so, iK(B '"stonier lk Jlorth tmUMui) tribune; THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MAY 31, 1921. No. 41 TO PRINT TAX ASSESSMENTS county commissioners have power to publish per- sonal tax list. 1 A proposition Is being discussed hero in Lincoln County, which should rccelvo tho most caroful attention of Iho Boarjd of County Commissioners. It is that tho names and addresses of ovory taxpayer in Lincoln County be printed in a newspaper togothor with tho amount, of personal property re turned by each. This list would not in oludo real estato returns. The legis lature sovoral years ago passed a law allowing tho County Board of Com missioners to havo such a list printed and several counties in tho state at onco prepared such lists and had them prlntcfl. Wo "aro informed tliat tho matter has passed tho experimental stago and that tho ovldcnco now shows that if a man knows his return is go ing to bo examined by his neighbors and friends ho is going to bo more careful to mako a propor return. Those who have tried it claim it secure-3 many times tho cost, in added tax re turns. The roturns for the towns and tho county should be listed soparatly. If not too much work to mako up tho returns in that way tho lists should bo prepared so they could bo pub lished in the different papers of tho county. The people of Brady are inter ested in tho tax foturns of that com munity and tho Brady paper can give this list tho greatest publicity. So wit'1 tho other towns. Sometimes tho coun try list is published in papers in differ ent parts of the 'country and gome times in one or more of tho county seat papers wheh have a general cir culation. In some counties tho school officers are back of tho proposition as it gets more money for tho schools. In other counties tho, Farm Bureau has takenMt upas .a crying need "in ipromollneialtzaUonbf taVbur'&oTisT Tho whole proposition rests on the Justice of equal taxation and is an attempt to uncover tho places where taxable property is being covered up. -::o: PRESENTS COLORED PRINTS REP RESENTING MOTHER GOOSE RHYMES TO LIBRARY. A collection Of olirbtppli rr1nr..,1 prints representing the childhood rhymes of Mother Goose, wero pre- sented to tho City Library Inst week' by Miss Anna Kramph. C. 0. Ded .moro volunteered to mount these prints and arrange thorn in artlstU oak frames. Thoy aro hung in the children's room at the library and ild much to Its nttractlveness. Mr. and Mrs. '.Harold Seaburg and I lllV l'M1 ... : :o: : baby will leave tomorrow for Ottum wa and other points In Iowa whero thoy will spend a month or more vis iting. ,a 'JZ ' A FAIR SIZED CROWD ATTENDED i THE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS HAY ! EXERCISES . Friday afternoon tho Annual Class Day exorcises of tho North Platto High School wero hold in the Frank lin Auditorium.- Tho class day exor cises ns a separate entertainment wan abandoned hero about sovon years ago and tho class Way numbers ap peared on tho graduation program. This year tho two programs wore hold at different times. Tho program opened with a class song, whlQh was composed by Dale Godwin. This was sung by tho class. Then followed tho sn'lutatory by Ray Eason, tho class history, by Frances Edwards, and a duet by Junior Hinman and Louis Trexlor. Tho class will was present ed by Helen Schwnlgor and tho class prophecy, written by Anils Slllason was acted ' out by 'the class. Everett Bradley gave the valedictory ad dress. Tho program was highly on Joyed by tho parents and friends of tho graduates nnd tho students and toachors of tho High Schools. CO.'! ANOTHER EARLY SETTLER AND PIONEER HAS GONE TO HIS REWARD; William Burrough iliejl at tho Sol diers Homo In Grand Island and will bo burlofl from tho Malonoy Chapol Wednesday morning at 10:30. Ho was born in Akron, Ohio Janunry 10, 1815. Ho sorved in tho civil war and at its closo came west. Mr. Burroughs was with tho construction outfits which built tho Union Pacific Railroad through North Platto. Ho worked for tho railroad company in various po sitions for a long itimo until ho re tired to tho care and comfort of the home. Ho leaves two sons, John and William in Callfonia, a step-son, Charles of this .place and a sister in tho cast north platte matron in air plane thrills crowd at Mcpherson. A vory large crowd assembled at .Fort, JloBlior8on -yesterday-tq-nit'end tho memorial exercises ,hpld tliere. One of the thrilling parts of tho pro gram was tho appoaranco of an alr IRlano which flew over tho soldiers' graves. Mrs. York Hinman of this city wnn In tho plane nnd ns It passed over the graves she scattored many flowers. It was a touching incident In the program. () A REAL MARRIAGE IS PERFORM ED 11EF0RE Till! ROTARY CLUB AND ITS GUESTS. . Tho wedding of fcloroneo B. Col lator of Pnxton and Miss Daisy H. Coynor of Keystone was performed by Rev. H. B. Hess at tho Rotary Club dinner Saturday noon. Tho happy couplo wero showered with rice and tho Rotarians sang n number of ap- propriate Bona for thoir 1,ent- . . Goraltl, Jessie aiJl Georgo McGin loy left this morning for Keystono whore thoy will spend tho summed on tho McGInley ranch. i - -4 CADETS ARE OFF TO CAMP COMPANY AND HAND LEFT TIlH MORNING VOR ANNUAL CAMP INSTRUCTION. Tho full company of High School cadots aiid tho Cadet Band loft, for Gothenburg this morning to be gona until tho Inst of tho weok. Conunnnd ant Morgan and Director KUllnn ac companied tho boys nnd prosp"ects aro bright for an Interesting and instruc tive camp provldojl tho weather will remain favorable. Orders wero issued to each cadet to tako a tin or alumin um pinto, cup, knlfo,, fork, spoon tooth brush and paste, comb, brush, sonp, towels, blankets, stockings, mirror, dish towols, But of undorwoar, rain coat or ovorcont, shoo polish and shav ing oqulpment They wero told not to tako civilian clothes or smoking uten sils. , On Wednesday tho mombors of the High School Orchestra who aro not it the bniiji will go to Gothenburg and that ovoning the band and orchostrn will givo a concert at tho Sun theatre In that city. Friday will bo visitor's day at which tlmo tho mothers and other friends aro urged to visit the camp. They will bo wolcomo it they go with empty hands b'ut tho boys will cast furtive glances to see if they bring anything to roliovo tho monotony of the camp cookory. Some of tho boys want to stay until Sunday but thens is considorablo opposition to putting tho work of breaking up camp and traveling on Sunjlny so It is probable that tho officers will seo that camp is .over by Saturday night. LOCAL AND PEKSONAL Miss Nellie Carey, 'commercial teacher in senior high school, returned to her homo in, Lincoln Saturday. MiB39GayIo Iscnsee" returned -to her-f homo in Denver Saturday after teach ing in the city during tho past year. Harold Peterson of Fremont, came from Lincoln Sunday to visit at tho Homer Peterson homo for a few days Miss Irene McVaney returned to her homo In Kearney Saturday aftor toachlug in tho cityt during tho winter Mrs. A. Pease!! returned to her homo in Kearney Saturday after teaching in tho city during tho win- tor. Frank McGovem returned from Lin coln the latter part of tho week whoro he attended tho IC C. conven tion. L. L. Brown, former (dispatcher In this city, and wife, passed through tho ctly Saturday enrouto to Cali fornia. Miss Helen Thompson returned to her homo in Lincoln Sunday. Sho has been a teacher bore during tho past two years, Mrs. Chas. Hower returned to hor homo In Sidney Saturday after visit ing at tho homo of her daughtor Mrt:. Wm. Morris. Harry Taggorty, A. Brown ami John Bakor returned tho latter part of tho week from Stuart Lake, bringing back with them two hundred fish. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elinor Swansou re turned to their homo In Holdrogo Sat urday aftor visiting at tho homo of the fornnr's sister Mrs. Willorton. FJrst class painting and papor hang ing. Elegant stock of wall papor Just rccolvod. Store at 113 W. Sixth St. Phono 570W. H. H. Landgrnf and Edd Frlond. Mrs. G. W. Melva of Waterloo, la, who hns been vlsltliig her daughtors Mra. E. M. Otely and Mr. Fern Sny dor, wont to Cheyenne SaturjJy to visit. ,M1b Oola RRWliugR of Red Ok!c, Iawo, came yoterday from ArRihoo, Nebr., to visit MIbb Thelma Fratr for a fow day whlla onroute to hor home. Tho Episcopal Young People's As soolatloil onjoyed a dancing party Frl day in the basement of the church. Punch was sorved and ovoryono on Joyed n gocl time. Mrs. E. D. Deoring returned to hor homo in Grand Island Saturday-after visiting hor (daughtor Mra. T. Green, while enrouto from California. Sho was accompanied homo by her grand daughtor Cathorlne Green, who will spond a woaks there and (hen go to Carna, Nebr., to visit Jier unali Dr. Dusan. Miss Balle Lsynoldt returned from Omalut this morning and will lsave LOCAL ANi) EKKSONAL t li. . . . .1 .. f t . . 1 j i jl. rayno mil ouiunm) lor uiiu- (den, lnd., for his health. Clinton & Son, Grnduato Opticians. Try us for service. Miss Francos Myers roturnod to Burweli Nobr. yesterday. Dr. Bell of Grant was a profession al vistor to tho city Friday. ' Mrs. Carl Pankinln of Grnnt, Nobr. Ifipont Saturday fix tho city. .'jJ. T. Kcofo gave tho memorial ad Itfrosa in Pnxton yesterday. Mrs. 12. C. Evorley of Maxwoll Nebr. vlsltod In tho city Saturday. iJack Shlolds of Oshkosh visited In tho city Saturday enrouto cast. I Ordor your shrubs nnd trees of North Plntto Floral Co. Mrs. W. W. Yates and children spent decoration day In Sutherland. Mlss Bertha Hughes of Paxton vlslt- $1 friends In tho city Saturday, J Win. C. Lucas left for Denver, Colo. last weok to spon)!1 a fow yocks. I will mako Farm Loans nt reason able ratos. Gono Crook, North Platto. Mrs. Marlon Miller spout Sunday In. Hershey visiting lior son and fam ily. Mrs. aiid Mrs. H. F. Soaborg wont to O'Fnllon Sunday to visit for a fow uiys. u. m. iucunv rnmrnn in MCdnii. ijin.ii yWerdny after visiting a fow days In tjjp city. , Russell Ovornian left yostorday for Caspor, wyo. whoro ho has accepted a' position. E. J. Mauplh returned Sunjday to Nbrthport, Nobr. after visiting friends F. Cv Kcino an1 Julius Hoga spout yestonhiy transacting business in Gothenburg. Mrs. L. Johnston returned fronj Grand Island yesterday whoro sho hnd been visiting. Win. Bagloy roturnnd Saturday from Donvor, Colo, whero ho transact ed business. Lois Martini spont decoration day in Hovshey visiting Jils sister Mr.i. Ritsmussocn. t Porch boxes wo call for thorn, fill and return them vhon roadv. North i lorax jo., I'nono mz.i. ' Mrs. nnd Mrs. Georgo Hosfod of Sutherland transacted business in tho city Saturday. Mlllarjd Adamson, Bon of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Adamson loft yostorday for Norfolk to visit. Mrs. It. 0. bluunborlln wont to Oga lalla yesterday to visit her daughter Mrs..T. Mlnnhan. Mrs, D. E. Rudat accompanied her 8iaor Mildred Combs' to hor homo in Pnxton yosorday. Earl Crick roturnod to Northport, Nobr. Sunday aftor visiting friends In tho city for a fow days. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE, Donllst, X-Rny Diagnosis. .McDonald Hank Building, rhono 07. Mrs. Clint Pattorson nnd daughtor Helen arrived yostorday from Denver, Colo, to visit relatives. Miss Mnblo Reynolds returned to Lincoln, Nobr., nftor toachlng school lioro during tho wlntor. Miss Foy Smith loft for hor homo in Lincoln, Nebr., Saturday. Sho has icon teaching In tho city. Arthur Carpontor loft yesterday for ngalalht, Nebr. whero he will work during tho summor months. Miss Gladys Stcgnll resumed duties Saturday In tho office of Dr. Dent nfter nn Illness of a weok. Claudo Dolnnoy and Millard Hostler returnod Sunday from Bridgeport uhoro they attondad a shoot. Miss Esthor Robeson, who lias boon toachlng In tho city", loft Saturday for 1 er home liTContralla, Kansas. Allen Robb roturnod to Loxlngton Xebh yostorjlay aftor Bpendlng tho week ohd with relatives in tho city. To whom are yoti going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices'. Miss Lena Gartnor returnod to hor Lome in Lincoln, Nebr. Saturday after teaching In the city during the winter moul'is. Mri. Siduoy Dillon and Miss Mr-creei"- returned to tholr homo in Suthc nd yostorjlay after visiting at the 1 1 ter Walker home. Mn Harmon Chambers and child ien r urne; to their homo, in Key stone, Tebr. yesterday after visiting ;it the m'er Coutes homo. Mrs. "Illasen and daughter Anils return', to their home In Oshkosh Nebr. y tiday. Ardls graduated from tho loc-i. nigh school Saturday. EdWa- 1 atowart, 70 N. Willow, report f'e sale of a Beckwlth Style fiO pljK' player last week to K. A IiUQM f .His city. Mr. Steurrt is tho ugent tax Uils Instrument, 1m t'ds ter NEW CAFE IS OPENED HERE v 1 1 1. v i v 12 vt x n ir v v i u rii 1 1 LATEST BUSINESS VENTURE IN THIS CITY. Sunday morning tho King Fong Cafe opened its doors to tho public. This Institution is located in tho build ing used by Robert Dickey for a mini-.. bor of years and lator by tho Siul- man bakory. The Cafo is owned and operated by n group of Chlnamon whoso names, aro unfamiliar nnd hard to pronounco-or remombor. Tho man ager Is called Mr. Lock and his as sistant is. Hnry Chlnu. Mr. Lock has spent n number of years in California but was forolgn born. Harry Chinn is American born and served In tho United States army during tho Into war. Ho has boon in business in Om aha for somo tlmo. Thoro Is a King Fong cafo in Los Angolos and anothor In Omaha and tho ono in North Platto. When 'preparing for tho opening: of tho Cafo, Mr. Look proposed to Mr. Dickey, with whom ho had closo bus iness rolatlons, that ho would prepare nnd sorvo nn oponlng banquot if Mr. and Mrs. Dlckoy would invito a fov guests. Tills was dono and Saturday ovcnlng nbout forty men nnd women of this city sat down to a six o'clock dlnnor. It was served in many courses nnd Is snijt to havo been ono of tho most olnbornto over sorved in this city. Oriental dishos with all but uu pronouiicnblo names vied with frlod chicken and hot biscuits for tho favor of tho guests. All was good. Novoltios in tho way of chop suoy, saucoa apd nuts from China wero sorved to add intorost to tho dlnnor. At tho closo! Snnnfm. TfnnMnn.l M.nnWI tlm l.nnt Ih a fow appropriate remnrks. Four Clilneso cooks assist Mcsboi'h Lock nnl Chlnn in handling tho wnn.s of tholr patrons. Tho room has boon refurnished and decorated amp-is nt tractivo to the oye Oviejr tho on Ir'ahco to tlio dining room "is an Amor- Ican flag crossed with tho flag of tho now. republic Of China. Tho Trlbuno Is not Informed ns to tho need of a now eating plnco In North Plntto but, IE there is business onnnch ami Kin Fong keeps his prices In touch with tho times, ho should got his shnro of tho business. ' Mrs. Aftluir Rush loft Saturday for Omaha to visit Miss Elslo Waltomath who Is confined In a hospital thoro. i Many Cars now Dodge ness. the few which stand for Quality. . ' .' , "You romcmber the quality long afLur the price has boon forgotten" has been the slogan of the larg est clothing manufacturer In this country, The wise buyer does not buy price, but intends to buy good service from the use of his purchase, wheth er it be a motor car or a pair of shoos. Dodge Brothers Motor cars never have been built to a price, but rath or 'with tho Idea' of building for you tho best medium sized car which good mater als and good workmen, (with the flnoat of inspection) can produce. Thp price is just the result of what tho best costs at that time, and will always bo a fair price. J. Ootid "Curs at u l-'uir Prices, 2. The host of After Service. AVq offer to our customers those two things, and bollevb that wo will obtain your confidence on tills basis, and perhaps some time your business. I V. ROM You should obtain 15000 miles or more from tho now oversize Cord tiro equipment on all Dodgo models. EASTERN STAR HOLD INSTALL ATION OP OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR. At a mooting of tho eastern star lodgo hold Monday ovoning in tho Masonic hall tho following officers wero elected: Mrs. M. J. Forbes, Wor thy Matron; E. C. Williams, Worthy Patron; Mrs. W. A. Sklnnor, Assoclato Matron; Mrs. M. F. Hoslor, secretary; Mrs. O. A. Flynit) -treasurer; Miss Mario Stuart, Conductross; Mrs. John Dick, assoclato conductross; Mrs. R. C. Eyerly, marshal; Mrs. Guy Covor, Wardou; Mrs. Wnltor Gilchrist, Adah; Pearl Lawhoad. Ruth; Cryotnl QUMTrt Esthor; Iva Scholl. Martha; Grace Saunders, Electa; .Mrs. Ella Hartman, Chaplin; Mrs. Fern aricson, organist'; Plntto J. Oilman, Sentinel. About ono hundnfl momborB attended tho instal lation after which' refreshments woro Borvcd. LINCOLN COUNTY HOYS AND GIRLS RECEIVE EIGHTH GRADE DIPLOMAS. ' Almost two hundred boys and girls from tho Lincoln County schools out Bldo of North Plntto, woro gruntod diplomas by Suporlntondont Alloon G. Cochran, last Saturday. Tho graduat ing exorcises woro hold in tho aftor noon nt tho Ernnklln Auditorium nnd n largo crowd nssombled to do honor to tho mombors of tho class. The program was vnriod and interesting with most of tho numbers by tho graduates. Ono of (tho unusual hap penings was tho presentation of a modal to tho pupil In tho Junior High School of North Platto, who had tho highest grado in United States HIs tor and anothor to the pupil In tho Eighth grades outsldo of North Platto who did tho host in tho Bamo way. Tho mtlals woro prosontod by Mrs. York Mnmim in behalf of tho Daugh- ' WfB Of. U10 AmONCnil KOVOlUtlOn. H0- becca Tout won tho modal for the Junior High School and itj was an nounced that no decision could bo givon regarding tho wlnnor of tho olghth grado modal for thoro ,woro four or flvo who wbro tied and an other examination might bo-'nocos-' snry in ordor to dotormino tho wln nor. Lincoln County school nro to bo congratulated on putting out such Inr0 uml wo11 VV-V classoB and tll Cout' Suporlntondont, Mrs. Alloon G' Cocl,rnn' B,10U,d rodolvo a good part of this cuodlt for tho .way In which sho in lmndllng oducatlonal affairs In this county. Dowoy McGrow loft this morning for Scottsbluff to spend a weok. Compete for Cheap-, remains among I GIL Dealer. todaj- for her home in HoroJiey." rRory