The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 24, 1921, Image 8

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.Sjjgccklu tribune,
WILSOX T(UT. Killtor nnd i'ubllglicr,
Entorcd at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Postofflcc as Second Class Matter,
Ono Venn In julrniicc -t $2.00
Vtm roports quoto J, C. Lowlu,
PrOfltdont of tho Iowa Federation or
Labor ns saying Hint there Wits
"Enough red In old glory to suit
mo.1' He wns
speaking ngalust tho
rod flag demonstrations. It seems to
tit that howuvor auyono might dlf-
for Wjth Mr. Lewis on other matters,
ovory true Amorlcan can echo tho
BOntlmont lio oxprossed above,
, :o:: -Leo
Tlghe, a former North Platte
boy, recently wont lo Lovoland, Col
orado to work in a drug store belong
ing to a chain system. Word wur
received hero yesterday that through
tha aborts or the buslneiM and pro
fessional men of Lovoland. Mr. Tlgho
has boon appointed manAMr of the
MStoro. North Platto peoplo who know
Loo whan ho llvod.horo will give
thoso businoBs and professional nion
of Lovoland credit for somo mighty
good judgmont.
1 ::o::-.
Sovoral mon wore In tho city Sun
day who are Interested In a now
highway which Is to extend from
Valentino to North Platto. Thoso
men proposo to co-oporalo with us In
organizing this now road but thoy
aslc us to promoto tho oxtonslon of
tho road through to McCobk. Tho
matter Is bolng considered by Sec.
lJaro of tho Chamber of Commerce
and will probably be taken up by tho
Directors at an early mooting.
Announcement Is mndo by .the
County Agont's offico that the mem
bers of tho Lincoln County Farm Uu
roau who live In SollorB Precinct will
moot at tho school house on Friday
ovenlng of this week and organizes for
tho yoar'a work of Uio Farm Bureau.
Tho Hoard of County Commlssloor''
tit Lincoln County Is sotting an ox
ji'mplo to .all othor local government
agencies which Is worthy of com
mendation. It Is carefully scrutcnlz
hig ovory expenditure and allowing
only those whjch are positively nood
od" Many scliomoa aro presented,
most of Uiom having merit but the
commissioners aro turning them down
If thoy Ho not meet tho requirement
of, bolng absolutely nocessnry.
i ::o::'
Dr. Kerr callod the attention of
The White Footwear
t Season Approaches
DUCK'S Bootcric While Slippers register trim and chic
distinction of style. Tjio assemblage includes models
of lie most correct white leather and fabrics, permitting an
opportunity for an agreeable choice.
Style at right comes in White
Hcin Cloth with Baby
.Lonis heel
White Kid 57.00
tho Ilotarfwiii to tho fact tfiat tho
American flag ijiould now 0)s nl
lowed to float from a inast Br fiaft
polo aftor sundown. Tho rulfr Is lo
put It up at atinrlRO nnd tnko II
down at Muniot. It Ih an Insult to tho
flag to lbaro It up all night. At the
same time ho announced that ho
would like to have the newspapers
'make It plain (hat the nboVorulo
applies to everyone and not Just' to
iho Rotarlans'. Formorly tho flag on
the United StatO Post Office-, build
ing bore wail hoisted and left at the
top until It all blow awayn but the
handlo when a new flag was hoisted ,
In Its nlaco and loft until It had
been entirely whipped out by the
breeze., That was not a very good
example but wo aro told that th?
rule given above Is ono that ban Just
boon ndoptod to prevent Jimt audi
occurance as that at (he Federal
building. ,
There are throe co-ordinate' de
partmeta of our government. The
Proaldent and his cabinet are at the
head of tho oxoclitlvo dopartmont;
tho Sonato and tho House of Re
prosontatlves are at tho hpad of tho
Loglslatlvo Dopartmont and tho Chlor
Justice and tho Associate Jus
tices tire at tho hoad or tho Ju
dicial Department. Chlor Justice
White, hoad or ono or thoso depart
ments, died onotny last wook and
wo aro safo In saying that not ono In
ton of our peoplo paldany attention
or even know of it. Tho coutlnuod
oxlstcnco of our govornmont ha
boon mndo possible through the de
liberations and verdicts rondored by
our Supromo Court. Tho man who
has guided that court ror tho past
fow years Is Chief Justice WhltO..
His work has mot bbon spectacular
but has boon or that Biibstantl$1
naturo whjch has won tho approval
or all nion. IIq duservos our recogni
tion and respect in any way wo can
give It, and his namo should be
'honored nmong thoso of our groat
Doing a thing tho way In, has boon
dono Bcforo is not alw.aya wrong.
Th0 fittest (very often survlvos. Thoao
things which havo beon handed down
through tho ngos Jrom the remote
times of antiquity may a till bo rar
from out of date. Onco in a wlillo a
fovored brain concolvcfl tho idea that
ovo?ythlng is changing uid that
nothing that Is of old can bo worth
whllo. It Is usually tho unstable mind
of a young rooster who would sweep
away the things which wcro born in
tho remote past or the tottering brain
of ago who, to delude hlniBoIf Into
thinking ho Is yet young, puts away
Style at left comes in white
Hcin Cloth witli high heel
Same thing in White Kid
CJomes in dark brown call
with light orange stich
ing. Price
tho tiling of his youth and thinks
he is keoplnfc up to date, taws or
God and nature do not change, Noth
Ing modern ha been roirfd tllat is
a substitute for marrlagjf ifnd Ihf
family. We may bo marrltfd lii n bal
loon, a submarine, a bo car" or a
tfath tub In order to glvt) .Variety to
the ceremony but ono man ror one
woman Ih the only snnVwny for
peoplo to live. Education Isa-process
which dovelopos the iliinuV The
method of dovclopmenl may 'change
with tho passing years but ;no on
can got education without study and
thoro are no short cuts. Just So wii'i
most, of the basic Institutions which
havo been established by civilization.
When wo weary or doing tho Ion -established
things and seek to olinn'
them It would bo well for uh to in
quire If thoy rest on foundation
principles or are just methods of
working out thoao foundation prin
ciples. Tho laws of Ood'and Nature
novor change.
. .. ,. ;;o::
Govornor MclCelvIo told North
Platto people yostorday that he will
announce who Is to"bo appointed Dis
trict Judgo, today or tomorrow.
Word was recolved hore yostorday
of tho accldontal drowning of ony
Rtmoau whllo swimming. Within a
Tew days Orloy was to havo graduat
ed rrom a college In Iowa at which
placo ho was drownod. Particulars
wcro not available.
The 1U1 Popplos, tho momorlal
riowor of tho American Legion will
bo sold by the War Mothors Sat
urday aftornoon In tho lobby of the
Keith Thoatro n .115 cents. Every
patriot should wear this" .flower on
Momorlal Day.
You aro missing somethIng If you
fall to attend our Auction Salo. Wo
Will Ait anything you request for you
to bid on. Austin, the Jewolor,-Keith
Thoatro Building.
Mrs. J. Korto of Curtis was anion :
tho out. of town visitors Saturday.
Andy Scharmnn loaves tomorrow on
a pleasure trip to Tacoma and other
points on tho Pacific coast His fam
ily who havo beon In Tacoma for sev
eral months will return with lilm.
Bradford Dlv. No. 200 G. I. A. to
B. L. E. will hold their rogular meet
ing In K. P. hall at 2:30 P. M. Fri
day, May 27th. Report or convention
will bo read. All members are re
quested to bo In attendance, wearing
membership pins.
Wednesday, May 2Gth, wo aro going
to auction oft to tho highest bidder, a
number . of diamonds. Make your
'cholco, price it bororo tho salo ;and
it will bd put up. -Tho highest bidder
geta tho diamond. C. M, Austin, tho
Jowoler, IColUi Theatre Building.
, Invts. merits "
6Va -rirst Tu.m tuoitgcgoi 6
7 Txrtt OKy J.urtfi.ifcea 7
7Vj Ton Yew- 01.. .Jjsos 7'a
Intaraat 1'axu.r w.m nii.u.' tn'livtnl and
ratnltUxl Ijjt u rri'u .. il. m tha
prlnclml much h ,.,,. ,it u t,,e i infor
mation II bo .1 iwiiie I Wrlta tat
lataat 1N Lsj JU..N i ..tdXiri I
Woods Iltoil:es Companies
Suu .1 4 l
LINCOLN, UtlliU. l'huuo E-6744
Cntno right inl
Wo'ro glnd lo extend the hos
pitality of our store and1 service
to demonstruta to you the
Let us play for you tlie Victor
Records of your favorite selec
tions. And of course you'll want
to hoar tho newast songs and latest
No troubla on our paiti no
obligation on yours.
Drop in to-dayl
; Victrola
xlMES ill
11 i r . . ' . a
. i i win Ml' 1 ' ' 1 mmxirrxe vwm.m fiMt; Ty.VWMitiui-.iiilaitiia riiiiiiiiiiiiaaj
ill apMaBMiM
-Harvest Season will soon be here This Tractor will
I J pull yo I
IKOR0S0N TRACTOR ' - - - 5691.00
WOOD BROS. THRASHER 20-36 $1350.00 J j
Thsse Prices F. 0. B. North Piutte '
j I . We can Make Immediate Delivery JjJ
Anthorised Ford and Fordson Sales and Service
P Phone 34 North Platte. Nebraska J
InMRaMnwmMiiiM . mi 1 1 L&Tu.iL.j " w.w HMraiaw&llaaMMMaMaaMnf i I i mi ib ii i mi m i' ii i iii i r Hi ii i im ii ir,U'1f - '. - mL
Mr. E. T. Tramp nnd Mrs. Herbert
Tramp ontortainijl at a bridge lunch
eon Tuesday In thoir home. The tables
wero beautifully decorated in lavender
and Pl"k sweet peas and fnvors for
each guest. Mrs. P. Conlln and Mrs
Samuel Borgman wero the only out
of town guests.
Plnns are bolng made for tho forma
tion of a branch of tho Lincolif Coun
ty Farm Bureau In Miller Weclnct
On Wednesday or Thursday evening of
this week. All members of tho Farm
Bureau should attend tills meeting
whenever It Is called ani assist In or
ganizing a good strong group In Mlll-
or Precinct.
You are missing something if ypuj
fall to attend our Auction Sulo. . e
will put nnythlug you request for you
to bid on. Austin, the Jeweler, Keith
Theatre Building:"
Mr., and Wlxn.. KQltlvIoprohQiisp
and Mrs. Leo Anderson wont to
Overtoil yesterday to visit relatives.
Frank C. Pielstlcker returned yes
terday from Sarben where ho trans-
asted business.
To Tnule A piano for a brpko team
114 W. 9th. st
For Rent Five Room house., In
dulro G08 E. Third.
Wnutod A good housekeeper. Ap
ply at Martl's Moat Markot.
Wanted Paaturo for flvo head ot
initios. Gregg Bros., Phono 784F5.
To Tnule Eighty acres Colorado
land for good automobile. Call 1127W.
Wanted Carpontor work by con
tract or hour. EtimatM furnished.
Phone 2S7.T.
For Rent Modern four room apart
ment in Twlnem Building. See Bratt,
Go. man A Buckley.
lor Sale Ford Touring Car
bought new In July 1920. Has been
run about 4500. mllM. Prices $465
Call at 212 S. Dswey. , .
For ShIo Genuine lwther daven
port, rocker and vacuum cleaner
Phono 4S7W. '
For Sale Homo and lot, flrit olaaa
shape. Inquire S06 North Locust. Peto
' Hayes.
Wiinled Compqtont girl for en
oral liQiisowork. Apply 421 Wwt
Fourth Street.
Wnnted Girl for general house
worklight washing good placo for
right party. COS W. Socond street
Strnyeil-fFrom. my place one sor
rel mare 7 years old, weight about 800
ponds. Phone 7S3F22. Fred Nelson.
Lost Saturday night at Carnival
grounds, oameo pin. Return to this
Lost Engraved wrist wntoh near
Want Ads
depot on Saturday. Iittttols T. B. frtm.8
A. G. Return to Thelma Brownell. 410 ' g
Wnntcd Competent girl for general
housework. Phone C41W.
For Snlc Hatching eggs, pure bred
R. I. Rods, Barred Rocks and White
LcghornB. L. I. Tucker, Phono C98J
For Snlc Now Anchor Hope Cream
Separator. Cheap Inquire at 100G
N. Pine St.
To Trade Section of land, In Lin
coln Co. for city property, Se'o Gene
Crook, North Platte.
Wanted Position as bookkeeper or
stenographer. Experienced. Ad
dross 515 W. Seventh.
For Sn'0 Piano, music cabinet
floor lamp, sectional book cases, li
brary table, beds, springs, mattresses
iplllows', dressers, chairs, sot Havlland
china, International encyclope! lit
World's Greatest Litorature, draper
ies and a sot -which Includes n leather
davenport and three clinJrs. Mrs.
Mtjna y. Trotter.
Now Open for Business.
Mr, Van Graven has had twenty years experience
in the New York Studios and gets those pleasing I
poses and lightings which only long experience and
talent can produce.
We solicit the patronage of the Public.
Phone 159
6th and Dewey St.
At The Sub
atinee 2:15
Louis B. Mayor presents his Big Super Special
THE ' " "
A Triumph of Mother Love. The Screen's Outstanding Ma&leiplece.
Also Two Reel Toonerville Trolley Comedy,
That we have two nice little
homes just finished on West Sixth
St? Immedlato possession; $500 down
balauco like rent. Also some ntco
resident lots on payments. Let us
show you these .bargains and the
easy torms. . '
At tho aunual meeting of tho legal
voters of school district number 131
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which
will bo held at tho school house on
Monday, Juno 13th, 1921, at 2 P. M.,
the proposition will bo submitted to
tho voters of raising the budget of
Seven Hundred dollars to conduct the
school for tho coming year. This will
require a levy not to exceed one-hundred
mills on the dollar of the assessed
valuation of said district
for appointments
North Platte, Nebr. 1
Today and
4:05 The Drama You've Wailed for
W 9th at and reoolve reward.