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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1921)
i NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE "it. (, r The Ideal Farmers Cow The undersigned Dawson County Red Polled Breeders will sell at the Sale. Pavilion, at Lexington, JNebr., on Thursday, May 26, 33 Head of Cattle 33 20 cows and heifers, 13 head of young bulls six months to two years old. Some are from cows in the advanced registry, and some from cows that will be, if their present record of an average of two lbs. per day continues and their record completed. The records of the breed show them easily capable of producing from 400 to GOO lbs. of butter fat. The highest record of any one cow, 31725 Jean Du Luth Beauty, is S91.0 pounds butter fat. A mere look at most of the offering in this sale will prove their ability in producing a desirable type of feeders. The highest bqef test record showed the breed capable of producing well marbled steak, the carcass dressing 73.72 per cent. This offering will not be loaded with fat, but are handled in a practical fanner's way, making them capable of converting roughage into beef and milk. If agriculture is the foundation of all pursuits, and without fertility the soil will soon become bar ren, would not a practical farmer's cow that will give a good How of milk enough to nurse two calves well, while you milk the other and yet produce beef of good quality, bo the cheapest way to maintain fertility? Has not the lied Polls been bred along these lines longer and are they not more highly developed in dual purpose than any other "bred? Come and see. Teddy, our foundation herd bull, had for hist sire Profector, a Chicago Interna tional Champion, and his dam, Nina, had a record of G gallons of milk per day. The year we sold Teddy's Best, that won 32 championships, Mr. Anthony bought the Calf Lexington by Teddy and out of Bonnie, a 1G50 lb. cow, the greatest producer we ever owned. Lexington was the calf that made Mr. Hansen feel like Hopping pen nies as to which one to take. Had Lexington been fitted and shown by Anthony like Teddy's Best, Teddy's Best might have had to be renamed. Since then the herd has had at its head Red Knight' by Happy Jack, and Chief Charmer 3397, a first prize Sen ior calf at Nebraska State Fair 1919. a son of Royal Charmer and a grandson of the 2400 lb. Charmer, the grand champion at the Chicago International 1919. As for Ramlal 24811, the present herd bull in the Anderson herd, we quote from Chester Graff, this notes, "As a two year old. Randal was undefeated in his class at the Iowa, Nebraska, and both Kansas State Fairs." His dam, Ruperta, a champion in her time, weighed over 1700 lbs., in how form, and was pronounced by different judges as a most remarkable type of dual purpose cow. She was a great producer at the pail. She was the-dam of several champions at the leading shows of America. His sire, Daiidy, was a champion at several state fairs in 1912-13., Also his broth er, Dixon, was grand champion bull at 1909 International at Chicago. Several of his calves in this sale are show prospects and will be a pride to any owner. For further particulars send for catalogue to either J. 0. ANDERSON & Son or C. R. ANTHONY & Son ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CLOSTi OF THE CLEAN-UP, l'AINT-UP CAMPAIGN. r HEAL ESTATE THANSFEHS. R. 30, $S00. May 10 B. B. Itedfleld and wife to Following deeds have been recorU-' A1Iro? Shellenbarger et al-B& NE'.'. ed in the office of C. W. Yoat Regis ter of Deeds, for the week ending May XI, 1921. May 10 Samuel M. McCracke to Thoma S. Holm lot 9 block 5 Tay Thomas S. Holm lot 9 block 5 Tay- Mny 13 Reuel P. McFadden and Wifo to W. F. Klncaljl lot 12 block 23 Maxwell, ?3500. May 13 W. F. Klncajl and wife to John Griffith Sec. 30, T. 12, R. 2S, ?20,000. May 13 Harry Lantz and wife to Catherine Simons lot S, block 134 Nc. Platte, $2800. May 13 Frederick Elliott and wifo to Ella F. States and John C. States, west 14 feet lot 7, block 105, North Platte, $1000. . May 14 Fred M. Armstrong and wifo to John W. Stafford lot 5 block 72 North Platte. $725. May; 1G Frank iS. Buchanan to Ed win L. Robinson west xk lot 3 nnd lot 4. block 19, No. Pintle Town Lot Co.'s addition, $7000. Mny 10 Robt, W. niackmoro to First National Bank, Columbus, Sec. 19, T. 11, R. 31, $1000. May 11- EUn I. Brown to Solomon V. Sellers lots 2 aiiM 3 Sec. 31. T. 10, and, tho SE Sec. 2G, T. 12, R. 31, $3800. May 1G Win. C. Reynolds and wife to W. H. McDonald et al one-third n tercst In part of Jots Hand 2 in block 102 North Platte, $8000. May 17 J. C. Hollman nnu wifo to Wilholmina Behrens lot 3 blork 7 H. fc 9. Addition to North Platte. May 12 Louise Burke et al to Har ry G. Stuve lot 3 block 2, RlverdaU: addition to North Platte $550. MARRIAGE LICENSES : :o; :- Clinton & Son. Graduate Opticians. Try us for service. -:(!: Peeler, Crosby & Raskins, Attys. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. .Estnto'No. 1G74 of Albert Coolidge, de ceased In tho Cohny Co,urt of Lin coln County Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska to all per sons interested in slad estate take -notice JUiafc tho Administrator ihas filed 'l "inl account and report of his administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, and petition for hearing on report of Ap praiser under tho Inheritance tax laws, which have been set for hearing boforo satfl court on June 17, 1921, at 10 o'clock n. m.. when you may ap pear and contest Uio same. Dated May 18th, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODIIUST, (SEAL) County Judge Following is a list of licenses Is suci 1 by County Judge Woodhurst for tho week ending May 19. May 12 Joseph D. Law fanner El sie, Nobr., and Mrs. Lucy Al Mc Cown, Elsie. Married by Judge Wood hurst May 14 Marvin II. Hall, U. P. em ployee, North Platte and Miss Luolla B. Smith, North Platte. May 14 Leonard It." Ward, farmer, Keysoiie and Mrs. Mablo E. Wylle, Stirboif Marked by Judge Wood hurst, May 1G Geo. F. Thompson barber of Sutherland and MJbs Christine Polisk a nurso of Wallace. Married by' Rev. C. F. Koch of the Lutheran Church. May 17 Ralph Vf. Talbot farmer of North Platte arid Miss Mario Stack, North Platte. May 25th, the dalo Bet to have tho clean up work completed, is closo at hand. Up to date It Is a fdrnw betweon tho First Ward nnd tho Second Ward. Swope of the First Is trying to show Forbes of the Second, somo yards: Carroll of tho Third and Llork of tho Fourth are urgc,i to uso their tolo phones and automobiles if they ox poet tho secrot Judges to really give them a good looking over. No high water mnkes It nice to clean up. Let's do bettor. Tho Hoy Scouts will start early In Juno with tho 100 caijJs. ' You will feel bnd If your neighbors all have one and you frill, by a few points. If cleanliness is noxt to Godliness, for tho sako of your own pride, tho ward that you llvo in, and our town In gen eral, let's try to bo in keeping with God-like and home loving people. Aftpr consldornblo study' nnd thought, It has been decided that tho 100 cards will bo nwarjied whoro nil yards nro clean and. whoro all rub bish has been removed from both the front yards, back yards, gardens and alloyB. This moans ashes, tin cans weeds and all rubbish, such as sur plus dirt. etc. The Twentieth Century Club has tho danjlellons going good. Wc nro certainly In favor of removing all dan)lolIons, as thoy will ruin a lawn and surely look woll as being a post or nuisance. Wo thoreforo ask and trust that tho citizens in each ward will removo.tlio dandelions 100 from tholr yards, and to this end we ask your co-oporatlon, but if you don't do it, you will ho given your 100 card, providing you nro 100 per cent otherwise. Wo suggest however, that so long as your neighbor Is taking tho yellow post from his yard, that' you do likewise, 'so ho will havo .noth ing on you. Wo urgo and recommend that you rnlso and havo a big garden full of nlco things to cat und thnt you keep tho weeds cut in your alleys and your yards throughout tho weed growing season. Wltlvtho co-operation and assistance of ovory citizen, nil ttf those things can bo accomplished. Jinn think, If every monlbor of Uio Cham ber of Comerco, tho Rotary Club, tho Kiwanis Club, Twentieth Centurv Club,, ( Mothers' Club, tho Parent Teachers Organization In fact any nnd all clubs and societies, will- simply holp foster and push tho nbovq, move ments just ns a matter of civic prido for two Uays only, what a clean town wo will havo. Come on now, alto gether qn tho ono Issuo nnd let's seo what can really bo done on May 24th ami 25th. Wo are, yours for a cleaner town CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CLEAN UP AND PAINT-UP COMMITTEE LOCAL AJtt PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs Ralph Tnlbot roturned from their wedding trip to eastern points yesterday. Pat Madlgnn of Council lliuiTs left Saturday for western ponts nftor transacting business In tho ctly. Leo Miles, flremnn on tho Union Pa cific railroad, ts suffering n wrenched back due to a fall In the onglno while on duty. Mrs. Dean Richardson o't Omaha loft Saturday for Memphis, Tcnn., nt tor visiting at tho homo of hor par ents Mr .and Mrs. C. S. Clinton. To whom nro you going to sell your Hay nnd Grain? Tho Harrlngtou Mor- cnnttlo Co. will offer tho highest prices. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Tnlbot ontortnln ed the W. F. Stack family tho Talbot family last evening nt tholr romo in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Talbot who wore married last wool:. O." SnodgrosB returned Saturday from Omaha nnd Council Bluffs whero hovtsltcH relatives. Dr. L, J. KHAUSE, Dentist X.Itnv Diagnosis. McDonald Hnnk Building Phone 7. Theodoro Wcntlnnd nnd family mov od tho latter part of tho week from tho Twine'm apartments 'to tho John Frazir homo on cast Fourth" Btreot. , FOlC FRONT WHEKLS SHAVER ROLLER BEARINGS OUTLAST THE CAR They 'exactly roplaco ball boarlngs. Just knock out tho cujs nnd cones and put Shufora In. Thoy fit. No mnchlno work nccossnry. , FULLY GUARANTEED. SOLD BY DEALERS AND GARAGE MEN. . Distributed by W. S. LOVE.TOV 3818 Mason OMAHA ANNOUNCEMENT Wo deliver grocorlos amounting to $1.50 or over free; under that amount tho chargo for delivery Is 10c extra. Wo soil for cash, you buy for. loss. ECONOMY GROCERY. Mrs. Bosslo Show attended tho senor cIubs piny "Tho Old Maids' Conven tion" at Horshey Friday ovcnlng. Porch boxes wo call for them, fill and return thorn when ready. North Platto Floraf Co., Phone 1023. For Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Peony and Dahlia Roots, Cinnamon and Maderla Hardy Pinks, Trees and Vines, J.t Pansy Plants, ;: Plants that Grow, fr "".if ...l.l nlt, nianli if V U I. A W . . D, (111.1 UlllUI . 1.1111E for any occasion, call NORTH PLATTE FLORAL 'CO., Visitors Welcome. Phone 1023 West 12th Cor. Curtis. A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to dine. A place whoro tho greatest caro Is ox exclsed In tho selection of tho food materials. A place whero tho cuisine Is exquisite, whero tho china and cut lery is tasteful, and tho surroundings pleasant. This Is such a place. Com and enjoy It HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. 5 mm r i li IV 1 g Mutual building and Loan Association Of Norfh PUtte, Nebraska Resources $1,477,321.69. In order to provide fundB for approved loans this Association will Is sue a limited amount of fts Paid Up Stock. This stock draws dividends at rate of six per cent per annum, payable March 1st and Soptombor iBt. Money Invested In this stock can be withdrawn nt any time on thirty dnys' notice. T. C. PATTERSON. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. R TBI Lot esiaence $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 And Up to $748.00 Located in the 1000 to the 1600 blocks on west 4th, 5th, 6ih and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Streets. Easy Terms. Easy Building Restrictions. MINER HINMAN, OVERALLS Q(Sc I'NION MADE OF EXTRA J J HEAVY WEIGHT BLl'E DENIM CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS 29c LIGHT Oil MEDIUM RIU DOUBLE KNEES, HEELS AND TOES.... 3 PAIR FOR 85c. WORK GLOVES HEAVY CANVAS LEATHER FACED Whoro Low Price Moots Oood Quality. . Cor. Front & Dowoy Sts. Health for Aching Victims of Veurifis When you get a fovorlsh, aching Boreness of tho arm which seems to havo Idoprlvcd tho muscles of powor, tho troublo is neuritis. Nourltls Is an lnllammntlon of tho norye. Ita blood vessols oxpand. thoro b excessive heat, and thoro, Is a dlshargo of Borum Into tho colls which Boftous tho muscles and dogen orates tho nerve. The causo is pres sure at tho Bplnal norvo oponing, and tho correction 1b chiropractic spinal adjustments. If nttontion is glvon In tlmo, no serious results follow. Tho tendency of neuritis, unless tho causo is romoveu-, Is to paralyzo tho part affected. ACT TODAY Chiropractic romovoB tho causo of your disease. Consultation Is with out chnrge. Drs. States & States, The I'. S. C. Chiropractors. ' Building and Loan Building .North Platto Nebrnslia. CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS 0ISEASE3 ATHE FOLLOWING VV CARS VS. NOSE THROAT jcr- ARMS urAOT LUNGS LIVER STOMACH PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDHEY5 DOWELS APPENDIX (BLADDER LOWER LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) 1 0 THEIR ORGANS AND TISSUES iimmiminnnir Prove d ! THE manufacturer of any phono graph can cluim that it brings the true art of great artists. Only ono phonograph can prove that it docs so. That phonograph is the New Edison, the only phonograph that sustains the test of direct com parison. Ccme in hear it. Ask about our Budget Plan, which gives you credit through a gentleman's agreement. Dixon Music Shop. Z Over Union State Bank Phone 821J