The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 27, 1921, Image 5
V ,3 ,c 4i-V ' n.". NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ask y. r 5. V 1 tf I jr xry S fi Trim & 1 J IBI I If L .r "V ITU t I if ' LiV "V f . . :' I.'- lilW, iky- E r .,f8l'A'm fNif IJ h -fd rfHBiHftS ffffl HM W'IJi , ' HI VI! i 1111 iW I II 1 1 BS Mfl 1, ; : . 1 eh 1 .wy mi k ( kVNX' f nil 1 1 .1 1 11 a v 11 HI I .WiBN Iflt IEi.7IOCV"' I I IS.. I I I jFI I III UnffJrJ 1,1 a ftB iBia s5Swi.n . J. - ii mi immiini m m hi sjm Lnur.u tts.ii vw i n in i i i n i i ! ii m an i i 1 It is but natural lor everyone to -compare prices today, witlr, ? of Jast fear. Last year plir prices for clothing ranged from $40.00 'to $7500 . ;Xoday we. are actually bflering- BETTER CLOTHING, at $25.00 S45.00.. . - v i'' J' '- c inn We Want to Snow You Our Wonderful Values at .oo j $n ii.oo These are made o( Pure Silk md ,Wool Wovtecls. a qlas of goods you've not seen, lor yea(s; and they are made by one.of Americans High Grad'3 Houses. c inn KM Remember that Our Clothes Must Make Good or We Will. EDWARDS-REYNOLDS GO 1921, Davjd Adicr & Sons Co. LOCAL A1) lES0NAL Jlrs. Elmer Crawford of Curtis visit- yc,ori,U:V ' '' .ed in the city yostovday. v v V. Nelsoa went to Gothenburg Inst evening to -visit relatives. Mrs. A. F. Perry went to Cozad yesterday to'vlhlt relatives. ;y.r. Mrs. Albert LeDioyt cf Pas-. TWO -HXTEltTAINJLKXTS -TO -UK ttt'n visited at the W. II. LeDioyt haii.-j' OIVK.N IX C0XXKCTI0X WITH v ! SniOOL fJKAOUATIOX. Misses Clair and I-rene ItinUor of Lexington visited friends iii the city yostorday. . . - Miss Marjory AVofcb of Bodtora. 1 is the guest of her aunt. Mr3. Moso McFarland, ...... v. - !-"Loon 8ton came from. Gnyul Island sP6nt yosterdayHn the c.ty. - i.iAn,, Mr. Mr. ana Mrs. F. H. Thompson left ' " , T , c? . yesterday for Roeliester, Minn. George Felt of Brule wns among the out of town visitors yeatorday. Mrs.'G. II. Wurren-of AVallace visit ed friends in the city ycsterdayi A. B. Hoagland went to Lexington yesterday to transact business. Mrs. Frank Oplo of Sutherland uIfH ed friends in the city yesterday. Charles Cooper of Wallace .trans act! business In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Echelberry left Wednesday for Champion Lake to fish. Chas. Bogue returned from Omaha yesterday where ho transacted bus iness. Mrs. Elmer Crosby of Sutherland "Visited at the M. E. Crosby, homo ynj- torday. Mrs. Allen Atchison of Konrhoy is expected Saturday to visit friends In the city. POTATOES! " POTATOES! A car of Minnosota Pearl "WhHc potatoos. Both table and seed now on roport a gocl time in spite of the track. Come and seo thorn. rain. and Mrs. Joseph Stone Mr. and Mrs.. J. C. Den will leave Sunday for Arapahoe to spen(i dec oration 4hy and visit relatives. Miss Edna Kingston returned to her heme in Polk, Xebr. yesterHay after visiting at the home of Miss Ola Pyle. Charles yost, who has bean attend ing Midland College at Fremont dur ing the past school year, Is expected heme the first of the week. Mrs. T. A. Lindenmeyer and daugh ters Lucille and Anna of Fairfield. No nr. arrivdl hero this morning and will visit, at the homo of Mr. nn(i Mr.. J. J. Crawford. The University Club hold a picnic at the Stafo Farm Wednosdny ovoning. This was In the nature of a farewell for the teachors who are Unlvorslty of Nebraska pooplo. About fifty wore present and on account of the rain the lunch was paton In one of the fn,rm buildings. Between showers the folks lilayed gamos outside and thoy T,ho pupils of St. Patrick's' School will .prasen't two pntcrlainmonts at tl.o school hall nt week proceeding the rrndu.t.tirn excerc'scs of the school on Wodneuday evening. First is a wost "eru plcy to tye glvon Monday evojin by tho boy of tjio schpol. It is called "Tho Gulden Gul'oh" ' and extensive preparctiona have boon mado to put it on in good shape, On Tuesday even ing the girls of tho school arc to give the Japanese' operetta, "Ynnki San,", "h's is a houitirul littlo pleco and ! l-olng prepared with tho utmost caiv. 'rho gradtisition oxcrcises are to take place on June 1st. REMBRANDT STUDIO Nw Open for Business. V ::a:- . ( THOMPSOX-POLISKY. ; Gonriro If. Ttin'mngnn nf Qiitlinlnti,! I and Miss Christine Pollsky of North Platto Were married on Tuesday, May 17 at tho Lutheran Church by Rev. r F. Iiocli. Thoy wore attended by V. A. 'Pollsky. a brother to the bride and MIbb Elsie Dunn. Only rolntlvoR o," botli;partiqB wore .proScnl. . Mrs. Thompson Is tho .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Polisky or Wul laco and has been h nurse in tho Gen eral Hospital for the past two year Mr. Thompson is the son of Mr. nni! Mrs. Wllllnm Thompson of Suthorlaii'l nnd Is a harbor., The happy young folk left for u short trip wot.tftor wliic i they will be at homo to their man" friends at Sutherland. LOCAL AND I'KUSONVL . J. G. Beoler transacted legal busM noss In Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Finn loft this morning for Iiiliannpolis, Ind., to visit. Dr. Nowmnn of Wallaco was a pro fessional visitor wednosdny. i J, T. Keofe wpnt to Arthur .county yostorday to transact logal business. M. E. Crosby spent yoBtoiJay in Por kins county transacting legal Imsi noss. ( Harvey Ilichmqnd, of Grant, trans acted Imslnoss in tho city Wednes day. Loslio Baskins wont to Arthur county yostorday to transact legal business. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Anderson of Wallaco visited frIon)lB in tho city Wodncsda'y. . V . Mr, Van Graven ha3 had twenty years experience in the New York Studios and gets those- pleasing poses and lightings which only long experience and talent can produce. We solicit the patronage of the Public. Phone 159 for appointments , 8 I 6th and Dewey St. North Platte, Nebr. Don't wait to rogrot It. Got yoltr hli in now. Silont Auction, w. It. Mnlonp Co. . Free! Froe! Friday and Snturdi" only, at ccitnin hours in -tho aftornoon in ordor to stlmiIato businqss, wo will! Hffer at spockil hours, a cholco solet 1 tion of pie'eo goods, silks, organdies vollos, Klaxons., curtain goods, per cales, glnghnins nnd other much need-' od goods on tho main floor, nd roadv , to Woar garment on tho second floor ' waists, skirts, houso drosses, etc Never In tho history of this atoro haw wo over offered to tho lmllnn nf ht community sucit a wonderful oppor tunity. Buy ns many "yards of gooo j as yon llko and1 wo will mako you prosont of tho satno numlwr of yards of tjio samo value froe. Buy a skirt. I waist or a houso dress, an)l wo will give you your cholco of another free Phono 5 and inqulro tho hours dlJ forcnt items nro on sale. Tho Loadr" Mrrrnntllo Co Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gorgenson, of Paxton, were among tho out of town visitors Wednesday. A baby son! was born to Mr. and Mrs. ThomaH Ryan Tuesday. .All con corned nro doing nicely. Miss Mabello McFarland, who has boon nttondlng school in Bedford, In , Ib oxpected homo tomorrow. Tomorrow Is (lie last day of tho one fifth off sale at Wilcox Dopartmant Store. Miss Gertrudo Killion, of Koarnoy, vislt(j.l Miss Marjory Rusaoll yostor day onroute from Scottshluff to bur homd. To whom ara you going to soli your Hay and Grain? The narrlngton Mer cantile Co." will offer tho highest prlcos. Mrs. John Smith returned to her heme In Leinoyno, Nobrns,l(n Wed nesday aftor virtlting hor husbanil oouflnul in a local hospital Frank Mcaovern, John DeRolf and Win. Landgraf wont to Lincoln Tues day to attend tho state convention of tho K. C. lodge which Is bolng hold thoro. A l)nby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chironco Day of Shrovoport, La. Tuo day. Wrs. Day ' was formorly Miss Myrtlo Boclor. All concerned aro do ng nlcoy. Mrs. Emma Rosoncrnntz and sun Wayno cmo from Contrnlla, Wash., Tuosday to visit at tho J. W. Rosen crant'4 homo onrouto to.tholr now homo In Coxad. 'Iliore will bo, a dancing party at tho Country Club this ovunlng Re freshments will be served. Van Derails Novelty Orchestra will furnish muijf for tltp'rvonlng Mrs. O." L. Swauoutt and daughtor, Gladys loft Wednesday for Donvor and ' Bouldort, Colorado whoro thoy will j spend tho summer. Hour salo at The Leador Mercantile! Co. to stimulato businoss, at spocial hours during Friday and Saturday, In tho aftornoon of each day, 1 to 2 p. in., 2 to a .p. in. and 3 to 1 p. m , on dry goods, Indios' waists, sk'lrto, hoslory, jiouso Idrossbs, iiorcnlo, ging hams, towels anl towoling. During tlio hour buy us ninny yards an you like and we will mako you a prosotlt of tho sumo numbor of yards of tho same vnluo absoutoly frco Or buy a skirt, wajst or a houso dress and wo will mako you tt prosofit of another absolutely free. Remember this .is only for spqcial hours during tho af tornoon. Phone (55 if you wish to know what hour certain artlclos nro on salo. Mrs. Arthur Rush rotumod from Omaha Wednesday whoro bIio nccomp anlol Miss Elslo Wnltoinath who Is confined to a hospital thoro. Saturday Is tho last day oSi tiio onc Ilfth off salo at Wllco,s IJbpar,tmcniE Storo. .. i," No NOTICE. , ;y, fishing or hunting ullowod on viny fnrm. P. D. DllHoiiLiyng LoJm Fnrin. . ' , . !$ IF YOU OWNED THE'GOOSE THAT 1-AID THE GOLDEN: EOGB' WOULD YOU .INSURPJ 'IT? ' Of couibo you would. Woll, you nro producing tho golden, nuggets , for yourself ,nnd family! I will Insuro yoiii' producing nblllty which ia moro imporinnt hnii tho "Golden Go'so" pioblom. C. V. Trniplo, Tlio Travel ers Mitn. i 1 1ms' cm nwNroll -When' Your- Battery Refuse and Your Car Won't Go 2332 lawBan 9 SA ' The Prest-0-Lite Battery Station Ju8t 3 Doors East of First National Bank Motor Co.