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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1921)
TUB NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEHKLY TRIBUNE. SUFFERED SEVEN LONG YEARS Finally Relieved by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ravcnswood, W. Va. ' 'For seven long years I Buffercd.from a female trouble and inflammation so that I waa not able to do my housework. I consulted several doctors but nona seemed to givo mo relief. I read in a paper about Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound so I decided to try it, and before tho first bottle was gono I found great relief so I continued using it until I had taken eight bottles. Now I am very well and can do my own housework. I can gladly rccommcndLydiaE.Pinkham'smcdicine to suffering women." Mrs. BEimiA. Lieiiing, R. P. D., Ravenswood,W. Va. Tho ordinary day of most housewives is a ceaseless treadmill of washing, cooking, cleaning, mending, sweeping, dusting and caring for little ones. How much harder tho tasks when some de rangement of tho system causes head aches, backaches, bearing-down paina and nervousness. Every such woman Bhould profit by Mrs. Liering's experi ence. Remember this, for over forty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been restoring health. 1 ; , 9 ' SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking fi3i The world's standard remedy for kidney, ,Hvcr, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, alt druggists.. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the ,name Gold Medal on eyerr box and accept no imitation LadiesKeepYourSkin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at tho present time (or young women over nineteen years of age who have had at least two years in high eohool to tako Nurses' Training in general hospital. Our graduates are In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium Lincoln. Nebraska ' KREMOLAS THC SKIN BEAUTIFUL. Bd.ri tor a hu eiDlTlcii. Co., 2S7B Michigan Avenue, Chicago np n.n II M. Dr. C II. n rr. Solving a Problem. "We'll put a cook stove In tho nuto- mobilo and go touring," announced Mr. Chugglns. "But wlmt'll wo do for a servant?" inquired his wife. "It's the only way to keep n serv- vnnt. Once we have succeeded in hir ing one, the only way for her to re sign will be to get out and walk." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottlo of OASTOItIA, that famous old remedy f,or Infants and children, and see that It In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria It All Depends. "Papn, what do you call n mnn who drives n motor car?" "It depends upon how nenr ho comes to hitting me." Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes for baby, if you use Ited Cross Ball Blue. Never streaks or injures them. All good grocers sell it, Cc a package. Undoubtedly. . Old Man "And If you had $500 and multiplied It by two, what would you get?" Little Boy "A motor car." A government Is frequently con fronted with the problem of decreas ing tnxes and nt tho same tlmo pro viding more revenue. The Krupps are making big money in Germany without constructing n slnule cun. The plowshare Industry points tho wny to prosperity in any man's country- Germany announces thnt it has" com plied with the demand of the allies nnd icut Its army to 100,000. Having Aim ashed that Job the allies should issue a few Blmilar orders to themselves. Trotzky has not yet been able to do nnythlng in n military way that en ubles him to return as a hero nnd givo Lenino u political run. Tho covernment reports that thero nro -13.213.440 gallons of liquor left. Ar the present rate of .stealage, this is supposed to Inst ten years. Four seats on tho New York Stock .Exchange hnvo been sold nt prices .ranging from $77,000 to $su,wo. Tno more, expensive ones, one presumes, it l it in 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii mi 1 1 1 it 1 1 in ii i in ii jt I The Kitchen 1 Cabinet V1 FTi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (. 120. Weitern Newspnuer Union.) What poets feel not, when they make A plenBuro In creating. Tho world, in Ha turn, will not take Pleasure1, in contemplating. Matthew Arnold. ONE-PIECE DISHES. A few dishes which may bo pre pared, 'baked nnd served from the baking dish will bo greatly appro c 1 a t o d t h o s e spring days when extra work Is crowding. Potatoes and Bacon, Country Style. Slice po tatoes leiigthwiso nnd very thin. I'ut a layer of potatoes in u baking dish or casserole, ald a sliced niloii, salt and pepper, then a layer of thinly sliced bacon. Repeat tho layers, hav ing tho bacon on top. Do not add any liquid, anil see that the bacon is vel spread so that tho fat will sea- son the dish well. Cover tightly mid bnke one hour In a moderato oven. Baked Stew. Take one nnd one- half pounds of lean boiling beef, one- fourth pound of suet, six medium sized potatoes, three small onions und six sinull carrots, with a small bag of mixed spices. Wipe nnd cut the moat and vegetables as for stew, try the suet till all Is rendered. Pour off the fat and add the meat and onion, fry until broVn, remove and add the po tatoes, fry them and add the enrrots. Put all Into n casserole, add a gener ous sprinkling of flour, nnd salt with tho, bag of spice, bake two hours In a moderate oven. Hemovo the spice and serve from the casserole. Baked Hamburger and Spaghetti. .Macaroni mny ho used In place of spaghetti In almost all dishes. Tako a package of spaghetti, cook In boil ing snlted water, drain, ndd one can of tomatoes, live or six medium sized onions, chopped, one and one-nnir pounds , of hamburger, fried In two tablespoonfuls of sweet fnt. Stir and season all until well mixed, then bake for'hnlf an hour In a moderate oven. Roast Beef With Yorkshire Pud ding. Roast the beef as usual, basting often. Mix two cupfuls of flour, one half tenspoonful of salt, two cupfuls of milk nnd threo well-beaten eggs; beat well and turn Into well-greased pans, filling half full and bnstlng with the gravy from the roast, nfter the pudding has finished rising. Serve around the roast as a gnrnlsh. Apricot Dainty. Take one-hnlf pound of dried nprlcots, cook until tender. Mash and1 add enough sugnr to sweeten. Add one cupful of minced mnrshmallows and let them melt. Put Into sherbet glnsses and top with coconut, or chopped nuts. Flower In tho crannied wall, I pluck you out of tho crannies, I hold you hero. roo and all In my hand, Little nower but if I could under stand What you are, root and all, and all In all, 1 should know what God And man Is. Lord Tennyson. DESSERTS AND OTHER DISHES. A meal Is never quite finished with out something In the form of n des sert. It may be a stuffed date or two, a bit of fruit or simple confection; omit ted, the meal Is unsatisfactory. Bread Pudding Take one and one-half cupfuls of fine soft brend crumbs, measured lightly; one egg, beaten, one-fourth of a cupful of sugnr; one-half tenspoonful of snlt, two cupfuls of milk. Beat the sugar und snlt Into tho beaten egg, ndd tho milk and gradually stir Into the crumbs. Let stand half an hour, then bake In a dish of hot water. Spaghetti de Luxe. Take a small pnekago or less of spaghetti, one can chicken soup, one enn mushrooms, one shredded green pepper nnd one-fourth cupful of buttered crumbs. Cook tho spaghetti In boiling salted water un til tender, drnln nnd .blanch with cold water. Butter a baking dish, place in n layer of spaghetti, hnlf of the mushrooms, and pepper and repent until nil nro used. Cover with the can of chicken soup nnd sprinkle with buttered crumbs. Bake until brown. Apples Scalloped With Bananas. Tnke two large apples sliced, two bnnnnns sliced, sprinkle In Inyers with sugar nnd orange Juice, doi with bits of butter nnd repeat; bake In n but tered d!sl forty minutes. Banana Float. Take one pint of milk, two eggs, one tnhlespoonful of cornstarch, one-hnlf cupful of sugar, snlt, vinegar, two bannnns and whipped cream. Mix tho cornstarch with n little of tho cold milk, scnld the re maining portion, add tho cornstarch mixture and cook over hot wntor for ten minutes. Bent tho eggs slightly, add sugnr, salt, to the egg mixture. Stir the milk Into tho egg nnd return tho custard to a doublo boiler and cook until thick and smooth. Cool, flavor and pour over two lnrgo ripe bannnns cut In slices. Chill, nnd Just before serving decorate with tiny flontlng Islands of whipped cream and bnnann slices. 1,11 1 1 -aaaaaaaMaawaaaaaia aSSSBSafaa. SH Sa B Ma The Giant Geysor, Yellowstone. BY GILBERT GROSVENOR, President, the National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C. Tho national parks of tho United States, meccas for thousands of tour ists this summer, contain more fea tures of conspicuous grandeur than aro accessible In all the oilier con tinents. Lenvlng the mnstcrful Mississippi valley nnd Journeying westward, wo soon enter the region of the national parks, of which thero nro nine of the first order: the Yellowstone nntlonal park, principally In Wyoming, the Glacier national park In Montana, the Hocky Mountain and Mesa Verde na tional parks in Colorado, tho Crater Lake national park In Oregon, tho Mount Rainier nntlonal park In Wash ington, the Yosemlte nnd Sequoia na tional parks In California and the Grand Canyon pnrk In Arizona, the scenic masterpiece of the world, of ficially dedicated in 1020. Each pnrk lias Its own Individuality, and each in Its speclnlty excels. Foremost in lntorest in tho Yellow stone are tho geysers, of which "Old Faithful" ranks first, not becnuse of size, for the Giant is a Goliath beside it; not because of beauty, for thero aro others more beautiful; but be cause of fidelity. It never disappoints. It Is so regular that It could almost serve as the nation's' standard time piece. Every 70 minutes "Old Faith ful" shoots Us great column of wntcr heavenward. At each eruption It sends up Into tho air 1,500,000 gallons of water. One writer has described the goyser basins "as laboratories and kitchens, In which, amid a thousand retorts nnd pots, wa may see Nature at work as chemist or cook, cunningly compound ing an infinite variety of mineral messes; cooking mountains, boiling and steaming flinty 'rocks to smooth paste and mush yellow, brown, red, pink, lnvender, gray and creamy white making tho most beautiful mud in the world, and distilling ,thc most ethereal essences." Glacier Park, Top of Continent. Tho sltuntlou of Glacier national park Is unique, in thnt It mothers streams which flow Into three out of five of tho earth's great oceans. It mny well claim to bo tho top of tho continent, for Its rivers drain Into Hudson bay nnd tho Arctic ocenn, In to tho Pnclfic, and through the Mis souri nnd the Mississippi Into tho Atlantic. Tho Glacier nntlonnl park wasmnde by tho earth cracklnir In somo far 'distant time nnd one side thrusting up nnd over-lapping the other. It has cliffs several thousand feet high, nnd moro than sixty glnclers feed hun dreds of lakes. One lake floats Ice bergs all summer. The scenery Is truly Alpine. Lake St. Mary's, Lake McDermott nnd Lake McDonald are the peers of any of the mountain lakes of Switzer land nnd Itnly. This park covers an area of 1,034 square miles, and main tains such an excellent chnln of chal ets, hotels and trails that tho tourist can see Its many attractions in com fort. Tho Rocky Mountain, nntlonnl park straddles tho continental divide at a lofty height, with snow-capped moun tains extending from end to end. This park Is In the heart of the Rockies northwest of Denver, with Long's peak as Its center. It wns established by congressional ennctment In lJUIi. Estes pnrk, the gateway to this moun tain playground, Is a beautiful little valley town nestled nt the foot of the ridge, and yet Itself more than a mile nnd n hnlf above sea-level. Long's peak Is nenrly threo miles high, nnd has,. several neighbors that run It a close second. Home of the Aborigines. Tho Mesa Verde national park hides In Its bnrren canyons the well-preserved ruins of a civilization which pnssed out of existence so mnny cen turies ago that not even tradition re calls Its people. Here one may study the modes of life of the prehistoric American as they can be studied In few plnces. These aborigines had their civic cen ter nnd they had some progressive tdeas in city planning. Community life wns the order of those times. One Rouse had 200 rooms for family use and 22 for worship. Another one sheltered 350 aborigines. Mount Ridnler seems to keep per- petunl guard over Senrt le, Tncoma nnd Olympla. Anyone who has be held its mnny moods, who has watched the ever-changing picture as varying lights have played upon Its summit, who has consted on Its glacial rivers, can understand why the Indians called It "Tahoma the mountain that was god." Mt. Rainier has a glacier system exceeding n size that of any other single mountain within contiuentnl United States, From Its suihmlt und cirques 28 named nnd a number of unnamed rivers of Ice pour slowly down Its sides. These rivers of lco hnve carved on what wns once n per fect cone 14 vnlleys through tho solid rock. A blrd's-eyo view taken from above the mountain would tunv It to be covered by an enormous frozen octopus, stretching Icy tentacles down among the rich gardens of wild flow ers and through ) forests of fir und cedar. Swltzorlnnd, tbe playground of Eu rope, visited nnnunlly (until 1015) by moro than 100,000 Americans, cannot compare in nttractlvcness with tho High Sierra of central California. Nothing In tho Alps can rival tho fa mous Yosemlte valley, which Is ns bnlquo ns tho Grand canyon. Tho view from the summit of Mt. Whitney sur passes that from any of the peaks of Switzerland. Wonderful Birds and Flowers. And then, ns to birds and flowers, the High Sierras so excel the Alps that there is no comparison. Never will the writer forget 'the melodies of the birds nnd tho luxurlnnco of tho mead ows passed In tho marches from Red wood Meadow to Mineral King, nnd then up over Franklin Pnss ; the Holds of blue, red, yellow, orange, white and purple flowers, nil graceful nnd fragrant, or the divine dignity of the great Siberian plateau, nenrly 11.000 feet above the Bea, and yet carpeted from end to end with blue lupine and tiny flowers. From the educatlonnl point of view, the High Sierras so surpass tho Alps that again no comparison can be mnde, In one day's ascent we observed fauna and flora to see the equivalent of which on the Atlnntlc coast we would hnve to make a Journey of perhaps 1,500 miles. When we stnrted In tho morning we were henrlng birds thnt correspond to.tho. latitude of Charles ton, S. C. ; In n few hours wo had trav eled northward to Newfoundland nnd Labrador, and then descended to camp nmld feathered friends whoso counter parts are found around tho writer's farm near Washington, D. C. 'A day later we ascended Mt. Whitney, the. highest penk In the United States, and hnd a glimpse of birds of the arctic zone. Oldest of Living Things. Within the boundaries of the Yo semlte nnd Sequoia national parks tower the oldest of living things the Sequoia glgantea. It Is an unusual experience to stand under these big trees, to gaze upon their Ktatoly proportions, ti reflect upon the storms and stress they have survived, nnd to visualize the strango changes in humnn history that havo taken place slnco they were seedlings. Long before Moses had led the Chil dren of Israel out of Egypt, long be fore Ids brethren hnd carried back to j their father Joseph's blood-stained coat of many colors, long even before J the birth of the patriarch, whose chil dren, nnd whoso children's children j to remotest generations the Most High I promised to bless, even before the I aged pyramids had reared their heads ; on tho banks of the Nile, long con ! turles before the hanging gardens of Babylon had been constructed, theso , tress had begun to grow. Thousands of years the General Sherman treo has stood, offering Its bend to every passing thunder cloud; but so strong and sturdy is It that, j like, AJax, It can defy the lightnings. The wonders of tho Yosemlte nn tlonnl park aro easily accessible via the Yosemlte valley, wherv, totomino dntions are provided for every degree of Income. Desmond camps and ex cellent government trails enable tho visitor to see tho giant trees, water wheels, nnd canyons, while the more adventurous, who des'lro to ascend Mount Lyoll nnd Its magnificent neigh bors, will find entertainment In Tuo lumne meadows, at the hospitable headquarters of tho Sierra club, an or ganization of mountaineers who have revealed the Sierra to tho world ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Reward Unless you see the nnme "Bayer" on package or on tablets you nro not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-ono yenrs nnd proved safe by millions. Take Asptrln only ns told in the Bayer pnekago for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelvo Bayer Tnblets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists nlso sell larger pneknges. Aspirin is tho Irndo mark of Bnyer Mnnufacturo of Mononcetlcacldcster of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Tho Sin In Cinema. "Hnve you seen ncy of those color movies?" "A few off-color ones.'' Ho Knew. "Willie, 1 suppose you know what u caterpillar Is?" "Yes'm, It's an up holstered worm." Get Ready for Hot Weather By Purifying the BloocJ Many pooplo simply melt In sum mer. They enn't work or enjoy life. They lack vitality. Ten to one their blood is impoverished. Rich, wholcsomo blood is tho baslB of vitality. If you havo it, you sturdily withstand summor tem- Eeraturca. But if your lood is poor, londcd with poisons thnt should bo cast out, you aro limp nnd useless in "shirt sleeve" weather. S.S.S. What to Disordered Stomach I ICARTER'S I1TTLE IVER PULLS Genuine REALLY FLOWERS OF SPEECH Sayings, Witty and Wise, That Aro Worth Being Preserved In an Anthology, Professor Sir Arthur Qulller-Couch, In the course of his lively lectures, "On the Art of Heading," gives some examples of Irish peasants' sayings with the lnrgo simplicity, tho cadence, the accent of Scriptural speech. Tho best Is the benediction bestowed upon tine of the two uutlmrs of the Incom parable "Irish It. M." by an old wom an In Sklbbereen : "Suro ye're alwnys laughing! That ye may laugh In the sight of tho Glory of Heaven I" The writer once thought of making an an thology of such wild (lowers of way slilu speech, He would have Included In It some far-traveled sayings, such us that of the freighter In tho alkaline districts of Alberta, who said, point ing with his whip, to an Intensely blue lake on the horizon, "Hitter as a dy ing man's sweat Is that same water." and the perfect definition of a ghost implied In the words of a Newfound land fisherman, "Thero I sees 'em wnrmlng themselves In tho moon- light." Near Hlugeni, In Germany, Is u fnm oiis echo which will loss n sound to and fro no less than 70 times. A Jewish girls' club has been or ganized in Shanghai, Chlnn, 1 llaaaaaaBBaMlal fere's a Reason e&aW makes a helpful breakfast and a profitable lunch For the worker who must be awake and alert during the fay. GrapeNuts is the perfected goodness of wheat and malted barley, and is exceptionally rich in nourishment. It feeds body and brain without tax upon the digestion. "There's KILL RATS TODAY By Using the Genuine STEARNS' i ELECTRIC PASTE The gnamnteed "killer for Itats.Mlco.Cocsrvaehes, Anta and Waterbties the greatest known carrier of disease. They destroy both food and property. Stearns' Htertrlo Paste force these peats to run from the building for water and fresh air. KRAUY FOR UHE-HKTTKll TIIA N TRAPS Directions In 15 lsngnagos In every box. Two (ties, Mo and I1.C0. Hnouih to kill 10 to 400 rat. U. 8, tloterntuent boja 1U N Km AIlFHesISSr listed anywhere. DAISY FLY KILLER altr.tts and kill all flies. Neat, clean, ornsmantal. convenient and cneap. i v. An Made ef metal. can't mill of tin oven will Mt anil ertnlara anything;. Onaranleed. at Tear dealer or 8 by EtritESS. rrenaM. ! t. , HAROLD Do Kslb Ae..Urooklm,N.Y. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nemoTMPanaraff-Stopsllalrrailli Kestoraa Uolor and Beauty to Cray and Faded ItaM eoc. anil si.vgat irorxi'te. niMvtx Cticm. VYsa.l'atcliogtifiW.T. HINDERCORNS Hera ore Onrna, Cat Ionics, etc. Stops all pain, ensurea comfort to that feet, makes welkins; ease. 15a. by mall or at Uruf, aTj-j. uucox vnenucai worse, l ascborue, m. X, "A CARPET OF GREEN" In Montgomery County there Im a real chance for the white farmer. For booklet Farm Sea, 115 Hell IlldR., Montnomory, Ala, PATENTS i Wntlon R. Oolamaa 1'atent Lawyer, Washington 1. O. AdTice and book free Bttos reasonable. Ills-best references, llrstserrlcea To avoid this, got from your druggist S.S.S., tho famous vego tablo blood topic nnd alterative It is just tho thing for poor blooded people After starting S.S.S., writo us about your con dition nnd wo will send you expert medical nd vico free. Address Chief Medical Advisor, 839 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Georgia. Take for s Asivi .'.'-wn ri jui i vj.w Take a gopd dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or1 3 for a few nights after. You will relish your meals without (car of trouble to follow, Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and for Sallow. Pimply, Blotchy Skirt. TAry tnJ iht tnhtty of Constipation. ytfttZC Small Pill; Small Dote) Small Prlct wammmammmmmmmm HOKSKH COUGHING? USE Spohn's Distemper Compound to break It up and Ret them bnok In condition. Twentr-aeven yenrs' use liaa made. "HPOHN'H'' Indispensable In treatlnir Cougha hnd Colds, lnfluenia and Distemper with their resuttlnsT complications, and all disease of the throat, none and lungs. Acta marvelouely as prev-ntlVe; nets) euually well ua cure. CO cent nml $1.10 per bottle At all drug atorea. Sl'OlIN MEDICAL COMPANY, dOSHKN, IND. IN YOUTH'S GAY SPRINGTIME Incident of Innocent Pleasure That Excited the Admiration of Gap Johnson. "It shore does a feller good to sea tho Innocent pleasure children get out of tho coming of spring I" Biild Gap Johnson of Hiimpus Ridge. "Tho first right warm dny most of my young 'una swarmed, as you might say. Wife took ami ripped 'em out of their under clothes thnt she'd sewed 'cm up in last fall, and they hit the path for tho creek, scratching and cussing mer rily. "They found thero seven' or eight of Gahe Glggery's kids, threo or four of Jim-Tom Tullery's, a hunch of Zeko Ynwkey's nnd soveral moro that no body could tell whoso they wero till they got their faces wnshed. Well, then there was 11 grand hooraw ns they all shucked thelrselves and. whirled In to tying each other's clothes up In hard limits, and fighting about It, and such ns thnt. Hound nnd round and over and under they went, till they nil fell Into tho drink and kept right on lamming ynch other till they knocked nil the witter out of the creek." Kansas City Stur. There aro more than COO music schools In Germany. Tho Swiss people were, the first to date their coinage. a Reason' Why oe-Nuts were near the windows.