The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 24, 1921, Image 5

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    5 JJJiii jjji jjj HHI
We Will Sell this Beautiful $400.00 Overstuffed Tanestry Suite and this $450.00 Louis XVI Solid Wain it Bedroom Suite at
Silent Auction to the- Highest Bidder on SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28. 1921
v H3
Mail or bring your bills to the store. Bids must V ttnlrtl. Make our bid on
b ute an I the bids will. In openod'nt 8 o'clock.
Wjy It M
, , v, vu w ini jruir iu !sbc unw i-nmuic mo9u uut:s. ror styie nim supreme comion
j Jfby :m riot fi 1 1 anything that will surpass this extjuisila Thpestry uito. with its S$fT
prin;Y cushions,, spring scat, spring back and arms. Cliis Suite is made, by Karpcn, tho
. vUll-Uimvn gunranltfed line of unlfolstcring.
iriunimtfcci imc oi u nnoistermi'.
This l.ouis XVI Bedroom Suirh. in genuine solid walnut. . Lngo dresser, vanity j
dressing table, chilforetti-nnd bow-foot bed. The-Jiesi Suite that has ever beef! .shown ni
N'orth Platte. Absunlactured by the M. T. Nelson Company, Cfiieago; u (Inn that manu
facture nothing but the highest grade of bedroom furniture.
These buites an; now on display in our Yvimlows. He sure and make a bid. No
bid will be published' except the highest. He sure and sign your name and address to
your bid and state which suite von arc bidding. on. Bidding .closes at 0 p. m., Saturday,
Ma 28, 1921. ' . , ' "
Use Coupon Below for Your Bids.
' :. " ' ' '
I bid 5 ...... . " .... . .' Living Room Suite H
.Nam" V 't
i -p - --.-- . "
If bid 13 mailed mark on outside "Bid Silent Auction" this so wo will
not open the envelope beforo the proper time.
HaiJ .ire, f i'. iturc md Uridert : vicing, Stoves and Ranges. Carpets, Rugs, and
P vie, I .in 'Hums, ianos, Organs and Sewing Machines
r H?ffiSFifififiHifiSfiHiHifiSfiffi
a house party given by Mrs. Will
Friend. t-
Mrs. Jack- McGi-aw vill loayo soon
for a visit in California.
G.NS. William of Brady was an out
of town visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Ghas Lily of Tryon visited
friends In tho city yesterday.
Mrs. Chas.- Thomas of. bickeiiH
shopped in the city yesterday.
Vorn Miller of Tryon transacted
business in the city yesterday.
J. W. Abbott of Hershey. was an
out of town visitor Saturday..
' Mrs. It. Humphrey of Ilers'liey
shopped in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Chas. Nelson of Wallaco vis
ited friends in tho city yesterday.
Stanley Erb , of Gothenburg visit
ed his sister the first of the week.
Paul Roddy attended initiation of
the K. C. Lodge Sunday in Sidney.
Mrs. C. F. Kline of Stapleton
visited friends in tho city yesterday.
Mis3 Edna Johnson of Sutherland
visited friends in tho city yesterday.
Dr. J .B. rtedfleld transacted pro
fessional business in Ogalalla yes
terday. ::o;;
We have 'started a new feed store nt
120 V. Eighth. Come and see us.
Jfhone G29W. Hermlnghnusen 6
Kupp will spend the
Grand Island visiting
Mrs. O. W. Sprigg of Kansas City
camo yesterday to visit at tho Nolan
Mrs. McDonald of Maywood was
among tho out of town visitors yes
terday. ' " "
Mrs. Geo.
week end in
her son.
j M. A. Schreyor and daughters oi
j Arnold visited friends in tho city
, yesterday. '
! Order your -shrubs ;ind trees of
j North Plat'to Floral Co.
John Tighe of Lexington will
spend tho week end in the vity visit
ing relatives.
I E. B. Young returned to Omaha
Sunday after visiting his family for
j a fow days.
! Strawberries and pansies set them.
out now. North Platto Floral Go.
Mrs. Mary Elder left yesterday for
Hastings to attend the W. It. C.
Mrs. H. Breternitz left yesterday
for Hastings to attend tho W. R. C.
Hugs and carpets cleaned. 1039W
and GC1W.
Gordon Love roturnod yesterday
from Sidney whom -ho attended K.
C. Initiation.
Miss Irma McMichael resumed her
duties yesterday at tho W. R. Mal
oney store after an absence of sever
al weeks.
A. M. Sclmrmau Will leave tomor-'AX HiTEHBSTIKfl KXVKKiaiKNT
row f(ir Cnliforna and Washington to 1 KILLING DANDELIONS TO !
visit. i UK Tit IE I) HEItE.
A twelve pound boy was born to,, N
Mr. and Mrs. Fuy Loyd at Jackmon- T.jMiirphy, foreman of the 11.
Flats Sundsiy. ' h. depart nient for So innuy jonr
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson at-j imo wsKtxJ. , pi-minon of U County
tond(l the lHicealanreaX sermon In CoimnlMt-toiarit to try an experiment!
uoiuenourg uunuay,
You still have n cliunce during this
week to savo oiu'-fifth on your pur
chases at Wilcox Dopurtmont Storu.
Mrs. Frank McGovorn and Mrs.
In killing the dandelions on a small
pari ol iiio tawu aooui 1110 coum
houtic. He proposes tormark off a
small place' and trrat thp p. raw and
dandelions lo a dose of somethlng-or
Geo. Vosoipka leave tomorrow for I other which ho says will 'kill , tho
Grand Island, whore they will attond danddions and leavo tho grass nllvo.
Bo suro to ask for three special j IIo Hny8 tho grass blades will turn
songs for 50c, now on sale at Roberts 4 dark but that thc roots arc unharm-
Fnc nnv icind of Autom bile or Truck.
Springs made to order or new spring leaves sup
lied, don't throw away your sprg if it only has one
or two leaves broken. We can we d them or supply
new ones at a nominal cost and will last you as long
as new and save you money.
I have a big stock of all kinds of springs and
spring steel for making springs. Let us have your
spring work.
Music Co.
Mica Mary Kingston of Polk, Nob.,
returned to her home yesterday after
visiting at the homo of Miss Ola
Clinton Nolson returned to Goth
enburg Sunday after spending three
days, visiting his slstor "Mrs. A. T,
Mrs. .Walter Maize returned to her
home in Lexington yostordny aftor
visiting at the homo of Mrs. Leo
Tho American Logion drum corps
mado Its first appearance at the ball
game Sunday and was groatly enjoy- dojton cvll(
ou oy an tno tans.
. William Uagley of New Jersey ('UIMtHNT
who has been the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Austin loft Sunday fota
few days vls't in Denver.
Mr.' and Mrs. L. Cnraon of York
left yesterday for Los Angoles aftor
visiting at tho homo of tho former's
sister Mrs. Honry Simon.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sandall
ed and ttioy will send up green blad
es in a short time hut tho'dandellonr.
will never, recover. It Is undorsku d
that Comm'ssioner Coha'gen will glv0
the necessary permission and the ex
periment, will be tried out. It hap
been suggested that If tho trial pro
ves the merits of tho treatment, the
city should treat tho dandelions a
long tho streets and alleys and r
quliv every lot to be cleared of dan
delions by that or aomo other nu- t
tliod. Thc expr-rimnnt will be watch
od-vilh much Interest by e.ery cUiz
en vvlio has tried to romhat Urn dan
Forty-fi e car loads of automobiles
passed through the city Sunday tin
routo'from Indiana to San Frnnuluen.
Ma'urico William- will leave tho
latter part 'of Alio week for Grand
Island to spond tho week ond with"
his parents.
Wednesday, May 5th, wo nro goln:;
to auction off to tho highest blddor, n
number of diamonds. Mako your
choice, price it boforo the sale and
It will bo put up. Tho'hlgliost bidder
gets tho diamond. C. M. Austin, the
Jowolor, Koith Thontro Building.
Potitmaster. compotltlvo oxaminatloo
for vacancy at Hershey will bo hold
Juno 22. Mon, women, 21 to 05 olig
oblo. Appolntmont o ono of tho three
highest in examination. For course of
instruction, spoclmon questions, etc.,
writo U. S. School of Civil Service,
Equitnblo Building, Washington, D. 0.
A. S. Allon nnd A. B. Hoagland loft
Saturday for Fremont to transact buo
Inoss. Wednesday, May 2fith, wo are going
to auction off to tho hlghoBt blddor, n
u'umbor , of diamonds. 'Make your
cholco, prlco It boforo tho snlo nrid
,it will bo put up. Tho highest bidder
gets the diamond. O. M. AuBtln, tljo
Jowolor. Koith Thontro Building. ;
-: :o: :-
Of com so you would. Woll, you are
producing tho goldon nuggets -for
yournolf and family! I will insuro
problem. C. V. Temple,' Tho Travol
yotii producing ability which is more
important than tho "Goldon Goobo"
or3 Man.
Senior Class gives '"Tho Fortitii"
Humor" as class play.
City Council lets contract for largo
amount of iron water mains.
Clumber of Commerce nlans to In-
Friday from Grain! Island vestigato hotter street lighting.
District Hardware Doalors' Con
vention to bo hofl Monday.
RcJlstorO( Shoot put on by Buf
fnlo Hill Gun Club.
Ono hundred eighty-six Elks enter
billiird tonrnnmont.
where Mr. Sandal! Is working.
Sandall roturnod yesterday.
Louis Kelly, W. J. O'Connor, Paul
Nolan, W. R. Maloney, J. T. Koofo,
Wm. Landgraf nnd Frank McGovorn
returnied 'yesterday from Sidney ,
ll'linrn Minv nttnniln,! Ililllnf(nf. rt iVxn'
lodge. ; 0f uiiodo Island Reds at small cost.
Word was received here yesterday j ,m,0 four HI,len(1(1 cockorols that ,
of tho blcth of a baby girl to Mr. and ,mV( 8(! , (ho ,,ri!cdtng 0118 tUnt ,
Mrs. Frank Laughlln who now reside Lm irouKh wltu for th BeftB0J) 1
in Montana. They were former rosl-! w, 80,j tom nt $2 co (ach Yp(J
dents. Mrs. Laughlln was formerly , cannt obtnln thlg blo0(1 RnyWhoro for
Miss Helen Davidson. J IoBB ,,, four t)moH tll0 wonoy. ii0tv
m imnucuou mm coverugo-in 0f tlmo. to uso them this soason and
prompt payment of claims fair spirit
of adjustment anjl servlco Tho Trav
.oleis policlos aro tho standard, of
what ncoldent and health pollclofl
should be Why not have tho best,
when It costs no more?
you will havo your cockerels for noxt
season.' J. II. VAN CLEAVB.
: :o: : 1
Fred . Johnston of Porry, la., Is
tho guest of his mother Mrs. John
-W W8 1 mi ill Uli-n.i a. p T , -m p j, MBnMHTinBg VWlHrTimTTr I
num. Viiii vfuiCJi
III txn 7 .. n , .11
j wnen sour oattery Keruses J
and Your Car Won't Go
J The Prest-0-Lite Battery Station
Just 3 Doors East of First National Bank
j Midway Motor Co. j