The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 24, 1921, Image 6

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unmixed with awo. Tho Bpoctaolo was
Btlli vlslblo In the heavens during tho
houra of onrly morning.- York Teller.
Tho Ilorshoy Times puts It up. to
tho people of that village to decide
whether It will Ikj host to Install a
now onglno and oporato its own
light plant or run a transmission
line 'from North Platte. Tho his
tory of the Ilorshoy plant has boon
tho sarno as tho history of plants in
hundreds of other small towns over
tho country. Tho presont plant thoro
was purchased seven years ago and
today Is almost a comploto wreck. It
has (delivered hut six or eight hour
sorvlco during that time and on the
hasls of a 24 hour sorvlco would havo
lasted hut two or threo years.
Tho North Platto Light & Power
Co. offers to deliver current to the
vlllago of Hershcy at tho rato of" six
cents por kw., tho village to billld the
transmission lino, stand tho oxponso
of maintaining It and also Bland tho
loss In transmission, slnco currant is
to bo delivered nt tho west limits of
North Platto.
Figures show that tho total coat of
tho lino, including a 15 horso power
motor would bo f9;5JOO, and that cur
rent coiX bo dollvorcd to patrons at
tho ralo of 10c for power and lCc for
lights and still lcavo a nlco margin
of profit for maintaining tho lino nnd
mooting expenses.
Tho .people of Ilorshoy recently
voted bonds for a llght plant Tljo
proposition now boforo them Ib wheth
or or not it will bo far hotter to ex-
pond tills monoy on a transmission
lino nnd give village tho convonlon
cos of a metropolitan city with 24 hour
sorvlco nnd tho possibility of all mod
orn convonlonces nnd ni a lowor rato
that It wll bo possible to dolivor cur
ront from a village plant with six to
olght hour sorvlco.
Pnxton Is up against the sajno prop
ortion. Tho history of tho present
plant Is well known Tho question
that should bo dccdojl now Is wheth
or or not It will bo possible nt tho
' E. S. Brownflohl of Cozad, Nehr.,
was on the market yesterday with a
load of ycarlmg Herford steers that
averaged 932 lbs. and sold for $9.30,
top of tho market. Theso Btcers wcro
fed by Mr. UrownneluB son, virgu,
this bolng his .first oxporlonco. They
woro put into the lot on Octobor 11,
nnd Bhowcd a gain of 400 lbs-Chicago
Dally Drovers Journal.
There Is a move on foot by tho
WrM, TMnftn Klnctrlc LI Kilt Co. to
illi Wft w
furnish Ilorshoy, Sutherland nnd Pax
ton with oloctriclty. If this Is dono
wo could then havo a twonty-four hour
sorvlco and power enough to run any
motor that would bo required In this
city. Think this proposition over, for
undoubtedly you will ho roqulrcd to
answer yes or no on tho question.--Sutherland
::o:: i
A woman and four children walked
Into Loxlngtotn (from ,tho west Ion
Thursday. Thoy camo during tho
atorm and got qulto wot. Thoy at
tracted tho notlco of Clilof Mason
early this morning having taken pos
session of a box car with tho avowed
intention of riding in that mannor.
Chief Mason took thoin in chnrgo and
tickets woro provided for them nnd
they loft on No. 1G, their destination
bolng Central City whoro a cousin
rosVlcs. Tho oldest child Is about 12;
tho youngest a baly. Tho woman
alnlms to havo como from Lincoln
county nnd that hor husband dosortod
her somo tlmo ago. Lexington Cllppor i l)rc3tnt tlmo to take caro of tho future
Cabbage, colcry, tomatoes, sweet
ipotatoeB and cauliflower 1 per 100.
Egg plnnt and poppers 3c oach
Blooming panslcs and nstors Be each.
All postpaid.
Kearney, Nobr
::o:: 1
ROAD NO. 420.
To "Whom It May Concern:
Tho Bpeclal commissioner appoint
ed to ocato a pubic road as follow:
Commonc ng nt tho termination oi
Walnut street on tho north in tho Vll
lago of Sutherland running thoncc In
n northerly direction through Section
twenty (20) Into section seventeen (17)
along tho north and south center llnoi
:o:: r
iPnxton. Maxwoll and Brady nro hav
ing their experience' with light plants
and tho. end of tholr operation Is not
tho City at any tlmo after five yearn
from dato thereof; and shall tho City
of North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne
braska, levy a tax in tho year 1921
and each and every year thereafter
BUfflcInt to pay tho interest and prin
cpal pt said bonds as they bocomo duo
nnd until sufficient tax has boon lovlcd
to pay all of tho principal anl inter
est of said bonds and such tax to be
both for principal and Interest and to
bo levied upon all of the taxablo prop
erty in said City of North Platto. Lin
coln County, Nebraska."
Dy order of tho Mayor and City
Council of said City of North Platte.
' Dated this, ICth day of May, 1921.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Assist tho People's Mission bread
line. Potatoes, onions, meat, coiroe.
sugar, broad, milk or cash solicited
Notify J. B. Payno or dellvor to peo
ple's MHsslon, Sovonth and Locus:
Notlco Is hereby given to tho olec
of n.ild section and terminating where torB of tho City of North Platte, No
said roa,j would untorsoct the north braskn. that tho Mayor annuity uoun
lirnnchfif tho Keith and Lincoln! Coun- ell of tho City of North Platto, Ne-
tles Irrigation District, all m township brnska, have provided by ordinance
fourteen (14) north, of rnngo thirty- ror tho submission oi a uiroci voio oi
threo (33) west of tho 6th p. m., said tho voters of tho City of North Platto,
rnn,i n ho nlxtv foet(fiO) wldo. has re- Nobraska. the following proposition;
ported In faVor.thereof; all parties hav- An ordinance providing for tho sub-
Inn objections thereto or claims ror muting to tno oiociors oi mo v-uy m
.inmn iiv rnasnn of thn ontnlillRhln'jr North Platte. Lincoln County, State
....... .nVw J . . I . . 11... I .
of tho abovo road must file same in the or weuraBKa, uio iuuuwing yuuuun
nfflrn nf Hin nnuntw Clerk of Lincoln lo-Wlt:
County.'Ncbraska, on or before twclvo "Shall tho City of North Platto in
vinnif nnon nf Mm 3iil ilav nf Ancust. tho County of Lincoln, State of Ne
1091 brasKa. issue us saiu -uuy oi ;orui
Witness my hand and official seal Platto Howor uomis" in tno sum or
this 19th day of May, 1921. $us,uuu.uu ior mo purpose oi raisins
a a a t tk monev ior tno constructing, uuuruv
a. ivLiur.. ,. , , ,nintnnn o,l ol.l.
ISkALi) UOUIUy t ICrK. . . , n-..pi f n ovnlom
, " - I lit Vit V WIIU UUklWl Wfc UUWWO
NOTICE OF ELECTION. of sewerage In said city In accordance
tors of tho City of North Platte. Ne
braska, that tho Mayor and City Coun
cil of tho City of North Platte. No
braska, havo provided by ordlnanco
for tho submission to a direct voto of
tho votor8 of tho City of North Platte,
Nebraska, tho following proposition:
An ordlnnco providing for tho sub-
mates on nio with tho City Clerk; and
to provide for tho levying and collect
ing by tho proper officers of said city,
a tax annually to pay the interest and
principal of said bonds as they ma
And by vlrtuo of the power In mo vest
ed. I hereby call an election on said
ordinance so submitted to bo hold in
mlttlng to tho electors of tho City of tho City of North Platto. Nebraska, on
tho 21st day of June, 1921, the voting
places of said election shall bo as fo
lows: .
Tho First Ward at tho A. N. Dur
bin Garngo at tho intersection of Fifth
and Dowoy Streets in said city;
Tho Secortl Ward In the District
County Court
Hundnils of pooplo in Goring Inst . . n " ., Hmn thn cont
Friday evening observed tho noutral Qf opopatlon ftnd upkoon ,B on0rmoufl
phonomona wMch dovoopod to hnvo nnd ovontlmlIy tnov wlu l)0 In namo
been an unuBally. clalxirato form at poHlUon thut norshoy and Paxton aro
aurora boroalls. It was startling in . nvolltllnllv tho nroi)ont nlnnts
its nppenranco, covering tho ontlro wl hav(j to ,)0 nbandoncd i
nky and looking much aa'It an onor u mfty b(j possll)lo for Paxton to
mous.bomb had boon oxplbded over- MM mfllnta,u (l tTansmiaBion
head, only thoro was nothing at tho ,,no rom lll)rHhoy n(, provdP for all
zonlth 'to ropreseitt (tho bomb. It f)lur() nco(Jg of 1)p vlUag fftp ng
Was in ovldonco for sovornl hours In oloctrlcn currcnt 8 concerned. Tho
grontor or less dogree. According to Tlme8 loog not nUoinpl tn 8ny Umt u
tho dally iKipors it) was vory gonernl mn or mmmt m (,ono But t 80emi
over this section, aul because of tho Umt tll,B jmiltor w,u l)0ar tho 6loaCBt
electrical dsturbanco wlro commulil- luVoattjgnt;on Wo aro for Ul0 j,,.
cation ovor tho country was badly do- ,lUoroHt8 of lho town nnil feel ,nnt .
ranged. Spots on tho sun arc assort- waR mr 1)lft,n (,()ty t0 brln; lJl0 (act8
ed by scientists to havo boon rospons- concornil)K ti,0 transmission lino bo-
lblo.Cortng Courier.
"Tho Notts, printed ut Arthur, has
aroused tho onthusasm of tho people
in that vicinity to Much a high pitch
fore tho public at this tlmo. Paxton
North Pltte, Lincoln County, Stato of
Nobraska, tho following quernon to
"Shall tho City of North Platto In the
County of Lincoln, Stato of NobraBkn,
Issue' its 'City of North Platto Water
Works Improvemnt Bonds' in the sum
of Ono Hundred Thousand ($100,- Court Room nt tho
000.00) Dollars for tho purpose of House in said city;
raising money for tho puposo of es- Tho Third Ward at tho Fire Station
tabllshlng, constructing, extending, at tho intersection of West Front and
enlarging, maintaining, nnd operating vino Streets In said city; and
tho Water Works of said City aril ox- Tho Fourth Ward at tho North
tending, relnylng, and enlarging water Platto Bulck Garage at tho Intorsec
mains in said City In accordance with tlon of Locust and Eighth Streets in
tno plans, spccincntlons and estimates Bald city.
on fllo with tho City Clork, and to pro- Tho polls to bo opened at 8 o'clock
Vldo f6r tho levying nnd collecting by in tho morning and to remain opened
tho proper officers of said City, a tax until 8 o'clock In the evening of said
annually to pay tho interest and prln- day of election
clpal of said bonds ns thoy maturo." Those voting in favor of the adop
Aud by virtue of tho power In me tion of sal ordinance and tho Issu
vested. I hereby call an election on ing of said bonds, shall mark their
; aaM ordlnanco so submitted to bo held ballots with an "X" opposite the
in tho City of North Platto. Nobraska. Words:
on tho 21st day of Juno. 1921. the vot- "FOR" issuing $05,000.00 of the
lng places of said election shall bo as 'City of North Platto Sewer Bods In
follows: " denomination of Ono Thousand Dol-
..a wnr.i nf a m rt..ri.i.. lars each, bearing Interest at the rato
Garago at tlie intersection of Fifth nnd of 0 por annum, payable seml-annu-Dowoy
streets in said city; a Interest and principal payable
Tho Second Ward In tho District ui i, , . .
Court Room at the County Court 01 ,1"cu, county, auuo oieorumu
iinl,u i ont.i ntiv said bonds to bear Idato of July 1st
" "- moi .1 .1.. 1... .. l.i l..,.l 1,.
Tho Third Ward at tho Fire Station
at tho intersection of West Front nnd be ')a,i," "'o first day of January
vin. Qt, i ani.i oil,.. n.i 1922. art! the 1st day of July, 1922, and
" I n tlm 1 r t ,1n.. P Tnnnniii ntiil nn 111 n
Tho Fourth Ward at tho North Piatt'-1 V". . ,y , ":luu"- u"
n.ilov finn nf fi.J t nf t I isi any oi duly, ot eacu anu overv
Locust nnd Flcbtli Rtrnntn In nlil yeilr mereuuer. u"' an ui uio iiuer
I . l,n11 1. n
Tho polls to bo opened at 8 o'clock u" u" ,, " JrV . , , ,
Wo havo a Btrlctly high grade plnyor
In rogard to tho proposed construction ,,ano U Btorngo In North Platto. No
of a mil rod to bond ut Minneapolis roasonablo offer refused for quick dla
and tall at Denver by way ot Arthur ,)0sal. Easy terms It responsible. Wrlto
thnt they aro already beginning to ut ouco If Interested to tho Denver
"look out fpr tho cars when 'tho boll MuhIo Company, Denver, Colorado
rings or tho whlstlo blows." Last
wcok tho News printed a plcturo of a
locomotlvo used on tho Burlington
when Omaha was a baby which causod
somo ot tho farmoru to bollovo tho
"road was running" and thoy camo to
town with tho Intention of taking a
rail trip to Oshkosh, bogosh. A mass
North Platto Floral Co. Flowers
W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023. Wo
dolivor nnd Bhlp nnywhore.
The Purchnslnir Commltteo of tho
mooting Is to ho boll In Arthur on Hoard ot Education of North Platto
Saturday of this week at which tlmo wm ,-ecelvo bids on tho followln
ono of tho promotoro will tell 'em all k,I1(,8 of Conl by (1l0 ton, Suino l0 no
about tho scheme nnil with wiiom to ,,,., ..., f,.(11, fmn, Rnt(, am dust
doposlt tholr money In onlor to ' soo
t)ig cars go by" hyo, maybo. HyannlH
It was bonds up in York Saturday
ovQiilng. Aurora Boroalls was tho
dollvoved to any of tho sohool build
Ings at any tlmo during tho next
twolvo months. Wulr City Nut, Broad
Head Nut, Chorokoo Lump, Broad
llond Lump or nthor coals of same
All bids must bo in hands ot tho
In tho morning and to remain opened
until 8 o clock In the ovonlng ot said
day of olectio
Those voting In favor of tho ndop
tlon of said ordlnanco nnd the1 issuing
Concert Grands
8 . s:
1 ..General Hospital..
(Incorporated) Jt
Ono Half Block North rostofflce. it
Phono t"8
Freight Prepaid
Guaranteed 25 Years
Thirty Days Free Trial
Ono Ycnr Return Privilege.
Terms an low ns $10.00 per
month. 20 sjejccteu (rolls of
Music, Bench nnd Cabinet Frco
with Plnycrs. Bench Frco with
Concert Grands. Demonstration
at my residence, 70S North "Wil
Nortli Plnttc, Nob.
Geo. B. Dent M. D. V. Lacas, H. I.
it .
8 J.B. Redfie!d.H.D. J. S. Simms, M.D. U
Your Satisfaction is my
PliONE 74
5, C. 7 Building & Loan Building.
Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242
Practlco Limited to Diseases of
Women and Surgery
Phones Office 113. Residence 265
Surgeon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phones Offlco 642r Residence b7
paid. Said bonds to bo numbered con
secutlvoly from 1 to 65 Inclusive, and
the Interest tliereon to be evidenced by
coupons thereto attached. Said bonds
shall bo drawn payable to' bearer
ot said bonds, shall mark their ballots Twenty Years after date but redeem-
Wlh nil "V" nnnnoltn Hia UUIU III IHU UJ1UUII ui uio v,uy Ul liny
.......... v.,.w.v v..v n.., Tri r i, ,lt..
"FOR" Issuing One Hundred Thous- . 1 , , ,ic., A,l"1 . ,
nn.l Ttnllnra nf PI.. VM1. Tllntfo lUUrOUI lUlll BIUUl Hie UUV OI INUrill
Watnr Wnrka lmnr.wi.mnnt iinnHR' in Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, levy
' . ntnv m thn vnnr 1 OOI find cct nn n n ri fit.
tlin f nnmTilmtHrtn nf flnn T inuannr jt uuu
Dollars oach boarlnir Intornst nt tii1 OTy 'nr thereafter sufficient to pay
Beolor, Crosby & Basklns, Attys.
Estfitn No. 1621 of Charles McDonald
deceasdi, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, to, all per
sons intorestcfi in said Estate, taKo
notice that tho Administrators havo fil
ed a final account and report of their
administration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such Ad
ministrators, and for the "allowance of
compensation to Administrators, At
torney fees, and costs of adminlstra
tlon. aril for the appointment or
trustee to collect undisposed of and
undistributed assets, which havo been
sot for hearing before said court on
Juno 6th, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m
when you may appear and contest tho
Dated May 16, 1921.
(SEAL) County Judge
rnto of 0 por annum payablo somi-
nnnunlly, Intorest and principal pay
ablo nt tho offlco of tho County Trons
uror or Lincoln County, Stato of Ne
braska said bonds to boar dato of July
1st, iaai, and tho Intorest on . said
bonds to bo pnyablo on the 1st day of
January. 1U22. and on tho 1st May of
July, 1922, and on tho 1st day of Jan-
tho Interest on said bonds, and in tho
year 1921 and each and evory year
thoreafter sufficient to cronte a sink
ing fund to pay tho principal of said
bonds ns thoy bocomo duo until a suf
ficient tnx hnB boon levied to pay all
ot tho principal and interest of said
bonds nnd such tax to bo both for
principal' nnd Intorest and to bo levied
upon nil oi tho taxablo property in
Estato No. 1814 of Hanson M. Grimes
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all por
sons interested m saiu ustato tauo
notlco that a petition has been filed
for tho appointment of "Mary E.
Grimes as Executrix of said estate,
which has beeu set for hearing herein
on May 24, 1921, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated May 2, 1921.
(SEAL) County Judge.
nary, and on tho 1st (day of July, of "IV" . OI. V .ru" "Zrop "
onoh mnil nvnrv ,, i,Mff I.-fti s'u 01 1lorl" I'liiue, l,iiu;uwi
.all of tho InYeVost on bonds '
star nttmctlon, with tho hoavons for Socrotary by Mondny. Juno 6. 1921.
n stage, and tho spoctnelo was sur
pnsslngly boautlful and
Tho Bky was fostoonod with groat
bands of glory, novor dazzling or gllt
. torlng but always vlvljl and brilliant,
constantly molting from ono color to
uuothur of bluo or red r whlto to
ylolot. lavondor, purple or pink; and
nicht Is ivsoi'vod to reject any or
wonderful. Ln
Dntad this 9th day ot May. 1921.
At tho Annual mooting of tho logal
votora of Holionl district number 92 ot
T.liin.On f'nnnlv Vnlirnnkn. which will
ovor changing and interclianglng. At ,.a he,(l al thB ichool house on Mon
thlies It soomtd as if a marvelous day, Juno 18th, 1921, at 2 P. M.. the
Mhv polo danco woro bolng Btngod In proposition will bo Bubmlttod to tho
th nrnmfnnnt. n the mvrlnd Strands voiors mi r...Bl uK uiV "
Twolvo Hundrod dollars to con
oi ooujr vrovemiiB uuwii 10 mo nun- tllu Nlno jionUiB sohool for tho c
zon fpllowod oach othor around tho hng yoir. This will roqulre a lovy
Bhlmmorlng canopy in tho zenith.
Then tho stroamors would dlo away,
tho canopy would disappear, Uio sky
would appear as a mass of ptnU,
ohnuglng ns ono looked nti it to lavon
dor or purple, or whlto, only to havo
to oxceed one-hundred mills on
dollar ot tho assoBsod valuation .
sail district. W. H. HUNTHJ
At tho Annual Meeting ot tho leg 1
volni-a nf unlinnl lllntrtct. nllllllwir OK (if
tho colora contrallzo again land pro- Um:0in county, NobrnBka, which .will
sent now wondora of form and bonu- bo hold at tho school houso on Mon
ty. This display will novor bo for- day, Juno 13th, 1921 nt 8 P. M., tho
Kotton by those who witnessed it as oposltlon will bo submitted to tho
noary ovoryono did. Knota ot peopl $2500.00 to conduct tho Blgnoll school
Biod ai mo Bircoi coruors uowh luwn ror tho coming year, 'lnis win vo
ana discussed tho phonomona; podos
trlnns Btoppod In tho contor ot orosS'
lugs wJUi Alitor dlsrog!arV of auto
traffic to gazo upward in wonder not
qulro a lovy not to oxceed ono-hun-drod
mills on tho dollar ot tho ns
soused valuation of aald district.
havo been paid; said bonds to bo mini
bored consecutively from 51 to 151 In
clusvo,' anil tho intorest thereon to be
evidenced by coupons thereto nttached
Said bonds shall bo drawn payablo to
boaror 20 yfcara aftor dato but redoom
ablo at tho option ot tho city nt any
tlmo inter r years from the dato thoro
of; and shall tho City of North Plutte.
Lincoln County, Nebraska, lovy a tax
la tho year 1921 and each and ovory
year thoroaftorr sufficient to pay the
interest nnd principal of said bonds an
khoy bocomo Uuo and until sufficient
tax has been lovlcd to pay nil ot tho
principal and interest of anld bonds
and such tax to bo both for principal
and Intorost and to bo lovied upon all
of tho taxable property In saUl City ot
ixonu 1'iauo, uncom county, Noiirns
Those voting nganst tho adopton of
sulil ordlnanco and tho Issuing ot said
bonds shall mark their bnllots with in
"X" opposite tho woiMs:
"AQAINST" issuing Ono Hundred
Thousand Dollars of tho 'City of North
Plntto Water Works Improvement
Bonds' in tho denomination of One
Thousand Dollars oach bearing inter
ost nt Uio rato of 6 por annum pay
ablo somi-annunlly, Intorost and prin
cipal payablo at tho offlco of Uio
County Troasuror ot Lincoln County
Stato ot Nobraska. satd bonds to boar
ditto ot July 1st, 1921, and Uio Intorost
on said bonds to bo payablo on Uio 1st
day ot January, 1922, and on tho lsj
yiny of July, 1922, and on tho 1st day
ot January, and on tho 1st day of July
of onch and ovory yonr thoroaftor until
nil ot tho Intorost on said bonds shall
havo been paid: said bonds to bo
numborod consecutively from CI to
151 inclusive nud tho Intorest thereon,
to bo ovldonced by coupons thoroto at
tached. Snid bonds ahnll bo ulrawn
rmvnliln tn bonror twenty voars aftor
dato but rcdeemnblo nt tho option ot (SEAL)
rhoso voting against tho adoption ot
said ordlnanco nnd tho Issuing of said
bonds shnll mark tholr ballots with an
"X" opposite tho words:
"AGAINST" Issuing $65,000.00 of Uie
'City of North Plntto Scwor Bonds' ln
denomination of Ono Thousand Dol
lars oach, bearing intorost at tho rate
of 6 por annum, payablo semi-annu
ally, Intorost nnd principal payablo at
tho office of tho County Treasurer of
Lincoln County, Stnto of Nebraska
saal bonds to bear dato of July 1st,
1921, and tho Intorest on said bonds to
bfc paid on tho 1st day ot Jnnuary
1922. and on tho 1st day of July, 1922
and on Uio 1st dny of January and on
the 1st day of July, of each and ovory
yonr thereafter, until all intorest on
said bonds shnll havo bon paid. Said
bonds to bo numbered consecutlvolv
from 1 to 65 lncluslvo nnd the interest
tliereon to ho ovlloncod by coupons
thoroto attached. Saul bonds shnU be
drawn payablo to boaror Twonty
Yonrs after dato but rcdeemnblo at tho
option of tho City ot North Plntto at
any tlmo aftor Hvo years from tho date
thoroof, and shall tho City ot North
Platto. Lincoln County, Nobraska lovy
a tax In tho year 1921 nnd oach nnd
ovory yonr thoroaftor sufficient to pay
tho intorost on said bonds, nnd ln tho
year 1921 and onch- and ovory yonr
thoroafor sufficient to creato a alnic
Ing funll to pay Uio principal of said
bonds ns thoy bocomo duo until
sufficient tax has been levied to pay
nil of tho principal and Intorost of
A modern institution for Uio
scientific treatment of medical, J.t
8 y
it T
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Hay
and diagnostic laboratories.
Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnosis and Treatment
Calls answored Day and Night
1'none House 1236J. Office 29.
Over Union Stato Bank.
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
. L. C. DROST,
Osteopathic Physician
North Platte, Nebraska
Knights of Columbus Building.
john s. soars, m. d. .
Special Attention Given to
. McDonald Bank Building
Offlco Phone 83 Residence 38
Teacher of Voico Culture nnd the
v Art of Singing
Residence Studio: 108 West 3rd, City
Physiciau and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstetrics
OfficfJ Building & Loan Building
Phono: Offlco 130. Residence 115
Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene
Dental Surgeon
Phone 307 Twinem Bldg-
Homeopathic Physician &
Gcnernl Practice aud
Construction Surgery
Hospital Accommodation
Platte Valley Hospital
Former Name Twinem Hospital.
Department ot tho Intorior.
U. S. Land Office at Broken Bow, Neb
April 27, 1921
Notlco is horoby given that Wilholm
Lunkwltz, of North Plntto, Nebraska,
who, on April 20, 1918. made Home
stead entry, North Platto No. 045479,
Brokon Bow No. 011991, for NE'A
Section 18, Township 12 North, Range
30 West, 6th Principal Meridian, has
filed notlco of intontlon to mako
threo-year Proof, to establish claim to
tho land abovo described, beforo Wm.
II. C. Woodhorst, United States Com
missioner, at North Platto, Nobraska,
on Uio 7th day ot Juno, 1921.
Claimant names ns witnossos: Joo
Shaw, F. Montague, W. W. Hunter and-
John Schrnm, nil of North Platte, No
Office 340
Osteopath Physician
Over the Oasis. North Platte
Ed Kierig,
General Farm Sales A Specialty, ls
Real Estate. References and Datei
First NaUounl Bank.
North Plntto, Nobraska.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Dny Phone 41
Night Phono Black 5SS
W. B. McDonald, first numo un
known, will tako noticse, that on Uio
Cth day of September, 1920, P. H. Sul
livan, a Justfco of tho Poaco of North
Platto Precinct No. 1, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, issued an Order of At
tachment for the sum ot $6.65, In an
action pending boforo him, wherein
McGovorn & Stnck, a firm, Is plaintiff,
and W. B. WcDonald, first narao un
known, defendant, thnt property con
sisting ot money in tho hands of tho
said bonds nnd such tax to bo both for , 'Union Pacific Rail Road Company, n
prlnclpnl and IntoroBt and to bo lovlej Corporation, has boen attached under
upon all of tho taxablo proporty in BaHi order.
wm uu i u. i Sa,(l ,,80 waa contlmi0(1 t0 tUo
.;uuiiiy, uuruau.i. , , , ,... . , ,
By order of tho Mayor and City 2pt' day ot May. 1921, at Ton o'clo(
Council of said City ot North Platto. ' A. M.
Nebraska. - McGOVEUN & STACK.
t-y .i it.i,. mil. ii.v w rn. 1A01
.TO.Hu.MguM.u, u. Nortu PlaUCi. Noura8nat April 16th,
City Clork.
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian nnd er-
assistant deputy State Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vine Streot. Hos
pital Phono 633, Hduso Phono 633.
Estato No. 1S13 of John II. Singleton,
deceased, in tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credit
ors of said ostato will tako notice thai
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said Estato Is
September 3rd, 1921, and for settle
ment of said estato is April 29Ui, 1922;
that I will sit at tho county court
Tiooni In said county, on Juno 3rd,
1921, nt ten o'clock a. m. nnd on Sep
tember 3rd, 1921, nt ten o'clock a. in.,
to recolvo, oxamlno, hoar, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections duly
(SHAD Cotmty Jdge.