NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SemMBccklu Subline. WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher, Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. suhscjiiption prici:. Ono Year, In ndvnncc $2.00 TUESDAY, MAY Ms!,-1021. EDITORIAL. Ono o tho deadest tilings In North Platto Is tho High School Alun'inl As sociation. It Booms to ho unfortunnto In It offlcors who aro olootod Iron) tlmo to time anjl do nothing to carry on tho work ot tho association. The North Platto High School needs such n body to work with It for tho good of tho students. Nolthor of tho two boys who took highest honor In tho graduating class this year were members of the football, basketball or track teams. Those boys wore Evorott Bradloy aiyl Itay Eason. In tho class of 1920 Ohostor Cummlng and Lostcr Lang ford hold tho high places and neith er over took a loading part In tho school athletics then. This may mean something and it may not moan any thing; just depends on how you look lit It. Tho Tribune favors publishing tho inorsonal tax list. Wo might got a llttlo of tho publication for which we will bo grateful and which wlll got our host nttentlon. But wo aro for It whether wo got any ot tho prlntng or not Personal', wo never know If wo nro putting In our bicycle too high or too low. Our housohold goods aro listed with tho holp of thonssossor but wo aro novor satisfied that wo liavo not put them In too low nnd nro thus shirking- our sharo ot tho upkoop ot tho govonmont or that wo havo put thom In too high and aro paying too much. It will ho!i comfort to know what tho other follows aro paying on their bicycles and household goods. It is proposed to list tho personal property undor about four columns", One column would bo for nutomoblos,; another for diamonds and jewelry, an- other for household goods and pes- s bly another for other Items. Country lists would bo In columns undor mach- Inory. llvo stock, crops, household goods oto. When tho commissioner take tho matter up they will find oP-jIL position from tho .tax dodgers. They will say It Is too expensive and that It ' Is not an oftcctlvo means of nccom-' pllshtng any good results,. iuU that t will make a mans personal bus- lness too public, and a lot of other, reasons that tax dodgers, use. Somo opposition may como from honest . people Who make proper returns but thoy arc ipual y tho ortos who aro nrnlnf nirn.t,lilr tmt, rnl.n ....nil.... ' H "V", urn l,.iuill,- tlon ot tax roturns Is na longer' In the experimental Btngo and wo hopo tho Commlsslonorn of Lincoln County will tnko tho mnttor up ot onco nnd put It through if thoyi think It Is host Wo are assured that It more than payos Its way so thoro need bo no oxponso to bo fKMisIderod. Tho state tax com insslonar says tho returns should ho publlebod' as thoy aro now public records uil nnyouo can soo thom nt tho court houso hut fow have tho tlmo to go thoro and hunt' thom out. We nro for It this your. ., IMPROVE YOUR STOCK of Rhodo Island Rods nt small cost. I haVo four splcndd cockorols thnt I havo usod In tho'hrcedlng pens that I am through with for this sonson I wlll 'soil thom at $2.G0 tach. . You cannnt obtain this blood nnyvhoro for loss than four tlmos the money. Plonty or tlmo to uso thom this sonson and you will havo your cockorels for next season. . J.. II. VAN CLEAVE, Mrs. S. F. Chorponnlng and soiib Esmund and Goorgo loft yosterday for Wyoihtng. Iflsmund und aoorgo will spond tho summer there but Mrs." Chorponnlng wlll roturn In a few days. FREE! Tomorrow Only FREE! Wt will give one can of High Gradf DUTCHESS SUGAR CORN with each Ono ' Dollar, purchase at our slore on ediiesday9 Juine 1st If your order amounts'to more than $1.50 phone it to us and we will deliver it in can of corn for each dollar pur chase and you can pay for it at your door. ECONOMY Phone 22W v I I 11 V ON II OF THEM Conslornblo coal Is moving oast those days and soarcoly a train oast bound goes through without carrying a number of cars of coal. Tho Union Paclfo is getting more coal stored horo than It has had for a number of yoars nt this time in thd Hoason. Slnco tho acquisition of tho'L. A. & S. U by tho" Union Pacific, somo of tho local employees Avho have tho Cali fornia fovor aro wondering if-they can not transfer to that road. Ono day last wcok tho car nspoctor In tho vost yards discovered two men and two women riding in an empty box car. When questioned they said tholr destination was Donvor, A cr lodd of Union Pacific employ ees passed through tho city this running mroute up tho branch to work on Uio extension of tho U. P. toad. Ico making at tho now P. F. K. Ice houso is now In full blast. Tho ico in boing stofoti In tho" old Ico housos ne tho loading sheds at tho now ico houso Is not yet completed and thoy cannot bogln to ico trains until tho sheds aro ready. W. h. Park, recently n mombor of tho Fcdoral Railroad Hoard has hoop relieved of that position and Is now a prlvato cltlzon without an office of any kind. Ho was In North Plntto Sat urday on his way to California whoro he has somo private Introsts. llo Is undecided as to his future rcsldonco or worlc u-::o:: Mrs. ElmGr Coates and Wilma will loavo tomorrow for Lin coln, whpro tho lattor will undorgo an operation for aijpondlcltlH. Mid Dillnd .'id sons Hoinlno and Claroiicc v.-- tucots' at tho C S Clinton homo Monday. , Tho I n fimt ilmilclifnr of Mi, nml Mrg wunm Nunomnchor dlol Mou. (luy evonmg T, nro ros(lonts Boutll of 0,t . Mr8 j fl rotorinfm returned to her homo ,u nuwlln8 SmA ovon nftor BponrtIng ,wo wccltB in tho clty nnd, llttoniUllri tho Rrndimtlon of llor slstt)r Mjfl8 Irma noblson Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Ilcsa, Mr. anl Mrs DftV,(l Drooka n(, Mr n(1 Mrg A UroolB wlll ,roturn t0(lny from T1,rco M,,0 Lnko whonj th spent two (mya flBUng u ,8 r0rrtod 'tu, thoro woro B,x. twm CiU, nf. Tar,,a M1Io Lttko yi8t0P. (My an oevcn of thom woro from Korth 11Jnltt. Th(l, wns p,Qnty of i.uiiuoadn but no bass, Mr, Mr8 j, w Rim0i Qort Wfll. ,nco ot Kornoy, Mr. Crawford, Carl 1ncltorB (1 Esther JS!mms will ro .,, ti. -,,,, ,, Champion Luke whoro thoy spoilt a week fishing. , Mr. nnd iMrs. I'1. L. Koslor of the northoastorn part of tho county woro In North Plntto Saturday, attondlng tho Coupty Eighth Grndo graduation oxorcisos. The North Platto Amorlcan,' Loglon tonm won from tho Ogallala bnsobaM toam Sunday 10 to 3 In a ono sded gamo; tho visitors woro outclassed in ovory postllon. Ognlalla got six hits nnd North Platto flfteon. Battorlos, N I. Tottonhoff nrH Sandall: Ogallala, Edowlld and Gllsplo. Mr. and Mrs.C . S. Clinton will loavQ Sunday night for Butto, Mon- tnnn. From thoro thoy wlll go lo Spokane and Portland and later t-j various (points In California. Tliov may bo gono all summor ns thoy plan rn taking a good roet and making visits to a number f.f places. Docor.ition Day waB celebrated In ivorth Platto with a parado in tho manilm?. The High School On lot Band was followod by tho G. A. It., tho W. R. 0 , tho U. S. W. V.. Firouun the Auu lr.n L glen drum corps and tho Lag'-m. tho Campflro Girls and the Boy Kcot:iv Tho morlng was mora or loss tl.rratenlng but thore ns no rain i -enlng GROCERY 609 Lotust. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Iloth Dunway enmo from Koar- ! noy Saturday to visit at tho homo Qf 'Miss Irono Cross. ! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Voselpka loft Frl j day for (Irand Island to visit nt the Win. Friend homo. 4ii53 jmbio jiowos rciurcu aaiurciay from Lexington and Konrney whore alio visited frlonds. Strawborrlos and panslos set thom out now. North Platto Flornl Co. ! Mrs. Margarot Dundy and Mrs. Ann Waugh loft Saturday for California to spend sovoral months. William Norris camo from Choyento Saturday to transact ibuslness arid visit frlonds In tho city. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bakor attended tho graduation exorcises In Wallas tho latter part of tho wcok. Order your shrubs and trees of tho North Platto Floral Co. Mr. ail Mrs. John Whlto and Miss rifyni Whlto, of Sutherland, visited frlonds in tho city Friday. Miss Mario Shannon loft Sunday for her homo In Donvor nftor teaching hero during tho past two years. Miss Lillian Story, gymnasium In structor In tho high school, returned to her homo In Lincoln Sunday. Claronco Itlnckor returned to his homo In Cheyonno after Visiting at tho homo of his uncle F. W. Rlnoker nnd transacting business. NOTICE . ' At the nnnual meeting ot tho legal votors of school district numbor 107 of Lincoln County, Nobrnska, which, will bo hold at tho Bchool houso on Mon day, Juno 13th, 1021, nt 2 P. M., tho proposition will bo submitted to the votors of raising tho budget of One Thousand dollars to conduct tho West Wlllard school for tho coming year. This wlll requlro a levy not to ex ceed one-hundred mills on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation of said dis trict LILLIE M. BRIGGS, Director. IlEPOItT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McDonald State Bank of North Platto, Charter No. 647 In the State of Nobraska at tho close of hus- Iiiubs May 23, 1821. RESOURCES I.oiuiH and illcountu ........$100,354.33 Ovurdrnftfi 1,368.37 Donas, securities, JudKmonts clalmB, etc., Including all Kovoriunont lionds 38.C14.7C tiitnlclnfr house, furniture . and llxturoii 1G.C34.00 Ctudi Items 11, nil. 03 Duo from nat'l and Stato lmnks . . .151,411pD Cltecks and Items of oxohaiiKO .. l.GOGSn Currency ........ I8,4 41Tipo Gold Coin SQlpo Silver, nickels nnd f contH G, 8CS.S5 Liberty loan bonds linld as n8li re serve 10.000.00 l!l,470.r,7 Total .?7is,, I.IAHILilTIES Cnpltn'l stock paid In $100,000.00 urpiua runu zu.uuu.uu UiKllvlded profltH, net I,31'4.8S Individual depos its subject to obeck U49. 883,02 Demand cnrtlfl- I'lttes of depos its C.080.1" Tlmo certificates of dinoHlt . . . . 2O7,7B0.r.1 Certified chocks nin.oo Duo to National and Stato banks 13.120.80 R77,lfiG.2' 10,025.00 f,,r,21.07 ilPKftrvo ricpount ' Deposltorn punranty fund Total 87is.!ir, Stato of Nebraska.Countyof Lincoln, ss. I. w. E. Starr, casnlor of tho above amod bank, do hereby swear that tho abovo statemont Is a correct nnd true cony of tho renort made to tho State Uiiroau of llanklnar, w. B. STAuIt, Cashier. Attosf W. It. M0DONAI4D, Director. .T. H. MoDONAIjD, Director. Subscribed and sworn to boforo me this 28th day of Mav. 1021. II. D. WIESI3. fRAl.) Notarv l'nl.Uc "ISty commission expires May 8-, 1928. 4 we GRAINING ' PROCESS The. only practical graining system by which anyone can successfully apply Biantful, lustrous hartiumd v ram rfftcts over oltldirty soft wood floors, " doors, wood work, and furni-. ture. Costs about 3 cents a square foot, is wash able and will out- wear most hard wood finishes. - Learn to grain in 5 v minutes at any Chi Namel store. Stone's Drug Store ( A.MPFIRE GIRLS TO HAVE (3AM P HOME DUILT L ONK DAY BY KJKIENBS Mon aro wanted to work on tho campfiro building at tho Campflro ('amp, Thursday. Tt Is planned to put tho building up In ono day. II. R.i McMIchaol Is In chargo of tho work as president of tho Mastor Builders' Association and the oilier contractors are going to holp him. Mon aro asked to bring tholr hammers, saws, spados, corn knlvos and. brush hooks and re port nt 8:30 or as soon thoreafter ns possible Tho camp Is to bo located on tho Idlowlld Farm on tho north bank of tho North River. Dinner lo to ho sorved by tho guardians. Those who can go should .notify Mr. Mc- Michael or Mrs. M. E. Crosby. -: :o: (UVflllESSSrAX V. H. HEAVIS OP PALS CITY MAKES A YISIT TO THE CITY. Arriving hero Just In tlmo for din ner, Hon. C. H. Roavis of tho First District attended tho dinner of the Rotary Club Saturday noon nn)d spoko to tho members and guests. Ho Is a membor of tho Rotary Club at Falls City. At six o'clock ho attended tho opening banuuqt of to Idng Fong Cafe und at eight ho delivered the graduation nddregs to the class of 1921. It was a busy day but he seemed to enjoy It artl North Platto certainly onjoyod his addresses. Br. F. J. Wurtollo came from Osh kosh yesterday whore ho spont a fow days on his ranch. Ho was accom panied homo by Austin Bedell who had boon vlstllng thoro. A marriago llconso was Issuod Sat urday to Wilfrod S. Nols'on of Hast ings and Miss Mary ICnthorlno Hor rod of this city. NOTICE At tho annual meeting of tho legal votors of school district numbor 12" of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which. will bo hold at tho school houso on Monday, Juno J.3U.I. 1021, nt 2 P. M.. tho proposition will ho submitted to thof voters of raising tho bujlgot of Thlrty-flvo Hundred dollnrs to con duct tho school for tho coming year. This will requlro a levy not to ex ceed ono-hundrcd mills on tho dollar of tho nssossod valuation of said dlb trlct. W. P. SNYDER, Director. FINE PLANTS FOR SALE j Cabbage, colory, tomatoes, swoot pptatoes and cauliflower ,$1 per 100. Egg plant and peppers ' 3c each Blooming pausies and nstors 5c each. All postpaid. MIDWEST PLANT HOUSE, Kearney, Nebr Wnnlod A good housekeeper. Ap- ply at Martl's Meat Market. Wanted Competent girl for general housework. Phono C41W. For Sale Cabbage plants COc per hundred. Phono G98J. L. I. Tucker. WaI cd Carpenter work by con tract or hour. Estimates furnished. hone 287J. For Kent Modern .four room npart- ment in Twinom Building. Sco Brntt, Coalman & Buckley. For Sale Houso and lot, first class shape. Inquire 80G North Locust. Poto Hnyes. Wanted Position as bookkeeper or stenographer. Experienced. . Ad dross 51 H W. Seventh.. For Salt Hatching oggs, puro bred R. I. Rods, Barred Rocks and Whlto Leghorns. L. I. Tuckor, Phono C98J For Sale Willows and doors cheap. 13. J. Vnndorhoof. Phono 12P2 ,221 West Fifth. For Sale Doublo standard Pollod Harford Bull Flvo years old. C. E Warden, Gnndy, Nobr. For Sale Ford oar in good shnpo, choap for cash. Inquire nt COO W Seventh. Wni'tod Good girl for gonoral housework. Mrs. J. S. Slmine, phone KRS. M. HENRY GlfrVOYL Teacher of Volco Culture and th Art ol Singing Residence Studio: 10S Wost Srd, Clt Want Ads Select your Paper at Home PHONE 10G1J PHML DEATS CITY AND COUNTY NEWS.'i. Miss Dorothy Roscmornntz and Mls Sarah Kelly loft this morning for Cozad to attend tho Epworth Loaguo convention. Mrs. Goo. Dent and son Townso.nd are cxpecto)l to nrrlvo today from Omahn, whoro tho lattor underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Cathuway of Grand Island, roturned, to tholr homo tho lattor part of tho wook after vis iting rolativos. Ralph Adams will leave this wook for Lincoln whoro ho wlll enter tho university and spord a year In tho dontnl dopartmcnt. MIsb Anna Llndonmoyor of Fairfield who Is a guest at tho J. J. Crawford home, undorwont nn opornton at n local hospital Soturday. , Fred Johnston roturned to Perry, Iowa, ISaiturday boforo smarting on Chautauqua circuit aftor visiting his mother Mrs. John Grant. 444,444,4,44,4.4,4.4,4(444,4,44,4(444444444444 4444 4444444 44 4444 44tiAt44 ''''4V44'4444VV4W4V444V4'4444VVVV4V4'V4V4VV YOUJt VICTOIl ItECOHDS AltE HERE THE JUNE RELEASE When you vant the Best in Music, it's Your Victrola- and vicior necorus xnat uives it to you. j.j Thoy are the choice of the world's greatest Artists. So, let $ them be your judge. ' . ft VOCAL 45245 $1.00 18747 .85 18748 .85 1874G .85 18751 Darling Murphy Love in Lilac Time Murphy My Motlrer's Evening Prayer : Burr Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Hart & Shaw Rebecca Silver My Old New Jersey Home Murray Somebody's Mother Peerless Quartet I found a Rose in the Devil's GardenSterling Trio Nestle in Your Daddy's Anns American Quartet I'm Missin' Mammy's Kissin' Peerless Quartet DANCE RECORDS. I Lost My Heart to You Smith Orchestra Broken Moon Smith Orchestra All for Your Happiness 7Whitenan Orchestra Moonbeams Pining All Star Trio Teach Me - All Star Trio Round the Town All Star Trio Ain't We Got Fun , Benson Orchestra Scandinavia Benson Orchesrt INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS. .On The. Campus' . Sousa's Band Bullets and Bayonets Sousa's "Band El Relicario j Marimbice Band One-Two-Three-Four Terera & Franchinl RED SEAL. Some Time We'll Understand Schumahn-Heink Last Rose of Summer Elman Same Old, Dear Old Place Braslau if 18745 .85. 35708 $1.35 It 18750 ;85 18757 .85 it 18752 .85 18749 .85 it S732(j $1.25 G4958 $1.25 " 74681 We are only too glad to have you stop in and hear any of these records. Roberts Music Co. Phone 2G0. Getting Rid of justments. Tho heart weakness iu (Uroctly duo in most ensoe to woalt ,mik)1 norvo impulses from tho spine, and somotlmos it is affoctod by the failure of tho kidneys to proporly fll tor the blood. Chiropractic spinal ad justments will restoro normal nerve impulses to nil ot theso organs and tho sufferer . instoad of "nursing"! ' theso after effects, gets rU' - f them. Evidence coulii be cltod to i r vo the efflency of chiropractic In all ot thee nftor offooU, but ono statement Is sufficient. ACT TODA,Y ' Viy (delay when consultation Is with out chargo. Find out. Drs. States & States, The P. S. 0. Chiropractors. Building nnd Loan Bnlldlng North I'lirtlo v Nebraska. Chas. Martini . spent yesterday In Ilcrshoy as tho guest of his daughtor Airs. Rasmussen, Mrs. C. IL Dqxseo and laughter Eunice left Saturday for Calloway, IVobr., to vIbU relatives. Eunice wlll remain during tho BUinmer. The Country Club mtmbora'hold a ivory onjoyabl,o dnnclng party. ( Friday evening nt - the club. Refreshmenta woro sorvcjl nt; the closo of tho overl ing. ' ' Tho Grant, N'ebr. graduating olasa spent Saturday n tho city. It consists of Hal Prlngle, I. Larseii, Hulda Pan klnin, Lcona Ayers, Grave Stevens, Lela Stevens, Mrs. A. Vance returned to her home In Kommorcr, Wyo. yesterday after vlstlng at tho homo of her slstor Mrs. R. O. Chamorlln. - Miss Mary Dyo returned to her homo In Sallna, Kansas, yesterday aftor spending the .winter with her slstor Mrs. W. R. Malonoy art teaching' In tho city schools. i'.t i.t :.: t.t ix RECORDS. t.t :.: :.: :.: j.t :.: i.t it i.t t.t t.t :.: j.t :.: :.t :.: 4 if g ii t.t if if if if 110 E. Front St. Scarlet Fever Scarlet fover is most troublesome, especially in its nftor effects, which include deakness weakness of tho eyes bad heart or weakened kidneys. Sometimes all of theso aftor effects aro prosont, somotlmes only ono or two of them. Deafness Is due to a catarrhal con dition which can bo corrected by ad CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS 0I5EA5E3 -THE FOLLOWING HEAD EYES EARS NOSE THROAT ARMS HEART '-UNO - k STOMACH ' PANCREAS SPLEEN ' BOWELS . APPf.NDI - i niuro ISpiial JCoiima limbs LOWER PINCHED NERVES, 1KR0S5IBU: FO FURNISH PROPER-IMPULSES LIFE AMD sStALTH) TO THEIR 0R6A' AND TI56viZ:; n