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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1921)
f NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY , TIUQUNE OUTSTANDING VALUES IN OUR CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Glass Men t Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction--Sura Try Us. Graduate Opticians Hundreds have already taken advantage of the marvelous money-saving oppor tunities. Tho. most succe&elu) sale in tho history of our store. yZTI Fancy Spring and Summer SUITS OOUOO0OIIKHONOHCHCHKHOKHX DJf. 0. II. CltJiSgMill ORAMUATR IWA'TIST Office over the McDonald SUte Bank. U)GAL ASh I'ISIfSOlYAL Dr. mid Mii P. .1. Wurtallt Ml Sunday for Oahtcoah. Moral: Imuro In Tim Travolem. Ed. Davis loft Saturday for Shaltou to transact biiHlnoB. The ono-Hftli off iJnlo at Wilcox's will close Saturday nlglit. A baby girl wtib born Friday to Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyril Carpontor. Ordor.yotir shrubs nnd troos of the; North Plntto Floral Co. Mrs. II. 8.. Krnlgo, of Curtis, ulion-i pcd In tho city Saturday. , Mrs. Cnrcy of Horshoy spont Slur-J day In tho city visiting. ; I will mnko Farm Loans nt ronsdn nblo rates. Gono Crook, North Plntto. ! Potor Lowo roturnod from a bust tipsi trip to Choyonno. I ( H. Clinton nnd Win, Powoll visit-1 cd In Ilorshoy Friday. Mr. and Mre. J. Koont went to Kearney Saturdny to vlIt. Carl 'llaokora nttondod t,he K. 0. initiation In Sidney Sunday. F. L. Tomple spant the wook ond lu Loxtugtbn with Ills family.' Asparagus plants roady now. North Platte Flornl Co. Miss Inls Spark of Pnxton visitbd friends In tho city Friday. , Mrs. L. J. Johnson wont to Gibbon Rnturday to visit relatlvos. Mian L. Itohlson Toft Saturday for i tevt days visit In Konrnoy". Mrs. John Sollo of Curtis viaitod frlonils In tho city Saturday. Cubbnga plants ' roady nftor May 1st. Ndrth Plntto Floral Co. Natl Trego of Flats spent the wk eifi In tin ciy visiting frinedt. Mies Carlton, of ttolhenburs; vlsltad friends ih the cfty Haturday. W. C. Slielvor'fattirned from a lmsi nesa trip to Cheyenne Friday. Hiift cleaning. Phonea 1030W and 661 W. Mrs: Virgil Lewis spent the "week end In Maxwoll visiting frlouds. Mrs. Roberts and (daughter of Max well shopped In tho" olty Friday. Miss' Lottlo LaRue has accoptl n position with tho II. & 9. Agoncy. All kinds of IJluos for your phono graph at Dixon' Music Shop. Miss lClnn Johnson 'of Sutherland visited frlendtt lu Uio city Scutrdny. Tho Parochial Sohool oommonco inant oxorcItioH will bo hold Juno 1. Chns. RoynoHls of Omnhn, visited his pnronts tho Inttor part of tho wook. Miss Myrtlo Powoll spent tho wcok ond In CokiI as tho guost of friends. Goo. Ratio transactod buslnoss In Kearnoy tho lattur part of tho woolf? Dr. J. U. Retinoid spent Saturday In Gothonburg on profosaional business. Marl Stamt roturnod Friday from Choyonno whoro ho transactod bust noes. Do auro nnd oak for threo spdclnl tfOngtl for BOo, now on sale at Roberta" Music Co. Miss ISeUlor Slmms will lenvo tbo lattoc imrt-of tho wok for Omaha to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Cody Bonl oniric Fri day ovoning. to visit nt Uia John Day homo, Mr. ana Mrs, Herman Sludor left Saturday for Gothtnburg to transact business. Tho Wilcox Dqpartiueiit Storo will olaso thdlr ono-llfth oft mlo Saturday night. Carl Mlunur.of Kearney visited with friends In tho city tho 'inttor part of tho week. .' Mr. and Mrs. Fred BJorkluni return- ed from Cbappell Saturday after visit tag relatives. ' Marlon Richards rutiiriied from fjT- hngton Saturday where she visited for n few days. . Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Crawford left Saturday fur a visit in the eastern part of the state. It. L. Gathers roturnsd from Choy enne Friday where he lia.been trans acting h'lslnoas. Miss Margaret Mitchell returned to her home in Maxwell Saturday nftor shopping In tho city. Mr. anil Mrs. J. 0. Payno of Sod allla. Mo. woro guosts at tho E. P.. Payne homo Inst wcok. Savo ono-flfth on what you buy thin wook by buying at Wilcox Dopart niont Store. Itoy Diddle of Oshkosh visited with Saturday! for a visit In Grand' Islujil frlonds In tho city tho Inttor part of tho 'week. Mrs. J.IIqrrlgnn nnd children loft Saturday Tor their homo in Grand Is land nftor visiting nt the W. It. Malon oy homo. Mr. u,i Mrs. V. Kittle and daughtor of I;o. Angol,os loft, Saturday for Now Vork In 'tholr oar, after visit lug Mrs. JamoB Ilarl. O. V. King of Omaha who had boen visiting his brothor In this city left Saturday for Oothantmrg to transact buslnoss. Orrln Pratt, Floyd Klrkpatrlck, Dor othy Parsons, Ailjllson Maunder, Al bort Sodman and May Perry of Pax--ton, spont Thursday In the city. Little Hetty Mario' Waltemath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Walto math, ontortalnod a nuntbor of frlondd Saturday aftornoon nt her homo. First class painting and papor hang ing. Elegant stock of wall paper Just rocolved. Store nt 113 W- Sixth St. Phono C70W. H. II. Lnndgraf and Edd Friend. y?5 m Bid You Ever See Such a Season, the Weather , Feels Like Hail All the Time. ' MR. FARMER: Was there ever a season that you- could so ill afford to loose your crop by hail as this season? You know ihere never was. v ' - I am prepared to insure your crop up to $40.00 per acre, In case ol loss T will be with the adjuster in,the field and see that you get a (air settlement. In most cases losses will be paid in cash as soon as settlements are. made in field. I will place your insurance in only responsible companies. Don't Put It Off, NOW IS THE TIME TO INSURE ' . F. Temple, Insurance Specialist. ROOM 10, BRODBECK BUILDING Mono tl n i dF-i a Young N6ns OllltS VALUES UP TO 27.GO Wens and Young wens VALUES UP TO $32.50 ft OTJICJWrT Suits Mens and Young Mens VALUES UP TO $10.00 Mens and Young Mens VALUES UP TO $40.00 Suits I Mens Hose, 7 Pairs $1.00 Colors Black, White, Cor dovan, Groy, Navy, rcen. Palm Beach. Mens ' FincS. Dresst Shirts S-S.I5 6 Mens Up-to-the Minute ats 8 "S'AnAy Khaki Shirts Sc 0ne Lot" ot Hens " Hats S21S ""'AtMotic Union Suits 7c. ' neMLet and BoYS Caps 9Sc ' Union Suits Sc ' MensFine Work Shoes s2 35 X Trousers""8'' en?Whitc Handkerchiefs 0c MensFancy Soft Collars '10c tBarbla,k Iron Clad Hose 3Sc SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS THE SALE OF THE TOWN 'The HIRSCHFELD Co. NORSH PLATTE'S FOREMOST CLQTHIERS FOR MEN -AMD BOYS We are "Right" on the Coi'ner 2a3a!2S32 .lUNIOH CLASS OF LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL GIVES ANNUAL llA'X QITKT TO SBNIOltS Tho outgoing class1 of '21 nnd tho High School faculty were tho honored guosts nt a banquet given Saturday evening In tho Union Pacific Dining Room by tho members of tho Junior Class. A portion of the waiting roon wns used as a recoptlon room and wns secluded by screens nnd decorated with ferns and palms. At the ap pointed hour tho guests filed into tho dining room whoro a four courso ban quet was served. Tho room was doc orated in groan an) I white, ferns nnd palms. Tahlo decorations woro bas kots of whlto roses, tho class flower, and tho menu wnH carried out In tho class colors. A well solected toast list followed the banquet with Donald Yost, prosldont of tho Junior Class, as toastmastor. At tho ond ot tho tonst list tho tablos woro set aatdo and the remalndor of tho evening was spont in yianoing. - ; ; o ; : STACK-TALBOT. (Wo apologtao for having tho fol lowing Important item orovUd ouf fust Issuo.) Miss Mario Stack, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. b W. Stnok was unltod In marrlago to Ralph Tnlbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Talbot, Wedneiay morning. May 18, nl nlno o'clock by Rov. Patrick MoDald at his rosldonco. Tho couplo woro attended by Miss Kloronco Stnclc and John Stack, sis ter anjl brothor of tho bride. Follow ing tho coromoro' n wedding broak fast was served at tho homo ot tho brldo's pnronts. Tho young couplo left In tholr car for enstorn points nftor which they w'llt bo nt homo on tho Talbot ranch southwest ot tho city. Mrs. Talbot is a graduato of tho lo cal school an(j is very popular in so cial circles. For tho past fow yours she has boen employed in thoBlock store. Mr. Talbot recently camo here from Gibbon and has mado many frlonds hero, all of whom oxtond'tholr congratulations. NOTICE ' The Post Office being unable to de liver tho following license plates they may be found at tho County Treasur er's Office: Namo License Plates. Rex Burton , 701 C2 E. B. Martin 70741 E. A. Lucas ' 74544 Glen Mooro y , L . LI 184 Geo. W. Vood .24.0712 Dan Carlllo c i .2)J08 D..C. Com-era . 101382 Bon Ross 22590J O. II. xlolir .1 i077& W. II. Blount; i.. :r)4nl G. R. ZlmiU'jvmaii I., .251)15 K. J. Dial .1. M 2591."it J. W. Cartar - 1&0--.C W C. Rogo ..r t'.StSO L F. Reairrt .70210 Elmer Becker . .. . ;i II. L. Flotolmr 251S9:. J. P. Illllobrnr.ii .114287 a D. Stovcni 17)i4.1 Fd Laudci 2;3 Archlo Wcl'MK .1:2 1)75 Archlo AVobster 217052 J. D. Wolbach . T9?70 Louis Kestlor , ,,.251891 Mrs. John Bross , 254SP0 G. L. Stovons 229C7 II. B. Van Doborg , 141043 B. J. Atkinson T12002 J. W. McMlchael '..T12G50 Wm. P. Russoll 1CG57. A. E, Davis -24993j Nick Klandous 2529GI Guy O'Mara 2599n5 Geo. Owen , r 133790 C. D. Brown 250173 Snm Facklor 1S289 D. C. Fowler ' 16G45 Gust Hanse'n 1 1GG33 R. E. Grlmsley 149S31 A. W. McKee I Z 149S81 O. B. Shoeman 17110 P. K. Wagner 7G251 J. H. Morrow 5121630 S. M. SOUDER, County Treasurer. ' i ::o:: BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS White Leghorn, Single-comb Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks and White Wyandottes. Hatching eggs $1.50 for 15; $8 for 100. Baby chicks $20, $22.50 and $27.50 for' 100 chicks. Poultry Department, Experimental Substation, Select your Paper nt Home PHONE 1061J :.: :.: :.: H :.: :: S.J :: :.t :.: :.$ :: :: j.t .: j.: Paris Gree RINCKER DRUG CO. I The Nyal Store. Phone 5. We Deliver. I