The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 27, 1921, Image 4
NORTH PLATTE- SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye GlassMen . J Sign oTho Big Ring , Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians' IN OUR DECORATION DAY SPECIALS GREATER MAY SALE Specially selected groups of merchandise that will add to the enjoyment oi your nonoay pncoa at suostantiai savings. ' Speed Up Your Shopping only a Few More Days Lett ot the Sale. I)J. 0. H. CKESSLEU GJtADUATK JUJN'TIST Office ovor tho MoDonald Stato Hank. LOCAL AND I'KKSONAL Joe Plzor enmo from I)euvor Sat urday lo transact business. Mrs. L. it. Hlsfohlor loft Snturdny for Omalui to visit frionds. Asparagus plants roady now. North Platto Floral Co. Judith Rodlno of Gothenburg vlsltod frlotids In tho city Wednesday. -In tho harnoHH business again. Sco me at 1001 N. locust Rogors. Bids; Bids; nothing but bids on all out miction. W. H. Malonoy Co. -Mrs. Kd Mason wont to Ogalnlla this morning to transact business. air. and Mrs. Hurry Q, Bhnner are tho proud pnronts of twins bom Sat urday. , Don't fall to got "My Mammy" for your phonograph. Dixon's Muslo Shop. Mrs. II. V. Postal roturhad from Ornntl Island .tho lattor pari of tho Awoolc' Order your shrubs and troos of the North Platto Floral Co. B. Cooporider of Chappoll under Wont an opbratlon at a local hospital Saturday. , Mrs. Dora Mo onmo Saturday from .Missouri to visit at tho homo of Mrs.' Mary Emory. ' AU'y. Victor Halllg&n went to Oram, Nebr. yestrday on legal business. "Look for the Uver Unlng" at Dixon's Muslo Shop. Miv and Mrs. A. P. Moore. of Brule visited friends in tile city Wednesday. Halph Hansen spdnt Wednesday la Lexington transacting Masonlo busi ness. Jhrery one Is bidding on the Silont Auction at W. It. Malonoy Co. Mrs. ChaH. demons of Wnllaco was among tho otlt of town vlHltors Wed nesday. D. S. Davis of Ogallula transacted busliioss Tuoiilny an,i -Wednesday in tho olty. , ; IJIds must ho In by 8 p. m. Saturday May 28th on tho Hllont Auction at AV. R. Malonoy Co. Albort ProIUiuor wont to Gothen burg Wednesday to transact bmilnoits for tho RomJgh Garago. Mrs. C. J. Evans of Dob Mollis; Iowu cnnio yostoi'.Jny to visit at the homo of Mrs. II. M. "Grimes. Mrs. Elmer Music returned to hor homo' In Denver ttftor visiting at the liome of Mrs. II L. Flotchor.. Mrs. J. II. Donegan and datightci, Zfta, returned Tuesday from a visit to various places In the eastern part of the state where they visited frl and. Cuming In all the Ume. Hids on Sir tnt Auction at W. II. Maloney Co. 1 Miss Bertha, p. Wilson, nil in structor l- the Stale Normal School at Chadron, Nobr., will arrive in. North Platto today to visit relatives. I The newspaper men of this ptirt ot j the stato have been Invited to gathtr at North Plntto on Friday, Juno :! for tho organization of a District As-' soclatlon. Secretary O. O. Duck of tho Nebraska Press Association has promised to ho hore and quite a num ber of editors are expecting to at tend. Thp Chamber of Commerce in arranging tho entortnlnment feature which promise to be worth while. -Tho Lincoln County Council of thr Hoy Scouts met yesterday noon and adopted the new constitution. A copy was forwarded to tho national headquarter with the fee and the ' application for a cbartor as a first ciass council, to date tt lias been a EXTRA SPECIAL 'KHAKI RIDING BREECHES Sizes 26 to 36 Our Entire Stock of this Season's Newest Full cut and well made or durable Khaki Cloth, double seated per fect fitting. A S4.50 value $.95 &dpair Straw Hats " She walks In hor husbands sleep" eco"1 cIaM council. "No wonder I'm blue." A record that June' 7 has been se.t us the dato for takes. Dixon's Music Shop. tho annual Jollification Supper of th. The dance1 given In tho K. C. hall Twentieth Century Club. Tho event Wednesday; was largely attended. Pla"ed basement of , the holtz rirohestrn ofDonvor fitrnlshod Kptocopal Ohurch and Is eagerly the music. i awaited by the members of tho Club. You want1 one 'of the suites, mull The addition of two more passens your bid. Silont Auotlon at "W. R. Ma- er Uam" to the ually schedule of the lonoy Co. . Union Paciilc will have considerable Francis Dunn of Grand Island is in B,Te5t o local employees of that m n 1 m OFF' ?L MENS AND YOUNG MENS Spring and Summer Suits $ Values up to $27.50 Values up to $32,50 $ 00 Values up tog40.00 Values up to $45.00 3400 Mrs. IJlrt nll.v thin wnnV vlalltn. r.l....l. , I l'Udll It waa natllllutoil 1nl nluhl Tnliita.n. mill ii it I "vw. , .cuing ii iujiua nun i -- - -..-,...v... jomson will attend tho loojdng after business mnttors. He!tlmt f""y twenty-five men would be .irrniliinllmi ..v..i... ... n. .. . i . ' uoiiiGnuurg wss formerly lii busitifMiR lin . hum ovoning. u ;;-Mr8.W.C.Plui,1orrotnrno,,. ,,.J. MraGTK? I'mtor ,ms rotl .-jbom, in Omaha Saturday af tor visit- B,L,, ! ,.. ,.v..,,, niium qi,u njiuuv it low ! days vlBltlng nnd nttondln t& ' cfub ilHK Mlns Frazlor. , y,Mlsa Mary Dennis of Unlv'orsltv . JPlaco enmo yo8torda to visit at the fWi w- Kluor homo. John McOlnloy returned to Koystono matters, " Mrs. Johri Tlgho enmo tho nrst ot tho wook from Lexington nnd wl'l loavo next wcok for Lovoland, Colo., parents Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Eyorly ot Horshoy vuiltod frlouds nnd rolntlvos In tho city yesterday. Mrs. T. K. cook returned to hor home in Omaha iiflor visiting hor parents in tho'oltyr Vnnlnrilnv nf i 'j . '" iiuai. niuit lur IjOVOiailll, VO 10., wun nor son Loo. Mrs. Anna Luke foturnod to hor liomo lu Washington Wednesday en route 1y tho way of Lincoln to .visit hor son. She has boon visiting ho mothor Mrs, Mary Emry. f Atl a ,,f m,. It,.,. ... .!., .... . nrt ...... I 111 kiiv iiuiun uiuiviiuu oul or OUT vor is elir, " ?r,0lf,0,, f Ddh"',Mt 1,10 nouncomont of i? A T f . t"n,0rr,)w to nt ,11,0 birth or n girl to Mr. and Mrs. F and r 7," f , Umls Lpshit on Friday Jlay 20. l!i ! ii 1 1 mi frl0',aS a,Ul 8,l0I)- IoK Joly. . r O n n ftJ'' , 1 Th0 nrllcl08 loft vr from tho form- .i... ." . . .v riro uiiiH and some rooently contrib ute) I articles will bo on solo at the Durbln Garago noxt Saturday, May US, during tho aftornoon. Mrs. Mary Rogers was In tho city a f.lll. 11.1.. 1. Afi- -in.i nt... ii.' . m,H "!'ult " er way irom :2nLU: . !AXJUn l:aUmml Onmhu. where sho spont tho winto-. mo iitnoss of his sou Townsoiul. Mrs. Lochlol, Johnston will loavo for a visit at' Grand Island Thurs day. She will only bo gone a few days. ' to tholr homo In Mlndon this morn lng after vlBltlng at tho homo of Mrs. 1 13. lloffnor. A numbor of frionds surprised E. It Slvlts Thursday night at his homo. Tho ovanlng was spoilt in i games aflor which lorroHhmontH ' wore survod. I 1. J. Jossup or, Lincoln visftod ' friends In the city IJrlday onrouto to hU homo from wostoin points. Ho waa a formec. vesldpnt, A iminhnr of frleilds motored to tho h6ma of C. F. Slvlt Just out side the city Friday ovoning nnd delight fully surprised him. After a ploasant evening refreshments wuro served. Miss Mather Sohwatger returned from Mullen Monday whore she has been teaching tichool .and will spend the summer vacation with her par ent Mr. and Mrs. Sobastlaii Soh watger. Mr. and Mrs. Italph Clabaugh and Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Clabaugh loft . Sunday for Omaha after vtsltng at tho J. F. Clabaugh homo. It Is reported that thoy aro making this trip with a view of loauUiig In buslnoss thoro. G. S. Huffmnn ot Santa Anna, Cnl., who has boon visiting frionds In tlio ' olty will lonvo In a few days for ' Omaha. Ho will attend the gradua- tlon exorcise of his son, Harry. "Harry is to grniluato In Juno from tho School of Modlclno of the Unl verslty of Nebraska. ttvi- changod In some way. Sonio will movefi'oin freight to passenger scr vice, olhors will go from tho extra board to regular ' and others will nmlpB changes In. their runs , J. D. Payno, nmkds a goinpleiTe rer port of tho activities or tho Peopled Mission Free Lunch, to tho Secretary of tho Chamber of Commerce, each, wook. Tho roport for the week undj ing May 22 sliowed that he hnd re ceived $14.08 in cash aud hati spent $41.51. Tho roport sliowed the dona tions of food and tho amount of each kind on hand at tho end of the week. It was very businesslike. Hour sale at The Leader Mercantile Co. to stimulate business, at special hours during lJ"rldaan,(i Saturday, In tho aCternqon of enclT day, 1 to ? p. m., 2 to 3 p. m. and 8 to 4 p. m , on .dry goods, lndlos' waists, skirts, hoslory, house lrpssos, porcaro, glng hnms, towols aiifl" towollng. During tho hour buy as many yards as you like and wo will mnko you a presont at tho saino numbor of yards ot tho same vnluo absoutoly froo Or buy a skirt, waist or a houso dross and wo will mnko you a present of another absolutely free. Homombor. this l.i to Donvor, where Bho will visit during only for spooial hours during tho af file Bununor. She says the Trlbuno wou tornoon. Phono 55 if you wish to jiiBt llko two lottors a wook from know what hour certain articles ore home. . ou Blllc- KHAKI SHIRTS Sixes 14 to "-17 Mens Fast Color Hose Made of good Armv Khaki Double Stitched Throughout A Good $2.00 Value ClI each Mens Dress Shirts Mens Neckwear 7 Pairs for $1.00 All Colors 19c Mens Athletic Union Suits 79c Mens Athletic Union Suits 95c Mens Ribbed Union Suits 95c Mens Lisle Hose - 23c N Boys All Wodl H$ln green & brown caps g JjC Boys Two Pants Suits Sfk.85 9 Mens Dress Pants Mens Outing Shoes'35 Mens White Handkerchiefs Mens Fancy Soft Collars 1 1. S C "5 E IviS 13 Co. We Prepay Porcel Post NORTH PLATTES FOREMOST CLOTHIERS We are "RIGHT" on the corner. Opposttc Fifst National Bank Mail Orders Promptly Filled The Daughters of tho American Itevolutlon andHhelr families wllli ians took a hike last Monday evening hold a picnic at tho State Farm on Friday, Juno 10. Plans are being PLAYBIl PIANO AT SACIUFIC1C PRICE Wo, Uavo a strictly high grtulo playor piano ln8torago In North, Platto. No reasonalilo 'offer rofused for quick die-' posal. ifisy tor ms if responsible. Write ' at ouce If Interested to the Denver Music Company, Denver. Colorado. No Ambitious Man lis io!-Mskm shows vun to ho is without a hank ncoounti a man of Method, Caution and Thrift The people with whom ou deal have mot'.e respiel for ou il nu p.n 1 (heik instead i i i tu reii s a matler of prurience as vU as ambition, open our aeeonnl with us. flP NORTH PLATTE. NBB worked out to make this a big event in the history of the local chapter of the D. A. It. Tho committee on Automobile Races fdr tho Fourth of July colebrntion has sent out entry blanks to a list of over 200 nice drivers. Qujto a few In quiries havo been received Includiug those of Rhlley, but to dato tho only entry hnd been mndo by Albort Prol tauor with his Dodgo Special. Free! Frool Friday and Saturday only. at. cflrtnln hours in tho aftornqon In ardor to stimulato buslnoss, wo will olfer at spoqlal hours, n cholco seloc t lull of piece goods, silks, orgnndloa, voiles, Floxons, curtnln goods, pei cnlos, ginghams and othor much neod od goods on tho main Hoor, and roady, to wear gnrmonts on tho second floor, waists, skirts, houso drosses, etc. Novor In the history of this storo have wo ever offored to tho ladlos of this community . such a wonderful oppor tunity. Buy ns many yards of goods ns you like a'nd wo will mnko you n projont of tho same numbor of yards of the same value free. Buy a skirt, waist or a houso dross. nnH wo will glvo you your cholco of another free. Phono 55 and inqulro tho hours dlf-J foront Itonis nno on salo. The Leader Mercantile Co. . ' ' Lookout Campflro Girls anil guard- and had supper at the river. It was a farewell to Miss Gaylo Isonsee, the as sistant guardian and as a token of ap preciation f6r her interest in the camp tho girls presented her with n gold Eyorslmrp pencil. Miss Isenseo has been teaching in tho city schools dur ing tho past year but will not return. DID YOU KNOW That wo have two nice little homes Just finished on West Sixth St? Immediato possession; $500 down balance like reilt Also some nlco resident lots on payments. Let us show you these bargains and tho ' easy terms. THE II. & S. AGENCY. aiggET3gglgHr"JA,4gnt"gl SATURDAY SPECIAL CHOICE COKNFEl) 121.. to 171.C 20c Beef fot Roast Prime Rib Roasts JQUIU noil 1Q tQ 121 Hamburger 2()c CHOICE LAMB " Lamb Shoulder onc Lamb Stew 101 n Lamb Log J. I IIIIZ"" c" Lamb Chops """"95c CHOICE VEAL " " Ground real Loaf 0fro V Vill 1UUSL Veal Stew Veal Breasts Veal Liver ::o: NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1814 of Hanson M. Grlmos, decensed, In tho County Court of 1 Lincoln County, Nebraska. 1 Tho State of Nohraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will tako notice that tho time llmltefl for presentation. and 111 1 1? of claims against said estato 1 September 28, 1921, and for settle ment of said estato Is May 24th.. 192? ; that I will sit at the county court room in said County on Juno 2Sth. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m., and on Soptomlmr 28th. 1921, at 10 o'olock a. in., to re ceive pxnmlno. hoar, allow, or nUjust all claims and objootlons duly (Hod. I Dnted May 24, 1921. 1 WM H C WOODIIURST. (SEND County Jvi Ipo -7 25c r 20c - 20c 15c CHOICE PIG VOR1C Fresh Side Pork ' 171. Dry Salt Side Pork n ' 1 r Pickled Pork fJ- Dold S.ugar Cured Skinned Ham, haffoT whofe" 35c Peanut Butter , Nut Margarine " Salter Kraut , per quart " Home rendered Lard, -" Special prices on 25 or 50 lb. caifs orYaTreUots Leaf Lard 191 Homo Made Liver Sausage V I1 3 - The above meats are strictly fresh'aiidYot fi mcki -house product. We buy our live stock direct froth the far I era of Lincoln County. Free Delivery to all parts of V city. Try our meats and be convinced of their quality Open until 10 p. m. Saturdays. " i P,H?OK & sons n vii. iiimu PIIDNP 91