T HER; FRIENDS DISHEARTENED JL Troutifcs Disappear 'When Sho Take Tanlac, and Nerves Now Are at .Steady as Can Be General . ,F Health Splendid. V' "1 vns on tho verge of a collapse and was uctuully afruld,,to, leave the hous6,biit 1 am overjoyed upw at the way- jTiuiluc has restored my health bo perfectly'," declared Mrs. Cora M. Jacksou, CO-1 Mulberry St., Terra IlnutiTlnd." "I was almost a nervous wreck, and ' nt tlmeV for anyone to even talk to nit upset me completely. Even at ulBht J'', could not got easy and tiplot and would lie wide-awake, hardly able ' to slypp at all, ud often just'gbt up out of, bed, I v?as so restless. Nerv ous headaches often came on trie and frequently lasted for days at n time. Then J had rheumatism so bad in my joints I was almost helpless. My legs and elbows hurt fearfully and some times I just ached all over. There seemed to be .no relief 'for me, my friends were all worried and I was almost dlslleartendd. "Hut, happily for me, one of my friends suggested that I try Tanlac. 1 never will forget how I began, to Improve and ndw I think It Is wonder ful that J am feeling so well and' strong. My nerves are just as steady as can bo ,nnd I haven't a rheumntlc pnln about me. 1 jim In Just splendid health and wish everybody knew what a grand medicine Tanlac Is." Taiilac Is sold by leading druggists ' everywhere. Advertisement. I Luck. EOIth 1 have only two. girl ene mies dud they don't speak to each other. 'f Mabel How fortunate! Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Jfever Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists who arc constantly in direct touch with f e nnhlir ' f Itbro in nno nrnnrftfinn that Mfhas been very successful in overcoming lue&e vuuuuiuua. luc uiuu uuti ucuuug influenco of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ia soon realized. It stands the highest for .1 -- i:: rm. it.l J Li:. its remarkable recojd of success. , 'An examining physician for one of thi prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance arc re jected is because kidney trouble is ea common to the American people, and tha large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on salt at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, N. Y., for a sample bittle. 'When writing be sure ana mention this paper. Adv. Drug Store Episode. "How much Is thls,perfume?" "Fifty cents a dram.'' "Huh I Do you sell it by the drink?" ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning I Unless you see the nam "Bayer" on package or on tablets you ure not getting genultw Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in tho Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gin, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for "Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also .sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the ,Atrade mark of Bayer Manufacture oJ Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcycacld. Adv. Just So. "Wo ordinary people, never get In vited to a house pnrty." "Yes, wo have a lot of luck that we don't ap preciate." Catarrh & Catarrh is a local disease ereatly Jnnu enced by constitutional conditions. Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the mood ana ouiiainB up wie dbicui, . HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditio and allows Nature to do Its work. AH Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Defined. Paw, what Is a necromancer7" "Tho man wtiO writes the collar ndH." Retail Public Ledger. 4 Comemmi Tho Eng-Daw-Yd (Prepared by tne National Orographic! So ciety, . Washington,' D. C.) While there is a considerable amount of unrest In many parts of Indln proper, the people of Burma, which Is governed as a part of India and yet Is geographically separate from It, seem to be living contentedly. Geographical and social conditions arid the economic situation flowing from them undoubtedly have much to do with this. Burma knows little of tlio fear of famine or the pinch of poverty. Its lands are productive, It Is Tlch In mlncraTs, It Is not over-populated, arid It Is free from the elaborate caste sys tem which Is a tremendous hnndlcnp to India, both socially and economi cally. Kipling and practically all other writ ers about the East have pointed, out repentedly that It is difficult at best for westerners to understand the ori ental peoples. If thfe dbserver from the West wishes to tacklejiils admit tedly difficult .problem by easy stages, perhaps hcTcould And no better place to start than Burma. In a number of senses there Is less of a gulf between the ,llfeand customs o the Burniese, nnd those of tho West than will be found If the comparison Is made with any other eastern country. , The Indian Is, In most cases a sober Individual". The lower castes must take life with desperate seriousness because of Its hardness and the diffi culty of clinging to it. The higher castes are sedate and given to specu lative philosophy. .The Chinaman is an' enigma. His emotions are difficult to fathom. The people of the Mo hammedan countries nre marked by a quiet dignity. The Burniese Love Life. In contrast with these other peo ples of Asia, and almost alone among them, the Burmese are frank, open, happy lovers of life. Their women are not secluded, but are among the freest women In the world. Both men and women are lovers of music and wenrers of bright clothing. Because of their spontaneity and friendliness they have been dubbed "the Irish of the Orient" Burma Is a country of many tribes,, but practically all of them arc of the same racial strain. Shans, Karens, Katchlns, Chins and Palaun'gs are among those living In the outlying parts of the country, though the Karens nnd to . a certain extent tho others are to be found In arts of lower Burma, a more heav ily settled section which is most easy of access to the outside, wprld. It is the Burmese, however, who constitute tho dominant element with the high est culture, and give color to Burma as It Is known to most westerners who visit the land. The Burma of the Burmese, that Is lower Burma and the basin of the great Irrawaddy river, is a land of pagodas, the "shrines of Buddhism. Thousands upon thousands of these bell-shnped structures surmounted by glided spires und tinkling bells have been built. Many of them have fallen Into decay, but others are built each year. They are the symbols of tho hold which the Buddhist religion has upon Uie people of Burmu. It Is their belief that the surest wuy of "acquir ing merit" and achieving holy rest af ter death Is to erect a pagoda ; and very few Burmese who are able to add to the country's forest of pagoda. spires fall to do so. No Aristocracy, Few Poor. There are no noble classes ,umong the Burmese, no aristocracy, few who are very wealthy, and few very poor. While the caste system as a system hoes not exist In the country, there pre several classes of people who are looked upon as degraded by their vo cations nnd with whom practically no Intercourse is had by the majority of tho people. Unfortunately, too, these classes are hereditary. 'They are the grave- diggers, the descendants of the former pagoda slaves nnd the beggars. The general attitude toward these un fortuuutes is one of the contradictions in Burmese character; and there nre others. Their religion requires kind nust townrd animals, and Burmese will Msil-------i 1 1 Pagoda, Burma. not even become drivers of1 vehicles (lh cities becaitse they feel that such a culllug entails a certain measure of cruelty of horses Yet their nttltudo toward crippled and maimed humans Is the height of unkludness. Such un fortunates are considered to be In tho degraded clusses along with the grnvo diggers and the beggars, and are de nied association with the normal pop ulation. One custom among the Burmese that cannot fall to urouse comment from westerners Is the prevalence of smoking and the peculiar turn It has taken. Smoking Is indulged In literal ly by men, women and children. Cig arettes and cigars of a huge slae aro preferred,, often a foot or more In length, and with a circumference in proportion. Children of all ages use these, gigantic "smokes,'"and It Is not uncommon even to see an Infant In arms puffing" nWay at a huge cheroot. The habit Is not us Injurious as might bo expected because the tobacco used Is adulterated with a "Considerable pro portion of milder materials. -Their Marriage Customs. Marriage In Burma Is not a mntter of great ceremony or rltunllsm. For mally, eating together, usunlly before witnesses, constitutes 'a couple mnn and Wife. Though the theory Is other wise, a gH usually selects her hus band, and Is given to him by her par ents. If a bride Is dissatisfied with her husband sho may run away from him and return to her parents. She is promptly returned by them, but may repeat the procedure. After she has run awny three times and been re turned three times, she may leave for good, It being assumed that It Is Im possible for her husband to retnln her. She is thon in effect divorced. " The rule works the other way about also. If parents do not consider a suitor eligible and prohibit a match, the maiden' hns only to run away to hlra three times, after which the par ents must not Interfere, but must con sfder the marriage a thing accom plished: Where Burmu touches India proper on the latter's eastern border, it is bounded by Bengal and Assam. Farth er to the north It touches southeastern Tibet. ''Along Its eastern border, Bur ma Is. In contact with China for a con siderable distance. The Chinese at one time claimed sovereignty over tho land. The lower part of Burma's eastern boundary Is formed by French Cochin China and Slam; and to the south nnd west lies the Bny of Bengal. The total area of Burma Is sllglitly less than that of Texas, our largest state, while Its population Is In excess of 12,000,000, several million moro than that of our most populous state, New York. Climate and Resources. Tho greater part of Burma Is In the tropics and during half the year much of It Is very hot. This heat Is espe cially trying to Europeans In parts of tho delta region where the humidity Is high. In some sections more than 20 feet of rain falls each year. There la considerable loss of life among natives in some ipnrts of the country from snakes, spiders, poisonous Insects and wild animals. Just as India has Its Simla to which officials and others Journey. In the hot season, so Burma has its hill station, Maymyo, only 42 miles from Mandalay, but nearly 2,400 feet higher. This summer capital makes It possible for Europeans to stand the rigors of the Burma cli mate. Burma's mineral wealth has long made t one of the treasure houses of the 'Orient. One qf the richest sllver-zlnc-lead ore bodies In the world Is sit uated in the northeastern section. Mogok, a short distance north of Man dalay, largely supplies the world with rubles. Silver and precious stones were among the things most highly prized In the old East. But Burma also possesses modern treasures : tung sten, n necessity In nn age of steel nnd electricity; tin, essential In perform ing the world's sanitary work and in equipping Its households; and petro leum, the fuel of today. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES AH?U,pJ.1?b!? ,n lh foot-bath ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, the antiseptic, heallne; now Uer tor Painful, Swollen, Smarting Feet. It prevents blisters and or apota and take the tin out of coma and bunions. Always use Aliens Foot-Ea.e to break In new shoes and enjoy tha bliss of feet without an ache. Adv. Embarrassing Questions. Now when tho mortality rnto of grandmothers, etc., Is about to reach Its peak, one firm, n largo employer of boys, and evidently with some feel ing for grandmothers, has Inaugurated an employment application blnnk which calls for full and detailed In formation regarding the health of their relatives. Now York Evening rost Baby's little dresses will Just simply dazzlo If Bed Cross Ball Blue Is used lu tho laundry. Try It and sco for your self. At all good grocers', Gc Men and Women. Man cannot degrade wqninn without himself falling into degradation; he' cannot olevnte her without at tho samo time elevating himself. Alexander Walker. SO WEAK SO NERVOUS How Miserable This Woman Was Until She Took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Toomsboro, Ga. "I suffered terribly wth backache and headache all the time, was so weaK and ner vous I didn't know what to do, and could notdomywork. My troublo was deficient and irregular peri ods. I read in tho papers what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound had done for others and decided to givo it a trial. I got good results from its uso bo that I am now ablo to do my work. I recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends who have troubles similar to .mine and you may uso these facta as a testimonial." Mrs. C.F. Phillips, Toomsboro, Ga. Weak, nervous women make unhappy homes, their condition irritates both husband and children. It has been said that nine-tenths of tho nervous grostration, nervous despondency, "the lues," irritability and backache arise from Borne displacement or derange ment of a woman's system. Mrs. Phil lips' letter clearly shows that no other remedy is so successful in overcoming this condition as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cuticura Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch Soap 25c, Ointment 25 kbA 50c, Talcnm 25c Hupmobile r Prices Reduced Effective immediately, Hupmobile prices are re 'duced $200 on open Cars, and $315 to $325 on closed ;:cars. The fiver-passenger car and the roadster are now $1,485; the sedan, $2,485; the coupe; $2,400. All prices f . o. b. Detroit;,' war tax to be added. What this reduction actually means is an increase t in Hupmobile value that is worth far more than the re vision in price. The truth is that at its new price, and with its well known economy, low repair costSj long life, and high resale value, the Hupmobile stands forth today as the best buy in the motor car market. This revision represents the rock bottom figure at which the high quality of the Hupmobile" can be main tained. , : HUPP MOTOR CAR CORPORATION, DETROIT, MICH. ; STEWART MOTOR COMPANY 2523 Farnam St, Omaha, feeb. " Phone Douglas 8433 Now miOV CI V If II 1 CD placed ANYwircna uniui 1 ui iii.i.uii I ATTRACTS AND KILL3 ALL FLIES. Neat. cItn,ornmtnUl,em- Tfpwnt, chP, IUti ip. Lasts ail action, asaae fn.t.L ean't mill season. Uade of tip over t will not sol or Injure anything. Goaranteed effeeUre. 80I1I , by drtlf r. or 6 by EXntESS, crtrald. 11.23. HAKOU) 80MEB3, ICO U Kalb Aro., Brooklyn, H. Y. DATEsilTQ Vfittton K.OnletftrftB rj I CHI I tl J'atent Lawyer, Watblnilon D 0 Adflee asd book free Bates reasonable. Uliheit references, lleetserrlees Nebraska Directory DOCTORS MACH & MACH, DENTISTS Aj. Third Floor I'axton Hlock 5?W 18d and Fam am Sts Omaha, Nab. f licit equipped dontal offleoln Omaba. SMiaattu f rim. Special discount to all people Urine; onulde of Omaha, HOTEL LOYAL . OMAHA, NK1IRA8KA Iloadquartera for Merchants, Cattle Men. Agriculturists and Their Families Fireproof, Hooms 1 J6 upwards Tho Hotel with a Iteputntlon Take Dodge Street Car Line from Depot HAJtl'KH A IUIIKL, l'roprtetors llOILF.ltS 8AIOKJESTACK8 TWO PLANTS DRAKE, WILLIAMS, MOUNT COMPANY IWalu Office and Work 23rd, Hickory nnd U. P. R. R. I'hono DonitlaB lots J1IIANCH 20th, Center nnd C. B. & Q. I'lione Douglas 1141 Oxy-Acetyjcne Welding STANDl'JtrKO . TANKS Electric Service on Automobiles Atwatcr-Kcnt Auto-Lite Dijurc Connecticut Dlxio Gray & Datis North-East Simmshui'f Wcstinghouse ;.UNmo fjajroRS SERVICE' "fixtte"-BOSCH AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CORP. OMAHA. NEBRASKA HOTEL HILL Opened Sept. 1st, 1920 Omaha's Newest, Most Modern and Finely Appointed Hotel "Soft Water" Sixteenth at Howard Centrally Located Moderate Kates Room Without Bath SI. BO and Up Room With Bath $2.50 and Up Paxton Hotel J2.00 and Up Double POPULAR PRIOKD CAFE Streetcars pass the door from Ml depots. Comer 14th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nab. W. NP U., OMAHA, NO. 22-1921. 0 a 3 200 to 325 8 1485 Hotel Castle V.h 032 S. 16th Street Omaha, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof k 300 ROOMS With prirate toilet 11.86 f with prirate bath II, 76 to $3.50 FREDA, CASTLE, ProprlsW "Tha one beat bet la WELLERETTE"' 2415 cents Yoar dtaUr will git tfitm for yon v AWNINGS? WRITE Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go. 15th and Howard, Omaha, U.S. A. EXPERT KODAK"" FINISHING Tour Pictures mean rts much to us &a they tfo to you. Send for Price Llat. En lartromonta our spoclalty. Developing roll 10c. Pack a 15c. THE OMAHA PHOTO SHOP 201 Barker Block Omaha, Neb. YCMTCt WINGS Ki S"CK COVERS ' I dPI 1 3 CtteurPrlcti. They ire Rltht, American Tent nnd Awning Ce. 40th and Farnam Sts. Oman Creamery and Cream Station Supplies MUk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Use teases ana untcxen uoops KENNEDY fc PARSONS CO. 1309 Jones St 1901 E. 4th St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY" BE A NURSE ttzceptlonal opportunity at tbo present time1 for younp women.ovor nineteen years of ago who have had at leant two years In high school to take Nurses' Training In general hospital. Our graduates aro In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln, Nebraska Omaha Crematory Sond for illustrated booklet Address or call on Forest Lawn Cemeicry Assh 720 Brandeis Theatre Omaha, Neb, miMB UpVKLOrED 10o a noil, 15o a l'aok. Any Bis' Prints Vest Pocket and IJrownla No, 1 ana S, Jo oaeh. All other slits "up to and Including- 3Ux4Ur 4e each; 3WX4T4..' 4x6, and SVUSW, Co eaoh. Post cards trom any alt mm, oo eaon. Oklahoma Film Flnlshlnr Co,, 311 North D'dn'y, P.O. Uox 0J0, Oklahoma City, OUav BAILEY the DENTIST Established 1888 GOLD CROWNS $6.00 UP Makes Dontisiry Easy for You 700 CltT Ntt'l Bink, 10th & Hinwy Sts, Oau&a Lutt KitlailT Ktw 4 Vnl Rlor M OSes llitire HeaM laAmtrlea. We Occep 0?tr H.000 Suar fttU . OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY GO. S. W.Cor. 11th and Douglaa Sts., pmaha. Neb Mfrs. Of MODERN STORE, OFFICE 2nd BANK FIXTURES Phone Douglas 2721 All we ask Is chance to bids i. to ' " Hi